Sunday 4 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

111. Beijing Real paragraph (Anupada Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (United-da-forestry), Vihara he Anathapindika (Anathapindika). There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks" - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey Monks, Sariputta (Sariputta) is the order reigns; This Monks, Sariputta is the One Great Property; This Monks, Sariputta is the One Square Property; This Monks, Sariputta the Hy Career Property (Hasupanna); This Monks, Sariputta the Czech Career Property (javanapanna); This Monks, Sariputta the Loi Career Property (tikkhapanna); This Monks, Sariputta the Career Decision trạch Property (nibbedhikapanna). This monks, until half months, Sariputta shop any French restaurant segment. Monks Hey, this is due to any customary method of Sariputta paragraph:
Here, monks, Sariputta sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and abides reached preliminary meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, with the quarterfinals.
And the first law of Zen as range, quad, rapture, happiness, Nhut care, and emotional, feeling, perception, investments, interest, fitness, winner, effort, mindfulness, equanimity, volition; He was residing legal entities estate segment. Legal entities that are Sariputta known as they arise, are known as dwell Sariputta, was Sariputta known as annihilation. Sariputta known as: "So the law was before no where we now exist, after being, we annihilated". Sariputta for that law, feeling no attachment, no opposition, independent, not bondage, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there is much more work to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta kill and reach the quarterfinals, attainment and residing Meditation Monday, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, internal static Nhut care. And these methods belong Monday as internal static meditation, rapture, happiness, circuit center, and contact, feeling, perception, investments, interest, fitness, winner, effort, mindfulness, equanimity, volition, those that are safe Real residential segment. Legal entities that are Sariputta known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta known as: "So the law was before no where we now exist, after being, we annihilated". Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, not bondage, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta glass discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, it abides Meditation Tuesday.
And those belonging to the Zen approach Tuesday, as lemongrass, peanuts, mindfulness, awareness, Nhut care, and emotional, feeling, perception, assistance, care, fitness, winner, effort, equanimity, volition; the measures that are Sariputta dwell any delay, he was Sariputta law known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, not bound, freed no consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill incentives sensations rapture before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, exhaust concept, pure.
And the law of the fourth Meditation, like exhaust, no pain no pleasures, life (passivedana), infinite mind contemplation (Cetaso anabhogo), purification by mindfulness, Nhut care, and emotional, feeling, perception, investment, interest , fitness, winner, diligence, mindfulness, equanimity, volition; the measures that are Sariputta dwell any delay, he was Sariputta law known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, not bondage, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta took absolutely great color, great eliminate any obstacle, no volition for a great horror, thinking: "Nowhere is boundless", residence certificate No boundless .
And the law belongs not boundless as space, boundless idea, circuit care, and emotional, feeling, perception, investments, interest, fitness, winner, effort, mindfulness, equanimity, volition; the measures that are Sariputta dwell any delay, he was Sariputta law known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta for his approach, no attachment, no opposition, independent, not bondage, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta took completely not boundless, thinking: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin.
And these methods belong boundless boundless land as a great land, one heart, and contact, feeling, perception, assistance, care, fitness, winner, effort, mindfulness, equanimity, volition; the measures that are Sariputta dwell any segment; He was Sariputta legal entities known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta was not legal for lesbian, not opposition, independent, non-binding, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There is salvation beyond. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta took absolutely boundless consciousness, thinking: "Not for anything," Unknown residence certificate owns the land.
Countless legal and property belonging to the land, such as land ownership Countless thoughts, Nhut care, and emotional, feeling, perception, assistance, care, fitness, winner, effort, mindfulness, equanimity, volition; the measures that are Sariputta dwell any segment; He was Sariputta legal entities known as they arise, are Sariputta know until they dwell, is Sariputta know until they annihilated. Sariputta was not legal for lesbian, not opposition, independent, non-binding, liberation, not consequences, reside with no restrictions mind. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta took complete ownership Unknown origin, residence certificate non-ideal non-African origin idea.
With mindfulness, Sariputta out intending. After mindfulness out to him, Sariputta that he belongs to the past approach, be annihilated, being turned away: "So the law was before no where we now exist, after being we annihilation ". Sariputta for law feels no attachment, no opposition, independent, non-binding, liberation, not consequences, dwell with unlimited attention. Sariputta said: "There's more emancipation. For Sariputta, there are many more things to do."
Again, monks, Sariputta totally beyond non-ideal non African origin idea, it abides exterminate life thought (to). After seeing the wisdom, the contraband or annihilation.
With mindfulness, Sariputta out intending. After mindfulness out to him, Sariputta that he belongs to the past approach, be annihilated, being turned away: "So the law that, before there is no place we, following exist, after being We annihilated ". Sariputta legal entities that feel no attachment, no opposition, independent, non-binding, liberation, not consequences, dwell with unlimited attention. Sariputta said: "There is no supreme liberation beyond. For Sariputta, do not have to do much more".
This Monks, if words right feet, one can speak to him as follows: "This person is in order, to be presented in the Holy salvage, to be liberated, to be finality in the Bible, is in order, to be finality in St. wisdom, being free, being in St. extricate finality. Put on Sariputta right feet, one can say the following: "Sariputta be liberated, to be presented in the Holy salvage , to be liberated, to be finality in the Bible, to be liberated, to be finality in Bible knowledge, to be liberated, to be finality in St. liberation ".
This Monks, if words right feet, one can speak to him as follows: "This is now the chief of Bhagavan cardboard, born from his mouth, born from France, because the French cultural center, Dharma heirs, heirs not matter. " Put on Sariputta right feet, one can say the following: "Sariputta was the chief of the cardboard Bhagavan, born from his mouth, born from France, because the French cultural center, Dharma heirs, heirs not object substance ".
Sariputta, the monks, his feet turning Falun supreme chief was Tathagata transport.

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