Friday 2 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

106.  Benefits (Anenjasappaya Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A resident of Bhagavan between Kuru people (verse-long). Kammassadhamma (Alkali-ma-iron-talk) is the town of Kuru people. At that Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey monks, the fitness is impermanent, hollow, false, of dense nature. Monks Hey, this is disturbing greetings of fools built on lies. The current education, and the future education, the current great education and a great future education, both in the realm of ghosts, is the realm of ghosts, ghost's where nutrition is eating places ma.
Here, the standard evil evil leads to greed, anger, agitation, and the effect that these measures constitute obstacles here for Bible study student. Here, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education and future education ... for Bible study student. So let's dwell for a generous heart, great practitioner After winning the world, after determining the position of attention. When we dwell with generous heart, great triumphal world, determine the location of the standard, the standard evil evil: lust, anger anger, agitation will not arise; to get rid of that approach, my heart does not become narrow, whereas the countless, well-practiced ". Meanwhile practice thus dwell so much time, mind becomes calm in the world origin (of it). With a calm mind, he accomplished estate right now or severe mental disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurs, progressive form (samvattanikam vinnanam) may, upon reaching estate here. Thus, the monks, called First practice on estate interests. "
Again the monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education and future education, the current great education, great education and the future, what qualities any material, is four seminarians and university excellence formed by four. " While he practiced thus dwell so much time, mind becomes calm in the world origin (of it). With a calm mind, he accomplished within the existing estate or intellectual heavy disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according reaches estate here. Thus, the monks, called the Second practice estate interests.
Again the monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education and future education, the current great education and a great future education, the current material and similar material lai, the current identity and the identity concept future idea, both are impermanent. What is impermanent, not worth the time to be happy, not worthy to be welcomed, not worth to be attached ". While he practiced thus dwell so many times, the mind becomes calm in the world origin (of it). With a calm mind, he accomplished within the existing estate or intellectual heavy disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according reaches estate here. Thus, the monks called third practice of estate interests.
Organic Origin Unknown
Again the monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education ... and the great future excellence, and the great estates, all thoughts, where all such ideas are eradicated no residue remains, such as the first President, such is the magic revenge, ie very own ". While he practiced thus dwell so many times, the mind becomes calm in the world origin (of it). With a calm mind, he owns land Countless achievements within the current or heavy mental disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according Unknown here reaches land ownership. Thus, the monks called First practice on land owned Wuxi benefits.
Again the monks, saints disciples went to the woods or go under the tree and thinking as follows: "The drum is not self or ego possesses". While he practiced thus dwell so many times, the mind becomes calm in the world origin (of it). With a calm mind, he owns land Countless achievements within the current or heavy mental disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according Unknown here reaches land ownership. Thus, the monks, called II practice of land ownership interests Infinite.
Again the monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "I do not have any where, to whom and in what form, and under our facility without any where, to whom and in kind ". While he practiced thus dwell so many times, the mind becomes calm in the abode (of it). With a calm mind, he owns land Countless achievements in heavy current or intellectual bias. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according Unknown here reaches land ownership. Thus, the monks called third practice on land owned Wuxi benefits.
Phi concept, non-ideal non Origin
And again, the monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education .. and the great color and great estate, and land ownership Countless ideas, all ideas, spot any cessation of such ideas are no residual remains, such as the first President, such is the magic revenge, that is non-ideal heresies African origin ". While he practiced thus dwell so many times, the mind becomes calm in the abode (of it). With a calm mind he can achieve great African origin even in non-ideal non-current, or severe mental disasters. After the body damage the public network, the situation occurred, he may wake progresses according heresies here reaches non-ideal African origin. Thus, the monks, called the practice of great benefit non-ideal non African origin.
When saying so, Venerable Ananda lord:
- Here, venerable sir, the monks practice this and thinking: 'If no such advance, the time may not be mine; if no such date may not be the time of us. We get rid of what is and what has ". And so he was discharged. Buddha, a great man such monks attained Nirvana salvage it?
- Here, Ananda, some monks can be attained Nirvana salvage, and here, some monks may not be a salvage certificate Nirvana.
- Do what's, conditioned by what, lord, here, some monks can be attained Nirvana salvage, and here, some monks may not be a salvage certificate Niet- Ironing?
- Here, Ananda, a bhikkhu practicing like that and think: 'If no such prior period can not be mine. If no such date and time may not be mine . We get rid of what is and what has ". And so he was discharged. He was happy in the discharge, welcomed, accepted before discharging it. Because he rejoice in his discharge, welcomed, accepted before discharging him, woke him and Prime dependent exhaust before discharging it. There are obvious before, this Ananda, the monks did not witness the ultimate Nirvana.
- Buddha, the monks before the player was obvious before somewhere?
- Ananda, non-ideal non-African origin idea.
- Buddha, monks was obvious before, players such advance is the ultimate front?
- Ananda, monks was obvious before, players such advance is the ultimate front. Ananda, this is the ultimate front, ie non-ideal non-African origin idea. Here, Ananda, the monks practice this and thinking: "If the (previous) no such time may not be mine. If (this) is not so, the time may not be the us. We get rid of what is and what has ". Thus, he was discharged, he was not happy in the discharge, no welcome, no attachment was discharged. Because he is not happy in his discharge, no welcome, no player before his discharge, the discharge does not depend formula and not obvious before discharging it. No players before, this Ananda, the monks witness the ultimate Nirvana.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! This is the main basis of ten other medical, lord, the mighty waters escape was Bhagavan says. But lord, how is St. liberation?
- Here, monks, saints disciples thinking as follows: "The current education and future education, the current great education and a great future education, the current material and the future material, the great estate, the great land owned Wuxi, and the non-ideal non Origin African great idea, something of itself, is itself. It is immortal freedom of mind that is not obvious before " . Ananda, this is the path of interest is I preach Real, the path of interest is naught I preached origin, path of great benefit non-ideal non African origin I preach, is the lead through strong currents caused by this kind of the other medicine is I preach, my Bible is preached liberation.
What, is Ananda, the Teacher should do, because contentment seek happiness for the disciples, these things have been I do, because of my compassion for Mr. introspection. Ananda, this is a tree, this is the gap. Be Zen, this Ananda, let no distractions, do not have regrets later. This is my teaching for He.

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