Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

141. Business Distinction of Fact (Saccavibhanga Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time, the Exalted in Baranasi (Benares), Isipatana (Chu Tien rotten place), at Migadaya (Deer).
There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Revered sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Supreme Falun was Bhagavan, level Arhat, transport Enlightenment in the Deer Park, Chu Tien rotten spot, at Balaam complaints. Not a recluse, Brahmin, devas, Mara, Brahma or anyone in the world can halt, reverse transport, ie the open market, says the theory, construction equipment, is established, expand, differentiate, revealing four Bible-soles.
Which four? The revelation, states, Competition, is setting up, expansion, discrimination, manifest noble truth of suffering; revelation, states ... the noble truth of suffering episode; revelation, uttered ... kill the Noble Truth of Suffering; revelation, uttered ... Noble Truth of Suffering destroy religion. Supreme Falun, the monks, was Bhagavan, level Arhat, transport Enlightenment in the Deer Park, Chu Tien rotten spot, at Benares. Not a recluse, Brahmin ... or anyone in the world can halt, reverse transport, ie the open market, says the theory, construction equipment, is set up, expand, differentiate, manifest four St.-soles.
This Monks, Sariputta and Moggallana go close, this Monks, Sariputta and Moggallana to be close; for he is the gentle monks position (Pandita), is even the virtues of tons of copper. As a sentient form, the monks, such as Sariputta! As a sample support, such as Moggalana! This Monks, Sariputta guides to effective project flow, and Moggallana to ultimate guide means. This Monks, Sariputta may open market, says the theory, construction equipment, is set up, expand, differentiate manifests broadly Four Noble Truths.
Bhagavan said so; Such talk is finished, Auspicious from the seat up and went into his residence.
There, venerable Sariputta, after Bhagavan go soon, he called the monks: "reverences". - "Yes, sage." The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
- Chu Hien, Supreme Falun was Bhagavan, level Arhat, transport Enlightenment in the Deer Park, Chu Tien rotten spot, at Benares ... revelation, states, Competition, establish, expand, differentiate, to manifest religion Noble Truth of Suffering kill.
This and reverences, how is the Noble Truth of Suffering? Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, (patient is suffering), death is suffering, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and suffering brain is; need not be that hard. In summary, five aggregates is suffering.
Reverences, how is born? Each each class of beings, in each gender category, the manufacture, export and delivery, manufacturing center, our rebirth, the presence of aggregates, the planned acquisition of the unit. Reverences, so called birth.
Reverences, how old? Each each class of beings, in each gender category, the old aged, the decay, tooth loss status, status of silver hair, wrinkled skin, their lifespan, the ruined house. Reverences, so called old.
Reverences, what death? Each each class of beings in each gender category, passing, the death, the body damage, destruction, death, death, time has come, the aggregates are eradicated, the discarded corpses. Reverences, so-called dead.
Reverences, what is sad? Reverences, with those who encounter this crash or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the sorrow of him. Reverences, so-called grief.
Reverences, how is compassion? Reverences, with those who encounter this crash or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the tragic, the tragic, wailing, weeping, the carbon balls, the balls of his system. Reverences, so called bi.
Reverences, what is suffering? Reverences, the suffering of the body, the body is not refreshed, the suffering caused by the body sensations, is not by itself a refreshing sensation. Reverences, so called suffering.
Reverences, how is the priority? Reverences, mental suffering, is not refreshing the mind, suffering from heart sensations, not refreshed the mind-feeling. Reverences, so called pros.
Reverences, how is the brain? Reverences, with those who had an accident or other accident; for those feeling the pain or other suffering, the shirt brain, the brain compassion, frustration, despair of him. Reverences, so-called brain.
Reverences, how was the sudden pain? Reverences, sentient beings are dominant, start expecting: "We hope that we from being dominated! Hopefully we do not have to go reincarnate". Word does not seek achievement. So-called sudden demand suffering. Reverences, being old was being governed ... sick ... beings governed dead beings are governed ... sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain dominant, start expecting "Hopefully we from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain dominant!" We hope that parties take us from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief brain! "The expectation was not fulfilled. So called sudden demand suffering.
Reverences, how is short, five aggregates is suffering? As sharp aggregates, aggregates life, thoughts aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form. Reverences, so-called short, five aggregates is suffering.
Reverences, how is the Noble Truth of Suffering? The craving to existence, the joy and friendship with desire, seek joy here and there; as sex love, friendship love, very good friendship. Reverences, so called Suffering Holy Roman Emperor.
Reverences, and how is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering? The cessation is no longer nostalgic craving it, detachment, the exhaust, the liberation, the immaculate (craving that). Reverences, so called anti Noble Truth of Suffering.
Reverences, how is the noble truth of suffering anti religion? It is the Noble eight branches, ie right knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
Reverences, how is the chief knowledge? Reverences, knowledge of suffering, knowledge of Suffering, the Cessation of Suffering knowledge, direct knowledge of the Cessation of Suffering. Reverences, so called chief knowledge.
Reverences, what is right thought? Thinking about sex cup, thinking about the very field, thinking about any harmful. Reverences, so-called right thought.
Reverences, what is right speech? Resist not lie, do not say two-edged restraint, refrain from harsh, refrained say frivolous. Reverences, so-called right speech.
Reverences, what is right action? Resist no killing, no stealing restraint, refrain from sexual misconduct. Reverences, so-called right action.
Reverences, what is right livelihood? Reverences, here saint disciples abandon wrong livelihood, right effort to live by. Reverences, so-called right effort.
Reverences, and how the Effort? Reverences, here monks, against the evil, unwholesome unborn law, arise desire not to arise; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For evil, immoral law was born, arises the will to eradicate; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For good behavior unborn, unwanted start-up makes arise; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. For good behavior did arise, arise desire makes reside, not for corruption, making the growth, development, fulfillment; This position attempt, effort, determination, steadfastness. Reverences, so called Effort.
Reverences, how is mindfulness? Reverences, here, monks living body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life ... Life on the sensations shop ... shop on the heart center. .. shop on the legal approach, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, to overcome covetousness in life. Reverences, so called mindfulness.
Reverences, what is right concentration? Reverences, here, Fitness monks glass, glass evil evil law, evidence and first permanent meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, with views, with the quarterfinals. Area Games monks was destroyed, killing the quarter, residence certificate Meditation Monday, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. Monks glass discharge residence joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, Zen residence certificate Tuesday. Monks was optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill incentives sensations rapture before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Reverences, so-called right concentration.
Reverences, so called anti religion Noble Truth of Suffering.
Chu Hien, Supreme Falun was Bhagavan, level Arhat, transport Enlightenment in the Deer Park, Chu Tien rotten spot, at Balaam complaint, not a recluse, a Brahmin jelly, devas, Mara, Brahma or anyone in the world can transit the opposite, ie the open market, says the theory, construction equipment, is set up, expand, differentiate, manifests the Four Noble Truths.

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