Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

 137. Distinguishing six Origin (Salayatanavibhanga Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika). There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks" - "revered sir." The monks responded that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey Monks, I will preach to the land He distinguished six. Listen carefully and reflective thought, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, lord.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- There are six internal origin need to know. There are six foreign origin must know. There are six official bodies need to know. There are six contact relatives need to know. There are eighteen volitional need to know. There are thirty-six kinds of beings need to know. Here, because y on this, take this piece, there are three saints of mindfulness that one must practice, and practice (mindfulness) that, good as new saint guru lectured them toys. Career Coaching In monks, he called the Supreme Diaoyu level engineers, to subdue the people deserve to subdue class. This is a general theory of six origin discrimination.
When it comes to "The six land need to know," What's so charming, so is mentioned? Labels of origin, atrial origin, reducing land, land loss, dear land, the land. When it comes to: "Six internal origin need to know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "foreign origin Six need to know," What's so charming, so is mentioned? Sac Origin, Origin bar, incense origin, the origin, touched land, land law. When it comes to: "Six foreign origin must know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "the Six relatives need to know," What's so charming, so is mentioned? Consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness. When it comes to "the Six relatives need to know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "Six contact relatives need to know" what is said by conditions such? Brand contact, ear contact, contact rate, loss of contact, body contact and the contact. When it comes to: "Six contact relatives need to know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "Eighteen volitional need to know" what is said by conditions such? After sharp sight, the sharp run abode of joy, color chasing abode of superiority, chasing excellence abode of discharge; after ear heard ...; after smelling incense nose ... after tongue tasted ... after yourself emotionally ... after the legal awareness, legal reviews chasing arises rapture, run according to priority arises, run according to departure to discharge. Thus, there are six wedding act, has six priority issue, has six operating discharge. When it comes to "Eighteen volitional need to know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "Thirty-six types of beings need to know," What's so charming, so is mentioned? Six contact wedding at home, six contact renunciation joy, six priority contact at home, six priority contact renunciation, contact discharge six home, six contact discharge renunciation.
Here's how to contact the wedding six home? There is joy arises, or by receiving or show received by the eyes perceive color, endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, capable reviews, related to that material; or remember what has been received in advance, took over, was killed, had turned septic. Type joy so-called rapture contact at home. There is joy arises, or receive or see the language received by the ear ... aromas perceived by the nose ... the taste perception because perception tongue ... the body touched by cognitive ... legal entities by the perception, endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, likely related to how the animals; or remember what has been received in advance, took over, was killed, had turned septic. Type joy so called wedding-related in part. This wedding-related Six home.
Here, how was the wedding involving six renunciation? After knowing the impermanent material, turning septic, dispassion, turned away and thought: "The old material and the current material, all material is impermanence, suffering, turning septic." After seeing as they are so with intelligence chief, there arises joy. Type joy so-called rapture concerning renunciation. After learning the language ... the taste ... the taste ... of ... the legal contact is impermanent, turning septic, sexual ly, turn away and thought: "The old law and the law currently, all are impermanent, suffering, turning septic. " After seeing as they are so with intelligence chief, there arises joy. Type joy so-called rapture concerning renunciation. This wedding-related Six renunciation.
Here's how to contact the six priority at home? There are advantages arise; or by not getting or not getting seen by the eyes perceive color, endearing, possible happy, pleasurable, available standard, related to that material; or remember anything not get forward, took over, was killed, had turned septic. Such honors are called priority contact at home. There are advantages arise, or failure to receive or not receive the see the language by ear ... the flavor perception because perception ... of your nose by tongue ... the emotional perception because perception itself. .. and by the cognitive approach, endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, available standard, related to that material; or remember anything not get forward, took over, was killed, had turned septic. Such honors are called priority relates to home. This priority relates to six at home.
Here, how are six advantages related to renunciation? After knowing the impermanent material, turning septic, dispassion, turned away and thought: "The old material and the current material, all material is impermanence, suffering, turning septic." After seeing as they are so with intelligence chief, he arose supreme desire for liberation, think: "When we can attain and dwell in the land (ayatana) that the sages are certified reached and dwell? " Thus, due to the desire for supreme liberation, advantages arise conditioned by desire. Such honors are called pros contact renunciation. After learning the language ... the taste ... the taste ... of ... the legal contact is impermanent, turning septic, sexual ly, turn away and thought: "The old law and the law currently, all are impermanent, suffering, turning septic. " After see such truth with intellectual right, he kicked up the desire for supreme liberation, think: "When we can attain and dwell in the land (ayatana) that the sages are attainment and residing? " Thus, due to the desire for supreme liberation, advantages arise conditioned by desire. Such honors are called pros contact renunciation. This contact offers six renunciation.
Here's how to contact the six discharge home? When a foolish person, referring fillers, byproducts seen with the eye color, the discharge of a start-up ordinary uncultured, not conquered the (negativity), not casual mature fruit conquered, not see the danger. Such discharge type material not beyond. So, here called contact discharge home. When a foolish person, referring fillers, byproducts hear with ears ... nose ... smell incense to taste with emotion tongue ... body ... with standard cognitive measures, the discharge of a start-up ordinary uncultured, not conquered the (negativity), not casual mature fruit conquered, did not see the danger. Such discharge type not beyond the law. So, here called contact discharge home. This profound contact home.
Here's how to contact discharge six renunciation? After learning material is impermanent, turning septic, dispassion, turn away, thinking: "The ancient material and current material, all material is impermanence, suffering, turning septic." After seeing as they are so with intelligence chief, discharge arises. Type so-called discharge contact discharge renunciation. After learning the language ... the taste ... the taste ... of ... the legal contact is impermanent, turning septic, sexual ly, turn away, thinking: "The ancient law and the law currently, all are impermanent, suffering, turning septic. " After seeing as they are so with intelligence chief, discharge arises. Type so-called discharge contact discharge renunciation. This profound contact renunciation.
When it comes to "Thirty-six types of beings need to know", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to "here, so keep this medicine, take this paragraph," conditioned by anything, be said to that? Here the monks, so he kept contact Hy conditioned six renunciation, total annihilation, pass six related wedding at home. Such is the cessation thereof; Such is the overcoming them. Here the monks, so he kept, conditioned by contact renunciation six priority; annihilation, pass six related advantages at home. Such is the cessation thereof; Such is the overcoming them. Here the monks, so he kept, conditioned by contact discharge six renunciation, total annihilation, pass six related discharge home. Such is the cessation thereof, the overcoming them. Here the monks, so he kept, contact Hy conditioned six renunciation, total annihilation, pass six related advantages renunciation. Such is the cessation thereof, the overcoming them. Here the monks, so he kept, conditioned by contact discharge renunciation, total annihilation, surpassing six contacts renunciation joy. Such is the cessation thereof, the overcoming them.
This monks, have discharged multifaceted polyhedron y basis; Nhut discharging area, he kept Nhut area. Monks Hey, how is discharge multifaceted, multi-faceted medical basis? This monks, have to discharge material, with discharge for hours, with discharge for incense, with discharge to the position, with discharge to the contacts. Thus, the monks was discharged multifaceted polyhedron y basis. And the monks, how is farthest area, he kept Nhut area? Nowhere have any medical discharge boundless, have medical discharge itself boundless consciousness that medical discharge on land owned Wuxi, have medical discharge on non-ideal non African origin idea. Thus, the monks is farthest area, he kept Nhut area. Here, the monks, so he just, comprehensive conditioned Nhut discharge, medical discharge area on Nhut, annihilation pass multifaceted discharge, discharge any polyhedron y. Such is the cessation (discharge), the same as the pass (discharge) this. The monks, so he does not desire itself, not conditioned by greed, annihilation, pass Nhut discharge area, discharge care that covers every Nhut. Such is the cessation (discharge), the same as the pass (discharge) this. When it comes to: "Here by y on this, make an end to this", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
As is mentioned: "There are three saints of mindfulness that one must practice, and practice (mindfulness) that, good as new saint masters map lectured them," conditioned by what is referred to as dress? Here, monks, gurus preach to the disciple, because compassionate introspection, fearing for their happiness, for their great injury, said: "This is happy for him, here He was at peace for. " Some disciples of the Master does not have well heard, no ear slang, not to dwell on the center right knowledge, and act contrary teachings of the masters. Here, the monks, the Tathagata has no joy, no sense of joy, but living without variation, awareness, awareness. This monks, this is the first foundation of mindfulness, a saint to practice, and that practice mindfulness, new saint value is guru lectured them toys.
Again, monks, gurus preach to the disciple, because compassionate introspection, fearing for their happiness, for their great injury, said: "This is happy for him, here He was at peace for. " Some practitioners did not have masters skillfully hear, hairless ears, not to dwell on the center right knowledge, and act contrary teachings of the masters. There are some clever disciples heard, slang ear, residing in the district center position, and not act contrary teachings of the masters. Here, the monks, the Tathagata has no joy, no sense of joy, there is no joy, no sense not happy; after passage leave both happy and not happy, Tathagata discharge residence, awareness, awareness. This Monks, mindfulness is two, a saint to practice, and that practice mindfulness, new saint value are masters lectured them toys.
Again, monks, the Master had preached to his disciples, because contentment, fearing for their happiness, for their great injury, said: "This is happy for him, This is the happiness of the Mr. ". Students of the Master was well heard, slang ear, residing in the district center position and not go against the teachings of the Master. Here, the monks, the Tathāgata joy, and sense of joy, living without wavering, awareness, awareness. This Monks, mindfulness is Tuesday, a saint to practice, and that practice mindfulness, new saint value are masters lectured to map them.
As is mentioned: "There are three foundations of mindfulness, a saint to practice, and (practice) that mindfulness, new saints worthy of being masters lectured to map them", the conditioned, which was mentioning such.
When it comes to: "Teacher Training in the position, he is called the Supreme Diaoyu professor, subdue subdue class people deserve," conditioned by what is said so? This Monks, an elephant is subdued by a statue that sits monks led only run on a local, Eastern, Western, Northern or Southern. This Monks, a horse is subdued by a defense that led monks code runs only on a local, Eastern, Western, Northern or Southern. This Monks, a bull is subdued by a defense that led monks run only on a local, Eastern, Western, Northern or Southern.
The monks, who were subdued by the Tathagata, Arhat level, led by the Enlightenment, is run jointly across eight attacks.
There is sharp, see the material; That was the first. No idea interior color, see the foreign matter; it is the latter. Think calm, focus on that; it is the third party. Completely overcome the great excellence, eradication of great concern, not a great difference volition; and think "Nowhere is boundless", attainment and residing No boundless; That was the fourth. Overcoming completely not boundless, thinking: "Consciousness is infinite" and abides attain boundless consciousness; that means Thursday. Overcoming completely boundless consciousness, thinking, "Nothing," and abides attaining land ownership Infinite; That was the Friday. Pass a completely Infinite land ownership; attainment and residing non-ideal non-African origin idea; That was the Saturday. Pass a completely non-ideal non African origin idea, attainment and residing Kills life thought (to); it was the eighth.
The monks, who deserve to subdue by the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment led by eight methods are run together around this.
When it comes to: "Teacher Training in the position, he called Diaoyu Supreme Bar, subdue subdue category was worth", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.

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