Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

23. Economic-sufficiency (Payasi Sutta).

1. N nowhere I have heard that.
One time Kumara Kassapa false religions (sheep-ma-la Ca-lettuce) was traveling in Kosala (Question-slap-la) together with mass about five hundred brethren, go to a city of Kosala named Setavya (Wed.-three-ê). Then Venerable Kassapa Kumara north of the residence, in the woods Simsapa (Thi-amnesty-grandmother). At that time, King Payasi (worst-sufficiency) residing in Setavya, a populous place, trees, pond water, fertile rice, a local kingdom by King Pasenadi (Persian-anonymous) Kosala Range , a gift of the king, a hamlet net.
2. At that time, King Payasi arises evil, evil is as follows: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution". The leveling-subject and Ms. Homeowners in Setavya to hear: "He let Kumara Kassapa, disciple recluses Gotama was traveling in Kosala with mass about five hundred brethren, came Setavya, residing north This success, in Simsapa forest. The word good following on Kumara Kassapa false religion started up: "Illustration is a broad educational levels, high finance, treatment, multicultural, words through the mind, skilful eloquence, Career elders and Arahat so. "Then the position she -la-half and Homeowners in Setavya, each group, each of them, in groups, northbound, until at Simsapa forest.
3. At the time, King Payasi go upstairs terrace for lunch. Mrs. King Payasi see the leveling-subject and Homeowners in Setavya go out into Setavya, each group, each of them, each group go to the north, to the forest at Simsapa. Seeing the king to call the agency and ask households:
- Hey Khanh, why the Brahmin and Homeowners in Setavya go out into Setavya, each group, each of them, in groups, to head north, to the forest in such Simsapa?
- Yes recluses Kumara Kassapa, disciple recluses Gotama was traveling in Kosala with mass about five hundred brethren, came Setavya, north of the residence, in the woods Simsapa. Nice following rumors about Kumara Kassapa false religion started up: "Illustration is a broad educational levels, high finance, treatment, multicultural, words through the mind, skilful, eloquence," and he went to the listing Kumara Kassapa is false religions.
- Hey Khanh, please go to the Brahmin and his Homeowners and told them as follows: "The king said the sage Payasi wait. King Payasi also visited the recluses Kumara Kassapa." Kumara Kassapa recluses may sensitize the leveling-subject and Ms. Homeowners in Setavya foolish and poor ability in view: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution." This Khanh, the truth is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution.
- Fiat, Mr. Ton owner!
Area household to obey the king Payasi, go to the leveling-subject and Ms. Homeowners in Setavya and said:
- Sage wait Chu king would come an audience Payasi Kumara Kassapa recluses.
4. Then Mrs. King Payasi the leveling-subject and Homeowners in Setavya escort went to Simsapa shelter forest of false religions Kumara Kassapa. After arrival, the king say cordial, welcoming, blessing and sat down on one side. The leveling-subject and Ms. Homeowners in Setavya, some false religions Kumara Kassapa bowed and sat down on one side. Some people say cordial, welcoming false religions Kumara Kassapa praise and sat down on one side. Some people accept the hand bowed in salute Kumara Kassapa false religions and sat down on one side. Someone claiming their name and sat down on one side. Some sat quietly aside.
5. After sitting down on one side, the king said to the Venerable Payasi Kumara Kassapa:
- Venerable Kassapa, I have doctrines and views as follows: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, I do not see, do not hear such views, such knowledge. Sao Chun master said: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"? Dear Sun all, I will ask a few questions Ton owners. Ton Home go depending on that answer. Sun all think? The sun and the moon, they belong to this world or another world? They belong The Devas or species?
- Venerable Kassapa, the sun and the moon of another world, not of this world, they belong to the gods, with non-human.
- Hey Sun server, the event is such, must accept that: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
6. - Oil Venerable Kassapa have said so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Ton owners, nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no species of sentient, evil acts without retribution" ?.
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, I have the sidekick, the same blood kinship. These people are killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, anger and wrong views. These people, after a significant period of being sick, suffering, suffering from disabilities. When I know what he can not he get rid of the disease, I went to them and said: "Some recluses, Mrs. -la-keeper has the following opinion, with the following knowledge:" Who killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying, say two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, hatred, and evil is, these people after relatives were born in septic joint network gauge, Beast deprivation, in hell. "Now the sage killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct lie, said two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, anger and TA. If your words recluses She was accurate leveling-subject, time of sage after birth itself will damage the public network to gauge, Beast deprivation, in hell ... If the Sage General network damage after the body must be born into the world of suffering, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell, when you come to us and tell us: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution ". The sage is the sincere friendship of our charity, what Sage see, time will be the same, as I can see." The content of this position to do so and said, "instead!" But no one came to tell me, nor to send messengers. This venerable Kassapa, the event is such that I have knowledge: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution".
7. - Hey Sun server, Sun all this I would ask, if acceptable, Chun master answer. Sun all think? In life, there are people who caught a man stealing a foul and gives him: "Dear Sun all, here was the theft crime. Let the punishment as he wanted him." Chun master answer him: "Let this man tied up tightly, tightly wired his hands tied behind him, shaved him, loud drumming and led him away from the alley way and that, done taken out of the south gate of which beheaded at the southbound approach. " Those who obey him, bound him tightly theft, cords tightly tied his hands behind his head shaved, for loud drumming and led him away from the alley the other way, then put him out of the gate in the south and the south approach, make him sit down. Now he can steal people ask who brought his guillotine: "Ladies and gentlemen, you have allowed me to go visit relatives in this village, or this community." Or the person who stole the first tight right so pray?
- Venerable Kassapa, who did not steal those who bring their cutting permit: "Ladies and gentlemen, you have allowed me to go visit relatives in this village, or this community." The first person who secures even steal such pleading.
- This venerable, who stole the species Man, unauthorized person himself was beheaded species him: "Ladies and gentlemen allow me to go visit relatives in this village, and in this community," the do so those of his relatives, were killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say vanity, greed, hatred, and evil is, after General network itself was born in a corrupt world of suffering, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell to get the hell guarding allows: "Ladies and gentlemen guarding hell you please allow me to tell the king Payasi: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
8. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, I have relatives preserve not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, greed, no anger and no wrong. These people, after a significant period of being sick, suffering, suffering from disabilities. When I know what he can not he get rid of the disease, I went to them and said: "Some recluses, Mrs. -la-half with the views, the knowledge as follows:" Those who keep not killing, not taking what is not given, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, no greed, no anger and no wrong, the damage that the body corporate networks , will be born in good fun, Heaven. "Chu Sage preserve not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous , no greed, no anger and no wrong. If the words of the recluses, Mrs. accurate leveling-disciplines, the body of the sage after being damaged joint network in good fun, Empyrean. If the sage, common network damage after the body was born in good fun, Heaven, the time you come to us and tell us: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution." The Sage is my sincere good is what Sage see time would be so, as I can see. " The content of this position to do so and said, "instead! But no one came to tell me, nor to send envoys to. Venerable Kassapa, the event is so, so I have knowledge: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution".
9. - Hey Sun all, I will give an example Chun master. In life, some people have that position through such understanding that speech. Hey Sun server, such as the first person fell into the pit falls stool. He told the others: "Let's pull this man out of cellar stool!" But he obeyed and said, "instead!" and pull the other out his basement division. He told him: "Take bamboo stool pushed out of the body of man!" These people are obedient and said, "instead!" brushed bamboo stool and took the body away from the other person. Then he told him: "Give yourself three times rubbing each other with yellow pollen." And who was to massage each other three times body massage with yellow chalk. Then he said to him: "Take lotions and bath for the other three times and use it to dab cunna powder!" And he took lotions and bath for the other three times and use it to dab cunna powder. Then he said to him: "Prepare the hair to the other!" And he prepared for the other hair. Then he said to him: "Take wreath precious ointment and precious fabrics adorn the other!" And who does makeup wreath precious ointment and precious fabrics for the other. Then he said to him: "Give the other person to the castle and enjoy the pleasures of food!" And he put the other person to the castle and enjoy the pleasures of food. Sun all think? The other so clever bathroom, well oiled, well prepared hair, cleverly decorated with garlands and white fabric, was taken to the castle and enjoy the pleasures of food so, try asking the other person take the first stab in his basement division again?
- No, Venerable Kassapa!
- Why not?
- Venerable Kassapa, stew stool is impure and is considered impure, and is considered inert valve inert valve, disgust and are considered disgusting, stained coveralls and overalls stained considered.
- Hey Sun server, the smell of the species who make hideous gods far to one hundred by week. How can those of his cronies, preserving not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, does not participate Education, not anger and not wrong, after relatives septic joint network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, who was able to master information for Religion: "Yes progeny, have the kind of birth, issue of good and evil with retribution. " Hey Sun host, such events should be: "Is there life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
10 - Oil venerable Kasspa have said so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution".
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, I have relatives who keep not kill, do not take what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, no greed, no anger and no wrong. These people after a period of being seriously ill, suffering, suffering from disabilities. When I know what he can not he get rid of the disease, I went to them and said: "Some recluses, Mrs. -la-keeper has the following opinion, with the following knowledge:" Who preserving not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, no greed, no anger and no wrong. Those common network that will damage the body being in good fun, Heaven. "Chu Sage preserve not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two tongue, not say toxic evil, not to say frivolous, not greed, not hatred and wrong. If the words of the monk, Ba leveling-discipline exactly when the sage, common network damage after the body was born in animal charity, Heaven, you go to our time and tell us: "There is life after, with the kind of birth, acts of retribution and evil there." The sage is good is my sincere, what Sage see will be so, as I can see. " The content of this position to do so and said, "instead!" But no one came to tell me, nor to send envoys to. Venerable Kassapa this event is so, so I have knowledge: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
11. - Hey Sun all, I will ask him. If he could see was his reply. Hey Sun host, a hundred years old man with a day and a night in the Three gods celestial triangle cross. Thirty nights such as a month, twelve months a year so, a thousand years in Heaven so that the life of the gods in heaven Three decades triangle. The relatives of all such Ton preserve not killing, not taking what is not given, do not commit adultery, do not lie, do not say two blades, not to say cruel, not to say frivolous, not greed , no anger and no wrong. The body position after general networks will arise septic animal friendly, and do good will be rewarded Heaven with the gods in heaven Three decades triangle. If these people think: "Let's enjoy life pleasures one dish for two or three days and nights in Heaven, then will come Ton Home Payasi and said:" Is there life after, have the kind of birth, issue of good and evil with retribution. "And he had to him and said:" Is there life after that kind of birth, acts of retribution and evil have "no?
- No, Venerable Kassapa! Venerable Kassapa, because we will die a long time ago. But the Venerable Kassapa who said: "There are gods in heaven Three decades triangle, or three gods in heaven longevity Three decades is the same." We did not believe him when he says: "There are gods in heaven Three decades triangle! Or gods in celestial triangle Three decades, life expectancy is so!"
- Hey Sun server, as some people are born blind, can not see the black or white, can not see the green, or yellow color, the color red, or tawny, invisible or subtle shades coarse, can not see the stars or the moon. He said: "There is no black or white shades, no black or white that, no green, no blue see; no color yellow, no yellow color seen; no red, no people see the color red; no tawny, no see the tawny, not the subtle colors, coarse, no see the subtle colors, coarse, no stars, no see the stars, no moon, the sun, no moon saw the sun. I do not know what this is, I do not see this animal, this animal should not have. Hey Chun master, say so logically must say no?
- No, Venerable Kassapa. Black or white There, some people see the black or white; There are blue, some people see the green color; with the yellow color, some people see the color yellow; There are red, some people see the color red; with tawny, some people see the tawny; There are subtle or coarse material, some people see the subtle or coarse material; with the stars, some people see the stars; moon, sun, some people see the moon, the sun. "I do not know what this is, I do not see this object, so this object does not have." Venerable Kassapa, who say so are told not reasonable!
- Also the Sun home, he said just congenitally blind people when he told me: "Who told Venerable Kassapa said:" There are gods in heaven Three decades triangle, "or" gods at Tam Tam Cross life is so natural! "We do not believe Venerable Kassapa, the Venerable said:" There are gods in heaven Three decades triangle, "or" The gods in heaven longevity Three decades triangle is the same. "
Hey Sun server, the next life as he thinks can not see with the eyes of flesh. Hey Sun server, there are recluses, Mrs. -la-half, living the secluded spot in the woods, less noise, less noise. In those places, they have to live without distractions, zealous, ardent, making pure divine eye. Then with pure divine eye away win The species, they have seen this life, afterlife, and see the kind of birth. Hey Sun server, the next life must be seen as such. Not like he thought the eye meat. Hey Sun server, the event is so, so I have knowledge: "There is life after, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
12. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, here I see there are recluses, Mrs. leveling Amon morality, wholesomeness, wish to live, afraid to die, ham delicately, afraid to suffer. Venerable Kassapa, and then I thought: "If these recluses, Mrs. -la-discipline morality, wholesomeness have known:" After we die, our life will be better. "And the recluses, Mrs. -la-half precept, there was wholesomeness, or take poison, or taken for stabbing, or killing themselves by hanging, or plunge themselves deep holes. For these recluses, Ms - la-wholesomeness precepts have not known him: "After we die, our life will be better." Therefore, the recluses, Mrs. -la-half precept, there was ham wholesomeness live, afraid to die, ham delicately, afraid to suffer. Venerable Kassapa, the event is so, should I accept: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
13. - Hey Sun all, I will give an example Chun master. In life, some people have that position through such understanding that speech. Hey Sun server, there was a leveling-keeper She has two wives. From a wife, he had a son, twelve years old; also other pregnant wife, is about to give birth period. Then Grandmother -la-disciplines common destiny. The boy told the other sub-Lady: "Hey Little sample, what assets philistine, or rice, or silver, or gold, all of which are mine. Primary sample did not have anything. Sub form please communicate tell me my father's fortune. " When they heard that, she -la-subject other women told her son: "Elementary particles wait're born. If my son's birth, an inheritance belongs. If born daughter, the time it would have served you. "
The second time, his son told his wife the other State "Hey Little sample, what assets philistine, or rice, or silver, or gold, all of which are mine. Primary sample did not have anything. Primary sample Give me my father's fortune. " The second time, she -la-subject other women told her son: "Elementary particles wait're born. If my son's birth, part of the inheritance of them. If I born daughters, the time it will almost lowering child. "
The third time, her son told his wife the other State "Hey Little sample, what assets philistine, or rice, or silver, or gold, all of which are mine. Primary sample no nothing. Elementary Give me a sample of my father's fortune. " Then the Brahman woman was taking a knife, at abdominal incision inside the room and out. "I want to know that your son or daughter." Thus the woman of his life harm, damage and harm pregnancy always his property always went looking for the heir of a stupid and ignorant, should encounter danger and accidents. Also, because of stupidity and ignorance, stupidity and he encountered when his accident to find life after a no-mind, just the other women she -la-subject, because stupidity and ignorance, went looking for redundancy place themselves needlessly. Hey Sun server, the monk, Ba leveling Amon morality, have no mandatory wholesomeness something unripe to ripe. As with location, and he waited until ripe. Hey Sun server, the monk, Ba leveling Amon precepts have good qualities necessary to life. Hey Sun server, if the recluses, Mrs. -la-half precepts, have lived in the goodness of this life how much, and he makes this much more merit, because happiness for all beings, peacefulness beings, out of compassion for life, for happiness, for the happiness of gods and men. Hey Sun host, such events should be: "Is there life after, with the species of sentient, evil behavior with retribution."
14. - Oil Venerable Kassapa have said so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no species of sentient, evil acts without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa Hey, here there are people caught stealing a sin and giving me and said: "Sun all, here was the theft offenders. Take him as his punishment like." I told them: "The sage, skip this person live in a chum, chum muzzled again, how to use a wet leather, wet clay to plaster over his mouth graffitied chum chum reminded that on the oven and stand fire burning. The person said, "Please listen!", then they put him in the live chum chum muzzled again, how to use a wet leather, wet clay plaster on the mouth jars graffitied back again, remind her chum over stove and set it on fire. When we knew he was dead, he immediately prompted chum down, take off the leash, open mouth jars out hastily look closely: "We look forward to seeing spirits (dead) come out ". But we do not see the soul go out. venerable Kassap, facts are like this, I believe." There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution " .
15. - Hey Sun all, I would ask him, if he can see, he just answered. Hey Ton master, when he noon, he had accepted him with joy tenon saw scenes in the garden, in the forest, in the plains, in lakes not?
- Venerable Kassapa, I confirm to go take a nap, I have seen the joy romantic scene in the garden, in the forest, in the plains, in lakes.
- Meanwhile, there have been some people he served one party, those hunchbacked, stocky, woman and daughter?
- Yes, Venerable Kassapa, in the meanwhile, I get some menial one side, the hunchbacked, stocky, woman and girl.
- And they see his soul go out or go into it?
- Venerable Kassapa, sir, no.
- Hey Ton owners, they do not see the soul of the Sun all go out or come in, of how he could see a dead soul enters or comes out to be? Hey Sun server, the event is such that I accept, "There progeny, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
16. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, in life, there are people who caught a man stealing sin and gives me: "Dear Sun all, here was the theft crime. Let the punishment as he wanted him." I told them: "The secretary let him go live weighed, and then took chord strangle him dead, then weighed again." These people are obedient to me and said, "Please listen!", Then they weighed live people steal things, he strangled his bowstring to death finished reweighed. When he lived, he light, soft, highly skilful. When he died, he heavier, stiffer and not skilful. Venerable Kassapa, the event is so, should I accept: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
17. - Hey Sun all, I will give him an example. Through examples, some wise people understand the meaning words. Hey Sun server, such as balanced a heated iron ball full day, red fire, hung fire, red, and one other time also weighed iron ball but this was cold. When the iron ball was lighter, softer, or more skilful? When the iron ball was burning red, hung fire, crimson or when cold?
- Venerable Kassapa, when the iron ball was blazed, kindles fire, glowing, then iron ball is lighter, softer and more skilful. When red iron ball did not fire, not hung fire, cold and then, while heavier iron ball, stiffer and not skilful.
- Hey Sun server, when this relative longevity, weight, there is consciousness, it is lighter, softer and more skilful. When these bodies have no life, no heat and no knowledge of it heavier, stiffer and not skilful. Hey Sun server, the event is so, so I accepted, "Yes progeny, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
18. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, there are people who caught a man stealing sin and gives me: "Dear Sun all, here was the theft crime. Let the punishment as he wanted him." I told them as follows: "The Secretary, be killing it by peeling of skin, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, bone marrow and of him." These people are obedient to me and said, "Please listen, Chun master!" Then they came to kill him by peeling of skin, skin, flesh, tendons, bones, and bones. When he died a half, I told them: "Let this man supine overturned, and see his soul has not come out?" They overturned this person supine, and we did not see him come out soul. I told them: "Let's flip this person is bent towards one side ... ... lying on the other side ... put them upright ... put him stand upside down ... hit people her arm ... hit him with clods ... hit him with a stick ... hit him with the sword ... hit him on this side ... hit him on the other side ... reviews he same throughout all and see his soul has not come out? "They give him this side, the other side hit him, hit him and throughout all and we do not see his soul go out. He has the eyes and the face material, but the apartment was not feeling. He has the ear and the sound is present, but the apartment was not feeling. He has a nose and aromas present, but no sensations are based. He's got your tongue and the present, but the apartment was not feeling. He has touched the body and the present, but the apartment was not feeling. Venerable Kassapa, the event is so, should I accept: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution".
19. - Hey Sun all, I will give him an example. Through examples, some wise people understand the meaning of words. Hey Sun server, Oldtimer has a blow horns and imprisoned and by shells and go to the border. He went to a village, after to finish, standing between village, blowing tube and three times in prison, jail tube and the ground and sat on one side. Hey Ton owners, the people at the border was thinking: "He was the voice of one German but so endearing, so beautiful, so spellbinding, so attractive, so the vibe." They gather around and ask people to blow prison and "Hey you, whose language was English but so endearing, so beautiful, so spellbinding, so attractive, so the vibe?" "- Hey guys, here's horn, and the voice of the prison and was so endearing, so beautiful, so spellbinding, so attractive, so the vibe." Then they placed the prisoners and on their backs and say: "Let's say go, you jail! Speak, and convicts!" But the horn did not speak at all. They put his horn is bent, lying on this side, on the other side ... put upright ... placed upside down ... hit ... get local hands that hit ... a stick hit ... hit ... hit sword this side ... hit ... hit the other side over all and say: "Hey you in prison and, say, go! Hey you in prison and, say go ! " But the horn did not say anything. Religion is all, then who blew jail and thought as follows: "It is foolish, the people in this border! Why go looking for horn and unconsciously so!" While they are looking for so, who blew jail and took the prison and up, blown up three times and then took the prisoners and leave. Hey Ton owners who border the following thoughts: "Hey guys, this horn, when a resident subsidiary, with the efforts auxiliary and ancillary winds, the horn emits hours. When this horn has no auxiliary, without the effort auxiliary and ancillary no wind, the horn is not sounding. " Also, the Sun all! When this body life support, with auxiliary heating and auxiliary mode, the body goes to, go back, standing up, sitting down, lying down, the eye sees color, ears hear, nose smells incense, tongue tasting, emotional body, the said measures. But when the body can not support life, no auxiliary heat, and no auxiliary mode, the body does not go, do not go back, do not stop, do not sit down, do not lie down, the eye do not see color, ear did not hear, did not smell incense nose, tongue does not taste, not emotion itself, the law does not know. Hey Sun server, the event is so, so I accepted, "Yes progeny, have the kind of birth, acts of good and evil with retribution."
20. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, here I was accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Sun all, there is nothing to prove facts that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- Venerable Kassapa, yes, there are facts to prove that: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
- Hey Chun master, how?
- Venerable Kassapa, who now has caught a thief guilty and given me: "Dear Sun all, here was the theft crime. Let the punishment as he wanted him." I told them as follows: "The Secretary just skinned him, so we can see his soul." We skinning of him, but we do not see his soul. Then I told them: "The secretary just skinned the meat of him ... cut ... cut ... cut bone tendon to bone marrow ... hewn so we can see his soul. " They hew to that person's bone marrow, but we do not see his soul. Venerable Kassapa this event so I accepted: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution."
21. - Hey Sun all, I will give an example. In life, some people have the knowledge, thanks to such sense as saying. Hey Sun server, ancient fire worshiping someone braided hair, lived in a thatched house, in a wooded area. Hey Sun server, some people migrated to it. Our leaders, after a night at around mugs of hair braiding church fire left him. Hey Ton owner, hair braiding Zoroastrian thought: "If I come whereabouts of the leader, we can earn a few useful things there." Then the hair braided breathe fire, get up early to the whereabouts of the leader, and saw a little baby backs were cast there. Seeing that he thought: "It's not at all if we let a child to die while we're looking for. Let's bring this baby on my mug, feed it and care for it, support it". Then the hair braided fire church that brought her little baby on cereal feed it and care for it, support it. When the child reaches the age of ten or twelve, hair braiding Zoroastrian people have jobs to go to the plains. The hair braided fire church told her child: this child, we want to go down into the plain, take care of the fire, do not leave it off. If the fire is off, this is a small hammer, this is wood, it is turning to a fire map, go back and take care kindling flame. "The church fire was braided hair, after instructed child, went down the plain. The child always playful joke that fire out. The child thought: "My Father has told me:" Take care of the fire, do not leave it off. If the child to turn off the heat, this is a small hammer, this is wood, it is turning to a fire map again. " So let built a fire and tending the fire. "Then he took a hammer child fire mode dial with the thought:" I'll find the fire. "But there is no fire. It offers two fire mode dial, do three, four, making the year, make ten, make hundreds, small chopped scraps, take the pounding baseball, and after having crushed, put into place by the high winds with the thought: "I'll find the fire." But there is no fire. The hair braided after completing the work in plain, immediately on his cup and asked the boy: "Hey baby, how did you to fire off this?" - "Father, I always giddy up to fire off. Then I thought: "He told me:" Take care of the fire, not to turn it off. If the child to turn off the heat, this is a small hammer, this is wood, it is strapless map to kindle the fire. Please kindling flame back and care. "Let's talk to and care kindling flame." Father, then you take a small hammer mode dial fire with the thought: "I will find the fire." But I find no fire. Bring fire mode dial, two, three, four, making the year, make ten, make hundreds, small chopped scraps, take the pounding baseball, and after crushed, put into place by the high winds with the think: "I will find out the fire," but I can not find a fire. "Then the hair braided fire worship was thinking:" The child is very dense and opaque. Why go looking for a missing reflection fire like this? "While the child watched, he pawned fire crank, built a fire, and told the child:" Hey baby, kindling do so; and not as the dense and opaque, finding a lack of reflection fire. "Also the Sun home, he dense, opaque, seeking life after a bad thought. Hey Sun server, please hatred is that! Do not have involved himself in insecurity and continued suffering.
22. - Oil Venerable Kassapa have said so, I also can not give up this evil is evil. King Pasenadi king of Kosala and abroad already know me as follows: "Religious views Payasi all that knowledge like this:" There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, evil act no results newspaper. "The venerable Kassapa, if I renounce evil he wrong people will criticize me as follows:" Religious truth is foolish master Paya, less intelligent, acceptance is the wrong way. "So angry, so I must cling he wrong. So I had to cheat clinging he wrong. Because self-respect, I must cling he wrong.
23. - So the Sun all, I will give him an example. In life, some people are located, thanks for example to understand the meaning words. Hey Sun server, Oldtimer, a large caravan consisting of a thousand chariots come from the Eastern states through the Western states. Going to nowhere, that caravans also consume very quickly grass, firewood, water and green trees. Caravans had two leaders, a leader of five hundred vehicles, a leader of five hundred vehicles. Two caravans leaders think as follows: "This large caravans include a thousand chariots. Somewhere we went to the union very quickly consume grass, firewood, water and green trees. So we let's divide this into two caravans, each group of five hundred vehicles. "
Then the two leaders was divided into two caravans, a group of five hundred vehicles, a caravan of five hundred carts. Then leaders gathering a lot of grass, firewood, water and rolling caravans. After going two, three days, the leader sees a black, red eyes, carrying quiver, wearing garlands gun, wet clothes, wet hair, hit a chariot pulled by donkeys, wheel covered with mud and go from the front walk. Seeing this, the leader asked:
"- You come from the public?
"- From the country to the other.
"- Where will you go?
"- Will go to local names.
"- You see, in the woods in front, heavy rains lately?
"- Sir, in the woods in front of heavy rain, soggy roads full of water, there is a lot of grass, a lot of firewood and water. Throw out grass, wood and old country, to be mild and go carts for quickly. Do not have to make weary convoy. "
Then the leader said to the driver:
"- This of you, this person said the following: In the woods in front of heavy rain, the streets filled with watery, grassy, ​​many of firewood and water. Let's throw away the grass, wood and stale water, for engines light vehicles and go to quickly. Do not have to make weary convoy. " So you just toss grass, wood and old country, to go with the convoy lighter carts.
"- Dear You, yes!"
The coachman obeyed the caravan leader, toss grass, wood and old country and led the convoy to go with the lighter carriages. But when it comes to the first relay station, they do not see the grass, firewood or water, so ... The second station third station too ... too ... Wednesday station fifth station too ... sixth station Saturday too ... station, too, they do not see the grass, firewood or water. All are experiencing misfortune and accidents. All people and animals in his brigade, were deleted, the non-meat-eaters, only bones left.
As the leader second group, said: "Now, the other group was pretty far away", came to acquiring much grass, firewood and water and to depart. After going two, three days, the leader sees a black, red eyes, carrying quiver, wearing garlands gun, wet clothes, wet hair, hit a chariot pulled by donkeys, far-stained bread mud and go from the front walk. Seeing that the leader asked:
"- You come from the public?
"- From the country to the other.
"- Where will you go?
"- Will go to local names.
"- You have seen in the woods in front, heavy rains lately?
"- Dear Friends, in the woods in front, with heavy rain, soggy roads full of water, there is a lot of grass, a lot of firewood and water. Throw out grass, wood and old country, to be mild and go carts for quickly. Do not have to make weary convoy.
Then the leader said to the driver:
"- This of you, this person said the following: In the woods in front of heavy rain, the streets filled with watery, grassy, ​​many of firewood and water. Leave grass, wood and old water away, to stock car be mild and go to quickly. Do not make the weary convoy. " But this of you, he is not our friend, nor is her biological child, how can we believe him? Do not throw away the grass, firewood and water reserve in advance. Let caravans towards the goods were carried, we do not throw away the objects are reserved in advance.
"- Dear You, yes."
The coachman was, obey the leader, for the caravans to move forward with the goods carried. By station first think these people do not see grass, firewood or water, to the second station so ... third station so ... so .... Wednesday station fifth station too ... sixth station seventh station, too .... so ... we do not see the grass, firewood or water, but we see the caravan before falling into the accident. People and animals in the other caravans, they found the skeleton so that the deleted non-meat eaters.
Then the leader told the driver:
"- Hey You, the caravan was in distress because of foolish leaders such guidance. So this of you, let's leave things less valuable class of this caravan, bring objects Costly classes of other caravans!
"- Dear You, yes!"
The coachman was obedient leaders toss discarded items at value class of their caravans, taken in accordance with the objects of expensive classes other caravans and desert crossing was safely , due to be guided by a wise leadership. Also the Sun home, no place cretin will collide went searching for life after a lack of reflection, like the leaders of the other caravans. Those who think themselves to believe anything is heard will face tribulation as the other driver. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Hey Sun server, trap abandon this evil is evil. Let them put him on the long-term suffering misfortune! "
24. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, I can not give up this evil is evil. King Pasenadi king of Kosala was abroad already know me as follows: "Religious views Payasi all that knowledge like this:" There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, evil act no results newspaper. "The venerable Kassapa, if I renounce evil is that people will criticize me as follows:" Religion is all true Payasi foolish, less intelligent, acceptance is the wrong way. "So should I be angry clinging wrong wrong. " So should I be angry clinging he wrong. Because self-respect, I must cling he wrong.
25. - Hey Chun master, so I will mention one example. In life by example, some wise people understand the meaning words. Oldtimer have a pig away from his village to another village. Stay in there, he saw a pile of discarded dry. Seeing this, he thought to himself "pretty much dry isomers discarded may be food for the pigs of us. So let's bring this shit go dry." Then he spread his cloak bearing dried dung, column mounted on top of a pack and go. Take the middle road, an unseasonal heavy rains occur. He carries her away wrapped feces, feces wet with secretions and droplets flowing into, as he smeared feces until the nail head. People feel he immediately said: "He has really mad, really mad reasonable? How did he bring wrapped stool away, with water distribution and wet weather flows out into droplets, as people smeared feces until tip hand. " - It is the truly crazy person, it is the truly crazy person. Thanks to like this, my pigs are food. "Also the Sun home, he said nothing more than examples of people carrying this assignment. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Hey Sun Home , abandon her evil is. Let them put him in suffering, misery long.
26. - Oil Venerable Kassapa have said so, I also can not give up this evil is evil. King Pasenadi king of Kosala and abroad already know me as follows: "Religious views Payasi all that knowledge like this:" There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, evil act no results Newspaper ". Venerable Kassapa, if I renounce evil he wrong people will criticize me as follows:" Religion is all true Payasi foolish, less intelligent, acceptance is the wrong way. "So angry, so I clinging to he wrong. So I had to cheat clinging he wrong. Because self-respect, I must cling he wrong.
27. - Hey Sun all, so I will mention one example. In life by example, some wise people understand the meaning words. Long ago, two men dumped dice gamble. A gambler each successive defeat dice failure entrapment. Monday gambler gambler see that each successive defeat dice failure entrapment. Seeing the table with the other people, "Hey you, you have a clear winner. Just give me the dice to go make sacrifices." - "Dear Friends, yes!", He immediately put gambler dice to other gamblers. The man he took poison dab in the dice and told the other: "Hey you, go play down the dice." - "Dear Friends, yes!", He obeyed gambler gambler's there. The second time, he poured two gambler dice, second, each time losing gambler dice hydrated instant failure. Monday gambler gambler see the other, the second, each time losing dice failure entrapment. Seeing this, he told the other gamblers:
Humans are not known.
The dice are hydrated,
more topical Forums are highlighted,
with burning poison.
Please shut off, shut off,
the other evil gambler!
Ngậm You must complete the
endless pain.
Also the Sun server. He said nothing more than examples punter. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Let them put him in suffering, misery long.
28. - Oil Venerable Kassapa may say so, I can not give up this evil is evil. King Pasenadi king of Kosala and abroad already know me as follows: "Religious views Payasi all that knowledge like this:" There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, evil act no results Alert! "Venerable Kassapa, if I renounce evil he wrong, people will criticize me as follows:" Religious truth Payasi all foolish, less intelligent, acceptance is the wrong way. "Because so angry I clinging to he wrong. So I had to cheat clinging he wrong. Because self-respect, I must cling he wrong!
29. - Hey Sun all, so I will mention one example. In life by example, some wise people understand the meaning words. Long ago, a nation moved away. A friend told his subordinates: "Hey you, let's go to the other country, so can we find a wealth of money." "Dear Friends, yes!", The obedient underling other friends. They go to other countries, and in a village. They see a pile of thorns, dropped. Seeing this, a friend said to the other: "This is a pile of thorns thrown away. You let grouped into a bunch. I also grouped into a bunch of thorns. Let's bring prickly bunch goes." - "Dear Friends, yes!", This friend and other friends obeyed thorn bundles column again.
They carry two bundles of thorns, and went to another village. They see a pile of barbed wire thrown away. Seeing a friend said to the other: "Close the hemp thrown away is precisely what we want to do with that barbed wire bundles. So please grouped into a bunch of hemp. I also grouped into a bunch of wires thorns. Let him bring two barbed wire bundles go. " - "Hey You, I bring this remote hemp pile up, and piles of hemp are tied closely. For me, this is enough, you yourselves know (but do)." And friends before throwing bundles of thorns and barbed wire taken pile.
Then they came to a different path. In it they found many linen is thrown away. Seeing this, a friend said to the other: "Many were thrown away in linen, this is precisely what we want to do with flax or hemp. So you just dropped his bag of flax, and I would throw away bags barbed wire. The two of us will wear a linen that goes. " - "Hey You, I bring this remote hemp piles and piles of hemp carefully tied bundles. For me, this is enough. You yourselves know (but do)." And friends before throwing them away and grab bunch hemp linen.
Then they came to a different path. Here they found many numbers that are thrown away. After seeing ... more wire numbers that are thrown away. After see ... many numbers that are thrown away fabric. After seeing ... more cotton to be thrown away. After seeing ... more cotton to be throwing them away ... After seeing ... more iron being thrown away. After seeing ... more copper is thrown away. After seeing ... more tin is thrown away. After seeing ... more lead to be thrown away. After see ... many silver was thrown away. After see ... much gold is thrown away. Seeing a friend tells another friend: "Many are throwing away gold this is precisely what we want to do with flax or hemp with, or with the code base fabric or cotton, or cotton fabric, or iron, or copper, or with tin, or with lead, or with silver. So you just dropped his bag of flax, and I'll throw away bags of silver. The two of us would wear a gold that goes. " - "Hey you, how I brought this remote flax left, and the pile of thorns was forced thorough. For me, this is enough. You yourselves know (but do)." And friends before throwing bags of gold and silver and take cover.
Both arrived at their village. Friends bring how flax for parents who would not be happy, his wife and children he was not happy, friend who was not fun, and so he was not happy, joyful. And people brought bags of gold for you, the parents he was happy, his wife and children he was happy, his friends are happy and so he was happy happy.
Likewise Chun master, he said, not unlike how such carriers flax. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Hey Sun server, please renounce evil he wrong. Let them put him in suffering, misery long.
30. - With the first example of Venerable Kassapa I was happy, satisfied, but I want to hear the questions and answers clever because I see Venerable Kassapa as people worthy of opposition. It miraculously, Venerable Kassapa! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Kassapa! Venerable Kassapa, who stretched out like a concealed object, or as a guide for all those who get lost, or as people bring light into the darkness for the eyes to see color, so be Venerable Dharma Kassapa use presentation facilities. Venerable Kassapa, the refuge now Bhagavan Gotama, French refuge, refuge they brethren increase, Venerable Kassapa, let's get the lay disciple, from now until forever please accept Him as the will. Venerable Kassapa, I want to organize a festival of sacrifice. Venerable Kassapa please teach me, that I enjoy lasting happiness.
31. - Hey Sun server, in fact the cattle herd had been killed, or other creatures are killed, and those who attend your altar was wrong view, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, Network evil, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong to, the Sun home, did not bring altar greater retribution, great benefits, great reputation, not promote large. Hey Sun server, as well as the farmer goes into the forest to bring seeds and plowing. And over a period of not tilling land, no fertile, between the trees have not been dug up, he sowed the seeds down, the seed was broken palate, with fetid position, wind and heat damage , season, no favorable conditions, and do not rain god for timely rain. So the seeds that can grow up, to mature and lush greenery on either the farmer that reap the result?
- Venerable Kassapa, impossible.
- Also, this venerable, in fact cattle herd that has been killed or been killed goats, or chickens and pigs are killed, or other creatures are killed, and those who attended was the altar You have the wrong view, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong set. Hey Sun server, did not bring altar greater retribution, great benefits, great reputation, not promote large. Religion is all, in fact does not have the cattle herd was killed, no goats are killed, no chicken pig was killed, no other kinds of creatures are killed, and those who attended was the altar You have Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration; Sun all this, he brought economic retribution herd big, big benefit, big fame, big advertised. Hey Sun server, as well as a farmer goes into the forest to bring seeds and plowing. And over a period of plowing land, with fertile, between the tree was dug up, he sowed the seeds down, the seed was not damaged palate, not rot item, no wind and heat destroy, upon season, with favorable conditions and the rain god for timely rain. So the seeds that can grow up, grow up, lush greenery, or that farmer reap the result?
- Venerable Kassapa, it is so.
- Also, the Sun all, in fact above that no cattle are killed, no goats are killed, no chicken pig was killed, no other kinds of creatures are killed, and those who attend He was the International Forum have Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration; Sun all this, he brought economic retribution herd big, big benefit, big fame, big advertised.
32. Then all Payasi Religious organizations give to the monk, Ba leveling-keeper, for the poor, the homeless, the beggars. In this handout, such dishes are given as porridge, food waste, raw fabric with stripes of pie. In this handout, young man named Uttara taste ignored. After the alms done, you say this arrogantly as follows: "With the generosity of this, we are experiencing in this life Payasi Ton owners, but not to meet in the next life." Payassi hear young masters Uttara after the charity has done, has said arrogantly: "With the generosity of this, we are experiencing in this life Payasi Ton owners, but not to meet in the next life," and then he invited the youth Uttara and said:
- Hey Friends Uttara, were so, after the alms done, thou say arrogantly: "With the generosity of this, I met the owner Ton Payasi in this life, but do not meet in the next life"?
- It is that, the Sun all!
- Uttara Friends Hey, why, after the alms thou so arrogant to say: "With the generosity of this, we are experiencing in this life Payasi Ton owners, but not to meet in the next life"? Uttara Friends Hey, are we going to find merit are expecting the results of the charity?
- Hey Chun master, during his generosity, dishes like these are given as porridge, food waste, his dishes are not want to get his paws touched, much less to eat; duffle with the background of pie, this fabric things he does not want to get his paws touched, much less wearing. Chun master, he was loved and esteemed by us. How we can coordinate something dear and beloved with something not loved?
- This thing Uttara Friends, let's dispense dishes like the food I eat, be distributed fabric wear, like the stuff that I wear fabric.
- Fiat, Chun master!
Youth Uttara obey all Payasi Ton, bringing distribute food dishes like masters Payasi eat, bring distribute these fabrics, fabrics like these masters Payasi wear.
Payasi masters for alms not to refund you, for alms not handedly do, having no reflection alms, alms for items discarded after damage body corporate networks, is enter them with the Four Great birth Uranus, in the palace of Serisaka empty. As youth Uttara overlooked during this generosity, for having been alms properly, for generosity of his own hands, as did Bell have thought, for alms not waste items, after body damage as common network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven enter them with the gods in heaven Three decades triangle.
33. At that time Venerable Gavampati (Bull owner) often go lunch in the palace of Serisaka empty. Now go pick Emperor e Payassi Venerable Gavampati, worship him, and stood aside. Venerable Thien death Gavampati told Payasi standing aside:
- White venerable, children are masters Payasi.
- Hey Sage, do thou false views as follows: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, acts of good and evil without retribution"?
- White venerable, so you have the wrong view: "There is no afterlife, no kinds of birth, natural evil acts without retribution", but thanks Kumara Venerable Kassapa, the self escape from evil evil is it.
- Hey Sage, a young man Uttara overlooked during this charity, was reincarnate where?
- White venerable youth Uttara overlooked during this generosity, for having been alms properly, for generosity of his own hands, as did Bell have thought, for items not handouts waste, damage the body, after the public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, enter them with the gods in heaven Three decades triangle. And I, for alms not handedly do, having no thoughts of generosity, for generosity of waste, after relatives corrupt corporate networks, are being imported them to the Four Great Heavenly Kings, in supply Power of Serisaka empty. Therefore, transparency venerable Gavampati, please go to the human world and say: "Take alms properly, keep alms with his hands do, alms in a way that reflection, take alms with no waste items. Sun all Payasi, because alms incomplete, since no generosity of his own hands, because no reflection of generosity, because generosity of waste, after relatives corrupt corporate networks, is enter them born with Uranus in Four Great palace of Serisaka empty. And youth Uttara, ignored during this generosity, for having been alms properly, for generosity of his own hands, because dad candidates in a way that reflect, for alms not waste appliances after corrupt public network itself, is born to good fun, Heaven, enter them with the gods in heaven Three decades triangle ".
34. Then the venerable Gavampati go into the human world and say: "Take alms properly be. Take alms of their hands to themselves. Take alms in a way that reflection. Take alms of toys no waste. Sun all Payasi, because alms incomplete, because his hands alms not do, because charity without thinking, because alms-waste, after the body damage the public network, which is being imported them the Four Great Heavenly Kings, in the palace of Serisaka empty. And youth Uttara, ignored in a charity, the charity for a perfect manner, for charity with his hands do, because Bell has a way of thinking, for alms with no waste items, after relatives corrupt public network, was born in the animal charity, Heaven, enter them with the gods in heaven Three decades triangle ".END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/9/2015.

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