Friday 18 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

13. Beijing Tevijja (Sanming) (Tevijja Sutta)

1. N nowhere I have heard that. One time Bhagavan was traveling in Kosala (Question-slap-la) together with mass about five hundred monks position and come to a Brahmin village in Kosala named Manasakata. Here, in Manasakata, Bhagavan residing in a mango orchard on the banks of the river Aciravati (A-location-la-ticket-to), Northern village Manasakata.
2. At that time, many Brahmin renowned, contemporary and rich in Manasakata as Brahmin Canki (Normal-old), Brahmin Tarukkha (David pear-away) She-la Pokkharasati jelly (Fee-old-la-she-la), Brahmin Janussoni (Sanh Gonorrhea), Brahmin Todeyya (Path-problem-skin) and many Brahmin renowned, contemporary different and rich.
3. At that time, a discourse about the path and heresy arises between Vasettha (Ba-all-sa) and Bharadvaja (Bat-la-da-Sanskrit-bar) while on a walk to recuperate, just walking and thinking thoughts.
4. Young Brahmin Vasettha say:
- This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice them. This is the path by Brahmin Pokkharasati teaching;
5. Young Brahmin Bharadvaja say:
- This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice, that is the way by Brahmin Tarukkha teaching.
6. Young Brahmin Vasettha can not convince young Brahmin youth Bharadvaja and Brahmin Bharadvaja, could not convince the young Brahmin Vasettha.
7. Then the young Brahmin youth Vasettha told Brahmin Bharadvaja:
- Hey Bharadvaja, recluse Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca, now residing in Manasakata, in a mango orchard on the banks of the river Aciravati, Northern village Manasakata. Good fame following transmissions on venerable Gotama: "He is the Exalted, Career Arhat, Chief Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu macho Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Bharadvaja Hey, come recluse Gotama and ask recluse Gotama about this meaning, and recluse Gotama answered how, we will thus maintain life.
- Venerable, yes!
Young Brahmin youth Bharadvaja answer Brahmin Vasettha.
8. At that time two young Brahmin and Bharadvaja Vasettha to Bhagavan, you have to immediately say the words greeted with courtesy asked Bhagavan and sat to one side, he sat down on one side, youth Brahmin Vasettha lord:
- Venerable Gotama, a discourse on the right path and heresy arises between us while on a walk to recuperate walking and thinking, thinking. I say something like this: "This is direct religion, this is the right path, heading, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice, that is the way by Brahmin Pokkharasati teaching". Young Brahmin Bharadvaja spoke thus: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice, that is the way by Brahmin Tarukkha Teaching". Venerable Gotama, that is the debate, the argument accepted, there is disagreement.
9. Vasettha Hey, did you say something like this: "This is direct religion, this is the right path, heading, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice them. This is the path by Brahmin Pokkharasati faculty teach ". And young Brahmin Bharadvaja say thus: "This is direct religion, this is the path direction, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice, that is the way by Brahmin Tarukkha Teaching". Vasettha Hey, here argue about issues, accept discussion about problems and disagreements about the matter?
10. - The venerable Gotama, about issues and pagan path. Venerable Gotama, many Brahmin preach many other wrong path as the location Addhariya Brahmin, the Brahmin status Tittiriya, and the Brahmin status Chandoka, the three- position Chandava la-subjects, predicates Brahmin Brahmacariya - all this path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice them. Venerable Gotama, as near villages or near the town there are many other false path, but all roads lead to the village. Likewise, Venerable Gotama, many Brahmin preach many other wrong way - as the Brahmin Addhariya, the position Tittiriya Brahmin, the Brahmin status Chandoka, the position Chandava Brahmin, the Brahmin status Brahmacariya. All roads towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice them.
- Hey Vasettha, do you say: "They lead to?"
- Venerable Gotama, yes, I say: "They lead to".
- Hey Vasettha, do you say: "They lead to".
- Venerable Gotama, yes, I say: "They lead to".
- Hey Vasettha, do you say: "They lead to".
- Venerable Gotama, yes, I say: "They lead to".
12. - How Vasettha? There Brahmin in the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda Brahma saw in person?
- Venerable Gotama, no command.
- How Vasettha? Yes guru of the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda Brahma has seen in person?
- Venerable Gotama, no command.
- How Vasettha? There Brahmin for seven university professors and religious life of your guru Brahmin adept Veda trilogy has seen Brahma face to face?
- Venerable Gotama, no command.
13 - Well, this Vasettha. The ancient monks in the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, even the composition of the mantra, the mantra that you recite ancient mantras are sung, is recited, is reciter and today even the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda also sung, recited and preached as your dipping Atthaka (Asa-ca) Vamaka (Ba-ma), Vamadeva (she-ma-to- Ms), Angirasa (Central-period-SA), Bharadvaja (Bat-la-da-phan-bar), Vasettha (Ba-all-SA), Kassapa (Ca-lettuce), Bhagu (Ba-eternal), even the This says: "We know, we found shelter Brahma, place to Brahma, Brahma place to go?"
- Venerable Gotama, no command.
14. - Hey Vasettha, so you say no one Brahmin versed in even the three volumes have seen firsthand Veda Brahma - does not have a guru of the Brahmin adept three set Veda Brahma have seen firsthand, without a great guru of wicked Brahmin adept three volumes and has seen Brahma face to face - not a Brahmin for contemporary religious life to seven professor, guru of the Brahmin adept trilogy have seen firsthand Veda Brahma, in the ancient monks, in the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, even the mantra composed of , even the mantra that ancient mantras are sung, is recited, are soaked bay and today the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda also sing, recite and teach like the taste Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamita, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, does not have a stated position: "We know, we see Brahma where come from Brahma, Brahma will go where". Thus, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda says: "We do not know, we do not see a path to permanent communities with Brahma, but we preach this path:" This is online religion, this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice ".
Vasettha Hey, what do you think? The fact that such a time has had words of the Brahmin adept trilogy Exactly Veda is not reasonable?
- Venerable Gotama, events such as the words of the Brahmin adept trilogy Exactly Veda is not reasonable.
15. - Hey Vasettha, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda not know, do not see a path to stay with Brahma community that preached: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to Stay with Brahma plus for those who practice ", it can not be the fact. This Vasettha, such as a string of blind men hug each other back, who previously did not see, the middle nor see, nor the last to see. Thus, this Vasettha their word Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, the first did not see, the middle did not see, the last one did not see, like the word blind. The words of the Brahmin adept Veda trilogy is so worthy words derision, by words, is not a great speech, as empty words.
16. - Hey Vasettha, home thou think? The Brahmin adept trilogy majority Veda as many others - can see the moon, not the sun, while this position pray, praise, just go around, both with hands and bowed place the moon, the sun rises and sets?
- Ladies and yes, Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin adept trilogy majority Veda as many other people can see the moon, the sun, while this position pray, praise, just go around, both hands in obeisance to place the moon, the sun rises and sets.
17. - Hey Vasettha, home thou think? The Brahmin adept trilogy Veda - like the majority of other people saw the moon, the sun, while this position pray, praise, just go around, both with hands and bowed seat moon sun rising and setting, these people can preach the way to the moon plus sun Stay with it? This is direct religion, this is the path towards, resulting in permanent communities with the moon, the sun for those who practice?
- Venerable Gotama, do not be!
18. - Vasettha Hey, did you say that the Brahmin adept trilogy majority Veda as many others, see the moon, the sun, while this position praise pray, walking around, just approved hands and bowed seat moon, the sun rises and sets, these people can not preach the way to the community residence with sun moon: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to Stay with stalks moon, sun to those who practice ". You also say the Brahmin adept trilogy saw firsthand Veda can not be Brahma, the guru of the Brahmin adept Veda trilogy eyes can not see are Brahma, the religious college Professor of Brahmin adept Veda trilogy eyes can not see the brahma, the Brahmin until age seven life guru, guru of the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda not you can visually see the Brahma. You also speak of the ancient monks in the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, even the mantra composed, sung, is recited, is reciter and today the Brahmin also singing, recitation and teaching - as you Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Anigirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, does not have a stated position: "We know, we saw Pham Where natural, come from Brahma, Brahma going ". Thus the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda says: "We do not know, we do not see a path to permanent communities with Brahma, but we preach this path:" This is direct religion , this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice in. "Hey Vasettha, home thou think? The event is so, the time may be the words of the Brahmin three collective expertise Veda is not Exactly, right? "
- Venerable Gotama, the event is so, the words of the Brahmin adept trilogy Exactly Veda is not reasonable.
- You instead, this Vasettha! The Brahmin adept trilogy Veda not know, do not see a path to stay with Brahma stalks that theory tells us: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, lead to colleagues to stay with Brahma those who practice ". It's not the fact.
19. Hey Vasettha, as some people say, "I love and loving attachment to a beautiful girl in this country". Someone asked: "Hey, pretty girl that he loved and loving attachment to him, Do you know what people class, as Sat-imperial-town, or Brahmin, or Phệ-amnesty, or Autumn momentum? " When asked, he answered not know. Someone asked: "Hey you, beautiful girl he loved and loving attachment to him, Do you know the name of what they do, great people, low or middle man? Caucasian dark-black, dark or tan skin glow? In any village, any village or city? " When asked this, he answered not know. Someone asked: "Hey you, so does He love and loving attachment to a person he does not know, does not see?" Asked this, he replied to. Vasettha Hey, what do you think? The event is so, the time may be the other person's speech is not Exactly, right?
- Yeah right, Venerable Gotama. The event is so, the other person's words Exactly, right.
20. - Also, this Vasettha, you say that the Brahmin adept Veda trilogy eyes can not see are Brahma, the great guru of Brahmin adept trilogy Veda can not take Brahma eye can see, the Brahmin until age seven life guru, guru of the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, unable to witness is Brahma. You also told the monks of ancient Brahmin three collective expertise Veda, even the composition of the mantra, the mantra that you recite ancient mantras sung, is recited, is reciter and today the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda also sing, recite and teach as well as the position Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, no one What you said: "We know, we see Brahma where come from Brahma, Brahma will go anywhere". Thus the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda says: "We do not know, we do not see a path to the communities residing with Brahma but we preach this path:" This is direct religion , this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice. "Vasettha Hey, what do you think? The fact is that, the time may be the words of the Brahmin crystal through three sets Veda is not Exactly, right?
- Venerable Gotama, events such as the words of the Brahmin adept trilogy Exactly Veda is not reasonable.
- You instead, Vasettha, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda not know, do not see a path to stay with Brahma community that preached: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, leading to Stay with Brahma plus for those who practice ", it does not have events.
21. Hey Vasettha, as someone who wants to build at the crossroads of a ladder to climb the stairs. Someone asked: "Hey you, He wants to build a ladder to climb the stairs, the stairs so he can know he is on the east, or west, or north, or south? The floor was high or low, or medium? ". Asked this, he answered not know. Someone asked: "Hey you, so does he build a ladder to climb a floor that he does not know, does not see?". Q. So he replied to. Vasettha Hey, you think? The event is so, the other person has to say right not correct, reasonable?
- Yeah right, venerable sir. Events such as the words of other people is not right right, right.
22. - Also, this Vasettha. You say that the Brahmin adept trilogy saw firsthand Veda can not be Brahma, the guru of Brahmin adept Veda trilogy eyes can not see are Brahma, the great guru the Brahmin adept Veda trilogy eyes can not see the brahma, the Brahmin until age seven life guru, guru of the Brahmin adept Veda impossible trilogy Brahma saw firsthand. He also said in the ancient hermit in the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, even the composition of the mantra, the mantra that you recite ancient mantras are sung, is recited, Average spread and today is the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda also sing, recite and teach - like the taste Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, You do not have a said: "We know, we see Brahma where come from Brahma, Brahma will go?" Thus the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda says: "We do not know, we do not see a path to the communities residing with Brahma but we preach this path:" This is direct religion , this is the path towards, leading to stay with Brahma plus for those who practice. "Vasettha Hey, you think? The fact that such time may be the words of the Brahmin expert Veda trilogy is not Exactly, right?
- Venerable Gotama, events such as the words of the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda is not exactly fair.
23. - You instead, Vasettha. The Brahmin adept trilogy Veda not know, do not see a path to stay with Brahma community that preached: "This is direct religion, this is the path towards, lead to colleagues to stay with Brahma those who practice ". It's not the fact.
24. Hey Vasettha, as this Aciravati river, overflowing to the shore makes crow drinkable. There are people coming, there is the other side, looking to the other side, towards the other side and want to swim to the other side. The head of this shore call the other side and said: "the other side, be back here! Coast side, please come here". Vasettha Hey, what do you think? Is it because the other person calls the other side, because supplication, for hope, for praising the other side of the river to the shore Aciravati it?
- Venerable Gotama, not so.
25. - Also, this Vasettha, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, eliminating the effects of human law Brahmin, obey the law not the people working Brahmin, even the has said: "We call upon Indra (Human-da-la), we call upon Soma (Thomas), we pray Vanena (Ba-save-va), we call upon Isana (Y- sa-na), we pray Pajapati (Sanh owners), we invoke Brahma (Brahma), we pray Mahiddhi (Ma-hi-topic) we invoke Yama (Da-ma). This Vasettha, the Brahmin adept trilogy that Veda, eliminating the effects of human law Brahmin - as called for, because supplication, for hope, for praise, after relatives septic joint network , the community he will reside with Brahma - It's not the fact.
26. - Hey Vasettha, as this Aciravati river, overflowing to the shore makes crow drinkable. There are people coming, there is the other side, toward the other side, toward the other side, and want to cross to the other side. This person is on the brink of calling the other side and said, "coast across Come here! Come here to the other side!" Vasettha Hey, what do you think? Is it because the other person calls the other side, because supplication, for hope, for praising the other side of the river to the shore Aciravati it?
- Venerable Gotama, not so.
27. - Also, this Vasettha, have five measures that increase prosperity sensual. This year is considered the necklace, wire win in the rule of saints. What is the year? The felt material by her loving eyes, beautiful, interesting, attractive, friendly fitness question, loving touch; noises perceived by the ear ... the nose smell incense ... because your tongue feels so .. the body feel touched by her loving, beautiful, interesting, attractive, possession with the sensual. Vasettha this year increased prosperity sensual approach was made, is considered necklace, wire win in the rule of saints. Vasettha this year rose sensual approach made him popular, the Brahmin adept Veda trilogy attachment, infatuation, bound, no danger of them, are not aware of their not escapism, He has enjoyed in France.
28. - Hey Vasettha, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, eliminating the effects of human law Brahmin, obey the law not the people working Brahmin, attachment, infatuation , bound, no danger of them, are not aware of their escape not enjoy them, is bound by the ties of sensual, body, after the public network will add permanent damage to Brahma, truth is not the fact.
29. - Hey Vasettha, as this Acivarati river, overflowing to the shore makes crow drinkable. There are people coming, there is the other side, looking to the other side, towards the other side and want to swim to the other side. The man in the hooded shores and sleeping. Vasettha Hey, how do you think of? He may be from this side of the river to the other shore Aciravati not?
- Venerable Gotama, is not possible.
30. - Also, this Vasettha, with five hindrances are called obstacles, hindrances also called, also called the veil, also called the bondage of the precepts of the sages. What is the year? The fitness, the pitch, the more deep torpor, the exchange Trao, suspected something. This Vasettha, five hindrances are called obstacles, hindrances also called, also called the veil, also called bondage. Vasettha this, the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, obstacles, bondage equipment, veiled, bound by these five hindrances, this Vasettha, indeed, the Brahmin expert three sets Veda, eliminating the legal effects Brahmin who, following the non-operation of people approach Brahmin, obstacles, bondage equipment, veiled, bound by the five hindrances After the body damage the public network, will stay with Brahma plus - It could not have her facts.
31. Vasettha Hey, what do you think? You have heard the young Brahmin tall stance, great guru guru together and talk it? Brahma had no sex education or loving kindness?
- Venerable Gotama, not charity.
- There is no anger or hatred heart center?
- Venerable Gotama, no hatred heart.
- There are golf center or center field?
- Venerable Gotama, no center field.
- Yes or no heart infection heart infection?
- Venerable Gotama, no heart infection.
- There are liberated or not liberated?
- Venerable Gotama, have liberated.
32. - Vasettha Hey, what do you think? The Brahmin adept Veda trilogy have sex or sexual loving kindness?
- Venerable Gotama, with sensual desires.
- There is no anger or hatred heart center?
- Venerable Gotama, there is anger about.
- Yes or no yard field center center?
- Venerable Gotama, center courtyard.
- Yes or no heart infection heart infection?
- Venerable Gotama, has infected about.
- There are liberated or not liberated?
- Venerable Gotama, no liberation.
33. - Vasettha Hey, did you say that the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda is craving, Brahma has no craving. Between the Brahmin adept trilogy is Veda Brahma craving with no craving, may have an onion, were not permanent?
- Venerable Gotama, may not have been.
34. - You instead, Vasettha. Vasettha this, the Brahmin adept veda trilogy Sexual Education after public network would damage public body stay with Brahma - It may not have the fact.
35. - Vasettha Hey, did you say that the Brahmin adept with hatred center Veda trilogy, Brahma has no hatred heart ... the Brahmin adept Veda's three golf practice center, Pham no natural center field ... the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda is contaminated heart, Brahma does not have infected the mind ... the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda no liberation, Pham disasters have liberated.
Between the Brahmin adept trilogy Veda, no self at the Brahma has himself in may have an onion, were not permanent?
- Venerable Gotama, may not have been.
36. - You instead, Vasettha. Vasettha Hey, even the Brahmin adept Veda three sets after going public bodies resident septic joint network with Brahma - It can not be the fact.
This Vasettha, in life the oil Brahmin has mastered three sets Veda, when the sitting position (with confidence), really sinking (in the mud), and the sinking (in the mud) must live in despair, mistakenly thought that was more peaceful realm. Therefore, for the Brahmin adept expertise Veda was called desert without water, expertise was also called jungle without paths, expertise was also called unhappiness.
37. Upon hearing this, young Brahmin lord Vasettha:
- Venerable Gotama, I have heard recluse Gotama knows the path to community residence with Brahma.
- Hey Vasettha, You think? There are people born in Manasakata, but never leave this place. Someone asked path to Manasakata. Vasettha this, for he was born in Manasakata, make no doubt or difficulty, they must?
- Venerable Gotama, it's no doubt or difficulty. Wherefore? Venerable Gotama, who was born in Manasakata all know all the way to Manasakata.
38. - Hey Vasettha, for he was born Manasakata, can suspect and difficult path to ask to Manasakata but for the Tathagata is no doubt or difficulty when asked to Brahma gender or path to Brahma world! Vasettha Hey, I said to Brahma, Brahma world and the path leading to the Brahma world.
39. When they heard that, young Brahmin lord Vasettha:
- Venerable Gotama, I have heard: "recluse Gotama, teaching the path to community residence with Brahma". You instead, if recluse Gotama teaches theoretical path to stay with Brahma stalks! Mong Ton International Gotama beings Brahmin!
- Hey Vasettha, so let slang listen carefully and cleverly volition? I will say:
40. Vasettha Hey, now in life Tathagata appears, as level Arhat, Chief Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Tathagata Buddha himself after realizing the rooftop location, this world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, including the world with Salmone, Brahmin, God, And he uttered things He had discovered. His sermon, improve primary, secondary facilities complete the post office means good, he taught full of dignity, totally pure.
41. The chief or the chief position, or a student in class (abjection) hears her approach. After hearing the law, that person being pleased beliefs Tathagata. When his religious faith, this're thinking: "Life is full of family bondage, roads full of dust life. Life is ordained liberal as unreal. It's very difficult for a person living in families can live up to the virtues completely full, completely pure, white transparent like shells. So we should be shaved, covering robes, renunciation, abandoning the family. " Some time later, he put small fortune or leave major assets, leaving her small children or relatives retinue large retinue, shaved, covering robes, and abandon the family home, to live without the family.
42. When was ordained as such, he lived with tame tame of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, territorial and religious life among legal practitioners, professional bodies fishery, pure. Clean life, full of virtue, upholds the apartment, mindfulness, awareness and know basics.
43. Vasettha Hey, how are monks ordination morality?
Here is Vasettha, monks renounce killing, away from killing ... because pleasures, the mind is calm ... meditate first residence certificate, ...
76. He abides, turned complacency with an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with the word, generous, boundless, no hate, no anger.
77. Hey Vasettha, as athletes and made known to blow prison heard the four winds, nothing difficult, so this Vasettha, for all forms of life, no one is he ignoring or scrapped survived without variable content with the freedom of mind, the word organic. Vasettha Hey, that's the way to stay with Brahma community.
78. Again, Vasettha, the monks reside, turned complacency with an ownership interest with the ball ... with organic heart with joy ... question meets a local variable with the organic mind with equanimity, too the second Tuesday also means, likewise the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, above, below, and all the land width, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with equanimity, generous, boundless, no hate, no anger.
79. Hey Vasettha, as athletes and made known to blow prison heard the four winds, nothing difficult, so this Vasettha, for all forms of life, no one is he ignoring or scrapped survived without variable content with the freedom of mind, along with discharge launch. Vasettha Hey, that's the way to stay with Brahma community.
80. Vasettha Hey, what do you think? Monks dwell so is sexual or not sexual loving kindness?
- Venerable Gotama, not charity.
- There is no anger or hatred heart center?
- Venerable Gotama, no hatred heart.
- Yes or no yard field center center?
- Venerable Gotama, no center field.
- Yes or no heart infection heart infection?
- Venerable Gotama, no heart infection.
- There are liberated or not liberated?
- Venerable Gomata, have liberated.
81. Vasettha Hey, did you say Monks no charity, no sensual desires Brahma. Between Monks has no affinity with Brahma sex without sex love, may have an onion, were not permanent?
- Venerable Gotama, may have been.
- You instead, Vasettha. This Vasettha, monks after general network damaged mind and body will stay with Brahma stalks. It might be the fact.
Vasettha Hey, did you say Monks no hatred heart, Brahma has no hatred heart ... Monks no heart infection, Brahma has no heart infection. Monks have liberated, Brahma had liberated. Between Monks have liberated have liberated with Brahma, can have an onion, were not permanent?
- Venerable Gotama, may have been.
- You instead, Vasettha. This Vasettha, monks after joint network will stem necrosis relatives residing with Brahma. The event was really possible.
82. When they heard that, two young Brahmin and Bharadvaja Vasettha lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, point the way to that which was misleading, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Also Bhagavan Dharma was used many means of presentation.
And we now venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge France and refuge Monks increase. Mong Ton Gotama accept us as his disciples; From now until the public network, our lifelong devotion.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/9/2015.

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