Saturday 19 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

24. Doing Ballet (Patika Sutta)

Chanting the I
1. N nowhere I have heard that.
Exalted One time in between tribal Malla (Mat-la), in Anupiya (A-riches-di), a tribe of Malla. At that time, Bhagavan robes in the morning, holding a bowl into Anupiya care for alms. Then Bhagavan thought: "It is too soon to enter into Anupiya alms. Let's monasteries to travel and visit Dr. Bhaggava this position." Bhagavan went to Vihara wanderer Bhaggava.
2. Then wanderer Bhaggava lord:
- Bhagavan come close! Please welcome Bhagavan. It is long, Bhagavan got the chance to come here. Bhagavan invited to sit, this is the seat was drafted.
Bhagavan was prepared to sit on seats, and wanderer Bhaggava take a lower seat and sat down the other side. After sitting down on one side, wanderer Bhaggava lord:
- Buddha, ancient and once again, Sunakkhatta (divinity) tribal Licchavi (Ly-away-mail) to me and say: "Hey Bhaggava, today I renounce Exalted! Now I do not live under the guidance of Bhagavan again. " Buddha, the job can be as Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi say or not?
- Hey Bhaggava, a real event as Sunakkhatta tribal Licchavi said.
3. Bhaggava Hey, Oldtimer and very ancient, tribal Sunakkhatta Licchavi came to me. After arriving, I bowed and sat down on one side. This Bhaggava, Sumakkhatta, tribal Licchavi prospectus with Me: "Buddha, today I turn from Bhagavan. Buddha, now you do not live under the guidance of Bhagavan again."
This Bhaggava, when they heard that, I it with Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi:
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, I have told You:" Hey Sunakkhatta, please come and live under my guidance "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- Or You may say to me:" Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, I do not say:" Hey Sunakkhatta, come here and live under my guidance, "and thou not told me:" Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan " . Hey stupid one, so my time Who are you and who are you people talking abandon? Hey stupid one, please see the faults of such people is how!
4. "- Buddha, but Bhagavan not make the legal evidence of Kabbalah's rooftop.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, I have told You:" Hey Sunakkhatta, come here and live under my guidance! And I will make of us is the upper legal Kabbalah's "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- You have told me:" Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan. Bhagavan will make the upper legal evidence of Kabbalah's "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, I do not say to You:" Hey Sunakkhatta, come here and live under the guidance of Me and I will make of us human is the upper legal psychic; You did not say to me: "Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan, and Bhagavan will make the upper legal evidence of human spirit." This fools the other, so my time Who are you and who are you people talking abandon? Sunakkhatta Hey, how do you think of? The rooftop's law have done psychic or not done, but the purpose for which I preached dharma practice is putting people towards cessation of suffering, is that so?
"- Buddha, the Kabbalah there's a rooftop legal executed or not executed, but the purpose of that Bhagavan is to preach Dharma practitioners towards cessation of suffering, the truth is the same.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, the upper legal staff have done psychic or not done, but the purpose for which I preached dharma practice is putting people towards cessation of suffering. This Sunakkhatta, so the roof's legal What is Kabbalah that need to take stock? Hey stupid one, please see the faults of such people is how!
5. "- Buddha, Bhagavan no explanation for the origin of the world.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, I have told You:" Hey Sunakkhatta, come here and live under my guidance. I will explain to the beginning of the World "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, You have told me:" Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan, and Bhagavan explains the origin of the world "reasonable?
"- Buddha, no!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, so I do not say to him:" Hey Sunakkhatta, come here and live under my guidance. I will explain to the origin of the world. "You did not say to me:" Buddha, I would live under the guidance of Bhagavan, and Bhagavan explains the origin of the world. "Hey, the other fools, events such as, the Who are you and I am the one that thou speak abandon? Hey Sunakkhatta, You think? Origin of the world have to explain or not explain, but items My destination is to preach Dharma practitioners towards cessation of suffering, is that so?
"- Buddha, the genesis of the world have to explain or not explain, the purpose of which Bhagavan was preaching Dhamma practitioners put towards cessation of suffering, the truth is the same.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, the genesis of the world have to explain or not explain the purpose of Bhagavan is preaching Dhamma practitioners put towards cessation of suffering. This Sunakkhatta, so the explanation of the origin What benefit world for You? Hey stupid one, please see the faults of such people is how!
6. "- Hey Sunakkhatta, who in many ways have you speak praises in the village which served me:" So, Bhagavan was Arahat, Right Turn, might Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Unknown Sgt, ​​Article fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. "Hey Sunakkhatta, so in many ways, Thou spoke praises which served me in the village.
"Hey Sunakkhatta, in many ways, thou say in the village which served French praised:" Bhagavan Dharma is preached, current practical, beyond time, to come and see, able to raise up, only people with intense new location. "Hey Sunakkhatta, so in many ways, thou praise in the village which served Dharma.
"Hey Sunakkhatta, in many ways, thou has praised the increase in the village which served:" Monks disciple of Bhagavan skillful practice of chief feet, monks and followers of Bhagavan skillful practice of direct chief, the monks filed Bhagavan's death Decency smart practice, monks followers of Bhagavan skillful practice of the chief virtues, ie four double eight of them. Monks and disciples of the Blessed One is worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of bowing with hands, as the supreme field of merit in the world. 'Hey Sunakkhatta, so in many ways, You praise in the village which served Increase.
"Hey Sunakkhatta, I tell you; this is believed to Sunakkhatta You know, there will be discussion of thou words as follows:" Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi dignity can not live under the guidance of Gotama recluses. Because not afford it, should give back practicing with low life. "Hey Sunakkhatta, there will be discussion about You Say so.
This Bhaggava, so Sunakkhatta, oil Licchavi tribe so I say, abandon France and this Law, as people have to fall into deprivation, in hell.
7. Bhaggava Hey, my time in Bumu tribe, a tribal town named Uttaraka Bumu. This Bhaggava, then morning I robes, holding a bowl with a novice medical Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe followed, in town Uttaraka alms. At the time, naked Korakkhattiya, cultivating the virtues dog go fours, crawled on the ground, his mouth that eating hard or mushy.
This Bahaggava, Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe found naked under almond cultivation Korakkhattiya dog, go fours, crawled on the ground, eating mouth hard or mushy.
Bhaggava Hey, I know the feelings of tribal Sunakkhatta Licchavi coffee with my mind I say to him as follows:
"- The other fools Hey, do thou remain prisoners Thich Tu no?
"- Buddha, Star Exalted said:" Hey stupid one, do thou Thich Tu prisoners are not "?
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, do Thou, after seeing nude Korakkhattiya practice the virtues dog, go fours crawl on the ground, his mouth and eat solid food or mushy, immediately thought:" How good and pleasant taste Arhat He let go four legs, crawled on the ground, his mouth and eat solid food or soft food "?
"- Buddha that. Buddha, Star Exalted be the envy with an Arhat?
"- The other fools Hey, I did not hate the one arahant? The people from the wrong he wrong, just drop it. Do not let yourself long suffered damage. This Sunakkhtta, nude Korakkhattiya but do you think is nice, was the recluses, after seven days will be real winners that die, die to be reborn after Kalakanja kind, one kind Asura (Asura) the lowest. After die, it will be cast in the cemetery located on Birana haystack. This Sunakkhatta, if You wish, to ask nude Korakkhattiya as follows: "Hey you Korakkhattiya, you know you do not reincarnate realm?" Hey Sunakkhatta , this event may occur, that could nude Korakkhatta answered with You: "Hey you Sunakkhatta, I know my plane reincarnate. I will reincarnate Kalakanja category, one of the lowest type of Asura ".
8. Hey Bhaggava, Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe, go naked Korakkhattiya and said:
- Hey you Korakkhattiya, recluses Gotama had said as follows: "Speaker after seven days will be Korakkhattiya real hit to death, after death, will be reborn Kalakanja kind, one kind Asura (Asura) poor Best. After his death, he would be thrown in the cemetery, located on Birana haystack. "Hey You Korakkhattiya, so you eat to be sober, so you take it to be sober, to the words of Gotama became recluses a lie. "
This Bhaggava, distrusting Tathagata, Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi one count each day until seven days. But this Bhaggava, after seven days naked Korakkhattiya real hit and die. After his death, be reborn Kalakanja category, one of the lowest type of Asura. After his death, he was cast in the cemetery, located on Birana haystack.
9. Hey Bhaggava, Sunakkhatta be heard: "naked dead Korakkhattiya real hit, throw in the cemetery, located on Birana haystack." This Bhaggava, Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi Birana went to the hay at the cemetery, to nude Korakkhattiya, hand beaten three times and asked:
"- Hey you Korakkhattiya, you know reincarnate realm of You Do?"
This Bhaggava, naked Korakkhattiya rubbed his back and sat up:
"- Hey you Sunakkhatta, I know my reincarnate realm. I reincarnate Kalakanja category, one of the lowest type of Asura." After saying that, he fell back down.
10. Hey Bhaggava, then Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi to me, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhaggava Hey, I told Sunakkhatta, Licchavi tribe sat in:
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, You think? Article I told You about naked Korakkhattiya, do things happen as I say, or else?
"- Buddha, Bhagavan told me about how Korakkhattiya naked, things happen as Bhagavan said, not the other!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, how do you think? The fact is that, the traders have to approach Kabbalah was done right?
"- Buddha, the event is thus legal certainty is Kabbalah's roof was made.
"- So the other fools, such as traders approach Kabbalah was I made, and yet you say:" Buddha, Bhagavan's no enforcement rooftop Kabbalah for me. "This fools the other , please see the faults of such people is how! "
This Bhaggava, so Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi be I say so, abandon France and this Act, such person must fall into deprivation, in hell.
11. Bhaggava Hey, one time, I stay at Vesali (Vaishali), Forest and Forestry University, in Chongqing The amphitheater. At the time, naked Kandaramasuka at Vesali was the supreme offering, was proclaimed supreme in the village which served list. This may vow to follow the seven virtues: "Lifetime, we follow well-naked, with no clothes; lifetime, lives of dignity, no harlot; Lifetime feed ourselves with wine and meat, Rice porridge is not, and I never go too Udana east tower of Vesali, and I never go too tower Gotamaka, south of Vesali, and I never go too tower Sattamba, west of Vesa and I never Bahuputta hour away too tower, north of Vesali. " This Area, thanks to obey the seven virtues that are the supreme offering, is the ultimate name in the village which served.
12. Hey Bhaggava, then Sunakkhatta, tribal Kandaramasuka Licchavi go naked and ask questions; Kandaramasuka naked when asked so, no follow-up question, because no follow-up, should show frustration, anger, vexation. This Bhaggava, then Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi thinking: "We can become the opposition Arahats good recluses this. Please do not hold anything happens that we may disadvantage long suffering . "
13. Hey Bhaggava, then Sunakkhata, tribal Licchavi go to me, bowed and sat down on one side. Bahaggava Hey, I told Sunakkhatta, Licchavi tribe sat in:
"- The other fools Hey, You still claiming Like Yours is not death?
"- Buddha, why Bhagavan told me so again:" Hey stupid one, You still claiming Like Yours is not to death? '
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, do thou went to nude Kandaramasuka and ask questions. Nakedness thou Kandaramasuka when such questions, no follow-up questions, because no track should show frustration, anger, vexation . And you thought: "We can become Arhats opposition, this good recluses. Keep do not have anything happen that we may disadvantage long suffering. "
"- Buddha that. Buddha, why Bhagavan to hate with an arahant?
"- The other fools Hey, I did not hate the one Arahats! The people from being evil he wrong, abandon it go. Do not let her long suffering victim! Hey Sunakkhatta, nude You think Kandaramasuka which arahant, the good monk, soon will be living clothed and married, will eat rice porridge, will exceed the tower at Vesali and will die lost both title ".
This Bhaggava, naked Kandaramasuka, not long wear life and a family, eat a meal porridge, gone beyond the tower at Vesali and died lost both names.
14. Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe was heard shortly Kandaramasuka nude live clothed and married, eat a meal porridge, goes far beyond the tower at Vesali and perish every name. This Bhaggava, then come to me in Sunakkhatta, after coming bowed and sat down beside me. Bhaggava this, and I told Sunakkhatta Licchavi tribe sat in:
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, You think? Article I told You about naked Kandaramasuka have things happen as I say not, or else?
"- Buddha, Bhagavan told me about how Kandaramasuka naked, things happen as Bhagavan said, not the other.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, how do you think? The event is so, there must be a legal time Kabbalah's rooftop has been done, has not it?
"- Buddha, the event is thus legal certainty is Kabbalah's roof was made.
"- So the other fools, such as traders approach Kabbalah was I made, and yet you say:" Buddha, Bhagavan's no enforcement rooftop Kabbalah for me. "This fools the other , make clear the faults of such people is how! "
This Bhaggava, so Sunakkhtta, tribal Licchavi be I say so, abandon France and this Act, such person must fall into deprivation, in hell.
15. Bhaggava Hey, one time I stay in Vesali, forest Forest University, in Chongqing The amphitheater. At the time, living in Vesali Patikaputta naked, is offering the ultimate, ultimate is the name which served the village. In meetings at Vesali, he often stated as follows:
"He let Gotama as a location, we also as a location. The location may have legal presented his psychic trader, because his mentality. If recluses have to go halfway Gotama, I have to go half way. And the two of us could perform psychic trader legal stay. If recluses Gotama's done a rooftop legal Kabbalah, we will implement the two measures. If recluses made four legal Gotama's rooftop Kabbalah, we will implement the eight measures. Thus Gotama recluses how many legal implementation of Kabbalah will perform twice. "
16. Hey Bhaggava, Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi came to me, after we arrived, bowed and sat down beside me. Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi prospectus with Me:
"- Buddha, nude Patikaputta (Ballet e) living in Vesali, is offering the ultimate, ultimate is the name which served the village. In the meeting at Vesali, often stated as follows:" He let Gotama as a location, we also as a location. Persons who can present legal position traders because Kabbalah their mentality. If recluses have to go halfway Gotama, I have to go halfway. And the two of us could perform psychic legal stay. If recluses Gotama can perform a psychic law's rooftop ... time will perform twice. "
This Bhaggava, when they heard that, I told Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi:
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, naked Patikaputta not able to meet with me if he did not renounce this statement, and not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong. If he thinks he's going to meet me that not renounce this statement, and not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong, his first time will fall apart.
17. "- Buddha, Exalted be cautious words! Auspicious beware of words!
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, why thou say to me:" Buddha, the Exalted be careful with words. "?
"- Buddha, this word was Bhagavan declared extremist:" speaker can be Patikaputta not confronted me, if he did not renounce his speech, did not abandon her heart, not from abandon his wrong view. If he thinks he's going to see me, but not to abandon his words, not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong view, the first time he will be an instant "! Buddha, there nude Patikaputta Exalted be confronted with a different incarnation, and so Bhagavan said becoming unreal!
18. "- Hey Sunakkhatta, Tathagata has never spoken word has two meanings do not?
"- Buddha, is due to self-judgment interest that Bhagavan had known about Patikaputta:" Speakers may not be able to meet Patikaputta Me, if he did not renounce his words, not giving him attention, not abandon his wrong view. If he thinks he's going to meet me without abandon his words, not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong, his first time to be an instant ". Or taste Angels which has informed the Tathagata said: "Buddha, nude Patikaputta not possible ... His head will fall apart!"
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, the self-judgment interest that we know about Patikaputta naked" nude Patikaputta not able to meet me ... his head will fall apart. "And also your angel news to me said: "Speakers may not be able to Patikaputta Exalted ... the first meeting he will fall apart." The generals in Licchavi tribe named Ajita, the general clause in the other day was born Three decades into the third heaven. Then he came to my prospectus: "Buddha, nude Patikaputta not have the knife! Buddha, nude Patikaputta not telling the truth! Buddha, nude Patikaputta talked about children, in the middle of the village which served as follows: "Shogun in Licchavi tribe named Ajita will reincarnate into Hell Bound," Buddha, I do not reincarnate into Hell Bound , Buddha, the child is born in realms celestial triangle Three decades! Buddha, nude Patikaputta not have the knife. Buddha, nude Patikaputta not telling the truth! Buddha, nude Patikaputta not be able to meet Gotama ... He let his head will fall apart. "Hey Sunakkhatta, so judge mental attitude that I know about Patikaputta nude. Nude Patikaputta not able to meet with me if he did not renounce his speech, did not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong. If he thinks he's going to meet me without abandon his words, not abandon his mind, not to abandon his wrong, his first time will fall apart. And an angel has informed us know: "Buddha, nude Patikaputta not be able to meet World Sun if he did not renounce his speech, did not abandon the mind, not to abandon his wrong view. If he thinks he's going to meet Bhagavan without abandon his words, not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong, his first time will fall apart. "
"Hey Sunakkhatta, after I go for alms in Vesali, eating and alms return, I will come in to lunch Patikaputta garden. This Sunakkhatta, if You wish, let him know the news."
19. Hey Bhaggava, then I robes in the morning, took care bowl into Vesali for alms. After begging for food, begging for food eaten and returned, I went to the garden of Patikaputta to lunch. This Bhaggava, Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi rush into Sesali, to the illustrious Licchava and notify those he knows:
"- Hey Sage, Bhagavan after begging and begging for food eaten back, went to the garden of Patikaputta for lunch! We hope you come! We hope you come! Will have legal representation rooftop Kabbalah's among recluses're skillful. "
This Bhaggava, the Licchavi have reputation to think like this: "There's a rooftop legal representation Kabbalah among recluses're skillful. So let's go there."
And nowhere has the status Brahmins, wealthy householders, the Brahmins, Brahmins pagan reputation, he goes to this position and report to know:
"- Hey Sage, Bhagavan after begging for food, begging for food eaten and returned, went to the garden of Patikaputta to lunch. We hope you come! We hope you come! Will have legal representation Kabbalah's rooftop between skillful monk. "
This Bhaggava, the recluses, Brahmin illustrious pagan thinking: "There's a rooftop legal representation Kabbalah among recluses're skillful. So let's go there."
This Bhaggava, then the reputation Licchavi, the Brahmin status, wealthy homeowners, the recluses, pagan Brahmin went to the reputation of Patikaputta garden. Bhaggava Hey, so this congregation to hundreds of thousands of people.
20. Hey Bhaggava, naked Patikaputta hear: "The Licchavi fame came, the Brahmin status, wealthy homeowners, the recluses, pagan Brahmin reputation has come, still ascetic Gotama sat in the garden of my lunch break. " Upon hearing that he panicked, shaking, hair upside. This Bhaggava, Patikaputta naked panic, trembling, hair upside, went to the wanderer Tindukkhanu garden.
This Bhaggava, congregation he heard: "naked Patikaputta frightened, trembling, hair went up in contrast to the wanderer Tindukkhanu garden." This Bhaggava, instant congregation to call someone and tell:
"- Hey you go to the garden of the wanderer Tindukkhanu, having naked Patikaputta and say:" Hey you Patikaputta come. The Licchavi fame came, the Brahmin status, wealthy homeowners, the recluses, pagan Brahmin fame came. Ascetic Gotama sitting nap in the garden of sage. Sage Patikaputta this, the following words are said at congregation Sage in Sesali: "recluses as a location, we also as a location. Persons may present legal position trader's mentality thanks Kabbalah yourself. If recluses Gotama bear go halfway, we have to go halfway. And the two of us could perform psychic trader legal stay. If recluses Gotama's done a rooftop legal Kabbalah, time will implementation of two measures. If recluses Gotama made two upper legal Kabbalah, the method will perform four. If recluses upper legal Gotama's done four Kabbalah, we will implement the eight measures. Thus recluses Gotama perform many traders approach Kabbalah, time will perform twice. "Hey Sage Patikaputta, please bear go halfway. Ascetic Gotama went all sitting halfway and then lunch in the garden of the sage! ".
21. Hey Bhaggava, he obeyed his congregation, went to the wanderer Tindukkhanu garden, meet Patikaputta naked, after having finished, began to say:
"- Hey you Patikaputta, please go to. The Licchavi reputation ... He let Gotama sitting nap in the garden of sage. This Patikaputta Sage, Sage speech after being told the congregation at Vesali: 'Sa Gotama subjects as a location, we also as a location ... I will perform twice. "Hey Sage Patikaputta, please bear go halfway, recluses Gotama has gone all the way and sit half lunch break in the garden of the sage. "
This Bhaggava, when they heard that, naked Patikaputta answer:
"- Hey You, I will go; this you, I will come."
But as he crawled through the spot, unable to get up from a sitting position. Bhaggava this, he tells naked Patikaputta:
"- Hey Sage Patikaputta Why so? Apparently butt fused to the chair sage, or seat attached to the butt of Sage?
"- Hey You, I will go; this you, I will come."
While saying so, but he crawled through the spot, could not stand up from a sitting position.
Bhaggava this, so to speak, naked Patikaputta but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come"; but he crawled through the spot, could not stand up from a sitting position.
22. Hey Bhaggava, when he knew this was nude Patikaputta disastrous, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come," crawled back through the spot, unable to stand up from her seat and went to inform his congregation:
"- Naked Patikaputta was pathetic, but said:" Hey you, I will come; This you, I will come ", again crawled back and forth, unable to get up from a sitting position."
Bhaggava this, to hear that I am speaking congregation:
"- Hey Sage, naked Patikaputta not able to meet with me, if he did not renounce his speech, did not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong. If he thinks he's going to met me but did not abandon speech, not to give her mind, not to abandon his wrong, his first time will fall apart. "
Chanting the II
1. N did Bhaggava, a Licchavi courtiers, from the seat up, told his congregation:
"- The Sage wait a minute, let me go, viewers can put naked Patikaputta to this congregation?"
This Bhaggava, then courtiers Licchavi went to the wanderer Tindukkhanu garden, meeting Patikaputta naked and told him:
"- Hey you Patikaputta come! The Licchavi reputation has come, and the Brahmin status, wealthy homeowners, the recluses, pagan Brahmin reputation has come, while recluses Gotama lunch break sitting in the garden of the sage. This Patikaputta Sage, Sage was declared between Vesali congregation: "He let Gotama as a location, we also as a location ... I will perform the double times. "Hey Sage Patikaputta, please bear go halfway. He let Gotama went all sitting halfway and then lunch in the garden of the sage. Hey Sage Patikaputta, recluses Gotama told them about the Society Sage as follows: "Speakers may not be able to meet Patikaputta My face if he did not renounce his words ... he was able to meet with the head of Bhagavan he will fall apart." Hey Hien Illustration Patikaputta come! If Sage comes, we will make Sage wins and makes recluses Gotama failure. "
2. Hey Bhaggava, when they heard that, naked Patikaputta, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come", but crawled through the spot, unable to get up from the seat. This Bhaggava, instant Licchavi courtiers told naked Patikaputta:
"- Hey Sage Patikaputta, why is that so? Apparently butt fused to the chair sage, or seat attached to the butt of Sage. But say:" Hey you, I will come; This you, I will come ", but Sage crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat."
This Bhaggava, when said that, although naked Patikaputta say: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come", but he crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat.
3. Hey Bhaggava, when courtiers Licchavi know Patikaputta nude has been defeated, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come", but crawled through the site, there is no able to stand up from his seat and went to inform his congregation:
"- Naked Patikaputta was pathetic, but said:" Hey you, I will come; This you, I will come ", but he crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat."
This Bhaggava, when they heard that, I told her congregation:
"- Hey Sage, naked Patikaputta, if he did not renounce his words ... his first time will fall apart. If you Licchavi think:" Let's column Patikaputta naked with rope rope, and use his cows pull back here, will Patikaputta rope freeing him. Nude Patikaputta not possible, if not to abandon his words ... "If he thought:" I will not renounce those words ... ", his first time will fall apart."
4. Hey Bhaggava, then Jaliya, Darupatti disciples, from the seat up and told his congregation:
"- The Sage wait a minute, let me go see can put naked Patikaputta to this congregation or not?"
This Bhaggava, then Jaliya, Darupatti disciples went to the wanderer Tindukkhanu garden, meeting Patikaputta naked and told him:
"- Hey you Patikaputta come. The Licchavi reputation has come ... He let this Gotama was sitting in the garden lunch of Sage. This Patikaputta Sage, Sage has declared between them Vesali Association as follows:" Sa Gotama as a location subject ... time will perform twice. "Hey Sage Patikaputta, please bear go halfway. He let Gotama went all sitting halfway and then lunch in the garden of Hien Illustration. Hey Sage Patikaputta, recluses Gotama told them about Sage Association as follows: "naked Patikaputta if not abandon his speech ... If he thought:" I do not give that statement .. . be able to meet Gotama recluses ... ", then his head will fall apart." If you Licchavi think: "Let's column Patikaputta naked with a rope, and used his pull cow Back here, "freeing Patikaputta will rope him. nude Patikaputta not possible, if not to abandon his words ... his head would be an instant". This sage Patikaputta come. If Sage comes, we will make Sage wins, and makes recluses Gotama failure. "
5. Hey Bhaggava, when they heard that, naked Patikaputta, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come", but crawled through the site, there may be from the seat up . This Bhaggava, Jaliya, Darupatti disciples told naked Patikaputta:
"- Hey Sage Patikaputta Why so? Apparently ass conjoined Sage in the chair, or the chair of the sage stick butt. But say:" Hey you, I will come; This you, I will come ", but Sage crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat."
Bhaggava this, so to speak, naked Patikaputta, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come", but Sage crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat. "
Bhaggava this, so to speak, naked Patikaputta, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come," crawled back through the spot, could not stand up from the seat. "
6. Hey Bhaggava, when Jaliya, Darupatti disciples knew this was nude Patikaputta defeat, but said: "Hey you, I will come; it you, I will come," again crawled through the site, Can not stand up from his seat and said to him:
"- Hey Sage Patikaputta, Oldtimer lion king of beasts thought:" Let y on the woods to build nest. After building a den, in the afternoon we will leave the den, stretch to fit, and then at the four winds and three times roaring lion roar. After roaring lion roar, I will come to the interesting back and forth, looking to kill the animals best, soft meats and then return to the lair. "
"Hey Sage, the lion that he kept in a forest to build a den, in the afternoon from the den, stretch to fit, and then at the four winds and three times roaring lion roar. After as a roaring lion roar, it comes to place the animal back and forth, looking to kill the animals best, soft meats lair then return back.
7. "Hey Sage Patikaputta, jungle dogs arrogant and powerful, often living on leftovers of the lion, king of beasts. The jackal was thinking:" Who am I, and lion Prince, king of beasts, who? Let y on the woods to build nest. After building a den, in the afternoon we will leave the den, stretch to fit, and then at the four winds and three times roaring lion roar. After roaring lion roar, I will come to the interesting back and forth, looking to kill the animals best, soft meats, and then returned to nest again. "
"Hey Sage, jackal other reviews on a forest to build a den, stretch to fit, then looked around the four and the three roaring lion roar. But it just kind of dog exclaimed language forest, forest dog barks. Who can compare barking dog ignoble forest with lions roar?
"Also, this Patikaputta Sage, Sage's credibility depended on rank Auspicious, dining furniture Auspicious Career wreak real, but thought that maybe patronizing with steps Tathagata, Arhat, Chief Enlightened. We Patikaputta ignoble who, could patronizing with steps Tathagata, Arhat, Enlightenment? "
8. Hey Bhaggava, Jaliya, oil Darupati disciples have used the example she could not make nude Patikaputta leave the seat and said to him:
Jackal look ourselves,
myself think that lion.
It's barking dog forest,
forest type dastardly dog.
Dogs bark forest is?
Who lion roaring sound?
"Also, this Patikaputta Sage, Sage's credibility depended on rank Auspicious, dining furniture Auspicious Career wreak real, but thought that maybe patronizing with steps Tathagata, Arhat, Chief Equal Enlightenment. We Patikaputta ignoble who, could patronizing with steps Tathagata, Asia and Korea, Enlightenment? "
10. Hey Bhaggava, Jaliya, Darupatti disciples, have used such oil that could not be made complicit Patikaputta leave the seat and said to him:
Eating toads, mice barn,
Eat determine toss cemetery,
Live Great Forest, forest No,
Self interesting thought is king.
It's barking dog forest,
forest type dastardly dog.
Dogs bark forest is?
Who lion roaring sound?
"Also this Patikaputta Sage, Sage's credibility depended on rank Auspicious, dining furniture Auspicious Career wreak real, but thought that maybe patronizing with steps Tathagata, Arhat, Chief Equal Enlightenment. We Patikaputta ignoble who, could patronizing with steps Tathagata, Arhat, Enlightenment? "
11. Hey Bhaggava, Jaliya, Darupatti disciples, oil was used for example, does not make nude Patikaputta leave the seat and went to his congregation and news:
"- Naked Patikaputta was pathetic, but said:" Hey you, I will come; This you, I will come ", but he crawled through the spot, could not stand up from the seat."
12. Hey Bhaggava, when they heard that, I told the audience that:
"- Hey Sage, naked Patikaputta, if he did not renounce his speech, did not abandon her mind, not to abandon his wrong view, will not be able to see My face is. If he thinks: "I am however not give that statement, did not give up the mind, not to abandon him wrong, maybe to meet Gotama were recluses," then his head will fall apart. If you Licchavi think "Let's column Patikaputta naked with a rope and pull him to use the last cow." Patikaputta will rope freeing him. Speakers can not be Patikaputta not abandon those words ... maybe to meet I was. If he thought: "I can not give that statement ... maybe to meet Gotama were recluses," then his head will fall apart. "
13. Hey Bhaggava, then I teach them that opportunity, encourage, make excited, makes happy with the sermon. After teaching his congregation, encourage, make excited, makes happy with the sermon, I made them great deliverance fetters, rescued eighty-four thousand beings great escape deprivation, in We enter the world Samadhi meditation optic, high soar to seven trees nowhere ta-la, corona discharge than seven kilometers high to ta-la, causing burns bright, glowing and I appeared at the amphitheater at Chongqing University Lam. This Bhaggava, then Sunakkhatta, tribal Licchavi to me, bowed and sat down beside me. After sitting down on one side, this Bhaggava, I told Sunakkhatta, Licchavi tribe sat in:
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, Thou think? Is what I tell the naked Thou Patikaputta, was done so, nothing else?
"- Buddha, what Bhagavan told him about the nude Patikaputta was done so, nothing else.
"- Hey Sunakkhatta, how do you think? The event is so, then there must be measures Kabbalah's rooftop was done or not done?
"- Buddha, the event is such, then Kabbalah law's rooftop has been done, not done.
- "Hey stupid one, such as traders approach Kabbalah was I made, so that the driver said:" Buddha, Bhagavan's no enforcement of Kabbalah rooftop. "Hey stupid one, please You see such faults is how! "
This Bhaggava, so Sunakkhatta oil Licchavi tribe so I say, abandon France and this Act, such person must fall into deprivation, in hell.
14. Bhaggava Hey, I know about the world's origins, I also know more. And when I said that, I have no attachments. Since there is no attachment, I understand itself was calm; thanks to this enlightened serenity that Tathagata does not fall into the mistake. Bhaggava Hey, have you recluses, Brahmins declared the world's origin is traditionally by Self in heaven (Issara) creates, by Brahma (Brahma) created. I come to you and say that:
"- Are venerable monks declared the world genesis is traditionally created by Self in heaven, created by Brahma?"
Being so I ask you, he replied:
"- Yes!"
I say to you that:
"- Why monks declared venerable origins of the world according to the traditional is created by Self in heaven, because Brahma created"?
Being so I ask, you would not be able to answer. Unable to answer, you did ask me, and asked that, I reply as follows:
15. "- Chu sage, there was a time, to a certain stage, after a very long time, the world go septic. While transforming corrupt world, the majority of sentient beings moving through Abhassara ( Optical Audio disasters) in here, the sentient being by the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lived in the glory and live in such a long time. Chu Sage, a time, to a certain stage, after a very long time, this world turned into, on offer are displayed but empty. At that time, a sentient being, or life-took advantage , or good fortune took advantage, the public network from birth through Pham Quang Yin natural supply was empty. He in there, so the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lived in the glory, and live in such a long time. This is, in that location, after living so long alone, explore the depressed, not happy and have hope: "May all beings have Other circumstances also come at this place! "At that time, the other living beings, or life-took advantage, or good fortune took advantage, with common destiny and from relatives living through Pham Quang Yin natural supply you with empty to do other charming location. This charming Types here also the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lived in the glory and live in such a long time.
16. "At the time, this the sage, the sentient beings through the first thought:" I am Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, I won, variable labels, observing, God, Creation Home , turns being host, Dai religion, the Lord of all the networks, so re, fathers beings have and will give birth. These beings do that cause of birth. Why so? Because we have a thought so: Hopefully other sentient beings to this site! Due to the wish of my Government that those beings that come in this place ". The final beings to think like this:" He is Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, I won, Variations label , rule of the Almighty, Creative Home, chemistry born owner, Dai religion, the Lord of all the networks, so re, fathers beings have and will give birth. We're a Brahman by birth turns. Because we see this position being here before then, and we are born later ".
17. "Hey Sage, the first sentient was born, to live longer, better appearances, and was much more powerful. And the sentient beings after they live shorter, less appearances better, and less authority over. Hey Sage, the situation may occur. One of the beings that, after abandoning the other body to reincarnate this territory. As to this world, he left home, abandoning the family, not family life. Once home, abandon their families, living without family, he single-mindedly through, thanks to diligence, due diligence, because no distractions, thanks Secretarial recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered his life. He said: "The other is Brahma, the Great Brahma, Almighty, I won, variable labels, Rule the Almighty, Creative Home, chemistry born owner, Dai religion, the Lord of all the networks, so re, fathers beings have and will give birth. We're Brahma was because of birth. He is constant, permanent, permanent, not change, so permanent forever. And we're Brahma was due to the birth of this site. We are impermanent, not permanent, life prematurely, subject to change and the reincarnate to this site "! Hey Sage, so you declare the origin of the traditional world is so fond of Independence creation, Brahma created due to ...? "
He said the following:
"- This venerable Gotama, we have heard just as venerable Gotama said:" Hey Bhaggava, I know about the genesis world ... that Tathagata does not fall into the mistake. "
18. Hey Bhaggava, some recluses, Brahmins declared the world's origin is traditionally caused by infection or by sensual. I come to you and say that:
"- Are venerable monks statement origins traditional world is caused by infection or for pleasure?"
Being so I ask you, he replied:
"- Yes."
I say to you that:
"- Why monks Sage statement about the origin of traditional world, is caused by infection or by pleasure?"
Being so I ask, you would not be able to answer. Unable to answer, you did ask me, and asked that, I reply as follows:
"- Hey Sage, there are gods called Khiddapadosika Rating (infected or by sensual). These men lived a long time, a passion for sensual goofy Coliseum. For long life, a passion for education Coliseum goofy communications, should be forgetfulness. Do forgetfulness, he Devas reincarnate, abandoning their bodies. The situation from happening. One of the other beings when reincarnate, abandoning her body, regeneration, to this place. Upon arrival at this place, he left home, abandoning the family, not family life. Once home, abandon their families, living without family, he single-mindedly through, thanks to diligent, thanks diligence, because no distractions, thanks to chief recollection, should enter the center. When entering the center, he remembered his past life and not remember her life further. He said: "These are not your Heavenly infection or for pleasure, they do not live long fascination of sensual goofy Coliseum. For long life no fascination in sensual Coliseum goofy, so it is not forgetfulness. Because not forgetfulness, so that gods do not reincarnate, not give their body, life eternal, permanent, permanent, not changing, permanent so forever. As we already infected or by pleasure, long life enthralls in sensual goofy Coliseum. Because we live long fascination in sensual goofy Coliseum should be forgetfulness. Due to forgetfulness, we abandon this body, impermanent life, not permanent, life prematurely, subject to change and the reincarnate to this place. "This, venerable, so your statement about how origins traditionally presented by the infection or because pleasure is not it? "
He said the following:
"- This venerable Gotama, we have heard just as venerable Gotama said:" Hey Bhaggava, I know about the genesis world ... that Tathagata not fall into error. "
19. Hey Bhaggava, some recluses, Brahmins declared the world's origin is traditionally caused by infection or by the mind. I come to you and say that:
"- Are venerable monks statement origins traditional world is caused by infection or by the mind?"
Being so I ask you, he replied:
- "Yes".
I say to you that:
"- Why monks declared venerable origins of the traditional world is caused by infection or by the mind?"
Being so I ask, you would not be able to answer. Unable to answer, you did ask me, and asked that, I reply as follows:
"- Chu Sage, have the gods called Manopadosika Rating (infection or by the mind.) They live a long time, tempered by mutual jealousy. For long life, tempered by mutual jealousy, Their minds mutual hatred. Because mutual hatred mind, should themselves tired, tired mind them. The class was Devas reincarnate, abandoning this body of them. The Sage, this affair happen. One of the other beings, when reincarnate, abandoning his body, born to this world again. When born to this world, he left home, abandoning the family, not family life. After abandoned family home, no family life. When entering the center, he remembered his life. He said: "Gods are not infected or by the mind, they do not live long days tempered by mutual jealousy, their minds are not hated each other. Because their minds are not hated each other, they did not get tired, they do not mind tired. Class does not reincarnate gods abandoned their bodies, permanent living, solid, permanent, not changing, permanent so forever. And we are infected or by mind, long life tempered by mutual jealousy, should mind we hated each other. Because our minds mutual hatred so tired body and mind fatigue. We reincarnate, abandoning this body, impermanent life is not permanent, life prematurely, subject to change and the reincarnate to this site ". So this the Sage, you declare the origin of the world tradition is due to contamination or by the mind. "
They answered as follows:
"- This venerable Gotama, we have heard just as venerable Gotama said:" Hey Bhaggava, I know about the origin of the world ... that the Tathagata does not fall into the mistake. "
20. Hey Bhaggava, some recluses, Brahmins declared the world's origin is traditionally born by inhumane. I come to you and say that:
"- Are venerable monks statement origins traditional world is due to inhumane living?"
Being so I ask you, he replied:
"- Yes".
I say to you that:
"- Why monks declared venerable origins of the world according truen delivery system is so inhuman?"
Being so I ask, you would not be able to answer. Unable to answer, you did ask me, and asked that, I reply as follows:
"- Chu Sage, have the great gods called Anonymous beings. When a memorial arises, the gods did reincarnate, abandon their gods themselves. Chu Sage, the situation may occur . One of the beings that, when reincarnate, to give him his dear gods, born to this world again. When you come in this place, he left home, abandoning the family, not family life. After home, leaving my family, no family life, thanks to enthusiastic ... he should enter the center. He remembered when commemorating arises, do not remember further. He said: "Ego the world due to inhumane living. Why so? So saying, I previously did not have, now have. From where the state does not have, I became kind of charming. "So this venerable, you declare the origin traditional world due to inhumane living with this?"
They answered:
"- Hey Sage Gotama, we have heard just as venerable Gotama said:" Hey Bhaggava, I know about the world's origins, I also know more. And when I said that, I have no attachments. Since no attachment, I understand itself was calm. Thanks to this enlightened serenity that Tathagata not fall into error. "
21. Bhaggava Hey, I declare that, I like that concept. But some recluses, Brahmins to proscribe me an unreal, empty, rotten puppets, false: "He let Gotama and the monk was crazy. He let Gotama had declared:" As a who reached the purity, liberation, then he knows everything is impure. "But this Bhaggava, I can not say the same:" When someone reaches the purification and liberation, then he knows everything animals are impure. "Hey Bhaggava, I say:" When someone reaches purity, liberation, then he knows everything is pure "
- Buddha, they are crazy when they criticize the Exalted and the brethren is crazy. Child trust Bhagavan happy to make you believe that Bhagavan can teach children to pure liberation.
- Hey Bhaggava, it's hard to follow him when he is wrong the other, patience and other facts wrong, wrong track other goals, pursued the goals difference, trained under other false methods in order to achieve pure, freed. Bhaggava Hey, let's put in place my faith seriously, please cleverly kept his confidence.
- Buddha, if it was hard for me, as I follow the other wrong interpretations, endurance and other facts wrong, wrong track other goals, pursued the goals difference, be trained in the method another wrong approach, in order to achieve pure liberation, the Buddha, at least I also emphasized faith in Bhagavan, and I will cleverly kept his confidence.

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