Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

150. Beijing Telling the Nagaravinda (Nagaravindeyya Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan travel between Kosala people, with mass monks and go to a Brahmin village of Kosala named Nagaravinda people.
The Brahmin householders in Nagaravinda be heard as follows: "recluse Gotama is Like death, joined the clan Sakka (Shakyamuni), was traveling between Kosala people, with mass billion- pretentious and arrived a Brahmin village of Kosala named Nagaravinda people. The word good is transmitted following the venerable Gotama: "He is the Exalted, level Arhat, Right Turn, might Additional Minh Hanh, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. With winning position, he self-realization this world with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, together with them recluses, Brahmin, the species of heaven and man. Once that realization, he also claimed that he had discovered the theory. He preached good profile, Mid-friendly, good logistics, meaning the full text. He taught full of dignity quite clean. You instead, if an audience with an Arhat so! " 
Then the position Brahmin landlord in Nagaravinda go to Bhagavan. After arriving, some say up to Bhagavan's words welcome to inquire, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends sat down on one side; some people accept the hand bowed in salute Bhagavan and sat down on one side; some people say their name before Bhagavan and sat down on one side; some people quietly sit down on one side. Bhagavan told the Brahmin householders in Nagaravinda sitting aside:
Homeowners Hey, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "Hey Homeowners, Sa-class, Brahmin does not deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings?" Asked this, the Homeowners this, the pagan wanderer that need to be answered as follows: "These recluses, Brahmin does, for color perception by eye, not dispassion, not isolation courtyard, not glass si, inner not the first President, the office itself, and fishing industries, the industry as balance, when no balance. These recluses, Brahmin so unworthy of respect, respect , worship, offerings. Why is that? We have to perceive by the eye color, not dispassion, not glass courtyard, glass si no, inner emptiness, Department bodily acts, verbal, reviews now the balance, if not balance, but we do not see more of the office he's our balance. Therefore, the venerable recluse, Brahmin does not deserve respect, reverence , worship, offerings. "
The monks, Brahmin does, for sound perception by ear ..., for flavor perception by the nose ..., for the position by the tongue awareness ..., for with emotional awareness by itself ..., for the offenses committed by the perception, not dispassion, not glass courtyard, glass si no, inner emptiness, Department bodily acts, verbal, the ascension career by, when no balance, the recluse, Brahmin does not deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings. Wherefore? We are against the law because of the perception, not dispassion, not glass courtyard, glass si no, inner emptiness, Department bodily acts, verbal, the industry as balance, if not balance; but we do not see more of the office he's our balance. Thus, the monks, Brahmin does not deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings. "Asked so, this the Homeowners and he must answer for such the wanderer was pagan.
But the homeowners, if the pagan wanderer He asked the following: "Hey Homeowners, Sa-class, Brahmin deserves respect, reverence, worship, offerings?" When asked this, the Homeowners this and he must answer for his pagan wanderer as follows: "These recluses, certain Brahmin, for the eye color due to cognitive, dispassion , glass courtyard, glass si, interior quietness, the office bodily, verbal, the balance now. The recluse, Brahmin so deserve respect, reverence, worship, worship apparently. Why is that? We for color perception by eye, not dispassion, not glass courtyard, glass si no, inner not the first President, now the office itself, industrial exports, the industry as balance, when disbalance; but we have seen over the office he's our balance. Therefore, the recluse, his Brahmin deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings. "
These recluses, Brahmin yet known due to the ear awareness ..., for flavor perception by nose ..., for the position by the tongue awareness ..., for the contact by body awareness ..., for by standard cognitive measures, dispassion, glass courtyard, glass si, interior quietness, the office bodily, verbal, the balance now, the recluse , Brahmin does deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings. Why? We are against the law because of the perception, not dispassion, not glass courtyard, glass si no, inner emptiness, Department bodily acts, verbal, the industry, the balance, if not balance, but we have seen over the office he's our balance. Therefore, the recluse, his Brahmin deserve respect, reverence, worship, offerings. "When asked this, the Homeowners this, the answer he so for the travelers pagan officers did.
Homeowners Hey, but if wanderer pagan asks the Mr. as follows: "Do what grounds did the venerable, because traditionally, the venerable're talking about it as follows: Surely the venerable He is dispassion, or walking down the road to subdue lust, or a glass of the field, or are on the way to subdue the field, or a glass of delusion, or walking down the road to subdue ignorance? " When asked this, the Homeowners this, the reply of Mr pagan wanderer was as follows: "The venerable abode was living in the remote wilderness of forests humanity. But at the same place, no color perception due to their eye can see, and after the show, enjoy your heart, but at the same spot, there is no awareness of language by ear so they can hear, and after listening, enjoy your heart, but at the same spot, no incense by nose awareness, so that they can smell and after smelling, enjoy heart; but at that place so, without getting your tongue by knowledge, so that they can taste, and after tasting, enjoy heart; but at the same spot, no body contact by awareness, so they can sense, and after feeling, love hearts interesting. Chu sage, so this base, because these traditions, but we're talking about the venerable was as follows: "Indeed, his venerable monks dispassion or walking down the road convince participate, or ly golf, or walking down the road convince courts, or separated si, or walking down the road convince si ". When asked this, the Homeowners this, the answer he just wanderer such pagan.
When they heard that, the Brahmin householders in Nagaravinda told Bhagavan:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather amazing location, Venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what is being covered, point the way to those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see color. Likewise, Bhagavan Dharma was used many means to present. And we now venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge France and refuge they Monks Increase forward venerable Gotama accept us as his disciples, from now until the public network, we embraced life.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/10/2015.

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