Friday 18 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya.

2. The results Salmone (Samannaphala Sutta).

1. N nowhere so I hear. One time Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir) where mango orchards of Jivaka (United-grandmother) Komarabhacca, with mass monks one thousand two hundred and fifty. At that time Ajatasattu (Ajatasatru) son Vihehi (Vi-de-hi) king of Magadha (Ma-out-momentum) multiplied Bodhisattva ceremony on April fifteenth day Komudi (gun) is sitting on a high floor solemn, surrounded by many lords servant. At that time her son Ajatasattu Videhi, king of Magadha, Father's Day inspired Slapping said: "It's rather endearing, is the secretary, the full moonlit night! It was magnificent not make this the secretary, the full moonlit night! It's rather beautiful, is the secretary, the full moonlit night! It was rather mellow, this the secretary, the full moonlit night! Really good omen rather, the secretary of this, the full moonlit night! Now we should come to your worship recluse or Brahmin does, thanks to this worship our minds are pure believers? ". When they heard that, a hull with Ajatasattu, king of Magadha Videhi her son: "O Lord, have Purana Kassapa (Phu-la Ca-lettuce) is the host association, patriarch, the chief church, have good reputation, a reputation, declare organized sect, popularly revered, profuse long experience, has long ordained, has reached the age of rooftop. Expect Great Purana Kassapa kingdom to worship it. worship Purana Kassapa could make the Great King was a net credit interest ". When they heard that Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha quiet and said nothing.
3. Leave the other courtiers told the Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha: "O Lord, have Makkhali Gosala (Even-old Chile Cu-relics) is the host association, patriarch, monks church growth, has a good reputation, has declared organized cult fame, revered by the population, abundant experience long days, long years ordained, has reached the age of rooftop. Expect Great Makkhali Gosala worship this king. You Makkhali Gosala worship could make the Great King was net interest credit. " When they heard that. Ajatasattu, her son King of Magadha Videhi quiet and said nothing.
4. Leave the other courtiers told the Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha: "O Lord, have Ajita Kesakambali (A-United-States-amnesty-respected multi-she-la) is the host association, professor Head, the chief church, has a good reputation, has fame, declare organized cult, revered by the population, abundant experience long days, long years ordained, has reached the age of rooftop. Looking forward to the Great King Ajita this Kesakambali worship. worship Ajita Kesakambali could make the Great King is net interest credit. " When they heard that, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha quiet and said nothing.
5. Leave the other courtiers told the Ajatasattu, king of Magadha Videhi her son: "O Lord, have Pakudha Kaccayana (Ba-da-suite Ca-fried Guinea) was the host association, patriarch, head priest church, has a good reputation, has fame, open sectarian groups, is mass worship, abundant experience long days, long years ordained, has reached the age of rooftop. Expect Great King to worship this Kaccayana Pakudha . worship Kaccayana Pakudha This may cause a net credit interest is the Great King. " When they heard that. Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha quiet and said nothing.
6. Leave the other courtiers told the Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha: "O Lord, have Sanjaya Belathiputta (Tan-elegant-di Pi-la-café-waving) is the host association, patriarch, ecclesiastical head priest, has a good reputation, has fame, cult declared nest, is mass worship, abundant experience days ordained long years, has reached the age of rooftop. Expect Great King to worship This Belathiputta Sanjaya. Sanjaya Belathiputta worship might make the Great King Net interest credit. " When they heard that, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha quiet and said nothing.
7. Leave the other courtiers told the Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha: "O Lord, have Nigantha Nataputta (Ni-hopea-e) is the host association, patriarch, the chief church there good reputation, a reputation, declare organized sect, popularly revered, abundant experience long days, long years ordained, has reached the age of rooftop. Expect Great King to worship this Nataputta Nigantha. worship Nigantha Nataputta could make the Great King was a net credit interest ". When they heard that, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha quiet and said nothing.
8. At the time Jivaka Komarabhacca Ajatasattu how to sit quietly, her son Videhi king of Magadha not far enough. Then Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha, told Jivaka Komarabhacca:
- Hey secretary Jivaka, why are you back so quiet?
- Great king, it's in our mango orchards, with Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment, currently residing with them monks one thousand two hundred and fifty. Bhagavan Gotama have good following rumors spread: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu macho Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Great King come to worship this Bhagavan. We can, through worship Bhagavan, the heart of the Great King be Net credit.
- Secretary Jivaka So, let victory procession of elephants.
- Yes, O Lord.
9. Jivaka Komarabhacca obey the teachings of Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha, wrong winner of five hundred elephants, and the king often off target realm, and I answered with Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha " O King, the elephant procession was ready. He just did what he considered the right time. " When the time Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha expression concubines climb five hundred elephants so each one of them, but they themselves will climb monarch King often off target, departing from Rajagaha, in the light of the are holding high the torch, with undergraduate majesty King, head to the Jivaka Komarabhacca mango.
10. When Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha went to the near mango, he suddenly frightened, horrified, erect hair. At that time Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha fear, terror, erect hair, told Jivaka Komarabhacca:
- Hey secretary Jivaka, who left us? This Jivaka secretary, who defrauded me? This secretary Jivaka, you're the enemy charging reasonable? Why in a large mass like this almost one thousand two hundred and fifty, without a voice coughed, not a cough, not a noise?
- O Lord, do not betray his god, god did not cheat him, O Lord, God is not charging him for the enemies, O Lord, please go straight forward; O Lord, please go straight ahead. At another place in the roundhouse site has been lit lamps.
11. At the time, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha go to spot elephants can walk, go to the door and then down elephant round house. When we arrived they said with Jivaka Komarabhacca:
- Hey secretary Jivaka, Exalted in where?
- O King, he is Bhagavan. O Lord, Bhagavan leaned into the middle column, facing south, sitting in front of them monks.
12. Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha approached the Exalted. Upon arrival, the king stood aside. After walking a party Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha look around them monks are quiet calm as a lake, inspirational saying: "I hope the prince Udayibhadda (Pros-da-di-promotion rock) as well as the quiet serenity of the monks that ".
- Great king, seemed to mind the Great King weighs about love, they must?
- Buddha, the prince injured Udayibhadda lot. Hopefully Udayibhadda prince is also the quiet like the quiet of this we monks so.
13. At the time Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha, bowed, hands in salute them monks vow, and sat down on one side. After sitting down one side Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha lord:
- Buddha, I want to ask Bhagavan a problem, if you ask him for permission.
- Great King kept asking discretion of the Great King.
14. - As the technology of this career, like that statue monk, that monk code, remote associate arts, military arts masters, army war period, former champion, soldiers, field officer, detective, mighty, courageous like the elephant god, hero, equipped infantry armor, slaves came, cooks, barbers, maids bathroom, baker, home made wreath, laundress, weavers, basket makers baskets, artisan furniture ceramics, home numeracy, the edition and the technology other profession, we enjoy the present practical results from our industrial career. We helped ourselves to live at peace and happy. They make their wives happy living peacefully. We help parents to live at peace, happy. We make friends lived happiness. We offer the offerings for recluses, Brahmin, this offering can affect the next life, relates to the natural world, enjoying life at peace, blessings, born to heaven falls. Buddha, he can clearly show practical results, existing affordable unfortunate recluse?
15. - This Great King, the Great King had remembered to ask that question with the monks, Brahmin else?
- Bach Him, I remember asking that question with recluse, another Brahmin.
- Hey Great King, talk back to listen and he answered with the Great King how, if the Great King did not see what obstacles.
- Buddha, I do not see what obstacles to the Buddha and the Buddha Career like.
- So let's say Great kingdom come.
16. - Buddha, a maiden to Purana Kassapa, upon arrival, I spoke them welcome, friendship and praise Purana Kassapa and courtesy to sit down one side. After sitting down on one side, the Purana Kassapa said: "Kassapa, as well as technology, this career, like that statue monk, that monk code, remote associate arts, archery engineers, military war period, former champion soldiers, field officer, detective, mighty, courageous as elephant god, hero, equipped infantry armor, slaves came, cooks, barbers, maids bathroom, baker, home made ring flowers, laundress, weavers, basket makers baskets, pottery craftsmen, home numeracy, the edition and the technology other profession, we enjoy practical results, the current technology of our profession. We help for themselves to live at peace and happy. They help parents to live at peace and happy. They help to his wife and children to live at peace and happy. They make friends live peacefully, happily . We offer the offerings for recluses, Brahmin, this offering can affect the next life, relates to the natural world, enjoy the blessings peaceful life, mining born to heaven. His Bach He can tell the result of unfortunate current practical recluses reasonable? "
17. Buddha, when they heard that, Purana Kassapa said to me: "Behold the Great King, the make or make people do, kill or make people kill, burn or cause burner cook cooking, causing depression or causing people to cause depression, cause brain coat or jacket that the person causing the brain, causing fear or self made people fearful, killing, taking what is not given, but to break the door, looting, raiding an odd loi, blocked roads robbed, private inform his wife, lying, such actions do not have a crime. If you take a sharp wheel killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a husband interlaced nor so that crime, which caused the crime. If people go on the south bank of the Ganges killings, massacres, killing, causing killing, burning cook, makes the combustion cook, nor so that crime, which caused the crime. If people go on the north bank of the Ganges alms, makes the giving and sacrifice, makes the sacrifice, nor therefore have good fortune. " Buddha, when asked about the current results of unfortunate practical recluses, Purana Kassapa answered with the theory of karma. Buddha, as well as questions about the mango to answer the jackfruit, jackfruit or inquire about the answer of mango. Likewise, Buddha, when asked about the current results of unfortunate practical recluses, Purana Kassapa answered with the theory of karma, venerable sir, I thought: "How can a man like me could as a monk or Brahmin in the water is not kindly? " So lord, I do not praise, nor hard words Purana Kassapa victims. No praise, no hard accidents, oil not satisfied nor dissatisfied uttering, not recognized and not dismissed, children from leaving the seat up.
19. Buddha, a maiden to Makkhali Gosala (Mat-old-pear-tickle-relics). Upon arrival, you speak words of friendship and welcome chant socialize with Makkhali Gosala and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, I told Makkhali Gosala: "He Gosala, as well as the industry as a career thing monk statue ... (as above) ... Bach him, he can tell the result set implementation of well-recluse at reasonable? "
20. Buddha, when they heard that, Makkhali Gosala told me: "Behold the Great King, no mercy, no grace, the polluted beings, inhuman, ungainly, these beings are defiled. No staff, no grace, these beings are pure, senseless, pointless, these beings are purified. No self-operation, there is no forgiveness of work, no human work, no energy, no effort, no human, no effort of people. All living beings, all creatures, all living beings, all lives are not in order, no power, no crystals tons. We are led, dominated by fate, by the conditions of their type, by their personality. We communicate unpleasant effects, according to their birth falls six types. There are all one million four hundred reincarnate thousand species, could be six thousand and six hundred more as well. There are five hundred years now and have now (on base year), has three career (of body, speech and mind) to have the entire industry ( physical and verbal) and semi-industrial (standard), with sixty-two directors, after twenty-two secondary lives, six classes, eight local staff, four thousand nine hundred birth and now, four thousand nine hundred pilgrims, four thousand nine hundred accommodation of Naga species, two thousand apartments, three thousand hells, thirty six earthly, seven great thai, thai mindless seven, seven more pregnancies (born from burning), seven species of disasters, seven men, seven species demons, seven lakes, seven pavutas (forest or small lake) seven hundred pavutas seven abyss, seven hundred papatas (abyss), seven dream, seven hundred dreams, eight hundred and forty thousand eons, in the meantime guys ngu and the gentle flow after reincarnation will extirpate suffering. No vows: for this virtue, with this discipline, with austerity or with dignity, I will make the industry have not been ripe maturity, or eliminate the by now mature life ring continuous, pain can not be measured and measuring communication with animals, while no reduction increases reincarnation, no surplus, lack. For example, a ball launched will be stretched to some extent. Likewise, the fools and the gentle flow after reincarnation will extirpate suffering ".
21. Buddha, when you ask the current practical result of unfortunate recluse, Makkhali Gosala answered with purify reincarnation. Buddha, as well as questions about the mango to answer the jackfruit, jackfruit or inquire about the answer of mango. Likewise, venerable sir, when asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Makkhali Gosala answered with purify reincarnation. Buddha, I immediately thought: "How can someone like me, could make a monk or Brahmin in the water is not kindly?" So, venerable sir, I do not praise nor hard words Makkhali Gosala victims; no praise, no hard ordeal, not oil nor contentment discontent uttered words, not recognized nor refuted, children from leaving the seat up.
22. Buddha, a maiden to Ajita Kesakambali (A-period multi-factory-amnesty-admiration-she-la) as to where the voice welcoming words, praise friendship and courtesy with Ajita Kesakambali , and sat on one side. After sitting down on one side, I told Ajita Kesakambala: "Mr. Ajita Kesakambali, as well as technologies that profession as monk statue ... (as above) ... Bach him, he could only say that the results current practical recluses reasonable behavior? "
23. Buddha, to be told that, Ajita Kesakambali told me: "Behold the Great King, no handouts, no sacrifice, no sacrifices, no results acclimatization of evil now, not there is life, there is no other life, no mother, no father, no kind of being, in life there are no monks, even the Brahmin right direction, right action, for themselves This enlightened intellectual life and teaches other life. Humans formed by four elements, while common destiny, great place to return back to the boundaries, aquatic higher return back to the hydrosphere, the fire back pay Back to the fire world, exaggerated return back to the style world, the senses into nowhere. Four people carrying coffins with people lying in the coffin was the year, carrying the dead carried to the cremation site, uttered chanting, the white bone colored pigeons and the offerings become ashes, only stupid people extolling alms, they empty words, false, if we accept the theory of life. He who stupid as the gentle, after relatives septic joint network will eradicated, pepper Furniture, ceased to exist after death. "
24. Buddha, when you ask the current practical result of unfortunate recluse, Ajita Kesakambali answered with annihilation theory. Buddha, as well as questions about the answer jackfruit of mango, mango asked about the answer of jackfruit. Likewise, venerable sir, when asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Ajita Kesakambali answered with annihilation theory. Buddha, I immediately thought: "How can a person like me could do a monk or Brahmin in the water is not kindly". So lord, I do not praise, nor hard words Ajita Kesakambali victims. No praise, no hard accidents, oil not satisfied nor dissatisfied uttering, not recognized nor refuted, children from leaving the seat up.
25. Buddha, a maiden to Pakudha Kaccayana (Ba-line-Perforce-ca-fried-performing). On arrival the welcome they speak the words, praise and socialize with friends and sit down Pakudha Kaccayana side. After sitting down on one side, I told Pakudha Kaccayana: "He Pakudha Kaccayana, technologies and career, like that statue monk ... (as above) ... Bach him, he can tell the result current practical recluses reasonable behavior? "
26. Buddha, to be told that, Pakudha Kaccayana told him: "Behold the Great King, there are seven bodies being made, not made, being creative and uncreative, unproductive, often in as mountain peak, standing upright like pillars. They estate not changed, not invade each other. They do not affect the touch or pain and suffering together or even communicate. Seven relatives what are these? LPs, water bodies, fire Friendly, friendly style, size, and Saturday's communications network. Seven of this body was made khomg, not made, being creative and uncreative, unproductive, often in such peaks, stand straight like pillars . They estate no changes, no aggression, they do not affect each other touch or pain, or even pain and optimistic. There were no people killed, or have been killed, the listener or the speaker, who knows or who made that. When someone uses sharp sword beheaded, no one is deprived of the life of anyone, the blade only seven fall between themselves only. "
27. Buddha, when I asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Pakudha Kaccayana answered a different job with a different perspective. Buddha, as well as questions about the mango to answer the jackfruit, jackfruit or inquire about the answer of mango. Likewise, Buddha, when asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Pakudha Kaccayana answered a different job with a different perspective. Buddha, I immediately thought: "How can a person like me could do a monk, or a Brahmin in the water is not kindly". Therefore, venerable sir, I do not praise, not hard accident, leaving Kaccayana Pakudha words. No praise, no hard accidents, oil not satisfied, nor dissatisfied uttering, not recognized nor denied, child from the seat and stood up to leave.
28. Buddha, a maiden to Nigantha Nataputta (Ni-hopea-e). Upon arrival, I spoke them welcome, praise and socialize with friends and sit down Nigantha Nataputta side. After sitting down on one side, I told Nigantha Nataputta: "He Aggivessana, technologies that target career as professor, ... (as above) ... Bach him, he can tell the practical results out in the unfortunate recluse? "
29. Buddha, when asked so, Nigantha Nataputta told him: "Behold the Great King, a Nigantha (Ni event from) living dominated by four kinds of forbidden sex. Hey Great King, how is a person living Nigantha dominated by the four kinds of forbidden sex? Hey Dai Vuong, a living Nigantha preserved for all kinds of water, kept for all committed evil, evil living cleanse all legal and with the will to keep alive for all Legal evil. This great king, so a live Nigantha prohibited dominated by four global categories. This great king, because a live Nigantha prohibited dominated by four global categories, so he called Gotatto (a went to destination ), Yatatto (a self-interest was subdued) and Thitatto (a dwell have been self-care) ".
30. Buddha, when I asked to present the result of unfortunate practical recluses, Nigantha Nataputta answered with a tame by four kinds of forbidden sex. Buddha, as well as questions about the mango to answer the jackfruit, jackfruit or inquire about the answer of mango. Likewise, venerable sir, when asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Nigantha Nataputta answered with a world dominated by the four banned. Buddha, I immediately thought: "How can a person like me could do a monk or Brahmin in the water is not kindly". Therefore, venerable sir, I do not praise, nor hard words Nigantha Nataputta victims. No praise is not hard ordeal, though not satisfied, nor dissatisfied uttering, not recognized nor refuted, children from leaving the seat up.
31. Buddha, one day I came Sanjaya Belatthiputta (Tan-elegant-di-Pi-la-le-waving). Upon arrival, you speak words of praise greeted friends and socialize with Sanjaya Belatthiputta and sat to one side. After sitting down on one side, I told Sanjaya Belatthiputta: "He Sanjaya, technologies that target career as professor ... (as above) ... Bach him, he can tell the current practical results recluses of reasonable behavior? "
32. Buddha, to be told that, Sanjaya Belatthiputta answered with children: "If you ask," Is there another world or not? "If I thought:" There's a different world, "I can pay Say to him: "There's a different world." But I would not say so. I do not say that as the other. I'm not saying other like that. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying no no like that. If he asked me: "Do not have a different world, right?" If I thought: "There is no other world", I may reply to him: "There is another world." But I would not say so. I do not say that as the other. I'm not saying other like that. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying it's not like that. If you ask me: "No another world is not it? "(... ditto ...)" There and no other world? "" Well no, nor no other world? "" Yes kind of living beings? "," No kind of sentient beings? "," There and no kind of living beings? "" Well no, nor no type of sentient beings? " "Having mastered simple result of good and evil now?" "No results of the independent horror and evil now?", "There and no results of the independent horror and evil now?" "Well no, nor no results of the independent horror and evil now?", "The Tathagata exists after death?", "Tathagata does not exist after death?", "As Lai had and has no existence after death? "," Tathagata does not have nor not exist after death? ". He asked me so. If I thought: "Tathagata does not have nor not exist after death." I can answer: "As not have nor not exist after death." But I would not say so. I do not say that as the other. I'm not saying other such. I'm not saying it is not so. I'm not saying no not like that. "
33. Buddha, when you ask the current practical result of unfortunate recluse, Sanjaya Belatthiputta answered with Wei argued. Buddha, as well as questions about the mango to answer the jackfruit, jackfruit or questions to answer mango. Likewise, venerable sir, when asked about the practical results of the unfortunate current recluse, Sanjaya Belatthiputta answered with Wei argued. Buddha, I immediately thought: "How can someone like me, could make a monk or Brahmin in the water is not kindly". So Buddha, I do not praise nor hard words of Sanjaya Belatthiputta victims. No praise, no hard accidents, oil not satisfied, nor dissatisfied uttering. Not recognized nor denied, child from leaving the seat up.
34. So, venerable sir, I also asked Bhagavan. lord, as well as technology career. As things monk statue, which engineers, technical engineers far, archery engineers, cavalry, field marshal, soldier, field officer, detective, brave and valiant as elephant god, hero, armor equipped soldiers or slaves Charter came, cooks, barbers, maids bathroom, baker, a wreath, laundress, weavers, basket makers baskets, pottery craftsmen, home numeracy, the edition, the technology Other career. We inherit the current practical results of their technology careers. We helped ourselves to live at peace and happy. We help parents to live at peace, happy. We help parents to live peace and happiness. We make friends lived happiness. We offer the offerings for recluses, Brahmin, this offering can affect the next life, relates to the natural world, enjoying life at peace, blessings, born to heaven falls. Buddha, Bhagavan can tell current practical result of unfortunate recluse reasonable?
- Great king may be. This great king, the king would ask the General in this regard. Great King answer discretion of the Great King.
35. Great King think? If the Great King had a servant, got up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech, noting each face (of the Great King). He thought: "It's rather bizarre! It miraculously reincarnate fruition of merit, independent of the results merit horror. The king Ajatasattu, her child's Videhi Magadha country, the people, this is the person I . King Ajatasattu Videhi her son, of Magadha country, to fully enjoy life pleasures in food, I think no different than the angel, and I am the servant, doing all the work, get up early, stay up late, thi take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech, noting each face (of the emperor). So let's do the Lord as king who let shaved, wearing robes , renunciation of spiritual family home ". And his slaves, a different time, shaved, wearing robes, renounce family, no family life, direct export from. Once ordained so, dear people living tame, tame speech live, live tame thoughts, be content with the minimum requirements of food, robes, joyful living peace. If the people of the Great King told the Great King come. "Great king also be aware that? Is the servant of the Great King, do all the work, get up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, to please everyone, respectful speech, noting each face (the Great King). O King, he had shaved, wearing robes, renounce family, no family life, ordained spiritual advancement. After such renunciation, he lived tame Single, tame speech, tame thoughts, be content with the minimum requirements of food, robes, happy to live in peace ". This great king, the Great King had the following to say whether ?: "He just stay with me, please do the servant, doing all the work, get up early, stay up late, take all the orders of the owner, pleasing people, speech respectful attention each face? "
36. - Buddha, not so. Conversely us feast him, stood up before him and invited him to sit down in a chair, offered him as medical devices, food alms, couch, medicines will cure and we ordered to defend, protect people's right under the law.
- Hey Great King, the Great King think? If they do, then that's reasonable current practical results unfortunate recluse?
- Buddha, such is the practical result of the unfortunate current recluses.
- Hey Great King that current results first practical recluses of happiness that I have presented.
37. - Buddha, may indicate a current practical result more of unfortunate other recluses?
- This great king, may be. This Great King. I will ask the Great King on this issue. Great King answer discretion of the Great King. Great King think? If the Great King had a farmer, homeowner, charging taxes, fiscal enrichment. He thought: "It's rather bizarre! It miraculously reincarnate fruition of merit, independent fruition of merit. The king Ajatasattu, her child Videhi, Magadha country, the people, I also had . King Ajatasattu, son Videhi Magadha country, to fully enjoy life pleasures in food, I think no different angels. And I was the farmer, the owner, charging taxes, fiscal enrichment. Then let's do the other merits as king. Let shaved, wearing robes, renounce family, no family life, ordained spiritual advancement. " And the farmer was a different time, shaved, wearing robes, renounce family, no family life, direct export from. Once ordained so, dear people living tame, tame the rhetoric, quell thoughts, be content with the minimum requirements of food, robes, joyful living peace. If the people of the Great King to the Great King told the: "Great king also be aware that? Some farmer's Great King, the landlord, charging taxes, fiscal enrichment. O Lord, he has shaved beard hair, wearing robes, renounce family, no family life, direct export from. Once ordained so, dear people living tame, tame the rhetoric, quell thoughts, content with the need minimum requirements for food, robes, joyful living peace ". This great king, the Great King had said, "Come back to me, please do the husbandman, homeowners, charging taxes, fiscal enrichment"?
38. - Buddha, not so. On the contrary we respect him, stood up before him and invited him to sit down in a chair, offered him as medical devices, food alms, couch, healing medicines. And we will be ordered to defend, protect people's right under the law.
- Hey Great King, the Great King think? If the fruit so it can be the result of unfortunate current practical recluses reasonable?
- Buddha, such is the practical result of the unfortunate current recluses.
- Hey Dai kingdom, which is the result of well-current practical recluses, which I presented.
39. Buddha, may indicate a current practical results of almond another recluse, more magic, wins over the current practical result of unfortunate recluse mentioned above?
- This may be the Great King. This great king, please slang and smart headset volition, I will preach.
- Well, Bhagavan. Her son King Ajatasattu Videhi Magadha king replied Bhagavan. Exalted says:
40. - This Great King, now in his life, is Tathagata appeared Career Arhat, Right Turn, might Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Nhon Teacher , Buddha, Bhagavan. Tathagata own self-realization after the upper position with the heavenly world, ghost world, violating the natural world, including the world with Salmone, Brahmin, Thien Nhon, the theory says that He realization. He preached good primary, secondary facilities complete post office means good, he taught full of dignity, totally pure.
41. The chief, or the patriarchal status, or a person born in class (abjection) hears her approach. After hearing the law, that person being pleased beliefs Tathagata. When his religious heart, this position thinking: "Life is full of family bondage, roads full of dust life. Life liberal ordained as unreal. It's very difficult for a person living in families can live up to the virtues completely full, completely pure, white transparent like shells. So we should be shaved, covering robes, renunciation, abandoning the family. " Some time later, he put small fortune or great wealth, leaving her small children or relatives retinue large retinue, shaved, covering robes, and abandon the family home, living homeless family.
42. When was ordained as such, he lived with tame tame of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, maintain life and learning in academia, industry body , now the pure language. Clean living happier ordination, upholds the apartment, mindfulness and awareness, and know basics.
43. Great Great! What is morality monks ordination? Here, the Great King, monks renounce killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the knife, is that compassion and mercy to all living the happiness of all beings and beings. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
He's not give up taking away from taking what is not given, only take objects given just wish things were for self chastity, no thief, so he's happier in World law.
44. Monks renounce lying, away lying, speak the word of truth, he is only on the truth, sure, trustworthy, not cheat, do not betray the promise for life. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
He said two blades give up, away from said two blades, hear anything in this place, not to say to the other site being split in these people; heard something in there, do not go telling people to being split in the others. Thus monks live in harmony that separatists indirectly, encourage those who are in harmony, joy in harmony, comfort in harmony, joy in harmony, words lead to harmony. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
He abandoned the cruel words, away from the cruel words. He said the words no mistakes, good ears, cute, sympathetic to center, elegant and pleasing to many people. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
He abandoned frivolous words, stay away from frivolous speech, say time, say the word of truth, words have meaning, words of Dharma, said the words of the law, words worth be preserved, the trendy word, rational, coherent system, beneficial. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
45. He abandoned harm the seeds and herbs, use one day a meal, do not eat at night. Abandoning eating at the time. From left watching dancing, singing, acting. Abandoning wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion. Abandon use high beds and large beds. Abandoning get gold and silver. Abandoning receive living particles. Abandoning receive raw meat. Abandoning get girls and women. Abandoning housemaids get girls and boys. Abandoning get sheep and goats. Abandoning received poultry and pigs. Abandoning get elephants, cows, horses and mares. Abandoning get tilled land. Abandoning receive broker or broker yourself. Abandoning trafficking. Abandoning the fraud by weight, money and measurement. Abandoning the misconduct such as bribery, fraud, fraud. Abandoning injure, kill the end, winning pen, theft, pillage. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
46. ​​While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, surviving harm seeds and seeds of plants as living roots, seeds from branch tree of life, the seed from being burned trees, seeds from trees being extracted, and the fifth is the seed from the seed of life. But he did not harm any plants or seeds. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
47. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still life expectancy store and enjoy stored items such as food, store the map drink, store fabric, store traffic, the map is stored, store spices, store the fine taste. And he shall renounce the material stored on. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
48. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, are still living under the du theater not right feet like dancing, singing, theater, reciter, rhythm hands, recite, drummers, opera performances of fairy, forever martial arts, fights, fighting horses, buffalo fighting, bull fighting, fighting goats, sheep game, game fowl, quail fighting, stick fighting, boxing, wrestling, fight counterfeiting, arrayed, maneuvers, which took soldiers. And he shall waive the right feet du theater not as above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
49. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, are still living under the gambling and entertainment. As eight flags square, ten square flags, flags in the air, on the ground game, just step right into the box step, toss games and capture cards but not to collapse the pile of cards, dice, playing strenuously, taking hands do write, play ball, play trumpeters with leaves, plowing with the plow author, somersault, play pinwheel, play with toys with leaves, play cars, play small bow, play guess the writing device aerial or on his back, play guessing thoughts, mimicking playing the melody. But he then abandoned gambling and entertainment categories as above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
50. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, also still alive use the high beds and large beds as armchair, sofa, mattress sheets wool, linens many multicolored panels, white wool blankets, wool blankets embroidered cotton, cotton mattresses, mattress embroidered with animals, blankets fur blanket both fur on one side, with studded emerald blanket, blanket with silk, large mosaic panels can accommodate sixteen people dance, elephant blankets, horse blankets, quilts, car leather chamois blankets sewn together, the quilt leather chamois stitched called Kadali, tent mat with side cover on, benches with pillows, pillow red legs. But he then abandoned not use high beds and large beds as above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
51. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, also still alive using ornaments and cosmetics as topical oils, massage, bath, hand dam feet of flexible, cold cream mirror, wreaths and makeup, face powder and wax face, arms above head wig, sticks, pipe-smoking, swords, parasols, embroidered slippers, towel head, pearl, whisk , white cloth with long fringe. But he does not use the kind of jewelry and cosmetics as above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
52. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, also tell the story alive useless trivial as the story of kings, the story of theft, the story of the great god, the story of the soldiers, the story of horror, stories of war, stories of food, stories of beverages, the story of fabric wear, the story of the sleepers , the story of the wreath, the story of aromatherapy, the story of her son, the story of the vehicles, the story of the village, the story of the towns, the story of the city, the story of the national level, the stories about women, stories about men, stories of heroes, stories roadside spot for water story, the story of the deceased, the dialog magazine story, the story of the state variables world, the story of the variable state of the great king, the story about the existence and nonexistence. But he then abandoned say something useless, trivial above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
53. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still alive discuss such disputes said, "You do not know the law and I know law and this law. How can you know the law and this? You have committed wrong, I say new district is just right. I say new word corresponds, words are not the appropriate people. Things worth speaking, you said the following. The remarkable thing after you say before. Owner is thy were all denied, saying you've been challenged. You have struck unbeaten. Come relieved that statement. If there may be, to escape the mysterious ways. " But he then abandoned the argument, dispute above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
54. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, are still alive to give information, or to stand as a broker like for kings, merchants your gods, for Sat-insole-seat position, for the position Brahmin, for the landlord for youth and said: "Let's go to that place, let's go back there, take this again, bring this to the other place. " And he shall forgo bringing news and stand as a broker. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
55. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, fraud is alive, say Flattering, hint, allude, bridge benefits. And he shall renounce say fraud and Flattering as above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
56. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself with misconduct as physiognomy limbs, contemplate Minister, millions minister, romantic Minister, the form, sign rats, fire health, spoon fact, use canola vents etc .. on fire, rice crust fact, fact sheets, international rice bowl economic maturity, blood health, scientific detail, Scientific watch geography, science see dreams, god bless bridge science, science needs demons, using spells science indoors clay, solid science, science poison, science scorpion, bird department, Faculty of ravens, scientific guess of network, science against arrows, said the voice of the bird department. And he is away from the misconduct described above. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
57. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network as physiognomy of the stones, sticks Minister, Minister Shirt pants, swords Minister, Minister arrow, bow minister, minister of weapons, woman minister, minister men, youth minister, minister teenager, male servants, generals, generals female servant, minister of elephants, horses minister, Minister buffaloes, bulls Minister, Minister of cows, goats Minister, Minister of sheep, poultry Minister, Minister quail, Minister chameleon, animals long ears Minister, Minister of ghosts, animals minister. And he is away from the aforementioned network misconduct. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
58. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network, as predictable: "The king will march, King will backed troops will attack native king, Gentile king will withdraw, native king wins, Gentile king will win, will defeat the native king. So there will be a victory for the party faction, will have to defeat the other side. " And he shall waive the aforementioned network misconduct. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
59. While there are some recluses, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still fed by the wrong network, as predictable: "There will be a lunar eclipse, will be eclipse, will have real crystals, the moon, the sun will go right path, sun moon will go outside the path, there will be a meteor, the stars will go right path, going beyond stellar Secretarial religion, will be back in, there will be fire and direction, there will be action, there will be thunder, sun, moon, sun and stars will grow, will dive, will blur, will light, lunar eclipse will have such results This eclipse will have results like this, sun moon right path to have results like this, go outside solar moon path will have results like this, the main stellar track religion will have results like this, the stars go outside the path will have results like this, the meteor will have results like this, the local fire will have results like this, there will be earthquakes Results like this, the sky will thunder like this result, sun moon stars grow dim dive will have results like this. " And he shall shun evil not nourishing himself aforementioned network. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
60. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network, as predictable: "There will be more rain, there will be great term, will be season, will lose the season, there will be peace, there will be threats, there will be sick, there will not be sick, or jobs as counting on fingers, accounting, plus large numbers, as a letter, do under that situation. " And he is away from the aforementioned network misconduct. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
61. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself on the wrong network, such as installation date to pick berries or roots healthy home , arranged to bring the bride good day or roots, look good to mediation date, select the date and time to separate good, look good date to recover the debt, look good date to lend or spend money, use spells to help people get lucky, using spells to make people at risk, using spells to abortion, use spells nip blade, use a spell that caused jaw did not move, use a spell that caused people to put their hands down, use spells causing deaf ears, ask the mirror, ask accordance co teenager, asked for graphics angel blessing, worship the sun, great local churches, fire erupted, Siri bridge mammon. And he is away from the aforementioned network misconduct. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
62. While some recluse, Brahmin, used oil food donations by credit, still nourishing himself with the wrong ways, like using magic to keep the peace, to avoid do the thing promised, to be sheltered indoors clay, so positive is prevalent, to make people impotent, to find good land for building houses and to bless the new house, christening mouth, bathing ceremony, ceremony sacrifice, make vomit, making the drop, excrete upward filthy, filthy secretion of the bottom, in the first purified, anointed in ear, eye drops, the drug through the nostrils, anointing eye medicine, apply oil to the eye, eye treatment, as physicians, medical dissections for kids, for medication by the tree roots, preventing the drug's effects. And he is away from the aforementioned network misconduct. Such is the virtue of the precepts he.
63. And so, Great King, the monks did, thanks to fully see precepts should not fear from somewhere in terms of upholding the rule. Great King, as a town did surveys to empowerment, conquered enemies, not fear from any other place in terms of hostility. Also, the Great King, monks was complete thanks to the precepts, should not fear from somewhere in terms of upholding the rule. He fully through this noble precepts, should enjoy the pleasures, introspective not opaque. Thus, the Great King, monks full precepts.
64. Great King, how are monks upholding the apartment? This Great King, when the eye sees color, monks not to hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, making eyesense not tame, causing craving, bi, evil, immoral law arises, monks themselves cause overpower him, upholding eyesense, practice the label holder shallow. When the ear heard ... the nose smelling incense ... dear emotion ... the awareness of the law, he does not hold general minister, does not hold any particular minister. What causes that basis is not tame, that craving, bi, evil, immoral law arises, Monks overpower her reasons, upholding the grounds, upholding the standard practice of the apartment. He, thanks for upholding the noble faculties, should hedonic inner life, not turbid. Thus, the Great King, monks upholding the apartment.
65 Great King, how are monks mindfulness and awareness? Great King, here, when monks go, when to go back are aware; looking ahead, looking around are aware; While bending, the stretch are aware; when bearing double y, bowl, upper y are aware, when to eat, drink, chew, swallow them alert; when defecation, urination are aware; when walking, standing, sitting, lying down, awake, talking, quietly are awakening. Thus, the Great King, monks mindfulness and awareness.
66 Great King, how are monks know enough? Here monks content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed the stomach, go on the spot to carry your (y and bowl). Great King, as well as birds fly to everywhere to carry two wings; also, the Great King, the monks content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed the abdomen, go in everywhere carry. Thus, the Great King, the monks know enough.
67. He, with this noble world aggregates, with the upholding of this noble house, with noble mindfulness and awareness, with a well-known noble enough, select a quiet place, solitary, like forest , trees, ravines, caves, graveyard, arbor, outdoor, haystack. After seeking alms about and eating, he sat cross-legged, back straight in place above, and mindfulness in front.
68. He abandoned craving in life, living with heart craving escapism, wash all craving attention. Renounce hatred, he does not mind living with anger, contentment mercy all sentient beings, and all hatred wash center. Abandoning dullness, torpor, he survived divorce depression and torpor; with great attention towards the light, mindful awareness, washed off drowsiness center, hypnotic. Abandoning regret agitation, he lives no agitation, inner serenity, washed out agitation center, regret. Abandoning doubt, he lived escape suspicion, wondering not hesitate, washed out suspicious mind to dhamma.
69. This Great King, as a debtor, immediately make the profession. The career is thriving, he will not repay the old, still have surplus money to feed his wife. He thought, "I should do before indebted professions. The career is thriving, do not repay the old, still have surplus money to feed his wife." He was so happy, happy.
70. This Great King, as a person is sick, in pain, severe indigestion, physical weakness. After some time he recovered, digest food, physical rehabilitation. He thought, "I previously infected, severe pain, indigestion, physical weakness. Now we cure, digest food, physical rehabilitation." He is happy so happy.
71. This Great King, as a person is locked up in prison. He after a while, get out of jail, consolidating peace, property damage is not reduced. He thought, "I previously locked up in prison, we are now out of jail, consolidating peace, property damage is not reduced." He is happy so happy.
72. This Great King, as a slave, not autonomy, others depend, is not freedom of movement. He, after a time, escaped from slavery, is autonomous, not dependent on other people, one who is liberated, is freedom of movement. He thought, "I have been locked out of bondage, not autonomy, others depend, is not freedom of movement. Now we escaped slavery, are autonomous, not dependent on other people, a person is liberation, the freedom to travel. " He is happy so happy.
73. This Great King, as a wealthy, many assets, are going through desert, short of food, full of danger. He, after some time went from the desert to the village head and sound, peaceful, no danger. He thought, "I formerly wealthy, many assets, crossing desert lacking food, full of danger. Now we have to go through the desert from there, to the village head and sound, peaceful, no danger ". He is happy so happy.
74. Thus, the Great King, monks themselves customary five hindrances no detachment, like debt, like sickness, like prisons, like slavery, like the desert road. This great king, nor debtor, as no disease, as are out of jail, as are free, such as fresh land safely, the Great King, monks customary five hindrances to eradicate them.
75. When the shop itself was his detachment five hindrances, joyful living; Should the wedding being so joyful; by joy, the body is calm; by relative calm, optimism born life; by pleasures, the mind is calm. Education monks glass, glass evil law, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views, with quarterfinals. Monks instilled, macerated, make fullness, filled himself with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere on the body are not born sexual bliss was so imbued glass.
76. This Great King, as a maid adept bath or shower disciples servant. After the powder in brazing copper bath, he immediately dough with water, bath powder Department did was instill wet water, kneaded with water wet, wet both inside and outside the country, but does not flow into droplets. Also, the Great King, monks imbued, macerated, make fullness, body filled with joy by being sexual ly, no one anywhere on the body are not born sexual bliss that infiltration by glass elegant.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
77. Again, the Great King, was killed monks and reach the quarterfinals, residence certificate Monday meditation, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, the most static inner mind was imbued monks, macerated make fullness, filled himself with joy due to birth, no one anywhere in the body is not bliss because the birth was instilled.
78. This great king, such as a lake, water in order to flourish, the East is no outflow hole, the West has no outflow hole, the North has no outflow hole, the South without holes water flow, and occasional large raining. Cool water from lakes and streams that gush instilled, macerated, makes abundantly filled lake that, with the cool water, not a place of lake water does not cool instilled. Also, the Great King, monks imbued macerated, making himself abundantly filled with joy due to birth, no one anywhere on the body, not by the birth bliss was instilled.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
79. Again, the Great King, monks glass discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called "Resident Discharge communication concept", it abides third meditation. Monks instilled, macerated, making himself abundantly filled with pleasures was no joy, no one anywhere in the body, is not optimistic that life without joy permeates.
80. This great king, such as the blue lotus pond, lake pink lotus, white lotus pond, there are blue lotus, pink lotus or white lotus. The lotus flower was born in water, grows in water, not beyond water, aquatic farming, from tip to root were imbued with macerated, filled with cool water penetrated by him, not a public place Overall the blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water is not cool was instilled. Also, the Great King monks imbued, macerated, make fullness, filled with pleasures herself without her wedding, not a place on the body is not that optimistic feeling no joy permeates.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
81. Again, the Great King, monks, optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill incentives feelings before the wedding, residence certificate in fourth meditation, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Monks that permeated his entire body with pure pure heart, not a place on the body is not pure in heart that instill morning.
82. This Great King, for as a man, using white cloth hooded, not somewhere on the body are not white cloth that covered thoroughly. Also, the Great King, monks imbued his body with pure heart, pure, no one anywhere on the body is not pure in heart that instill morning.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle, wins over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
83. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led care, radial right knowledge, the right view. He said this body of material we are, because four great success, due to the birth parents, foster through rice gruel, impermanent, turning septic, chalk dark, rupture, death, in her body do the shifting mode entitled and bound.
84. This great king, such as an island of jeweled glass store, beautiful, transparent, octahedral, smart cuticle grinding clever, bright, no defilements, complete all fine minister. And a rope are strung over his pearl, rope blue, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. A person holding pearl eye was on hand to see: Islet save this jeweled cups, beautiful, transparent, octahedral, clever sanding, grinding clever, bright, no defilements, complete all fine minister. And this is the string rope through her pearl, rope blue, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. Also, the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm way. Monks led care, radial right knowledge, the right view. He said this body of material we are, because four great success, due to the birth parents, foster through rice gruel, impermanent, turning septic, chalk dark, rupture, decay. In his body lean back and wake me bound.
This great king, that practical results, current unfortunate recluse, also subtle and wins over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
85. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks attention, afferent to the standard of a body by doing out. He created a different body from the place itself, as well as physical, because the making, full of great little details, not the lack of a public house.
86. This Great King, for as a man pulled a reed out shell. He thought: This is the shells, this is the reed; Other shells, other reed and reed from bark extract. This great king, such as a sword drawn from the scabbard; another sword, scabbard another, and the sword from the scabbard drawn. This great king, such as a molting snake. He thought: This is the snake, this snake is identified, other snakes, locate other snakes, and snakes from the solid determination be stripped out. Also, the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led care, attention to the current direction of a body made due attention. He created a different body from the place itself, as well as physical, because the form, complete the details, large and small, yet not without a basis.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
87. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to the Kabbalah. He attained the kind Kabbalah, a body out many bodies, many bodies out one body; current form, morphing passing wall, through the wall, through the mountain passes as nothing; burrowed, rising across the land, as in the country; walk on water as on land not sink; sitting cross-legged go out of nowhere like a bird; with your hands, touch and touch the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate era; may itself fly to Brahma World.
88. This great king, such as a skilled potter, or disciples potter, clay cleverly stuffed with shellfish, can do all kinds of pottery preference. This great king, such as a skilled worker ivory or ivory craftsmen disciple, with well-trimmed ivory sanding can do all kinds of ivory preference. This great king, such as skilled goldsmith or goldsmith disciple, with well refined gold puree can do all kinds of gold, depending on preference. Also the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led radial center to the Kabbalah. He is the unseen witness a relative out many bodies, many bodies out one body; current morph shape, passing through the wall, through the wall, through the mountains, like passing nothing; burrowed outcrop, across the land as in the water; walk on water not sink like go on land; sitting cross-legged go on like other birds of nowhere; with hands touching and touched the sun and moon, the power plants have great dread, great so compassionate; may itself fly to Brahma World.
This Great King were present practical results of unfortunate recluse was subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
89. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led center, user data center to the ear. Monks with pure natural atrial Superman can hear two kinds of languages, gods and people, far and near.
90. This great king, such as a person crossing the road, heard the big drums, small drums, trumpet, the sound of crashing cymbals and ornamental language. He thought: "This is a big drum, small drum is known, this is the trumpet, the sound of crashing cymbals, ornamental language". Also, the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to the ear through . Monks with pure natural atrial superman, can hear two kinds of languages, gods and people, far and near.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
91. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to forgive clearinghouse. Monks after going into the mind of a human being, of humanity with his heart, he knows it is as follows:
Tam has participated, said the center has participated. Mind can not participate, said the center does not have to participate.
The mind has replaced that with the field center. Mind without the court knowing that no golf center.
The mind has delusion, that the mind has delusion. Mind without si, si no known heart.
Heart attentive, know the mind focused. Wandering mind, that mind wandering.
Great practice center, was great practitioner know about. Not great practitioner of mind, knowing not a great practitioner of mind.
Mind is not supreme, that the mind is not supreme, supreme Mind, known as supreme mind.
Mind meditation, known as meditation center. Mind not meditation, that the mind is not meditation.
Mind liberation, that freedom of mind. No rescue center, said the center is not freed.
92. This great king, such as a woman, a man, a teenager or a young child Popular jewelry, look in the mirror his face clean, lucid or a water basin. If items have defect, immediately knew defective; if no defect present, immediately knew no defect. Also, the Great King, the mind calm, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to forgive clearinghouse. Monks after going into the heart of all beings, of people with his mind, he knows it is as follows:
Tam has participated, said center has participated. Mind without greed, without taking center said.
Tam said golf has a golf center. Mind without the court knowing no golf mind.
The mind has delusion, know the mind has delusion. Mind without si, si know no mind.
Mind is devoted, that focused attention. Wandering mind, that mind wandering.
Great onion heart, that great practitioner of the mind; not a great practitioner of mind, knowing not a great practitioner of mind.
Mind is not supreme, that the mind is not supreme. Supreme center, known as supreme mind.
Mind meditation, known as meditation center. Mind not meditation, that the mind is not meditation.
Mind liberation, that freedom of mind. Know the mind unreleased unreleased mind.
93. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led care, sufficient attention to the network user identity. He remembers the past life, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty lives, life forty, fifty lives, a hundred lives, two Life hundred, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives damaged, many lifetimes, many damaged and the life. He remembered that: "In other places we have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in there, I was born in to it. In that place, we have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in and there, I was born here. " Thus monks remembered past life with the outline and details.
94. This great king, such as a person away from his village to another village, from his village to another village further away, and from village to village on his back. He thought, "I from his village to go to another village, where we were standing like this, sitting like this, talked like this, was quiet like this. From where to village did Our return to the village. " Thus, the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led care, sufficient attention to the network user identity . He remembers the past life, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty lives, life forty, fifty lives, a hundred lives, two Life hundred, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives damaged, many lives, many lives and the lives damaged. He remembered: "At the other place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. After he died in there, I was born here and there, here, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, longevity to the point like this. After his death in the other place, I was born here. " Thus, the monks remembered past life with the outline and details.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle, wins over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
95. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to the wisdom of the birth and death of beings . He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch, are now due to their behavior, "Behold the sage, the venerable This evil physical behavior, words and thoughts, vilified the sages, according wrong, generate industry at TA. They damage the body, after the public network, must be born into the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Hey Sage, there are certain beings to do the deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view, these people, after relatives corrupt public network, be born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus he favors pure label showing superhuman beings living death. He knew that all beings, the inferior man noble, beautiful people Crude bad to tell, the unfortunate luck, are now due to their behavior.
96. This great king, such as an upper floor with the station building, between the intersection, a man standing over her eyes, will see the riders at home, away from home, crossing the street, sitting in the middle intersection or on the upper station. He thought: "These people come into the house, these people away from home, these people go back and forth on the road, these people sitting on the crossroad, on the upper station." Also, the Great King with calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led care, attention to intellectual direction of birth death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings.
He knew that people inferior beings who noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch, are now due to their behavior: Hey Sage, this being the virtuous about Single, words and thoughts, libel the sages, according wrong, generate follow deviant career, these people after themselves corrupt public network, must be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Hey Sage, and the living beings do good deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view, these people, after relatives corrupt public network, be born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus, the pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings, he knew that all beings, the inferior man noble, beautiful people who coarse, the lucky wretch, are by the career of them. This great king, that practical results, current unfortunate recluse, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before.
97. "With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm, so, monks led heart, afferent to illegally take place. He said truth "is suffering", said the truth "is the cause of suffering," know the truth "is suffering Removal" know the truth "this is the way to destroy suffering," know the truth "is the illegal or "know the truth" this is the cause of gonorrhea or "know the truth" is the eradication of illicit or "know the truth" is the path to the eradication of illicit or ". Through such understanding, such perceptions, his mind escape illegal sex, organic contraband escape, escape ignorance. For liberated itself thus arises understanding: We have solutions exit. He said: Sanh took advantage, dignity has, to-do had done after the present life, not have any other life.
98. This great king, such as in big mountains with a lake, pure, pure, not contaminated. A person with eyes, standing on the shore will find oysters, scallops, rocks, rock star, the fish swim back and forth or standing in one place. He thought: "This is a pure water lake, clear, not contaminated. These are oysters, scallops, rocks, rock star, the fish was swimming back and forth or standing still." Also, the Great King, the mind calm, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, nhuyến easy to use, stable, calm way. Monks led heart, afferent to take place illegally. He said as truth: "This is hard," know the truth "is the cause of suffering," know the truth "is suffering Removal" know the truth "this is the way to destroy suffering", known as fact "these are illicit or" know the truth "this is the cause of gonorrhea or" know the truth "is the eradication of illicit or" know the truth "is the path to the elimination of cankers ". By understanding that, thanks to such perceptions, his mind escape illegal sex, organic contraband escape, escape ignorance. For autologous was freed, he said: Sanh took advantage, dignity, succeeded, what to do have done; after the present life, no life any more.
Meeting this kingdom, which is the fruit of the almond current practical recluses, while subtle revenge win over the current practical results of unfortunate recluse before. This great king, no current practical results of unfortunate recluse wins yet more subtle and practical results of well present this recluse.
99. To be heard so Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha lord: "It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, as people stand up again what was covered, directions to those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Similarly, Dharma has been used many means Bhagavan presented, explained. And now I take refuge in the Exalted, refuge France and refuge Monks increase. Looking forward to receive the Blessed One disciple, from today onwards until their life, the lifelong devotion. Buddha, I have committed a crime. Because ignorance, because ignorance, as immoral, harmful child was his father figure network, a king right feet, to achieve kingship. Looking Bhagavan child receives such crimes is a crime to the compartment stop the future ".
100. - Great King, it is a felony. Because of ignorance, because ignorance, as immoral, harmful network Great King had his father, a king, right feet, to win the kingship. Since the Great King saw such crimes is a crime, confessed true Dhamma, I plead guilty to the Great was king. That is an improvement, the Great King, in the law of the saints, those who see sin as sin, confession true Dhamma, and prevent in the future.
101. To be heard so Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha lord: "Buddha, now we have to report from, we have more duties, more to do".
- Great king do what the Great King thought was right time.
At that time, Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha joyful praise of Bhagavan's teachings, from the seat up, bowed, right hand itself towards Bhagavan and farewell.
102. At that time, when Ajatasattu, Videhi her son, the king of Magadha go not long, Bhagavan immediately told the monks:
- Hey monks, was very repentant heart king, the monks, the King Center was very apologetic. If the king does not harm the network father, a very righteous king, then at right seat, the king had to be legal proof label, not the ceiling, was not unclean.

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