Friday 2 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

109. Meeting of Man Moon (Mahapunnama Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Pubbarama (East Park), Migaramatupasada (Loc Form Lecture Hall).
At that time of day the Bodhisattva, the day of the full moon, the full moon night, Bhagavan was sitting between the sun, around which we monks are bound. Then the monks from the seat up, robes on one shoulder, hands in a praying manner, and said Bhagavan:
- I wanted to ask Bhagavan a particular problem, if children are allowed Bhagavan speaks question.
- So the monks, sit on the seat of Mr. and questions like that he wants.
Then the monks did, after sitting down on his seat, venerable sir:
- Buddha, there must be five players aggregates, aggregates ie color, life aggregates, aggregates idea, onions aggregates and aggregates knowledge?
- Hey Monks, these five aggregates, aggregates ie color, life aggregates, aggregates idea, onions aggregates, aggregates form.
- You instead, venerable sir.
Monks did after joy, credit life Bhagavan said words, Bhagavan asked another question:
- Buddha, in these aggregates, taking as a basis what?
- Hey monks, in this aggregates taken as basic education.
- Buddha, there was clinging to the five aggregates, or is outside the five aggregates, with an attachment (other)?
- Hey monks, not primary attachment was five aggregates, nor beyond the five aggregates of clinging. This Monks, when there is the indulgence, greed for five aggregates, there is grasping.
- Buddha, affordable may have differences in the indulgence, greed for five aggregates?
Bhagavan replied:
- Hey monks, may have. Here, the monks there who think like this: "We hope that with such glorious future! Hopefully there feeling like this in the future! We hope that with such a great future! Hopefully there act like this in the future! We hope that such knowledge in the future! " Thus, the monks, have differences in indulgence, greed for the five aggregates.
- But lord, so how is the meaning of the aggregates aggregates?
- Hey Monks, what human identity, past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, so the aggregates of matter. What feelings whatsoever, past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, such as aggregate. What a great Qualities, past, future or present ... far or near, so is ideal aggregates. What actions whatsoever, past, future or present ... far or near, such as volitional. What form whatsoever, past, future or present ... far or near, so is consciousness. Until so, the monks, is the meaning of the aggregates aggregates.
- Do's what, venerable sir, what is accepted by conditions called aggregates of matter? Do what's, what is acceptable coast called sensations? Do what's, what grace is accepted concept called aggregates? Do's nothing, nothing predestined acceptable volitional call? Do what's, what is acceptable coast called consciousness?
- Four university is private, this Monks, four college is acceptable coast called aggregates of matter. Contact is private, is predestined acceptable exposure called sensations. Human contact is, contact the coast called the idea accepted aggregates. Contact is private, is predestined acceptable exposure called volitional. Mentality is the workers, the monks, and matter is acceptable coast called consciousness.
- But lord, how that body is?
- Here, the monks, there are uncultured ordinary guys not understand the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the sages legal practice, not understanding the Chon's degree, not mature Chon's legal levels, not the legal practice of Chon's degree, see identity as the self, or see the self as possessing form, or see colors as in self, or self as in look sharp; see life as self, or self as can see life, see life as in self, or self as in see life; great view to be the self, or ego considered as having ideas, or look great as in self, or self as in see growth; see operating as self, or see self as committing, or whether conduct as in self, or self as in view thereof; see consciousness as self, or see the self as possessing consciousness, or whether there is consciousness as in self, or self as in watch mode.
- But lord, how that body is not?
- Here, the monks, the disciples of St. David documents, go to the sages, the sages legal maturity, the legal practice of the sages, go to Adept's levels, legal maturity levels Chon human, legal practice Chon's levels, not look sharp as the self, or not see the self as possessing form, or not look sharp as in the self, or not see the self as in color; not see life as a self .... not see the self as in life; not a great view as self ..., or not see the self as in thought; not considered to be the self ... act, or not see the self as in practice; not considered to be the self ... informal, not see the self as in form. Thus, the monks, the body is not.
- Buddha, what is of great sweetness, what are the dangers, what is the renunciation? What is the sweetness of life, what is the danger, what is the renunciation? What is of great sweetness, what are the dangers, what is the renunciation? What is the sweetness of the onion, what are the dangers, what is the renunciation? What is the sweet taste of food, what are the dangers, what is the renunciation?
- Hey Monks, what joy optimistic objects arises up, such as the sharp sweetness. What is impermanent, suffering and not being turned in excellent damage such as the dangers of identity. The lust for photography for excellence, the destruction of lust, such as the emergence of sharp glass. This Monks, what joy optimistic life affinity arise, such as the sweetness of life ... such as the renunciation of life. This monks, located charming idea what joy arises, such as sweetness is the emergence of a great .... great cup. This Monks, what joy optimism arises such grace acts as the sweetness of onions ... the renunciation of the practice. This Monks, what joy optimistic charm consciousness arises, such as the sweet taste of food. What is impermanent, suffering and damage in the wake transformed, so is the danger of food. The lust to convince formula, the extinction of lust, such as the renunciation of food.
- Buddha, so ignorant, so see what, without chronic depending newspapers, saying "I am the person to do, under my department was doing", for self-conscious, and for the idea out?
- Hey Monks, what flesh colored, past, future or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, of all colors, seen as truth with wisdom is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." Qualities have a great life ... what ... what what ... human acts have nothing official, past or present and future, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior and superior, far or near, for all mode, see as true wisdom is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." The monks, so know that, the same way, so there is no option alongside newspapers, saying "I am the person to do, under my department who do", for self-conscious, and for all Minister outside.
Then the other monks arose following reflection: "If you are saying, venerable monks, color is selfless, life is selfless, selfless thought, act as selfless, selfless formula is; as So by the selfless actions do was feeling down what result? "
Bhagavan knows the mind of his monks with their thoughts and said to the monks:
- Hey monks, this event occurred, when there fool, senseless, ignorance, and greed was the dominant center, the thought must pass the teaching of the Master with questions asked: "If being said, venerable monks, color is selfless, life is selfless, selfless thought, act as selfless, selfless formula is; so by the selfless actions do was fall yet feeling the results? " Monks of this, the Ta He was predestined coaching search, here and there, for this law, other measures.
The What do you think, the monks, color is permanent or impermanent?
- Impermanence, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent suffering or optimistic?
- It is hard, venerable sir.
- What impermanence, suffering, damage was variable, with reasonably affordable when viewed: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self?"
- Ladies and not so, lord.
- The What do you think, the monks, ... feeling ... perception ... operating mode is permanent or impermanent?
- Impermanence, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent, weal or woe?
- It is hard, venerable sir.
- What impermanence, suffering, damage was variable, with reasonably affordable when viewed: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self?"
- Ladies and not so, lord.
- Therefore, the monks, what colored flesh, past, future or present, internal or external ... all kinds of colors, so shop should be like: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. " What can mortal life, that everyone has something great, something that everyone can practice, what form that everyone has past, future or present, internal or external .. all kinds of food, required to do so consistent: "This is not the me, this is not me, this is not my self. "
Thus, the monks, the disciples of St. David literature on color glass bibs, coveralls drink for life, a great affection for glass, glass for operating overalls, coveralls cup for food.
Do bibs glass should dispassion, dispassion due to be freed. During the liberation, he knew he was freed. He said: "The birth took advantage, on well-succeeded, what should be done is done. From now no longer back this life anymore."
Bhagavan such preaching. The monks did rejoice believers teach Bhagavan word life. While this explanation is to say, the mind of sixty monks were liberated from the cankers, no attachments.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/10/2015.

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