Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

21. Doing God-like basis Education (Sakka-panha Sutta)

Chanting the I
1. N nowhere I have heard that.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Magadha (Ma-out-momentum) east Rajgir, in the village of Brahmin called Ambasanda, (Am-she-la) on mountain Vediya (Pi-momentum Son) north of the village , in caves Indasala (Nhon-da-sa-la). At that time, God Home Sakka (God-like) eagerly want to admire Bhagavan.
Then God Sakka all thinking: "Now the Exalted in place, Arahat, Enlightenment?" Heavenly Home Sakka saw Bhagavan residing in Magadha, east Rajgir in Ambasanda name Brahmin village, on mountain Vediya, Northern village Indasala cave. Seeing this, God told all the devas Sakka in Tam tam Cross disaster:
- Hey You, Bhagavan residing in Magadha, east Rajgir, in the village of Brahmin called Ambasanda, on Veidya mountains, northern village, in mountain caves Indasala. Hey you, we go to admire the Blessed One, Arahant, Enlightenment.
- Fiat, forward peacefully to him. - Three decades Gods in Heaven all three disasters answer Sakka.
2. Then Heavenly Home Sakka, told Pancasikha (Five Ke), son of Gandhabba:
- Hey Khanh Pancasikha, Bhagavan now residing in Magadha, east Rajgir, in the village of Brahmin called Ambasanda, on Vediya northern mountain village, in mountain caves Indasala. Khanh Pancasikha this, we go to admire the Blessed One, Arahant, Enlightenment.
- Fiat, forward peacefully to him.
Pancasikha, son of Gandhabba, all obey God Sakka, wielding wooden harp gold Beluva and follow God all Sakka.
Then God all Sakka, the gods in heaven accompanied Three decades triangle around, with Pancasikha, son of Gandhabba ahead, as people stretched arm athlete shrink, or shrink outstretched arms, disappeared in Three decades realms celestial triangle, shown in Magadha, east Rajgir, in the village of Brahmin Ambasanda and stand on the mountain Vediya northern village.
3. At the time Vediya dazzling mountain radiant light, Ambasanda Brahmin villages too, all by the force of the gods. And the people in the villages around saying
- Mount Vediya today really caught fire, mountain today Veidya really red fire, the dazzling mountain Vediya radiant light, Ambasanda Brahmin villages too.
And public anxiety, hair upside.
4. Then God all Sakka told Pancasikha, son of Gandhabba:
- Hey Khanh Pancasikha, lettered Tathagata's hard for people to close as we. He entered the meditation, joy in meditation, and for this purpose, an apartment precipitator. So first make Khanh Pancasikha Bhagavan joy, then the joy by Khanh impact, we visited the Blessed One, Arahant, Enlightenment.
- Fiat, expect peace to come to him.
Pancasikha, child Gandhabba owners obey God Sakka, wielding wooden harps of gold and come in caves Beluva Indasala. When it is finished, Pancasikha stood aside and think: "I stand here, not too far Exalted, also not too close. And his voice will be heard."
Stand aside, Pancasikha, children strummed guitar Gandhabba wooden bird gold Beluva and in verse, relating to Buddha, to France, to Arhat and to craving:
Suriya Vaccasa Oh!
I bowed Timbaru,
Tier her father,
her birth Forums female friendly,
source of our happiness,
as the wind for those tired.
As water for the thirsty,
She is my love.
As measures to Arhat ,
As medicine for the sick,
the hungry as food,
Heavenly women with tears.
Please extinguish the fire!
As elephants are sun burn,
cool lakes bathe himself,
can lotus, lotus stamen.
Also, we want to sink ,
deep in her chest.
As elephants chained,
sing hooks, sharp stick,
I go crazy because of her breast,
pulled my actions.
Our mind her being tied up,
Move very helpless,
and powerless retreat,
As fish was hooked.
Hien woman hug me,
in her arms!
Hold me, look at me,
In the gentle gaze.
Let us embrace,
female Compassion! We van she!
Oh Hien female hair springs,
craving us how!
But this has increased multiples,
as we Arhat map!
Everything I do merit,
Down Career Arhat,
O Beloved woman of perfection,
she is effective for us.
The Merits of our other,
have done in this life!
Oh Beloved woman of perfection,
She is my fruit!
The charitable Interest,
Circuit mind and vigilant and
Find religion immortal bridge,
Also we need her!
As religious people happy,
certificate supreme Bodhi.
Beloved woman, I delight,
be entered one to her,
If God all Sakka,
Give me one wish,
I wish she did that,
for I love her too!
As we -la born fruit,
Wisdom Women, her father!
I will pay homage to him,
Because her birth and integrity!
6. Upon hearing this, Bhagavan told Pancasikha, son of Gandhabba:
- Hey Pancasikha, legendary sounds of harmony with clever thou thy voice, and the voices of well-attuned to the mystical You sound of You. Pancasikha this, so thou no more mystical tone of color for vocals, or vocals You shall not add color to the legendary sound of You. Pancasikha Hey, You learn on the spot how the verses relate to the Buddha, Dharma, to Arhat, to such craving?
- Buddha, a dwell time at Uruvela Bhagavan, waterfront Neranjara (Ni-inter-meditation), under a tree Ajapala-Nigrodha, when the Enlightenment. At that time, darling daughter Timbaru king Gandhabba, named Bhadda with Suriya Vaccasa nickname. But lord, young woman in love with another man, named Sikhaddhi, children's charioteer Matali. Buddha, I do not have any other means to gain teenager. Con gold holding wooden harp Beluva, coming at the Timbaru dormitory king Gandhabba. When it is finished, the yellow wooden harp strummed Beluva and say this verse, relating to Buddha, to France, to Arhat and to craving:
Suriya Vaccasa Oh!
I bowed Timbaru,
Tier her father,
her birth Forums female friendly,
source of our happiness,
as the wind for those tired.
As water for the thirsty,
She is my love.
As measures to Arhat ,
As medicine for the sick,
the hungry as food,
Heavenly women with tears.
Please extinguish the fire!
As elephants are sun burn,
cool lakes bathe himself,
can lotus, lotus stamen.
Also, we want to sink ,
deep in her chest.
As elephants chained,
sing hooks, sharp stick,
I go crazy because of her breast,
pulled my actions.
Our mind her being tied up,
Move very helpless,
and powerless retreat,
As fish was hooked.
Hien woman hug me,
in her arms!
Hold me, look at me,
In the gentle gaze.
Let us embrace,
female Compassion! We van she!
Oh Hien female hair springs,
craving us how!
But this has increased multiples,
as we Arhat map!
Everything I do merit,
Down Career Arhat,
O Beloved woman of perfection,
she is effective for us.
The Merits of our other,
have done in this life!
Oh Beloved woman of perfection,
She is my fruit!
The charitable Interest,
Circuit mind and vigilant and
Find religion immortal bridge,
Also we need her!
As religious people happy,
certificate supreme Bodhi.
Beloved woman, I delight,
be entered one to her,
If God all Sakka,
Give me one wish,
I wish she did that,
for I love her too!
As we -la born fruit,
Wisdom Women, her father!
I will pay homage to him,
Because her birth and integrity!
Buddha, after hearing this, told me Vaccasa Bhadda Suriya as follows:
"Hey Sage, I have not seen Bhagavan in person. But I have heard of Bhagavan, when I went to dance in France Thien Tam road of the gods in heaven Cross triangle. Because Sage extolled such Bhagavan, So today we will meet ".
Buddha, then I met her, not that day, but later.
8. Then God all Sakka thought as follows:
"Pancasikha, children Gandhabba happy conversation with Bhagavan. And Bhagavan for Pancasikha too."
Then God told Pancasikha Home Sakka, son of Gandhabba:
- Hey Khanh Pancasikha, change my face, bowed and said: "Buddha, God Sakka owners with top temple and subordinates continued presence bowed".
- Fiat, forward peacefully to him.
Pancasikha, children Gandhabba obey God commanded all of Sakka, bowed and said:
- Buddha, Sakka Heavenly Home with God and family retainers, head covers continue bowed.
- Hey Pancasikha, wish happiness to God all Sakka, with the temple and the underling! Devas, men, asura, naga, gandhabba, wished happiness. Assorted other beings too.
Thus, the upper Tathagata welcome them. To be greeted like that, God Sakka entered the cave Indasala all of Bhagavan, pay homage to him and stood aside. Three decades of devas in heaven and entered the cave tam Indasala, bowed and stood aside. Pancasikha, children Gandhabba also entered the cave Indasala, bowed and stood aside.
9. At that time, the cave Indasala, rough roads made smooth, the narrow range is made broad, dark cave with halo lighting, which is by the force of the gods. Then Bhagavan told God all Sakka:
- It is rare, Venerable Kosiya! It is wonderful, Venerable Kosiya, but have many responsibilities to shoulder, there is much work to do, which was to be here!
- Buddha, has long wanted to come to the audience Bhagavan, but hampered by the job, other jobs to make low-level gods celestial triangle, and thus can not be visited the World Religion is. Buddha, the one time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Sravasti), at Salala cup. Buddha, then the audience to Savatthi to Bhagavan.
10. At that time, Bhagavan was sitting in samadhi and Bhunjati, Vessavana wife was standing almost Bhagavan, bowed his hands. Buddha, then I told Bhunjati:
"- Hey Hien billion, replace my face bowed and said," Buddha, God Sakka master and underling the first temple continued presence bowed ".
To be told that, Bhunjati told me:
"- Good friends, this is not the time for an audience with Bhagavan. Bhagavan is an apartment precipitator.
"- Hey Hien billion, when exported to, change my face bowed and said," Buddha, God Sakka master and underling the first temple continued presence bowed ".
Buddha, not on behalf of child understand Bhunjati have bowed not? Bhagavan can not remember what she said?
- Hey God all, she had bowed to me. We have to remember what she said. His main wheels made me come to.
11. Buddha, gods have been born to celestial triangle Three decades before us, our own eyes the gods heard him say: "When the Tathagata, Arahant, Enlightenment appeared in Life, Heaven Asura world is flourishing and decline being ". Buddha, the child can see and verify evidence that when the Tathagata, Arahant, Enlightenment appears in the world, the Empyrean is flourishing and decline was Asura world. Lord here, at Kapilavatthu, have named Gopika Like women, the Buddhist faith, believe France, believe Boost, and fully preserve the rule. Like this woman, remove the woman in mind, cultivate men in mind, when the body is born to corrupt public network Heaven, animal charity, enter them with the gods in heaven tam Tam Cross, born of our sons . And there, she called God Gopaka death, Emperor e Gopaka. Buddha, the other three without pretentious Bhagavan live with dignity, and living in Gandhabba world pariah. They live surrounded expectancy increased prosperity enjoyed in dishes and often sexual servant to take care of us. We get them to the servant and child care so they, Emperor e la Gopaka their new responsibilities as follows: "The gods exist, where your ear without hearing Bhagavan's France. The old me is a woman, Buddhist believe, believe France, believes Increase, also observe the law, removing mind women, men practiced mind, body damage after public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, enter them with the gods in Three decades celestial triangle, as a child of God and all are called God Sakka Gopaka death. The gods exist, the The practice of dignity with Bhagavan, was born in the world Gandhabba inferior. It is not very nice When we see your fellows to be born in inferior Gandhabba world. Buddha, gods in Heaven electronic equipment such Gopaka scolding, two God, even in the current, evidence mindfulness and assistant birth to Brahma. And God lived a sensual effects.
My legal practitioners labels,
name Gopaka,
I believe in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Mind very happy anniversary.
Thanks to Good conditions Buddhas,
Having a baby Shen Sakka,
aura, being Heaven,
Being Gopaka name.
We see three Billion Pretentious,
Lower birth Gandhabba!
De Prince Gotama,
First born as a son to him,
I offered food,
almost down my abode.
Eye Sage where?
None holds France, Buddha,
Dharma voluntarily understand,
Tier French label faculty smart.
I just so you,
hear French saint.
I am the son Sakka,
Having aura powers,
is born to Heaven.
The maid Bhagavan,
Living supreme dignity,
right now being lowered Single,
demeaning born naked eye.
I looked very uncomfortable,
seeing fellow lower birth
With Gandhabba body,
must stand before the gods.
From a lay position,
I clearly see the difference.
Before her, this man.
I have incarnated God, enjoy sex.
Being scolded Gopaka,
Advantages disturb vows copper,
efforts must be promoted,
not slaves to anyone!
Two in three of this,
Start diligently,
thanks Gotama teaches,
we cleansed mind Filthy,
dangerous Seeing desire.
As elephant put the reins,
the position reached Tam disasters,
sexual Dispose fetters,
Devils insupportable bondage,
Sakka Together, Pajapati.
congregation Fa Shan Road
Exceeds're sitting,
Hero glass structure education.
Seeing them from fear,
Vasava between Thien them,
Show us the birth,
are beyond natural.
Meditations sorrow words,
Gopaka with Vasava:
Sakka in sex workers,
called Shakyamuni Buddha
main Forums s desire.
We are His children,
forgetfulness when shared destiny,
thanks I get awareness.
One of the three was,
Bring Gandhabba body.
These two directions right enlightenment,
Skip Heaven, enter meditation.
Do practitioners no doubt,
Area factual here.
We pay homage to Buddha.
The upsurge beyond saving,
Forums eliminate doubt,
Tier winning all life.
It is here, proving Justice,
Tan steps achieved wins,
two reach goals You,
more than assistant Brahma,
O Good is rewarded us.
By the law here to witness.
If Bhagavan allowed,
We asked Bhagavan.
13. Then Bhagavan thought: "It is long, this Sakka clean life. The question I ask what Sakka, all questions have the benefit, not the benefit. What a question to ask me, I will answer; and Sakka will understand quickly ".
Then Bhagavan said the following verse with God all Sakka:
Vasava ask me,
What do you want attention!
Each question thou,
I do thou satisfied.
Chanting the II
1. S au when permitted, Heavenly Home Sakka Bhagavan asked the first question:
- Buddha, so what fetters, species Thien Nhan, Asura, Naga, Gandhabba, and all the other species, people desire: "No hatred, no hurt, no hostility, no malice, we live together do not hate ". Yet with hatred, with hurt, with hostility, with malice, they live together in hatred?
It is the form of the first question, Natural Home Sakka asked the Buddha. And Bhagavan answered that question as follows:
- Because of jealousy and avarice, species Heaven, Asura's, Naga, Gandhabba and all other species, people desire: "No hatred, no hurt, no hostility, no malice, we we live together do not hate ". Yet with hatred, with hurt, with hostility, with malice, they live together in hatred.
It is the form of Bhagavan answers to questions Heavenly Home Sakka. Happy, joyful God all the credit Sakka life and teachings of Bhagavan says:
- That is right, lord! That right, the white Auspicious! When listening to Bhagavan answered questions, doubts the cessation, of the dissipated hesitation.
2. Heavenly Home Sakka, after joyful, credit life Bhagavan answers, asked the next question:
- Buddha, jealousy, avarice, predestined by what, so what collective boots, what makes them arise, something that they exist, what there is jealousy, avarice is present? Something is not present, then jealousy absent avarice?
- Hey Heavenly Home, jealousy and avarice as predestined by popular hate, because hate makes collective popular boots, making them popular hate arising, makes us hate being recommended, recommended the present hate jealousy, avarice present ; Popularity hate not present, the jealousy, avarice is not present.
- Buddha, nothing predestined favorite hate, so what sets launch? What makes them arise, something that they exist, what they prefer hate presence there? Something is not present, the popular hate not present?
- Hey Heavenly Home, recommended by fitness hate as predestined, so do file sexual initiator, causing them to arise Fitness, Exercise makes us exist. Popular Education hate presence is present; Popular education is not present, the hate is not present.
- Buddha, but nothing predestined education, so what sets launch? Exercise What makes arise, something that existing sex? What is present is present education? What is not present is not present sex?
- Hey Heavenly Home, fitness level by doing an affinity, thus making collective views of departure; Games that arise fitness, fitness class that exists. Fitness Games present the present; Education level is not present is not present.
- Buddha, get any karmic level, get any warm up? What makes range arises, what made the existing range? What the present range available? Something is not present, the level is not present?
- Hey Heavenly Home, Games get the kind of delusions Coliseum as predestined conclusion, taking all kinds of arguments do collective delusions launch Coliseum. The type of argument that range delusions arise Coliseum, the Coliseum delusions type argument that existing range. Do these kinds of delusions Coliseum present arguments they present range. Do these kinds of delusions Coliseum, the level argument is not present is not present ".
3. Buddha, monks must attain like? Must achieve the appropriate path and guide eradication kinds Coliseum delusions comment?
- All this God, I tell Coliseum conclusion of two kinds, one kind to close, a must stay away. All this God, I say also offers two kinds, one kind to close, a must stay away. All this God, I tell exhaust also has two types, one type must close, a must stay away.
All this God, I say there are two kinds of joy, a kind of close to, a right away. The statement as such. What predestined by such claims? Here, the kind of joy that can know: "When I close with this wedding, unwholesome growth measures, dhamma decline", the joy that should be kept away. Here any kind of joy can know: "When I close with this wedding, legal immoral decline, growth-friendly measures," was so close to the wedding date. Here, there is rapture question with a range of organic, organic to the quarterfinals; there is no question Hy property with views, not the friendly against quarterfinals. The wedding is not the kind of property with views, not the property with the wins over the quarter.
All this God, I say there are two kinds of joy, a close up, a kind avoided. The reason for such statements due to such causes and conditions.
All this God, I say also offers two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. The statement as such. Predestined by anything, such a statement? Here, any kind of advantage may know: "When I close with this priority, negative growth measures, dhamma decline", the priority that should be kept away. Here, any kind of advantage may know: "When I close with this priority, causes of evil in decline, growth-friendly measures", the priority was to close. Here, the dominant question with a range of organic, organic to the quarterfinals, has the advantage not to reach the property, not the property to the quarterfinals. The honors not the property with views, without question, the organic with the four more wins.
All this God, I say advantages are two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. The reason for such statements, because of conditions such as.
All this God, I tell exhaust also has two types, a close up, a kind avoided. The statement as such. Predestined by anything, such a statement? Here, any type of discharge can know: "When I close with this discharge, unwholesome growth measures, dhamma decline", the need to stay away from her discharge. Here, any type of discharge can know: "When I close with this discharge, immoral law of decline, growth-friendly measures", the discharge was so close. Here, with a range of organic discharge sentence, sentence with quad property, not the property disposal is to reach, not the friendly against quarterfinals. The type of discharge is not the property with views, without question, the organic with the four more wins.
All this God, I say that there are two kinds of discharge, a close up, a kind avoided. The reason for such statements due to such causes and conditions.
This Heavenly Home, monk attained such achievements have such paths, new and appropriate guidelines to eliminate the argument delusions Coliseum.
It is the form of answers to the question Exalted God Sakka owners. Happy, happy Heavenly Home Sakka, credit life and teachings of Bhagavan says:
- That is right, lord! That right, the white Auspicious! When listening to Bhagavan answered questions, my doubts were cessation, my hesitation was gone.
4. Heavenly Home Sakka, after credit joyful life of Bhagavan answers asked questions followed:
- Buddha, a monk achievements how to achieve superior law pratimoksha like?
All this God, I say personally there are two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. All this God, I say that there are two kinds of gate operator, a close up, a kind avoided. All this God, I say seek two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided.
All this God, I say personally there are two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. The statement as such. What predestined by such claims? Here, the kind that could personally learned: "When I close with this personally, unwholesome growth measures, dhamma decline," the executive body that should be kept away. Here, the kind that could personally learned: "When I close with this personally, legal immoral decline, growth-friendly measures," then he must personally close.
All this God, I say personally there are two kinds, one kind should close, a lot to avoid. The reason for such statements due to such causes and conditions.
All this God, I say that there are two kinds of gate operator, a close up, a kind avoided. The statement as such. What predestined by such claims? Here, any kind of gate operator can know: "When I was close to the border issue, the causes of evil growth, decline dhamma," then he must stay away from border issue. Here, any kind of gate operator can know: "When I was close to the border issue, the causes of evil in decline, growth-friendly measures," the border issue that needs to close.
All this God, I say that there are two kinds of gate operator, a close up, a kind avoided. The reason for such statements, because of conditions such as.
All this God, I say seek also two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. The statement as such. What predestined by such claims? Here seek any kind can know: "When I close with this demand level, negative growth measures, dhamma decline," the kind that should seek to stay away. Here, the kind that might seek to know is: "When I close this bridge type range, immoral law of decline, growth-friendly measures," the kind that seek to close.
All this God, I say seek two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. The reason for such statements due to such causes and conditions.
This Heavenly Home, monk such achievements, to achieve superior pratimoksha such laws!
It is the form of Bhagavan answered questions Heavenly Home Sakka. Happy, happy Heavenly Home Sakka, credit life and teachings of Bhagavan says:
- That is right, lord! That right, the white Auspicious! After hearing Bhagavan answered questions, doubt me is cessation, hesitant child was dashed.
5. Heavenly Home Sakka, credit joyful life after teaching Bhagavan asked the next question:
- Buddha, a monk achievements how to accomplish upholding the apartment like?
- Hey Heavenly host, by the eye to distinguish colors. We say that there are two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided. This Heavenly Home, language discrimination by ear ... nose distinguish flavors by ... you ... touched by the tongue distinguishes itself distinguished by ... Hey Heavenly host, by the distinguished law, I said that there two kinds, one kind so close, a kind avoided.
Being heard so, Heavenly master lord Sakka:
- Buddha, Bhagavan said problem briefly is the widely understood. Buddha, the kind of color by eye to distinguish, as the closest that any growth-friendly France, dhamma downturn, the kind of color by eye this distinction avoided. Buddha, the kind of eye color due to distinguish when the neighbor, legal immoral decline, growth-friendly measures, the kinds of discrimination that eye color due to close. Buddha, what kind of language discrimination by ear ... nose flavors resulting from discrimination due to your ... kind of ... kind of contact tongue distinguishes itself due ... kind of legal discrimination resulting from the division particularly, when the close, negative growth measures, dhamma downturn, the kind of measures that should be avoided. Buddha, what kind of measures by the distinction, as I close, legal immoral decline, growth-friendly measures, the kinds that was so close. Buddha, Bhagavan said problem briefly, is the widely understood. After hearing Bhagavan answered questions, my doubts dissipated, my hesitation cessation.
6. Thus credit joyful life after Bhagavan's teachings, God Home Sakka asked the next question:
- Buddha, are all monk, Brahmins were of one thought, as a virtue, and an expectation, and a direction?
- Hey God owners, all Samana, Brahmin disagree a thought, not a virtue copper, not copper an expectation, not an aspiration contract!
- Buddha, why all Samana, Brahmin disagree a virtue, not an expectation copper, not copper one direction?
- All this God, this world includes many kinds of sex, multiple sex difference. In the world including many world and many world this difference, the kind of charming natural disasters accept a certain kind of world, and when disasters approved, become Perseverance, entrenched, with prejudice: "This is the In fact, besides the whole is ignorance. " Therefore, all Samana, Brahmin disagree a thought, not a virtue copper, not copper an end, not an expectation copper, not copper one direction.
- Buddha, are all monk, Brahmins are a salvage contract, and a peace, and a dignity, and a purpose?
- Hey God all, every monk, brahman not a salvage contract, not a peace contract, not a holy copper, not copper a purpose.
Buddha, why all recluses, Brahmin, asynchronous an end, not a peace contract, not a holy copper, not copper a purpose?
- Hey God all, only those subjects Brahmin monk who has freed craving, the new contract he an end, and a peace, and a dignity, and a purpose. Therefore, all subjects monk, brahmin not a salvage contract, not a peace contract, not a holy copper, not copper a purpose.
It is the form of answers to the question Exalted God Sakka owners. Happy, happy Heavenly Home Sakka, credit life and teachings of Bhagavan says:
- That is right, lord! That right, the white Auspicious! After hearing Bhagavan answered questions, doubt me is cessation, hesitant child was dashed.
7. God all Sakka, after joyful, credit life Bhagavan's teachings and asked questions to:
- Buddha, craving the disease, craving as pimples, craving is the arrow, craving human rebirth led this life, other lives, make people as high, while low. Buddha, while the recluses, other Brahmin sect His children the opportunity to ask questions, the Exalted to answer these questions for you, explain very long for me, makes Arrow doubt, hesitation is the Exalted withdraw removed.
- All this God, you know these questions are people asking the monk, brahmin other?
- Buddha, I know these questions are you asked the monk, another Brahmin.
- All this God, he answered with the kind of person, if not what obstacles talk said.
- Buddha, not be a hindrance to you, when Bhagavan listened or even the like Bhagavan.
- All this God, that thou shalt say go.
- Buddha, the monk, brahmin that I think is the forest live in peace, far away, I went to him and asked your question. The one does not answer to you, do not answer the question backward child: "Illustration What name?" Asked so I replied: "Divine Sage, Sakka called Heavenly Home." Then he asked the question again more children: "Do work that Venerable Thien master back to this place?" Son immediately he preached to the Dhamma as you have heard and learned. Just get that much, and you rejoice and say: "We have seen God Sakka owners. The things we asked, he would answer for us." Not only that, they have become my disciple, not the disciple of him. Buddha, but I was a disciple of the Exalted, has seen a Stream, not falling into deprivation, sure to be enlightened.
- All this God, you know before You never had such comfort, there is such bliss?
- Buddha, before I never had such comfort, have been peaceful so.
- Hey God all, like, You know the former never had such comfort, there is such bliss?
- Buddha, ancient, war a battle takes place between Devas and the Asura you. Buddha, in this competitive battle, victorious gods, defeated Asura species. Lord after victory, you are the winner, I thought: "Now the nectar of the gods and nectar of Asura, both nectar, gods will be tasted." Buddha, her comfort, joy sticks rod was due to bring, so the sword brings, does not lead to disenchantment education, cessation, peace, winning position, enlightenment and Nirvana. Buddha, this comfortable, this joy by listening Bhagavan Dharma brought, not by cudgel staff, not by the sword, will lead to disenchantment education, cessation, peace, winning position, enlightenment and Nirvana.
8. - all this God, when thou feeling blissful comfort and so, people feel the benefits?
- Buddha, when the feeling of comfort and joy as such, I feel there are six benefits as follows:
I stand here today,
with a dear God.
I think that is reborn,
Bach him, know that.
Revered sir that's what I felt the first benefits, while the comfortable feeling so blissful.
After you drop dead,
Body Devas, inhuman,
not black comb, baby go,
Until I liked fetus.
Buddha, which is the second benefit, you feel, when you feel relaxed and blissful life as such.
Questions are addressed clearly,
the chief joy in teaching.
I live with political,
provincial and Mindfulness Enlightenment.
Buddha, which is third advantage is the feeling, when you feel relaxed and blissful life as such.
I live with the chief position,
will be fruit Bodhi
make your living enlightenment,
this double life finally.
Buddha, that's what interests Wednesday, I felt, when the feeling of comfort and joy so.
The dead from the body,
I abandon themselves to him,
I shall become gods,
In Heaven supreme.
Buddha, that's what interests Thursday, you feel, when you feel comfortable life, and such joy.
Revenge win over the gods,
Akanittha name,
last living life,
thus abode.
Buddha, that's what interests Friday you feel, when you feel relaxed and blissful life as such.
Thoughts are not satisfied,
Doubt and indecision,
I live bridge Tathagata,
pretty long time!
I think the recluses,
living alone alone,
A Career Enlightenment,
so I find having to think.
How What success?
How fail?
Asked this question?
Can not just direction.
Knowing I was Sakka,
Tier Heavenly host, had to!
They immediately decant asked me,
at this point of what?
The chief instructor immediately Justice,
I let them be heard.
happy, they said:
"Vasava do they see!"
When you see the Buddha,
Doubts are gone.
Now I live fearless,
almost downgraded Enlightenment.
The arrow poisons Ai,
who Enlightenment spit up,
I prostrate Dai Hung,
kinship Tier sun.
venerable as Brahma,
now I pay homage to him,
now the feast of him!
He is the One Enlightenment
supreme masters,
In existence since the gods,
no one compares him!
10. And God all Sakka told Pancasikha, son of Gandhabba:
- Khanh Pancasikha Hey, You have helped us many things. Thanks You do Bhagavan consent, after you doing for consent, have just visited the Exalted, Arahat, Enlightenment. I will play the father to him, and he will be King Gandhabba species. I will give You Bhadda Suriya Vaccasa, whom you desire.
Then God all Sakka, hands touch the ground, read inspirational verse three times as follows:
Exalted Beings bowed,
Tier Luohan, Enlightenment!
prostrate Exalted Beings,
Tier Luohan, Enlightenment!
prostrate Exalted Beings,
Tier Luohan, Enlightenment!
When statements are reciting theory, pure dharma very structure, arises for Heavenly Home Sakka: "All what collective measures being, measures would be annihilation." In addition, eighty-Devas also saw similar results. That is the question, Natural Home Sakka invited Bhagavan asked and answered. Therefore, this dialogue is also called Sakka's Questions (God-like basis problem).END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/9/2015.

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