Saturday 3 October 2015

Dharani Sutra.
The Buddha used the infinite intelligence mission to close the Cafe-lined terrace all beings, knew their names not narrower, so using media intelligence says France, brought to France for treatment of 84.000 84.000 negativity Chen lao. We know for sure, Germany Like Ca As Hybrid theory, is according to the level of that explanation, as well as physicians for depression medications, are there certain genera. Oh! DIRECTOR of capital are not enough words to describe, but not thanks to words, how aware of, say, the hard hit, Director chon TAM not to interpreted!
The Buddha DHARANI SUTRA preaching behold, specify the center of the area of use, birth facilities such as credit, taken from the master General, bring only beauty center loads be responsible as the head of the great mystery of chon TAM is not, not in the language the picture area of which is located in the fall break, break all quotations. The Department of philosophy of gross, the lifetime, willow is difficult because the reader doesn't understand meaning chanting of Scriptures, a view of business do not know directions Buddha. Office of business administration yet smoothly, coherence of business are also obscure, blur, how dare you say to get the Centre of mind, bringing ethics to Leanne as the Buddha comments ?
Today, the old DHARANI SUTRA explains many, most, are interpreted too physical, the more confusing still is the Chief perpetrator, how to read the learner being easily!
The entire DHARANI SUTRA, from beginning to end the Buddha taught him Tu Bodhi to break the fall, General General, General, General of the fake life beings; break the fall and break, breaking the French tu and France testify to left Diamond computer staff content loads concerned .
According to the main ideas of the Messiah That ton, we seek the true explanations clear and simple, readers can know that deep, so terrestrial from near where the food poisoning. The stigma of inscriptions that know the notes, thanks to the new annotation food poisoning are Italy, spherical tri t Word Buddha. If so, the scholar trust must sincerely, willing to even set, education must regularly. The food poisoning was nothing new Diamond delights, Leanne Li, Dong course radically hoát the legs often, Chief of the Center fuselage of tu, as bright circular through out the sea, rapidly ashore, abandoned their legendary streak of flowers to pick cotton Favor Talks, the Permanent Mission of aura colors, endless spectacle, Council leader life foot computer peace of diamonds , Council Chief.
Kim quotations Buddha computer,
Cang cultivation Center pass four Hanh Tri;
Aravind Bowl in a clean desk
Multi the elegant breakfast chon TAM Ben circular No.
The DHARANI SUTRA UNCIVIL THREE LA SUITE MOST a Sanskrit font intact, named VAJRA-PRAJNA-PARAMITASUTRA by Mr Ma La Cross crowned pigeon (Kumarajiva) translated from the Sanskrit flower, we try to translate and comment from United out, to Buddhists near and far along the same tho, read, to be able to enter Dharani.  

The Diamond's quality in the us,
Lifelong infection structures is still the diamonds!
Dharani Sutra Uncivil Three La Suite. This one sentence to say the name, want easy presentation, should be divided into:
1) Kim Cang
2) Uncivil,
3) Three La Suite,
The four sections are preaching:
1) DHARANI: Dharani, two letters in the book says a lot, most say the diamond is a hard substance in gold, it's sharp cut in other animals. Currently in India as the country has many types of diamonds; Diamond stone is a kind of precious little on the world. It is a mineral, the picture is very bad in the morning, the eight sides are screened. When the sun shone bright flare in the nest or shimmering iridescence projector shines out. Its very nature is to make sharp, or cut Crystal types, or hard rock sculpture, or punching sharpening all other gems. Diamonds are hard objects sharp depth in all things. So borrow it this name. Kim, the world never changes; Certified quality diamonds is sharp. Talk to your it just light, moderate, moderate, moderate projection in soi, don't get into bare dirt, though is have. Therefore, should this get two word Dharani named, use the hard sharp sense for. Hard to tell though spent hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, moving within 6 (Sun, People, A Tu La, beast, hungry daemons, Hell) but they are not destructive sense; Sharp is to talk up the projector the things in the world, cut off invisible grid, craving, not trigger a have not severed. In a nutshell, Diamond hard substance example for a possibly Uncivil. Sharp quality of Diamonds is the example for using magic Uncivil.
2) UNCIVIL: Two Uncivil Word is Sanskrit Buddhist books has a lot to say and where room out pattern is intellectual, but use two words of wisdom then too dơn, feared the life of misunderstandings as to the wisdom of the world is too shallow, loud as should I add Magic to avoid the mistake. As well as Management letters that we often say, delicately that separates, the fact that other, right rough, justice, justice, justice, justice. Rough justice is very easy to say, hard economic management presentation, justice is difficult to open sealed elements, not easy to describe. Magic letters speaking to justice shall absolutely not be disclosed. That should add Magic used three words the magic of wisdom compared to the equivalent of the word Prajna: intellectual, in this.
3) THREE LA SUITE: three-digit Three La Suite is to translate the Sanskrit sounds, China room is nicely Belgium Bank. They are too passionate mistake because the falls every day diving get in the sea of negativity, suffering from mortal suffering arise in sea through to the shores of pure peace. No living being does not kill, i.e. due to Belgium on the left bank. Male in this instance to talk up sea escape suffering. But the other side issues have divided into two parts: the Cabin and blacksmith shop.
Cabin that is a great listener, know the five aggregates (good, tho, thought, consciousness); Six ceiling (Colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France) there, Willow immediately, can enter the body enlightenment chon TAM.
The Salon that is because the news out, truth, truth, witness certainly action Saturday, Salon grade also can myth entered the Cabin, though., but the Belgian Bank had only unique one .
4): Business Letters telling enough is contract law (Sutra) combines chon TAM Ly, deserves Basic. The aim is to speed his austerities, the people. Chơn thành district computer per person which is the real spiritual damage you, many lifetimes often did, because being sexual objects, hope thought obscured, should be steeped where birth, gauge sea has not been lost. Germany World Religion has took compassion, especially in this Economy to speak for beings paragraph negativity, Escapist, to gauge sea shore of peace, Super escape where the glass.
But every person who wants to reach the purpose, need not be the magic of wisdom, that'd be the magic of wisdom is to have the diamond computer hardware, sharp, bright, in,. A have a dust not to stick to, end all hope, killing demons in her, tru-green demon in 1290. The mighty and strong essential progress, self, attribute to the other side, same to the Buddha, the Bodhisattva bronze entitled peace.
Buddha solar light more,
The car ran, Chief Justice
On the back four,
Under Save the three realms,
The world is at peace,
Common human peace,
Disciples and beings,
Are all on the road!
Dharani Sutra, which was covered in the College Bowl, located on the second volume of 577. Human stock often comment this book like the episode of Confucianism. the Word probably limited, but not the same argument. Germany Like Ca As Future faculty include 600 Sutra; Teaching Experience as well as local French class stuff, plus computer has 4 seats, 16. This Dharani Sutra Ministry lecture at the 9th in 16. Teaching places of business in his garden at Anathapindika (Anathapindika), South of the City Residence-Guard (Sravasti), Central India. At the time in China, Zhou dynasty, King to the item in the ninth.
At the Studio, the United Kingdom-Dormitories
6 Assembly
The garden of Anathapindika, Woods of Jéta, the Furniture La Tycoon.
3 Assembly
Electric Ma Ni at the Outdoor Museum Turns Tha Buu himself in
1 Assembly
Again, a forest of trees, Anathapindika, the Interior Jéta La Tycoon
4 Assembly
Again, Ling Shan, United Kingdom Accommodation
1 Assembly
Pond party Bailu in Garden architecture in the United Kingdom.
1 Assembly
He will maintain Ma La Cross (Kumarajiva) is the Indians, his name translated from Hindi. China Life is the translation of his father's name. External Ma La Protein. His mother called Her sister, Cross King of Kucha (Kucha). Rules From what is today the Xinjiang. Wizard will maintain Cross country-born Ma La Rules From both mother and father's name, meeting to name him as External Ma La ... At 7 years following the mother She traveled four directions, along the temple. Water Front Design position in northern India. He First reached the Desk of the German University by Max (Pandudatta), learn about the minor Teachings (Hinayana); and then to the country profile of Lac district (Su-Lo), He followed Master Tu Favor His Policies Ma (Surya-yaksa) learn the Teachings (Mahayana), then Writes back to the State From, again according to Mr. Bhikkhu Ma La Meaning (Vimalaksa) from which the law organs. in Regulation From, he solemnly declared the spread of Teachings.
Ants in the nineteenth era, Lord Qin is Money You Consistently wrong, the General, because the Optical head of the boys ' Brigade, conquered State From Jiujiang Sir, Ma La Decade on water. When He arrived in Liangzhou, then hearing the news he was Consistently Match he delivered the Colon. General Lu an independent space to Optical in Liangzhou with his mighty army. Later, he Delivered his list affection also Colon La Decade, wanted the procession back, but not for Optical Brigade. After Delivery, the baby's Colon is Hung, Delivered through please the procession, Lu also did not suffer. Design of optical death Brigade, the Brigade's Long succeeded; The great army of election through hung's Affairs, Lu Long new. At the time of Qin the procession He will maintain Ma La about Chang'an, worship Him as the national lawyers ' Manic, sometimes in The West and Yao Ming to translate the Scriptures. Complete translation of business, law, treatise, including 47 suites, all more than 380 books. Late-life Qin era 15 years only I could, Hong, Mr President, the great temple at campus in Chang'an, at age 74.
Two letter words is only for Experienced organ, Tibetan and Tibetan Law Treatise. Because He masters all three Organs, so that the religious life claiming he is the Tripiṭaka Shamans. How called the Tripiṭaka? This is how much the Dhamma in Germany Like Ton said, also recorded, called Organs (Sutrapitaka). The Buddha's precepts, Fang in book form, episode called organs Act (Vinayapitaka), and the French general advice, or main ideas by the Buddha, or the Buddha's disciples are student discussion more, after the Buddha entered Nirvana. Definition of the bodhisattva has more explanation along with the books argue France General, he called organs (Abhidharmapitaka).
Dharani Sutra were whole subdivided into 32 sections, led by Crown Prince Zhao Ming dynasty into Wage limit. Actually Ancient Scriptures chon TAM no gender division. Now take this section divided into 32:
1-title Section
2-the Chief Justice and respect
Taking three world class to the joint:
The Section Titled: Only the cover in the first section. This section of French society have discussed the sermon. In this title, and section divided self and self-communion (General title and own title). From the sentence "As the market fell" so the sentence "natural human" encyclopedia II team collected is passed with self, i.e. the other Scriptures are talking like that. From the "Turkish world Religion" to "student removal of children's Court is located, the wife" is the nickname. This is not the point with the other Scriptures.
The Section Chief To Honor: From the second temple part thirty-one is the Chief part, completely clear vision, the purpose of this Ministry.
Traffic Section: Is part of the tradition of this Business for the life after, i.e. thirty-two part which is also the last piece of the Economy.
Diamonds spread all over the place,
But the invisible space facility, the Center forecast,
Diamonds stay happy,
The precious jewel into, is the stigma of mud!
The French Church reasons is said to honor Author A Nan Scripture memorization first. A Nan is one of the ten great disciples of the Buddha As a hybrid. A Nan is Hindi, Chinese room is immaculate, the back room is the wedding Festival, which is also translated as Khanh Hy. A Nan as most of the Buddha As a hybrid, when in in Exam Questions Na (Kushinagar) and the local environs, on the River He Elegant Orchid (Hidda-Lanka). In the meantime, the Buddha As the near Park President; A-Nan get to know Germany From the near Side entered Nirvana, is very upset, kumquat besides crying, breathing coal! Located at the Buddha's two disciples as he Tu Da La Baht (Subhadra) saw A Nan crying, it is recommended that:
·       From the left Side in the world, we ask that the forecast option, after the Extra staff From the President, we would like to ask what ethical Sir, nobody just a way, it. where anything, with direct access to the Extra 4 please work From important, From the clear teaching Side for us. It's the best thing. Four events.
1) After World Religion enter Nirvana, we take who do Master?
2) After World Religion enter Nirvana, we use France to practice?
3) After World Religion enter Nirvana, we must follow what way space security?
4) Started Dharani Sutra, as well as other Economic, we must use what the sentence is correct?
·       Answer the question first, the Germany That Religion teaches: "after Germany As Lai entered Nirvana, the Interior items (Bhikkhu stilts, stilts, Ma Massage Form Bhikkhu Na Ni, Sa Di, Sa Di Ni, favor She Rules, and Favor She Di) Buddhist disciples to take precepts do Master. Why is that? -Because of the precepts (Sila-Vinaya) as a network of Dharma. Precepts also, Buddha's Dhamma is also new (Bhikkhu, Tibetan Buddhist nuns cuu head) ".
·       To answer the second question: Germany World Religion day: "should take 4 Anniversary Of practice", what are the four anniversary of?
1. Consistent body impure: each person has 5 things impure:
. 1.1. Bīja impure
. 1.2. Head of impure,
. 1.3. The money Being impure,
. 1.4. Prince Consort of impure and
. 1.5. Wing Chung impure
2. the life gauge is Consistent: people who live on this scene, all the cold, as life expectancy all should have the article suffering.
3. Center the number-impermanence: check Center of impermanence, i.e. not the foot, that is the hope. Because hope idea covered foot Center should cannot be displayed.
4. French Consulate egolessness: all suffering the brain of the life are caused by the FALL it mistakes, make stupid. The truth of these things in the world were there, not me.
· Answered the question Tuesday, Germany World Religion teaches: "even beat". Resources A-Nan asked Him to plant the way what an space? Because every student in France, credit Center No. As when encountering any personality changes, do things, so that household As Lai used two word answer even Bin bin silent, which means that, in a time in private, at any time see the personality change, at which a new maturity into mass tu study as before.
· Answering questions Wednesday, Germany World Religion teaches: "To the sentence As the market falls (Evam me suttam)". Resources is a primary slogan credit to prove a this owing to the Buddha says, be sure not to make mistakes, which is also to save posterity for sentient life credit. Don't these Dharani, which any Business would Like to honor the German has said, are to headline the 4 words "As the market Fell" as the key.
Deep bass response asked A Nan,
Human bias which, Dharani does display,
We started from far,
Apartment crime trail, turning instead to France jerseys!
Germany As a hybrid because of a great personal charm, the theory level beings. You must be a local option, the crush of people and time, never despised in the theory, so when not predestined to never theory. Local is the need to have a dignified, elegant shume; people are saying to the class full of wisdom and for the mind to listen to France; the time is right to wait at industry mature. There are three early enough this can cause mining Forum theory. In summary, the Legislative Assembly to that theory, is not easy.
Like this, the truth like that. I, when Fang classic episode, Mr. A-Nan said: listen, a childhood, when this theory. The Buddha stayed in Dormitories (Sravasti) Property Protection into the capital of the Persian King Anonymously (Prasenajit). His trees States Da Crown Prince. Prince Iguana (Jetakumara) population of forest in vười, worship the Buddha up to as charm, his garden-Level Alone; The spirit of the Persian King Anonymously, named Tu Reached Maximum (Sudatta) he preferred to do the alms, as usually help those in poverty, the result alone. Therefore, that people often call Him is Anathapindika. Along with them the great Bhikkhu stilts, stilts Bhikkhu is the great vexation has great virtue. China room qifu gangui's singer; on the Buddha's Dhamma please to head nursing network, under the real figures please Lily's body to the survival network, a thousand two hundred fifty (1250). At the time, Germany World Religion. World Religion (Lokaiyestha) claimed the word praise Buddha. Each has 10 Buddha: As Lai, the Worship, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Angel, That Buddha Religion. Close to noon, Chu had given time for Buddha, noon, time never eat. In law said: "gradually, tips, new year, is the time of Chu to natural food; now, the smell of sweet, Ronan is now Chief Justice of the time, eating, Nhon rooster, dog is the hour of the devil spirit; now, Ty, the lunar new year is the time of cattle being fed, now says close to noon son of the Chief Justice now is said to eat., Nhon The French Medical Relief; Y i.e. Austria Ca Sa (Kasaya), bringing the average Bowl, Bowl (Patra), the response is 3 the Samyutta; i.e. colors Samyutta, Samyutta and Samyutta, large and small. What is the SAC Samyutta? Meaning of colors black, prompting the Italian favorite greed not starting. Able Samyutta? Of the Bowl must be raw substances for not starting the Italian mind. Also, large and small Samyutta like? Not so so quality, i.e. not too real qifu gangui went home, leaving seven people out of the mouth and the stomach. In the University Dormitory, qifu gangui in Defense of that city Friday, qifu gangui, the class goes real return, eat and then arrange the Bowl y, washing the face, hands and legs done, cover the commune stuff sit.
This is the title of the entire Scriptures say in France festivities (Jetvana), where from there France to this theory. From the sentence: "like I hear" to the phrase "one thousand two hundred and fifty" is in the title of the section, it was said by the Buddha As a hybrid, according to the rites of the cylinder that theory. From the sentence: "at the time, Germany World Religion" to "sitting" tools, viewing is located is the self titled special, say the Buddha As He himself trigger the General Hybrid in French society. The Buddha As Lai wanted to understand these beings for eating, wearing, in daily, are only a foot possible. So mược the go qifu mumo, start this nikaya, in order for beings towards the trivial things of the day such as: come, sit, stand, lie, eat, wear, if skillfully Tanh Dharani (Buddhist Name) will manifest clearly, to talk ourselves up together, not moral wrong Buddhist followers. We think then the offset y brought the average bowl of the Buddha As Hybrids, are typical. The Buddha's actual qifu gangui As Lai is like to teach beings alms. Saturday class real is the typical qifu gangui went patience, be mindful, not poor-rich, with distinction from equality. The medical arrangements, the bowl is to represent the end of his life, in the attachment vín permanently mind no longer disturbing. Foot washing is to wash the ceiling structure typical for industrial body is pure. Cover is located is to say up to sitting meditation, mindfulness, keep not waggle, then began the sermon.
We should know that all the worldly French French world are inseparable. So voracious is Buddhist disciples, need to actively study and genuinely released under the root of the Buddhist rules mode, always keeping precepts, a cavalry charge is should not eat, wear, too, let go of the lung in their legendary streak, that's hard to achieve a Dharani properties.
Mr A-Nan said: Dharani Sutra Uncivil Sets Three main Him personally this La heard the Buddha As Lai says. Teaching time says this, the Buddha dwell in Dormitories, in the forest of his tree Goannas, he Heir Anathapindika along the bodhisattva, La Hon has the virtue and disciple a thousand two hundred fifty (1250) seat assembly statements. In the moment, bringing the average bat, from the flower garden he Anathapindika, proceed to the defense, qifu guoren. go Property Saturday class completed, real return qifu gangui went where real life. When finish, He collected xết y, Bowl, neat, clean legs wash, promoted to the Court of the sermon.
Poetry 1
The cause of the Buddhas say diamonds,
In Her defense, garden-level Residences,
Bhikkhu stilts into AIDS, Comune
Prepare y, bowls, to the University.
Like the second class degrees being, Respect
Passive right, sweet boys sacred Director enforcement,
Folded y, washing, regular,
Cover the finished instrument, đạo is located adjacent to declare oxidized.
His name is Currently a friendly Tu Bodhi (Subhuti). He knows How to honor the Buddha wanted to say great Dharani Uncivil, so should the application that revelation is sometimes. As each Hybrid theory, want to reach out with the disciples, v. v. a. in response to issue the loan stating the truth. KIM KIM CANG which is not religious, because he did not award the affidavit of Bodhi Monastery a, should properly with that testimony sometimes. Charity is currently Mr Tu, China also translated as Charity Fang, also known as Not being. He was born in a family of money, but when You bring forth, then phẫm in the warehouse are empty. Therefore, should call Him is Not Contentious. Parents He occasionally invited the Prophet, guess what the master Fang, so should call-hardened urban planner. Long time away, the artefact in the treasure, and then suddenly reappeared in full, should also call-hardened.
At the time, Mr. Elder Germany called Chief, age is fake. Bodhi Monastery, in the instant mass from seats stood up, Bare shoulders friction on your knees on the ground, pillows, hand-Bach, glass offers accepted Buddha that "Very little", at least there is the true Word, praise Buddha. This point have enough sense: 4
A is there less time, hard to find out to give the Buddha thuyểt France.
Two where are the little weasel, hard to be dignified shume like this.
Three as Germany has not, at least the level of the Buddha has great German but also dread of hearing them all goods are those moral weight.
Four is the the little things, this is only for real personal charm, degree theory work being so.
White Germany World Religion, As ingenious Hybrid households the bodhisattva, tu called Bo intelligence professional, real net Phuoc industrial action called Slapped. Phuoc hue tu song called Bodhisattva, and means of self benefit, benefit tha, enlightenment for beings also called Bodhisattva. Skillful telling of the bodhisattva. The White World Religion! The friendly female, friendly Center join Infinity, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, is Sanskrit origination Anuttara-sam-yak-sambodhi; a is infinity, muttara is upper, samyak sambodhi , the College's Chief is the Chief Justice. Say a way easy to understand is we owned chon TAM. Leanne's chon TAM Thai covering damaged, no anything higher, so called infinity. But on anything, from the higher, so the call is disabled. But, from the Buddha, under to the species, this is the real names of function names equal, should say is that the Chief Justice colleges; again it's rounded, triangle properties shining soi unbiased, not least should call is the Chief Justice.
How should an head, how to row offers the mind? Buddha said: Heals instead! You turned instead! This Bodhi Monastery! As he has said, As cited by Hybrid households the Bodhisattva, he now must listen, listen to literally bring most of the mind to listen Leanne self, to bring the purity that listen. I will tell you. The same friendly women who play male friendly invisible upper Primary, College Principals are based here, offering the other mind like this.
Yes, yes! Yes, the Catholic leader is, well life is lịnh, has felt that compliance with the word back to the well, which is the symbol of the German Religious World up compliance note, Bach World Religion! Please your fancy wants to hear.
From here on in section chief, said Bodhi Monastery Elders sometimes problems in Germany As a hybrid of two events:
A is how Bodhi mind usually make rotten not head turning?
Two as to how to restore hope, hope? (Bodhi Mind is a rounded triangle light). Review of Bodhi Monastery He asked two questions on is because the Buddha As Lai opine a view very often laced dress, eat, wash your feet, sit, interesting stuff is located cover Deng wonders of useless legs, no place would really be enough General Uncivil. So that You feel the glass from within the heart, praise uttered a word of "little World Religion" also must wait for the new, mature charm co. Please ask two events on.
Buddha long along the disciples met nearly 30 years, the disciples did not know a Buddhist, just tell people that: everyone will get what the Buddha has to say much doubt that do not believe.
Today's new Mr. Bodhi Monastery to explore, so Mr. Bodhi Monastery is not as touching in the center that issued the sentence "little Germany, World Religion", not complimented Him on the surface, which is the praise of the food poisoning in willow. Entire Nikaya, also to articulate the meaning of sentences.
The Buddha is done at an toạn Hybrid, As in every disciple, He ethic Bodhi Monastery and Greek teens are very high, in the mass, from the seat of the glass, you stand up, pitching shoulder on the (typical to not dare bumper Professor) lateral knee kneeling ground surface (typical to not dare commit) the two copper hand accept the back (to the typical superficial slash), opposite Tathāgata, the Buddha ceremony glass (typical to the seriously) towards As Lai, uttered a word of praise: "few have, Germany World Religion". Who From our Side for a disciple, He brought out friendly to them; for every disciple was the leader, He delicately telling them what noble. The White World Religion! have the friendly male, female, credit when the Bodhi mind, is how to let the mind Bodhi, usually the head does not rot. Time they start Outlook, how to row offers hope for them?
The Buddha responds that the two questions he's very right for Italy. The cause of the Buddha's birth, a straight, just garlic Italian but because has not had the opportunity, since the moral to this day generally keeps his duty he Zhen. The French society of States, now on Mr. Bodhi Monastery posing this question, it is the right time. So the Buddha praised the question.
The main Buddha told Him that Bodhi Monastery in the words he has spoken today such as Hybrid smart thinking to every disciple is not yet finished, the French word never said, that is he has it clear moral, can he preach said. So should I graciously reminds him, should wholeheartedly listen carefully, I will award presentation.
There is also a friendly female, female credit issued the Bodhi mind is naturally already manifest a veracity As Lai, must hold a computer's permanent and always offering all hope (there is room to say centers and Director Advanced ballistics, the rotten people; the sun illuminated the darkness itself dashed). Germany has just finished speaking, the Hybrid As Mr. Tu Bodhi enlightenment demonstrates her Comin' sailings, so dear: Yes!. The key is to respond to the main Buddha Comin' and expressing all the masses says: your favorite, please want to hear.
Poetry 2
 Currently a visiting justice, the charity revealed deep
Keep right, kneeling almost a party,
Bach: little, closing on!
Households, Phu wish firmly teaches tips.
Bodhisattva athletic factions need to specialize,
How to quiet the austerities based security?
How offering tam Peng?
How do you hold the Diamond crush?
Responses: Buddha, scattered the love!
Physical education, each local variety, please write,
The current uniforms, 1st Baronet, wealthy girl friendly
We observe, in anticipation of the road.
Thinh Van Bodhisattva is the primary surplus; Visual coast Bodhisattva is superfluous; now say was French speaking Mahayana Bodhisattva.
Thinh Van enlightenment was France Tetrarchy (suffering, destruction, and Director).
The French Enlightenment Erren Cross charm charm (charm, ignorance, Coast action list, the coast Forms list the colors Green Coast Green Coast entry, entry, exposed coast, AI yanshou, AI players, charm charm charm organic beings, beings, charm Laozi).
Mahayana Bodhisattva enlightenment France Luc van operating mode (alms, maintenance, rings, effort, meditation and wisdom).
Religious subjects are very many guns, it said the Chief Justice, that is to say France Uncivil very subliminal. Uncivil is the mother of Buddha, which is the French schools of Paramount. Therefore, should say is Chief of religious affairs.
The Buddha told Him Tu, the bodhisattva Ma Ha Slaps, the word Ma Ha Slapped broad meaning, in this, the Bodhisattva great full names, is the right way to offering hope to the other centers, there kinds of beings, or beings, or thai sanh ovules, or low birth, or birth, or birth, organic chemistry or good, or useful ideas, or ideas, or non-ownership idea , or non-infinite ideas, we all make the type on both on Infinity , endless Nirvana Residual balance means no longer have born kill hope. Nirvana news is old not owned, not kill. Invisible balance Nirvana nirvana is no longer mortal reincarnation, then kill all the levels, killing off the hope in the end the idea is, the back of Tanh is every species. Use the lucid intelligence to kill off si renders it is meant two word magnets. (Such people are blind eyes, fresh value, lucid back; a physician only persons there, it's not OK for the light to the eyes. So we know that, in the light of the eyes, the cover of the eye which, Nhon because no capital, so can kill; Nhon because available, should new cures (degrees). Kill speed, the beings are immeasurable, countless, immeasurable, truth no beings would kill degrees. Because why? If the Bodhisattva also Fell, is the General area of such, accept the form tight, the mind is not empty, being economically unresolved concern, calling it General. Fall is the General love life, full-time for concern for relatives, staged the benefit list additions. Calculate for yourself, and then worry about dear descendants belong to the fall General.
Nhon, the distinction of other people see who can benefit, run under sharp heels. See for people angry, bored distaste, he hates people, popcorn sẻn for everyone, both General. QUY Nhon
Being General, divine good, tho, thought, action, accept for our Hoa hiep is greed, anger, delusion, AI infection, making the source of the ghost, sank it on all beings.
Fake general life span, the burning of incense to pray, pray for having blessed the current fill, single workout pill, hope school born not elderly. The alibi is false , general life news is not the Bodhisattva
The duty to base part of the teaching method of offering hope said. The Buddha As Lai Essentials says back, through his Bodhi Monastery said: how to center the head? How to restore your hope? Presentation two questions he clearly; Maybe its just the row without talking head, because just like goods; He is offering the other mantras, mind space that is given to the other Center! So the Buddha As Lai says those austerities that disappointed many thought the Bodhi mind resident could not. The Bodhi mind who wants to is often supposed, must depart disappointed. Want to kill it, we have to distinguish circumstances in all General. In the basis though says France-suicide gphục Korean expectations, song could enter joint attention again For Set Decoration and of course have to depart four generals: Ego, Nhon, beings and fake life. Moreover, in the section chief, did not say to the friendly male and female friendly, which only mention the great Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva l because the disciples did, though extensive, presentation method, and then telling the Bodhisattva must except subtle ignorance, while the friendly female, women must also credit the way only Buddhist teaching that offering hope Center , when the offering was disappointed the mind then surely the Bodhi mind resident.
The Buddha scenic Mr. Bodhi Monastery: the great Bodhisattva, should follow the method that I spoke recently to offering hope, can often stay was the Bodhi mind.
Method of offering hope is to depart four generals; If you want to depart four generals, to distinguish all the generals. At present, the General being, I see there are 10 categories:
Ovules of birth: Species in eggs, such as the types of chickens, ducks, birds, turtles, snakes.
Pregnancy birth: Species, such as humans, animals, dragons, ... etc.
Low birth: The wet Spot in harmony, being, as the insects, or as species of shrimp, fish, underwater.
Birth: Chemistry Existing effects, take off your damn Goods Los shaping, such as the species, species, species of butterflies by depth which turned contentious, species of bats by mouse that turned contentious.
Species of property: Only for those species "retirement nine essential", i.e. the image colors.
Countless Species: Only the species "does not concur affective objectives; species do not form sharp as ma, love ...
Species useful ideas: Only for the species, hell.
Countless Species of the idea: Only for those species into spirit, tree, gold, stone.
Species of non-ownership idea: Just for the winter species are insects, summer is the grass plant.
Species of non-infinite ideas: Only for the intelligent species in the soil, in spirit.
On the apprentice said ten types of beings filled with hope Centre are not chon Tam Tam of the Bodhisattva. The Buddha As Hybrids like to exterminate all beings for most of karma, they escape from samsara in scene 6 (Sun, people, a tu la, cattle being hungry daemons, demons, hell) not being not to be pure village of wuwei. Buddha, however, was destroyed, but that all beings do not limit the amount, not to mention, not marginal, doesn't really have a beings would together Bodhisattva, Bodhi mind fully at present being crazy Island Center, hope when hope runs out the crazy Island Center removal, then back to the purity of the glass, he is back to rescue a family identity available of each person. Tanh, himself being, impossible thanks to the Buddha level. He just planned path for beings: the Buddha says He Tu Bodhi: If beings thought to have been destroyed for him, that is to accept the four generals: Ego, Nhon, beings and longevity; was disappointed with Lee himself in thought, like how is called Residual Nirvana, definitely is not the Bodhisattva.
According to moral, is the Bodhisattva has not expressed, back to them. Bodhisattva enlightenment is the Bodhisattva. Truth in I have to do it yourself, Germany As the only path for education Hybrid beings, but we do not think that Germany As Lai kill for them, if thought like that is to accept the four generals. The path of liberation.
Poetry 3
 Kien TAM maintained lice technologies,
They envision the type of hard jail,
Because bigotry ai ai,
Fall, Nhon, tho, Jia, the sentient species.
Bodhisattva are also critical contempt,
Not immense the Bodhisattva,
Invisible balance constant speed removal sa,
Germany except the four new generals are members.
The magic onions? Means of action no longer see talent and executive departments. He was released without seeing him and who, despite the facts that do not accept the Act. Who moved the 7th Protocol (Manavijnana) become equal, the place names Act No space before, the new Center, chu turned to France. Therefore, should use the magic to act without onions, without head, less than Nine ranks (Friendly Local Hui) and degrees of the cross (France Van Location) it is difficult to know the physical task of oxidized.
So, the four Meditation (Birth Place loving Cup; Sire Địal Loving Intention Ly Hy the magic Touch and the Pure Notion of local Discharge).
Quarter finals (Not of immeasurable; Boundless knowledge of; Infinity property of Phi Phi and idea origin) are not able to escape the miserable passengers warm. Now comes an infinite universe, magic is not talking before the General. That means that anything has general are damaged. Head of General news is damaged beyond hope; If not, the General head never been disappointed scenes stir. Who wouldn't be disappointed the scene lay then no living being could kill, natural bright round purity; head the new space is really not chon TAM Dieu.
Again, he Tu, Bodhisattva for things, don't head to work the alms. He is one of a record level of Dharma. There are 3 Friday alms:
1/Member countries
2/France countries: Essential progress not tired, unbroken meditation, intellectual discourse, an island insane not born, called France.
3/the unconscious pilot: Captain Vela who would in the circumstances of fear, anxiety, I could help them out fear, especially fear of death, although the time is also not discouraged workers, as long as they don't fear, call it the unconscious pilot Lt.
He is not the head where the colors that he, not the head where the stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France which alms. Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva are alms, should not head General. Why? Because if no Bodhisattva head Gen. alms, Phuoc Germany there can not think measurement. Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? East of nowhere, nowhere, nowhere else Thai middle way shy, immense, empty the mind to think it can't be measured, can think of measurement?
1. cannot think Bach, World Religion.
2. This Bodhi Monastery! The South, West, North, four corners, upper, lower, nowhere can think knowing?
3. can not be transparent, So show respect.
4. Tu Bodhi! Bodhisattva not General based alms, Phuoc Germany also like, do. Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva is the same as the Dhamma that head.
The basic section talking about the head method. Infinite space facility? In addition, no head space who, between the head office and laboratory were not. As a bronze mirror soi scenery, scene to scene, now go then need to depart the general ceiling of beings. Colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France is six. Why just say alms without speaking of the other degrees? Because in the Dharma has the continental level:
1. dāna
2. Maintenance,
3. Rings,
4. ,
5. meditation and
6. intellectual.
Alms degrees San took part; maintenance shall break the world level; the humiliation level ring angry news, then the level of indolence, meditation, the level of disarray, then an intellectual foolish.
The best is the charity, but charity work, of course he must be used first. He is one of the continental method. Has he in mind, for the noble can really act and discharge, alms for the great himself may prevent the greedy, popcorn xẻn. Consider the true Bodhisattva practice alms should not advance General; If the mind before the General sa into the eyes, the ears, the preferred, the wrecked nose, smell, taste, body, tongue and tactile (what was the mind to think, to imagine the space scene over there speak out measurement differentiate, it's located in Tanh's hopes of being, being the scene outside, hope Center for greed wrecked? because the same radical label colors is very important As the fear of the Future Buddha. austerities of life after being pleased, said the capital was phước alms, if not head General, the key is not to, how have the blessed? Therefore, should the Buddha said, if no Bodhisattva head whose general alms, then blessed the new kia is the great German.
In summary, the Buddhist Bodhisattva, but he say professional because of the bridge, but also German Phuoc before General to Phuoc bridge in Germany, although Germany has blessed, but not greatness. If depart accept General then blessed Germany there can not think measurement. Said to the blessed Germany can not think, often preferred to borrow 10 protocol method nowhere because it could not think of great measurement. From the East, one to the other is the West; from South to North is thought to look, we look for from the other is down. from term looked up, as upper etc. East, West, South, North, led by one regulation; the truth doesn't have any depth direction. .. only when six telecommunications base and the four directions, the eight directions are infinitely concerned
The Buddha says; Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva for upper Primary College Primary Sensory disabled French are so alms does not accept the General. Be like that certainly six radical purity, the Chen General, colors, sound, flavor, taste, tactile, France (the pilot laboratory life guys, forget life, forget or laboratory equipment lab feature to forget). Like the other says London cannot, no Freemasons, no life, and no animals). The Buddha says: Imperial Bo Tu Bodhisattva should not head the General that alms, why? Because before, he is General restricted the General, truth in general being equally as Mote, despite the issue not be blessed. If not before Gen. alms, or enough tam London is not the President. It was general, the Germans could not think. The Buddha says: Bodhi Monastery! He said, nowhere have the opposite ngằn? Use the mind think?
Tu Bach Bodhi;
-        Dear World Religion! Can't think knowing.
Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! He said the South, West, North, South East, South West, North East, North West, including upper and lower, the nowhere of the nine, he thought he had it ngằn the opposite? The mind can he measure up?
Bach: Bodhi monastery
-        Dear World Religion! Can't think knowing.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva should follow my teacher to suggest subtly, cleverly households; like offering hope, like making permanent Center. So, off to the mind.
Poetry 4
Truth, not radiate projection action
Three la alms envision jerseys, France
Six court clerk award ceiling globe,
The mind is not news Buddha head of celestial longitude.
Ten, four directions, Gerald Gerald
The names of such encumbered, non-spiritual dread,
Great Bodhi Ursa,
The teacher, medical fetish tips!
As chon TAM as. Ten-France (Buddha, Bodhisattva, Charm, Thinh Van, Sun, A Tu La, People, Cattle being hungry daemons, the devil, hell) do not have a real French is both realms; If there really are frivolous General French. As justice? Is unable to see the damage As general users, so the reason general ", are seen As ' General.
How to call is chess?
-        All photos are world chess scene, which is not true, so the call is disabled.
How General are called?
-        France's cross as (General as Leanne, as, as, as, as, as, as, Jesica result as, quote, my duty as wing rescue desert) in France, the application loads, the self in myriad obstacles, for so called are General.
Really see?
-        See yourself as a future, has food poisoning is possible, so the emptiness, cannot use General seen As futuristic.
Truth seen as justified?
-        Cannot accept the General that also can not cups. Because these are frivolous, General accepted also the General fall into the glass fragment removal, need not accept, no cups, despite the General that no head General, mainland found that General Africa don't see the General As a hybrid.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? You can use the general body, General, this is only for the colors. Seen As a hybrid? Can not see, the White World Religion! Cannot use the general body, seen As a hybrid, because why? As Lai said general body, not the stem. General body not i.e. France stems. The Buddha told Him Tu, chums have had General, is damaged, if the generals that Africa is General, i.e. As a hybrid. As Lai chon TAM is the Buddha's name.
Main body, break the pretensions of the idea that is offering hope in the methods of mind, had said in the previous section, the Bodhisattva must properly speaking developed the Bodhi mind, besides the friendly southern women who play should also credit. But Germany As a hybrid back lo in disciples, simply said, like time was the Enlightenment, but for the scene still fascinate Him Tu decanting should ask new mistakes, use the general body can see the Buddha As a hybrid? to see Bodhi Monastery has received are offering hope and moral ideals? Mr. Tu Bodhi heard through her question receiving my Buddha, so He should answer that: cannot use general body (trunk) which sees As Lai. Because the Buddha body is not a color, then France, chon TAM is not infinite in General, how to use humiliation label that can be seen of As Lai? That means that the wife could not see, that is the Second row Cuckolding (Writer, Charm) and Bodhisattva also hard to see. In Religious Meditation often says: "Green Architecture, the White Lotus is France; Gold, red Phoenix worship is Uncivil ". As the French say relatives borders across the grass, flowers and trees, nowhere is all in the sea As Leanne Lai. Mượng green architecture to expose possible legal body, which is also green architecture of France. Bring gold daisies to marvelous expression use Uncivil, but nothin' else yellow daisies with Uncivil! Germany As a hybrid over the answer, he knows Tu has Bodhi enlightenment is offering hope and moral justice General; Therefore, should the Buddha tell Him that the General Bodhi Monastery Buddha-like, which is all the General has in the world, are all fake case moved bi n. If there are General, like or know to break a General "non-real" chon TAM ego decision no error "General passionate chon TAM". Himself or reflective optical feedback, best seen in sailings, has As of self Hybrid French each seat trunk Leanne that presence. In the episode san Specific copy: "General passionate chon TAM, opposite, but far from a thousand miles away; the mind as for the body, nowhere God a home ". Should know that Such Hybrids do not have to search beyond the border bridge that was. Back again, segregation, using two words "Chu", as is the General one has, one not, have not, etc. can be counted to the number, percentage, i.e. only the General majority that said ...
The Buddha said He Tu Bodhi! What do you think? The austerities can see the shape As a hybrid?
Bodhi monastery white that:
-        Dear World Religion! May not be the picture of Such Hybrids. He is in what excuse coast?
Because From the fuselage, said Gen. Side news is not the general body, that is France, so that can not see.
The Buddha says Bodhi Monastery:
-        Not the world, that means that what the general shape of this world are not damaged; If understanding is the accept, understand the General moral is false, frivolous, then surely saw France As General.
Verse 5:
The Buddha asked Contest n Express root causes,
What do you think, essential professional?
Use the stems to on,
As Lai is currently General has Hi?
The White World, it's hard to look forward to!
As Buddha said, not the body,
That means that there was a general itinerary,
He is not the body As Lai!
The previous section has said cannot use the body wall to see as this physical, very deep! Buddha Buddha doubt they fear is nothingness, therefore Uncivil even penetrating "no head" to display for clear, prompting beings pleasing piece, being the Chief essential. This fear of the previous passage from the facilities there are two paragraphs say no head Gen. alms "and" cannot use general body that feel like ". Because the divine Lady, is alms head Gen. alms. Chums are Buddha head General Consulate Lady Cafe Buddha; Divine wife hard knowing he does not merit it's head, so is great. Cafe Buddha head general intellectual, not very profound. Therefore, Buddha Nhon user loads, to contract law with the result that an infinite deep deep fruit, General. This incredible means hard to understand, so called the Chief credit for Greece.
Mr. Bach Bodhi Buddhist Monastery that: Dear World Religion! Besides have them born, heard the words, sentences like that, there was born the trust? The Buddha told Him Tu Bodhi: shalt not say so, after 500 years, As Future kill, someone would maintain about tu Phuoc, position, keeping the precepts. Maintenance about three ways:
1) Stock photography, voracious facilities law go, stay, sit, lie, in and out, back and forth, strictly maintain the stem Center, called the law about facilities.
2) Stock photography, voracious charity philanthropist, business, call-hardened French photographers.
3) Much love, who played useful austerities wanted to end the suffering of sentient beings, to fun, the Board must do the benefit for all beings, called much useful friendship.
For this sentence, or credit, the Chief heart is true, must know him, not the same Buddha, Buddha's two, three, four, five Buddha planted fresh base, which is immeasurable, along with thousands of Buddha in the melting pot, listening to her sentence, until an anniversary, birth heart essential credit. Bodhi Monastery! As you all know, find the Hybrid beings, Phuoc Dang Germany such immeasurable. Blessed German, who believe this, called be blessed in Germany. People enjoy the blessed in the world, called blessed. Why? Because the beings, no ego, Nhon General General General beings. Illegal French, i.e. not the same as wisdom does not. Why? Because the beings, no ego, Nhon General General, General, General of the fake life beings, France useless General Africa (all) French General. Illegal French, i.e. not the same as wisdom does not. Why? Because the beings, if mind accept the General, i.e. immersed before falling, Nhon, sentient, tho. Fall, Nhon, sentient life, in heaven and Earth, the State had not, their addition to the ch ng four generals. In addition to this General, four back unless there's also France, Africa and the General destruction of the French generals, the General of this feature is the General of the mind. Then again, as well as general hull, 32, for general agreement, he is General. But the General also enforced saving, infinite mind General do have picture. Just being honest generals, was the scene of enlightenment. If accept France General, i.e. accept the ego, Nhon, sentient, tho. Why? Because if you accept the General illegal, i.e. also to accept the ego, Nhon, sentient life, fake, so should not accept that the French should not accept the illegal. Due to this definition should Germany As often said, he must know the stilts Bhikkhu I say France, such as the raft you treasure, Chief of France have to discharge, scenarios are illegal.
Resolution on the basics, because You hear Bodhi Buddhist Monastery As Lai said: "If the generals feel is Africa, that is seen as the Future". This statement is intended for the Bodhisattva (i.e. the full names of beings) the credit tho has served. But very afraid for the voracious Lady life loss in our France, listen to reason on the hard-lined mission born happy the Chief Justice. Why? Because the Buddha As a hybrid in the fourth section has said no Bodhisattva head Gen. alms, in part 5, the Buddha said no general identity. Therefore, should not be avoided for the future Buddha doubts the same France, both of which are General. If there is no Buddha, no French, the French are the same, nhơn is no stigma outcome, can you believe it? So Mr. Bodhi Monastery afraid e beings in claiming loss of France, heard countless General tenets of this vacuum, difficult birth anniversary, which credit Him pleasing face, play up the question. The next Buddha As Lai told Him that physical task, Bodhi Monastery oxidized is like, who credits, not the mediocre class. To end except the evil (maintenance) well do things, or new credit. Why is that? Because the mind of every person, in every area of rule 4 General delivery, head, allergic reactions, and removal. Every anniversary, every non-stop celebrations. In a nail trays 90 suicide na, in each survey, students 900 na very delicately realized this point. They quit running the Tran family identity sense, every thought is we place General Chen lao, has been mesmerizing, ceiling, formula 18 boundaries, wrecked before fun under five (Member, colors, beautiful, real, lobed); back in warm (good, tho, thought, consciousness), who wants a Memorial, it credit net crush to be born is hard! Now listen to the OWL program of this Economy, who would bring forth pure confidence, that person is the person who has basic healing class, or moral credibility there. Because fresh seeds were sown in 8 who form fill out long, don't comment any time, seed's easy to detect.
On the contrary, those who create crime tầy, never thinking of the two letters of repentance, then how can there be credibility in France jerseys are immeasurable. Credit is the German-born mother, the Buddha Bodhisattva from the new Center to come into the record thanks to credit that finances are the result. They all have credit based, who discovered it, then the future will be the result. So a credit Center, start celebrations in Germany there can not think measurement. Therefore, Buddha As Lai see, place straight only know of them. Although saying they are immeasurable, but equally in the sea As Leanne Lai, beings depth, depth, As Hybrids are found all know.
Again, the beings a contentious notion Kat tịn, were approved four generals (General, entertainment, general fall being fake, General General), French General (accept the theory of language, place this call) and non-legal General (being invisible is not affective on sa), IE can not return chon Tam Tam was. Nhon because accept General owns the empty, in a sense, being if there are "accept" that is entangled in the 4 General: if to the heart "of France", also sank in the 4. If accept "illegal" was also sunk in the 4. If accept "illegal" is not a good girl, leaning into the area of sa comments. So, the Buddha teaches: "Want enlightenment moral chon TAM is not infinite in General should not accept that the French should not accept; both should not accept in advance, also accept is being economically concerned where France. In France, no longer capital Leanne accept unlawful is completely against the barrier where not good. On truth, we can not no thanks to France that food poisoning was a marvelous family identity. So that taking boats to examples. Want to through out not fascinate new friends boat, are the banks. Gist said has food poisoning was a then unknown Leanne called France; If not food poisoning a family identity, back to accept the illegal (chon TAM is not infinite in General) is not able to be mortal path through reincarnation. In Religious Meditation usually write: "He has not had the staff, meditation I will give him thy meditation; If he had been meditating the staff, then I have to collect the donation of his staff ". The life teachings to discharge France that also close France accept that.
The Vice Great Singer said:
"Over the River, then sent thanks to friends,
To the banks that back home? "
Here, the key is to say thanks to Lady outside France to enlightenment be Leanne feet inside.
Him towards the Bodhi Buddhist Monastery As a hybrid: the White World Religion! From the side of the head General said no alms: again added that if the generals that Africa General news is seen as the future. She is the magic dealer chon TAM is not Bosnia. Who would have the basic Mahayana, they serve life, credit but the majority of them born, hear the word of France, not have them born credit truth?
Buddha As Lai told Him the Bodhi Monastery:
-     He should not say like that, that I have to say, however, is the deep magic real, y no acidosis credit? Not only does money have people believe, until the future still has the essential. After the main interface speed 500 years, have people keeping the precepts, tu Futian, or broad believes a chapter, a question in this Economy, they believe to be true. Like to know for sure that the apartment he heal the deep thick, not the radical Protestants they planted in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the Buddha, that is they have sowed fresh apartment in immeasurable Buddha who have healed, only to hear a verse, a shelf in this Economy, are also not pure mental disorder confidence, certainly not suspect anything. Bodhi Monastery! As Lai used the same wisdom Buddha Buddha label being the beings. NET, have declared the names of Buddha, clearly know their German born in Phuoc ten items including nowhere. How do you know? Because the apartment's wholesome beings mature, has food poisoning are not endless talking ingenue general moral, was depart four generals: fall, the stigma, the life and beings; also not accept the French General (accept the previous chapters of this Business call, it's the other theory language news, falling to see real French General); that's a common misconception also accept illegal General (accept no trậm where it did before the President, against the sa into infinity is illegal, General). Because of the charm she excuse, so being, if the mind also accept in advance, i.e. four generals fell, Nhon, sentient life, and if one accept the previous chapters this owl, also crashed on 4.
-     Who should accept the heavenly-not the bigotry, the dead center of the body are destroyed, the paragraph about where snippets of opinion a mistake does not, then there's no more than what the guys accept the General 4. So to should have to let go of both; Should not have accepted that should not accept the new, can not enter non-talking ingenue, Leanne enlightenment naturally depart the France. This variety, which mission management Nhon Buddha Dharani Sutra spoken teaching Futures As well as the "loath". Thanks to the weak French this Dharani, should he be absent from the new General see Leanne, pass up the banks of the rescue, putting him through out the sea of suffering beings. Fake as he saw a witness's own, Leanne knows time happily of Nirvana, it should also remove discharge, viewed that as useless. As well as the example here, the architecture is braided to take the friends across the River, when other friends, then coast useless. Like the Chief Justice of the Buddhas have to zoom down, more worldly texts is not the Dharma, why bigotry does not discharge?
Verse 6:
Bodhi Monastery! Ask the right wrong,
Sentences, words can anyone trust?
Buddha can't help but know their details,
Five hundred years from now, it's still.
Those who maintain about chanting,
Fresh apartments before, we help to shape,
Experience how Buddha has to worry,
Life now essential progress, causes the discharge except.
If the trigger four generals being,
How do you get strong production as chon TAM
Like via sea using boats,
Up to now, we're raising lên1 steps to dock
The front said the Buddha can not see, France could not prove, can't find it, then the classics because one comes out? France was unable to testify, who are privileged to France? The voracious Lady guys definitely point will, for as things can be then called Prime, France can watch then called food poisoning. Enemies of real voters, France how opposite, how can see (this is French only for truth), can't compare with physical love. The Dharma has not be opposite, can't see how that can "be"? Have smart people call it class must use the new Center received. But her mind is also a self invisible handicap. Call it karma, tri energy also call that is karma. The obstacles along the path to divine wife; the physical obstacles along the path to the Bodhisattva. Now say "infinite Prime", is the second obstacle course are deteriorating. When not yet enlightened theory of language must, when did the enlightenment theory of language are "Africa". The France As Lai said, have had time at say yes, say no to drugs, depression, Nhon were are no France. If optional word being opinion award, accept before there was depression, not France accept, only theoretical language, are not the real thing. Now says "infinite", the key is to break down the language of inscriptions. So in that litigation:
"There is hope in mind,
Do not accept the new is the foot,
If food poisoning Africa Africa France,
Target Yao Ming out six ceiling ".
Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Lai has proven Deng turned Invisible Upper Primary College Primary Sensations? As Lai has dog theory? -Sparse: Bodhi Monastery "as I understand the meaning of the Buddha said no France, called Endless depth of upper Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds; nor has France decided that As Lai said, why? France As Lai said đêù can not accept, cannot say, illegal and is not illegal. The reason why? All the Holy Sage, Sage. Who is Sage? As evidence of Momentum to Completely Overhaul A La Hon. Also the Holy Buddha i.e.. All Sage Sage is said to the Holy Scriptures in three admit "
1) Thinh Van Admit: Y according to the traditions of the four emperors: Suffering, the destruction, the police heard the Buddha's pubs; say France, austerities are freed.
2) Visual Coast Admit: 12 human subjects under Princess charm, not only teach masters, self enlightenment moral responsibility oxidized.
3) Bodhisattva Admit: French record subjects that according to the medical release, still are in use in France, wuwei wuwei France's natural sense, can't be that thanks to the Lady. So, France wuwei is the Invisible Director of upper, is Nirvana, is Like a hybrid, is the General, is Head to this Elegant Bowl Dharani Three La Suite etc. .. Despite the title, is France's Comin' wuwei. The contrary is compounded, news world, also because French is the infinite in French. Please have a little train austerities, accept the two letters of wuwei, intentionally do not origin, then magic, for speaking of myths is that true Buddha. only the person class catch the wind as a wild, mesmerizing, ball cannot comment said was that there are wrong. Other wrong, as saying Italy quarter-high low no copper, as well as elephants, horses, rabbits to Wade across the river. The elephant then prostate cancer free in wading through the horse, then Wade through flooded water horizontally; rabbits must then swim on the water is to wade through. Lai as well as three types of birds flying overhead, the eel has the bay front, there are species of fly later. Comes to the river water no shallow depths; comment to no space before, after, but because of the short legs are long, the wings of the birds there are powerful. The above example to us France wuwei as well as frivolous, as well as water under the river. Just because the austerities, Tanh, different implant, so have the discrimination of redundant . ja tam
The basic section to connect the front, talking up the issue of separation, General, wanted for leading disciples enlightenment articles, for France should not head prior to ethical practice alms. In the old sense, which does not have the names of the four generals, French General and not illegal, so the Buddha As in part 6 bring the raft out to do, for example, demonstration of France along the French should not accept the pilot. But the Buddha As Lai back to fear doubt disciples practice, for that same illegal French was unable to accept the player, why Germany As Lai himself him to practice and teach are Primary Sensory Bodhi fruit? Present in humanity on the Sun had 16 France, broad sense faculty Uncivil. According to this comment, the Dharma has had players entrenching, why teach beings do not accept player, no French speaking, so it should be easy to delude births. So the Buddha As Lai used the phrase hỏiNhư Lai have bothered the Chief Justice Chief Justice College Upper Countless Dang Sense or not? (As Lai had theory?. Two sentences on Mr. Bodhi Monastery to test truth had listened to be Italy's As a hybrid? For the master, should Mr. white that, Germany From the raft, for example saying the đẵ understood, yet across the River then accept what are friends, but when it was over and the discharge of all. Because of this, reasoning that the same discharge depth, because the French don't know no legal depth, so called Bodhi. Also there is no specified depth value for what the French say; France disabled by Bodhi upper Leanne's natural sense, can't do anyone else make out. The Germany As Hybrids like the Freemasons, which both admit Saint also due to discrepancy about Leanne benefit or padded, shallow and deep enlightenment there, success from him which divided there is slow and lick. So Mr. Van Enemies praise the only renunciation Ma Kidneys: "until there is no text language. then it was real disciplines of Pediatrics ". Should know that Such acts, which the French Head Office not to separate the language of inscriptions, although it is a non-privileged also. Just because the benefits they should not be afraid, we run the General language, causing people to run the Center, general surveys consistent respect, listen to the willow-lined rational enlightenment France. If people have the wisdom, language news, news, military General, military General said Deng Deng, not news talk news does not say, so new food poisoning in July, "the middle of the first meaning the Roman Empire"
  The Buddha called Bodhi Monastery, Sir! What do you think? As Lai were killed there are Bodhi (Chief Justice)? As Lai had indeed said what certain French? Bodhi monastery white that: as I understand the Buddha has said, there are certain French called Bodhi; nor has France to say. Is so how? As From the future, As the French Side He said France Loads Upper, who must be used that meets willow, cannot use that evidence, its General Excellence for dogs able to hustle, also can not use words that speak. The words illegal that Germany From said Extra (but not), or Africa illegal (although not that there). The charm's excuse, no Extra words such as Hybrids, which all the Holy Sage are used France's wuwei suicide, not through unrivaled shallow leaders then called Sage, or thanks to the OWL program theory of language, and then order food poisoning. The privileged ranks deep leaders called Holy wood cutting, wood cutting tu enlightenment. The reality, however, a success, but because Leanne base benefit and padded, possible food poisoning must have had the wrong depth, shallow; so the success has not come quickly and slowly.
Verse 7
Bodhi Monastery! He never forgot,
As Hybrids have excess on the upper tier?
As Lai said France?
Honest responses to fit the great root!
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
Result no symptoms, can ever?
As Hybrid theory, basic options
Not entangled, not busy, record release!
Why we must think,
From Gentle to use lawyers, countless Saints
The path of liberation, infinity,
Other wrong is in the framing of each species.
FRENCH medical SECTION being, 8
All French property in the world, are both from hope Center born birth center, then start France being, removal, then France. The heart is the center of France's Center for General, tưóng mind are born, but a can of the mind are not born. A can of the mind it often stations tr not moved. If the resident Center leg, suddenly there is hope left, then take a can of Ant, and then move into a career. From the start, hope essential proving foreign scenes, run under the identity, created the bear industry gauge of crime. Crush mistakes of beings, prior to accept France fell, then accept the Nhon fell, suffering two accept this, suddenly the Fox voters using ridiculous, to which General Nhon with endless results. Even this Uncivil management intensive. Bodhisattva not break "fall hard" that this was clearly more voracious lady was yet to break the "ego cháp Nhon?" They are born from unconscious only I could shit back, pull the gas too deep thick, each spot every where are career resources. Career before yet except, again created career later, as created as deep, though is, if not for any Uncivil, can not power off the international Karma negativity? Buddha As her guns, gauge theory of Hybrid a Diamond this Uncivil, it's marvelous to have use of the do. The break down, if it comes to our chemistry teacher, then shallow, also said deep is to food poisoning to Bodhisattva. They are Born in the future position life, such as who or y by austerities teachings, this maintenance related, or life beyond the mortal path of reincarnation. Because Uncivil is endless disciplines, so the Buddha the Infinite Upper Primary College Primary Sensory bothered, all thanks to the Uncivil, power should say "French medical birth".
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? If someone offers you treasure Saturday, filled all three of thousands of heavenly world. Heavenly? Under the sky, called the u.s. the world. A thousand of the world's primary, calling it minor. A thousand central natural world, call it heavenly. The world is the taste of the world limited. Seven homemade treasure is gold, silver, jewels jade, Crystal, Yuri Ngoc Ngoc sanh, brain coral, code n , so the Europe leg give out alms, he has many Phuoc Dang Germany? Mr. Bach Bodhi Buddhist Monastery that "
-        White Germany World Religion! Very much. Why? Because of her German, not blessed is blessed names of Germany. So As Lai said more blessed in Germany.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! if someone at the back of this longevity maintenance primary health trusts called tho, and life never forget who is the fastest. Overall, called mindfulness maintained long without boring. Shou is maintained well keep the Dhamma never left, Italian indolence no anniversary finals. Until a shelf four sentences etc. four shelf posts questions in part 26: "If we see the colors used, the voice, to bring the bridge's Railway Administration, who, unable to see as Future". And 4 more sentences in the section 32; "All French property, such as going to dream, cameras, like the mist, as well as blink, so consistent like that". Because other people teaching German, Phuoc said this than the German before he blessed? Bodhi Monastery! Because all of the evidence and the Buddha are lettered steps Loads Upper Primary, College Principals are all thanks to this Experience that was. Bodhi Monastery! If talking is the Dharma, Dharma is not news. Before said France wuwei, later taking Italy says no to France what can, he is a strong suit, not Buddha, not France, not alms's head General.
The basic section, specify the Chief religion in Articles, which is France's Bodhi headless Buddha, all from within that archive. Again, France accept the Dharma, not the Dharma, then known as the Dharma, to specify the Center, self has chon TAM Buddha. But the method pointed out, again from the comparison measurement General of German useful microbial Phuoc, said carefully. For fear of the previous French speaking facilities life infinitely superior bodhi (wuwei) was unable to use the identity to which the General evidence, could not bring password lost, like he couldn't speak French. Buddha can not, we, the austerities, officers sitting in basement wuwei, bring something useful?
Therefore, should Germany As Lai from love in person, said the u.s. results, before giving alms in owner General (if anyone used jade, seven alms throughout all three thousand heavenly world), to compare the blessed Germany. Later As the German General said Phuoc Hybrid owners, not by the users of the German General, by countless Phuoc tho a four shelf posts; because he owned the property, both General vi, i.e. entitled to most blessed, being fallen in sea bass. If anyone genuinely Uncivil Executive, or understand the four shelf posts saying out, or because others say deep award Uncivil, Phuoc's treasure, not when it would end. So, use of teaching often Nest lettered alms, not by giving alms in France. Member countries which have most of the French lab, not the same. Since then, the excuse should all Buddhist followers are from in the Uncivil (the magic of wisdom) engenders. Also due to physics that has a "Dharma news not the Dharma". to beat the "Uncivil is born mother Chu Buddha, German Stock often says:" templates ", are you Italian electronics plant. Uncivil or born of the Dharma, but Uncivil is not Dharma. So says Dharma news is not the Dharma. In Germany He said: "the great leader did not name, to keep known as the dig". We should understand that, which there is no Dharma, not through trying to keep, that is the Dharma! Lai brought comparison to German owners of the same general Phuoc blessed countless previous generals, after German 9 times interview. In this section, is the third landing new depth
The Buddha said: "Tu Bo Italian Empire? If anyone used Silver Gold etc precious Saturday, full of both the heavenly world of the alms, the Deng people more blessed in Germany?
Response: Bodhi monastery "white World Religion! There are many natural, Because what charm? As a German, thanks to Irene Bell property in General, a us owned blessed Germany together wisdom, completely impertinent, Leanne is no Phuoc it. Germany. Extra words often said results of the alms in owner-General and General. Buddha As Lai also says: "If someone would, for this Uncivil Dharani Sutra, arbitrarily, or life span of a book or chapter, or a book half or half a chapter, so a minimum of four shelf posts used sentence (in part 26 and 32 are each shelf shelves 4 sentences); or because the actor said Italy, the foursome of much the washhouse Phuoc German immeasurable; compare with the alms of the treasure filled both the heavenly world, alms of Phuoc treasure Germany less! The Buddha teach again "
-        Bodhi Monastery! Since then, the excuse should charm all Buddhist schools of the French Upper Class Primary Chief of the unconscious and of Buddha have achievements, all from this store. Should say Uncivil is the mother of chưu Buddha.
Germany As Lai also teach:
-        Bodhi Monastery! but he is neither Uncivil Dharma.
Italy says ancient now has no title, the Dharma through is temporarily borrow the title Buddha Dharma to sentient meets, using a title to call only! So says who says there is Dharma news not the Dharma.
Verse 8
Italy he had nostalgic Exchange?
Person of treasure in addition to heavenly,
Alms borders around the sowing of charm,
Blessed Germany much less, please advise answers,
The White World Religion! Sure,
Because blessed German, not the time where,
Those who maintained that litigation sculpin,
Because the instructors said, before later?
New French lab is actually taller
Prime witness, thanks to Buddha lettered Articles,
Just put a stop to "power" (for the gems "
France is also Buddha discharge, scenarios that French sprite.
Before the talk should not accept before the Dharma: this also should not say in advance of General results of Bodhi Monastery Buddha. ancient Buddha day, because every Writer Gerald says France four emperors, because the Buddha has said France should people think the decision has to be, according to France that tu, sure evidence of results. Here is my say, according speech being biased, all fall into the "tri" and "tri". Enemies real real uncivil General tri, "a", "other", hữu General, not infinite, not Africa, not the General multitude Africa friendship General cannot, "a", not "General"; isn't that "have not" are General, not "the other one" are all absent from the General, General, not "the other one" are all absent from the General, General, news all France, that means that anything had general are damaged. Break the General must break the bottom, i.e. eliminating the hope. When the expected end to minus, then the section self certainly chon TAM.
Bodhi-Tu! You think, the Tu Da, think like this; Tu Da Perfect is Sonic Sanskrit translation (Srotaapanna). China room is Added, because of their not on the ceiling, which was on from Saints. Again, because the new projections on from Holy, should also be translated is Stored; Although relatives still in the ceiling, but the mind was on from Saints. Gems of certain general State is because they have been pushed back six finished ceiling. He is able to stay of preliminary results. We have Momentum?, dang Tu result
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-Not so, Bach World Religion! Because why? Because Tu Complete Momentum called entering the Store, but no place to enter, do not enter the colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France. She called Tu Da.
Bodhi-Tu! What do you think? The Momentum Function has to think like this. Private Function Momentum is the Sanskrit spellings (Sakradagami). China room is For. Review in the Dhamma only I could say, Raw or in education had subdivided into 9 products, are subdivided into 7 new full time, which is 7 times the new mortal can escape.
Each time, mortal beings up flawed, when entitled to most Blessed Instant transfer, born in humanity, human life press, again finishing Phuoc birth up flawed. Like it 6 times, mortal attempts broke except 6 or products. Rest 3 evil products-yet, or are a birth to death except for cleaning or career, then back up the Sun, one last time, the life expectancy clean subtle or. This is probably the names of second. We Dang Tu Da Function results?
Bodhi monastery said:
-Not so, Bach World Religion! Because why? Because the momentum of the jaw, called Depth, but it is not Transactional. He called the momentum function.
Bodhi-Tu! What do you think? A Na Function has often thought like this, A Na Function is Sanskrit (Anagami). China room is the Real future. Result was 9 piece product portfolio or, the mind is often an head office in four meditation, being up the Net Sun, never back the life birth sex. He is the third of the fruit names. We Dang result Na Function?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-Not so, Bach World Religion! Because why? A Function is called, Any Na but the truth comes out, so called A Na function.
-Tu, you think? A La Hon, or think like this, A La Hon is the Sanskrit (Araham). China room is Contentious; the key is not being destroyed, had not crossed out anchor 6 reincarnation, life no longer being, multiplied with a donation. This is the result of Tanh can Wed. This is not said because Local results, that is to say, because were close to the path of enlightenment. I have A La leaders Deng Xiaoping, Hon?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-So, Bach World Religion! Because why? Because without France would call A La Hon. Bach World Religion! If A La Hon, I think, be A La Director Hon, i.e. also accept the ego, Nhon, sentient, tho. The White World Religion! Buddha said: Ta Dang tam , I avoided the endless loads to avoid that is to not compete. TAM I is said to have been essential to the magic, in the human species that was number one. He is A La Hon degree separation exercise. The Cup is left craving in the exercise. The White World Religion! I don't think you are A La Hon cups. The White World Religion! If you think you've been directed A La Hon, the World Religion does not say who is your favorite happy Bodhi Monastery A Lan, your favorite charity is, is your favorite foursome like. A Lan is the elegant tone the Sanskrit translation of Aranya, China room is disabled, also translated as the President, is not bigotry Nhon and ego. As Encyclopedia Loaded the teacher said: "pure land? Nirvana Sutra says: Bodhi Monastery head where nowhere, if they don't want me to stand, then I would sit all day, Dapper doesn't stand; If anyone criticizes me sit, then I will not stand still during the day shift, i.e. This means. Hanh is? Thoughts in mind called anniversary, see where the action is called. Because something is not real property Bo Tu, so called Bodhi Monastery, he is happy in your favorite A Lan.
The basic section, because the previous section speak out Dharma Buddha Dharma is not news. The Buddha also fear them not disciples clearly ethical spectacle. He wants them disciples, muscle symmetry Satori "invisible universe Center universe". All raw, you nệ only I could French Nhon where quotations, file, accept the real France. Thus, on the one hand he wants from France is low, they guide the disciple led to food poisoning; on the other hand, the Buddhist Bodhi Monastery known completed achievements of the Resources you want tag from the main, only I could speak of Bodhi Monastery said the results of the coalition has food poisoning. Yuan lai France Mahayana, is the method of austerities, positive benefit, benefit, Executive Director of tha Bodhisattva, full "may the great bi", giving the "funny". France u.s. result was negative, austerities in France where the Willow character birth. Ancient India, rich population of yen, hundred they enjoy the scene cause. The Buddha was born to a national level, can't please the pros who, should the French application to minor results. So this fundamental part to say, because the front had said to Buddha along French Africa, afraid they suspected that the disciples of Buddha could not bridge, France could not testify. So the stage is also useless. Therefore, the new Willow place minor food poisoning thanks to results of Tu, because mass media stubs, making them leading disciples all food poisoning. Again within four has the word ' no ' (Not possible on, Not through the back, Not not come and not have France) is France wuwei. The other says all gentleness, all thanks to France which had different wuwei, here can watch four Buddha; just as Germany has four Confucius. But the four Buddha had said that the order:
Firstly, not to good, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, France is know to avoid sex. This is the first result.
The second, also a lản back, is not back to the sex scenes, i.e. the result obtained.
Third, is the real future, have put off sex scenes, i.e. the result into Shu.
Wednesday, explains, he of course eradicate sexuality, i.e. have collected.
Dharma from thousands of old were divided in two, and show's suite. Teachers show again divided the u.s. and surplus surplus. The u.s. surplus again subdivided into two ton's residences and The Great Buddha. Surplus also split: three kingdoms Religious Treatise, French Gen. ton, ton, ton that Thien Thai Hoa Law, Meditation, Religion is strictly Religious, Religion has 7 Levels Net Friday. Suite 2 is the second broken back Teacher Dharani The same Thai and Tibetan.
Property of Religious statements, Surplus workers, the fruition of three redundant: bar, Charm, Bodhisattva. About Thanh Van, need to learn Executive and the four emperors. Who go fast are results within three years, the taste would go slow then to 60 new lifetimes are privileged. Other austerities media have prime fruit, 7 4, please specify in the map as follows:
Thinh Van Admit: there are 7 means austerities
1) The five family Center kiosks: using 5 allows the cafe to suspend 5 expectations:
a. Consistent treatment hope to defilement of mind took part.
b. Compassionate Cafe for treatment who disappointed angry news
c. Consistent treatment to coast hope human foolish mind.
d. Consistent about distinguishing value to fall comments and
e. The Cafe window treatments for hope Center to disarray.
2) Know the general notion of distinguishing real action: Satipatthana:
a. Consistent body impure,
b. The life Cafe is suffering,
c. Consistent tâ impermanent,
d. French Consulate egolessness.
3) Total general operating Real origin: 4 anniversary anniversary of constant this impure body thinking General, is suffering and impermanence, egolessness.
4) Ovum: for vacuum, to the Willow mining future enlightenment, turning Mexican mistake in part, dang affliction Dharma. As well as its example, previous crops are medicinal heat. Should be called the ovule.
5) Wealthy girl : always the understanding promoting mining, contrast, Dinh Quan quibble on the ovules, up on the top of the mountain, see 4, a clear wing. So called wealthy girl.
6) Rings: Back promoting the French clearly Tetrarchy, sailings are decided, the exercise, should ring mosaic called rings.
7) World First: promoting the truth Executive Tetrarchy, gradually see France Prime, though not the names of Saints, but in the world as the first. So called First World.
A prime result 4:
1) Tu Da Complete Results; After That, place an infinite timeout, born in France of pirated or 3 realms, gõi is Tu Da Complete results; also called Projections, i.e. Preliminary results.
2) Result: function of Momentum Investors From this little piece or quarter, also through the realms. So is Investing the momentum function. Also called result Depth. This is also the second Result.
3) Result: Function private timeout or Na in the education world should not regenerate in the ... is A Na function. Also known as the result of any future, Tam is results.
4) Results A La Hon: If the entire paragraph or in the three realms, beyond the three kingdoms. Called the results A La Hon.
He is the four results.
Three Realms: The Exercise, the Sac, and the Invisible realms.
In a suspended mind: hope to know the general notion of origin, of the general notion of origin, known as Tam. Ovules, wealthy girl, Rings and That the first French, called the four Friendly units. The same quarter-Friendly, Gentle Freemasons called 7 vehicles. The key is located in Nhon Thinh Van Thua, Tu Tu Da Function, Momentum, A Na jaw and A La Hon is fruition Thinh Van. Comments or in private, in afflictions, or. If the distinction, in the sense, the distinction, where truth, and then kicked out of the falling opinion, comments etc. Called or. In the year to the ceiling (formal, informal, Turkish national Brand awareness, awareness, body awareness, for 5 scenes have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched), where the generals, which kicked off the craving, etc.. Called Or. Or do the obstacle course the Enlightenment, or do the obstacle course. So who wants enlightenment chon TAM LY Tetrarchy, need Opinion Or paragraph; who wants out of the three realms to on Nirvana right Or paragraph, cannot know the unknown. The endless ranks of pirated entertainment to enlightenment truths (Owners of pirated, pirated) one of the two positions, left brain phiễn all faults, pure intelligence structure not infected.
The Buddha said "Bodhi Monastery! How do you think this Comin'? Tu Da Perfect when austerities, before there is a self thought Deng Department of result Thinh Van?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! Could not get the notion of preliminary results; Why? Because Tu Da Perfect but could not take food poisoning chon TAM, also overpower desire. Push back the six realms invisible door, go into the general ceiling, was on the line of Saints, so called Type.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Private Function Momentum, when tu, before there is a self thought Deng result of Gerald Van?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! Can't have Deng Xiaoping thought results Monday. Why? Because the center of scene Da function, attacked the move to static, but the President also see eyes. The mind is still a contentious one. Should be called For. Truth then there second removal, birth anniversary celebrations, after starting just before the news left, khong ago General born. Should therefore not real.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? A Na tu, after front Jaw self thought Deng results Tuesday of Gerald Van?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! Can't have Deng Xiaoping thought results Tuesday. Why? Because A Function Centre, egolessness does Na have private or paragraph of the ceiling, in addition, no sex no sex scenes, episodes have deep, six ceiling and four General each each are not food poisoning, should General chon TAM is shown. Therefore, should call is Real, truth is not constant to life Education more contentious realms.
The Buddha asked:
-        Bodhi Monastery! A La Hon while austerities, have thought Deng fourth Van Thinh attended the result?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! Can't get ideas about results Wednesday. Why? Because really A La Hon, the mind has no, General, there is no notion of what leaders think the Dak Dak. Truth doesn't have what the French called A La Hon. If A La Hon but also think DAC, i.e. also before 4 General, then it can't be called the Chief Justice A La Hon.
German encyclopedia That Bodhi monastery to honor! From once said to clear, so my own during the day in all of France, not start a little negativity, nor what the brain damage a sentient, without the mind competition (Infinity Tanh), has come to the essential truths (I). In upper administration Buddhist disciples are student, Bodhi Monastery not award filed depth, is a great piece to end human falling, were ... Pop A La Hon cups education number one.
Bodhi monastery Bach again that:
-        Dear World Religion! The yet to be proclaimed as compliments From th, you never think to list from A La Hon.
Bodhi monastery back ladies:
-        If you think proof of Deng Xiaoping A La Hon, i.e. also being being 1 hope, then do the Green wood cutting education is not. From That Side often said Religion was the real preferred Bodhi Monastery released stills President almond (A Elegant Orchids). Because the source of mind, Bodhi Monastery "infinite Prime facility", also "infinite", have a ceiling fan also does not accept the first. So that's called Bodhi Monastery. So for That Suen of the Side should, for your favorite people is happy President chon.
  Verse 9:
Bodhi Monastery have devised?
Four high low, really is there?
Answer denying the outside in,
If approved, not thong dong export ceiling.
Preliminary results, the second result is somewhat,
TAM, quarter finals results graciously walked up,
Go up, as to forget,
Also know the precarious legendary evidence results, Super!
So Does meditation Improve,
In place of the static from the professional need, President
The Department, the Department certified are far away,
A bold green, one She contains chan!
On said 4 results can not be; Here comes the Holy fruit also can not be, if there is room to be both head General. That means that the wife's seat, was four could not convict, why have title 4 results? Saints results if not possible, then why say Dang French infertility patient? It is a chronic head General of the divine Lady. Must know the title of the Saint are all pretending. The entire borrowing compounded vi, to specify France wuwei; so Uncivil in each điễm are France, for fear of divine phu tham ago compounded vi. The other says NET is dignified? Not stately General sharp saw in sight of the divine Lady (as whole pagoda made of gold, jade, marble to decorate, which is called dignified) is the French speaking African general body, no image, no image quality chon TAM can see, not general best viewable, this is Leanne dignified grandeur of France.
The Buddha told him Tu, you think? As the ancient Buddha Nature in Hybrid post, Buddha-nature (Dipamkara Buddha) because when the new born, the sides of the fuselage have bright lights, swift should also called Optical Theorem, is signed As Future Buddha life master. For France there would be no?
-        The White World Religion! Not so, as Lai in Buddha-nature, for France it is not possible to be.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Bodhisattva has dignified the Buddha?
-        The White World Religion! Can not be. Why? Because the stately Buddha realms, not dignified. He called dignified! So, the Great Bodhi Bodhisattva, must like this to being pure mind is not so contentious identity based, should not head stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France being the mind, are "not" the new birth, the mind of the other. Not the Department head is not based in one place, not against stubs is. Because of this, the gods are also unpredictable, evolve immensely. He is the pure land legs. The mind is not pure, then according to the scene moved, let go of the lung that's hard to control, raising the previous ceiling part 6 scuttle much as before. Mr. Tu Bodhi! For as there is a large mountain , mount Tu Di Tu Di (Sumeru) high surface muon 336-mile width,, is the greater the mountain of mountains, the mountain's bringing to the example of the body. Here's my hypothesis; the same also as was said to bring valuable stuff 7 full both heavenly world, 3,000 work alms. What do you think? Large trunk?
Bodhi monastery white that:
-        Great World Religion, Sir!. Why? As Buddha said Africa. Africa body i.e. France, who as chon TAM is like real estate. In the ancient Story said: "the full picture is not big, not the General's foot". Also is your thing. He called himself.
The basic part, the Buddha As Lai who Prime facility in Nhon fearing of the Bodhisattva, not end except off, then head where France has, not being pure heart. So As Lai asked the Buddhist in Nature, ancient Post, while Deng result Invisible Upper Bodhi, but for France of the Buddha-nature, have the duty to Post Prime facility? Italy led from the front, to prove As Lai himself, for France it is not prime facility. Nhon because Buddha As Lai, however, in that the natural duty to listen to Professor French Post Buddha, is the testimony of the duty lawyer! True to self enlightenment tu, for France it is not prime facility. The Buddha even though this question, crucial to specify DAC facility, is not French France General vacuum. Then again asked the Bodhisattva has dignified the Buddha? Main idea want to clear or not dignified, solemn Buddha General vacuum. Like the Buddha along France are not new, being pure mind. Birth center, is being the Bodhi mind. The Chief of France, can not Deng, unable to speak, so the French mind, straight mind purity only! But the mind is pure, no place would play only startups. Pure mind call that being, the mind is called bare record of birth, can know mind chon Tam Tam, who do we still born. But not the Chief Justice France, how can also be enlightened; If not, stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France, then how can they be steeped.
The Buddha said to this point, has to quibble say Buddha, must find in the Centre of the beings. Back to fear they see see the Dharma too large, therefore, the Buddha provides a high trunk out to, for example, and said the mountain big though, but Di Tu the large high general. Freely available CA 10, also into nowhere, so know the enormity of Mount Tu Di, in fact there is nothing big at all. Using the example above is like to cause beings to not see the Dharma which only saw the depth of mind; chơn thành District Chief to be the new Chief Justice, Bodhi theorem (in place of the Chief sensory of essential magic). Or say: in the Future As Buddha part 7 (Prime part loads), because want to specify result France glass chess, each question through "As a hybrid have been Infinitely Superior Chief of Primary Visual Modeler? As Hybrids have the sermon? Moreover, in the basic part and asked, for France has prime facility? Should know the lyrics ask first is "French captions have to discharge, scenarios are illegal," stated Italy four degrees of separation, "sanh.
In summary, the previous question on the results of Buddha himself certified, now in Nhon Buddhist Bodhi Deng bridge. There are other false Comin', no infections said.
The Buddha said: Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Lai before in that Course of Buddha, for France has prime facility?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! From where the Buddha Nature when Posted, self, suicide, for France it is not prime facility.
The Buddha asked:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Bodhisattva in the Mahayana Buddhist realms do the friendly charm blessed career have been dignified?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        Not dignified. Because from the General said no Extra dignified, as soil-NET, seven gold treasure dishes do the radio etc. that's just the noun called dignified!
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Of the great Bodhisattva must hold, a not disarray, birth Centre, on the birth of mind, unable, headquarters, flavor, taste, tactile, France. If not so bound where 6 Tran, hope anniversary of start, how pure are you? Please mind the purity (Tanh), the magic circular trạn, emptiness, like a mirror bright spot, to the Passport, the animals don't. That's not possible, spot 10 parts pure.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! For such people, such as the mountain is big, he thought the Italian Di Tu? Large trunk?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        Very large bạch World Religion! Why? Because her body though, but there are also beings, reincarnation, trying to keep her body is great. From the French body said African General Side, is itself, is the French talking ingenue. This Center covered nowhere, borders all over the about the French, not the General not head, quickly into the Park. Like, how do you bring the mountain Seclusion that can compare Mobile? It's great body
Verse 10:
The Buddha continue to ask,
The ancient Buddhas have French Board Post natural oxidized?
Bodhi meet: very deep,
The French ban was also where upper admit?
Ask the Buddha Bodhisattva,
Stately Buddha realms, have recently?
Charity Does a very,
Dignified also said, most earnest way.
Only profound General Kim Cang,
No bare head, center position of meditation,
"But an infinite space facility" end to the Mainland,
Dharani birth run about the endless mountain ranges.
Stem mount Tu Di?
Bodhi answers: what the Buddha stated,
Africa new incarnation,
Also, also, also more affective incest!
That means using compounded micro alms, Phuoc, Phuoc's notice despite being well off. In contrast the French use wuwei alms, will be blessed boundless immeasurable newspaper. Useful microbial wuwei is French for favors. Wuwei may not depart owner vi, vi, then wuwei organic secession is not manifest. Useful microbial truth in wuwei wuwei feet, is the primary owner of the micro does not head first. Therefore, should the great Bodhisattva not head an infinite range, not owners, clear winner Irene wuwei. How to not scalar range French head? That means someone who practice Bodhisattva should consistent all compounded vi, such as vision, such as chemical, water, foam-like going like the silhouette, like Frost, such as electricity; Executive real wuwei, after listening to France is not bi, helpfulness an infinite cylindrical Micro Center, bi, bi position level at which to apply bilateral, giving France "green" chemical photography, although said is the boundless, immeasurable beings but not always mind accept the power and fan speed. It's not really that happy practice wuwei head Bodhisattva. How called compounded micro does not end? Chums who act happy clean break Bodhisattva Chen sa or, but say is boundless, immeasurable beings but who hold nan khong, non-necked stork mind tired upset. Optical Republic secular bronze, incarnations of thousand hundred awaited memories, often of the degrees they born. They are endless, vows force extremely well. That is exactly the same behavior to take advantage of French property, to Executive Director real Bodhisattva. In a nutshell, is the owner of micro without useful microbial head, Comin' wuwei that truth is vi. Happy happy as Bodhisattva or wuwei. So, said Li wuwei blessed Germany boundless immeasurable.
-        Bodhi Monastery! As in the Ganges has of sand, of sand in the Ganges, the River Ganges, translation, India is called Ganga, from the West side of ao A Nậu Reach (Anavatatapta) Liu, flowing around 4,000 miles, fine sand-like powder. When it comes to plural, the Buddha often bring the number of river sand as examples; too high at any to the Buddha, often brought out as example Di Tu mountains, you think? Of the Ganges River, sand has many or not?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        Very much So, Bach is Religion! Only the Ganges to countless many more of its sand.
-        Bodhi Monastery! We now ask you, if there is goodwill, friendly male female would take 7 of treasure-filled as the sand of the River Ganges, around 3,000 world heavenly, bring out the alms, was blessed to have many or not?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        The White World Religion! Very much.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        If good faith South, friendly male would, in this economy, to maintain, a shelf 4 sentences, because others instructors said. This feud over Phuoc wins German Phuoc Germany alms ...
The basic part, the Buddha As Lai must follow the thought of the sermon, Phuoc hue General comparison a second time. From comparison measurement blessed Germany gradually comes to break the General. He is the manifestation of Buddha As the Center gauge Hybrid cleverly encouraging word example. In part 8 of this Economy, said to the alms, retrieved a grain of sand brought do a world, to bring examples of seven precious things around 3,000 world heavenly, use the plural abound as the sand River. The alms has been compared to the alms in the part 7 , does not understand has more section 1290 1290? But he was the General ownership, though he also was more blessed in Germany, the song that is a kind of blessed German chess, are not blessed in Germany itself. Who maintains this was food poisoning experience life in Germany itself, so that the names Germany As Lai urged the friendly female, friendly females should be in this Business, get the Abbot, long maintenance center don't forget, to use article 4 shelves 1 sentence, because someone else took place said. So, who knows the following riders led ớc tr, benefit, benefit people, was blessed in Germany from Leanne self. Again the comparison using the 7 things full of treasures such as the sand of the River Ganges, alms all 3,000 of the heavenly world, blessed Germany alms was much. Should know the blessed alms while the more general property in Germany, but there are limits. The German pilot, though at least French Phuoc but not ngằn opposite. A sidebar lists one party wins, not speaking but too well. Song that experienced maintenance to enlightenment truths, if not, then very easy before. In earlier times a person because of the previous General, bridge should want to work in Germany, so blessed should usually do the alms. Later he read chanting Kim Cang, found that: in the said if there is goodwill, friendly male male would, for Business, for life to maintain a four-shelf question, because other people say this win German Phuoc lecture than previous alms etc. German Phuoc. he heard for the economic maintenance easy a four shelf posts only, the sentence is enough, what are alms! From then on for the alms, he wouldn't really act again. It was also agreed in advance, not food poisoning are truth, hence the repudiation the alms.
The Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        In the Ganges has so much sand, female example a grain of sand is a Constant River, you think? Sand in the Ganges River have many or not?
Revised Proposed response to:
-        Very much So, Bach is Religion! Ganges River branch many countless more is the number of sand in the river.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Today I actually said to him, if the men are women friendly, would use every grain of sand make a world, use of sand in the Ganges a lot, to compare with the take 7 jewel Bell all 3,000 of the heavenly world, Phuoc Dang Duc has many or not?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        The White World, very much!
The Buddha said that Bodhi Monastery:
-        If good faith South, women in credit, every chapter of every sentence, so a life sentence 4 shelf post, American actor tell everyone listening, Phuoc's laboratory, Germany, France compared with Germany blessed alms in front of their treasure, then indeed more.
Verse 11:
As Lai arbitrarily reduced, increased,
Asked over the Ganges River sand lot number?
Bodhi monastery, as he,
Bach up Buddha, sand cannot reliably!
Has anyone alms flaunt,
Bring the seven treasure for human compassion, dishes
Laboratory experiments so blessed to have ten?
Answers that are all from the Palm of the German for Phuoc.
The Buddha stated two things booked so,
Blessed Germany alms is due to the outside;
The French Economy, Hong maintenance life
The immeasurable, as German Hybrid shed wall!
The Dhamma is the Dhamma of the Tathāgata. As Future head office that 80 years, the sermon 49 years, divided time preaching:
The first time the UNITED STATES ECONOMY STRICTLY speaking redundant paramount;
The third time the LOCAL ECONOMY, said including the MAUSOLEUM GRAVE;
Forecast Wednesday said SUTRA
The weather Thursday, said the FRENCH ECONOMY UNITED together Nirvana.
Now say the Chief Justice, i.e. the Chief religion of the Uncivil times. Respect for the Chief Justice's religion? That is to say, the Bodhisattva Buddha are lettered from this store. Sentient life loss of France heard this very hard, great guys who say the listener must respect section ten magic France Uncivil. So usually said, "legal responsibility oxidized very immeasurable depth, hundreds of thousands of secret, damn it's hard having a bad ...".
Again, Bodhi! Customised Business, said depending on the spot in the other, until an article in the 4 shelves etc. must know him, to know the place, i.e. This mentality. All in the world, the Sun, people, A Tu La, Sun is in 4 the Sun. Who are the animals in the world. A Tu La khong must, not the person, a devil spirit combat priority species, all have to donation, such as the donation of God Tower of Buddha. More life wholeheartedly, people read the eulogy. Read the text, called proceeding according to read, as opposed to text called proceeding. Read the main proceedings is in the mouth of inscriptions, the mind to understand sense of clarity. Bodhi Monastery! To know him, accomplishing the first Supreme ownership hy the French. If this classic to be somewhere, it is there where the Buddha. So every disciple must respect
The basic section, because the front had said Germany, win himself blessed blessed in Germany before. Currently back ahead, clearly blessed Germany alms treasures, not by German Economic maintenance, Phuoc note in that respect the maintenance Business. In other words exactly invented articles for loads of real practice based alms, Phuoc Germany, Italy four respected classics are like. Thus, the first paragraph, clearly respect this, said customised customised Business nàym said because of her body have As future, sky, people, A Tu La donation threshold of glass are the same as the temple tower where the Buddha worship God Dragon Hybrid,. bat (also called Long, French because divine, often at Business faculty to support the Dharma, so called Semi-devils), also to the French. The second paragraph, stating the respect this chanting, reading maintenance life because endless Bodhi, the French are all from this store. Anyone that life dedicated maintenance read this, chanting birth center, in pure mind it infinitely infinite General head. It's achievements was the first Supreme ownership hy the French. If in the mind of people, made possible in this classic's, i.e. There are Buddhas, spot maintenance, be sure to have the throne three jewels (Buddha, France, Increase) the row of Buddha's disciples must respect!
The Buddha says Bodhi Monastery! If someone arbitrarily in his local, this expression, until an article in the 4 shelves etc. that makes the listener, objective except hope niện should know this chon TAM, a residence where, was inspired to the Bodhisattva, the goddess, born in the us, the people, demons, A Tu La etc. are to rise, wealthy girl flowers ceremony the same as the Buddha statue in the temple threshold glass Tower, a glass heart donation threshold. More people read the maintenance life wholeheartedly chanting this, to bridge the computer touches the food poisoning. The Buddha said: Bodhi Monastery! Those are achievements of France an infinite Upper (Anuttara Samyak Sambuddha) Bodhi. Don't have any higher than you, than the French. Must know his mind i.e. Buddhist, are not from the outside that cartridge. Therefore, it should be possible to classics, there are Buddha exists. We should know, as well as the throne where the Tam Buddhist disciples are to serve, no dealer would not achievements, didn't mind would not deserve respect, not worth?
Verse 12
This incredibly marvelous spiritual experience,
Though the article only shelves, Max, fetish
Dharani Sutra to me,
Sun, who is the type of floral, donation,
As well as the temple, Buddha, Tower Road,
Releases the mind States, common foot forward,
Don't anyone forget, do not ignore the Court maintenance
The first paramount, stand on everything!
Kim Cang, nostalgic, just Buddha
Why not food poisoning, up monument of glory,
Each available Kim Cang,
Just khai, an eternal mind!
France is the French miracle Uncivil, economic, law, Conclusion of three things Council called the Dhamma. As France is the maintenance of medical life according to that truth. Preceded by the multicultural and learn, from learn to go to real, thanks to a new real evidence was directed. Broad thinking out there with regard to disciplines 84,000 84,000 defilements born, according to the drug for depression, each treatment center for depression to French people. Such beings be lewd, depression, anger, delusion, right, thanks, hue to the row, the Satipatthana France, Five, Five, Four Chief Needs, Iddhipada, Bodhi Interior section and the Holy Bowl, part 37 Leaders support products, not a product that isn't the magic of France for the austerities. Now comes Italy life expectancy only specialized maintenance quarter maintenance magic France Uncivil. Nhơn thọ because maintenance of other Uncivil, are full. As before stated, France dear Africa, to bring the General Magic dealer Uncivil, subliminal just display, release the suspect, taken to the logical extreme. So, should You Not Being head of the Enlightenment, the Buddha meaning decanting asked the name of business.
At the time, Mr. Bach Bodhi Buddhist Monastery that: Dear World Religion! Will call is what? We do serve maintained?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        This is called Dharani Uncivil Three La Suite (Vajraprajna Paramita), taking the title, he must serve, why? Bodhi Monastery! Buddha says Three Uncivil La Suite, which is not Uncivil Three La Suite, then called Uncivil Three La Suite. Tu Bodhi! What do you think? As Lai had theory?
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
-        Dear World Religion! As Hybrids did not speak French.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? 3,000 heavenly worlds, there was dust ceiling, so much?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        A lot of Bach, World Religion.
The Buddha asked:
-        Bodhi Monastery! The bare dirt, Like Hybrid said is not the bare dirt, then called dust ceiling, As Lai says the world, not the world, then called the world. Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? 32 can be used for General, seen As a hybrid? 32 General, As good general full Hybrid venture 12, good general content body 10 Saturday, general good about limbs have 10 things; use NET, tu th 32 32 32; General General General hull's application, the application can find, France relatives cannot be found. Thirty-two general title as follows:
1) General foot an by
2) There are thousands of feet just General circular Vortex like a thousand tree wheel spokes.
3) General long hands, small and pointy fingertips
4) General limbs are soft
5) Generals of fingers, legs thin skin such as interstitial mesh scaffolds
6) General heel plump
7) General on the foot-high floating plump
8) General United Kingdom calves as loc
9) General hands too long the knee
10) South hidden
11) Higher body weight and General segment
12) General the pores are often screened out-green shades
13) General the feathers on its back face bending
14) General body brilliance as gold purple
15) General projector aura around a staff
16) General slim and smooth skin
17) General of the soles of the feet, hands, and shoulders on the top two, seven's plump
18) General underarm sides plump
19) General body dread hung like a lion
20) General body of the round square, straight
21) Two circular shoulder full of fecal weight General
22) General 40 tooth
23) White teeth, in General, are both snugly and nha
24) General 4 large incisors
25) General high cheeks, as the two lion edge
26) General water quality enough pieces of the epigastrium
27) General soft, long, wide blade
28) General voice bar high, hear far away, as the voice of Brahma
29) General blue eyes
30) Fur long beautiful squinting General
31) General white goatee has often illuminated, grows between the leg you
32) General on the top, high meat up as one by the hair.
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        Can not see, the White World Religion! Cannot use 32 General seen As Futuristic, why? As Lai says 32 General, i.e. is not General. He called General 32.
Buddha said;
-        Bodhi Monastery! If have the same friendly women's body South charity network alms as the sand River. If someone again, in this Economy, to maintain a four-shelf life sentences, because other people teaching this very much, Phuoc said.
The basic part, Tu Bodhi thanks to hear the front part, maintained this accomplishment, saying France had little. In place, where Buddha went. Like respect. Therefore, should the same Trading name occasionally muscle equivalent moral liturgical Buddha, As Lai said this Experience called Three Uncivil Dharani La Suite. The firepower he must serve this maintenance, is because in this sure to be endless endless general moral enlightenment, arise Uncivil, sharp, light all of (the magic Position Hue) , and shore up the feeling of Chu's Buddha. first ownership hy the French paramount, often in every medical student Danny French. Buddha As Lai said this piece, although the French show attention, but fear this name accepted disciples, forgotten computer Dharani is Uncivil. To break the accept the General Business name, should say Uncivil Three La Suite, which is not Uncivil, such Security through Three La is borrowed noun called Uncivil Three La Suite only. Business name has no prior General, do the French have to say; in mind, please do not have Three Experienced generals, such as through Secret wish for La people self identify computer to create transparent, lai also without France. What the French did not have, no, how to speak! We should know the chums have told all others remedy. In the transmission of French Freemasonry: "Buddha says all of France, except for all the mind; If not all of the mind, where all of France ". Because when food poisoning is due to the language, when Willow food poisoning and the theoretical language all Africa. People with chronic depression, medication, not her real hard except; When others were running out, smoking also, then he is also a chronic medication. An animal, such as the mote, as big as the world, such as 32 General that As a hybrid said, is the one pretending to empty. Buddha As Lai, sequential instructions say, all want for beings to find general acceptance As the French Bred Leanne self. So, in the end back over the measurement of blessed German (this is the 3rd time), specify the use of magic glasses-General, outlined the Italian foursome of pitching. Said that no conclusion of treasure as much as alms of Ganges River sand, much as network trunk alms of Ganges River sand, a lot, but that is just the General outside, not by opinion life maintenance-intensive management to Leanne yew, Phuoc's Germany's enemies WINS!
The Buddha said three sentences: Uncivil Three La Suite, which is not Uncivil Three La Suite, he called Three Uncivil La Suite. This is the Economy that is also a powder of the Tripitaka. Broadly, this is the heart of the Buddha's bone marrow, Wilner of the divine Scriptures; TAM, active duty meant immeasurable cardboard oxidized, are in this Dharani. Tam said: "I experienced the mind not the General mind, not frivolous, not Buddha, not slash head office location. He is Uncivil rational's marvelous Three La Suite ". The Vice Great Singer said: "fear of people" comments ", the right to temporarily set the nominal". Play the Uncivil is the heart of France. As people drink water, hot or cold himself better known, can not imagine for other guys know! If it comes out i.e. Cancel stock Buddha.
Buddha enough three body:
A French body is pure, is the body of chon TAM Buddha, this body is not a good picture, i.e. the French General Uncivil Leanne chon TAM fuselage.
Two is fullness, body press thanks to the immeasurable voluntary quote Phuoc, the Supreme Buddha body in Germany full circle was manifest. There are two types of life itself is divided using the quote itself and tha use life newspaper.
Three relatives of the French body i.e. application dollar application, again called biochemical (hundreds, thousands, unimpeachable, memories reincarnations), in the Sun the stem, being the people who embody, in birds, bird species in incarnations nai nai incarnations, the image status, according to Van every species of embodiment, 32, highly addictive PA General body. Alms of treasure as much as of the Ganges River, sand of many ancient treasure, but about a foreign member, are also easy. Much as network trunk alms of Ganges River sand, which, however, discharge it in your content, that it's hard! Although it. alms property and life are both useful in Nhon smuggled. See the new, brightly, Leanne is the true blessed Germany wuwei!
Tu hear Bodhi the Buddha As Lai finished parts in advance, at the time towards the Buddha As Mr. Hybrid:
-        The White World Religion! This should be named? We must maintain this Economic life like?
Buddha As Lai told him the Bodhi Monastery:
-        With the magic position, Lily brought to the shores of peace there. This DHARANI SUTRA called UNCIVIL THREE LA SUITE. He must follow shrihari that y. Why so named?
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Elegant Bowl Three La Suite ma As Hybrid said is a marvelous natural station, Leanne as frivolous. A can have is not what, chon TAM have the noun. Such was the fear of the life birth, segment "loath" keep trying the most recent noun is Dharani Uncivil Three in row to Interior Security Dollars we disciples to serve passengers only.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As for the Future of business has a theory?
Bodhi monastery responded that:
-        The White World Religion! Uncivil is self, self named Leanne was not able to call from the Side that says power.
Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Sand dust has in 3,000 heavenly world, more or less?
Bodhi monastery responded that:
-        The White World Religion! Very much.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Many dust particles, but not real able, are damaged, not through dust particles called Temp.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Can use 32 General to see As a hybrid?
Bodhi monastery responded that:
-        The White World Religion! Can not see. Why? Because From my Side has said that General 32, glass chess, chess is not a legal body, General, General is being, also just pretending!
Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If there are female, friendly male friendly die their network, much like the sand of the River Ganges, it released alms to Phuoc bridge; There are a number of other people, in this Economy, to a sentence, and then took four shelves post telling others to hear; the other Economic maintenance, compared with blessed blessed alms prior life, WINS!
Verse 13
Charity Does the Buddha, white
This trendy name, title,
We maintained that litigation should there?
The Buddha teaches only please, under on the implementation
Dharani Uncivil is,
But the new Super mind Uncivil pilot,
Decanting ask target theory,
Gentle friendly responses to things are too high
Bodhi he understand?
Mote, the world got into quotations?
Both in my World,
Africa, Africa World Conservation Dharani.
Speaking through general good topping,
The same laboratory, tam an evangelist is the miracle,
Spread one understands the depth,
The German blessings of wisdom spiritual head.
Glass chess? Is it all going to General; all pages in General by the world is going to general culture. Chums going nowhere this unknown Lady of hope is not true, so accept the discharge procedures, before seats were not damaged. wrong Mexican Hope at every scene it order of episodes in hopes the Center, often Foreign General Leanne foot ceilings prevent che, throughout the day, circumstances were so then run or create a career, because that creates good results reported brain gauge, many caodaiists, never stop. If anyone or depart, disappointed not to be fake or not stalk General co accept before, its discharge! NET, not being that is the President.
Added the President means kill? Initially offering foreign ceiling after ceiling base, Base cabinet eradication are freed, before the break the human ego, pushed up a floor back France France fall; General sensory functions, the Department must also sense depart, pushed up a story, "born" to destroy, not general basis also. Contentious removal end to then President kill there money!
At the time, Mr. Tu Theme heard this, to understand the deep meaning of animal, deep understanding of Italian is spoken in the heart of greater enlightenment. Animal sense, is fun, moving water, and then the white Buddha that:
-        Dear World Religion! The truth is that few have. The Buddha says even classics like Shenzhen, from ancient to present, as that was the label, wisdom of Solomon label is the heart of the Holy Cross has 7 holes, Nhon, heard a thousand funny. Here is the eye of wisdom that, never heard such classics. The White World Religion! If people hear this Economy again, pure faith, truth, must know her accomplishments are the third owners hope German depth.
-        The White World Religion! If the General was for real. So As a hybrid said, he called General chon TAM. The White World Religion! The now classic like, dang listening the news out, life is no doubt Center News, willow, leader of course nothing is difficult. If contemporary life, after 500 years, has the beings, Deng listened to this Experience, life comprehend, people believe he is the hope of the first property class. Why? Because he has no ego, Nhon General General General beings, and also no dummy general life. The reason why? Fall General i.e. Africa, General General, General, General of the fake life beings that is Africa. Because why? Because the leaves all the General, then called Chu Buddha.
Buddha told him the Bodhi Monastery:
-        Rightly so, rightly so. The right is so deep with the Manager of the Buddha, i.e. Italy acknowledged. If have person, hear this, no fear, no fear, no jitters, no fear is awe-inspiring in error about words; fear news is fear management high on đượng; I've been meaning to the terrible hardships on the way , the tu must know he is very United. Because why? Bodhi Monastery! As Lai says the first three la suite, the news is not the first Japanese three la suite, then called the first three la suite.
-        Bodhi Monastery! La suite, three insults rings rings humiliation: in the Centre of tolerance called rings, horizontal exterior left called humiliation.
The ring has three things: humiliation
1) Being patient: Here is the center of the ring subject to discrimination? I.e. people for us, but the bastard wanted his harm, we have to bear the ring
2) France rings: Almond Bodhisattva working speed of all beings, never mind students tired of boring.
3) Invisible beings France rings: Not seen that rings do not see also French-born rings French foot emptiness of birth does not kill.
Again, the word Rings has 6 meanings:
1) Power rings: Don't forget the angry, but not charged.
2) Death ring: elegant,, reconcile, humiliated, but like nothing before.
3) Side ring: what happens, you are not responsible for the other guys.
4) Consistent internal and external rings: bodies have considered.
5) The wedding ring or the wedding jewelry: engagement rings.
6) From rings: Injured people brought shame to yourself is your passion, prayer level they play.
As Lai says the ring not humiliation, he called three la suite is the humiliation of three la suite. Why? Bodhi Monastery! As my ancient King Ca Benefit cut of the body. The old is just for lifetime ago that said. The King of American Interests, American Benefit is Sanskrit (Kaliraja). Italy says is extreme evil King. In the Meanwhile, I have no ego, no plant, no general beings not fake life that General chess. Why? Because at the time, when I cut limbs, if any fell, General General General General false life and beings, to being angry. Bodhi Monastery! Bred again in the past 500 years, 500 life i.e. 500, When do Immortals rings humiliation, humiliation is the Buddha ring position As hybrid, in front of 500, the first time, carries the title of a position, in the Meanwhile, no ego, no general, non-sentient, Nhon general life General and not fake.
So the Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery to depart all Infinite mind, General Chief of the upper Class, not the Chief Justice head colors being the Center, should not head stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France, that being the mind, to being mindful "infinite space facility"; If the African-based Center. So why the Buddha Bodhisattva, should not mind speaking head colors alms. Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva for the benefit for all beings so alms.
As Lai said all General, news is fading. Again talking all beings, i.e. non-beings. Bodhi Monastery! As Lai says the word true, say the right words, spoken word such as like, say, or sessile say not wrong. Bodhi Monastery! Prime property of France As French is not real, not imaginary.
Bodhi Monastery! If the center of the Bodhisattva head where that work, such as on the alms house, i.e. not found anything, if the mind is not really French based Bodhisattva practice alms, as people have light eyes, bright Canary-soi, see all the colors. Bodhi Monastery! Contemporary life, if there is goodwill, friendly female male would often stay in this Business, maintenance, read the proceedings be As Lai used location hue Buddha, all know him, find him, are the achievements Germany boundless immeasurable!
The basic part, Mr. Bodhi Monastery at this, listen to the deep understanding of business, has a "Gnostic leader if the General Africa General, news seeing as" moving from the heart mosaic, compassion, weeping, released a commendable "That has little Respect". In the second part of this Economy, has also praised a "little World Religion". Praise in the second part the leaves to scatter the exclamation That Buddha taught Religion in the away stand is sitting are Uncivil who saved leg. Also praised in this part is to scatter Buddhist Hybrid English slang As a miracle only use Uncivil, as penetration grade 9. Provide a comparison of home room class; from the previous only shows outside, watching through the magnificent scale models; now proceed to the room inside the House. Buddha As well as Hybrid Bodhi Monastery had food poisoning are General property damage, Africa seems to be the general meaning of the Security As hybrid, so try the practice sailings. Truth is not beyond six France three la suite (i.e. continental level; Location hue, alms, maintenance, humiliation, rings, and meditation). Because the ring is a humiliation very hard truth, the final rules because hope idea yet.
Rings less than the humiliation of the place, causing the soul being frightened, is awe-inspiring. So credit the mind not solidly. So You use a bulb rings, not the four generals to attempt to three la suite. Did specify during menstruation, if Slapped also fell, General General, etc., i.e. is not happy. Bring each part before, usually say this part of Germany, said Irene merit, because the results are not enough to describe that blessed consummation.
Elegant Bowl room is the magic of wisdom, prior said. But the magic of wisdom he divide to say, have divided these types: there are inscriptions to the magic of wisdom, a shining magic wisdom and truth wisdom shizzle General etc. Basic two sentences "to distinguish this deep understanding, heard the animal sense", i.e. cover the 3 types of this wisdom shizzle. Heard this news is written marvelous intellectual self. Understand the meaning of animal news is projecting the magic of wisdom. Also smoothly i.e. truth General Magic intelligence.
Like the previous lifetime had a Hybrid being able-bodied cutting stools Benefit Ca King. Stories like the following:
One day, the King of American Favor CONSORT Group Guide, women in America enjoy the mountain forests and hunting. Nhon resting tired at King, and slept a sleep. Time to wake up, do not see American women, CONSORT Group, only saw a few bodyguards. King and he used the guard to go looking. Far far away saw having a court in large, the consort of America women are sitting in, surrounding a to hear the sermon.
King Ca benefit, just the monks responsible for that:
-        Why He charmed the us women here?
Monks responded:
-        I really do not.
King again decanting asked:
-        Why see colors that says no sexual desire?
Monks answered;
-        Because I hold.
Decanting King asked:
-        He kept about tu happy?
Monks answered:
-        I tu almond rings.
The King listened, the two rings, unspeakable anger ever, ever raising a sword coming, ask:
-        He knows the pain?
Monks responded:
-        Impassible.
As you face the dark King, mainland off the body of the monks, and then asked;
-        He got hurt? And there is no hatred?
Professor answers:
-        Has no ego then do have the hatred.
At the time, the four Heavenly taste in shocks and outrage to the cruelty of the King, so for a typhoon rock run, sand, copper semi-Devils to households. Monks cut the members, be refunded as the old. Mr. King fear, kneel before monks, begging sin and repent of the evil. Cha Chu Thien monks United Kingdom college dormitories to the King, faults the sky back to the clearing. He also played Center for Muslim Prayer direction. Monks also pray that: When do I become Buddha, will for him before.
The King of American Favor, after 500 life is Mr. Qiao Chen As Chen Jiao is A Tastefully called As (Ajnata-Kaundinya) born in Brahmin race, in Ca Bhikkhu La Defense, India. He good at art, German time only Like Ca, Mr. Christmas ever new invitation huh. After Germany Like Ca, export ascetic seclusion in the mountains, on the banks of the River Niger Related Meditation; Suri at the Ceiling as one of the five usually under most low German of world Religion.
Best head he is mind accept the General. The head of France's French General accepted alms. Don't head to France, then he does not accept the French, don't accept illegal. Do not accept France is not true, do not accept the illegal is not damaged. He thus was the Chief Vigilance Officer, not obstacles. As people have eyes, shining bright Canary-soi, saw the colors, so it was a real sense of Chi Li Chief said. If alms that head General, IE has fallen, Nhon etc. four General yet forgotten, then we will join the merchant coast students hate that! So that each parent, descendants, left, the matter of hundred lifetimes of thousands of life, ends difficult to relieve, Samsara in sire line, no time out. So the Buddha taught real happy Act Hybrid As alms, should not head General, because of reasons stated above.
Tu hear Bodhi the Buddha As Lai said, deep in the mind meets at listening fun. Feel sad because of hate to hear this, the mean age was already old, two rows of tears roll on the cheek, towards the hybrid, the takeoff and praised Like Buddha:
-        "The truth is that there is less Respect". The white Buddha Master said mean! Classics like deep, the advance has been the label's wisdom, although "for natural food poisoning: text, but never heard of classic deep Austria. Bodhi monastery back ladies:
-        World Religion! I've just heard of this exciting, in the computer, has food poisoning that he has genuinely all-talking ingenue General ever. If someone would be listening to this Experience, the mind, the very center of the Chief notion nhut pure Chanh, Tran sex not have instant magic now, pure intellect, being "true real damage". That's who know tu, was less definitive achievement of Buddhist followers.
Bodhi monastery says:
-        The White World Religion! Management of it. really General Uncivil, not frivolous like Thai, no image, if one accept the prior General, funny is not the truth. Therefore, should frankly just From General.
Once again Mr. Bodhi Monastery:
-        The White World Religion! The present to hear this, because for a long time after the evidence was so label wisdom true Word, understand the other jerseys, mission serve credit approved, nothing difficult at all. If life after 500 years, the period French weapon, distant evil germs From long Side, they sank to the sea where the agony, when hear this Sutra that have life maintenance award credit, who was proving himself first, Leanne touches very easy tu easy. Why? Because the cabin, not no enlightenment chon TAM ego, Nhon etc. four generals. When depart four generals then decided she had food poisoning people were General and were forgotten in Nhon. If all the generals depart, the other Center is not the President, that is to be fully enlightened, along with Chu main peer Buddha called Buddha ranks.
Buddha As Lai told him that Bodhi Monastery;
-        As he said, the reasonable depth of Buddha, then if anyone heard was magic France Uncivil, no doubt (no depression), to know who he really was. Because Jesica excuse? By thanks to Three La Suite firstly that I said: the reasons are also from that store. This wisdom to the other shore. If there is no other bank before accepted through the Ba La Suite first.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! That means that the scene brought to mind empty, humiliating insults rang treat, not to be angry with, his wisdom shizzle rebellion. The mind must contract as frivolous, i.e. to be possible. She is patient but Three humiliation La Suite, vacuum, a general, in addition to countless hybrids do not know the humiliation, in not found naturally, both rings. Therefore, As often said, not humiliation rings Three La Suite, then called patient humiliation Three La Suite! comes to the ring, as I before, the time being King Ca Benefit cut off the body, because the mind as frivolous, should not start the four generals. The Department is, of course, is for the time being cut off the body, the patient has to have the same humiliation. Meantime, if run four General, decided to have a resentment, can't forget the enemy, becomes the result. How do you say rings humiliation? Me reliving a past life past life in the 500 earlier, when making patient, real action is often the first humiliation almond rings in my lifetime, in poetic non-major general, thanks to four more results entangled shit cabin Satori chon TAM is not. Actually, the DD i austerities is not a one-way, that is success. Should also know that rings the humiliation of Three La Suite, it is necessary first of all to those who austerities on the road. Important first step, we must break the mind becomes angry, depart four new generals, four generals were not completed, almond rings.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Because of the aforementioned, should excuse coast Bodhisattva wants to become leader, the mind is empty. Depart all hope, or of the new Center was infinitely superior Bodhi; should not run hope anniversary accept where colors, also a common misconception should hope the mind before where the stick, flavor, taste, tactile, France, to being mindful "infinite space facility". He is the center of wireless NET, chon TAM did not concern education, all life leaders not bound. If the above contents, there is a space before Chen, it is difficult that the rescue workers, the ceiling is not the head of of the Bodhisattva. So, As I usually say, Hybrid mind Bodhisattva thousand empty but wisely; If the cylinder where the colors, then can not enlightenment. I say: not so best head alms, was the idea.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva by not this sense of space, huge heart, not those because that is for the benefit for all beings, so alms loads General as above. All General As Lai I said you should depart. Which is key for the bodhisattva freed. States are not a true Africa. Again added for all beings, is also the lead, for the bodhisattva after degrees only. Honestly hope centres depart, if you see a family identity, i.e. no longer owned them born again.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! As Lai I review tests France was uncivil, with France not worldly. The France world does not accept this, then accept the party ahead of the other party. Such general chon TAM that I have said is not true; self-adequacy is not damaged. Again, Bodhi! If the Bodhisattva head Center before saying that he work the four generals yet except, as people go into the dark House, Kiss cover pane renders, don't see anything at all; on the contrary if the Bodhisattva, the mind not the cylinder where France, which worked with Bell who opened the eye Dharani, looking through the flame repressing uncivil, Leanne shining soi four sides, smoothly through chon TAM is not clearly known, all landscape seen through the picture.
The Buddha says:
-        Tu's New Bo! As Lai I after removal, if friendly female, friendly females, or for this Economy, maintained read, news to fruition, achievements such as Lai LEE himself. The Germany of the time, not every minor results, the right to admit that comparable. Be sure to touch the hybrid As I bring infinite wisdom, which premiered the Executive (both know all saw), who were to be found across Germany, the industrial achievement Leanne pilot muon lifetimes, boundless immeasurable.
14 poems
Bodhi Monastery! Understand the meaning of menstruation,
Exciting praise, quang minh Buddhist Dharma transmission,
World Vision Catholic sense,
Don't worry, don't be afraid, sitting three boats.
Back to Buddha is just what we,
If someone rings the humiliation, conviction is destroyed,
The area of cang, Center
In the end, the victory safely meditate!
General Magic, alms Cup
True words we money dear surges,
Alms, maintained that litigation except ' yard,
The hard left, hard stool for Germany!
The previous section has said patient discharge, are breaking the humiliation of falling. After the break fell during the enlightenment reason had to accept Uncivil; Conversely the ring die just the humiliation of trivial benefits. If only know die rings, which do not bear the classic maintenance life, became the hero of the world, courage for chon TAM manifest hardly owned completely. If one ring or humiliation of the die, that life or the classic maintenance also, during the enlightenment the Africa of the two, two falls are, certainly virtuous Leanne, the French do so.
Bodhi Monastery! If the same friendly women, men friendly, the first part of the day (morning) giving alms as much as network trunk of Ganges River sand; the middle part of the day (lunch) again using the network trunk alms as much as of the Ganges River sand; the latter part of July (afternoon) to also use as much alms network trunk of Ganges River sand. So not measurement hundred thousand muon lifetimes memory network body, to bring alms; If you heard this classic again, faith no more, this blessed there more copy writing, reading, life span, because the instructors say. Bodhi Monastery! In summary that said. This has merit, can't think, can't be matched, As Hybrids because the Mahayana mind which says, as the ultimate mind admit that said. Specify the birth, not speed, is called the primary surplus; the charm, because half of the turn, because I half, called central redundant; Bodhisattva levels across all called. Paramount also admit? Buddha is an international admit all the Bodhisattva. If someone's life or maintenance read, wide because the instructor says, As you all know, the Future all saw her, are the achievements Germany cannot, can not confess, no borders, unable to think, people like that, you are shouldering sứu destiny as the future, until the certificate into an infinite Upper Primary College Finances. Is used to shoulder this burden, burden to shoulder, use back to Warsaw. The upper level is Primary Unconscious speaking. Directed by Hong, confirm using the successor body, so must be the achievement of greater merit.
Because why? Bodhi Monastery! If your favorite French person would be too small to accept the previous fall, Nhon, sentient life fake comments and opinions, for this Business, could not hear the reading life, because the League said. Bodhi Monastery! Where do old men would, if this Business, all, person, A Tu La, in the world, have to worry about donation. Must know where he is, all must respect the Tower, Buu, ceremony, flowers use scent to go lay on there.
The previous section comes to Germany maintained an economic achievement, this section was again used for comparison (this is a general comparison of Phuoc hue 4th), use the network as much alms-body of Ganges River sand, but not by listening to this classic, confidence along the left against Germany was not blessed. In summary, maintained the German Economic enemies wins than alms. The endless universe clearly intended uncivil from where the meaning of the Scriptures. If ego, etc. except the bigotry cannot hear tho, read, because the League said. Is so how? Nhon because general part because minor which base class theory; comments section because that base the French undergraduate teaching. The general part is Nhon fell. Comments section is France fell. Who is your favorite France too small? Your favorite non-breaking break advocated is the General, ' tri ' comments any couple part vengeance too much so. Comments section of every person not yet break, then France's fall still accepted. Who also has France ego, i.e. not yet understand reason uncivil, yet elegant Bowl international. Not the full benefit self, how beneficial tha. So should say to break four crumpled General etc. The unpopular French too small, i.e. not able to Experience this because others say award.
Then again, could not worship this body had As Hybrids. To stand for the people, not to comment on the rise, adherents of foreign donation. The main point of this is to maintain life wise in heart, reached the scene about releases into hopeless. If anyone is so Experienced maintenance life, donation center, then her mind i.e. Buddha, what is outside the body search As the only Hybrid in the Buddha himself in his own mind.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If good faith credit, women men in one day, in the morning to use the network as much alms-body of Ganges River sand; true Meridian again using the network as much alms-body of Ganges River sand; and also use the network trunks as much alms of the sand River. Those who like, spent hundreds of thousands of muon lifetimes long distant memory, three times each day, he, himself (the people) will Dang Phuoc Germany alms. If the person who used to have no left inverse, Chief of business credit, then blessed Germany wins the feud to discharge network trunk above. More is hand written, mouth, because the instructors say the significance of menstruation, kept his advantage to benefit the heart, not the brilliance of his left still, Leanne self made people see names of fresh, mature, take advantage of the same benefits, the more blessed in Germany, where the comparison that can be.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Said another way, the Germany that do, Leanne symmetry cannot use the mind thinks, the Crown, cannot use a number much less claiming to measurement. Truth is the Germany no ngằn meters. Buddha As this theory has merit Hybrid ngằn overlapping or not? Because Uncivil Dharani is a marvelous properties of the life, is paramount's great promoted Bodhisattva, not the place of the primary outcome was reached. So the Buddha As a hybrid because declared for greater identity, mission management should say this not talking ingenue variety; because of the publicity for the ultimate turn overs should admit, France this Uncivil Dharani. If any University class based, Leanne maintained this Mahayana sutras, broad because the life testimony, the only magic player ranks him the virtue of success for people including success for themselves, could not confess, can't think, can't use editor-only presentation. The print's Buddhist, turned the German achievements, only the Buddha As Lai see is known to be. The German public has achievements, fully capable Mission Chief France loads of Bodhi As upper. Because the excuse on the coast, so the French favourite class too petty, in term of possible see hear, not from there, etc. investment opinion, for ultimate redundancy Dhamma College this surplus, who kicked the awe-inspiring fears sailings. The Center itself was unable to net, the yen could hear the reading life litigation because people say this award?
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! The people of greater fiscal surplus, every place, every where, says this classic, or making people listen, the Center opened, the fresh League Italian feel, sure is, Dragon, every bowl of the Holy Spirit, are to the donation, the legal guardians. Throughout the United States currently tam optical black, straight into a stupa symbolism, or cause the glass near and far, wealthy girl, tossing ceremony threshold sprayed flowers aroma treasure, the maintenance of this Economy. Is the donation management releases! Can say a person breakfast, Chu Heaven together seems to be the wedding Festival!
15 poems
Dear user, the alms people
Over many lifetimes blessed infection, infection
Not using litigation to those who maintain,
Because the German speaking Prize hoài natural currency.
If anyone read the proceedings,
As Lai see know the way tu Dak,
Stand-out burden, almond
Invisible Upper Chief turns tossing raging ten.
The unpopular French bourgeois
The four sides also accept the arduous road,
Place would deserve justice Kim Cang,
Chu Hy Festival genius, worship easily regularly
PART or the sixteenth KARMA-NET
Karma is like? Or is the action of his life, career, or is the current action, can prevent cover chon TAM Tanh.
Previous action, the main effort of the predecessor, the actions of various his life many lifetimes ago, cannot ever since. Because from the unconscious only I could shit back, the industry has created both currency loaded into paddy fields form the eighth, having discovered coast, result of instant maturity being, rotated in the six, never stop being disappointed, harmony, harmony, hope b. kill not only, are all career resources, do it intensely charismatic. In saying: "karma of beings, if General, full of nowhere, not enough room to contain". Say that to know the career force of beings which belong nowhere, just because the only unknown beings, thus creating the Nhon, i.e. damage tho suffering damage. So that we are clear Karma ever which is not, if not to refund previous debt.
Talking about the current action (karma), i.e. data life in this weapon, they repay what public life created in advance, as it relates to this life. If there are beings would maintain life read this chanting, all going to General, both "idealistic state", the five aggregates which have no ceiling, six, being that animals or animal life, not be the damage gauge this lie. However idealistic wanting, needing to Bat through in depth. If the penetration was clearly Uncivil, then things are not, all the spoiled hopes end clean. So the only new NET Uncivil or except is karma.
Again, Bodhi! The friendly female, friendly male longevity maintenance read this, if people were chanting contempt. The contempt many facilities, or was he hated, or being refugees, now, or angry that his lap hugging the Center defamed, or y that overtake, even household by knives, sticks, tiles, stone. All are within two words of contempt. Her life before creating more poor, fallen into evil, life line must be the comfortable contempt; (read chanting), poor life before, certainly be destroyed, will witness the endless Primary Upper College flavor fruit Deng Xiaoping the Chief Justice.
Bodhi Monastery! I thanks to immeasurable past childhood fuck a steady, a rising States as Chinese translation, translation is immeasurable. In front of the Buddha-nature Posted met eight hundred four thousand muon memories na do tha the Buddha, the met, Italy said meet. Na tha sound translation into Chinese by, that is a secret, secret, and likewise , all donation surges, didn't skip a. If there is someone in my life, in real life the play is often later maintenance read this chanting, obtained the German, for my merit ã donation the Buddha, not part of a hundred, a thousand memories, part secret, until payment of such class as well.
Bodhi Monastery! If there are male and female friendly friendly would, in normal life in France, or read this chanting maintenance life, it was the German, if I say full say is full of clear, say or have heard of instant Center, hysteria, no doubt. Bodhi Monastery! To know the meaning of this Experience can not think, do also report results
On the Economic maintenance of the German speaking. This part is to specify the Germany maintained that litigation to unravel the elegant Bowl, cut glass and be strong export interests; the removal of sins but also win. Share split that said, there are two things do:
A is this life expectancy maintenance read this poor, chanting lifetime ago destroy easily.
The two are not the poor life destroyed, also posted the Bodhi fruit.
The only clear message do Phuoc. Always cite the Buddha As Hybrids have yet to meet him when Buddha himself Naturally Posted, though many worship Buddha van donation, but not with the life hereafter maintained this merit, chanting read more; bring the number to memory the unimpeachable example for Chen sa are impossible to class. (This is the fifth, taking the German Buddhist cult to compare with the German stronghold). The seven men are friendly award again women would life loss of France later maintained life read this merit, chanting no more details.
As well as commissioned based Hybrid says France, so it can't be said the fruit brought them touching. If offers this merit, saying all the fear misunderstood beings who suffer hysteria, Dai Phuoc, against the Chief Justice in the past, the unconscious infinite general moral universe, like that don't believe, into doubt. So that should say bitten significance, do, don't want to give them feedback to students is through the center of projection, the President come up on the Dhamma tu fortresses, to discerning the names themselves. If bring classics that think then became how concerned.
In summary, As this clearly only Hybrid, because a decent thing to do that play the Bodhi mind. The great Bodhisattva to which includes the other mind, friendly male female credit must also follow that the world medical offering hope of mind then surely nothing wrong between the Buddha and sentient beings.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Whenever women are usually friendly South charity or maintain life read this, not those chanting were not people, respect, that was the contempt is convenient because the excuse? That's because the previous life that have large poor. There was life after the forecast was poor on three way evil is hell, hungry demon, and cattle being, subjected to suffering not also take advantage of. Life now, thanks to the Germany Economy, reduced maintenance, poor and suffering people disrespect, it's the must have. Approved eventually, except be present results, guilty of killing blessed being, nature will prove to be the Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
The Buddha says:
-        Restoration Deals! I remember thinking before the ancient life, experiencing unexpected Baboon numbers. Before the Buddha Nature Dăng haven't met, I used donation deluge Buddha, Buddha-like, all my fears were sincerely dedicated Italy donation, plural cannot be calculated. The world that life after people for this litigation, see reading maintenance life a family identity, the end to be the reincarnation, brought her merit compared to earlier about my Future As Germany donation, again winning over approximately 1290 1290 times enemies.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If good faith credit, women in male life expectancy often undertones maintenance read this determination was chanting Germany not immeasurable. Here are the lyrics As I comb Hybrid said, if the wide German speaking there spanning both heaven and Earth, the number than the sand of the Ganges; fear of those who listen to the base down, Leanne, the hysteria being mind turn based rather contentious, Leanne Lake, back to my words said are overly which surprised whine.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Must know the German, because where the meaning, which was bitten. The meaning of business is very hard, that my thoughts, the fruit is very critical security, could not tell.
Verse 16:
Those who read the chant friendship charm,
Though despised sin, shields did,
Maintain a clean, pleasing Business end
Will result an evidence based flexible jaw, dang!
In front of the Course I Posted,
Donation Chu Buddha Thu HA sa,
How long do germs people far away,
Maintenance of business success in Germany than we are many!
Germs that maintained that litigation know,
Said Lam afraid guys Dam Lake.
Bodhi monastery truth position tri,
Meaning, bitten hard burn the ends of the wall.
Mr. Bodhi Monastery to Italy head and includes rough ceiling, cleared, or hard. Here again the presentation sometimes ago, want to Deng and head offering ethical mind it.. Therefore, should the Buddha all these things on themselves to market, making people know no human, no, French it. is anatta.
At the time, Mr. Bach again Bodhi Buddhist Monastery that:
-        Dear World Religion! There are male and female friendly friendly, played Center for the upper Class, Chief Justice Chief Justice Invisible how to do head, offering hope the mind?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        Good faith South along the center of the upper female friendly Invisible Primary College notice the Chief Justice, is born of mind like this, we should kill for all beings, and all beings speed removal, but there is a sentient would really kill.
-        Because why? Bodhi Monastery! If the Bodhisattva also fell, General, General, General and student life fake news is not the Bodhisattva. The reason why? Bodhi Monastery! Truth has no real Center to make sure doing Loads of upper Primary College Primary Sensory or not?
-        The White World did not Respect. As I understand the Buddha said that, when the dominant religion in that Course of Buddha Posted, no French Upper Class Districts Primary Unconscious Deng.
Buddha says:
-        Rightly so, Bodhi! I don't have to like the Future Chief Justice of the upper Primary Class Loads certificates Deng Xiaoping. Bodhi Monastery! If there are future proof As to the endless Primary College Upper Chief Deng. Buddha-nature Posted news not for the life of me, in the hereafter, will be called as the Buddha Sakyamuni. Like Sanskrit, Sakya sound translation Shifts China room is Human Energy. Houses also translated from Sanskrit term Muni, China room is the President. Because the truth is there to witness Loads of upper Primary, so College Chief Buddhist Course Posted the same life I signed stated that: in the hereafter, He will do as Buddha Deng Sakyamuni. Because why? As a hybrid that is the true meaning of the French.
If someone says, As a hybrid Upper Primary Class evidence Invisible Primary Sensory, dang. Bodhi Monastery! I don't have to Chanh Upper Class Loads certificates Buddha Deng Xiaoping the Chief Justice. Bodhi Monastery! As lai has Infinite Upper Primary College Primary Sensory Deng, in which no truth is not damaged. So As Lai said all of France are the Dharma. Bodhi Monastery! Said all French, the news is not all of France. He called all the French. Bodhi Monastery! Laboratory experiments as the tall stems.
Bodhi monastery says:
-        The White World Religion! As often say high body, i.e. not high high's! Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva also like, if you say that, we will destroy our immeasurable level, i.e. not called Bodhisattva. Why? Bodhi Monastery! Because the truth is not what France has called a Bodhisattva. So Buddha said all French, not, not, not, not fake life beings. Bodhi Monastery! If the Bodhisattva say like this, we will strictly Buddhist realms page, news is not dignified, then called dignified. Bodhi Monastery! If the Bodhisattva smoothly there, France, As Lai says he called Bodhisattva.
Bodhi Monastery! This time listening to the teaching Buddha said, and meant the word anniversary wish for rich households the bodhisattva, very clear. We at ask the friendly, male, female, Bodhi mind trust, how offering hope. The Holy chums have not accepted, for all beings i.e. meaning Africa, radical enlightenment yet again. Furthermore, sounds like a hybrid because people who play Center admit that said, because those who play Ultimate mind admit that said, always the friendly female, friendly female, the merit of economic means, maintenance and report results do. Associated to the same friendly women who play male friendly, couldn't do without the maintenance of business life.
But the present and future, the friendly South women's credit not yet dear admit the magic of France had said earlier, all had listened to the words said about the Mahayana and paramount admit. If when the mind sees or Bodhi, are offering hope of mind like? Consider Italy Chief had asked in the second part of a business. Automatically, the tha, a huge heart, where it can be found. Therefore, should the new Hybrid used As Buddha loads France who play theme, except paragraph France his Bodhi Monastery facilities.
During this time, Mr. Tu Bodhi body equivalent toward the Buddha as the Future please ask:
-        Friendly female, women's credit issued the Bodhi mind, how do you make the Bodhi mind resident? How are goods expected anniversary?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        Ancient Bodhi mind now full, the equivalent expression, not through just because they, being the ceiling cover prevents the infection. Friendly female, women's credit issued the Bodhi mind, desire to terminate, returning chon TAM ego. That is, he is offering are the mind, does not need to request something more (to sanh mind like that). As all beings, suffering, hope, its discharge, Nhon fell, wrath, hate, envy us the kind of the four generals. As Lai I must use nhiền means to escape and destroy the minus But As I say often kill an Hybrid, not through just talking ingenue, point making, self in beings do not see the fall General or degrees. Because they have seen the names of chon TAM, an elegant Bowl and then destroyed the Inn permanent projection does not kill; said another way, it. no one beings would be my speed at all. Because Jesica excuse? Because, if the leaders school Bodhisattva who also thanks to Such Hybrid I kill, then in a theatrical performance as four generals yet except, where news that the Bodhi mind play? Why the title is the Bodhisattva?
The Buddha says Bodhi Monastery:
-        Leanne is not President, innocent nature, who played Center, not through self-suicide is food poisoning! In truth, no names of chon TAM France play the Bodhi mind.
The Buddha says:
-        What do you think? As Lai I when in that Course of Buddha, have what Dang this Bodhi mind France?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        What Religion does not have a TAM, dang the French this Bodhi, it is often said that leaders from the Side. From where the Buddha Nature when Posted, Leanne self self, are there doing Endless Primary evidence of upper Primary Visual Modeler, dang.
-        Rightly so! Buddha said, Bodhi! As Lai my, time, the tu have, Deng France Bodhi.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If there are proven methods of Deng Xiaoping said, the Buddha-nature is not the same I Post, the future consumption will be passed given the Buddhist methods. Again, how will the sign be vexed? Truth in entertainment because there is no proof what Deng Xiaoping Bodhi France. Thus, Buddha Nature, the same new Post should I given life lyrics, later known as the Buddha intended as Sakyamuni. Do you know the meaning of Such a hybrid? As Lai is a computer workstation, not pollution before, such as real estate, should call Jasmine As Lai. Even as people who don't know her, knowingly wrong comes as Lai I private, France can Dang Bodhi.
He taught:
-        As Hybrid I was Dang leg is equally as Bodhi, the magic of real French General, cannot use the General Excellence that sees, which cannot be used. So, As I said in the Future, should France, or self enlightenment chon TAM as, is the Dharma.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Song of France cannot wallow in it. Says it all really, France has for all things. That's just pretending that called all of France.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Such a body high that large, it's real or not?
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Such a body, which has the largest back ma higher truth or not?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-        The White World Religion! Entities, its amount as nowhere as frivolous, are big. Extra large body usually said From Germany, it has a limited amount of back, students, how to, such as big across as pretending to dd call only.
Buddha taught:
-        Bodhisattva also like, pure as chon TAM, called Bodhisattva. Speed is the duty of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva's, if it comes to kill level all of them born, had fallen, is not the Bodhisattva. He is?
Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! Only the purity, known as Bodhisattva, really no different that what the French called the Bodhisattva. So, should I say Hybrid in emptiness there are four generals, chon TAM emptiness does not smoothly throughout, such as the non-being, that there is no place called Bodhisattva, should know no place called destruction.
The Buddha taught again:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If the Bodhisattva says, we will strictly jewelry realms country of Buddha, is also before the General, not be called Bodhisattva. Therefore As I say Hybrid dignified, solemn Buddha realms outside, such was the dignified pretending only.
The Buddha taught again:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If let go, Nhon University not radically modern France did not, however, egolessness we empty did nothing there mind seriously an page delivery. Like truth is Bodhisattva.
Verse 17:
Bach, Buddhist Bodhi monastery
How do an head, from the United Kingdom disappointed the ceiling?
Buddha, gradually toải award
Then go to the evidence section chon TAM.
Our thanks to them than the ancient,
Posted Thu, Nhon Features natural ta BA,
The mind who also accept the Buddha Da
Invisible Upper Chief Dan must be difficult!
So Buddha said chon TAM does,
Makes them Datong mind,
The human species, even Buddha realms penetrating,
 The SECTION DEPTH and the 18th NUMBER-
Here comes the mind, Buddha along all three beings are not wrong. Absent from the beings there is no Buddha, no Buddha left them born, also left no beings and no Buddha. In mind beings have Buddha's name, and then through the six way, customized experience that moving. Leanne in the sea of Buddha which they are born, which flung everything, immutable charm. The list however have divided the divine Scriptures, the truth can only have one. Wrong spot that, because they are born, according to career change, then moved left. Chu Buddha being career move for Willow food poisoning are the legs. Possible subtle move along not moved there is because of the level of expectation, chon TAM know to what extent. Food poisoning it, place the names of the generals hope furniture chon TAM. Then the whole family identity into general, i.e. possible chon TAM Khoi. Chơn thành district hope at the same time, not one, not the other. Said gay, depth that is said beings available, along with the names of Buddha Buddha not two is no different. Buddha knows we can student, Nhon that kicked off the great crush.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Hybrids have the humiliation of the label?
-        Like Bach, World Religion! As Hybrids have the humiliation of the label.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Hybrids have heavenly label?
-        The White World Religion! As Hybrids have natural label.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Hybrids have insight?
-        Right! The White World Religion! As Hybrids have insight.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As the French label possible?
-        Like that! The White World Religion! As have France labels.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Hybrids have Buddha label?
-        So, the main white World Religion! As Hybrids have Buddha label.
In the often say: the humiliation of the label, label, label, label France, Lily and Buddha label. Collectively the five labels. He is intelligent in the sense of a computer. Everyone will get to see the picture of them born in full color labels, self-body had the humiliation of humiliation of the label. Everyone will get to see both the heavenly world, Leanne Lily shone bright Canary-soi, produced thousands of photographers sa, called Angel label. Everyone will get to see the self computer uncivil, back inside, illuminating torch position often. He called insight. Everyone will get to see the French are not clear, things have, throughout the whole world information, call France labels. Chums launched the brilliance aura dark, often projecting chon TAM, Leanne on from Chu, under to the hell, have no hindrances, he called Buddha brand.
Green means they are sufficient in the eyes behold, same Buddha. Because the four generals, six ceiling compartment cover, only the humiliation of Union label manifest only. Vine books said: "the Holy Heart Nhon has seven holes", i.e. only for the five labels.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As in the Ganges had sand, sand asked Buddha he real or not?
-        The White World Religion! Rightly so. As Lai says with sand.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As in a Constant River of sand, has of sand in the Ganges, sand in the Ganges River, using a comparison of a Constant River of sand particles, sand off the other, comparison of the Ganges has been immeasurable, bring immeasurable Ganges River to compare world. A grain of sand compared to a world, each world has a heavenly 3,000 then the world back into boundless immeasurable. Many Buddhist world as the number of sand in the Ganges River. The world of Buddha, in the 3,000, heavenly has a Buddha Christian, design contest should call it the world of Buddha. So have many or not?
-        The White World Religion! Very much.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery:
-        In the realms of water, already have them born, how many types of mind, Like Hybrids are known. Why? Because As the Center, is to say Hybrid Africa Center, then called the Center. Africa is the center of the old, now it's purity, all hope anniversary due in xide County, rampage, who, lost, AI, stain, bi was born, were not a surprise, so called Africa. The reason why? Bodhi Monastery! Mind the past, Deng could not; the current Centre, can't locate Center of lai and Deng also can not Deng. The thinking is that the mind of the past, the thinking now is that the current mentality and think the later is mind. Can not Deng, is saying a future without
French accept the break on the same fall, the information does not reach into the fall of France; do not say it is "ridiculous" that say "egolessness", then know that the kill is not a good girl, not enough to say the magic circular sense light. French accept the head General also not enough to say the magic circular sense light. Speaking of falling, France? France doesn't have but do not fall into nowhere, France does not, song's involvement with area of expertise; so know as "illegal" and "phi phi in France". Who's the real meaning of the other general traffic, but to forget is "illegal and"Africa Africa France". The scenes about him, not enough consistent back projection inside the hard router know where responsibility for its acts. Therefore, should the basic parts used in types of eyes, sa-world put into question. Want consistent people, must we, we found consistent thousand names of pure sensations, and then identify the Bodhi mind, IE the Center Director. We found consistent, then start whirring, that notion is know not this Bodhi mind also human mind only.
They are born in the world of constant sa, are there enough Leanne, so Buddha called Buddha in the world. His cafes Buddha and consistent observation of people, then see them b. depth; so, say how much stuff, Like Hybrids are known. They run in mind, leaving took government leaders; So says are Africa, then called the Center. The stuff in the past, the present and the future, are all disappointed. In the old sense of family identity now, no hope.
In summary, the true centre of it, before heaven and Earth, everyone has full: "Infinity". Mind that pure please wuwei, but then again being Chen lao obscures; want people in this center of distinction and realms of mind, no consistent sensory projection suicide cannot be. The third year of the eye, the eye has enough magic sensations; Africa, feeling unable to smoothly "egolessness."
Mr. Yash Master, research intelligence organs, through the General Lee. The main points He usually Dharani Sutra is very Uncivil, DAC. Yash Master them, people often referred to as Dharani. He often tells you that the learning Council: "A possible annexation of the fur have the sea, rapeseed to spearhead, spearhead on sharp not, students don't learn, only I know only". The secret speech, prompting School Board on admiration. At the time, in the South many new tu run according to Zen Buddhism, Germany Painting Master paint, He said, "must have enough damn thousand subjects Sa dread Buddha School facilities, lifelong learning must be enough happy Buddha more international and not the Buddha in the other Southern Ma dare say just straight people , see names of the Buddha. We're going to wipe out the other pressure point, Hao kill comments that, to repay Buddha. "
At the time, He brought the volume coming into Office, out of the Dharani Shu, to come to the land of Feng Yang. Go between the hungry, thirsty. Find a tea shop, her family is selling the gear. Yash Master comes in the store to buy bread and water to eat. In her Experience, then just ask tea that is anything?
Yash Master responded:
-        Here is the Dharani coming into Office.
She asked that;
-        He often lectures Business?
-        I often preach Dharani Sutra
Her family says:
-        I have a question, if counsel were then I'm this breakfast session donation, by contrast, then please leave this home but soon.
Yash Master please ask her. She again asked:
-        Mind the past cannot be present, could not be located, lai also cannot be business Dharani said, don't know the intent of the architect who will score?
Yash Master to hear this question, could not land a unequivocally, should bring the luggage to go. Then Master came to the pagoda, of Longtan, downright essential progress in learning and practice true Dharma, one day He was scrupulously DAWU. Green nest said: "first, following each anniversary, the anniversary and not infected deviant comments". Mr. Zhang Imperial also said: "A celebration of birth not the whole show". Nhon in Africa, so it is called the Center. If known, President Centre which is not a character, past, present and future, nor can what system, what kind of mind, what name to call?
The Buddha told him the Bodhi Monastery
-        What do you think? As Lai I have the humiliation of the label? Natural label? The French have a label? There Buddha label?
Bodhi monastery;
-        Yes, the White World Religion, As Hybrids have enough active label.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As the sand of the River Ganges, bring a grain of sand, so as per the Ganges, sand off that computer, compared to the world Buddhist world, Chu Chu Buddha are more like sand of the Ganges?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        Very much So, Bach is Religion!
The Buddha again told Mr. Bodhi Monastery
-        No comment is saying the world far more like the sand of the Ganges; is near, as in that of depth you are in, there was the Centre of the chúnhu1ninh, under the expectation that change, run by foreign scenes that bring forth hope mind, crazy fantasy Island, each hoping the mind are not identical to each other. As Lai I used five types of eyes, were seen and know all. This is thanks to charm any excuse? As Lai I said all of the mind, the mind of prospects they were born, not in the computer does not have permanent heart chon TAM, said it is not the mind idea really, could make new or Bodhi. Like new call center. That's what excuse coast?
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! As Lai I, the Africa Center said, he is the resident mind chon TAM, the President did not object, to the enlightenment. The past is not saved, do not currently have the Center front, lai accepted not the review, inside, then all three centers are not able to be. Know there can't be uncivil then appear pure NET bars. Thanks to that, the mind of people who then directed net birth; This is the foot of the Bodhi mind. "Most gay bars".
Verse 18:
Bodhi Monastery! Active label me:
He found truth in life?
Charity does a very,
All have outside in glass wall.
Comparison of measurement of the Buddhist world,
The constant sand River shed wall any more,
Bach Leanne chon TAM Buddhist Bodhi
The two sides compare Buddha than too much!
Review on mind,
Three time there is something like,
Africa Center of the Buddha frequently,
The great German Member Leanne Dharani everything.
France world i.e. ten France. Tonghua is bright spot throughout France, put on the culture scene. The front said the three centers could not be, said the Center could not be, then no need to tu Phuoc. This scared the life of misunderstandings, so marvelous physical Phuoc said without Deng Xiaoping, Deng not that blessed. Because blessed without Phuoc, although alms, but forget the alms. Deng Xiaoping without Deng? Is there power there, but forget both the power and the Department. College chums head Gen. alms are useful microbial uses, not the head General of the alms, i.e. the use of wuwei. Useful microbial Phuoc, Phuoc endless enjoyment with the date range, time permanently. On one side is the basis of the hope Center, a. the party's opinion of Leanne chon Tam Tam. Section 8 above talk about alms dishes, seven not seen before is oxidized. Part 11 said the seven treasure, not alms by this maintenance is fun to win. Because the cylinder chess is Nhon owner smuggled, delve could not invisible so smuggled fruit, dang. The high spot of the Super Bowl, he is not really German, Leanne Phuoc in not falling, France, through myriad obstacles, shining fact chon TAM not, tonghua, France c boundless immeasurable.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? If the trigger uses precious Saturday, full of both the heavenly world, 3,000 to which human users, he does charm, be blessed?
-        The White World Religion! Like that! People that use human charm he was greatly blessed.
-        Bodhi Monastery! If true, such as the German Lai Fuk do not speak much German, because the German Fuk Fuk it not, blessed in Germany do not, i.e. the mind the amount as nowhere, so dang Phuoc unforeseen. As New Hybrid said to be more blessed.
This section is the 6th, taking seven precious things alms, comparing measurement with the Germany Business maintenance. Before the said place was blessed in Germany. He is blessed Germany property. This passage talks about blessed Germany Cup. Comment on Deng Xiaoping blessed, all have charm, has what charm, i.e. has blessed her. Though if someone, who could not get the dang do, use of a treasure full of heavenly world do charm, alms to the people, in whose staff charm; back to head office where the General ownership, is blessed in Germany are true (this is the same French lab laboratory resources included). Buddha As Lai for treatment of this idea don't speak much blessed in Germany. Who should not do, do their Treasure Coast laboratory, based not so much blessed German, not knowing. In summary the basic part before said the Center can not be afraid of them, born later, or not possible tu Phuoc, facilities should use blessed blessed countless, so is theft. Associated human alms, Phuoc Duyen said due to growing outside, not by Phuoc hue song tu Phuoc hue, himself a glorious way to mainland properties.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? If there are users who both filled 3,000 precious Saturday heavenly world, give out alms. He used this as their charm, melon growers planted beans, melon, dang Dang beans (Nhon possession contraband). That person will have more German Phuoc Dang results?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! He thanks the alms, Phuoc Duyen Nhon Germany very much.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! If bringing the German owners are real chess for Phuoc where he worked, then scuttled before soul of the other newspaper, Phuoc Phuoc is limited, therefore, should not speak much Futuristic As Buddha blessed in Germany. Blessed Germany which as Lai has said he is not head to the General, who did not use the Phuoc bridge (blessed names which, in Germany from hue arises) is the new Germany wuwei purity. So, As Lai said Phuoc Germany very much.!
Verse 19:
Bodhi Monastery! Should consider the soi,
People bring to crab species, function
Long Thanh, Phuoc Duyen Germany arose,
How much a victory would much!
The White World Religion! Many blessings,
As Lai often teaches the things higher,
Blessed countless full General German chon TAM,
Leanne information content, General Paint does.
In the van said: The General is Africa, said two, three times. Here comes glass colors glass chess, the same writer before a deeper back story. Before the generals say Africa chess is making people break the "general part". Then, say a paragraph it. egolessness is breaking "comments section". General part. Comments part. This mind is the hope Center or the considerations the reason, hope this Center could not row, each time new-vin with six false ceiling, i.e. France Chen Liu. Bodhi Monastery have Lily Nhon, not know Deng 32 chess is Africa. Clearly Deng comments General Africa chon TAM is breaking opinion. Nhon, France, are not, who are best off, i.e. food poisoning are not sharp, African, Africa not one, not the other. Because two Center colors French, treated each other that there actually isn't, that is, it can't. If said glasses, then generals identity isn't unprecedented body of France. If say the French speakers, General news not the colors. France foot body Chief cannot use General news comments, also can not use glass for general comments. News-General comments called head General. LY General comments referred to is the removal. If news General without head, General General not sa the removal, in the general food poisoning food poisoning in General, in Africa Africa other shades. That's the magic of real physical understanding Justice General glass colors.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Buddha can use full color body found? Full circle is full of achievements, Italy says have no less lacking. Body color is a good general 32. speaking Italian
-        Not so, Bach World Religion! As the hybrid cannot use full color family. Why? Because As often full body colors, speaking not in full color. He called full of colors.
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Lai can use fully the General that found? General information spirit, full of changes, not what is good for General 32.
-        White Germany World Religion! Not so. As the hybrid cannot use full generals that see. Why? Because As full generals say, Hybrid news is not full. He called the full General.
Part 5 is the wish for everyone to see as endless Future generals. Part 13 has n i, along with the other to see the author of 32 General, not by Economic maintenance see Tanh is chon TAM. In this section says the 32 General is fake there, i.e. the God of transformation information nor is General true. In summary, this section together with part 5 and part 12 Italy General Council, such was the shallow deep there have only. Use of Italy are stated two points as follows:
1) The new General, not Buddha Say fear of e in disciples, doubt that general hull, who have not had the sermon
2) The austerities of life loss of France, many accept the General Excellence, where outside with the aroma, cult, not food poisoning foot Tanh himself. Therefore, the prompt to go again, French General Excellence are negating the previous damage, accepted to see glass, chon TAM.
The Buddha says:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? Buddha can use colors full body visible?
Bodhi monastery;
-        The White World Religion! As Hybrids cannot use the full-body color visible, because why? Because of the Extra body Colors said "From a full, happy, new world net must use the full 32-General, despite the spirit through changes nor the truth the other generals. So say that full body colors, not the full truth, especially calling it that.
The Buddha said:
-        Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As Hybrids can use the full General see?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-        The White World Religion! As the hybrid cannot use the full General. Jesica's excuse? Because From the full talk Filler General, shouldn't the generals, bigotry has damaged in the general theory, also not true. As the present variables General Hybrid, taking France about how, throughout the full hide, nowhere does not often, especially not the depths where General. For so called Africa new full is full
Verse 20:
Think about colors this body,
Although the Buddha-body information-filled enough,
See General sharp or not?
Colors that Africa, the willow-lined relief information.
Thirty-two general good hard,
Do not use color in the footer as.
That should take place, countless
That new, General General except greed.
Africa is the theory As true Hybrid has no theoretical language. France As Lai said, there days to reduce the binding of them born, it. no legal truth to tell. If they accept the theory of languages possible As before, according to the words which are born knowing, successively fell into the obstacle course the language of inscriptions, so say Africa. Theoretical basis i.e. there country, has the country i.e. sa on thinh Tran. Africa Department of the theory of theory? Because can not accept front General presentation, also can not accept the ceiling fan, not the ether before sa on either side of Yes and no. The sermon of the Buddha, not to say depth French, depending on the low level of beings, that dogma. Must use the DAC, which offer sailings that Buddha pimp. Therefore, the primary foot steps, no programming, no publicity; Locate the foot of the Chief Justice to hear French, do not listen nor privileged. If anyone food poisoning was magic, new management was Uncivil.
-       Bodhi Monastery! He said as never think this Hybrid; "We had a theory". Shalt not think so is why? If someone says As Lai had, i.e. hũy stock could not understand the word of the Buddha. Bodhi Monastery! French speaking people, there is nothing new to say, the French called the sermon.
At the time, Mr Hui Tu Bach with Bodhi Buddhist Network that: Hue is the Network for example bring location hue do trunk network. Life when death is destroyed, while the network is permanently Lily never ruined.
-       The White World Religion! Besides have them born, in hybrid position in life, heard he had been contentious, the French trust?
-       Bodhi Monastery! There is not, nor are they born. Because why? Bodhi Monastery! They are born, they are, As they are then non-speaking Hybrid is actually sentient
This section is followed with the text above, the general body, i.e., general non-French speaking Africa French theory. New French words isn't called France to break the French facilities on-site for Bodhi Monastery. Use the new beings not called beings is to destroy the beings have facilities for him Tu Bodhi. Truth is, must know for the Dhamma, so no head first. Really they should know, kill for the sentient beings without real wonders would kill degrees.
The Buddha says:
-       Bodhi Monastery! As Futuristic as predestined, depending who meets a family identity, calling it weak points, the unprecedented first anniversary of French theory. He never comes As Lai I care to think about, bringing France's testimony to the life he never thought like that, why? Because if anyone says Buddha was there, he was mocking shallow understanding, nệ sentence in place of inscriptions, does what no other people cancel sell Buddha, could not understand my moral has said.
The Buddha said:
-       Bodhi Monastery! As Lai I had the means, he preached, not through the physical theory of magical guns borrowed chon TAM is not. Please no France, e.g. through is because of their diplomatic ties removal except born, it temporarily called theory.
At the time, the Bodhi Monastery towards the Future As gentlemen;
-       White Germany World Religion! We fear child born in life because lai, heard the sermon, without France, says no, they can't understand, how trust is contentious?
The Buddha teaches:
-       They each have the names of Buddha (should say non-sentient), there is still not freed (should say not not beings). Because she should excuse to coast called beings, not touches food poisoning. If Willow had food poisoning, instant "established the location of Buddha", beyond the list from them.
Verse 21:
He therefore thought that we,
Promote the French theory in the da level b.,
If the teaching of Buddha, who told
He is destroyed, the magic balloon again.
France, which he said also,
Not true in wuwei, France
The lily white Buddha wall Network tri,
Said fear of skeptical King.
But then the Buddha preaching in addition,
They never thought a nostalgic beings,
The German diamond spirit, Leanne
Escape all common nouns.
NO PART MAY BE, the 22nd
The magic of France is uncivil in his home, please don't take, from where would that Deng. Just got the dang is pleased accept not yet forgotten, function, facility, not yet. Before Deng said the German was blessed the analysis side. Now say no Deng Xiaoping is saying about Leanne Li Fuk Germany, not the fruit blessed in Germany to compare. Results also found the General German Phuoc, Phuoc Lam Germany truth no general, do see. Not what the French are, i.e. the "DAC". The general part is "privileged", comments section is "Prime" function; features, news, men do not see the "beings", do not see themselves as "features" levels. So they're immeasurable speed, they would be ta kill speed.
Bach Bodhi Buddhist monastery that;
-       World Expensive! Buddha Deng bothered the Chief Justice Chief Justice College Upper, Invisible or not Deng syndrome?
The Buddha says:
-       So, so. TU, I for Infinite Upper Primary College Primary Sensory bothered, until there is not a bit of France would probably Deng, then called Upper Primary College Primary Sensory Disabled bothered.
Before often say all are not, the Buddha for Bodhi (Chief Justice) has no truth what France can Dang. Radical enlightenment, this Bodhi monastery, Nhon back muscle equivalent asked Buddha As straight Lai dang it., Director it wasn't possible Deng? This question mark, albeit in a theatrical performance, decanting back where food poisoning. Comment on "infinite Prime facility", is the Prime talking ingenue. Say not all that new, DAC, DAC is chon TAM DAC. This section comes As Lai don't have what Dang French, Essentials of Business Writing invention; kill speed beings, beings would be destroyed, for France not true ethical conduct to General space alms.
Li is very delicate and DAC countless high-intensive. At the Eastern lagoon levels to nest profile accept six ton, a suicide spot the other response issues have accepted destruction ' ridiculous religion ", clearly new DAC chon TAM LY" not what the French can Dang ". The hive master asked:
-       He said Deng Xiaoping, Deng not not something? Was not possible, nor Deng "Prime power, Prime property".
Luc was now in Mr. Buu Net mass reply:
-       The son says no, not ' Deng power DAC, DAC facility ', will say "Prime Prime", Department of energy, not Deng that Deng Xiaoping ".
The nest says:
-       Deng Deng Deng, was not also swims up to Deng; said "Prime power, Prime property. Prime Prime property, function '.
Mr. Bach again Net Buu:
-       See Deng Deng Deng, not new is Deng. If not Deng, known as the "DAC, DAC facility".
The nest says:
-       Deng was not Deng, Prime Prime property, ' energy ' is also not Deng, was not a prime property, how is that ' Prime Prime ', Department of energy.
Mr Buu immediately neutralizes the net Net.
Response to consultation on the piece here is very deep. In this respect at the time included in the "infinite privileged religion '. Enemy tri also keep any mind ' ridiculous ', is a prime has been both the word ' Prime ' unconscious. The magic of France not Uncivil for sa on the written language. If approved in advance not to forget, giving voters opinion being, hope Buddha mind, the measurement as search as far. Invisible Upper Chief Sensory i.e. position my duty hybrid purity huệ, not what the French can have own Dang. Just no longer a secret, New France, New France is Infinitely Superior Bodhi.
Has France can Deng,
The French become binding,
The French could not Deng,
He is freed.
Bodhi monastery towards the Buddha As a hybrid of the white:
-       Dear World Religion! From the terrace of the Endless Primary Primary Visual Modeler, Dang, that's not it. where Deng?
The Buddha said:
-       So, so! Bodhi Monastery! I'm in the Dhamma to a have also not Deng, because Deng has died. Take the Deng Xiaoping died, are all things outside yourself, not self Tanh. Leanne self, people who are enough, not to say was, no one else can be. He is Infinitely Superior Bodhi
22: poetry
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
How to honor Deng subliminal evidence Leanne-Constant,
Invisible Upper Chief objective Sense,
As Lai just taught, the child thing.
Buddha like willow, tri,
Invisible Upper Chief Dan wuwei Supreme,
Results have proven longer lyrics,
Become the temporary objects are not.
This passage from the French ' no ' to Deng Xiaoping, nothing can. Divine wife as wholesome karma, both from the Phuoc Bridge Center in Germany. Had mind Phuoc bridge in Germany, i.e. thiện blessed Germany possession vi. Just had mind accept before both impure. Now say meditate, i.e. not prime Prime property, power, and not the head, so called meditate.
Talk about happy? I.e. no job ' talent and executive departments ', not established. For so called happy. In summary the charity action meditate? I.e. thiện executive departments also lost, the Center also features. Play the compassionate mind, work benefits, in addition to not accept the Center fan speed, in the center of power, not the previous four General does not accept, it released all of France. He called the primary leg DAC Bodhi.
Again, Bodhi! The French loss of equality, equality is possible by foot, friendly's is the Chief chon TAM Tanh. Because the names abound, chon TAM tu Thien is Nhon from discovery, but not being the right fit ceiling obscures most of the bright moon, cloud, only one Bodhi coast only, no high low. Sub-head called Infinite Upper Primary, Primary Class because there is no ego, no plant, no beings and no fake life the real action, all of France. That means that as alms, maintenance, rings, effort, meditation, mind, both French Lily minh TAM healing comments Tanh. That's the truth under medical, can break the fall, to foot, worshippers of Germany, according to the leader, to create a result even taste, Invisible Primary College Upper Chief Deng willing. Bodhi Monastery! Said France, As Lai says the news is not France. He called France.
Before the Buddha spoke for Chief Justice Chief Justice College Upper Countless French, no one in France would probably Deng. The Buddha again afraid of Bodhi Monastery accept before the egolessness, should be called upon to say more: a sense of everybody, whether or not the phu QUY Nhon Holy chums other false, depth equal laws, no high low. Because there is no falling, no, no, not fake life beings, it's all France, mainland Deng enlightenment. In summary not Bodhi France, but can not due to France approved. Deng was enlightened, France is not set, the key is written in clear, have fallen, etc four generals, not moral Bodhisattva, but for France does not mean the Department head, is specified.
The Buddha told him the Bodhi Monastery:
-       I said France Loads Upper Primary Class, i.e. Chief of the foot before. In scriptures do not add, in all people, not everyone will get enough, shit shit analogies, so called equality. The same beings, Buddhist emptiness. She called the Myriad Upper Bodhi. Because she probably should stay in the leg before, which had no pretensions, Nhon anniversary etc. the four generals. There are hopes the match's apartment ceiling notion obscures. So really all the fresh French to mind comments before, to taste the fruits of an infinite Upper Primary College Primary (result of Buddha). The Buddha says Bodhi Monastery:
-       As I said the French charity Hybrid? That is the magic of natural properties in a family identity, ancient evil, not how that call is goodness, just because to Satori for beings, the right to call it that.
Verse 23:
Bodhi Monastery! Justice must,
The French real equality, shalt not expected near and far,
Results of the Buddha wanted to be there,
End except the four generals, considerate France high!
Should not think of the idea of work,
France also said how healthy call,
As Lai reminded officers knows,
The word non- Word News completely crush him.
Blessed to have two things: Phuoc and Phuoc worldly appearances. Fuk the world thanks to the alms. What is the result of multiplication drills, blessed him. He is friendly, useful microbial. Phuoc Thien Dang Huu Phuoc was expired, at the vi fallen Marine in mortal agony. The world, thanks to consistent appearances sirisha projection that Uncivil. Anyone or be uncivil penetration, i.e. be freed himself in. He called blessed. Irene does not cease nor fallen.
Also there are two things: Location and position. Position is? For all of France, the world understand clearly, however, said that the obvious reason, but not yet bare, is the general discharge obstacle course. Position is? For all worldly understanding French take the wall, features are lost, except all karma. Now say blessed do not compare? He is blessed position. The other says Nomad Phuoc, Phuoc is pirated. Not that blessed the world as above stated, and is the location of pirated property that can compare.
-       Bodhi Monastery! If in the heavenly world, 3,000 had the big seven, how Tu Di treasure dishes contained therein, the group carries out alms. If a user has Three Sutra La Suite, to a life sentence of four shelves etc. maintained read, because others instructors say, for the blessed (alms) before the not part a, hundred, hundred thousand muon memories section, for the payment of, for example, cannot by
Buddha As concerned because Hybrid van on say ' no ' in France, yet explains. This section says he, not by article four shelf maintenance life sentence Irene. Front is talking, the gain general acceptance. After the General, Super Cup saying victory is immeasurable. Also like to comment about the Golden treasure of jewels is the stuff in the beyond, Deng Xiaoping blessed the world, enjoy life there at the end; on the contrary the diamond treasure's Uncivil is in the body, is the worldly life, appearances sirisha entitled no end. Use this to compare with the other, all peoples, all peoples away times. In summary, this section is essential to compare the same Phuoc hue (this is compare the 7th), found that the Buddha As Hybrid theory only once, compare to the life see, considerate, hard telling which comes to second, then third.
The Buddha said:
-       Bodhi Monastery! Tu Di is bigger the mountain the mountain; If in the heavenly world, 3,000 seats have the mount Tu Di, the which contains Group of treasure such as the mountain, and then bring out the alms, Phuoc tuy many other facts, but bring out the comparison, if anyone read the maintenance life chanting Uncivil Diamond Three La Suite, so a presentation shelf four sentences, both because the others instructors say then, blessed blessed by this German difficult German. Despite being from a hundred, hundred thousand future generations memories part part, so much like math, part wide as such cannot be maintained by a part of business.
 Verse 24:
Treasure's alms constant sa,
Of course be blessed, but that also,
The elegant glass Bowl specializes in maintenance, service life
Use the four questions, instructors advise everyone.
Than German ten Phuoc.
Hundreds of thousands are from the Palm memory for ever,
In addition, although the constant Phuoc sa,
By Leanne self is a member.
, DO NOT PLACE the 25th,
How is chemistry? Chemical law degrees.
Do not place chemicals? Use an equal mind them equality, also sees no basis to them, in the fall, features not found do France the French Consulate about equality, when would also forget themselves and people. This text is from the sentence: "the France Loss equal, no high low". Said the French loss equal, no high low, how has being Deng degree. If the reason France about French comparisons with that observation, i.e. food poisoning are elective equal an oxidized chộ beings. On the legal world that consistent, there are beings, if there are beings, the Bodhisattva need truth released a record speed of Van Hanh? The stand of France about that, no real consistent beings would be degrees then the Bodhisattva news can't be for gay bars. It., how do beings escape the Bodhisattva plat; Bodhisattva also how to forget the speed of beings. Not through equal physical Bodhisattva enlightenment, Buddha, known along all three beings have no other false, should say other false zero chemistry. So, just say "no place".
-       Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? He never said As we think: an Hybrid beings. Bodhi monastery clerk should think so, because why? Truth no beings would Like Future degrees. If there are beings As Lai, then As Lai have crumpled, Nhon, beings, tho.
-       Bodhi Monastery! As Lai says has fallen, then not have fallen, but the wife to have human ego. Bodhi Monastery! Divine Lady is? As Lai says the news is not divine. He called the divine Lady.
The basic part, the Buddha wanted to break the comfort is there, the French route to QUY Nhon stems chon TAM ego. Before the said total loss France equality, no high low. Buddha As Lai feared the life of misunderstood, suspect that the French have equality there is no Buddha, no being, why are we speaking beings degree? They are everything they are born, we are beings levels have fallen. So that As anatta to say Hybrid to call awakening beings and divine. Gender equality in France, because the beings of the same Buddha, in a family identity. The same divine Lady is a bronze Buddha; use the search form from various media self beings said to award themselves food poisoning. Truth then like to food poisoning, other properties should find reasons to.
The Buddha said:
-       Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? As my speed, the Hybrid for enlightened beings, liberating place of enlightenment; a hybrid is Leanne self automatically. You should never say I care level chemistry Hybrid beings.
The Buddha says:
-       Bodhi Monastery! He should also not think charm, Nhon excuse because the mind being a hybrid is not President, intellectual capital full self uncivil; If the listening Experience, Gnostic beings themselves can plat, truth in no beings to destroy their level I Hybrid-like. If say all beings be As Futuristic As the chemistry level I Bred my ego, etc. have four generals, and he had the French high low, are not equal.
The Buddha says Bodhi Monastery:
-       As Lai I have fallen, though the mouth says Yes, but the heart does not accept the divine Lady, the previous accepted in there, is only an ego, function junction cannot. It is falling.
The Buddha says;
-       Bodhi Monastery! Divine enlightenment, then made the same divine Lady Buddha Buddha, which was a computer, which is equal, just or Willow, not divine. But any class have not expressed, Nhon phu mailing that is called chums.
25 poems
He never thought of As a hybrid,
Hand out an international King beings,
Really no overriding contempt,
Leanne self, chon TAM minh Dharani infinity bridge.
Tu Bo Empire must think deeply,
Divine Lady of Africa be cheerleaders lick, new
Goods that are not goods, not participating,
Buddhist beings imply as such!
France French, not all across the borders to stem a possible without France of chon TAM incarnation As hybrid. France is full of freedom around the world, the French could not head General to such hybrid. For so called Africa. As Lai know chums wife hope love bigotry too deep, if straight, afraid the General non-relatives France life hard to believe to understand. Therefore, that from the front layer break, break. To this enthusiastic presentation, Mr. Bodhi Monastery French teeth stem Africa General, then the question from a time before being destroyed.
-       Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? General number-32 can be used As a hybrid?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-       Yes, that's right! 32 General use such hybrid.
The Buddha says:
-       If retrieved 32 such generals, that London United Kingdom i.e. Saints As Moved. London, United Kingdom, the Saints Converted four Heavenly, curator of the four great evil CHOW: January, may, September, evil southern Sheriff pub Thiệm; February, June, October, evil Western Europe killed Calf; in March, July, November, a North European evil Police Question Lu; from April , August, December, evil Spirit Wins Eastern Europe survey. The motion as the wheel, so called London transfer.
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
-       World Religion! As I understand the Buddha has said, should not use such general 32. At the time, Germany World Religion says that: (shelf postShelf is the word sentences).
If using colors found, (such as)
Use your voice to me, bridge
The Executive Director's ties (ties i.e. pagan)
Can not see as Lai.
Posted on said: Africa chums, he called the divine Lady. This part again using different means Buddha's wife As a hybrid is a good general 32. So ask users can see consistent good general 32 As a hybrid? Because want to break the French General, who taught 32 should not head the General As a hybrid. So should the UNITED STATES ECONOMY is STRICTLY speaking: ' unknown Leanne chon TAM, he does not see the Buddha ". Only consistent internal reflection, find new bridges, Leanne news can be seen As a hybrid.
The Buddha says:
-       Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? General number-32 can be used As a hybrid?
Bodhi monastery not spherical there, think Italian like to the French Consulate As Lai, will not out 32. How should You answer:
-       Yes, that's right!
The Buddha heard new world towards the Bodhi Monastery says:
-       Bodhi Monastery St. London Transfer, 32 best-body general enough; If possible use the 32 such generals, then transfer the Holy where the United Kingdom is not Rotating As a hybrid?
The Bodhi monastery he said:
-       The White World Religion! The moral understanding that Extra Words should not be used, said that such general 32.
Meantime, the Buddha As a hybrid just to teach general glass shelf post. French bronze equality body is nowhere, the whole sense of chon TAM, President, stations can do magic outside of the picture area, transcends the ears eyes; If you run under beauty to see the picture, or to teach, run by sound, using the two factors to find Leanne chon TAM; then the people accept the best place to see the Buddha-body, remove the path toward the direction to search. That news is harmful, leaders could not see was a hybrid of an item of Such Hybrids.
Verse 26:
Thirty-two chess is Like a hybrid,
United Kingdom along Buddhist scriptures right and wrong perhaps?
General good is the Buddha?
Should not accept the advance, fear on the road.
Buddha used the colors we see,
The sound bridge Buddha, it was dark,
Executive Director the unimpeachable year's class,
Never seen chon TAM Buddhist da!
NO PART of the PARAGRAPH, NOT KILL, the 27th
The paragraph is accept the dead died. Accept the things in the world, not from being the crazy Ant Island, tri should stay in the mortgage, in often accept the paragraph. The life accept the paragraph, but not the same Uncivil, French, how to call is segment. In contrast to people is often Uncivil, but France has discretionary use of charm, can't call it often. Now say no paragraph is? The French capital is not Uncivil is said paragraph, not often, cannot use the comments to paragraph is often accepted.
The removal is to end contentious removal. Who in the world does food poisoning are fact Nirvana because of birth says kill, because killing say birth. For removal, but France is not being Uncivil, not say. For is being Uncivil, but France did not kill, not to be told is contentious. Now say no kill? He said France is not being Uncivil does not kill, not France being destroyed that comment says.
-       Bodhi Monastery! If you think like this, such as not using the full range of General, Deng Loads Upper Primary College Finances. Bodhi Monastery! Don't think so, As not to use the full general good to Upper Primary College Primary Unconscious sense of Deng. Bodhi Monastery! If he thought that the Infinite mind, the upper Class, said the Chief Justice Chief Justice France , paragraph that is to say all of France cannot be applied. Shalt not think like her. Why? Because of the Infinite Mind of upper Primary, College Finances for France not talking chess piece. That is to say when not yet enlightened, determined according to the Dharma that austerities.
32 chess is chess dignified full. The Buddha enough the boundless, immeasurable almond and then of course the President Park stations, showing the General task of oxidized, the Buddhist Bodhi, do not place coast Deng General where oxidized, which due to the place. When the fullness, the General task of oxidized itself. The General task of oxidized, cannot accept there, also can not accept the No. Accept the head General of the party, how to see Like Lai. Accept no illegal head back at a party, what to get the rate. So back to the presentation, one that says "If you think like this," two is saying "don't think so". Then repeat "if he thought": the play of mind, said the French "paragraph. Back to the official warning: "It should be thought that:" the Bodhi mind, for the French, not to say general paragraph removal ". This key is illegal, breaking the General French want the non-observance of the scholars.
Buddha As hybrid, taking 32 NET stuff, 32 General good. Is due to new evidence, Nhon should result, thanks to the strength of the new austerities. So that must ask decanting: he or not, used As facilities for general good student instruments, to the endless Bodhi. Upper Deng Again, the Buddha said: plausible he should never think of As real not full human Hybrid created this some brainstorming well General charm, which was Infinitely Superior Bodhi. Then again, the Buddha left the scene: if he says no thanks to tu Phuoc, back bothered the Chief Justice, then all France can remove without taking decisions, to spot postpartum depression not backlogged citizenship, cold crush, Dim and then the chess piece. The notion that this decision could not start. In summary, the primary Visual centers, not relying upon the Dharma austerities cannot be. Essentials is in place but not paragraph removal, NOT that such removal.
Verse 27:
If you keep thinking of him,
Not the same general high far better evidence,
Bodhi Monastery! Shalt not think knows,
As was not true to the voters of administrative ideas.
That is also a useful range passage,
Why don't think, don't burn jerseys, Director
Because good hope general requirements,
Also being longer, there where divine!
Head of the load where relatives called tho. That means that the ceiling for external, non-General comments positive or reverse circumstances, just bring centres hate, are called expectancy. In contrast all reversible life thộ no scenes that only the international section, also known as shou. Only dynamic features in mind called tho. If a basic review find tho, i.e. fall subtle yet forgotten. Has informed throughout France egolessness, egolessness, then loads tho, life skills did not fall, so called not tho. Often find yourself enough called tham, ham fun sex doesn't end to five sought, calling it took part, Phuoc bridge in Germany called it took part, also known as Nirvana desires to take part. Bodhisattva after food poisoning reason egolessness, not think five, ruổi not find the blessed Germans, not to toward Nirvana. So call that is not participating.
-       Bodhi Monastery! If the Bodhisattva taking the full treasure Saturday both constant HA sa world, give out alms; If there is someone, know all of France is falling, the achievement was Germany. This win than Bodhisattva bodhisattva Deng spot. Because why? Bodhi Monastery! Because the Bodhisattva not blessed life in Germany.
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
-       Dear World Religion! How is called Bodhisattva Phuoc tho not in Germany?
-       Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva blessed Germany did, not before. So, should say Phuoc tho not in Germany.
France does not destroy the passages, but France is not possible. Like Buddha, Bodhisattva of bringing back treasure alms full sa world do for example to show the infinite action space laboratory in Germany. Next said: If someone knows all of egolessness, Deng into jewelry rings, one that is more virtuous Bodhisattva chon TAM, alms of Bodhisattva before (this is the 8th taking alms to seven treasure than the measurement in Germany). This is only for us the real happy at playing Center, was not able to use the General to leave the restaurant, also can not say here, that paragraph General brackets exist. This key is to break the German French, Phuoc accept any of the scholars.
All of France is in need of egolessness. Can't the person's life by anatta can not ring. What rings cannot be egolessness? Three of humiliation doesn't block pop-ups that la suite is due or rings or humiliation, not even the forget the humiliation, must also forget the ring again, inverse to the head of the bear, more speed to escape, then the newly fallen achievements. Can not do anything, ring says, just don't have the egolessness fell completed the humiliation of rings. Full is a resilient effort led to the whole Business of more than 5,000 Buddha questions coming into Office just the words award the essential weakness of the Buddha As a hybrid.
The Buddha says;
-     Bodhi Monastery! If a Bodhisattva while taking treasure Saturday work alms in the world immeasurable, because the mind before the General, so blessed having privileged, although many, but there are limits. If there is no prior General, Center, who knew all of France, each time each time the egolessness rings, each of the each the patience, perseverance, ring ring in rings, flower ring which forgets the ring, a new complete egolessness. Thus, this prime facility virtuous Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva's merit than before too much. Why is that? Because thanks to Deng Xiaoping, General glass result in Nhon enemies won, song without head tho.
The white Buddhist Bodhi monastery that:
-     World Religion! Nhơn thọ lab results, it naturally. Why say no Bodhisattva Phuoc life in Germany?
Hence, the Buddha says:
-     Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva birth which is an alms run must, initially did not think to mention work, blessed to never arrived with the Germans, for that. It's not not tho.
Verse 28:
Bodhisattva alms out do,
The seven treasures, scattered Holy chums Board praise,
World, lost to France fell a phen,
The German enemy WINS hard to see.
Why tu opinion per person,
Phuoc tho not in Germany then, ten
Bodhi monastery asked a question,
Why Bodhisattva not glorious bridge?
The Buddha taught Li Kim Cang,
German largesse shalt bring out the Palm Tran,
No, not before, not parts,
Phuc tho not nearly new German chon Tam Tam.
OAI-general, 32 news facilities 80 the beauty, the Supreme General of Germany. The President is? That is to be calm, not past the hybrid dynamic NET no no, no. Net in the list says: "do not take advantage of the removal, but start the dread, we always display Bodhisattva incarnation". Main ideas to say the great Bodhisattva, probably not two, each time in the States, no traces past future import. Commentary on Bodhisattva also used the dread, the President could not take more static is As a hybrid? As the Hybrid news, news, President, dread news, news, news, news, customizable charm, charm, customised invariant space without self in. This passage is the Italian foursome egolessness loads tho. Has also said life, countless anatta As existing Hybrids past, future, is located, Crouching, where ego is not General? We fell there, General real-life have not? Because a body found three seats and the other not yet forgotten, unknown of three relatives, yet equally rational enlightenment France. Now say the President is static facilities dread? As Lai while the current oai-General, not possible citizenship. Although the President is static, but the current oai General options. As a hybrid three stems a can, a CVS, a third. That should tell the President that static facilities dread.
-     Bodhi Monastery! If someone said, Like Hybrids, or to, or go, or sit or lie, people do not understand the meaning of which I have spoken. Why? Because As Lai is no place would come, nor any place to go, so called As hybrid.
Before the hybrid cannot use General said as consistent, but not not General. The French State, which is General for so for France not talking chess piece, but could not before France, straight talking to France egolessness, was completed in Germany, rings credit know all France egolessness, then is Uncivil, the route was then certified rings jewelry are three la suite. From here, the review of possible extreme, i.e. As a hybrid. As Lai is the France as Italy, i.e. The start variable, not from the mind of Nhon beyond Tanh linh, then didn't come, come, sit, lie. Buddha As Nhon Hybrid that that:
-     If someone said, Like Hybrids or to, or go, have to sit, there is, he does not understand the ethics that I've said. The key is not Willow Park, miracle heel meets where the general title of the Tathāgata. You taught not to place is also not the place to go. He called As hybrid. Her words as real, before heaven and Earth meteorology at infinity. Brought depth to the Association General can't say out theoretical language.
Before giving to such general Lai 32, is talking to General programming. Here is the list as saying. French General cannot accept the illegal General, cannot accept, not German, Phuoc General chess title can not accept, then was Chief of the upper Class of wireless Center Chief, as the clouds melted the moon does. This crucial section articulates the meaning of Hybrid and the French only As invisible body, is to break the general title such as Lai could not head.
The eastern part of life in the four dread, Buddhist bridge over the dear general sharp, without knowing the Buddha in Uncivil chon TAM. FLOWERED N says: "water in the Moon, the Moon did not come, clouds prevent the hidden Moon, the Moon is not going anywhere. Also, the Center found the Buddhist pure land, Yen not the Buddha, from the flower, the stigma of perforated heart never, never have to go where the Buddha ". The mind who have clean soil, Buddha which never got past. Thirty-two French general body of culture As the Future!
The Buddha says;
Bodhi Monastery! If there are four users dread go facilities, standing, sitting, lying, that their Future As just for that is Like a hybrid. He is a useful place in General accept the truth not yet understand the ethics that I've said. Jesica's excuse is due As Lai, Lee chon TAM Buddha. Leanne chon TAM as as, filled throughout France; Depending on the sensors that would detect, to which not to, have to hide, nor go away. Not only past, so called As hybrid, i.e. kill not, feel that and he smoothly that way.
Verse 29:
Bodhi Monastery! Meaning don't even penetrating,
If someone said, mistakes need to specialize,
As laiyi truth foot raw,
Do not go, not to, not, not sitting!
Bare life-like General, accepted export
The truth that says don't leave have,
No future, no past thousand,
That's why I call HIM in GERMANY.
Depth (one), then no other, no other depth (a). If said Mote is not how the world is different, if said mote News World is a. If say a, then why has the name mote world; If it is not otherwise say is divided into the world vi Tran. Because mote grouped IE the world, melting world ruined i.e. Mote. . To say otherwise is not, said one was not. Say no, said such cases were not. Because a different case, impossible impossible one, it is mesmerizing and the other, a place where all unknown reason France equality body. Said the other, is a general understanding of beings. Honestly, both due to a chronic one other General accept anonymous accept the player. Because the world this is not a mote truth there; If Mote is real there, IE can not group into the world; If the world is truly there, news can not dispersed into the mote.
A Mote is composed of 5 great family identity, the world also includes 5 great family identity. A mote Tanh Tanh news, world, world news is Leanne Leanne Mote, not one, not the other. Find a kia, other General clearly cannot be. If one said a general agreement is not a general, are marginal comments. The France International, chon TAM it. the most general case can not see i.e. the logical depth also can not see. Generals are not, language equality, Director, return to the France International chon TAM.
-     Bodhi Monastery! If there is goodwill, friendly male female Nhon, offering 3,000 heavenly world crushes as Mote, you think? The mote had many or not?
-     Bodhi monastery ladies: a lot of the White World, Ton!
-     Because why? Because if he really had much Mote, Buddha didn't say is mote sailings are many. The reason why? Because the Buddha speaks of mote lot, i.e. not the mote. He called the mote.
-     The White World Religion! As Lai said 3,000 of the heavenly world, not the world, then called the world. Because why? Because if the world really have, i.e. the depthof General Agreement. Leanne foot content, so innocent, not two. He called the General Association depth. As Lai says General Association, wherefore is not the depth He called Association General General Association depth ....
-     Bodhi Monastery! Depth General Association, IE can not say, but the human wife, before the other. Join the ago is attached. Take part in the work of the other, i.e. in six apartments.
Buddha as the future, afraid of Bodhi Monastery He accept the comments yet, unknown chon TAM not uncivil, Emperor of the French, management application, to use 3,000 heavenly world crushes the mote, e.g. to France except. Because the application is not legal relatives, as well as the mote is not absent from the world. World example for France, Mote example for application. The world crushes the overflow behavior, i.e. France stem divided into application. Mote group into the world, i.e. the application of rules stems. Other, not body response body is also able of France. France isn't a body, France or starting the application. Mote is not the world, but it's mote can of the world. The world is not the real world, but by mote Mote that start. The Buddha said the world crushes the mote, the main body divided into French speaking applicants. France itself as frivolous, then the application must not really have trunks. World capital like flowers in the mirror, then the mote also as the moon under water. Mote didn't really have the world also is not really there. If there is real-world, i.e. a can, i.e. General Agreement i.e. depth cannot be crushed into general vi Tran.
In short, dear response had not really there, France also is not really there. France stems if is real there, i.e., a general, a General is also the General Association, wherefore could not start the general application. Not one, not the other, isn't, didn't, didn't. Therefore, should the General Association, wherefore say Hybrid As news not only by General Agreement, pretending to depth depth that general agreement. Basic essentials section there are general specified frivolous, to break the depth nor can General Agreement.
The Buddha teaches:
-     Bodhi Monastery! If good faith South, women's credit would bring 3,000 world heavenly, the mashed divided into small dust particles, what do you think? Like many?
Bodhi monastery ladies:
-     The White World Religion! Because the dust particles do not actually have, should see a lot. Because why? Because this dust though countless, song no, not there, often contentious Removal Starter there, eventually it is not really there. If mote had the true Buddha As Lai news not Mote. Because the Buddha says mote them not true, i.e. the world not have, should call it's mote them only.
Bodhi monastery back towards the white Buddha that:
-     Dear World Religion! From the Sub said 3,000 of the heavenly world, also contains a group of disappointed ceiling, the news has ruined, eventually come to an end. Their legendary streak of non-rotten truth, should not be in the world. Only tentatively called the world. He is? The reasoning in the world a possible truth. Thinking has depth, it is the General Association of foot computer, not permanent. One is not to be divided into two, never separate. As Lai says depth, use the General Agreement nowhere example for equality Leanne chon TAM, cannot use the language nghữ image used, i.e. not only to stand by General Agreement, wherefore call that depth that general agreement.
As Lai said Bodhi Monastery has radically food poisoning the veracity of the other, should be towards the Bodhi Monastery says:
-     Moral depth, that no such general agreement, not oxidized can not say. But the lightweight class, a computer character obscures the ignorance, the eyes take before, get their legendary streak of charm for the truth, accept before class, could not finish off food poisoning.
Verse 30:
Bodhi Monastery! If anyone,
Bring multiple world, publicly beating, crushing,
Become divided, dirt
He viewed like, mind?
That's the hard numbers, white
As Lai said the vast Mote,
So don't accept the part,
Conclusion through the world, also near the same.
Buddha says depth, Association
News Africa depth thesis mau mau to sue,
The accept said Qian,
Join the previous generals, Kim Cang blurred
Truth said in a theatrical performance as do not know, but not someplace that I don't know. Truth seen as not found, no song that I can't see. Divine enlightenment was not Uncivil the logical Lady, can not offering hope. Chums have know found out, could not be absent from the six ceiling could not be absent from the photo charm, knew as much then as TB ceiling found Lam, full-time were enchanting, non biased voter entangled energy tri, sa comments on Department of tri karma, not passion where general knowledge, then the Department must also part Mexican place opinion pieces features.
Hope hope hope, set the order of the scenes Center accept the retrieved hope scene, are beyond mind accept France, for himself, on a family identity more obstacles. The other said: End negativity, depression set in, except for the trend are leg ties. If one "online" not being clear, tri said the same birth, Nirvana were spotted as the middle of nowhere, a resource center, at the time the bright round everywhere. So Buddha said: we're really not Bodhi for Prime property, scared people did not believe this life, should lead in the label of being seen, in the words being said, the real damage to prove true. Song said that voter opinion, nor completely non-voters, if not detailed, exterminating passages into tri. Said not to Ta sanh is not contentious voter opinion, such is not the Chief voter opinion. If anyone using spherical uncivil, does not depart, or subtly, tri said the General of the things, for the first meaning never to instant enlightenment willow, a Center, so, seeing as such, not birth hope general things.
-     Bodhi Monastery! If the person says, Buddha said falling opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion false life beings. Bodhi Monastery! What do you think? He understands the significance we've said?
-     The White World Religion! Sure is hard to understand. He could not understand the meaning as Lai said. Because why? World Religion, human ego speaking comments, comments, fake life beings, not falling opinion, opinion, opinion and fake life beings. He called the fall comments, comments, opinions and false life beings.
-     Bodhi Monastery! The Infinite Mind of upper Primary, Primary College for all things, must know the truth right, must see's , know the right, see right, i.e. chon TAM tri, chon TAM comments Disabled Upper, believe to understand as they really are, not birth hope the General things. Things here are awaited, the unimpeachable character; General news is the area of. Not being a general expectation of things? What animal has the General, as have falling, Nhon, sentient life, fake, are non Foundation hopes the mind accept the General. Tu told the French Empire General Bo As Lai says news is not France General. He called France.
The Buddha again afraid of Bodhi Monastery can facilities, France was unable to see how the Buddha As Lai also said falling, the Ant, etc., Nhon that disputes break comments accept to have glass to expose the Emperor chon TAM General uncivil.
The Buddha says:
-       Bodhi Monastery! If someone says the Buddha says fall, Nhon etc. four comments, you think? He has indeed understood my moral say?
Response: Bodhi monastery
-       The White World Religion! Germany World Religion says four accept the addition to transcendental thoughts, they could not understand. Who can comprehend where he is Director of the Tathāgata has to say? Four comments accept that Religion has to say, just because want to attach himself to row, others, such as uprooting the original clean days is borrowing the names of four comments on this dispute. If the magic of wisdom in chon TAM Tanh as well in the middle of nowhere, not stop concerned, i.e. does not trigger Outlook opinions fell, beings and fake life.
The Buddha told Bodhi Monastery:
-       That means that people who play the Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds have been responsible management meets willow-lined loads real natural action, General Magic infinite General happy. Know that the know not been hidden; see like what see, are prevented. Trust understand as such, i.e. Mission variety, enlightenment, never being disappointed General things. Hoping to end the constant, not excepting the General depression. That is the task of the endless variety of General vacuum. Finally Germany As Lai says:
-       Bodhi Monastery! France, which has no general French General. In general no, then called the French General. Truth is that France has no hope, then vacuum General comments that can compare.
Verse 31:
If anyone is still being case-sensitive,
NG, Nhon four accept, worship me,
He has given it far higher?
Or relieve out reincarnation?
Press release claims, car
Invisible Upper Chief Dan not leaving comments tri,
Chon TAM award credit truth chi si,
Not born hope, houses there.
The French General said long,
News had him General illegal foot-wide,
The French General's embodiment,
As Lai preacher, no thoughts.
Here is the text of the French-African body, said that the General, not the real thing. The previous paragraph says that neither the French, was nhơn nhơn France are not maintained, Kim has what benefits? The final section of the rules still respect maintained life reading. Because they each person before the General, n u don't follow France Uncivil, maintained read, it is difficult that the physical body of the French Enlightenment, chess. Not being funny but the whole of France, the broadcasting body language no doubt again, has no body language is French, then why As the existing theoretical language Hybrid. As Lai had spoken, that is not the property owner with general theory? People who have food poisoning by Willow not to understand the incarnation of Buddha often say the French cable AS LIKE. Honestly not incarnations, not body-body effects, sometimes also respond well, have no application at all, not as the great use of France. How is called non-body incarnation? France was France, enforced beings are the sensors, hidden in the trunk, or embodiment of the Dragon, demon.
How to call is not incarnation reincarnation? Application by location, depending on the basic embodiment of Buddha, there were photographers in the five animal. How to call is also the application also reincarnations? Thanh van seats seen as tu to the Buddha, in the existing body. How to call is not no reincarnations? France, not in the message-body fuselage applications not in reincarnation. Now say no response is to say France has no general theory of language itself, borrowed reincarnations which says. Using the body as such, says France as as, not General, not General but are all General. The three stems a can, a possible three. To this truth is France Uncivil infinitely superior; be environmentally as France as immobile.
-    Bodhi Monastery! If people bring immeasurable filled precious Saturday A steady States in the world. A rose is the Sanskrit Asankhya. China room is the Central number, bring alms; if there are friendly female, women's credit would play mind Bodhi this DHARANI SUTRA maintenance life, until a shelf four sentences etc read maintenance life, because people who took this phứơc, said more than blessed alms ahead. How because the actor said, is not the place for General, as such. Mind like a mirror, so called as real, not the generals, the French were unimpeachable, such as real estate, that is, the free member at that. Such as real estate, muon chon TAM place names as well as French hermaphrodite statue, four facilities where extremes.
-    Because why? All compounded, as vision going, water, foam balls in the mirror. Vision is when sleep view lie their legendary streak going is the hope; Italy, turned into going into the finals, going to know the goods are from insanity, that trigger cell foam is foam; convergence on the surface, there is the wind flow dashed; the ball in the mirror is a projection into the ball, according to ball removal all is not rotten. As well as classic lightning dew, dew agglomeration, the sun shone soi are dashed; Lightning dictionary, shooting up and then starting very soon destroy the tan, so, to close Consulate. Vision, water, foam, chemical goods going to the ball in the mirror, fog, lightning, snow six called "Cafe continental". Six pubs that are fake then chon TAM Quan manifest. Chơn thành district natural number-i.e. as as real, unreal, chon TAM a sight of it before the universe everything.
The legal world in possession,
As the equivalent of the East lobe, dream delicious
As lie chặ is unstable,
As the foam to dissipate d. grant,
As the ball-shaped side, do not have,
Like dew on the grass, still sunny
As the flow of deals from the dictionary does not exist,
Such a review, the real new tri!
Buddha this theory then, elders and the Bhikkhu Bodhi Monastery on stilts, stilts, she rules favor Bhikkhu, Mrs. di, all people, Sun, a tu la, in the realms of life hear this DHARANI bookby are very Catholic Medical life, wedding, parties served.
Before said no, not France, nhơn Buddha e scared the life after, facilities maintenance Business has not, where France has interests? So the last part left told more Phuoc hue comparison. Nhon because Deng Phuoc tho General had enjoyed before the time runs out, the scenarios are entitled to create more experimental that Phuoc QUY Nhon. Thinking has not appeared at no mercy Phuoc, enjoy endless. Despite being so measurement promotion says, song makes people's life expectancy, maintained read chanting is enemy WINS, sure set you, want to give people faith, truth of mind households have a rich heart the notion.
The Buddha teaches:
-       Bodhi Monastery! If someone offers seven precious things with infinite Central world of immeasurable, it's happy, blessed alms practice still more. Song that seems Tin men, women across the vast heart help, read this chanting maintenance life though just four sentences, not the shelf post himself saw Leanne, wanted for the cast said, making people see how appearances sirisha, Leanne compared with previous foe WINS alms Fuk a lot. Must lecture for the listener? Derivation is not before the General, not the driving. That's because what excuse coast? Nhon phu chums in the world because there are ways to create works, we kill, as peer vision, going coast, copper mirror, bronze in baseball as instant sunshine apricot mist tan, copper flashing power flow as sailings. What that means in terms of compounded vi, to do six a.
The Buddha teaching information liabilities France again uncivil, said this and then, assuming A-Nan recorded this full, elders with Bhikkhu Bodhi Monastery on stilts, stilts, friendly male Bhikkhu, women and credit, the Dragon, the Bowl as well as we damn A Tu La etc.. Council sitting in the French Assembly shume , listen to the Scriptures inspired by Germany As a whole, not fear, not superiors very passive, Hy Festival is the word of the Buddha says, to serve passengers who Celestial Sphinx's teachings.
Verse 32:
If anyone brought of the executed,
Alms seven treasures compassion helps,
By the time guys.
Maintain life took place saying KIM CANG,
Why high to Phuoc WINS?
Do not accept no advance, an ordinary mind,
Useful microbial six wall motor, France
Such a survey, on the consistent success.
The French had just finished, the bookby
Furniture they disciple, also East of the Sun,
The entire credit life lyrics,

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