Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

134. Lomasakangiya sage (Lomasakangiyabhaddekaratta Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
At that time, Venerable Lomasakangiya Sakya clan residing in the middle (Shakyamuni), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), at the Vihara Nigrodha (Ni Fishing Law). Then Emperor e Candana A retiring after night, with sharp text dazzling wins Vihara Nigrodha region, go to venerable Lomasakangiya, after coming stood aside. Stand aside, God said to the venerable e Candana Lomasakangiya:
- Hey monks, he has habitually general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared in?
- Hey Sage, I do not habitually general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. Hey Sage, Sage with special life over general theories and theories appeared Circuit Suppose it?
- Hey monks, I did not habitually general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. But these monks, he has habitually appeared Nhut verse about not Say?
- Hey Sage, I do not habitually Circuit Yes verse about Sage. Hey Sage, Sage has habitually appeared Nhut verse about not Say?
- Hey monks, I have shelf life over the Circuit Yes sage.
- Hey Sage, Sage how life over Circuit Yes verse about Sage?
- One time, the monks, Bhagavan residing between Devas Three decades celestial triangle, under trees Paricchattaka (Resident of life), on rocks Pandukambala (Unknown white plaster structure). There, Bhagavan read out the total theory and theory of special Circuit Suppose the gods appeared in Three decades triangle disasters:
Past no trace
no desire Future,
Past was total annihilation,
the less future,
only the present law,
Wisdom here.
Do not work, do not shake,
so practice Know
Today heat heart to
die tomorrow Who knows?
Nobody is negotiating
with army death,
so zealous Resident
night tirelessly day,
Worthy called supreme Hien,
Tier calm, quiet.
This monks, my life over the poem appeared Assuming such Nhut. This monks, learn general and special theories of Circuit Theory Suppose appeared. This monks, learn to master general theory of special lectures and appeared Assuming Nhut. This monks, make presentations and special life over general theory appeared Assuming Nhut. Since this Monks, general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared Assuming related purposes, is the basis of morals.
Then venerable Lomasakangiya, after that night, chronic, clean couch, grab robes and sailed to Savatthi. Sequential travel, Venerable went to Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika his Vihara, go to Bhagavan, after coming bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, venerable lord Lomasakangiya:
- Buddha, the residence time between the Sakya clan, in Kapilavatthu, he Anathapindika Vihara. And lord, one God and death, after night just complacent, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Vihara Nigrodha region, to you and stand aside. Stand aside, lord, God was saying to the Prince: "Hey monks, he has habitually general and special theories of Circuit Theory appeared Say no?" Asked so, venerable sir, I told God that death: "Hey Sage, I do not habitually total special theory of Circuit Theory and Suppose appeared". "- Hey Sage, Sage can maintain life ... is the basis of morals.
Buddha, God was saying such particles. Say that finish, he disappeared there. You instead, venerable sir, if Bhagavan lectures and special presentations for the general theory of verse appeared Assuming Nhut.
- Hey monks, he did not know God to death? Buddha, the Prince did not know God.
- Hey monks, God was called Candana death. The monks, the Emperor e Candana, after attention, after volition, after focusing inner earphones legal jargon. This so monks, listen and think carefully experience, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, lord, venerable Lomasakangiya Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
Past no trace
no desire Future,
Past was total annihilation,
the less future,
only the present law,
Wisdom here.
Do not work, do not shake,
so practice Know
Today heat heart to
die tomorrow Who knows?
Nobody is negotiating
with army death,
so zealous Resident
night tirelessly day,
Worthy called supreme Hien,
Tier calm, quiet.
And the monks, how is tracing the past? He thought: "That's my identity in the past", and tracing the joy in it; "So my life in the past", and tracing the joy in it; "That was my idea in the past", and tracing the joy in it; "So my practice in the past", and tracing the joy of it, "So, is my knowledge in the past", and tracing the joy in it. Thus, the monks, is tracing the past.
And the monks, how was not tracing the past? He thought: "That's my identity in the past", and no trace of joy in it; "So my life in the past", and no trace of joy in it; "That was my idea ... So my issue ... Such is my understanding of the past"; and no trace of her joy. Thus, the monks, is not traced past.
And the monks, how future aspirations? He thought: "Hopefully this will be my best in the future", and tracing the joy in it; "We hope that this will be my future life", and tracing the joy in it; "Hopefully this is my idea ... is my issue ... is the future of my knowledge", and tracing the joy in it. Thus, the monks, is the desire for the future.
And the monks, how is no desire in the future? He thought: "Hopefully this will be my best in the future", and no trace of joy in it; "We hope that this will be my future life", and no trace of joy in it; "Hopefully this will be a great ... would be an act ... will be my food in the future," and no trace of her joy. Thus, the monks, is no desire in the future.
And the monks, how is drawn in the current law? Here, the monks, others ordinary uncultured not go to the saint, not the legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the saints; Legs do not go to the human level, not legal maturity levels of Chan's, not the legal practice of Chan's degree; color consistency is the self, or ego is consistent with sharp, sharp shop is in the self, or ego is consistent in color; or he assume feeling to be the self, or ego is consistent with life, or the life bar is in the self, or ego shop is in life; or he visualizes the self, or ego is a great restaurant, or he is contemplating in the self, or ego is in a great restaurant; or customary practice he is the self, or ego shop he is committing, or is he consistent practice of the self, or ego he is in the operating bar; or he assumes consciousness to be the self, or ego is there food shop, or bar food in the self, or ego is the official shop. Thus, the monks, is drawn in the current law.
And the monks, what is not being drawn in the current law? Here, the monks, have for campaigning St. disciples go to the sages, the sages legal maturity, the legal practice of the sages, go to Chan's degree, master's Legs legal levels, legal practice Chan's levels. This position does not assume form to be the self, the ego is not consistent color, no color bar is in the self, not the self consistent in color; do not shop ... not contemplate life ... no ... not restaurant food restaurant operator is ego, ego is not consistent with food, not bar food in the self, not the self in food shops. Thus, the monks, is not drawn in the current law.
Past no trace
no desire Future,
Past was total annihilation,
the less future,
only the present law,
Wisdom here.
Do not work, do not shake,
so practice Know
Today heat heart to
die tomorrow Who knows?
Nobody is negotiating
with army death,
so zealous Resident
night tirelessly day,
Worthy called supreme Hien,
Tier calm, quiet.

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