Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

120. Business Administration birth (Sankharupapatti Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika). At that Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks" - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes.
Bhagavan says as follows: "Behold the monks, I will preach to the issue Mr. rebirth by bringing back. Listen carefully and heuristics. I will preach." - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Here, the monks, monks full credit and full instructions, the complete text (suta), the full trial, full of wisdom. He thinks as follows: "We hope that after the body damage the public network, we will bear stalks big family residing in surveys to town!" He specializes on her mind, her heart dwell, practicing her mind. The issue is that of monks residing, training, this makes so prolific he put his life on the spot delivery. Monks Hey, this is religion, this is the route to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He thought: "Hopefully, after relatives corrupt public network, we will bear stalks big family residing in Brahmin ... or in layman big family!" He specializes on her mind, her heart dwell, practicing her mind. The issue is that of monks residing, training, this makes so prolific he put his life on the spot delivery. Monks Hey, this is religion, this is the route to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Four Great Heavenly Kings have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures". He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born with the gods reside stalks in four heavenly heavens!" He specializes on her mind, her heart dwell, practicing her mind. The issue is that of monks reside, practice ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Devas Tavatimsa Heaven (celestial triangle Three decades) ..., Devas Yama (Da-ma) ..., Tusita Devas (pain-interest-momentum) ..., Devas Nimmanarati (Chemistry Lac) ..., Devas Paramimmitavasavatti (Tha Chemical Independence) have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures. He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born with permanent stalks Devas in Tha Chemical Self in God! "He specializes in that concentration ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Thousand Brahma have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures" ... This, monks, thousands Brahma permeates life, turning a thousand worlds meet. And he lived permeates, complications of chronic beings are born to that world. Just as, monks, a person holding a left eye amanda (a-ma-Lac) in the left hand and looked at it; also, the monks, thousands Brahma permeates life, turning a thousand worlds meet. And he lived permeates, complications of chronic beings are born to that world. He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we will be born resident stem with thousands Brahma!" He specializes on her mind ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks filled full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Two thousand ... three thousand world Brahma Brahma Brahma ... .. four thousand and five thousand Brahma have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures. Hey billion- pretentious, five thousand Brahma have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures. This, monks, five thousand Brahma permeates life, turned complacent world five thousand. And he lives imbued, variable Chronic beings are born to that world. For example, the monks, who had an impressive debut in left amanda (a-ma-Lac) in the left hand and looked at it. Also, this billion- $ pretentious, five thousand Brahma permeates life, turned complacent world five thousand. And he lived permeates, complications of chronic beings are born to the same world. " He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we will be born stalks residence with five thousand Brahma!" He specializes on his mind .... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Ten thousand Brahma have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures". This monks, ten thousand Brahma permeates living world, making ten thousand worlds meet. And he lived permeates, complications of chronic beings are born to the same world. Just as, monks, a lapis stone jeweled, pretty transparent, octahedral, clever sanding, grinding well, put on a light colored curtains, lights, brilliance; also, the monks, ten thousand Brahma permeates life, turning ten thousand worlds meet him. He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born with ten thousand plus minus Brahma!" He specializes on her mind ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Hundred thousand Brahma have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures". This monks, hundreds of thousands living Brahma permeates, complications of chronic hundred thousand world ... He also instilled, turned complacency beings are born to the same world. For example, a jewelry made of gold (jambonada), is cleverly forged in the furnace of a skilled goldsmith, if placed on a light colored curtains will shine, shining, brilliant; also, the monks, hundreds of thousands of Brahma abides instill complacency hundred thousand world turns ... He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born with hundreds of thousands of resident stem Brahma ! " He specializes on her mind ... "... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Chu Quang Quang natural disasters ... Qualification, Boundless Light ... Quang Yin natural disasters have long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures". He thought: "I hope that ..." ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Divine Pure natural disasters .... lack ... Countless Pure natural disasters ... denatured with long life span, with fine minister, has many pleasures". He thought: "I hope that ..." ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Square Fruit natural disasters ... Forever ... Forever Heat negativity bias ... bias bias .. A-ca-ni-sa disasters have long-life, with fine minister, will be optimistic Life ". He thought: "I hope that after the body damage the public network, we are born with lettered A resident stem-ni-ca-sa disaster". He specializes on her mind ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Gods gained boundless Nowhere, with life-long, permanent resident, have many pleasures". He thought: "I hope that ..." ... to existence that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He was heard: "Gods gained boundless consciousness ... has gained possession Unknown Origin ... have achieved non-ideal non African origin idea, have life-long, permanent resident, be optimistic Life ". He thought: "I hope that ..." ... to existence in that place.
Again, monks, monks full credit and full instructions, full text, full of generosity, full of wisdom. He thought: "We hope that, with the exception of contraband or, with the winning position, I realized, attained and currently reside within the mind liberated, liberating insight outflows!" He with the exception of contraband or, with the winning position, realization, attainment and residing within the current rescue center, liberating insight outflows. This monks, monks are not born somewhere, not born somewhere.

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