Saturday, 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

14. Beijing four (Mahapadana Sutta)

Chanting the I
1. N nowhere so I hear. One time, the Exalted in water at Savatthi (Xa-defense) Jeta 's Grove (United-momentum), garden he Anathapindika (Anathapindika), the hermitage tree Kareri (Hoa Lam). At that time, the majority of monks seeking alms on, after finishing a meal, sit and gather States Forest Park Road, Dharma belongs predecessor was started up: "This is the precursor, is precursor".
2. Bhagavan, with pure natural atrial exceed human hearing this story among the monks. Then Bhagavan, from the seat up, go to the US Forest Park Road. When it is finished, he sat on a chair was drafted. After sitting, Bhagavan asked the monks:
- Hey Monks, what story, the person sitting table? What story was interrupted between people?
When told this, the monks did lord:
- Buddha, we are begging for food on, after finishing a meal, sit and gather at United Forest Park Road, Dharma talk about the precursor is started up: "This is the predecessor, the predecessor". Buddha, which is the story being discussed between us time to Bhagavan.
3. - This, monks, the people want to hear the voice of the predecessor measures not?
- Buddha, it is the right time; Auspicious transparency, it is time to Bhagavan teachings belong precursor dialog. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
- So the monks, the people listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Yes, venerable sir.
This Monks replied Bhagavan. Bhagavan faculty as follows:
4. - Hey Monks, ninety-one aeons ago, Bhagavan Vipassi (Pi-she-examination), Career Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, thirty-one aeons ago, Bhagavan Sikhi (Psalm Engineering) degree Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, also in his thirty-one life, Bhagavan Vessabhu (Pi-amnesty-grandmother) Career Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks did well in the past, Bhagavan Kakusandha (Question-term-sheet) grade Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, also in his previous life, Bhagavan Konagamana (Question-na-function) level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, also in his previous life, Bhagavan Kassapa (Ca-lettuce) Career Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, also in his previous life, now I, level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born.
5. This, monks, Bhagavan Vipasi, Career Arhat, being under strain Enlightenment Sat-imperial-capital nature, being in class Sat-imperial-town. This Monks, Bhagavan Sikhi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, Sat-imperial nature of race-seat, being in class Sat-imperial-town. This Monks, Bhagavan Vessabhu, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, Sat-imperial nature of race-seat, being in class Sat-imperial-town. This Monks, Bhagavan Kakusandha, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, genus nature Brahmin, born in caste Brahmin. This Monks, Bhagavan Konagamana, Career Arhat, Enlightenment genus nature Brahmin, born in caste Brahmin. This Monks, Bhagavan Kassapa, Career Arhat, Enlightenment genus nature Brahmin, born in caste Brahmin. This Monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment genus Sat-imperial-capital nature, being in class Sat-imperial-town.
6. Hey monks, Bhagavan Vipasi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment of identity Kondanna (Question-ly-elegant). This Monks, Bhagavan Sikhi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This Monks, Bhagavan Vessabhu, Career Arhat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This Monks, Bhagavan Kakusandha, Career Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This Monks, Bhagavan Konagamara, Career Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This Monks, Bhagavan Kassapa, Career Arhat, Enlightenment under Kassapa identity. This Monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment, of identity Gotama (Cu-talk).
7. Hey monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi level Arhat, Enlightenment, human lifespan is eighty years. This monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life expectancy is seven thousand years. This monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life expectancy is six thousand years. This monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is four thousand years. This monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is three thousand years. This monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, human life is two thousand years. This Monks, now my life is not how much, littleness, human life a hundred years or a bit more.
8. Hey monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree patali (she-she-la). This Monks, Bhagavan Sikhi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Pundarika (feces-da-ly). This Monks, Bhagavan Vessabhu, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree sirisa (thi-profit-sa). This Monks, Bhagavan Konagamana, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree udumbara (square-triangle-she-la). This Monks, Bhagavan Kassapa, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree nigrodha (ni-v-law-momentum). This Monks, now I am level Arhat, Enlightenment assattha enlightenment under a tree (bowl-multi-la).
9. Hey monks, two gentle artist, disciple followers of Bhagavan Nhut Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Thread-amnesty). This monks, two gentle artist, disciple followers of Bhagavan Nhut Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Abhibhu (A-Pi-suite) and Sambhava (Tam-she-she) . This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment, named Sona (Match-travelers) and Uttara (Depression-multi-la). This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, named Vidhura Enlightenment (Pi-long) and Sanjiva (Tat-ni). This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, named Bhiyyosa Enlightenment (Letter-table-na) and Uttara (Depression-multi-la). This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment named Tissa (Thread-amnesty) and Bharadvaja (Ba-la-grandmother). This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple I am Sariputta (Sariputta) and Mahamoggallana (Section-Event-linked).
This 10 monks, while Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment has three Tang Assembly: a sixty-eight million ecclesiastical monks, an increase of ten thousand monks Assembly, a Increased opportunity eighty monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi Career Arhat, the Enlightenment had three such ecclesiastical, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
This monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, level Arhat, Enlightenment has three Tang Assembly: a ten thousand ecclesiastical monks, an ecclesiastical eighty monks, one thousand seven ecclesiastical Monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Sikhi, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had three such ecclesiastical, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
This monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, Enlightenment has three Tang Assembly: an ecclesiastical eighty monks, an ecclesiastical seven thousand monks, a thousand ecclesiastical six Monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Vessabhu, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had three such ecclesiastical, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
This monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had a four thousand ecclesiastical monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had an opportunity such increase, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
This monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had an ecclesiastical three thousand monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had an opportunity such increase, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
This monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had an ecclesiastical twenty monks.
This monks, during Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, the Enlightenment had an opportunity such increase, are all steps Arhat. Brethren, now in my time there a thousand two hundred ecclesiastical fifty monks, all grades Gonorrhea is seeking.
11. This, monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, with attendant monks named Asoka (Ashoka), this is your First attendant. This Monks, Bhagavan Sikhi level Arhat, Enlightenment with attendant monks named Khemankara (label), this is your First attendant. This Monks, Bhagavan Vessabhu, Career Arhat, Enlightenment have attendant monks named Upasannaka (cessation) This location is First attendant. This Monks, Bhagavan Kakusandha, Career Arhat, Enlightenment have attendant monks named Vuddhija (Good Sense), the First is visibility. This Monks, Bhagavan Konagamana, Career Arhat, Enlightenment have attendant monks named Sotthija (Hoa), this is your First attendant. This Monks, Bhagavan Kassapa Career Arhat, Enlightenment have attendant monks named Sabbamitta (Good Friends), this is your First attendant. This Monks, now I have attendant monks called Ananda (Ananda), this is your First attendant.
12. This, monks, his father's Exalted Career Vipassi Arhat, named Bandhuma Enlightenment (table-top); Conditions form called Bandhumati (Desk-top-Mrs-topic). Citadel of King Bandhuma Bandhumati name. This monks, his father Bhagavan Sikhi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment named Aruna (Ming General); Conditions form called Pabhavati (Quang Huy); city ​​of King Aruna called Pabhavati.
This monks, his father Vessabhu Bhagavan, Career Arhat, named Suppatita Enlightenment (heaven), sample logistics named Yasavati (Worthy About); Citadel of King Suppatita named Anopama (Unknown Du).
This Monks, father Brahmin of Bhagavan Kakusandha, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Aggidatta (Self Ðắc); his mother Brahmin named Visakha (goodwill). This monks, then reigning king named Khema (Hoa); Citadel king named Khema Khemavati (Hoa).
This Monks, father Brahmin of Bhagavan Konagamana, level Arhat, named Yannadatta Enlightenment (Scoring Germany) model dear Brahmin named Uttara (Thien Thang Hey Monks, at that time, the reigning king named Sobha (Purity), the capital of the king Sobha named Sobhavati (Purity).
This Monks, father Brahmin of Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, named Brahmadatta Enlightenment (Pham Thi) model dear Brahmin named Dhanavati (Financial Institution). This monks, then reigning king named Kiki (Steamed Pi); Citadel King Kiki is Baranasi (Balaam complaints).
Monks Hey, this side of my king named Suddhodana (Suddhodana); My post pattern called Maya (Ma-da); Citadel named Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense).
Bhagavan such preaching. Auspicious finished Instructor from the seat up, go into monasteries.
13. Exalted go out shortly after this conversation arose among his monks:
- Hey Sage, rather rare indeed! The author of this instant, it miraculously, its lords, its great dread of the Tathagata! Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered nirvana, was passage of the obstacles, the obstacles were directed segment, ended the cycle, has escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of these people, also to include the identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career Bhagavan was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is as dress". Hey Sage, you think how? Are smart Tathagata attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of obstacles, has sections of northeast direction and has put end to rebirth, has escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position, remember to also remember to national identity nature, also remembered the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career He, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is so? Or Devas told Tathagata and through this told, Tathagata Buddha to remember the past, they have entered Nirvana has sections of the obstacles, the obstacles were directed segment, ended the cycle , did escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly is as follows: "The Exalted level was, born nature is such, that such identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, happy place is thus freeing like this? "
That conversation is starting up between the monks did.
Bhagavan 14. Then, in the evening, after the publication of regulations, came to US Forest Park Road, sits on the site was prepared. After sitting finished, Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey monks, this discussion of issues You sit and what? Thread what has been discussion among Thou?
When asked this, he Monks lord:
- Buddha, Bhagavan comes out soon, following the conversation started up between us: "Hey Sage, rather rare indeed! Behold the wonderful sage rather great ability, great dread power of the Tathagata! Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was passage of the obstacles, the obstacles were directed segment, ended the cycle, has escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember that your true nature of this species, also remember to identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career He, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is thus " . Hey Sage, you think like? Does smart Tathagata attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered nirvana, has passage of obstacles, has sections of northeast direction and ended the cycle, was escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career World Religion was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is so ? " Or Devas told Tathagata and through this told, Tathagata Buddha to remember the past, they have entered Nirvana has sections of the obstacles, the obstacles were directed segment, ended the cycle , did escape all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career World Religion was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, happy mind is thus liberated like this ? " Buddha, such as discussing issues between us, when Bhagavan came.
15. - Hey monks, so that the legal world be well attained by the Tathagata, and by attaining the legal world, Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, has sections the obstacles, the obstacles were directed segment, ended the cycle, was escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of these people, also to include the identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Career Bhagavan was, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is as dress". Hey Sage, you think how? Are smart Tathagata attained such legal world, and by attaining the legal world, Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered nirvana, was passage of obstacles, has sections of northeast direction and has put end to rebirth, has escapism all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position, remember to identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remember to Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career He, born nature is such, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is thus " .
The monks, so please listen carefully and reflective thought, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, revered sir.
The monks did obey Bhagavan, Bhagavan faculty as follows:
16th - Monks Hey ago ninety-one aeons ago, Bhagavan Vipassi level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment genus Sat-substrate-glass nature, being in class Sat-sole-ly. Brethren, Bhagavan Vipassi, Arahat, Enlightenment under Kondanna identity. This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, to the eighty-year lifespan. This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Patali (Ba-ba-la). This monks, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Thread-amnesty). This monks, during Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment has three Tang Assembly: an ecclesiastical sixty eighty monks, an increase of ten thousand monks Assembly, an ecclesiastical eighty monks. This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment have attendant monks named Asoka (Ashoka), this is your First attendant. This monks, Fathers United Bhagavan Pi-she-examination, level Arhat, named Bandhuma Enlightenment (table-top), post-name form Bandhumati (Desk-top-she-subject), Citadel of Bandhuma named Bandhumati.
17. Hey monks, such as atrial approach, Bodhisattva Vipassi, after farewell head-capacity natural realm, mindful awareness into fetal form. This monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva Vipassi leave oil-productivity natural realm, mindful awareness into the fetal sample, then a halo immeasurable, miraculous, far from imposing victory of the Devas forces appeared to worldwide, include the world above the gods, the world of the Mara and Brahma and the world below, including monks, Brahmin, the prince and the people. Until the middle of the realm in the world, no background, darkness, gloom, the realm where the sun moon with its great god, virtues such great dread projection lens can not, in the realm was an immeasurable glory, victory of the Devas, its power far out. And the beings that live in these places, thanks to his aura can see each other and say: "There are other beings who live here." And ten thousand worlds motion, vibration, movement strong. And halo immeasurable, miraculous that, far from imposing victory of the Devas force out in the world. France atrium is.
This monks, such as atrial approach. When you enter Portugal -All pregnant form, four Heavenly Prince stood guard four winds, and said: "Not for anyone, human or non-human, are harmed Bodhisattva. France atrium is so".
18. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy pattern, mother Bodhisattva keep an innocent world, no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no drinking of wine yeast, cooking wine. France atrium is.
19. Hey monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter fetal form, Bodhisattva mother does not start for a fitness center men do, and not violated chastity with any man who had a heart oil attachment to her. What is France's ear.
20. Hey monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva enter fetal form, Bodhisattva mother has been in full sensual dishes, enjoy, enjoy a full-year course was sensual. France atrium is.
21. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. When Bodhisattva enter pregnancy pattern, mother Bodhisattva do not suffer from the disease. She lived with joy, with refreshing body. She saw in her womb full Bodhisattva all parts and limbs.
This monks, such as lapis gem, pure, homogeneous, eight-sided, well cut, well-filing, bright, spotless, perfect in every way. Then a rope are strung through his jewel, blue wire, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. If people have eyes to pearls in his hand, he will see clearly: "This is the jewel lapis, pure homogeneous, eight-sided, cleverly cut filings smart, bright, spotless, Perfect in every way. This is the last string ropes, rope blue, yellow, red, white or yellow crackers ". Also, the monks, the Bodhisattva enter fetal sample, mother Bodhisattva no apparent illness. She lived with joy, with refreshing body. She saw in her womb full Bodhisattva all parts and limbs. France atrium is.
22. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. After being Bodhisattva seven days, mother Bodhisattva common destiny and pain heavenly birth on productivity. France atrium is.
23. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. While another woman pregnant belly pregnancy in nine months or ten months before birth, birth mother Bodhisattva Bodhisattva not so. Mother Bodhisattva Bodhisattva brought in ten months belly birth. France atrium is.
24. Hey monks, such as atrial approach. While the other women, or sit, or lie that birth, birth mother Bodhisattva Bodhisattva not so. Mother standing Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is born. France atrium is.
25. Hey monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, the gods grabbed him first, then new to mankind. France atrium is.
26. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, Bodhisattva untouched land. Four Heavenly Prince grabbed him, put Him before mother and said, "The queen just happy. The queen bore a great man." France atrium is.
27. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, he was born pure, not stained by any viscous water, not stained by any kind of latex, not stained by blood type, not stained by any yet every impure animals, popular bar, clean. France atrium is.
This monks, like a pearl jeweled Romanian put on a cloth Balaam complaints. Pearl of not polluting the cloth Balaam complaints, cloth Balaam complaints nor polluting the pearl. Why? Because both are pure. Also, the Monks. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, he was born pure, not stained by any viscous water, not stained by any kind of latex, not stained by blood type, not stained by any What kind of impure material, pure, clean. France atrium is.
28. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, two water lines from out of nowhere, a cold stream, a hot line. Two line that clean wash water for Bodhisattva and mothers. France atrium is.
29. Hey monks, such as legal atrium. Bodhisattva when born, he stood, balancing on two legs, facing north, walking seven steps, a white parasol covered over. He looked across all respects, as the Bulls loudly king, uttered the following words: "I am supreme in the world! I am the dark religious rank in the world. I am the highest grade in the world. Now the The last life, no longer subject to rebirth in this world anymore. " France atrium is.
30. Hey monks, such as atrial approach. When Bodhisattva from the womb are born, then a miraculous boundless aura, its power is far won the gods appeared to worldwide, including the world on gods, the world of the Mara and Brahma, and the world below, including monks, Brahmin, the prince and the people. Until the middle of the realm in the world, no background, darkness, gloom, the realm of the moon, the sun with its great god, virtues such great dread projection lens can not, in scenes Precepts, an immeasurable glory, victory of the Devas, its power far out. And the beings that live in these places, thanks to his aura can see each other and say: "There are other beings who live here." And ten thousand worlds motion, vibration, movement strong. And countless magical aura that wins its power is far out of gods in the world. France atrium is.
31. Monks, when Vipassi born prince, king Bandhuma was informed: "Great King was born a prince". This Monks, seeing the prince finished, the king immediately to invite your Bandhuma Brahmin minister guess and say: "Hey Sage, see Minister Prince". Monks Hey, when you look at Prince Vipassi finished, you guessed Brahmin minister spoke to the king Bandhuma: "Great King out with joy; Great King was born a great man! Fortunately for the Great King , University Unfortunately for Great King was one such prince born in the family. O King, the Prince has a full thirty-two of Career Minister Dai's good. He who has enough good thirty two generals will choose This two-way only, no other way. If you live at home, you will become king cakkavatti, used water treatment Dharma, pacify the four winds, bringing national safety level, filled seven treasures enough. The seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, precious elephant, horse golden, jewel, female treasure, treasure homeowners and Saturday is general treasure. The presence of more than a thousand princelings, the heroes, athletes, conquer enemies. This Area conquer this earth to sea boundary and water treatment with Dharma, not the staff, not the executioner. If this position abandons family, living without family home, you will be a level Arhat, Enlightenment, pulls back curtain ignorance of life. "
32. "Great King, thirty two good generals of the General's rank is what Prince if full of good generals will choose two streets away, there is no other way. If you live at home, you will become king cakkavatti Dharma use water treatment, pacify the four winds, bringing highway safety, fully seven treasures. The seven treasures become the property of this position, ie car treasure, elephant golden, golden horse, jewel, precious women, lay and Saturday precious treasure is general. The presence of more than a thousand princelings, the heroes, athletes, conquer enemies. This Area conquer realms This land border and sea until the water with Dharma, not the staff, not the executioner. If you abandon the family, living without family home, you will be a degree Arhat. Enlightenment , pulls back curtain ignorance born.
"Great King, the Prince has flat soles, this minister is considered a good minister of the General's rank.
"Great king, under two feet of the prince, there appears wheel, with thousands of toothpicks car, with axles, wheels, with parts completely full, this minister is seen as minister of Great Career workers.
"Great King, the Prince has an elongated heel ... (as before)
"Great King, the Prince has fingers, toes long ...
"Great King, the Prince has soft hands and feet ...
"Great King, the Prince has limbs with leather mesh screen ...
"Great King, the Prince has rounded ankle like oysters ...
"Great King, the Prince has legs like mountain goats ...
"Great King, the Prince is upright, not shrink back down can be felt from the knee with both hands ...
"Great King, the Prince has negative minister Museum code ...
"Great king, this prince as copper color, the color like gold ...
"Great King, the Prince has silky smooth skin that dust can not stick to ...
"Great King, the Prince has grown from skin fur coat one, each of pores with a feather ...
"Great King, the Prince has hair growing upright spin, hair of this, dark green eye lotions, small eddy on each spin, and swung toward the ...
"Great King, the Prince has high body straight ...
"Great King, the Prince has the full seven-seater ...
"Great King, the Prince has the front half like a lion ...
"Great King, the Prince does not have alternates between two concave shoulder ...
"Great King, the Prince has body balance as tree eagle (nigrodha: ni-v-law). Appearance of body height of equal length arms wide wingspan, the length of his arms wide wingspan equal height body ...
"Great King, the Prince has sold itself on the square round ...
"Great King, the Prince has very sharp taste ...
"Great King, the Prince has the jaw like a lion ..
"Great King, the Prince has forty teeth ...
"Great King, the Prince has teeth regularly ...
"Great King, the Prince has teeth with open ...
"Great King, the Prince has incisors (Status slag) smooth ...
"Great King, the Prince has long wide tongue Minister ...
"Great King, Prince has great voice as the sound of birds singing-wheel-frequency-old (Karavika) ...
"Great King, the Prince has two dark blue eyes ...
"Great King, the Prince has eyelashes cows ...
"Great King, Prince between the two eyebrows, with white hairs sprouting, smooth as lightweight cotton ...
"Great King, the Prince has protuberance on the head, this minister is considered a good minister of University's Career ...
33. "Great King, the Prince has full thirty two good generals of the General's rank, with thirty two good generals, the prince will choose two streets away, there is no other way. If you live at home Prince becomes king cakkavatti, bringing national safety level, fully seven treasures. The seven treasures become his property, ie car golden, golden elephants, horses, golden, jewel, female treasure, treasure lay, and Saturday is general treasure. The presence of more than a thousand princelings, the heroes, athletes, conquer enemies. This Area conquer this earth until Customs and Border Water treated with the Dhamma, not the staff, not the executioner. If Prince abandoned his family, living without family home, the Prince will become level Arhat, Enlightenment, pulls back curtain ignorance life ".
This Monks, King Bandhuma ordered offerings to the Brahmin minister guessed it, the new cloth and satisfy all the demanding desires.
34. This, monks, and the king ordered Bandhuma're offering you the Brahmin minister guessed it, the new cloth and satisfy all the demanding desires.
34. This, monks, and the king Bandhuma for breast feeding for the prince who Vipassi. The feeding, the bathroom, holding the person concerned, who carries on his arm. This Monks, a white canopy covered day and night on Vipassi prince, and word spread out: "Do not be so cold or hot, grass, dust, or fog bothered prince". Prince Vipassi get people lovingly. The monks, as well as blue lotus, lotus pink, or white lotus is everyone's favorite. Also, the monks, princes Vipassi get people cuddling, holding almost from the armpits armpit through other people.
35. This, monks, when Vipassi prince is born, the prince pronounced really is wonderful, phonological conditioning, sweet and attractive. This monks, like birds singing-wheel-front-old born in mountain Hy-code-Himalayan, birds are just wonderful voice, rhyming conditioning, sweet and attractive. Also the monks, Prince Vipassi pronounced really is wonderful, phonological conditioning, sweet and attractive.
36. This, monks, when the prince Vipassi born, God labels appear with him, because retribution born, and thanks to God that mark, he can look all around to a by week, day and boards night.
37. This, monks, when the prince Vipassi born, he looked at things in the eyes not blinking, like every natural Thien Tam tam decade. Since prince Vipassi look no flicker, this should Monks, prince was called "Vipassi" - "This has seen". The monks, the king sat treat conditions Bandhuma king to prince put his arm sitting Vipassi to handle events. This monks, princes sat Vipassi armpit so father and observe closely the method of realization that events themselves can judge handling the event. This monks, by prince Vipassi "may observe and treat lawful conditions" and the noun "Vipassi" has been used to name him.
38. This, monks, and the king Bandhuma built three castles Vipassi prince, one for the rainy season, one for winter, one for the cold season, and five sensual dishes are fully prepared. This monks, princes Vipassi four months living in the castle for the rainy season, is served entertain with female musicians, and not once did he step down from upstairs.
Chanting the II
1 - Hey monks, Vipassi prince, after a period of years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go royal park to the garden to see the landscape "-" Yes, Prince. " The monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi prince, to win the wins and white carriage Vipassi prince: "O Prince Prince, the chariot wins were won over. Do what Prince considered trendy ".
This monks, then climb Vipassi prince wins carriage and the carriage with the other wins, approaching royal park garden.
2. This, monks, the prince on his way to the garden Vipassi royal park, saw a old, bent like roof, cane, walking and trembling, suffering, no where is youth. Seeing the prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, who is it about? Why are there no similar body of another person?" - "O Prince Prince, he is an old man known as that". - "Hey secretary, so he called an old man?" - "They said Prince, who was known as old as he is now not much longer to live." - "Hey secretary, so then I have been old, a man not yet old age?" - "O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, we all will be old, even if we are not through old age!" - "Hey secretary, come visit this garden is so royal park just then. Tell the driver returned to the supply." - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed the prince, the driver returned to the supply. This Monks, prince of the palace Vipassi, suffering, sorrow and thoughts. "Insulting rather, the so-called life. And who is born old age must also be so!".
3. This, monks, then king Bandhuma to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince having fun not, royal park in the garden?" Hey secretary, Prince can rejoice not, in the castle's garden flexible? ". -" O Lord, the Prince no fun at royal park garden. O King, Prince not happy, royal park in the garden "-" Hey secretary, while royal park garden, the Prince saw what? "-" Great king, Prince went to the garden while royal park, see an old man, bent like the roof, with a cane walking and trembling, suffering what was no longer young. Seeing this, the Prince asked me: "Hey secretary, who is it about? Why are there human hair unlike other people? Why are there no similar body of another person?" - "O Prince Prince, so he called the" - "Hey secretary, so he called the old man? -" They said Prince, who was called old, because this person does not live much longer. " - "Hey secretary, so then I have to be old, a man not yet old age?" - "O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, we all will be old, even if we are not over the age old "-" Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park. Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince! ". O Lord, I obey Prince Vipassi, the driver returned to the supply. O King, Prince returned to the supply, suffering, melancholy and thoughts. "Insulting rather, the so-called birth. And who is born old age must also be the same. "
4. Hey monks, then king Bandhuma thinking: "I can not let the prince refused to rule Vipassi. Unable to give Prince Vipassi home. Unable to give words of a Brahmin jelly guess generals come true ".
The monks, and the king Bandhuma the prince arranged for a full year Vipassi more sensual dishes, so the prince can Vipassi reign, to Prince Vipassi exiting home, let your words of Mrs. general leveling-goal keeper guessed the truth. And the monks, princes Vipassi live fully enjoy sensual dishes affluence year.
5. Hey monks Vipassi prince, after a period of years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years to call the driver ... (similar to passages II.1) .
6. This, monks, princes Vipassi, while walking to royal park garden, see a sick, suffering, critical, crawled in urination, defecation their other required support, others need guidance. Seeing this, the prince asked the driver. "Hey secretary, the person has to do, but its eyes are not like other people's eyes, his voice unlike the voice of the other person?" - "O Prince Prince, there is a person called a patient that". - "Hey secretary, so he called a sick person?" - "They said Prince, who was known as a patient because he has not escaped his disease" - "Hey secretary, so then I have not been sick, a person is not sick?" - "O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, all of us will fall ill, though we have not had the disease." - "Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park. Give the driver returned to the supply." - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed the prince for the driver returned to the supply. This Monks, prince of the palace Vipassi, suffering, sorrow and thinking: "Insulting rather, the so-called birth! And who is born, is also old, is also sick!"
7. Hey monks, then king Bandhuma to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince has happily not in royal park garden? Prince has not rejoice at royal park garden?" - "O Lord, the Prince did not have fun at the royal park garden. O King, the Prince is no joy at royal park garden" - "Hey secretary, went to the garden when the royal park, the Prince saw what? " - "O King, Prince while royal park to park saw a sick, suffering, critical, crawled in urination, defecation their needs other people support, others need guidance . Seeing this, the Prince asked me: "Hey secretary, he did what his eyes are not like other people's eyes, his voice unlike the voice of the other person?" - "O Prince Prince, which a person called a patient "So: -" Hey secretary, so he called a sick person? "-" they said Prince, who was known as the sick person, because he is not from illness her! "-" Hey secretary, so then we have not sick, not sick one person? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, all of us will fall ill, even though we may not be illness. "-" Hey secretary, this only royal park garden so visitors last! Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince. "The Prince obeyed the driver returned to the supply. O Lord, prince of the palace, suffering, sorrow and thoughts: "Insulting rather, the so-called birth! And who is born, is also old, is also sick! ".
- Hey monks, then king Bandhuma thinking: "I can not let Prince Vipassi refused to reign! Can not let Prince Vipassi home! Can not let the words of the Ba-the busi- subjects guessed Minister come true ". The monks, and the king Bandhuma, the prince arranged for full year Vipassi more sensual dishes, so the prince can Vipassi reign, to Prince Vipassi can not ordained, let the words of your Brahmin minister keeper guessed the truth. And the monks, princes Vipassi enjoy life, full and sensual dishes prosperous year.
9. Hey monks, Vipassi prince, after a period of years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years, to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go to royal park garden to landscape view. " - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi prince, to win the wins and white carriage Vipassi prince, "known unto the prince, the enemy wins won chariot done. Do what Prince considered trendy ".
This monks, then climb Vipassi prince wins carriage and the carriage with the other wins, approaching royal park garden.
10. - Hey monks, prince on his way to the garden Vipassi royal park, the large number of people, different uniform, and is building a cremation unit. Seeing this, the prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, why crowd him various uniformed and is up a staging cremation?" - "O Prince Prince, because someone had just shared destiny" - "Hey secretary, so you just type vehicle approached recently shared destiny!" - "Yes, O Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed the prince, for just driving to the common destiny. This Monks, seeing dead bodies, Vipassi prince asked: "Hey secretary, so he called the people who died?" - "O Prince Prince, he called people died today mothers, fathers, siblings and other relatives did not see him again; and he did not see mothers, fathers or relatives Other blood child! " - "Hey secretary, so I was not dead, and there was death? The King, Form Conditions or other blood relatives will not find me attractive, and I will not see The King, Form Conditions or relatives intestine Meat reasonable? " - "O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, we are not dead yet but will now also died. The King, Form Conditions or other blood relatives will not see the Prince, and Prince will not see The King. Form Conditions or other blood relatives. " - "Hey secretary, come visit this garden last such royal park. Give the driver returned to the supply." - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed the prince, the driver returned to the supply. This Monks, prince of the palace Vipassi, suffering, sorrow and thinking: "Insulting replace the so-called birth! And who is born old must also be patient, so well have to die!" .
11. This, monks, then king Bandhuma to call the driver and asked: "Hey secretary, Prince has happily not, in royal park garden? Prince has not rejoice at royal park garden?" - "Great king, Prince no fun at royal park garden. Prince no joy at royal park garden". - "Hey, come to the garden Secretary royal park, the Prince saw anything?" - "Great king, prince while traveling to the royal park garden, the large number of people, different uniform, and is building a cremation unit. Seeing the prince asked me:" Hey secretary, why cloud was crowded, various uniformed and is up a staging cremation? "-" O Prince Prince, because there is a new common destiny ". -" Hey secretary, that ye coachman who has just approached common destiny ". -" Yes, O prince. "The prince obeyed, the driver approached recently shared destiny. When you see a dead body, the Prince asked me:" Hey secretary, why he is called who died? "-" O Prince Prince, he called the deceased, because now mothers, fathers or other relatives siblings not see him again! And he did not see the mother, father or other blood relatives. "-" Hey secretary, so I have not died have not died? Father, Form Conditions or other blood relatives will not find me attractive? And I will not see The King, Form Conditions or blood relatives who else? "-" O Prince Prince, Prince and me too, we are not dead yet, but this will eventually die. Father, Form Conditions or other blood relatives will not see the prince, and the prince will not see The King, Form Conditions or other blood relatives "-" Hey secretary, today visited the garden only royal park so just then. Tell the driver returned to the supply. "-" Yes, Prince. "The prince obeyed Vipassi for driving back the palace. The prince of the palace of suffering, sorrow and thinking:" Insulting replacement the so-called birth! And who is born old must also be patient, must die so! ".
12. This, monks, then king Bandhuma thinking: "I can not let the prince refused Vipassi reign! Can not let the prince Vipassi home. Unable to give your words of Ms-the busi- subjects guessed Minister come true ".
- Hey monks, and the king Bandhuma the prince arranged for full year Vipassi more sensual dishes, so the prince can Vipassi reign, to Prince Vipassi can not ordained, let the words of your Brahmin minister guess untrue. And the monks, Prince Vipassi enjoy life, full and sensual dishes prosperous year.
13. This, monks, princes Vipassi, after a period of years, many hundreds of years, many thousands of years to call the driver: "Hey secretary, tell the rover wins wins, we will go to the garden royal park to see the scenery. " - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed Vipassi prince, to win the wins and white carriage Vipassi prince: "O Prince Prince, the chariot wins were won over. Do what Prince considered trendy ".
This monks, then climb Vipassi prince wins carriage and the carriage with the other wins, approaching royal park garden.
14. This, monks, princes Vipassi royal park on the way to find a home, skinhead, covering robes. Seeing this, the prince asked the driver: "Hey secretary, who did what, but he was different head ends of others, and he also different shirt worn by others?" - "O Prince Prince, he called the home person!" - "Hey secretary, so he called the home person?" - "O Prince Prince, monastic virtues mean smart, clever religious moral purification, cleverly karma onion, onion merit clever now, cleverly keeping harmful beings, well have compassion for all beings!" - "Hey Secretary, check your car near home". - "Yes, Prince."
The monks, the driver obeyed the prince Vipassi, drove to near-home people. This monks, then prince Vipassi ask monks: "Dear Sage, what he did, but his head did not like the others, and his clothes not like the others?" - "Dear Prince, I am a home person!" - "Dear Sage, how people call home?" - "Dear Prince, I had called home, because I cleverly virtues, moral purification tu smart, clever karma onion, onion merit clever now, cleverly keeping harmful beings have compassion for smart with beings ". - "Dear Sage, healing instead of his monastic virtues, virtues healing rather cleverly, skillfully cultivate behaviors, smart karma onion, onion merit clever now, cleverly keeping harmful beings, well have compassion for beings ".
15. This, monks, and princes Vipassi told the driver: "Hey secretary, take this car and for the driver to deliver. And I am here, will be shaved, covering robes, manufacturing Sale, abandoned the family, not family life ". - "Yes, Prince." The coachman obeyed Vipassi prince took the car and drove to the palace. And Prince Vipassi, the spot was, shaved, covering robes, leaving my family home, no family life.
16. This, monks, at that time, in the capital have a mass Bandhumati eighty-four thousand people heard the news: "Prince Vipassi were shaved, covering robes, abandoned family home, no family life ". Upon hearing the news, and he thought: "Such laws are not trivial, such renunciation is not trivial, because in law Vipassi prince was shaved, covering robes, home abandon the family, not family life ". Nay Vipassi prince was shaved, covering robes, abandoned family home, no family life why should we not? "This, monks, and the mass was eighty-four thousand people shaved remove hair, covering robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, under the leadership of the Bodhisattva Vipassi. Then Bodhisattva Vipassi with their toys, travel, passing through the village towns and cities.
This 17 monks, while net migration quiet, Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Why I live surrounded by them this map. Preferably, I live alone, away from their grills this!"
This Monks, after a period Bodhisattva Vipassi live alone, away from their toys, eighty-four thousand monks this go their separate ways, the Bodhisattva Vipassi go their separate ways.
This 18 monks, while net migration quiet secluded spot, Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "This world really fall into anguish, must arise and old, and die, then abandon the world This rebirth to another world. No one knows the path to liberation from suffering, free from old age and death. "
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, old new die there? Do nothing predestined, being old die? ". This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Therefore being present, so old, died there. Do charm being born old dead" .
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, new born present? Do nothing predestined, born arise? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, through wisdom, intelligence arises is the following: "Since the new ownership took up living there. Because organic charm, so being arises" .
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, the new property is present? Do what grace, friendship arises? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do players have to face new property there. Do coast defense, organic arisen".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What have the new capital available surface? Because nothing predestined, defense arises?". This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Since charity is present, the new arises."
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, a new craving present. Do what grace, compassion arise? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Because life is present, a new craving present. Do predestined life, craving arises."
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, a new life there. Do what grace, new life arise? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to contact with the face, new life is present. Do coast exposure, new life arises".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, new contacts there. Do nothing predestined new contacts arise? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to enter mainland presence, new contacts are present. Do coast continental integration, new contacts arise ".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, activated continent face. Do nothing predestined, enter new continent arises? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due mentality present, activated continent face. Do predestined matter, continental activated arises ".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, present new mentality? Do nothing charming, new mentality arises? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to be available, with a new mentality is present. Do predestined formula, new mentality birth ".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: 'What is present, the new formula is present. Do nothing predestined, new knowledge arises? " This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to present mentality, new knowledge is present. Do predestined matter, new information arises ".
19. Hey monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking as follows: "This consciousness revolves revert back, from where the matter, not beyond mind and matter. Just like this, people are born or become old, or dead, or farewell this realm, or born again in another realm, that is conditioned by matter, mode of delivery, conditioned by form, birth mentality; conditioned by matter, imported continental birth; Import conditioned continent , emotional being; by conditions contact, feeling born; so charming life, loving being, conditioned by craving, players born; so charming craft, organic living, conditioned by organic, sentient being, conditioned by birth, aging, death, sorrow, superiority born suffering brain. So the departure of the entire file size aggregates ".
"Warm, warm up". This Monks, from where the Bodhisattva Vipassi, arising from previous dharma never heard, place of birth, born intellectual, intelligent being, the light of life.
20. This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, not present old dead? Something destroy, destroy the old die?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to absence of birth, old death is not present, so kill, kill old dead" .
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, being absent? What killed, kill this !. monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, after such of thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Due to the property is not present, being absent, so mortal, kill".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, not present ownership? What killed, mortal?". This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do players absent, absent organic, by manually killing, mortal".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do what is not present, the absent? What killed, the killing?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not loving presence, the absence, due to affinity kill, the kill".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, AI is not present? What kill, kill kindness?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Because life is not present, AI is not present, because life away, destroy charity".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something not present, life is not present? What killed, kill life?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not touch surface, life is not present, so contact kill, destroy life."
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do what no face contact is not present? What Removal, contact kill?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not enter the present continents, emotional absence, by continent Nirvana, contact kill" .
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do what is present, absent enter continent? What killed, continent away." This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not present mentality, continental entered not present, so kill mentality, continental enter kill ".
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Do something absent, absent mentality? What Removal Removal mentality?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not present form, and matter is not present, so wake kill, kill mentality" .
This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "What is not present, not present form? Do something kill, kill mode?" This monks, then Bodhisattva Vipassi, as reasonable after thinking, thanks to intelligent wisdom arises is the following: "Do not present mentality, knowledge is not present, so rupa kill, kill mode" .
21. This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi thinking: "Oh, I've seen is the path to Bodhi, thanks to consistent practice. That is, by and matter destroy, kill mode; by formula Removal , and matter destroy; so kill mentality, continental death; by continent Nirvana, contact kill, so contact kill, destroy life, because life away, destroy charity; by kindness killing, the killing, by manually killing, mortal; by mortal, being destroyed; by being destroyed, old age, death, grief and lamentation, pain, grief, destroy the brain. Thus, the entire mass of ill kill ".
"Kill, kill". This Monks, from where the Bodhisattva Vipassi, legal departure from previous label never heard, place of birth, born intellectual, intelligent being, the light of life.
22. This, monks, and Bodhisattva Vipassi, after a lifetime of being destroyed shops in the five aggregates: 'This is great, this is the collective identity of departure, it is best eliminated. This is life, this is the life collective boots, this is anti-life. This is great, this is a great warm up, this is a great extinction. This is the issue, this is the boot file, this is the kill! This is knowledge, this is the official warm up, this is kill mode ".
And for him, after being defeated in the living customary law in aggregates, soon taints was destroyed and he was freed.
Chanting the third.
1. Hey monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, instant Enlightenment thinking: "Now I just preach".
This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "France by Ta evidence, it is deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, noble, super reasonable reasoning, subtle, wise man finally understood just. And this mass, the popular craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving. For popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving, it is difficult to see theorem "Y origination legal nature" ( ida-paccayata Paticca samuppāda ); it was hard to see all operating theorem was the first President, all care is being put away, charity is annihilation, sexual ly, charity Removal, Nirvana. If now I preach that other people do not understand me, so it is hard time for my brain! "
2. This, monks, the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, the Enlightenment, the verse is inconceivable, never heard before, is started up:
Why I say this to the Dhamma that I have realized so difficult?
France is difficult to realize the greed of those who are governed.
People with attachment and ignorance covering very difficult to see this approach.
An approach go upstream, subtle, profound, subtle, subtle.
This monks, with such words, thoughts on the issue of Bhagavan Vipassi center, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, towards the unconditioned, passive, reluctant to preach. When that time, one of the great Brahma, knowing the thoughts of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, through his thoughts, immediately thought: "Alas, the world will destroyed, the world would be septic death, if the Exalted Vipassi center, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, towards inaction, passivity, does not want the sermon! "
3. This, monks, the Great Brahma does, as an outstretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink an outstretched arm, so he disappeared from the Brahma world and appeared before Bhagavan Vipassi face, level Arhat, Enlightenment. The monks, and then the great Brahma upper robe covering over one shoulder, right knee kneeling on the ground, palms facing Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and transparency that: "Buddha, please sermon! White Auspicious, please preach! They are beings less prone to dust cover will be hazardous if not to hear the Dharma. If heard, these people may break out right measures ".
4. Hey monks, was heard this, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment told the Great Brahma, "Brahma Hey, I was thinking as follows:" France by I witness it, really deep, hard to see, hard evidence, the first President, noble, super reasoning, subtle, only the new position grips. But this popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving. For popular masses craving, craving pleasure, appetite craving, it's hard to see the interdependent nature theorem legal medicine; it was hard to see all operating theorem was the first President, all care is being put away, charity is annihilation, sexual ly, compassionate killing, Nirvana. If now I preach that other people do not understand me, so time really tired to me, so the true anguish for me. "Hey Brahma, then the verse is inconceivable, since before ever I heard arises where:
Why I say this to the Dhamma that I have realized so difficult?
France is difficult to realize the greed of those who are governed.
People with attachment and ignorance covering very hard to see this law.
A contrary approach lines, subtle, profound, subtle, subtle.
This Brahma, with such words, thoughts on the matter, my heart toward passive inaction, did not want to preach.
5. This, monks, the second time was great Brahma ... (as above) ...
6. Hey monks, third, that the great lord Brahma Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment: "Buddha, please sermon! Bach celestial, let the sermon! They are beings less prone to dust cover will be hazardous if not heard the Dharma, these people can dig out the Dharma! "
This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment knows Visiting advice of Brahmas, out of compassion for all beings, looking at life with Buddha label. This Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment view the world with Buddha eyes, saw dust classes of infection at birth, many street infected with padded base class benefit grounds, with class by nature against nature, it is difficult to teach classes docile, and few saw the danger must be reborn another world and the danger of error actions. As in the lake blue lotus, pink lotus or white lotus, with some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born, grew up in the water, do not pass out of the water, underwater nourished; with some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born grow underwater, living rise to the surface, there are some blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water born grow underwater rise out of the water, not water to wet. Also the monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, the Enlightenment, the Buddha looked around the world to label. He saw little dust contamination classes of life, many street infected with padded base class benefit grounds, ranked by nature against nature, it is difficult to teach classes docile, few saw the danger to other world reborn and the danger of error actions.
7. Then the Great Brahma, the mind knows the mind of the Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and said to Him, the following poem:
As humans stand on the mountaintop looked around the people below.
Also he Sumedha upstairs Dharma, steps variable labels, escapism melancholy.
Looking down the masses, anxious melancholy was born old oppression.
Stand up , heroes, victory in battle Career!
The traveler chief from whom escape any debt!
Exalted go around the world spreading the Dharma.
Some people ask to be heard, will mean intense magic!
This monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment great Brahma replied with the following verse:
Doors immortality was extended,
O those who are listening, give up their wrong views.
So tired futile thinking, this Brahma.
I do not want to preach Dharma magic for mankind!
The monks, and then the great Brahma with the thought: "I have paved the way for Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment sermon", then bowed, right hand body towards Him and disappear in place.
8. Hey monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "I preach to someone first? Who will quickly understand this Dhamma?"
This monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment thinking: "Now Prince Khanda (Kien-tea) and the King Professor Tissa (Thread-amnesty) residing in the capital Bandhumati ( Desk-top-Mrs-threads) is wise multicultural, lucid, had long lived less polluted by dust away. Now we just preach to the royal prince Khanda and Tissa first masters, these two men will Early intensive understand this Dhamma. "
Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment as an outstretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink an outstretched arm, disappeared from the Bodhi tree, out in the Deer Park Khenma , capital Bhadhumati.
9. Hey monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment call kept garden, "Hey you, go to the capital Bandhumati, Khanda and private with the royal prince that Professor Tissa World Religion Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment came Bandhumati capital, currently residing in the Deer Khema and wanted to see two! " - "Yes, venerable sir."
The monks, who kept garden obey the teachings of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, in the capital and said to the prince Bandhumati Khanda and the King Professor Tissa: "Ladies and gentlemen, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment came Bandhumati capital and at the Deer Khema. He wants to meet you! "
10. This, monks, and the United Kingdom Prince Khanda Professor Tissa to win the chariot wins, himself a chariot climb along with wins and wins another wagon, the car out of the city Bandhumati , go to the Deer Khema, ride to spot longer ride, then walk to the front of the car Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Upon arrival, these two men pay homage to him and sat to one side.
11. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, upon second Enlightenment teachings, theories of generosity, morality, theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the infection umbrella of desire, and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of these two mature, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas uphold, ie suffering, Volume, Killing, Paths . Like pure cloth without defect, very permeable dye, too, the royal prince and Professor Tissa Khanda, the seats at the remote controls were French label structural glass ceiling: "What crime did arise and also to destroy ".
12. The two were seen law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation, cessation, evidence of self-reliance, not on others care for religion of the Master, Vipassi instant lord, level Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Also Bhagavan Dharma has been used many means to present explanations. Bach Bhagavan, now our refuge and refuge in France Bhagavan. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained with Bhagavan, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained. "
13. This, monks, princes and the king Khanda be ordained monk Tissa with Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these two men, encouraged to make exciting, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of compounded and the benefits of Nirvana. And these two men by Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teach, encourage and make excited, make happy with Dharma, not how long it is no longer clinging mind, be escaped the defilements.
This 14 monks, while the city has a public Bandhumati about eighty-four thousand were heard: "Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment arrived in the capital city and in the Deer Bandhumati Khema. Great Prince and the King Professor Tissa Khanda were shaved, covering robes Asa abandoned family home, no family life with Bhagavan, Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment " . Upon hearing this, they have to think: "Surely, this law can not trivial, the home can not be trivial, because the royal prince Khanda and Tissa engineers have shaved, CA-up shirt sa, leaving my family home, no family life. Great Prince and the King Professor Tissa Khanda were shaved, covering robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life with Bhagavan Vipassi and grades Arhat, Enlightenment. Why should we not do that? "
The monks, and the mass was composed of about eighty-four thousand you go out of the Bandhumati to Deer Khema, Bhagavan Vipassi place, level Arhat, Enlightenment in. Upon arrival, they have bowed and sat down beside him.
15. Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, upon second Enlightenment teachings, theories of generosity, morality, theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of desire and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of the mature position, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas have been raised that is suffering, Volume, Killing, Paths . Like pure cloth, no defect very permeable dye, so eighty-four thousand, the main seat, the evidence is far from bare glass label structural measures: "What crime did arise and must also kill ".
16. These men have seen the law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence of self-reliance, not on others care for religion of the Master, instant Vipassi lord, level Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir, as people stood back, what was thrown down, unfolded what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Similarly, Dharma has been used many means Bhagavan presented, explained. Buddha, now our refuge and refuge in France Bhagavan. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained with Bhagavan, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained. "
17. Hey monks, eighty-four thousand is ordained with Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these people, to encourage and make excited, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of compounded and the benefits of Nirvana. And these people, thanks to Bhagavan Vipassi level Arhat, Enlightenment teach, encourage and make excited, make happy with Dharma, not how long it is no longer clinging mind, be escaped the defilements.
18. Hey monks, now eighty-four thousand of monks before, be heard: "Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment came citadel Bandhumati, at Deer Khema and sermon ". This Monks, eighty-four thousand monks of this, go to the Deer Khema, Bhagavan Vipassi place, level Arhat, Enlightenment in. Upon arrival, they have bowed and sat down beside him.
19. Exalted Vipassi, level Arhat, upon second Enlightenment teachings, theories of generosity, morality, theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of desire and the benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan knows the mind of the mature position, acquiescent, escapism hindrances, noble and calm, and he brought the sermon to which the Buddhas have been raised that is suffering, Volume, Killing, Paths . Like pure cloth, no flaws, very permeable dye, so eighty-four thousand monks, the main seat, the evidence is far from bare glass structure dharma: "What crime have birth out and also to kill ".
20. These men have seen the law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence of self-reliance, not on others care for religion of the Master, instant Vipassi lord, level Arhat, Enlightenment: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, revered sir! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Also Bhagavan Dharma has been used many means to present explanations. White World Ton, we now Bhagavan refuge, refuge in the Dharma and the Sangha. Buddha, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained with Bhagavan, Bhagavan for our desire to be ordained! "
21. Hey monks, eighty-four thousand monks with Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment was ordained. Then Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching these people, to encourage and make excited, make happy with telephony solutions, highlighting the danger, the inferior, the pollution of compounded and the benefits of Nirvana. And these people by Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment teaching, encouraging, making excited, make happy with Dharma, not how long it is no longer clinging mind, be escaped the defilements.
22. Hey monks, then mass monks about six hundred eighty thousand Bandhumati garrisons in the capital, this Monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, while net migration was still thinking like this: "Now the monks mass about six hundred eighty thousand Bandhumati garrisons in the city. Why I did not encourage monks taught him:" Hey billion- parade, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, because the public peace, for compassion for the world, for happiness, for the good, because the happiness of man, Heaven species. Do not have two people come together in one place. This Monks, please preach the Dhamma, good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full text, document integrity owl. Please specify the holy life totally pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. If heard, will dig out the Dharma. Every six years, come to the capital in Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule ".
23. This, monks, a different Brahma, with his mind knows the mind of the Exalted Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment. As an outstretched arm athlete shrink or retract the arm was outstretched, the plane disappeared in Brahma and appeared before Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Brethren, then the great Brahma, covering upper robe over one shoulder, palms toward Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment and him and said, "That is right, white Exalted! So yes, white Auspicious! Buddha, Bhagavan please encourage mass Monks teach about six hundred eighty thousand in the capital position Bandhumati: "Hey monks go along throughout, because public happiness, peacefulness for mass, because of compassion for the life, for happiness, for the good, for peace unto him hath species. Do not have two people come together in one place. This Monks, please preach the Dhamma, good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full text, document integrity owl. Please specify dignity completely pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. If heard, will dig out the Dharma. "Buddha, we will do as the monks. After six years, they have the capital to Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule".
This monks, Brahma such theories. After saying that, this position Vipassi bowed, steps Arhat, the Enlightenment, the right hand back toward Him and disappear in place.
24. Hey monks, then Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, in the afternoon come to stand up and tell the monks:
- Hey monks, while I quietly secluded spot net migration, the following thoughts arose: "Nay mass monks about six hundred eighty thousand Bandhamati garrisons in the city. Why I did not recommended Monks taught him: "Hey, monks, go along throughout the happiness for the masses, for the masses of peacefulness, because of compassion for the life, for happiness, for the sake, as an The optimism for the species, species of heaven. Do not have two people come together in one place. This Monks, please preach the Dhamma, good profile, Mid-friendly, good logistics, full meaning, cultural integrity owl. Please specify the holy life totally pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma will be in jeopardy. If heard, will dig out the Dharma. Just after six years in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule ".
25. This, monks, a Brahma other with their minds, know my thoughts. As an athlete stretching arms have shrunk or shrinks arm was outstretched, the plane disappeared in Brahma and loomed before me. The monks, the Great Brahma, covering upper robe over one shoulder, with hands toward me and said to me: "That is right, revered sir! That is right. White Auspicious! White World Ton! Bhagavan please encourage mass Monks teach about six hundred eighty thousand in the capital position Bandhumati: "Hey Monks, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, for the public peace, because compassion for the life, for happiness, for the good, because the happiness of man, Heaven species. Do not have two people come together in one place. This Monks, please preach the Dhamma, good profile, Mid-friendly, good logistics, full meaning, cultural integrity owl. Please specify dignity completely pure. They are beings born less dust, if not heard the Dharma, will be in jeopardy. If heard, will dig out the Dharma. Buddha, we will do as the monks. After six years of this you will go to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule. "This, monks, the great Brahma such theories. After saying that, I pay homage to this position, the right hand back toward me and spot disappear.
26. Monks Hey, I encourage teach you: "Hey Monks, go along throughout, for the welfare of the public, because the public peace, for compassion for the world, for the happiness sake, for peace unto him hath species. Do not have to go two people at the same place. This, monks, go preach the Dhamma, good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full, Posted owl integrity. Please specify the holy life totally pure. They are beings born less dust, if not the Dharma lecture will be in jeopardy. If you are listening, will dig out the Dharma. It follows six years, come to the capital in Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule ".
The monks, the monks did, a large part of the day was sailed around the national level.
27. Hey monks, then in Jambudipa (Jambudvipa) has eighty-four thousand residences. Once a year just completed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, a year just completed, the remaining five years now. After five years, come to the capital in Bandhamati to recite the monastic rule!"
Two years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, who finished two years are left but four years. After four years, come to the capital in Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule!".
Three years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, three years has elapsed, the remaining three years now. After three years, come to the capital in Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule!".
Four years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, four years has elapsed, this was two years. After two years, come to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule!"
Five years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, five years has elapsed, the rest of this year. After a year, in the capital Bandhumati come to recite the monastic rule!"
Six years has elapsed, the gods declared: "Hey Sage, six years has elapsed. Now came the day went on to the measure Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule".
This monks, monks did, some of you with his powers, some of the powers of the gods of the day went to the capital Bandhumati to recite the monastic rule.
28. Hey monks, Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, among them monks, reciting the monastic rule:
"The Buddhas teach Nirvana is First.
"Patience, austerity, patience, is First.
"The monastic renunciation harm other people.
"Two other people so unworthy called a recluse.

"People do not do evil, the good karma centripetal.
"Hold pure mind, the word Buddhas.

"Do not criticize, not beaten, kept himself in the monastic rule.
"Eat with moderation, sleeping alone.
"How about the ethereal, the word Buddhas".
29. This, monks, one time, one at Ukkhattha (Australia-Aging La), in Subhaga forest, under a tree ta-la king. Monks Hey, while I still net an apartment, the following thought arose: "There is a residence, a very easy to beings that I previously did not come in a long time! It is Devas Suddhavasa (Retreat bias). So now I go to the devas in heaven Retreat! "
This monks, like a stretched arm athlete has to shrink, or shrink arms were outstretched, I disappear in Ukkattha, Subhaga forest, under a tree Ta-La King and appeared before the devas in Natural Retreat. In his public Devas some several thousand gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside, his gods told me as follows:
"Hey Sage, has been ninety-one lives, since Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, the Enlightenment was born. This sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment birth, race nature of surveys to Ly. This sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment of identity Kondanna (Question-Separated-Nha). Hey Sage, while Bhagavan Vipassi, Career Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightenment under a tree Patali (Ba-ba-la). Hey Sage, two gentle artist who made the greatest disciple of Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Chief Enlightened called Khanda (Kien-tea) and Tissa (Thread-amnesty). Hey Sage, while Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment has three Tang Assembly, an assembly of six hundred eighty Increase thousands of monks, an increase of ten thousand monks Assembly, an ecclesiastical eighty monks. Hey Sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment, with attendant monks name Asoka (Ashoka), this is your First attendant. Hey Sage, his father Vipassi Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment, called Bandhuma, post-named Bandhumati sample (table-top -Three-topic). Citadel of King Bandhuma Bandhumati name. This sage, Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, secular Enlightenment production like this, like this renunciation, effort like this, like this enlightenment, turning of the wheel like this. Hey Sage, we who have the virtues with Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Enlightenment has eradicated lust and were born in this place. "
30. This, monks, the gods did in public, some several thousand gods (... ...), some few hundred gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This monks, after standing aside, Devas was told me: "Hey Sage, in the past, the Exalted, level Arhat, this Enlightenment was born. Hey Sage , Bhagavan, Sat-imperial nature of strains -ly, Sat-imperial clan of-town. This sage, Bhagavan of identity Gotama (Cu-talk). This sage, Bhagavan life not how much, littleness, human life a hundred years or more for a while. Hey Sage, Bhagavan assattha enlightenment under a tree (bowl-poly- la). This sage, Bhagavan has two gentle artist, Junior disciple named Sariputta and Mahamoggallana (Sariputta and Moggallana-linked). This sage, Bhagavan has an ecclesiastical one thousand two hundred fifty. Hey Sage, increase the chance of Bhagavan composed entirely eradicate the cankers have. Hey Sage, Bhagavan with attendant monks called Ananda (Ananda), the First is visibility. Hey Sage, his father's name was Suddhodana Exalted (Suddhodana), Queen Maya (Ma-Date) capital is Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense). This sage, Bhagavan secular production like this, like this home, diligently as this, like this enlightenment, turning of the wheel like this. Hey Sage, we are those who have virtues with Bhagavan, has eradicate lust and was born in this place. "
31. Monks, and I along with Devas Aviha (Unknown Heat disasters) to Devas Atappa (Unknown Trouble disasters). This monks, then with gods and deities Atappa Aviha to Devas Sudassa (natural bias). The monks, and I along with Aviha gods, gods and deities Sudassa Atappa to Devas Sudassi (Thien time bias).
The monks, and I along with Devas Aviha, Atappa gods, gods and deities Sudassi Sudassa to Devas Akanittha (Lust Rescue Telescope). The monks, the gods did in public, some several thousand gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This monks, after standing aside, Devas was told me as follows: "Hey Sage, has been ninety-one lives, since Bhagavan Vipassi, level Arhat, Chief Equal Sensory birth ... (as verses 29) ".
32. This, monks, the gods did in public, some several thousand gods (as before), some few hundred gods to where I am at, I bowed and stood aside. This monks, after standing aside, Devas was told me as follows: "Hey Sage, in this past life Buddha, Arhat level, this Enlightenment was born .. . (like passages No. 30) ".
33. Hey monks, such as Lai cleverly attained the legal world, the Tathagata Buddhas remember the past, these people had entered Nirvana, was directed segment of karma, reincarnation was terminated, has escape from all suffering. Tathagata also remember to strain the nature of this position have been reminded of identity, ethnic identity and to remember, to remember the life, well remember the two disciples, also remembered the Increase Assembly as follows: "The Exalted Career This birth is such qualities, such as identity, ethnic identity is so, morality is thus unfortunate that such measures, intellectual property is so happy, so happy mind, liberation is thus " .

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