Friday 18 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

3. The Ambattha (A-ma-resident) (Ambattha Sutta).

Chanting the first.
1. N nowhere I have heard that. One time Bhagavan was traveling at Kosala (Question-slap-la), with mass about five hundred monks arrive at a location and Brahmin village in Kosala named Icchanankala. Here, the Exalted in Icchanankala in forests Icchanankala named.
At that time, Brahmin Pokkharasadi at Ukkattha, a populous place, trees, ponds, abundant grain, which is the land of kings, later King Pasenadi (Persian-heavy) level for to receive some income.
2. Brahmin Pokkharasadi heard: recluse Gotama is Like death, renunciation from Sakyan, currently traveling in Kosala, with mass monks around five hundred, came Icchanankala , in the woods Icchanankala Icchanankala named. The good fame following transmissions recluse Gotama about: "He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. He himself realized this world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, Self-realization and displayed for every known species, sermon, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, that document fully and completely present full of dignity, chastity. If an audience with an A- Lohans so it is very precious. "
3. At the time, youth Ambattha (A-ma-resident) was a disciple of Brahmin Pokkharasadi, a recitation of sacred mantras technical approval, three collective expertise with vocabulary Vedic ceremony Comfort, natural language, and Thursday is the ancient story, understand words and grammar, so intense Thuan General's reasoning and facts. This unique position of the three intelligent and accredited so that the professors themselves have said: "What I know, you know, what you know, it is known".
4. At that time the Brahmin youth Ambattha Pokkharasadi told, "Hey dear Ambattha, recluse Gotama is Like death, renunciation from Sakyan, currently traveling in Kosala, with great We monks around five hundred, arrived at Icchanankala residing in Icchanankala. The good fame following transmissions recluse Gotama about: "He is the Exalted level, Arhat, Enlightenment, ... Buddha, Bhagavan. He realized this world to Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, self-realization and visible to all known species. His sermon, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, that document fully and completely present full of dignity, purity. If an audience with an Arhat as so very precious. "Ambattha Hey dear, please go to the recluse Gotama meet, and learn rumors about venerable Gotama is so or not so. Thus, we will get to know about the venerable Gotama ".
5. - How do you know about the venerable Gotama, known rumors of such venerable Gotama is true or not, there must venerable Gotama is so, or not so much?
- Ambattha dear, according to our tradition of thirty two of the great minister's, those with thirty two generals would choose two paths, there is no other way. If you are at home, going into position cakkavatti conquer national level, the full seven jewels. This is car seven precious treasures, golden elephants, golden horse, ma ni precious, precious jade woman, lay seventh treasure and treasure generals. And this position has more than one thousand boys, are the heroes, majesty, foreign military victory. These are living, the ruler of the earth take to the ocean, and reigned with Dharma, no sticks, no knife. If this your home, leave home, no family life, this position will be attained Arhat, Enlightenment, wipe delusions in life. Ambattha Hey dear, I have to pay the arts. I have received the attention that art.
6. - Ladies yes.
Youth Ambattha obeyed by Brahmin Pokkharasadi, stood up from his seat, bowed Brahmin Pokkharasadi, oriented itself toward organic, ride a mare and the large numbers of young men went to the area Icchanankala forest. Take the car to go places no car, Ambattha immediately got down to walk and in monasteries.
7. At that time a large number of monks were walking outdoors. Youth Ambattha monks came to him and asked: "The Sage, Gotama now Ton married in place? We came here for an audience with Venerable Gotama".
8. The monks immediately think: "Youth Ambattha belong to families with fame, was a disciple of Brahmin Pokkharasadi, a reputation also. One such dialogue between Bhagavan and Such a noble figure, without any difficulty. " The monks told Ambattha youth: "Hey Ambattha, there are monasteries closed his residence. Please go there quietly, not crossing corridor, cleared his throat and knocked on the door bar, Bhagavan will open to you. "
9. Youth Ambattha went to the monastery was closed quietly, do not exceed the corridor, cleared his throat and knocked on the door bar. Bhagavan opened and youth Ambattha entered. The other youth to follow, words greeted with courtesy asked Bhagavan and sat down on one side, a young man fro Ambattha time, uttered ask Bhagavan jerkily while sitting or stand still uttered ask Bhagavan jerkily while sitting.
10. At that time Bhagavan told young Ambattha:
- There must, for grades Brahmin elders, stand age, the great teachers and patriarchs, you also talk like that, as you went through the words spoken while asking jerkily I was sitting, or standing back uttered ask jerkily while I was sitting?
- No, this Gotama. Must go and talk to a Brahmin, this Gotama, if he is going. Must stand and talk to a Brahmin, this Gotama, if he is standing. To sit and talk with a Brahmin, this Gotama, if he was sitting. Must stay and talk to a Brahmin, this Gotama, if he was lying. Only those recluses despicable, bald, ignoble, unlucky, born from the foot of my relatives, it may not talk like that, as with you, Gotama ".
11. - Ambattha Hey, looks like you came here with an intention? Thou shalt skillful intention to put your purpose here. Youth education Ambattha sounds crazy, though he claims to have education. That uneducated, nothing else!
12. Youth Ambattha Exalted be called uneducated so, immediately enraged, furious, wanted to humiliate Bhagavan, Bhagavan defamatory, offensive Bhagavan, and think: "recluse Gotama malice for us "and said the Exalted:
- Hey Gotama, is dismissive Sakyan; This Gotama, evil is Sakyan; This Gotama, levity is Sakyan; Gotama is this ferocious clan Like ca. Is ignoble, dishonorable of components, glass Sakyan not give Brahmin, not worship Brahmin, not offering Brahmin, not respected Brahmin. This Gotama, so maybe it's not right, it is not lawful, when the family Shakyamuni, the ignoble class, belonging to the glass dishonorable not to give Brahmin, no reverence Brahmin not worshiping Brahmin, not offering Brahmin, no respect Brahmin.
Thus, the first youth Ambattha accused Sakyan is ignoble. .
13. - Hey Ambattha, Sakyan What did offend you?
- Hey Gotama, one time I went to Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense) has to be done for him was Brahmin Pokkharasadi, and arrive at the hall of their favorite lines. At that time a large number of families and young Shakyamuni Shakyamuni sitting on a high chair in the hall. We laugh together, titillation his finger together, we thought for sure we are targets for us playing together, no one invited us to sit. This Gotama, so maybe it's not right, it is not lawful, as they are the class Shakyamuni ignoble, dishonorable composition of glass not give Brahmin, no reverence Brahmin, not worshiping Brahmin, not offering Brahmin, not respected Brahmin.
So Ambattha second youth accused Sakyan is ignoble.
14. - Hey Ambattha, as well as bird fiddler, fiddler baby bird can sing its delight in the nest. This Ambattha, Kapilavatthu of kin Like ca. It does not deserve to be offended because Ambattha a petty problem this.
15. - Hey Gotama, there are four classes: Attack imperial capitals, Brahmin, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-da-la. This Gotama, in this four-class, third-class seat Sat-soles, Phệ-amnesty and Prime-da-la is to stand before the Brahmin class. This Gotama, so maybe it's not right, it was not lawful when Shakyamuni is the ignoble class, belonging to the indignity, not glasses made Brahmin, no reverence Brahmin not worshiping Brahmin, no respect Brahmin.
Thus, the third Ambattha youth accused Sakyan is ignoble.
16. At that time Bhagavan think: "Young people have vilified Ambattha Shakyamuni family unduly ignoble. Now we have to ask his family." Then Bhagavan asked youth Ambattha:
- What is your clan?
- Hey Gotama, my family is Kanhayana.
- Hey Ambattha, if according to thy side matriarchal past, the Shakyamuni family is your teacher. And a son of a maidservant of kin Like ca. Ambattha this youth, ancestors of the king Okkaka Shakyamuni. Long ago, this Ambattha king crowned Okkaka want you for her son prince king queen key fondly, he rid the country of its first child is Okkamukha, Karandu, Hatthiniya, Sinipura. Leaches out of water, the prince is to live in a great forest beside a lake, on the slopes of Hy-code-Himalayan. Fearing his blood mixed in with other blood, the prince who is sleeping with his sister.
- Hey Ambattha, one day the king said to his courtiers Okkaka entourage: "Behold, the secretary, the princes now where?" - "O Great King, there is a large forest area, on a lake on the slopes of Hy-Greek-paint code. Now the prince in his spot. The prince, fearing his blood mixed parentage Should other people slept with your sister. "
- Hey Ambattha king Okkaka instant inspiration joyful chant uttered the words: "The truth is the Sakya prince (hard as oak cores), the truth is the Sakya prince eminent". This Ambattha, from then on, the prince called Sakya and Okkaka king is the king of the family nest-ca. Ambattha this king had a maidservant named Disa. This handmaid birth to a black child. Just born, Kanha immediately say: "Hey mom, baby wash, baby bath let the mother; the mother just washed this impure map. And I will help you". Ambattha this, because people call evil evil so people also call evil Kanha. They say something like this: "The child, the newly born have said. A newly Kanha birth". This Ambattha, henceforth known Kanhayana word. And Kanha is the father of the family Kanhayana. Ambattha Hey, if according to thy side matriarchal past, the family-ca is your teacher, and you are the only child of the family maidservant Like ca.
17. When Bhagavan said this, the youth told the Exalted:
- Hey Gotama, do not have excessive libel Ambattha young son a maidservant. This Gotama, youth born into nobility Ambattha, youth Ambattha of the prestigious house, youth ranks Ambattha is multicultural, youth Ambattha is good orator, is young Ambattha scholar, youth can Ambattha argues with venerable Gotama about this issue.
18. Bhagavan then said to the young.
- If you think the youth: "Youth Ambattha not be born in aristocratic, youth not in the house Ambattha prestigious youth ranks Ambattha not multicultural, youth Ambattha not a good orator youth Ambattha not scientists, youth can not argue with Ambattha venerable Gotama about this issue ", the youth Ambattha stand aside and let the young man argued with me on this issue . If you think: "Young people are born into nobility Ambattha, young people under the house Ambattha prestigious youth ranks Ambattha is multicultural, youth Ambattha is good orator, is young scientist Ambattha, bar Annual Ambattha can argue with Gotama about this issue, "the time you stand aside and let the youth Ambattha argued to me about this issue.
19. - Hey Gotama, youth Ambattha born into nobility, young men of the house Ambattha prestigious youth ranks Ambattha is multicultural, youth Ambattha is good orator, is young scientist Ambattha, bar Annual Ambattha can argue with the venerable Gotama about this issue. We will stand silent. Youth with Gotama Ambattha will argue about this issue.
20. Bhagavan said associated with youth Ambattha:
- Hey Ambattha, this is a reasonable question to ask you oil brought not want, you have to answer. If you do not answer, or answers to avoid over another issue, or keep quiet, or leaving, the spot, your head will be broken into seven pieces. Ambattha Hey, you think? You have heard the Brahmin, elders, honorable professor and patriarchs comes to the origin of the family Kanhayana not? Who is the father of the family Kanhayana?
Hearing this Ambattha youth remain silent. Second Bhagavan told young Ambattha:
- Hey Ambattha, your family think? You have heard of family backgrounds Kanhayana not? Who is the father of the family Kanhayana?
Second youth Ambattha remain silent. Bhagavan said to the youth Ambattha:
- Ambattha, you must answer this, you did not have time to keep silent anymore. This one is Bhagavan Ambattha third time asked a reasonable question without answer, the first time he will be broken into seven pieces in place.
21. At the time, coal rubs Vajirapani holding a huge iron mace, fire red, bright young man standing on top of Ambattha with intent: "If Bhagavan asked a third time, a reasonable question Youth Ambattha not answer, the first time it will shatter into seven pieces ". Only Bhagavan and youth mental Ambattha see Vajirapani deleted. Young people see the deity Ambattha instant fear, panic, hair on end, only to find cover where Bhagavan, only to find support where Bhagavan, instant bow down and lord:
- Venerable Gotama say? Mong Ton said Gotama left.
- Ambattha, you think? You have heard the Brahmin status, elders, honorable professor and patriarchs comes to the origin of the family Kanhayana not? Who is the father of the family Kanhayana?
- Venerable Gotama, I have heard, as Venerable Gotama said. The main source of the stream from which they Kanhayana. He is the father of the family Kanhayana.
22. When they heard that, immediately shouting young adults:
- People say young people are equipped Ambattha born, they say youth is the line Ambattha not noble; Ambattha young people say is the handmaid of the family one-ca; they say their line-ca is the youth Ambattha. We do not think that the recluse Gotama that speech is always true, the person can not be trusted.
23. At that time Bhagavan think: "The youth was excessive libel Ambattha youth is the one maidservant then. Now I am just relieved to Ambattha". Then Bhagavan said to the youth:
- The young, you do not have excessive libel Ambattha young son a maidservant. Kanha he became a great priest. This goes south, a technical study notes Brahma, then the Emperor Okkaka and ask yourself Khuddarupi married princess. King Okkaka with anger, being away, yelled that: "Who are you, the son of the handmaid I dared ask Khuddarupi my daughter", and called on the supply and installation emperor. But the king could not shoot arrows go, can not take the arrow down. When that time, the young attendant retinue of courtiers and said to the hermit to Kanha: - "Venerable, let the king safe! Venerable, let the king is safe!" - "The king will be safe, and if he would shoot arrows down on the ground, the whole country will be constrained the king, withered!" - "Venerable let the king is safe! Let the national level to be safe!" - "The king will be safe, and national level will be safe! But if he would shoot skyward name, the whole country will not rain during the seven years!" - "Venerable, let the king is safe, let the national level is safe! And let the rain!" - "The king will be safe, and national level will be safe and it will rain. But the king shut bow to the prince. A prince's hair will be safe!".
When that time, the young attendant, the courtiers told Okkaka: "Okkaka aim bow to the prince. A prince's hair will be safe."
King Okkaka closed bow to the prince and a prince's feathers are also safe. King Okkaka panic, terror punishment, upon the daughter Khuddarupi. This young, youth do not have defamatory unduly Ambattha the son of a maidservant. Kanha is a great hermit.
24. When that time, told young Tathagata Ambattha:
- Ambattha, your family think? A young man Sat-imperial-town girl marries a Brahmin. Due to her reunion, a son was born. A person born of a young man Sat-imperial-town girl and a Brahmin may consular seats or domestic life among the Brahmin not?
- Venerable Gotama, may receive life.
- And the Brahmin had invited him to a party offerings for the dead or using donated food items, or food offerings to the gods or food sent as a gift it?
- Venerable Gotama, have invited.
- And the Brahmin has taught the art or not pay?
- Venerable Gotama, have taught.
- Having closed between him and the woman of them or open?
- Venerable Gotama, is open.
- And the Sat-empire-towns have empowerment for him to become a Sat-imperial-town does not?
- Venerable Gotama, said no.
- Why not?
- Because it is not born (the surveys to dysentery) from matriarchy.
25. - Ambattha, your family think? Here a young Brahmin girl married a Sat-imperial-town. Due to this reunion, a son was born. A person born of a young Brahmin girl and a Sat-imperial-town life may consular seats or water between the Brahmin or not?
- Venerable Gotama, may receive life.
- And the Brahmin had invited him to a party offerings for the dead or the use of food offerings, or offerings under the angel food or food sent as a gift it?
- Venerable Gotama, have invited.
- And the Brahmin has taught him the art does not pay?
- Venerable Gotama, have taught.
- Having closed between him and their women, or open?
- Venerable Gotama, we open the door.
- And the Sat-imperial-town can do for him initiations to become a Sat-imperial-town does not?
- Venerable Gotama, said no.
- Why so?
- Venerable Gotama, because not born (the surveys to dysentery) from paternity.
26. - Hey Ambattha, compared women with women, men with men, the class surveys to capital is essential, Brahmin was paralyzed. Ambattha Hey, your family think? Here, assuming a cause by what the Brahmin shave their heads a Brahmin, hit him with an ash equipment, frequency of water or you got out of town. He has been head seat and country life among the Brahmin not?
- Venerable, was not.
- And the Brahmin, had invited him to a party offerings for the dead or the use of food offerings, and food offerings to gods or food sent as a gift it?
- Venerable Gotama, no invite.
- And the Brahmin has taught him the art does not pay?
- Venerable Gotama, not taught.
- Having closed between him and their women, or open?
- Venerable Gotama, closed.
27. - Ambattha, your family think? Here suppose due to a cause, the first surveys to dysentery scrape an iron seat, hit him with an ash equipment, frequency of water or him out of the city, he has been feeling territorial seats and drinking water among the Brahmin not?
- Venerable Gotama, was ordained leader.
- And the Brahmin had invited him to a party offerings for the dead, or use the dishes offered, or offered for angel food, or food sent as gifts it?
- Venerable Gotama, have invited.
- And the Brahmin has taught him the art does not pay?
- Venerable Gotama, has taught:
- Having closed between him and their women, or open?
- Venerable Gotama, is open.
- Hey Ambattha, such as the extreme optimism of the oppressed and Sat-imperial-town, was the sole-seat Sat-shaved head, hit him with an ash equipment, frequency of water or from person to City, thus it Ambattha, when people Sat-substrate-seat fall into extreme optimism, the imperial capital remained part Sat ascendancy and the Brahmin remained inferior position.
28. - Hey Ambattha, this verse from Brahma Sanam Kumara theory:
"For being confident in class, Sat-insole-seat occupy supreme position in the human world.
What do you happier and full intellectual, they account for primacy between the people and the gods won. "

Chanting second product
1. - The venerable Gotama, literal Virtue in verse what is it? Tue literal in verse what are these?
- Hey Ambattha, a supreme achievement have no place moral reasoning being offered to the life, no requests to class discussion or no requests to comment conceit with the words: "Do ye not by me or by me ". Where it comes to weddings or pick berries go, or both, that place new argument being offered to the life, offered to class discussion or arguments offered to conceit with words: "You're with us or not by" .
Ambattha this, those who are living the life attachment theory, and attachment theory class, and attachment theory arrogance, or even attachments strawberry wedding procession, who was far from the mind supreme achievements virtue. This Ambattha, no attachment theory sentient life, no attachment theory class, not arrogant attachment theory, no attachment of marriage, gave her away, he immediately realized supreme virtue location.
2. - The venerable Gotama, what is moral in verse About him? What is the wisdom in that verse?
- Here, this Ambattha, Tathagata appears, as level Arhat, Chief Variable Tri, Minh Hanh Additional:
This Ambattha, so called monks intellectual achievement, moral achievement, accomplishment and intellectual virtue. Ambattha this, no other achievement super Vietnamese place more faith, more noble accomplishment of this moral position.
3. Ambattha Hey, there are four causes of failure for the achievement of this supreme virtue location. Which four? Ambattha this, there have recluse or Brahmin may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, bring instruments of Magi, go into the forest and pray: "I only eat fruit fall live ". Only certain people deserve to be the steward of what you have achieved the moral position. Ambattha Hey, that's the first reason given for the failure to achieve this supreme moral position.
Again, here Ambattha monks or Brahmin may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue place, and may not acquire legal eat fallen fruit to live, to carry hoes and baskets come in deep woods and pray: "I only eat tubers, roots and fruits to live". Only certain people deserve to be the steward of what you have achieved the moral position. Ambattha Hey, that's the second reason given for the failure to achieve this supreme moral position.
Again, Ambattha, there recluse or Brahmin may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, may not acquire approach to eating fruits and not acquire legal lived eat bulbs, roots and fruit tree to live, to kindle the fire at the end of the village or fire worship her life. Only certain people deserve to be the steward of what you have achieved the moral position. Ambattha that this is the third reason given for the failure to achieve this supreme moral position.
Ambattha Again, there recluse or Brahmin may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, may not acquire lawfully eat fruit shed to live, may not acquire legal eat bulbs, roots and fruit tree to live, may not acquire legal fire worship, to build a house with four gates at the crossroads, live and pray: "From four directions if monks or Brahmin yet again, then will offerings, according to their capacity, according to our strength. " Only certain people deserve to be the steward of what you have achieved the moral position. Ambattha this, it is the fourth leading cause leading to the failure to place the supreme achievement of this virtue.
This Ambattha were four causes of failure for the achievement of this supreme virtue location.
4. Ambattha Hey, you think? You and your teacher can be considered to have supreme achievements not mind this virtue? - White not, Venerable Gotama. What is your child and teacher, Venerable Gotama, to be able to compare with the achievement supreme virtue location. Venerable Gotama, son and he was very far from the achievement supreme virtue location.
- Hey Ambattha, you think? While you and your teacher may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, you can bring your house of home appliances hermit, deep woods and prayers go to the "I and I only eat fruit he shed that live?"
- White not, Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Ambattha, you think? While you and your teacher may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, may not acquire legal eat fruit shed to stay alive, you have to carry hoes and baskets go into the forest and pray: "I was just eating roots and teacher and fruit to live? "
- White not, Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Ambattha, you think? While you and your teacher may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, may not acquire legal eat fruit shed to live, may not acquire legal eat tubers, roots and fruits to live, you have kindled a fire in the village end or Last neighbor and teacher living with your church did not fire? "
- White not, Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Ambattha, you think? While you and your teacher may not acquire the supreme achievement of this virtue location, may not acquire legal eat fruit shed to live, may not acquire legal eat tubers, roots and fruits to live and not acquire the church fire, thou and your teacher can build a house with four gates at the crossroads with a prayer: "From four directions, if any monks or Brahmin yet again - and I will make offerings according to their capacity, depending on the strength of me? "
- White not, Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Ambattha, so you and your teachers are missing the supreme achievement of this moral position, is incomplete four causes of failure for the achievement of this supreme virtue Hotel, Ambattha, yet these words again by thy master, Brahmin Pokkharasadi uttered: "These recluses pseudo class, skinhead, ignoble, unlucky, born from my cousin's feet who can discourse with the three- la-subject expert Vedic trilogy ". A self has not achieved the law led to the failure (for the nobler method). Ambattha Hey, you see, your teacher, Brahmin Pokkharasadi has faults like?
6. Hey Ambattha, Brahmin Pokkharasadi lived the supply of king Pasenadi Kosala. King Pasenadi Kosala not allow your teacher is present. If the king thy teacher conference with the teacher just said you through a curtain. Ambattha Hey, why King Pasenadi Kosala not allow your teacher is present, whom the king offers a true pure food. Ambattha Hey, you see your teacher, Brahmin Pokkharasadi has faults like?
7. Ambattha Hey, you think? As King Pasenadi Kosala or sit on the elephant neck, or sit on a horse, or standing on horseback, or stand on a rug with his courtiers car or prince, the national discussion. If the king leaves his seat or stand aside, a servant Prime momentum or momentum to a person's Player. He also stood in that place, also states the discussion and said: "King Pasenadi Kosala said so". Though he said the king's speech, discussion as the discussion of the king, he can be a king or viceroy not?
- Do not be, Venerable Gotama.
8. - Ambattha Hey, your house, too. Long ago, the hermit between the Brahmin, the author of a technical note, the approval procedure of a technical note, sang, spoke up, has collected, the owl that now the Mrs. Saint-la Current jelly also sings, speaks, reads like the previous location did. The hermit was named Atthaka (A sá ca), Vamaka (Ba-ma), Vamadeva (Ba-ma -to-grandmother), Vessamitta (Ti-she-evaluation-SA), Yamataggi (James she -to -Three), Angirasa (Central-period-la), Bharadvaja (Bat-la-da competence-bar), Vasettha (she-ma-sa) Kassapa (Ca-lettuce), Bhagu (Ba-lasting). Though you may say: "I, a disciple, memorizing the uncle of the arts he" only with this condition, you may be seen as a hermit or has evidence of a hermit status no?
- This can not be.
9. Ambattha, you think? You have been listening to even the Brahmin, elders, religious sufficient, the professor and the patriarchs speak to it? In ancient times the hermit, among Brahmin, the author of a technical note, the chant spread the uncle sang arts, spoke up, has collected the owls that this Bible the Brahmin , also sings, speaks, reads like the previous location did. The hermit was named Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu. But he may well bathing, grooming cleverly, skillfully prepare beard hair and makeup with garland and pearls, dressed all in white, enjoy and sensual passion in food, as people and not the master of the present thee ?
- Not that. Venerable Gotama.
10. - The hermit had used for cooked rice, premium white but black particles were decanted off, use the soup, eat a variety of items that are not, as you and your teacher is not present?
- Not that, Venerable Gotama.
- Or he was the girl with waist lines and belts with tassels servant like you and your teacher is not present?
- Not that, Venerable Gotama.
- Or he goes on the car due to the mares have manes, tails are braided and use the whip and stick long as you and your teacher is not present?
- Not that, Venerable Gotama.
- Or he lives sheltered in the ramparts with the trenches wrapped, with the gates down, with soldiers carrying long sword as your guardian and your teacher is not present?
- Not that, Venerable Gotama.
- So this Ambattha, thou and thy master was not a recluse, not like the life of a hermit. Ambattha Hey, if in doubt, there is nothing to wonder about me, ask me and I will answer.
11. At that time, Bhagavan out of monasteries and started walking. Youth Ambattha follow Bhagavan is walking and looking good count thirty-two of the great general staff, facilities or delivery, delivery stride, have not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie Minister code negative and museum Minister wide long tongue.
12. When that time, Bhagavan think: "Youth is Ambattha see where we nearly good enough thirty two of the great generals who deducted two generals. For two of the great minister's good, comfortable or being, by project delivery, have not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long loose tongue ".
Bhagavan made mystically instant youth minister Ambattha see sound code of Bhagavan Museum. And Bhagavan tongue, touched, licked to ears, touched, licked to the nostrils, and tongue across the forehead cover. At that time, young men Ambattha immediately think: "recluse Gotama full thirty two generals of the great human good, not inadequate". And Bhagavan said: "Venerable Gotama, now we would like to go, we're very busy, there is much work to be done."
- Hey Ambattha, do what you think is the right time.
Then the young man climbed into the car Ambattha mare by dragging and gone.
13. At that time the Brahmin Pokkharasadi out with a mass Ukkattha Brahmin, sit in their gardens and waiting Ambattha youth. When the youth went to the garden Ambattha, ride to spot longer ride, then walk down to the local car Brahmin Pokkharasadi sitting. By the finish, youth Ambattha bowed Brahmin Pokkharasadi and sat to one side. After sitting down Ambattha youth side, Brahmin Pokkharasadi says
14. - Ambattha Hey dear, you saw recluse Gotama yet?
- We see Venerable Gotama then.
- Hey Ambattha dear, are venerable Gotama right to have spread rumors, not the other?
- Venerable Gotama right to have spread rumors, not the other. The venerable Gotama is such, not the other. Venerable Gotama full thirty-two of the great minister's good, not lack.
- Hey Ambattha dear, I have the same conversation with the Venerable Gotama not?
- I have conversations with Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Ambattha dear, that conversation like?
Youth for the Arts Ambattha instant Brahmin clearly Pokkharasadi all talks with Venerable Gotama.
15. Heard so, Brahmin told young Pokkharasadi Ambattha:
- You're the scholars of our sided! You truly are multi-sided our office! You truly are the three atmospheric expert Vedic our sided. They say those who have behaved like that, when damaged body corporate networks, will be born in the evil realms of deprivation, in hell. Ambattha this, the more you attack venerable Gotama much, much less being Venerable Gotama bust us much. You truly are the scholars of our sided! You truly are multi-sided our office! You truly are the three atmospheric expert Vedic our sided! People say, those who have behaved like that, when damaged body corporate networks, will be born in the evil realms of deprivation, in hell.
Brahmin Pokkharasadi angry, resentful, stone foot somersault youth tonic Ambattha then immediately wanted to meet to Bhagavan.
16. Then, the Brahmin is said to Brahmin Pokkharasadi: "Today, it was too late to visit the recluse Gotama. Tomorrow venerable Pokkharasadi please visit recluse Gotama ".
However, Brahmin Pokkharasadi still do the dishes epigastric, solid sort of the soft in their own homes, carrying on the vehicle, and in the light of the torches from Ukkattha come out and go to the forest clump Icchanankala. This position seat ride to ride longer and get off walk to Bhagavan. When traveling to and said to Bhagavan asked courtesy words, then sat down on one side. As I sat down on one side, Brahmin Pokkharasadi told Bhagavan:
17. - The venerable Gotama, our students, youths Ambattha have come here?
- Hey Brahmin, thy disciples, young people have come here Ambattha.
- Venerable Gotama, he had the same conversation with young Ambattha not?
- Hey Brahmin, I have conversations with youth Ambattha.
- Venerable Gotama, his conversations with youth Ambattha like?
The conversation with how Ambattha youth, Bhagavan recounted all the Brahmin Pokkharasadi.
Hearing this, Brahmin told Bhagavan:
- Venerable Gotama, youth Ambattha truth is foolish! Venerable Gotama, please forgive the youth Ambattha!
- Hey Brahmin, Ambattha youth players are happy.
18. At the time, Brahmin Pokkharasadi find good count of thirty-two general undergraduate Bhagavan's body. Brahmin see nearly enough thirty two good minister of higher education Bhagavan's body, except two generals. For two good minister of higher education personnel, facilities or delivery, delivery stride, have not been satisfied, not satisfied, the two generals as Minister and Minister Museum code sound long broad tongue.
19. At that time Bhagavan thought that: "Brahmin Pokkharasadi see nearly enough of thirty two good generals great being where I am, except for two facts. For two good minister of higher education personnel, facilities or birth, birth hesitation, has not been satisfied, not satisfied, ie minister and minister Museum code sound long loose tongue ". Bhagavan then used Kabbalah makes Brahmin Pokkharasadi see negative minister Museum code of Bhagavan. And Bhagavan tongue, touched, licked to ears, touched, licked to the nostrils, and tongue across the forehead cover.
At that time, Brahmin Pokkharasadi think: "He let Gotama has all thirty two good generals of great being, not fully" with Bhagavan then said: "Today please Venerable Gotama together we monks to dine with you. Bhagavan answered with silence.
20. When Brahmin Pokkharasadi known Bhagavan said yes immediately press time for Bhagavan: Venerable Gotama, the rice is ready. Then Bhagavan morning robes, take care bowl, and with them monks went to dormitory of Brahmin Pokkharasadi. When traveling to, sat on the prepared seat. Brahmin Pokkharasadi manually make Bhagavan correspond with epigastric food, hard and of the soft kind, while the young Brahmin, the mass communication monks. At that time, Brahmin Pokkharasadi, after knowing Bhagavan had finished dinner, have washed your hands and bowl, and he took a low seat and sat down the other side.
21. Exalted second consecutive lecture class for Brahmin Pokkharasadi, sat listening, theory of generosity, morality theory, theory of the heavens, presenting the danger, the inferior, the infection Car of the pleasures and benefits of renunciation. When Bhagavan know the mind of Brahmin Pokkharasadi ready, was acquiescent, there are no obstacles, be excited, be faithful, instant lecture enlightened Buddhas, ie size, set, kill director. Like pure white cloth, was washed sunspots, would very permeable dye, too, the main seat, the glass ceiling far legal label structure in the mind Brahmin Pokkharasadi: "What crime is set to launch were damaged ".
22. Then the Brahmin Pokkharasadi, see law, evidence law, compensation law, may enter into legal, eliminate doubt, hesitation cessation, evidence is self-confidence, no matter where people care for religion's professor faith. Brahmin instant Pokkharasadi white Buddha:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Likewise, the Dharma was venerable Gotama presented using various means, explained. Venerable Gotama, son, my son, my wife, my entourage, my friends, Bhagavan Gotama for refuge, refuge in France and refuge they brethren. Expect venerable Gotama receive the disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold. As Venerable Gotama visited another family in Ukkattha layman, forward venerable Gotama family also visited the Pokkharasadi. Here, the male bar or bar Brahmin women will bowed Gotama, or stand up, or invite the seat, or inviting water, or make joy. Thus we will be happy, interests in a long time.

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