Sunday 4 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

Chan's Economics 113. (Sappurisa Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika). Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks" - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows: "Behold the monks, I will preach for Mr. Chan's Chan's legal and non-legal. The experience he listen and think carefully, I will preach" - "Yes, venerable sir ". The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan faculty as follows:
- Monks Hey, how was Chan's legal fees? Here, the monks, some non Chan's home from a noble family. He thought as follows: "I come from a family home topping. And the monks are not ordained from a noble family." Because he belongs family should commend his noble belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, who Chan's thinking as follows: "Not because of a noble family that take going to rid law, or the law courts to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to section except. If a home person, not from a noble family, and he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here , he is praised. " He, after taking the highway (patipadam) as essential (antaram), not their merit for themselves belittle people belonging to noble families. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, a private non-home Legs from a big family .... home from a family of great wealth ... home from an aristocratic family. He thought as follows: "I left home from a noble family, and the monks are not ordained from an aristocratic family." Because he belongs aristocratic family, who should compliment her cooking. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, who Chan's thinking as follows: "Not that belonged to a noble family that take going to rid law, or the law courts go to the exception, or the law come si end. If a home is not from an aristocratic family and he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he is respected here, he is praised. " He, after taking the main highway do not blame people for their compliments himself upon the noble family. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, some non Chan's well known that name. He thought as follows: "We are well known, there is the title, and the monks are little-known, not respected." Because he himself was well known to his merit belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, who Chan's thinking as follows: "Not because I was well known that taking measures to go to get rid of, or go to rid the legal field, or go to rid the legal si . If a home is not well known, has no name, and he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here , he is praised. " He, after taking the main highway do not blame people for their merit on their own and there are many people know the name. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who are the objects of non Legs (offerings) of robes, alms food, couch, medical treatment data. He thought as follows: "I get the kind (donations) as clothing, food and alms, couch, medical treatment data, even monks do not get clothes and food alms, couch, medical treatment material ". Because he was such admission should commend themselves belittle people. Thus, the monks was Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, who Chan's thinking as follows: "Not that I receive objects (offerings like) clothing, food and alms, couch, medical data that take legal medicate go to get rid of, or legal grounds to go to get rid of, or the legal si going to end. If a home people do not get the kind (donations like) clothing, food and alms, couch, medical treatment and whether he practiced law and upon the practice properly, maintain right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he is respected here, he is praised. " He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people praising me, as myself are admitted as such. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who are non-Foot heard. He thought as follows: "I am hearing many people, even monks do not hear much." He was heard because of his merit should belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, The Truth's thinking as follows: "Not so much hear the legal arguments go to get rid of, or legal grounds to go to get rid of, or the legal si going to end. If there many people do not listen and he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here, he is praised. " He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people praising me, because by themselves be heard. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who are non Legs maintain law degree. He thought as follows: "I am the prime law degree, but the monks it is not wise law". Do yourself maintenance law, he commended himself belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And the monks, who Chan's thinking as follows: "Not that he is wise laws that take away to rid law or legal grounds to go to the exception or the law goes to the except delusion. If people are not wise law, these people, and upon the legal practice of the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here, he was praised " . He after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people compliment her for himself is wise laws. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who are non Legs sermon. He thought as follows: "I am the preacher, and the monks are not the preacher". As the preacher himself, so he commended himself belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks thought as follows: "Not by itself is the order that the participating legal sermon go to get rid of, or legal grounds to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to section except. If a person is not a lecture, but lawful practice, and through legal, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here respected him, here, he is praised " . He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people compliment her for himself is the one sermon. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, someone who was a follower of non Legs happy living in the jungle. He thought as follows: "I am happy to live in the forest people under the mountain where the monks are not in accordance with unfortunate lives in mountain forests." He as well live on their own according to compliment his jungle belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Not for himself according happy living in mountain forests that take measures go to the exception, or the law courts to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to end. If a person does not follow well live in mountain forests, but practice upon lawful and legal, practice the right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he is respected here, he be praised ". He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people praising me, because by themselves to cultivating live in mountain forests. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who follow well-worn non Chan y chalk algae. He thought as follows: "I am the person wearing chalk algae cultivating y. But the monks are not even trying to cultivating algae y". This person himself by wearing chalk algae cultivating their health should compliment belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Not because of himself wearing chalk cultivating algae that take legal medicine goes to the exception, or the law courts to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to end. If a person does not follow well-worn medical algae powder, but he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here, he is praised. " He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people compliment her because he himself wore chalk algae. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, someone who was a follower of non Legs almond alms. He thought as follows: "I follow almond alms, and the monks are not in accordance with unfortunate alms". He, by himself according to merit their alms almond belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Not because of himself to cultivating legal alms which involved going to get rid of, or legal grounds to go to get rid of, or the law come si end. If a person does not follow well-alms, but he practiced law and upon the legal right, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he was respected here, he was applauded charcoal". He, after taking the highway as an essential, not belittle people praising me, because under unfortunate alms themselves. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, a private non-Leg according happy living under the tree. He thought as follows: "I am happy to live followers under the tree, and the monks are not happy living under a tree under". He, by himself under the almond tree should live under his commend belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Not that happy living alone under a tree under which the participating legal go to get rid of, or legal grounds to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to end. If a person does not follow well live under a tree, but he practiced law and upon the legal right, and practice right feet upon the legal practice, the time here, he is respected here, he is praised. " He, after taking the highway as an essential, not compliment her cooking for yourself under the unfortunate people live under a tree. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who follow well-lived non-Truth at the cemetery ... ... outdoor living cultivating cultivating often sitting (not lying) ... As well sit on site inviting .. . under the almond only eat once sat. He thought as follows: "I follow only eat once sat well, and the monks are not in accordance with unfortunate only eat once sat. Do yourself to cultivating only eat once sat alone should merit belittle people. Thus , the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Not that I follow only eat once sat unfortunate that involved going to rid law, or the law courts to go to get rid of, or the legal si go to end. If a person does not follow well only once, but practice upon lawful and legal, practice right feet, upon legal practice, the time here, he is respected here, he be praised ". He, after taking the highway as an essential, not his merit for themselves belittle people live only to eat once sat. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, some non Chan's sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and headquarters Zen, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with quarter-centered. He thought as follows: "I am the evidence is preliminary meditation, the monks who are not certified are preliminary Meditation". He himself attained by Meditation should compliment your profile belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "No. Zen, nature is no craving, Bhagavan has said so. Those who think this other world, the instant nature other change ". He took no craving after making essential, not blame people for their merit are the primary evidence Meditation. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, someone's non-Legs and the ending range quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, not reach, no quad, internal static ... Zen center thing Nhut three ... Wednesday Meditation residence certificate. He thought as follows: "I realized the Wednesday Meditation, and the monks are not attained on Wednesday Meditation". He attained the Zen because he should commend himself Wednesday belittle people. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Concentration Meditation fourth craving nature is priceless. Bhagavan said so. Those who think this other world, the instant nature other change ". He took no craving after making essential, not belittle people praising me for the Zen attained fourth. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, some non Chan's identity beyond any thought, idea eradicate all obstacles, no volition for a great horror, he thought: "Nowhere is boundless", witness and No boundless residence. He thought as follows: "My evidence is the not boundless, and the monks are not certified are intended not boundless". He, as the evidence was not boundless, people should compliment her cooking. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Concentration not boundless, land craving nature is priceless. Bhagavan said so. Those who think like this, the other world, the nature immediately changed. " He after taking wealth as a major craving, not belittle people compliment her for the certificate is not boundless. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, someone's non-Legs, No boundless ahead, thinking: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. He thought as follows: "I was the boundless evidence of origin, and the monks are not certified by the boundless consciousness". The proof is that because the boundless consciousness that people should compliment her cooking. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Dinh Thuc boundless craving nature is priceless. Bhagavan said so. Those who think this other world, the nature of solidarity Other ". He after taking wealth as a major craving, not commended themselves to blame people for proof is boundless consciousness. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who took non Legs completely boundless consciousness, thinking, "No property" owned residence certificate Unknown Origin. He thought as follows: "I have attained the Infinite land ownership, and the monks are not certified by the Supreme land ownership". He, as the Supreme evidence that owning land, so people compliment her cooking. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, the following thoughts: "Concentration Unknown Origin owns craving nature is priceless. Bhagavan said so. Those who think this other world, the nature of solidarity Other ". He took no craving after making essential, not belittle people compliment her for proof of ownership is the Unknown Origin. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, there are people who took non Legs Forever land ownership, residence certificate non-ideal non-African origin idea. He thought as follows: "I have great evidence for non-ideal non African origin, while the monks are not certified by the non-ideal heresies African origin". He as evidence for non-ideal non African origin idea that people should compliment her cooking. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal fees.
And who's Leg, the monks, thinking as follows: 'The great African-origin non-ideal non craving nature is priceless. Bhagavan said so. Those who think this other world, the nature immediately changed. " He took no craving after making essential, not belittle people praising me for the non-ideal non-African origin idea. Thus, the monks, as Chan's legal.
Again, monks, who's after Chan took the non-ideal heresies African origin, residence certificate to exterminate life thought, after seeing with wisdom, the defilements of this position is the exception. This monks, monks did not think I was anything, do not think of anywhere else, do not think of any because of anything.

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