Monday 5 October 2015

Long Pure Poetry .


The reason that reaches deep even then, even in this situation five degenerations life, as well as the other side of Pure Land does have other it? So this book, edited the Journal of farming called: AS BEST undaunted.
But should not rely here, without trainees Pure, e easy verbal communication no negotiations, no other currency like the lip of the other people meditate so!
Joy, anger, love, hate, desire, want to belong to the word.   
Breeding conditions are bad, the lung is the enemy, breaking situation is improving, an end to the Bible.
Eating tidbit, busy dressed well, in large house, things like this, so-called sexual culture.
Laboratory implementation ngue dining, busy flamboyant, not boring houses, things like this, so called lung conditions.
The violations do, do not tell, who raped me, I was not angry, people hurt me, I do not complain, so called break situation.
The violations that, bully them, hurt them, and we consider it not to have compassion on people foolish heart used to be, so-called end to.
If you encounter this reason, the pure of heart often, as in the other Pure Land. Should Beijing Pure List said States pure mind is Buddha translational level. That is: the pure mind, that's Buddha so pure .
Bhagavan Buddha taught that: All the life that is not used (off) . As life how much food, while not letting go of chopsticks then ie, the egress many follower, but when he had to place, which is not, all day just watching on the small walking under the tank, but now has about house, which is not.
Again: As the good work we've done, there is a weariness that is not, but still good karma. Working evil too, distraught makes a pleasant, pleasant, and at once made, but still bad karma.
If intensive enlightened reason, this time should be vegetarians crackers, from sin murdered adversity. When leaving quite customizable parts, from the negativity of arduous person, the walk should end, from sin let loose scrap healing should try, from human error delay time. The commandments should hate, animosity from sin let loose.
I (United Nhut Retirement) Happy unto this reason, so I want everyone knows all. (Tho using three means: 1. Suffering Life. - 2. Lac expectancy. 3. Drain life, ie no suffering, no communications, not. Drain any suffering but unpleasant life, but also from within relatively Suffering with Us). 
Thousands of items of makeup, flashy eye only because half inches. Hundred musical gifts, just because one ear fun beans. Incense, incense camphor, incense Speed ​​radiation, fragrant nose only because two holes. She ate before the abbot, because tasty tongue three feet, peeled na beautiful because body decomposing foul. Going with the welcome, care only for what affection.
If knowledge through reason, the fact that the pleasure to invite no negativity. The Buddha says: The reason why beings from samsara without beginning rings to this day, received six months for their son, self steal his treasure house. That is: He enemy bases, deception, so losing the true nature.
Master Mencius said: Stay with saint, so after quite used to follow form. That is: He was not wrong guy this enemy.
Some sisters witnessing sex work. Manjushri asked: What is not golf? Saith Seeing all beings are not living beings. Manjushri asked: What is seen 18 world? Saith As seen life fire to the whole world.
Manjushri compliment that: Mystery replace that statement. Argues that: All living beings have traditionally not only in the mind's delusion that students, have spent called golf? 18 world is: 6 apartments, 6 ceiling, and 6 form. HR 18 dishes born here so the immeasurable, creating immeasurable evil. So say all the world burned. If you encounter this reason, although Pure unborn, but also gave birth to the Pure Land, then, which has about Pure then, find countless lifetimes courts nor heard much more real.
NOTES true nature
Diamond Sutra, paragraph 27 says great place comments: Argument "True Nature" out without spending, such as nowhere, but nowhere wise not belong here. Wisdom is not that which is not, not really there. Now say that the true nature like nowhere, because in the not to have something there, so say: Truth is not any no. But good is not, the damage can not.
Therewith this no longer in the ring artifacts because artifacts may be disappearing as: A solid ground here, digging out a land size of a ruler turns out not dig out a ground rod, the rod blank not etc ... So good is no longer within artifacts.
Again: As prescribed a cup not so very full a cup of rice, the indestructible lost time and in a home, then took home a wealth of materials to complete a home, something no other time does not exist anymore, so the wise can not perish.
By emptiness of the true nature, nobody artifacts! Nobody destructive! Put in the fire, the fire does not burn, put in water, not drifting, heaven and earth collapsed shattered the world, nor the true nature of it is still not independent from without beginning, without end rings to truly unprecedented volatility, boss ten world both unreal world, that's not so true nature, something makes it perishes it?
Now say what's not true nature, without any thing to compare, so the reluctant, temporary borrow wise not to compare therefore only.
So in Prajna Heart Sutra saying: The gods are not general measures. That is: The French were not, that is what's not so true nature. Next sentence: No central formless and sentences: Infinite, herons very favorable, stated the minister are not the true nature of both, but in the true nature there is nothing more, as in no wise irregular expenditure at all. In the true nature did not have nothing. Yet with all beings is due to a predestined course expectations, in the true nature emerge, such as a foam ball floating on the water. Water is the true nature, as beings foam ball, foam ball tan, returned to pure water, no foam ball, as beings of all expectations, becoming no longer true nature of beings.
Again, the true nature shining example, beings like image. Statues have to have access but often imposing mirror, beings born there is death, but the true nature remains as such. Born kill deduction, the true nature came out, rising and falling, as expected, that the true nature is true.
So Shurangama say: You hope, pepper expectations, any incentives foot galaxy. That is: The objectives and expectations, such legs not longer?
Nature foot here, on the Buddhas, under the jaw to spiritual stupid species, all with full, which is not wrong, but the other, so that is expected.
Shurangama first book: Buddha with Mr Ananda seven phen reasoning mind. But eventually he Ananda only mediocre mind, for the mind, the thoughts, do not the true mind, ie nature center leg (pure sensory intelligence staff) .
Vien Giac Kinh said: We expect students to get the ball is predestined six bare their minds, that is trivial, which are balls of six bare coast, but the mind does not expect capital externalities has six items in the current ceiling should coast false mind.
As the external environment have good color, the inner boot up loving mind sharp. External personnel or voice, the inner affinity hearing until external workers have: Perfume, taste, touch, approach, the inner boot up loving heart: Perfume, taste, touch, and legal.
Arguments that true nature as an example, six ceiling as shown, expectations as ball center. If no scene outside the six bare, no time in promising center. Heart charm shiny six ceiling expectations. Pictures to ball out, the ball went away, but nature remains motionless mirror.
So Kim Cang said: Past prime interest impossible, the current prime interest impossible, future prime interest impossible, but three are called the heart center that idea, because that idea so no past, because great expectations should be present, because thoughts for the future should be. If true mind is without beginning and without end, yet never changes have past, future and present.
The sentence "impossibility prime" is meant not so. As fasting want to eat, when to eat, the other was interested in the past (is over) . While they were eating delicious main bad info is current center. Before not want to eat this time not mind, that is the future center. Three-time center are disappearing, so say "Any possible acquisition".
Five aggregates NO
In Prajna Heart Sutra says Germany Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara place he used Sutra, the five aggregates are not visible, so are all suffering from the yoke.
Five aggregates are: Excellence, feeling, perception, and consciousness. Lust is: Lust itself. Life is: Life application. The idea is: Thought. Acts are: Act now creates fresh operational data. Consciousness is: Distinguish clearly know.
In this dish containing group, the tight, obscuring the true nature so called "Aggregates" or called "phonetic" also a sense that obscure the true nature. 
But identity itself, general rules of a law is disappearing. Tho also optionally use the last instant. World of Matter, Life where two dishes here is not it? And as I thought something GMT, while signed up, he is no longer thought so, then where did this thought is not it?
The center acts artifacts counters review, seems illusory dream like world where the behavior here is not it?
I know all wake distinguish many things dishes born again next life but do not know anymore, so this mode where the prospect is not it?
Question all yokes are suffering from this dish year born. If we can use this location Prajna, shine through clearly. Lust itself is not, the physical body is not accepted where the fear to die. So yoke of suffering from a dish of aggregate. Life is not visible use, the user does not try life, which involved taking care of this body, that is the yoke of suffering from a dish of Life aggregates. Thought is not obvious, the not passionate often thought that the purity, that is the yoke of suffering from a dish of Chiang aggregates. Clearly see all artifacts behavior is not, the site does not accept the office which was quiet from an article that is the size of the administrative yoke aggregates. Seeing clearly distinguished place which ultimately do not understand, do not accept the knowledge and discrimination, which are often so high concentration from a yoke of suffering Soul dishes such aggregates. So before the beginning of a sentence: "Screening is the five aggregates are not, necessarily suffer the yoke" is.
But following the five aggregates, is not true justice, was the shadow of the true nature delusions grace appear, until 6 apartments, 6 died, six informal, 12 predestined, 4 God also are like that. 
Mr. Vuong Huu Nhut Word says He Bodhisattva "Self-interest, the benefit of others".
Lit Book Tzu said: Confucius scrap its heart shape. Residues are: not infected with all things mind. Use the form: Application itself with all things. I (United Nhut Retirement) loves words, so wearisome though languishing without taking as ventricular reviews. Whether caring for glory nor taken as favorable reviews. Because the mind is not so attached to all things.
Human injured Bodhisattva has definitely mortal, new fixtures in all beings born, competition for edification, not previously infected center of all things, all things image corresponding to such teaching.
Then Confucius play mind like this is so Bodhisattvas.
Verses of God's feast you dry bones.
Shelves that:
He is my life before.
I witness this religious Thien Nhan.
Y depending treasures out to mind.
Natural pearl rice turned out.
Thanks to your past life spiritual suffering.
This makes it so that I delight us.
Laying flowers that honest offerings.
The life business saw it not la.
Preta hit back verse cadavers (dead bodies). Shelves that:
Staff at this stinking leather cord.
Acid run whirring turned liter.
Just know voluptuous appetite.
Such recovery shall be considered provisional rather think.
Good karma not the slightest bit of practice.
Huynh pure create offense year, month and day.
Today whip hurt to water.
Anger that is difficult to forget thee.
Two verses here, to teach people life time being, not to cling with such true. Why ? Because consciousness is hinged in the body, thus dictating consciousness. Consciousness such as workers, such as ax hammer body. The barber said ax hammer smart, good times do items, using artless, the item must be bad. The God who knew how to use body lives before practice, this should make you God's blessed. And hungry ghost past life you can not find yourself on doing evil practice, so this makes getting hungry ghost newspaper site also cleverly used, and not well used, acquisition or loss of life as well at first, but right now that newspaper life only. Whether the ceremony though beaten, yet also useful?
DUT quadruplets
Chiang's right big toe, washing watery swelling remember, once the washing time to shin, knee, to the back, left leg too. Gradually the washing out on his back, to the abdomen, to the chest, to the neck, to the head, the whole body are dry washing, only white bone.
Next demarcation piece, white bone consistent view that, per each saw before. Pure white bone center see a long bar, a new thought: The white bone shop Who is this? And other white bones are? Learned body with our consciousness, there are two things. Once again visit our customary white bones separated, before departure a staff, and then to 5 staff and 10 staff to 100 staff, 1000 staff, said the white bones to me obviously does not even spend whole. Often such a great time with my body consciousness which is two things.
Spirit temporarily in the body, such as the housing body. Owner consciousness example, all go home collapsed, and god mode off, this body must decay.
Where should say: Shape died long indestructible and forever in the consciousness in there?
Such visualization practice, the new road so that an end to the death. Much more, give dear god this formula, the time to be reborn in the Pure Land. Every day just practicing like that, naturally for the Party and said unto whom this word, as people drink water, hot air can not be said unto others. Tu is like, the robust body, and spirit are usually open so bright.
SPEAKING OF: As the self, should not accept that selfless, if approved selfless time sa fitness facilities. 
DISCUSSION ON DISPOSAL: Do the four authors innings, though: Being down, but not to accept the self. If approved self, the dark clouds clump (character education) obscures the lunette Hue (true nature).
So Confucius made great quartet performance, saying: "No-self" is. He Bodhisattva of "no self".
If we grasp this separating, time as well as our heart is nowhere, Boundless wandering, do ye even so distinguished. The bar again before it? But just fear, fear not easy getting through justice: Attitudes down only!
PROF Namo Buddha Shakyamuni
Mr. Long Poem, United Nhut Retirement was even academic, six economic understanding: Argument, Strong, Aging, Page, the essential place of our ancestors, he does not give a word a word, it is even necessary use.
Yet, a meal and that, he put the drain, specialized subjects practicing Catholic West, Pure writing, bad placement, or, high, low, layered to press candidates for those fortunate with this book. He left through the land of Zhejiang and counties, personally engraved copies to booksellers in Kien An province where (the Chinese) wonder kindness with tissue apparently not free.
I, (Dai Tu) heard in the Infinite Life Sutra says Beings listen unto the name of Buddha, devotion happy ring to the other students recite prayers, soon was reborn, to retrogression.
Retrogression to the voice on "A Vietnamese capacitance position" Lotus Sutra says Maitreya Bodhisattva has seen unto this level. Now we, if most of the heart Buddha, was born in West Germany Maitreya copper instant. The Buddha said do not lie, we should credit expectancy.
Shaoxing dating to April 7 th leap, year Nham Ngo, Mr Duy Tam Kinh Khe lay in the land, they named Quy Chau, Brand Dai Tu write this epilogue.
Before the Sixth Patriarch heard virtue and reasoning minister Mr Di Su Quan Western states, simple words, the very clear. East (My grandmother), West (Pure) is not far away, but do not get any description minister for class status to recount later, promptly see Wang's Pure literature Retirement Nhut, unexpectedly so blatant!
The number is, the law does not cut, salon, but the basis of mutual benefit and padded, so the Sixth Patriarch virtue for Hotel Career Montagnards, meaning First sermon. So moved west through East at the moment of speaking and disenchantment, not wait thinking conference, Wang also want enlightened Nhut wholly unto the lower, the arguments do this, just go to the Western way, so slippy engraving the publication of which shall not be afraid of large, also by a wounded heart of man, call that was needed so the Forum.
There are people who are writing that Mr. Wang Nhut Retirement realize that where not enter. Deng broke slingshot birds, fish forgot (break) U nom!
Shaoxing date, year Nham Ngo June th June, Mr. Wood submitted, name Save program, nickname Luu Thi processing write this epilogue.
 Mr. Long Tho Vuong Huu Nhut Nowhere Central, after doctors shows pants letter, again to see the Buddhist center, taking the interests of his duty, it's worth calling him a Career "fake Martian middle-linked" (Sen grew in fire) or keep children away leg, bare any infected residents. Buddha said: Themselves not level, before the person concerned is: Bodhisattva Development Center. Voluntarily were members, or the person's sense: Future generation.
I (Dieu Hy) commended Mr. Long Poem press should problems following epilogue. If your character is level saw Di Da, which clearly Pure at heart, by people not unto such, the book documents this poetry in his speech, the beds not in vain.
Year of the Dragon, August, 20th, temple Song Kinh, Mr. Noble Hy-loss mark write this epilogue, at the Office of the Save Status (Made in China).
The Bank On, the son of Li. For more dating Religion, Snake year quarter, in the service contract the disease. On April 5 th, Ngan On also sick, medicine is not loaded rice, to the morning of 19, dreamed that a man dressed in bar shape bai broad, touching on his hand and told me to Ngan Ngan Enable strong quickly. Turn fear Ngan said: He is who?
- I am the Long Poem.
- I can not stand up sick, with how much more affordable at me healthy?
- You have to remember he Important Buddhist concept not teach you?
- Me and every day I still chanting Amitabha alone.
- You get up to eat plain, strongly associated diseases.
Then Daniel Turn plain porridge wake up strongly associated diseases. After Mr. Long Poem see drawing objects, just like people see in dreams print, Ngan Turn heard, lay the old man through 6 of, the person familiar with the Jing taught not tired, guys to learn very crowded. The take-home Xu Quan Xie put together for him, who helped put words to wage full part in outside lane. On 11 January, Daniel Enable children to school, soon to say: Cu Si finished book tonight preaching, chanting Buddhist ceremony as usual, but to watch three, reciting Buddhist few loud voice and said, picking my Buddha , said as he stood died!
That night in the country are those who dream that two people dressed in green took him westward. A good omen this Communication, the man who knew no relatives know, invite each other to complete the feast, but regret not listening to the sermon he said.
Recalling the previous three days has not passed, he commanded all the people to attack their vocation, have heard him say: "After this no longer see me anymore." Before 10 day visit Million Engine Co., through net loss dozens friend said: Dao my career is done, now go well. Then the Buddhist concept of instant community every day counted: Nine hundred and twelve thousand five hundred questions, pasted on the walls of his home Million Public Presbyterian instruments.
Ouch! If you're not a morning person open through the base nature of life and death, time is not easy to reach this level! Daniel phen On one ill, the coffins were laid out in shirt quilt before, thanks to help lay grace, healing sides are strong, fairly called "humiliating death Essence born" so! Who or ask the staff Ngan Turn dreams thought that show! But the potency plain porridge rather lie where it? 
Just know willingly lay profound compassion, the wish to keep up with people. But in the realm of the Permanent President, but do not forget its conception, he recommends Pure convent, married the Buddha, quite such hard hooves and forward or back?
Glass engraving and copy the object you touch to wide area communications dare not drift word, lest people mistake after transmission, so that shows how technology, copy enough out here. In eager followers who see the glass listeners, and thanks to the benefits. His bright spirit open Wang, real proof of this word! 
Mr. Wang called Nhut Retirement, effective self Nowhere Middle Long Poem Layman, this year: Date downstream, worry ye land irreverent Ngan Ly record this epilogue. 
Advantages tha
Sutra said: Not unto his degree, before the person concerned is Bodhisattva Development Center. Voluntarily were members, or the sense tha the Future generation.
We should imitate his aspirant Long Tho Vuong Huu Nhut. After doctors shows pants poetry, through Buddhist mind, taking the interests of their mission, it is a "fake Martian middle-associated" or keep children away any infected foot ceilings apartment. If you see his character as Amida, immediately clear where the heart is Pure. By not like the Pure Land of the Long Poem even more value value.
Advantages tha
How self-interests, the benefit of others? Flower Adornment Sutra says: One instant everything, all that is one, indeed. All this between nothing alone, but stand and exist, like a bowl of rice to eat here we're not alone, but to food farming. Even by the blacksmith, forging parts, forging new hoe farming may be, but can not converge blacksmith forging reaction force, forging an ongoing, even had to ask another prospector other iron etc ...
In contrast, the farmer, to food but could not eat crackers, needed someone to make salt, but salt is not salt probably not! It should be bartered rice cooked food. But probably not eat rice underground dump eat! It takes people to do the dishes, but people do cup, cup feeding may not be necessary to buy rice bowl sell cooked food back, until people have money, nor would eat money, but most need to bring money buy this other animal to eat.
See how the time in this universe, from man to herbs, no one species, which was his alone to grow and survive. We should not pretentious, 'I do not need to eat one. Do not say where in the tray away to eat here is to know, how much the technology of how many people already! The Buddha taught us a great increase when eating must allow "Tam Recommended, Marble Bar" is this sense. When ready to serve, before offering ten Buddha, pray for the benefactors, then "Export Birth" (for) the spirits eat enough. Is not forget that his own benefit, the benefit of others, and grateful to all. Not only are near where people everywhere, so long we do not know, and are benefactors to us all.
For as I was sick, given a shot of medicine, not only thank a teacher for my injections, but was grateful for how much all our ancestors had merit making and leave books. I shop so, then all the people are relatives, solidarity and mutual love. When we left, saw all this other vocational workers. The working people, that is working for us. We're working, ie work for people, for that private Doing that ate it.
Pure Poetry Ministry Long this from beginning to end, only self-interest purpose, the benefit of others. Mr. Vuong Huu Nhut Tan officer after passing through Buddhist teachings see nobility that give rise to, not as a "depression" and bring drugs to the nectar of Buddhism helped partly policing for the Association, nor not parasites. As in the encyclopedia said: Buddhism is not like Confucianism.
Confucianism teaches allowed a port, usually five, as well as teach Buddhism believers Tam regulations permit, the Five Precepts are neo help their society advantages tha whole. 
So look forward to your fellow brethren, and learn to find moral view, Buddhist teachings to mature, so expect improvement dishonest world, often reciting Buddha Amitabha, for repairs to be a soul in clean. Helping my solidarity and inter love, filial father, in harmony love, do not beat each other, do not oppress one another, being weak powerful lost and pray together and pray escape samsara together copper born on plane Pure one house, quite so.
The everyday reminder always to the word "happiness". But, what is happiness? Life is not an extremely masterpiece painting again, but on the contrary, is a thin layer of powder to hide the bad things of human sin, and is a vanity case not only think of the petty interests due vile false ego history. World wonky, homeless, the fierce result today, is due to a law that's causing the resentment of countless lifetimes, enough evidence for the test!
Separate each of us as healthy were suffering, the pain, old age, death was all part further suffering, is put your cheek, teeth long, wrinkled, bent, limbs trembling, shuffled up walking to reliable people .
That! There is life, infinite anguish always urgent, threatening to tissue death stood numb, from birth until death, not one time we were carefree fun, untold suffering unspeakable.
Currently we like everyone, was carrying fake body panels, are in misery miserable situation, precisely because we are still contained in the mind of delusion, selfish, cruel, greedy , pretending to get legs. In other words it is because we have not practically a lap practice Buddha's teaching.
Also look where Buddhism is a true conception of the universe, look no noble motto to live harmonious with the spirit inside and outside scene, because only in rare rhythm, but must try it, our happiness and all the new species can be performed.
Moreover matter waves just drifting downstream capacity, morale is just mind. What have we on hand going with no. And that is not going well in hand there. Fame is not solid, but money was not lasting. But waters accidentally, inadvertently made, we all had this terminal to another terminal has. As bubbles floating and then dissolve it, one futile grasp, hold do to further disappointment? The more involved the more angry, because greed is always coupled with the disappointment, and the harsh reality was cruel. The more angry the more confusion, anger is an incineration furnace overshadowed hearts and bright place.
Little overlooked, they see themselves in our minds how far, where countless lives undergo maintenance shaft in reincarnation, the subject of this body, while bringing other identification but the center remains the center, still before not started, then no tails (amount of money without beginning, without end post-post) , just because of the dark thoughts filled distinguish displacement, obstruction should be no intelligence, causing countless incarnations karma.
If once the heart center was self-aware. Hotel concentration, clear understanding. All were major atrocities in the mind, which was also in the mind, even as the wise man agile, increasingly ideological deception, making people miserable mind, day and night, mind being urged by the ego-relief deviant nature should therefore our minds, if not yet on the true foundation, he can not make the good life is totally fine.
My dear father's passing away, life and death are dictated by our minds, only mind is the master, if arbitrarily cause evil mind Though we want our body to be true, also can not stand be.
Moreover once the center no longer desire for beauty, sound or smell delicious, alien, fame, interests inexorably be pleased. When they do we do not have to mind nostalgic and progressing diligently to improve the situation so heartless towards beautiful and healthy.
Because the world is born, everyone who bear fruit crush the earth, and saw their suffering of life that tire of boring, which give rise to find a way out of suffering. Consider how, when told that: No, that when our senses are not feeling and when, we are told: Lust, the senses when it is in contact with the flow of powers. Indeed nowhere universe also can not, and everywhere No. So Sutra says: Lust is like no, no nothing more excellent, Lust ie No, No Matter ie. The whole is false, like a dream, impermanent, like smoke, relatively like colors at all. 
Such examples may be cited a lot, just to recap we are closely dependent on an organization of this flesh.
Dharma immortality, which is the only law, the enlightened Buddha mind calm and transparent, not the self-liberation, but also a perfect example to spread the truth of the one and indivisible Removal of all species and liberation.

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