Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

124.  (Bakkula would Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A residence in the venerable Bakkula would Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in place of the Squirrels nurture (kalandakanivapa).
Then naked Kassapa, a former friend of Venerable Bakkula would as a layman, go to venerable Bakkula would, after arrival, said to the venerable words of welcome Bakkula would ask; after voicing welcome friends to inquire and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, naked Venerable Kassapa told Bakkula would:
- Hey Sage Bakkula would, how long have you left home?
- Forums are eighty years, the sage, since I left home.
- Sage Bakkula would, in eighty years, how many times, Sage lewd act?
- Sage Kassapa, so do not be asking me: "Sage Kassapa, in eighty years, how many times sage lewd act?" Sage Kassapa, ask me as follows: "Sage Bakkula would, in eighty years, how many times has a great fitness sage arises?"
- Sage Bakkula would, in eighty years, how many times, great fitness sage arises?
- Sage Kassapa, in the eighty years since I left home, I never realized there arose a great education.
- As that venerable eighty years Bakkula would not realize there arose a great education, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I never noticed a great pitch, great harm arises.
- As that venerable eighty years Bakkula would not find great golf, great harm arises, we habitually this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not notice any fitness level arises.
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not notice the pitch range, harm views, yet arises.
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there medical admission of laymen.
- As that venerable monk .. The venerable possession of Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize he had cut with the knife.
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there sewing with needle care.
- As that venerable monk .. The venerable possession of Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in eighty years unless I left home, I did not realize there medical dye to dye
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there Kathina medical apparel.
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there care for your garment of dignity ... have accepted the invitation to eat ... have arisen following plan: "Hopefully, someone invited me to eat ".
- Because that ... a monk Venerable possession of venerable Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there sitting in the house .. with eating indoors ... have recorded details of special minister of women's ... there Women's sermon until the verse four sentences ... can go to defenders monks-ni ... has preached to monks-ni .... I did not realize there sermon for legal practitioners ... I did not realize women can preach to Sa-di-ni.
- As that venerable eighty years Bakkula would not notice there preach to Sa-di-ni, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.
- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I never noticed the family (for whom) .. have ordained (for anyone) .. had received only do care (for anyone) ... I never noticed novice servant ... have ... have a bath in the bathroom .. bath Cunna dab powder with copper on almond massage thanks limbs .. I never noticed disease arises, the oil for a moment .. have brought medicine to a small piece from the tree a-li-Lac gold (haritakikhanda) ... is based on wood-based panels, ... lying down to sleep. .. go rainy season retreat in residence close to the village.
- As that venerable Bakkula would, in eighty years not realize there goes the rainy season retreat in residence close to the village, we life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.
- Just right for seven days, the sage, and defiled, I ate food from inland, and to the eighth day, right knowledge arises.
- As that venerable Bakkula would fit right in seven days, and defiled, ate food from inland, and to the eighth day arises right knowledge, we life over this incident is a rarity, a monk the venerable property Bakkula would. Dear Sage Bakkula would, let me come home in France and this law, let me ordained.
Then naked Kassapa be ordained in France and this Act, be ordained. Ordained not long, Venerable Kassapa, to dwell in solitude, renunciation, no distractions, zealous, ardent, not long to position yourself upstream realization, attainment and residing within the current array Rooftop happy finality on that for this purpose the true Good men ordained death, abandoned the family, not family life towards. He said, "Sanh took advantage, on well-succeeded, what to do did not come back to this state again". Venerable Kassapa and become an Arhat again.
Then venerable Bakkula would, over time, take the key, go from abode to abode the other and say:
- Chu venerable go out! The venerable monks go out! Today I will enter Nirvana.
- As that venerable Bakkula would hold the keys, go from abode to abode the other and say: "Divine venerable go out! Chu venerable go out! Today I will enter Nirvana"; Our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.
Then Bakkula would sit between them venerable monks enter Nirvana.
- As that venerable Bakkula would sit between them monks enter Nirvana, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula would.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/10/2015.

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