Thursday 1 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

99. Beijing Subha (Subha Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika).
At that time, young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta residing in Savatthi, at the house of a landlord for some duties. Young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta homeowners stay at home, he said to the landlord:
- Homeowners Hey, I heard the following: "Savatthi not without the level Arhat frequent". Today we should go see the monk or Brahmin does?
- Venerable Sir, currently residing in Savatthi Bhagavan, Jetavana, Anathapindika his monastery. Venerable Sir, please come to admire her Exalted.
Then young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta obey his landlord, go to Bhagavan, after to speak with words of welcome Bhagavan inquired, after voicing welcome friends ask, and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta lord:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin spoke as follows: "The achievements of house dhamma path. The achievement ordained not dhamma path". Here, Venerable Gotama have to say?
- This young Brahmin, here, I advocated analysis; here, I will not say one-dimensional policy. Hey Young Brahmin, I do not praise the guys heresy at home or who ordained. Hey Young Brahmin, at home, or those who practice pagan ordained, predestined by pagan practice, not accomplishing dhamma path. Hey Young Brahmin, I praise the path of those who house or home. Hey Young Brahmin, who at home or who ordained religion Administrative, Executive predestined path, accomplishing dhamma path.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, so many services, the work of many, many organizations, working much force, so now the home of those who have great retribution; by services less, work less, held little, so little effort for the industry of those ordained without great results. Here, Venerable Gotama, have to say?
- Hey Young Brahmin, here, I advocated analysis; here, I will not say one-dimensional policy. Hey Young Brahmin, there is now (Kammatthanam) with great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small. Hey Young Brahmin, there is now with great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if made achievements, done right, will have great results. Hey Young Brahmin, there is the small service industry, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small. Hey Young Brahmin, there is the small service industry, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if made achievements, done right, will have great results.
Hey Young Brahmin, what is now the great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small? Hey Young Brahmin, the agricultural industry with great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small. And this Young Brahmin, how is the industry with great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have big results? Hey Young Brahmin, the agricultural industry with great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have big results. Hey Young Brahmin, what is now the service with small, small works, small organizations, small labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small? Hey Young Brahmin and professional services trade with small, small works, small organizations, small labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small. Hey Young Brahmin, what is now the service with small, small works, small organizations, small labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have big results? Hey Young Brahmin and professional services trade with small, small works, small organizations, small labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have big results. For example, the Youth Brahmin, the trade industry with great service, great work, great organization great force, if any damage or wrong results will be small; also, the Youth Brahmin, the industry of a layman, great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if any damage or wrong will have little result.
For example, the young Brahmin, the agriculture industry, great service, great work, great organization, great labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have great results; also, the Youth Brahmin, the industry of a layman, great service, great work, great organization, great effort for achievement if done, done right will have great results. For example, the Youth Brahmin, the trade industry, small service, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if any damage or wrong results will be small; also, the Youth Brahmin, the nun's career, small service, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if any damage or wrong will have little result. For example, the Youth Brahmin, the trade industry, small service, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have great results; also, the Youth Brahmin, the nun's career, small service, working small, small organizations, small labor force, if made achievements, done correctly will have big results.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin legal advocates working in blessing, good acquisition.
- Hey Young Brahmin, in France was the Brahmin blessing cooperation undertakings, attain good, if he does not see a heavy and rather fresh. He talk about his years in the assembly of this law.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, without anything heavy for me, to be here with you as venerable, sitting or the like venerable status.
- So this Young Brahmin, let's hear it.
- Realistic, said Venerable Gotama, is the first approach, the Brahmin advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. Austerity, said Venerable Gotama, is the second approach, the Brahmin advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. Dignity, my venerable Gotama is a third option, the Brahmin advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. Reciting, said Venerable Gotama, the fourth approach, the Brahmin advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. For discharge, said Venerable Gotama, the law Thursday, the Brahmin advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. Dear Venerable Gotama, the status Brahmin years advocated this approach works merit, attained charity. Here, Venerable Gotama have to say?
- Why, this Young Brahmin? There is a Brahmin in the Brahmin spoke as follows: "After seeing the upper tri mind, I uttered maturity of five passes this legal?"
- No, the Venerable Gotama.
- Why, this Young Brahmin? There a Teacher in the Brahmin, a Great Teacher, until seven lifetime Sun engineers, Great Teacher, he said: "After the witness himself with the upper tri mind, I uttered allergic results This year's independent "?
- No, the Venerable Gotama.
- Why, this Young Brahmin? The ancient monks in the Brahmin, even the composition of the mantra, the mantra that your ancient mantras are sung, is recited, is reciter, and today the Brahmins also sing, recite and teach as you Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamita, Yamataggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vesettha, Kassapa, Bhagu, he said the following: "After the tri insight Hotel with a rooftop, we said theoretical results of five independent casual It "?
- No, the Venerable Gotama.
- So this Young Brahmin, there is a Brahmin in the position Brahmin spoke as follows: "After the upper tri location insight, I uttered Results of five independent casual here. " Without a Teacher in the Brahmin, a Great Teacher, until the seventh Sun engineers, Dai guru who says as follows: "After the upper tri location insight, we uttered results This year's independent horror ". The ancient monks in the Brahmin status, compose your mantra ... You do not have a stated as follows: "After the upper tri location insight, we uttered the casual mature fruit of years here. " For example, the Youth Brahmin, a chain of blind men hug each other back, who previously did not see, the middle nor see, nor the last to see; also, the Youth Brahmin, we think of the word Brahmin become like a blind string, the head does not see, the middle not seen, nor the last to see.
When they heard that, young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta outrage, not happy because Bhagavan used such a chain of blind, immediately defame Bhagavan, Bhagavan defame and talk about Bhagavan: "Sa fruit jelly Gotama be evil (papika) ".
Then Bhagavan told as follows:
- Venerable Gotama, Brahmin Pokkharasati of kin residing in forest Upamanna Subhaga said: "Also, some recluse, Brahmin has proven itself to be the upper legal workers, knowledge Noble wins deserves it. " This speech of he truly hissing, really just empty words, really just empty, really just empty. How was the rest can know, or see, or endorse the rooftop's approach, knowledge wins, worthy saint? Such events can not happen.
- Why, this Young Brahmin? She-the busi- subject of family Pokkharasati Upamanna, resident Subhaga forest can know the mind both recluse, Brahmin with his mind?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, Brahmin belonging to the family Pokkharasati Upamanna, residing in Subhaga forest, with his mind can not know the mind of Punnika, his maid, how could know is mind all recluses, Brahmin with his mind?
- For example, the Youth Brahmin, a man born blind can not see the colors black, white, can not see the blue color, can not see the color yellow, can not see the red color, can not see the color purple, can not see what flat, uneven, can not see the stars, can not see the moon, the sun, he said the following: "No with the colors black, white, no black people see colors, white, no shades of green, no blue color seen; no color yellow, no people see the color yellow; no red color, no people see the color red; no purple color, no purple colors show; no nothing flat, uneven, no People see something flat, uneven, no stars, no people see the stars, no moon, the sun, no see the moon, the sun. I do not know that; I not seen such, so should not have. " Hey Young Brahmin, he said in a righteous way can say this?
- Ladies and not so, Venerable Gotama. There are black and white colors, some people see the black and white colors; with the blue color, some people see the color blue ... the moon, the sun, some people see the moon, the sun, "so I do not know; I do not see it. Therefore, no neck". Dear Venerable Gotama, if he said righteously will not say so.
- Also, the Youth Brahmin, Brahmin belonging to the family Pokkharasati Upamanna, residing in Subhaga forest is blind, no eyes. He can know, or see, or endorse the upper legal workers, knowledge wins worth saint; Such events do not occur. Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? Even the Brahmin wealth in Kosala, as Canki Brahmin, Brahmin Tarukkha, Pokkharasati Brahmin, Brahmin Janussoni, and the father of Mr. Todeyya, what better for these persons, these words he was secular accept (sammusa) or not accepting secular?
- Being secular accept, Sir venerable Gotama.
- What is better for them, speak to them need to be thinking or not thinking?
- Need to be thinking, dear venerable Gotama.
- What is better for them, speak to them must be analyzed, to consider whether it needs to analyze, weigh?
- Need to analyze, ponder, dear venerable Gotama.
- What is better for them, their words to the need to relate to the purpose, or do not need to relate to the purpose?
- It should be related to purpose, said Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? If such is the speech of Brahmin families belonging Upamanna Pokkharasati, resident forest secular Subhaga be accepted or not accepted secular?
- Never accept secular, dear venerable Gotama.
- The words spoken are there thinking, or not thinking?
- Do not think, sir venerable Gotama.
- Words are said to have analyzed, considered, or no analytical considerations?
- Do not analyze, weigh, said Venerable Gotama.
- Words are said to relate to the purpose, whether or not related to the purpose?
- No relation to the purpose, said Venerable Gotama.
- Hey Young Brahmin, with the five hindrances. What is the year? Greed hindrances, hindrances field, deep in torpor hindrances, exchange Trao hindrances, hindrances facilities. Hey Young Brahmin, such as five hindrances. Hey Young Brahmin, Brahmin belonging to the family Pokkharasati Upamanna, residing in forest cover Subhaga was covered, blocking, covering, and covered by these five hindrances. He knows, see, or witness's knowledge is the Supreme law, knowledge wins worth saint; Such events do not occur.
Hey Young Brahmin, has this nourish Academic year. What is the year? The eye color due to perception, this endearing color, possibility happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive; language awareness by ear ... incense by your nose by tongue awareness ... awareness ... awareness touched by her loving relatives, likely happy, pleasurable, capable attention, stimulate indulgence, attractive. Hey Young Brahmin, such as in training and cultivate. Hey Young Brahmin, Brahmin belonging to the family Pokkharasati Upamanna, residing in Subhaga bound forest, with passion, to be involved in sexual advance by the chief nurse, enjoys them without seeing the danger insurance, not shine through the break away from them. He really knows, or seen, or endorse the upper legal workers, knowledge wins worth saint; Such events do not occur.
Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? In this type of fire, what kind of fire have tops, with color or light? The flame was lit by grass and dry wood, or flame is lit, not by dry grass and wood?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, if no events can fire without grass and firewood through, the fire was smoldering, with color and light.
- Hey Young Brahmin, no event, no case can not by grass fires and dry wood, unless mystically. Hey Young Brahmin, I say this rapture, rapture nurtured by years of training and giving, this joy for as flames burned through grass and firewood. Hey Young Brahmin, I say this rapture, rapture by sexual ly, ly bring the causes of evil, this joy for as flames burned up, no thanks to grass and firewood. And this Young Brahmin, how is the wedding by sexual ly, ly the causes of evil brings? Here, this young Brahmin, the monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and first permanent Zen. This joy, this Young Brahmin, is the sexual rapture cups, glasses bring legal immoral. Again, Young Brahmin, the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. This joy, this Young Brahmin, is the sexual rapture cups, glasses bring legal immoral.
This young Brahmin, the Brahmin position he advocated cooperation in legal merit, attained charity. Here, the Brahmin legal undertakings blessed work, how good can attain greater results?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, even the Brahmin legal advocates working in blessing, this friendly acquisition. Here, the Brahmin town legal undertakings (caga) blessed work, have obtained good results in major newspapers.
- Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? Here, a large altar was a Brahmin set up and have two Brahmin go and think as follows: "We will enjoy the modern life of your altar Brahmin with this identity ". Here, a Brahmin thought as follows: "We hope that in the dining room, we will be the best seat, the best water, the best alms dish, while your other Brahmin, in the dining room, not the best seat, the best water, the best alms dish ". Hey Young Brahmin, this event happens. The Brahmin was in the dining room can get the best seat, the best water, the best alms dish. As for the other Brahmin, in the dining room, not the best seat, the best water, the best alms dish. Place the other Brahmin thought as follows: "The Brahmin was, in the dining room, is the best seat, the best water, the best alms dish. And I, in the dining room no place The best seat, the best water, the best food alms ". He indignantly, not joy. Hey Young Brahmin, the Brahmin independent advocate what passes for this Brahmin?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin not alms at the thought: "Because of this generosity, the other outrage, not happy. The Brahmin charity because love of introspection".
- The event is thus the Young Brahmin, is this the work of the blessed Friday, means love of introspection?
- The fact is that, sir Venerable Gotama, here is the blessing of the Friday, which means love of introspection.
- Hey Young Brahmin, the Brahmin position he advocated cooperation in legal merit, attained this improvement. He saw in this approach where most, in the home, or in the home?
- Dear Venerable Gotama, even the Brahmin legal advocates working in blessing, obtained this good, I find this approach more years in the home, there is little in the house. The house, said Venerable Gotama, great service, great work, great organization, great effort for no permanent, continuous, not to say genuine. The home, my venerable Gotama, small service, working small, small organizations, working small force, but constant continuity, say true. The house, said Venerable Gotama, great service, great work, great organization, great effort for continuous permanent no ascetic life, celibate, recited many, many towns. The home, my venerable Gotama, small service, working small, small organizations, working small force, but constant continuous live ascetic, celibate, recited many, many towns. Dear Venerable Gotama, blessed work in France, this improvement was attained monks, Brahmin guidelines, I find this approach more years in your home, have little in your home.
- Hey Young Brahmin, in cooperation measures merit, attained this improvement was the Brahmin position advocated, I say this is that the specific status of the mind, that is to cultivate the mind not to hate , not golf. Here, the Young Brahmin, the monks say the truth, he thought, "I say true", evidence that credit life insurance (atthavedam), credit life legal evidence, evidence related legal rejoice. I say the joy related to this is investment friendly instruments of mind, meant to cultivate his mind not to hate, not the field. Here, the Young Brahmin, the monks lived ascetic, celibate, recited many, many towns he thought: "I lay down more discharge" means the credit controls were feeling, securities Credit is life measures, evidence relating to the legal rejoice, I say that the joyful related to this is investment friendly instrument of mind, meant to cultivate his mind not to hate, not the field. Hey Young Brahmin, even the Brahmin legal advocates working in blessing, obtained this good, I tell you the specific legal status of the mind was, meant to cultivate his mind not to hate, no yard.
When they heard that, young Brahmin Todeyyaputta Subha said to Bhagavan:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, I heard the following: "recluse Gotama knows the path to permanent stalks with Brahma".
- Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? Village Nalakara there lately? Are Nalakara village not far from here?
- Ladies and yes, venerable, Nalakara village nearby. Nalakara village not far from here.
- Hey Young Brahmin, how do you think? Here, there are people who were born in the village Nalakara, Nalakara not leave the village, and there are people to ask him the way to the village Nalakara. Hey Young Brahmin, who was born in the village Nalakara baffling or hesitates when asked about the road to the village Nalakara?
- No, the Venerable Gotama. Why? Dear Venerable Gotama, because he was born in the village of Nalakara. They know all the way to the village Nalakara.
- However, the Youth Brahmin, probably people who were born in this village Nalakara when asked the way to the village can Nalakara baffling or falter. But Tathagata is not so, when asked about the Brahma world, or on the path to world Brahma, the Tathagata not confused or hesitant. And this Young Brahmin, I know Brahma world and the path to Brahma world, and I also know how to accomplish to be born in Brahma world.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, I have heard the following: "recluse Gotama teaches theoretical path to stem residence with Brahma". Rather good, if Venerable Gotama preached to you, the path to stay with Brahma stalks.
- So this Young Brahmin, listen and I will preach smart volition.
- Ladies and yes, venerable.
Young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan faculty as follows:
- And this Young Brahmin, what is the way to stay with Brahma stalks? Here, the Young Brahmin, monks dwell chronic variable with an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, boundless generosity, no hate, no anger. Hey Young Brahmin, when the mind freed from such practice, the act was done with a limited amount of such nature, can not stay here, do not have to stop there. For example, the Youth Brahmin, an athlete blows in prison and make cardinal heard, nothing difficult; also, the Youth Brahmin, when the mind freed from such practice, the act was done with a limited amount of character, no stay here, do not have to stop there. Hey Young Brahmin, this is the way to stay with Brahma stalks.
Again, Young Brahmin, the monks turned complacent with an ownership interest question with bi ... (as above) ... with organic heart with joy ... question (see above). .. with the organic mind with equanimity, so the Monday, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with equanimity, generous, boundless, no hate, no anger. Hey Young Brahmin, freedom of mind is discharging such practice, the act was done with a limited amount of such nature, can not stay here, do not have to stop there. For example, the Youth Brahmin, an athlete blows in prison and make cardinal heard, nothing difficult; also, the Youth Brahmin, freedom of mind is discharging such practice, the act was done with a limited amount of such nature, can not stay here, no stops here . Hey Young Brahmin, this is the way to stay with Brahma stalks.
When they heard that, young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, the Chief Justice has been used many means Bhagavan presented, explained. Dear Venerable Gotama, now I take refuge Venerable Gotama, France and refuge refuge them monks. Mong Ton Gotama adoption as laymen, from now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold. Dear Venerable Gotama, we now go, we have much work to do.
- Hey Young Brahmin, now he just does what he thinks is right time.
Then young Brahmin Subha credit joyful life Todeyyaputta word Bhagavan taught, from the seat up, bowed, right hand toward his body and left.
At that time the Brahmin Janussoni, with chariots pulled by white mare whole, go out to lunch Savatthi. Brahmin Janussoni see young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta distance travel, after seeing, immediately told the young Brahmin Subha Todeyyaputta:
- The venerable where Bharadvaja go back, so early?
- Venerable Sir, I have just come from the recluse Gotama.
- Bharadvaja this venerable, Venerable think? The venerable recluse Gotama think the ones with mind, lucid wisdom (pannaveyyattiyam) not?
- Venerable Sir, I am the one that can know so wise recluse Gotama's? Only what you do as he can know so wise recluse Gotama's.
- The venerable real Bharadvaja praised recluse Gotama with the ultimate praise.
- But who am I to praise recluse Gotama? Praised by those who are praising the recluse Gotama, was supreme among God's restaurant. Venerable Sir, the status Brahmin legal advocates working in blessing, this friendly acquisition, recluse Gotama say in private law was specific to the heart, that is to practice, become no hate, no anger .
When they heard that, Brahmin, Janussoni step down chariots pulled by white mare whole, covering coat on one side of the shoulder, palms toward Bhagavan and uttered words of inspiration as follows: "Benefits King Pasenadi Kosala instead! Nice, benefits instead Pasenadi Kosala king is Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment residing in the country! "END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/10/2015.

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