Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

20. Economic Congress (Mahasamaya Sutta).

1. N nowhere so I hear.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in tribal Sakka (Shakyamuni), the Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), at the Great Forest (Mahavana), with mass monks around five hundred, all the Arhat level. And the devas in ten world most often to admire assembly Bhagavan and we monks.
2. At that time, four natural Retreat (Suddhavasa) thinking as follows: "Bhagavan now residing in tribal Sakka, a Kapilavatthu, in the Great Forest, along with mass monks around five hundred, all are level Arhat. And the devas in ten world most often to admire assembly Bhagavan and we monks. So we go to the spot Exalted in, when to finish each of us I will read a poem rises Bhagavan ".
3. Then the gods was as fast as the athletes stretching arms shrink, or shrink outstretched arm, disappeared from heaven and Retreat appeared before Bhagavan. Devas was bowed and stood aside. After standing aside, a poem read before God the Exalted:
Meeting in the Great Forest
Devas gathered contract.
We reach the conference
they bowed Real Thang.
Then a different God also read a poem before the Exalted:
Here we monks
meditation, upright center.
As the vehicle owner the reins,
The wise protection grounds.
And a Heaven Another read a poem before the Exalted:
As lock broken, remove the key,
office doors were dug up.
Live pure, eyes
As well tame elephants.
And a Heaven Another read a poem before the Exalted:
Those who have refuge in the Buddha,
will not fall into the Beast,
After quitting the body,
I'll be born as gods.
4. Then Bhagavan told the monks:
- Hey monks, most of the world's ten gods gathered to see Bhagavan and we monks. The monks, the position in time past were level Arhat, Enlightenment, these people are a supreme God we gathered around, as I present it. The monks, even the public in the future will be the level Arhat, Enlightenment, these people will also be a supreme God we gathered around, as I present it. This Monks, I will declare the names of the gods. This Monks, I will report the names of gods voters. This Monks, I will preach the identity of the gods. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
- Fiat, lord! - Monks was obedient Bhagavan.
5. Bhagavan faculty as follows:
I will preach verse
Devas reside Heaven,
The garrisons caves,
eight provinces, police meditation.
As a lion, although situated
Making birth panic pants,
white pure thoughts,
In the morning, no defilements.

Knowing more than five hundred,
meeting in Ca-Pi-la
gurus preach
love listening disciples:
"The monks, see
Devas them coming. "
Listen to the Buddha's teachings
enthusiastic public viewing.
And now before we
see clearly non-human
angel Ke seen hundreds,
thousand gods, and more.
Who saw seventy thousand
Full inhuman levels.
Who saw countless taste,
same every direction.
With legal notice clarify
and distinguish all
gurus preach,
disciples like to hear:
"The monks see,
Devas we approached. "
I will follow the sequence
Notes shelves for the listener.
Seven thousand kinds Yakshis
Resident at Ca-Pi-la,
there aura powers,
appearances Yes, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Six thousand from Himalaya
Yakshis sharp enough face
Yes powers, halo,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them Monks

Three thousand from SATA,
Yakshis enough countenance,
there powers, halo,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.

Thus sixteen thousand
Yakshis enough countenance,
there powers, halo,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Five hundred from Vessa
countenance Yakshis enough,
there powers, halo,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Kumbhira, Rajgir,
Resident in Vepulla,
over hundred thousand Yakshis,
surrounded Much lower.
Kumbhira, Rajgir
also to the forest meeting.
King Dhatarattha (dhṛtarāṣṭra)
Reign in the East,
Lord Qian-that-she
Undergraduate royal reputation.
This has more children,
the mainland, named Indra
god is power, halo,
corporeality, identity confess,
this forest happy to
Admire them monks.

Sultan Virulha (Growth Uranus).
Reign in the South,
Lord sheep-table-tea (Kumbhanda)
Undergraduate King fame,
this Area has many children,
the mainland, named Indra
god is power, halo.
corporeality, title,
joy to this forest
Admire them monks.

King Virupakkha, (Square Section Uranus)
Reign in the West,
Lord Naga species
Undergraduate royal reputation.
The child has many
mainland, named Indra,
god is power, glory,
there appearances, names,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.

King Kuvera, (vaiśravaṇa)
Reign in the north,
Lord, species Yakshis,
Undergraduate kingdom, reputation.
This has more children,
the mainland, named Indra,
god is power, glory,
corporeality, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.

Tri King, Eastern
Growth kingdom, southern
Guangdong Section kingdom, West,
David Van King, the North,
the king Four undergraduate,
Across the four winds,
Standing, dazzling aura,
forest Across Ca-Pi -leaves.
As of the summer,
Lies and cunning,
Maya, Kutendu, Vetandu, Vitu,
Vituca, Candana, Kamasettha,
Nighandu to nine.
Panada, Opamanna, Matdi,
(who drove the gods).
Càn-beaver -Three Cittasena;
King Nala, Janesabha
Pancasikha, Timbaru,
Suriyavaccasa also come.
So the king,
along with Qian-beaver-grandmother,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks!
From Nabhasa, Vesali, Tacchaka,
The Naga also come.
Kambala, Assatara, Payaga,
also to relatives.
The reputation Naga,
Dhatarattha and Yamuna also come.
Eravana, Long King,
also come in a forest.
The natural birds Binary birth,
with pure eyes,
intense anti-Naga king,
now flies to a forest.
Name them as Citra,
And Supanna name.
Long King without fear,
favor safe Buddha
With gentle words,
they self-advised said to each other,
Naga, Supanna (Kim Sí birds)
come in the Buddha.
Asura at sea,
lightning Vajra players,
England's Vasava,
Yes powers title.
Kalakanja, misshapen, (Tu-la)
Danaveghasa, Vepacitti
With Sucitti,
With Paharada, Devil Namuci.
Along the Balinese,
Set Veroca name.
To mobilize the whole army,
Down to the chief.
Rahu said: "Looking forward to replace
safety conference.
Vice congregation monks
are coming in this forest. "
Shen water, earth, fire, wind,
also to Varuna,
with acquatic, Soma,
Yasa Both also come.
Devas Compassion birth
name Yes well to
this nation Ten cherub
The Face of real differences,
there powers, trench Optical,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Venhu, Sahali,
Asama, Yama,
the Gods of the Moon clan,
The leader also came.
Gods of Japan clan
Van god named Manda,
the chief Cluster
Vasava, Vasu
Spirit Sakka also come.
Ten Heavenly taste of this race,
Dung Appearance real differences,
there powers, halo,
Having appearances, the name.
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Sahavhu also arrived,
with fire red head,
Aritthaka, Roja,
As flowers Umma
Varuna, Sahadhamma,
Accuta, Anejaka
Vasavanesi also come.
Ten Heavenly taste of this race,
The Face of true differences
powers Yes, halo ,
Having appearances, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Samana, Mahasamana,
Manusa, Manusuttama,
Khidda-padusika, Mano-padusika
Harayo, Lohita-VASINO,
Paraga, Maha-Paraga
It names also come.
Ten Heavenly taste of this race,
The Face of true differences
powers Yes, halo,
corporeality, title,
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Sukka, Karumha,
Aruna, Veghanasa
Vicakkhana also come,
Sadamatta, Haragaja,
Missaka have names also come.
Pajjunna god of lightning,
rain Doing all directions.
Ten Heavenly taste of this race,
The Face of real differences,
there god halo force,
there appearances, title
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Khemiya, Tusita, Yama,
Title Katthaka, Lambitaka,
Leader of Lama,
Jotinama, Asava,
Tha Chemical Self in natural,
natural Hoa Lac also come.
Ten cherub this race,
The Face of real differences,
there powers, trench Optical,
Having appearances, title
joy to this forest,
Admire them monks.
Sixty Thien us this,
with the appearance differences,
according to their ethnic identity to,
also many others.
Say: "Sanh took advantage,
Then install no more.
Boc note passed,
the Career Forums outflows.
We think that they,
as with excess flow outbreak,
like the moon freed dark clouds ".
Subrahmā, Parramatta,
the Son of the Gods force,
Sanamkumara Tissa,
By chance in a forest.
Great Brahma, the lord,
Pham Ngu thousands of sex,
birth Falls afterglow,
Hetero form with name,
mosquitoes are Self in coming,
dominated each every realm,
Between this position Harita,
also to map them.
They all came in together,
with Indra, Brahma,
Mara also approached,
View Black foolish demon.
"Come and imprison,
those who were involved slopes,
Surround four sides,
'Do not let anyone escape! "
Thus the Great Admiral,
Black Devil Communications Group command,
with hand clapping land,
echoing German terror.
As in the storm,
Lightning and rain,
it immediately rots troops back,
but helpless Wrath.
With manual methods clearly,
and distinguish all,
gurus preach,
disciples like to hear:
"Mara had come;
Monks please know them. "
Listen to the teachings of the Buddha,
the Great they enthusiastic interest .
The enemy had gone,
far alobha, fearless.
They all win,
fearless and very justified!
Students of these people,

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