Friday 18 September 2015

Digha Digha Nikaya

8. Beijing Ca-lettuce Lion amalgams (Kassapa-Sihanada Sutta)

(Doing this is also called Beijing "Great lion amalgams" - Mahasihanada Sutta)

1. N nowhere I have heard that. One of the Buddha in Ujunna (Uy-elegant-state), in the Deer Park Kannakatthala. At the time, naked Kassapa (Ca-lettuce) to the Buddha, speaking these words greeted with courtesy asked the Buddha and stood aside. After standing to one side, naked Kassapa said to Bhagavan:
2. - The venerable Gotama, I heard something like this: "recluse Gotama criticize every austerity, absolute slander, cursing all austerity, all austere lifestyle", he said there must be the right word The venerable Gotama? Are these persons have slandered not true for the venerable Gotama? Are these persons were declared as legal, upon legal? There are primary and secondary public undertakings encounter victims not hard? Actually we do not want to criticize the wrong venerable Gotama.
3. - This Kassapa, who said: "recluse Gotama criticize every austerity, absolute slander, cursing all austerity, all austere lifestyle," he said the wrong word I, have slander is not true for me. This Kassapa, in this life, the pure divine eye, superhuman, I saw some ascetic, austere life ... After the body damage the public network, must be born in evil being, beast, deprivation, in the hell. This Kassapa, in this life, the pure divine eye, superhuman, I saw some ascetic, austere life ... After the body damage the public network, which was born in good fun, paradise, purity. This Kassapa, in this life, the pure divine eye, superhuman, I see some live ascetic but less austere than ... After the body damage the public network, must be born in evil being, beast, fall Origin, hell. This Kassapa, in this life, the pure divine eye, superhuman, I see some live ascetic but less austere than ... After the body damage the public network, which was born in good fun, paradise, realm this life. This Kassapa, who knew exactly with the true hybrid, history, birth, Removal of the ascetic so, how can I criticize everyone and absolute austerity defamatory puts all austerity, every lifestyle austerity?
4. Hey Kassapa, there are some recluses, Brahmin is the scholars, subtle talent in debate, (the sharpshooter) fired two split hairs, go here and there, such as Perforce breaking everything wrong with his intelligence. Between me and these people, there are similarities and there are no similar point. There is recognition that your point is right, we also recognize that right. There is recognition that your point is not, we also recognize that not. There is no point even the recognition of the right, we recognize that right. Have we recognized point to, they have also recognized that right. Our point is not recognized as a right, they have also not recognized as a right. Have we recognized point to, they have no recognized right. Our point is not recognized as a right, they have recognized as right.
5. I am to them personally and say: "Hey Sage, the disagreement point, let them alone. The points agreed, the place you may ask each other, learn and conversation together, professor to professor, or disciples to disciples: "These measures are considered evil or immoral, these measures are considered fault or faults, these measures should not be considered to comply or not to comply, the law does not deserve saint or considered unworthy saint, between pollution measures or are considered polluted, between you this sage, who was completely legal renunciation of it, Sa subjects or even the venerable Gotama, chief engineer of the other sects? "
6. Hey Kassapa, and this situation occurs. When asked the same position you have, learn and conversation together. The position said: "These measures are considered evil or immoral, these measures are considered fault or faults, these measures should not be considered to comply or not to comply, the law does not deserve saint or is considered unworthy saint, the pollution law or are considered polluted, between the sage, the recluse Gotama has completely renunciation of his approach, and even the false religions, sects chief another detachment only part of it. " Thus, the Kassapa, the place you have to ask each other, learn and conversation together, a majority praised us on this issue.
7. Hey Kassapa, again the place to ask each other what you have, learn and discourse, between professors and professors, among them disciples with his disciples: "These measures are considered good or good, the no legal fault or faults are considered, these measures should comply or be deemed to comply, the legal value saints or sages considered good value, these measures are considered pure or purified, between This sage whom you have absolutely achievements of this approach, recluse Gotama or even the false religions, sects chief there?
8. Hey Kassapa, and this situation occurs. When asked the same position you have, learn and conversations with each other, they have said: "These measures are considered good or good, things which have no fault or no fault is considered, these measures should comply or are considered to comply, the legal value saints or sages considered good value, these measures are considered pure or purified, recluse Gotama has completely achievements of this approach, and even the false religions, other denominations chief achievement only a fraction ". Thus the Kassapa, the place you have to ask each other, learn and conversation together, a majority praised us on this issue.
9. Hey Kassapa, again, the place you have to ask each other, learn and discourse, between professors and professors, among them disciples with his disciples: "These measures are considered evil or whatever charity, these measures are considered faults or mistakes, these measures should not be considered to comply or not to comply, the law does not deserve to be considered a saint or no saint value, these measures are considered polluted or pollution, among the sages who were completely legal renunciation of it, we disciples of Gotama or disciples of the false religions, sects chief there? "
10. Hey Kassapa, and this situation occurs when the position you have to ask each other, learn and conversation together. The position said: "These measures are considered evil or immoral, these measures are considered fault or faults, these measures should not be considered to comply or not to comply, the law does not deserve saint or is considered unworthy saints, those pollution or contamination is considered, among the sages, of Gomata disciples were completely legal renunciation of her, and we disciples of the fake religious position, other denominations chief detachment only part of it. " Thus, the Kassapa, the place you have to ask each other, understand each other and conversation with our most praise in this regard.
11. Hey Kassapa, again, the place you have asked each other, learn and discourse, between professors and professors, among them disciples with his disciples: "These measures are considered good or good, things which have no fault or no fault is considered, these measures should comply or be deemed to comply, the legal value saints or sages considered good value, these measures are considered pure or purified, among the sages who were completely achievements of this approach, we disciples of Gotama or disciples of the false religions, sects chief there? "
12. Hey Kassapa, the situation occurs when the position you have to ask each other, learn and conversation together. The position said: "These measures are considered good or good, things which have no fault or no fault is considered, these measures should comply or be deemed to comply, the legal value or are considered saints value sages, these measures are considered pure or purified, between the sage, the disciples of Gotama has completely achievements of this approach, but we're disciples of these false religions, the religious chief other denominations achievements only part of it. " Thus the Kassapa, the place you have to ask each other, learn and conversation together, a majority praised us on this issue.
13. Hey Kassapa, there are roads, there is one method that will automatically find and follow self-knowledge: "recluse Gotama say time, say the truth, say the benefits, say legitimate, said the rules". This Kassapa, this path is, what are these methods make anyone follow will see and know: "recluse Gotama say time, say the truth, say the benefits, say legitimate, legally speaking?" Sacred Heart is the path that is right industry knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. This Kassapa, main roads, main method makes anyone obey will see and know yourself: "recluse Gotama say time, say the truth, say the benefits, say legitimate, said the rules".
14. Hearing this, naked white Kassapa Buddha:
- Sage Gotama, the austerity measures are those recluses and Brahmin recognition is given to recluses fruit and fruit Brahmin: Live nude, - Live bohemian, not in ceremony Comfort (as stand that goes bowel, food stand, not sit ritual), - Licking your hands clean (after eating, refusing to wash), - Take alms not take steps to (on request to candidates Home leave food in the bowl), - Do not accept food brought (for himself, before seeking alms), - Do not get special food to cook for themselves. - Do not get invited for a meal. - Do not accept food from the cookware (pots and pans being scraped fear, been stripped to make offerings of food), - Do not get food at the threshold (for his fear), - Do not get food placed between the trees stick (for his fear), - Not getting food placed between the rice mortars (feared for her), - Not getting food from two people are eating (food only scared by someone to), - Do not accept food from pregnant women (fear of children in the womb are disadvantaged), - Not getting food from women who are breastfeeding (milk afraid women will subtract) - Do not get food from the woman having sexual intercourse (fear impede intercourse), - Do not go get food donated (by followers when famine), - Do not get the food in place with dog stand (fear of dogs took servings ) - Do not get the food in place flies (flies lose fear servings), - Do not eat fish, meat, no alcohol cooking, wine yeast. - He only ate at a home, or only eat a piece of food he received only in two houses, only eat two pieces, or he just got home to eat at seven, he only ate seven pieces. He only fed with a bowl, feed with two bowls, feeding with seven bowls. He ate only one meal a day, two days a dinner, seven days a meal. Thus he lives to cultivating food abstinence until half months to eat once.
This sage Gotama, the austerity measures are we Salmone, Brahmin recognition is given to recluses fruit and fruit Brahmin. This wheat grass just eat to live, rice switches, brown rice, mustard seed nivara eat, food parings, eat rice husk, rice flour water eat, eat sesame flour, herbivore dung, eat fruits, edible roots in the woods, eating fallen fruit to live.
This sage Gotama, the austerity measures are recognized by the recluse, Brahmin was brought to the recluse and fruit Brahmin. He wore rough linen, wear linen mixed with other fabrics rough, wearing a linen cloth soaked and thrown away, even chalk algae fabric care, even bark tititaka make coat, wearing black leather chamois children wearing braided each chamois leather pieces of the black, dressed with sand grass wall (Kusa), dressed in bark, dressed with small wooden plates, dressed with braided hair into blankets, dressed with braided ponytail, dressed in owl feathers. He is the living spit hair, who lives customary pluck the hair, was a follower of happiness often stand, do not use the seat, who sat for them, live by virtues sit them diligently, who spikes used as a bed, often sleeping on a bed of nails, wooden planks used as a bed life, living on the ground to the ceiling, often sleeping one side, lived to dust and filthy sticky cover themselves, live and sleep outside, under the almond Where registration is there, eat the unclean animals live, eat the unclean animals cultivating (cow dung, cow urine, ash and earth), live not drink cold water, do not drink cold water according happy, live a bath three times a night, follow well into the water bath (to cleanse sins).
15. - Hey Kassapa if a nude, live bohemian no ritual, licking hands ... so live the virtues of abstinence until half a month eating only once, but if you are not religious and no evidence was presented ordination, ordination center, wisdom ordination, the time he was away from Sa-pyloric, nowhere near Brahmin status. This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, no hatred, no harm and evil with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows, This monks Kassapa was called recluse, called Brahmin.
Kassapa this, if a person ate rice grass to live, this Kassapa if he only ate rice switches, brown rice, mustard seed nivara eat ... eat fruits and roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live, but if you are not religious and not gender specific evidence sufficient, center ordination, the ordination wisdom he outstrips Sarah pylorus, nowhere near Brahmin status. This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called Brahmin.
Kassapa this, if a man clothed in linen, rough, rough wear linen mixed with other fabrics, ... live a bath three times a night, according to well into the water bath (to cleanse the sins), but if you are not religious and no evidence was presented ordination, ordination center, wisdom ordination, the time he was away from Sa-pyloric, nowhere near Brahmin status. This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, no hatred, no harm and evil with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows, This Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called a Brahmin.
16. When you heard it, naked Kassapa lord:
- Venerable Gotama, difficult issue rather unfortunate recluse! Difficult operating rather well Brahmin!
- Hey Kassapa, there are words in ordinary life: "Hard act rather unfortunate recluse! Austerity rather unfortunate Brahmin! Hey Kassapa, as a nude, live bohemian no ritual, licking hand ... so live happy eating abstinence, until half a month only once. Hey Kassapa, if the difficult issue, a very difficult issue of the unfortunate recluse, of Brahmin happy only depending austerity and only subject of this ascetic practice, the truth is not good to say: "Hard act rather unfortunate recluse! Difficult operating rather well Brahmin! "A layman, or a lay person to a country maid flaking team can follow the well:" I live naked, bohemian life do not follow ritual, licking hands .... so live the virtues of abstinence meals, to eat once a half months. "
This Kassapa, because apart from this ascetic, in addition to the ascetic practice, Salmone almond or almond Brahmin still practicing hard, still really hard practice, so it is worthy to say: "Austerity rather unfortunate recluse! austerity rather unfortunate Brahmin! " This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of illegal or voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows, This Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called a Brahmin.
Kassapa this, if a person ate rice grass to live, eat rice switches, brown rice ... eat fruits and roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live, if the difficult issue, a very difficult issue of Sa technical virtues, the Brahmin ascetic behavior depends just this, and only subject of this ascetic practice real time value that says: "Difficult issue rather unfortunate recluse! austerity replace Ms-the busi- professional conduct '. A layman, or a lay person, until a maid water flaking team can follow the well: "I only eat rice grass to live, eat rice switches, brown rice ... eat fruit The roots of the forest, fruit trees to live ". This Kassapa, because apart from this ascetic, in addition to the ascetic practice, Salmone almond or almond Brahmin still practicing hard, still really hard practice, so it is worthy to say: "Austerity rather unfortunate recluse! austerity rather unfortunate Brahmin! " This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called Brahmin!
Kassapa this, if a man clothed in linen, rough, rough wear linen mixed with other fabrics ... live a bath three times a night, according to well into the water bath (to cleanse the sins), if there is a difficult issue, the very difficult issue of the unfortunate recluse, of Brahmin ascetic behavior depends only and only subject of this ascetic practice, the truth is not good to say: "Hard act rather unfortunate recluse! Difficult operating rather well Brahmin! " A layman or a lay person to a country maid flaking team can follow the well: "I just wear coarse linen, wearing coarse linen mixed with other fabrics ... live a Extra night three times, according to well into the water bath (to cleanse the sins), "This Kassapa, because in addition to the ascetic, in addition to the ascetic practice, the unfortunate recluse or Brahmin is still difficult operating well prime, still very difficult to practice, so it is worthy to say: "Hard act rather unfortunate recluse! austerity rather unfortunate Brahmin!" This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called Brahmin.
17. When they heard that, he can Kassapa Buddha prospectus:
- Venerable Gotama, is difficult to know rather a monk! Hard to know rather a Brahmin!
- Hey Kassapa, there are words in ordinary life: "Hard to know rather a recluse! Hard to know rather a Brahmin!" Kassapa Hey, if a nude, live bohemian no ritual, licking hands ... so live the virtues of abstinence meals, to eat only once a half months. This Kassapa, if becoming a recluse, if becoming a Brahmin is only depending ascetic, and only subject of this ascetic performance, real time value that says: "It is difficult to know rather a Salmone! Hard to know rather a Brahmin! " A layman, or a lay person to a country maid flaking team can follow the well: "I'm nude, live bohemian no ritual, licking hands ... so live according happy eating abstinence, until half a month only once ". This Kassapa, if becoming a recluse, if becoming a Brahmin only depend ascetic, only depend execution of this austerity, the truth is not good to say: "It is difficult to know rather a Sa jelly! Hard to know rather a Brahmin! " A layman, or a lay person to a slave girl flaking lead the country can follow this well: "I'm nude, live bohemian no ritual, licking hands ... so live the virtues of abstinence until half a month eating only once ". This Kassapa, because apart from this ascetic, in addition to the ascetic practice, is still hard to know still it is difficult to know a person a recluse or Brahmin, so it is worthy to say: "It is difficult to know instead , a recluse! Hard to know rather a Brahmin! " This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, the monks was called recluse, called Brahmin.
Kassapa this, if a person ate rice grass to live, eat rice switches, brown rice ... eat fruits and roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live. This Kassapa, if becoming a recluse, become a Brahmin only depend austerity and the only subject of this ascetic practice, the truth does not deserve that said: "Hard to know rather a Sa jelly! Hard to know rather a Brahmin! " A layman, or a lay person, until a maid water flaking team can follow the well: "I only eat rice to live, eat rice switches, brown rice ... eat fruit, roots in the forest, eating fruits fall to live ". This Kassapa, because in addition to austerity, besides the fact that this austerity, is still hard to know a recluse or a Brahmin. So really deserved that said: "Hard to know rather, a recluse! Hard to know instead, a Brahmin".
This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called Brahmin.
Kassapa this, if a man clothed in linen, rough, rough wear linen mixed with other fabrics ... live a bath three times a night, according to well into the water bath (to cleanse sins). This Kassapa, if becoming a recluse, become a Brahmin is only depending ascetic, and only subject of this ascetic practice real time value that says: "It is difficult to know rather a Sa subjects! Hard to know rather a Brahmin! "
A layman or a lay person, until a maid water flaking team can follow the well: "I wore coarse linen, wearing coarse linen mixed with other fabrics ... live a Extra night three times. " This Kassapa, because apart from this ascetic still very difficult to know a person a recluse or Brahmin. So really deserved that said: "Hard to know rather a recluse! Hard to know rather a Brahmin!" This Kassapa, if monks practicing compassion live, not hatred, not evil harm, and with the cessation of the taints, voluntarily abides right now, mind liberation, liberating insight outflows , the Kassapa, Monks was called recluse, called Brahmin.
18. When they heard that, naked white Kassapa Buddha:
- Venerable Gotama, how is gender ordination? So ordination center? What is wisdom ordination?
- Hey Kassapa, present at birth, Tathagata appears, as level Arhat, Right Turn Tri ...  ... see danger in the minor error, territorial and religious life among legal practitioners, professional bodies, industry language pure, clean living, morality ordination, upholds the house, full of mindfulness, right knowledge and know basics.
Kassapa Hey, how are monks ordination morality? Here, the Kassapa, monks renounce killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings and beings. Such is the virtue of the precepts he ... ... While some recluse, Brahmin has used oil food donations by credit still nourishing himself with the wrong ways, like using magic to be secure, in order not to do the thing promised ... ... prevent the drug's effects. And he is away from the aforementioned network misconduct. That world ordination of him. And so, this Kassapa, the monks did, thanks ordination rules should not fear from a place of upholding the rule. This Kassapa, as a Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, conquered enemies, no longer afraid of hostile place. Also, the Kassapa, Monks was thanks ordination rules, should not fear from a place of upholding the rule. He thanks ordination noble precepts, should enjoy the pleasures, inner purity. Thus, the Kassapa, monks ordination rules.
Kassapa 19. Hey, how was the monks protected grounds? This Kassapa, when the eye sees color, monks not to hold general minister ...  ... What causes because the apartment is not tame, that craving, bi, evil, immoral law arises, Monks overpower her reasons, upholding the grounds, upholding the standard practice of the apartment. He, thanks for upholding the noble faculties, should enjoy the pleasures, inner purity ... Thus, the monks Kassapa upholding the base ...  ... the restaurant itself was his detachment five hindrances, joyful living; Should the wedding being so joyful; by joy, the body is calm; by relative calm, optimism born life; by pleasures, the mind is calm. Education monks glass, glass evil law, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views to the quarterfinals. Monks instilled, macerated make myself abundantly filled with joy because of sexual ly being, not a place on the whole body from the cup due joy that permeated the birth sex. This Kassapa, as a maid adept bath or shower disciples servant. After the powder in brazing copper bath, he immediately dough with water, bath powder Department did was instill wet water, kneaded with water wet, wet both inside and outside the country but do not flow into droplets. Also, this instilled monks Kassapa, macerated, make fullness, filled himself with joy by being sexual ly, no one anywhere on the body are not born sexual bliss was so imbued glass. That he's ordination center.
Again, Kassapa, monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, residence certificate Monday meditation, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static ... . meditation residence certificate on Wednesday ... ... that he's ordination center. Kassapa Hey, that's ordination center.
20. With a calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, so calm, steady, monks led care, radial right knowledge, the right view. He said: "This body of material we are, by four great success, due to the birth parents, foster through rice gruel, impermanent, turning septic, chalk dark, rupture, death, in her body to wake me refuge and bound. "
This Kassapa, such as an island of jeweled glass store, beautiful, transparent, octahedral cleverly filing, grinding clever, bright, no defilements, complete all fine minister. And a rope are strung over his pearl, rope blue, yellow, red, white or light colored. A person holding pearl eye was on hand to see: "Pearl lapis sure this continent, beautiful, transparent, octahedral, cleverly filing, grinding clever, bright, no defilements, complete all Fine minister. And this rope are strung over his pearl, rope blue, yellow, red, white, or pale yellow. " Also, the Kassapa, with calm mind, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm so, the monks led care, radial right knowledge, right view. He said: "This body of material we are, by four great success, due to the birth parents, foster through rice gruel, impermanent, turning septic, chalk dark, rupture, passes away. In that body, wake me lean back and tied ". It is the wisdom of the ordination he ...  ... He said: "... there is no other life anymore." That is wisdom ordination of him. This Kassapa, that is wisdom ordination.
Kassapa this, and no one gender ordination, ordination center, other intellectual ordination nobler, more wins world ordination, ordination and intellectual center of this ordination.
21. Hey Kassapa, there are some recluses, Brahmin undertakings precepts. These men used multiple means praise precepts. Kassapa Hey, speaking of the noble precepts most revered, I found no one by my precepts, how could anyone be more. So I am more on all the rules, up heavenly.
This Kassapa, there are some recluses, Brahmin advocated asceticism, cover glass. These men used multiple means praising asceticism, cover glass. Kassapa Hey, talk about austerity glass cover most noble reverence, I found no one who was ascetic in my glass cover, how can anyone be more. So I am more on the latest cover of ascetic isolation, increasing upper glass cover.
This Kassapa, there are some recluses, Brahmin intellectual undertakings. These men used multiple means of praising wisdom. Kassapa Hey, speaking of lofty intellect most revered, I found no one by my intelligence, how could anyone be more. So I am more on the latest intelligence, increasing intelligence rooftop.
This Kassapa, there are some recluses, Brahmin advocated liberation. These men used multiple means praising liberation. This Kassapa, about liberating most noble reverence, I found no one who was freed by my, how can anyone be more. Thus, I am more on all about liberation, up rooftop rescue.
22. Hey Kassapa, the situation may occur. The pagan wanderer might say: "recluse Gotama roaring lion roar, but only empty spot, not in the middle of them." So tell us: "Do not have to say so. Recluse Gotama roaring lion roar empty spot between mass and all." This Kassapa, should tell them so.
This Kassapa, the situation may occur. The wanderer outsider might ask: "recluse Gotama roaring lion roar between the public, but not trumpeted fearless spirit ... the spirit of fearless ... and" Nobody asked Sa Gotama jelly questions ... and "someone asked recluse Gotama" ... "When someone asks, recluse Gotama can not answer" ... and "When someone asks, recluse Gotama answer for them "... and" Oil for the answer, the answer does not satisfy one mind "... and" answer makes people satisfied mind "..." But people not see opinions recluse Gotama is worth hearing "...." People see opinions recluse Gotama is worth hearing "...." Oil to be heard, people would not believe idea "..." It sounds great confidence "..." Oil for people with confidence, people do not manifest confidence "..." They have demonstrated their trust and hearts believe "..." Oil for having expressed confidence, people do not reach the site as real "...." It reaches places as real "...." Oil to reach the site as real , it was not put into practice. " So tell us: "Do not have to say so. Recluse Gotama roaring lion roar, roaring in the middle of them, roaring with fearless spirit, someone asked recluse Gotama, recluse Gotama answered when asked, the answers do mind people are satisfied, people see opinions recluse Gotama worth hearing, after hearing people believe, the trust people have expressed confidence , one reaches the place as real as the real reached the spot, they put it into practice ". This Kassapa, should tell them so.
23. Hey Kassapa, a time I stay in Rajgir on Vulture Peak. At that time, someone on even ascetic named Nigrodha to ask the supreme ascetic glass cover. When asked about winning austere dark glass cover, I answered. And when I answered, he found joy as with a supreme pleasure.
- Venerable, who may after hearing the sermon Exalted, does not rejoice as with a supreme pleasure? It's rather wonderful, Venerable Sir! It's rather wonderful, Venerable Sir! Venerable Sir, as people stood up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for those going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Also, Dharma has been used many means Bhagavan explained presentation. And now I take refuge in the Exalted, French refuge, refuge Monks increase. Venerable Sir, I take home with Bhagavan, I am ordained.
24. - Hey Kassapa, who formerly pagan, now wants to come home, want ordained in the law and the right to live four months stay special. After four months of separate living accommodation, we agree will increase if ordained, for ordination to the monks. But we realize that the human personality difference together.
- Venerable Sir, if the formerly pagan, now wants to come home, want ordained in the law and the right to live four months of special accommodation, after living four months we differentiate residence will increase if consent for publication Sale, for ordination, the child will seek unique residential living for four years, after living four years separate residence, if they agree to increase, expect them increase ordained for you, ordained for the children to become monks .
And naked Kassapa was ordained with Bhagavan and was ordained. Ordained not long, Venerable Kassapa peace alone, without distractions, live zeal, diligence. And before long, the proof is this supreme aim that children of the household wages have abandoned family home, no family life, towards. It is the supreme finality of dignity within the current, position yourself to win, realization and dwell: "Sanh took advantage, dignity, succeeded, what should be done is done, after this life will have no life Another ". Venerable Kassapa such full understanding.

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