Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

22. sutta (Mahasatipatthana Sutta)

T O hear that.
1. One time, the Exalted in origin Kuru (long sentence), in Kammassadhamma (Alkaline iron ghost talks) - Kuru municipality of origin. Then Bhagavan called the monks: "brethren." The monks replied Bhagavan, "O Exalted." Bhagavan says as follows:
- Brethren, this is the only way, which leads to pure beings, beyond the sorrow, suffering eradicate advantages, chief of accomplishment, enlightenment Nirvana. It is the four foundations of mindfulness.
Which four? Brethren, here monks live body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life; Life expectancy on the live bar, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life; live bar consciousness and enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life; customary law on the legal life, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life.
(Body shop)
2. brethren, how the monks live contemplating the body in the body?
Brethren, here brethren go to the forest, go to a tree, or go to the empty house, and sit cross-legged, back straight and mindfulness in front. Awareness, he inhalation; awareness, he exhaled. Long inhalation, he enlightened wisdom: 'I breathe in long'; or breathing out long, he enlightened wisdom: "I breathe out long '; or a short inhalation, he enlightened wisdom: "I breathe in short '; or breathing out short, he enlightened wisdom: 'I breathe out short'; Feeling the whole body, I will breathe in, 'the collective; "Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe out," he set; "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in,' the collective;" Tranquillity personally, I would breathe out, "he set.
This, bhikkhus, as workmen turning or rotating game mechanic knowledge the skillful, when turning long, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I looked long"; or when shooting a short, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I went short." Likewise, brethren, brethren long inhalation, enlightened wisdom: "I breathe in long '; Property or tri long exhale, "I breathe out long '; or a short inhalation, enlightened wisdom: "I breathe in short '; or breathing out short, enlightened wisdom: 'I breathe out short'; "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set; "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe out," he set; "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in, 'the episode; "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe out," he set.
Thus, he lived, contemplating the body in the body internally or externally live contemplating the body in; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally; or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he abides mindful that, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to anything in life. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
3. Again, the rate for the glue, brethren away, enlightened wisdom: "I go"; or stand, enlightened wisdom: "I stand"; or sitting, enlightened wisdom: "I sit"; or lying, enlightened wisdom, "I lie." The body is used, how he knows her so dear.
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or he lives contemplating the body in the foreign body; or he lives contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or he lives in the body shop cessation nature; or he lives in the body shop being destroyed nature. "There are bodies here," he mindfulness so with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
4. Again, brethren, brethren, when moving forward, step back, knowing what I was doing. When looking forward, looking back, knowing what I was doing. When bending the stretch knew what he was doing. When wore Sanghati (Sangha Chile), bearing bowls, carrying medical and knew what he was doing. When eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, knew what he was doing. When defecation, urination, knew what he was doing. When walking, standing, sitting, lying, knew what he was doing.
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the living body shop; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he mindfulness so with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
5. Again, brethren, brethren contemplate this body, under the feet upwards, on to the hair bowed, surrounded by skin and full of impurities difference: "In itself, this is Hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, kidneys, bone marrow, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, mucus, water in the joints, urine. "
Brethren, as well as a bag of toys, two head drum filled with granules, such as rice, wheat, chickpeas, large, sesame, rice and milled. A person with eyes, pour the seeds out and observed him: "This is a grain of rice, it is grain, this is the green beans, red beans this is, this is the sesame, rice grain is milled and then." Likewise, brethren, the brethren to observe this body under the feet upwards, on to the hair bowed, surrounded by skin and full of impurities difference: "In this body, this is the hair , hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat sweat, fat, tears, grease skin, saliva, mucus, water in the joints, urine. "
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the living body shop; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he mindfulness so with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so you brethren living body in the body shop.
6. Again, brethren, brethren observe this body on the international position and the arrangement of the world: "In this body with great location, great fishery, wildflowers and great style."
Brethren, as a skillful butcher, or a disciple of the butcher killed a cow, cut divide each body part sitting at the crossroads. Likewise, brethren, the brethren to observe this body on the international position and the arrangement of the world: "In this body has great location, great hydro, modern and stylish modern fire."
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the living body shop; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he abides mindful that, with hope toward right knowledge, mindfulness, and he lives no refuge, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so Billion glue living body in the body shop.
7. Again, brethren, brethren, like to see a corpse thrown away in the cemetery one day, two days, three days, the body was swelling up, dark green back, ragged rot out. Dear brethren shop was as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature."
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the body shop live or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he abides mindful that, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
8. Again, brethren, brethren like to see a corpse thrown away in the cemetery were the crows eat, or eat hawk species, or is the vulture to eat; or dogs eat; or counterfeit species can eat, or eating insects. Dear brethren shop was as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature."
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or living on the cutter bar externally; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he abides mindful that, with hope toward right knowledge, mindfulness, and he lives no refuge, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
9. brethren, again, brethren like to see a corpse thrown away in the cemetery; with the bones still joined together, still sticky flesh and blood, the veins are tied; with the remaining interconnected bones, no meat but also sticky sticky blood, the veins are also tied, with the bones still joined together, no longer sticky flesh and blood, the veins are tied; not only had bone sticking together, scattered here and there, here is the hand bone, foot bone is that, here is the tibia, here is the thigh bone, here is the sacrum, here backbone, here is the first bone, ... brethren was contemplating the body as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his qualities".
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the living body shop; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or he lives in the body shop cessation nature; or he lives in the body shop being destroyed nature. "There are bodies here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment for anything in the world. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
10. Again, brethren, brethren like to see a corpse cast away in a cemetery, only full color white bone shells ... only a pile of bones longer than one year ... just a rotten bone become powder. Dear brethren shop was as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his nature."
Thus he lives contemplating the body in the body internally; or foreign body in the living body shop; or live contemplating the body in the body internally, externally. Or he lives in the body shop nature arise; or live in the body shop cessation nature; or living nature being destroyed in the body shop. "There are bodies here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment for anything in the world. Brethren, so monks living body in the body shop.
(Quan Life)
11. This, brethren, how monks lived on the life expectancy shop?
Brethren, here brethren when feeling pleasant feeling, to know that "I feel optimistic life"; While unpleasant feeling, knowing that "I feel unpleasant"; while feeling no pain no pleasures, said that "I feel no pain no pleasures." Or the feeling of physical pleasures know that "I feel pleasures of material". Or the feeling of not belonging to material pleasures, said that "I feel not in material pleasures." Or when the unpleasant sensation of material, said: "I feel unpleasant under the matter." Or if not unpleasant sense of material, said: "I feel unpleasant material does not belong." Or when feeling any pain regardless of physical pleasures, said that "I feel any pain regardless of material pleasures." Or when feeling any pain any material pleasures do not belong, said that "I feel any pain any material pleasures do not belong."
Thus he lived on the internal life expectancy shop; or living on the foreign life expectancy shop; or living on the internal consistency life expectancy, foreign feeling. Or live on the consistent nature arise expectancy; or live on the consistent nature of cessation expectancy; or live on the consistent nature being destroyed life. "There is life here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment for anything in the world. Brethren, so monks lived on the life expectancy shop.
12. This, brethren, how monks lived in the heart of center shop?
Brethren, here you brethren: "The mind is engaged, know that the mind is engaged"; or "The mind is not involved, know that the mind is not involved"; or "With golf center, said that the center has the field"; or "The courts do not mind, knowing that no golf center"; or "With si mind, knowing that the mind has delusion"; or "With no center si, si not know that heart"; or "To gather photographic mind, knowing that interest is recorded photography"; or "With a scattered mind, know that the mind is wandering"; or "With a generous heart, know that the heart is generous"; or "With no generous heart, know that the heart is not generous"; or "With finite mind, knowing that the finite mind"; or "With supreme mind, knowing that supreme mind"; or "With the mind, the mind has to know that"; or "With the mind not knowing that is not the center"; or "With freedom of mind, knowing that the mind has freed"; or "With no rescue center, said that the center is not liberation".
Thus he lived on the inner center bar; or living on the eccentric center bar; or care in the inner life, eccentric. Or live nature arising out of center bar; or cessation live nature shop on the mind; or living nature being destroyed on center bar. "There is interest here", he lived such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so you brethren living care in mind.
(Quan Justice)
13. This, brethren, how are you, brethren living on the French legal shop?
Brethren, here monks live on the French legal bar against five hindrances. And, brethren, how are you, brethren living on the French legal bar for five hindrances?
Brethren, here, brethren, have inner desires, knowledge the "Inner I desire"; or introspective no desire, enlightened wisdom that "Inner I have no desire". And with this craving arises unborn, so he enlightened wisdom. And with this desire was born to be eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom. And with lust has been eradicated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Or have inner anger, enlightened wisdom that "Inner I have anger"; or introspective no anger, enlightened wisdom that "Inner I have no hatred." And with this being not anger arise, so he enlightened wisdom. And the anger has now been eradicated birth, so he enlightened wisdom. And the anger has been eradicated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Or have more deep inner sloth, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I have more deep Inner torpor"; or no more deep inner sloth, enlightened wisdom, saying, "My Inner no more deep torpor." And with more deep torpor unborn arise today, so he enlightened wisdom. And with more deep torpor was born today are eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom. And with more deep torpor has been eradicated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Or have Trao foreign introspective, enlightened wisdom, saying "I have Trao Inner currencies"; or introspective no foreign Trao, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I do not have Trao Inner currencies". And with foreign Trao unborn arise today, so he enlightened wisdom. And with this being Trao exchange has been eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom. And with foreign Trao was eradicated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Or interior of any doubt, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I have suspected Inner"; or introspective no doubt, enlightened wisdom that "Inner I have no suspicion." And with this being comfortable yet arise, so he enlightened wisdom. And the suspicion of being, this is eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom, and with facilities were annihilated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Thus he lived bar on the internal legal measures; or living on the foreign law legal consistency; or living on the internal consistency measures legal, other measures. Or shop live on the legal nature arise; or live on the consistent nature of cessation methods; or live shop on the legal nature being destroyed. "There are legal here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living customary law on the law, for the five hindrances.
14. Again, brethren, brethren living on the French legal bar for five aggregates. Brethren, how are brethren living on the French legal bar against five aggregates?
Brethren, brethren thought: "This is excellent, this is the color of life, this is the color kill. This is life, life is born, this is anti-life. This is great, this is great being, this is Removal great. This is the issue, this is the birth, this is the kill. This is knowledge, this is the mode of delivery, this is the formula Removal ". Thus he lived bar on the internal legal measures; or living on the foreign law legal consistency; or living on the internal consistency measures legal, other Justice; or live shop on the legal nature arise; or live on the consistent nature of cessation methods; or live shop on the legal nature being destroyed. "There are legal here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment for anything in the world. Brethren, so brethren living on the French legal bar for five aggregates.
15. Again, brethren, brethren living on the French legal bar against six Cabinet Secretary origin.
Brethren, how are brethren living on the French legal bar against six Cabinet Secretary Origin?
Brethren, here brethren knowledge the eye and knowledge the forms, conditioned by two methods, the fetters arise, so he enlightened wisdom; and with this being not fetter arises, so he enlightened wisdom; and the fetters were born today are eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom; and the fetters were annihilated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom ... and knowledge the ear and the voice ... the enlightened wisdom and knowledge the knowledge the nose and aromas ... and enlightened wisdom and enlightened wisdom of your tongue ... and knowledge the knowledge the body and the contact ... and the knowledge the mind and the truth of Dharma; It conditioned by two, fetter arises, so he enlightened wisdom; and with this being not fetter arises, so he enlightened wisdom; and the fetters were born today are eradicated, so he enlightened wisdom; and the fetters were annihilated, the future does not arise any more, so he enlightened wisdom.
Thus he lived bar on the internal legal measures; or living on the foreign law legal consistency; or live on both the domestic law consistent approach, foreign law; or live shop on the legal nature arise; or live on the consistent nature of cessation methods; or live shop on the legal nature being destroyed. "There are legal here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks living customary law on the law, against six Cabinet Secretary origin.
16. Again, brethren, brethren living on the French legal bar against Seven Enlightenment GMT.
Brethren, how that monks live on the consistent approach toward legal expenses Seven Enlightenment? Brethren, here, brethren, have Mindfulness Enlightenment inner chi, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I have Mindfulness Enlightenment Inner chi", or inner chi no mindfulness enlightenment, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I do not have Inner Enlightenment notion expenditure "; and with this being no mindfulness enlightenment expenses arise, so he enlightened wisdom, and with mindfulness enlightenment chi was born, this is the park to practice, so he enlightened wisdom.
Or inner enlightenment measures have Trach chi ...
Or have Diligent Sense inner chi ...
Or have Hy Sense inner chi ...
Or Sense of calm interior with chi ...
Or inner fixed Giac chi ...
Or have Equanimity Enlightenment inner chi; enlightened wisdom, saying, "I have Equanimity Enlightenment Inner expenditure"; or no Drain Sense inner chi, enlightened wisdom, saying, "I have no Drain Inner Sense chi." And with this being yet Drain Sense expenses arise, so he enlightened wisdom; and the Drain Sense chi practiced this bore-members, so he enlightened wisdom.
Thus he lived bar on the internal legal measures; or living on the foreign law legal consistency; or living on the internal consistency measures legal, other measures. Or shop live on the legal nature arise; or live on the consistent nature of cessation methods; or live shop on the legal nature being destroyed. "There are legal here"; he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks live on the consistent approach toward legal expenses Seven Enlightenment.
17. Again, brethren, he lived on the customary law approach to Four True.
Brethren, how that monks live on the consistent approach to legal Four Truth? Brethren, here brethren truly enlightened wisdom as: 'This is suffering'; enlightened wisdom as truth: "This is the file format"; enlightened wisdom as truth: "This is a hard kill"; enlightened wisdom as truth: "This is the way to kill pain."
18. And, brethren, how noble truth of suffering? Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow, lamentation. pain, grief, brain is suffering, suffering need not be a recap of the five aggregates is suffering.
How brethren are born? Each class beings each gender in each category, the manufacture, export and delivery, export to, their rebirth, the presence of aggregates, the planned acquisition of the unit. Brethren, so called birth.
Brethren, how that old? Each each class of beings, each limited to, the old aged, destruction, loss of teeth state, the status of silver hair, wrinkled skin, their lifespan, the ruined house. This, brethren, is so old.
Brethren, how is dead? Each each class of beings in each gender category, passing, the death, the body damage, destruction, death, death, time has come, the aggregates are eradicated, the discarded corpses. Brethren, so-called dead.
Brethren, how is called grief? Brethren, with those who encounter this crash or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the sorrow, the sorrow worry, melancholy, internal grief, every suffering person's grief. Brethren, so-called grief.
Brethren, how is compassion? Brethren, with those who encounter this crash or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the tragic, the tragic, wailing, weeping, the carbon balls, the balls of his system. Brethren, so called bi.
Brethren, how is suffering? Brethren, the suffering of the body, the body is not refreshed, the suffering caused by the body sensations, is not by itself a refreshing sensation. Brethren, so called suffering.
Brethren, how that superiority? Brethren, the suffering of the mind, is not refreshing the mind, suffering from heart sensations, not refreshed the mind-feeling. Brethren, so called pros.
Brethren, how that brain? Brethren, with those who had an accident or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the shirt brain, the brain compassion, frustration, despair of him. Brethren, so-called brain.
Brethren, how was the sudden pain? Brethren, sentient beings are dominant, start expecting: "We hope that we from being dominant, hope that we do not have to go reincarnate". Word does not wish achievement. So-called sudden demand suffering! Brethren, being old was dominant ... being sick dominant ... beings die .. beings are governed sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain dominant, start expecting "Hopefully we from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain dominant! We hope that parties take us from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress". Word does not seek achievement. Such was the sudden pain.
Brethren, how is short, the five aggregates is suffering? As Sac aggregates, aggregates Life, Thought aggregates, aggregates Action, Soul aggregates. Brethren, so short five aggregates is suffering.
19. This, brethren, how is the Noble Truth Suffering? The craving to existence, the joy and friendship with desire, seek joy here and there. Like charity, bhava, bhava wealth.
Brethren, when the craving arises where they arise, as they dwell reside where? In life, what color cordial, what color to yours? In life cordial eye sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there. In life, in death ears ... nose ... tongue ... in life in life in life itself ... the cordial sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life and the best known in the world of fragrance ... ... in your life ... in life and emotions ... in life the cordial approach sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life consciousness consciousness ... in life ... in life loss ratio formula formula ... in life ... in life consciousness sharpens consciousness cordial, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life label atrial contact contact ... in life ... in life exposure billion loss of body contact in contact ... in life ... in life the cordial contact sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life expectancy departments being in contact labels ... in life expectancy atrial departments being exposed ... in life expectancy rate departments being exposed ... in real life contact ... in life expectancy Base bar contact relatives living facility life ... in life expectancy is the excellent contact base being cordial, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life bar colors great idea ... in life ... a great taste of life in the great idea ... in life ... in life exposure is excellent legal cordial thoughts, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life color bar investment in life private ... private ... taste of life in the emotional investment ... in private life ... in life is excellent cordial private law, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life loving color bar incense loving kindness ... in life ... life in the loving kindness ... in life ... in life exposure is excellent cordial charity law, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell here.
In life ... in life color range bar incense range ... in life ... in life you reach level ... in life ... in life contact legal views are excellent views cordial, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there.
In life ... in life color quad quad bar ... in Redirected from ... life in the quarterfinals ... in life ... in life contact legal quad quad cordially sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving arises when they arise there, when they dwell dwell there. Brethren, so called Suffering Holy Roman Emperor.
20. brethren, and how is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering? The cessation is no longer nostalgic craving it, detachment, the exhaust, the liberation, the immaculate (craving that).
Brethren, the craving when the detachment detachment where, when eradication is eradicated where? In life what the body color, the color what love, greed when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life what color cordial, nothing endearing identity? In life cordial eye sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there. In life, in death ears ... nose ... tongue ... in life in life in life itself ... the cordial sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life and the best-known ... in life ... in life scents of the contact position .. in life ... in life the cordial approach sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life consciousness consciousness ... in life ... in life loss ratio formula formula ... in life cordial sense sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life label atrial contact contact ... in life ... in life exposure billion loss of body contact in contact ... in life ... in life the cordial contact sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life expectancy departments being in contact labels ... in life expectancy atrial departments being exposed ... in life expectancy rate departments being exposed ... in real life contact ... in life expectancy born basis of body contact in departments being life .. Life expectancy is the excellent contact base being cordial, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life bar colors great idea ... in life ... a great taste of life in the great idea ... in life ... in life exposure is excellent legal cordial thoughts, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life color bar investment in life private ... private ... taste of life in the emotional investment ... in private life ... in life is excellent cordial private law, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life loving color bar incense loving kindness ... in life ... life in the loving kindness ... in life ... in life exposure is excellent cordial charity law, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life color range bar incense range ... in life ... in life you reach level ... in life ... in life contact legal views are excellent views cordial, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
In life ... in life color quad quad bar ... in Redirected from ... life in the quarterfinals ... in life ... in life contact legal quad quad cordially sharpens, sharpens endearing. This craving when the detachment detachment there, when eradication is eradicated there.
Brethren, so called anti Noble Truth of Suffering.
21. This, brethren, how is the Noble Truth of Suffering destroy religion. It is the bowl GMT Noble, chief knowledge ie, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
Brethren, how is the Chief Knowledge? Brethren, knowledge of suffering, knowledge of Suffering, the Cessation of Suffering knowledge, direct knowledge of the Cessation of Suffering. Brethren, so called chief knowledge.
Brethren, how is Right Thought? Thinking about sex cup, thinking about the very field, thinking about any harmful. This, bhikkhus, so-called Right Thought.
How brethren is Right Speech? Resist not lie, do not say two-edged restraint, refrain from harsh, refrained say frivolous. Brethren, so-called Right Speech.
Brethren, how is Right Action? Refrained from killing, refrained from stealing, no adultery homemade. Brethren, so-called Right Action.
Brethren, how is Right Livelihood? Brethren, here saint disciples abandon wrong livelihood, right effort to live by. Brethren, so-called Right Livelihood.
Brethren, and how is Right Effort? Brethren, here, brethren, for the evil, unwholesome unborn law, arise desire not to arise; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For evil, immoral law was born, arise desire to eradicate, this position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For good behavior unborn, unwanted start-up makes arise; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For good behavior he is born, start-up desire makes reside, not for corruption, making the growth, development, fulfillment. This Area endeavor, effort, determination, steadfastness. Brethren, so-called Right Effort.
Brethren, how is mindfulness? Brethren, here monks live body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life; on sensations ... on the legal interest on the legal ... shop, ardent awareness, mindfulness to overcome covetousness in life. Brethren, so called Mindfulness.
Brethren, how is Right? Brethren, here brethren fitness glass, glass evil evil law, evidence and first permanent meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views, with the quarterfinals. His brethren away games, kill Quartet, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. His brethren wedding cup discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, Zen residence certificate Tuesday. His brethren optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill incentives sensations rapture before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Brethren, so-called Right Concentration.
Brethren, so-called Holy Roman Emperor directed the Cessation of Suffering.
Thus he lived bar on the internal legal measures; or living on the foreign law legal consistency; or living on the internal consistency measures legal, other measures. Or shop live on the legal nature arise; or live on the consistent nature of cessation methods; or live shop on the legal nature being destroyed. "There are legal here," he lives such mindfulness, with hope toward right knowledge, awareness. And he lives not to rely on, no attachment to something in life. Brethren, so monks live on the consistent approach to these four measures.
22. brethren, you do it four foundations of mindfulness practice so in seven years, he could see one of the following two results: One is the chief witness in the current position immediately; if there is residual organic two medical certificates Any complete results. Brethren, do not need anything to seven years, a certain practice the four foundations of mindfulness so in six years ... five years ... four years ... three years ... in two years ... in a year, he could see one of the following two results: One is the chief witness in the position right now; if there is residual organic two medical certificates Any complete results. Brethren, do not need anything to one year, a certain four foundations of mindfulness practice in seven months, he was able to witness one of the following two results: One is the chief witness in the position right now, or if there y organic residues, it attained Any refund. Monks Hey, do not need seven months, a public four foundations of mindfulness practice in six months ... five months ... four months ... in three months ... in two months .. . in a month ... half a month ... he could see one of the following two results: One is the chief witness in the position right now, two if there is residual organic medicine, it attained Any refund. Monks Hey, do not need a half months, a public four foundations of mindfulness practice in seven days, he could see one of the following two results: One is the chief witness in the position right now, two if Organic residues remaining y, then attained Any refund.
Brethren, this is the only path leading to pure beings, beyond the sorrow, suffering eradicate advantages, chief of accomplishment, enlightenment Nirvana. It is the four foundations of mindfulness.

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