Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

127. Doing A-na-law (Anuruddha Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa defense), at Jetavana (Member States-momentum), his place Anathapindika Vihara (Anathapindika). Then make a carpenter Pancakanga:
- Come, this other person, go to the venerable Anuruddha (A-na-law), on behalf of us, his head bowed and feet venerable Anuruddha said as follows: "Venerable Sir, carpenter Pancakanga bow The venerable Anuruddha bowed, and said: We hope that the venerable Anuruddha with three more, accepted the invitation to dine tomorrow with carpenter Pancakanga eat. Hopefully venerable Anuruddha arrive very soon, because carpenters Pancakanga much work, there much obliged to do for the king ".
- Ladies and yes, venerable.
He replied yes Pancakanga carpenter, went to the venerable Anuruddha, having bowed to the venerable Anuruddha, he sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, he said venerable Anuruddha:
- Carpenters Pancakanga bow my head and said venerable Anuruddha as follows: "Venerable Sir, hoping that venerable Anuruddha with three more tomorrow to use meal with Pancakanga carpenter. Venerable Sir, hope Venerable Anuruddha to very soon, because carpenters Pancakanga have much work, have a duty to do more for the king ".
The venerable Anuruddha silent accepted. Then the Venerable Anuruddha, after that night, chronic, morning robes, holding a bowl y, go to carpenter Pancakanga abode, after arriving on site sat ve prepared. Then manually carpenter Pancakanga solicitations and make correspond venerable Anuruddha with epigastric dishes, sort hard and soft types. And after the venerable Anuruddha had eaten, had taken his hand from the bowl, grab a chair carpenter Pancakanga low and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, carpenter said to venerable Anuruddha Pancakanga:
- Here, venerable sir, the Elder Monks come and say: "Hey Homeowners, please cultivate immeasurable deliverance". There are some Elder said as follows: "Behold The homeowner, make great practitioner practicing freedom of mind". Venerable Sir, immeasurable deliverance and great practitioner rescue center, the other measures that is both just another document, or synonymous, only different documents?
- Homeowners Hey, let's speak about what he thinks about this issue; thus, this issue will become a reality for him.
- Venerable Sir, I think as follows: "unconscionable act of liberation and great freedom of mind, which means legal entities but other documents."
- Hey Homeowners, immeasurable deliverance and great practitioner rescue center, the other measures that is both just another writer. Therefore, it lay, here need to understand true practice, this approach means that the other has another meaning both documents.
And it lay, how is immeasurable deliverance? Here it lay, monks residing, turned complacency with an ownership interest statement with the word, so the Monday, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the land, the border around the multitude, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with the word, generous, boundless, no hate, no anger . ... With the organic mind with compassion, ... with organic heart with rapture question ... abides, turned complacency, an existence centered questions with equanimity, ... generous, unbounded, without hate, no yard. Thus, it lay, called immeasurable deliverance.
This lay, how was great practitioner rescue center? Here it lay, monks until a tree, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Here it lay, monks until two or three trees, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Here it lay, monks until a farm village reside, complacency and instill turn to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Here it lay, monks until two or three farming villages, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Here it lay, monks until a higher realm, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Here it lay, monks until two or three great kingdoms, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation). Thus, this Layman called great practitioner rescue center. Therefore, it lay, here need to understand properly with this method, it just means that the other legal means, just another writer.
This Layman, have four birth this property (bhavuppattiyo: four the arising of a new life). Which four? Here it lay, with people, with limited amounts halo (parittabha) dwell, variable and instill complacency. He shared network damage after the body is being stemmed residence with celestial beings Quang Min. Here it lay, someone with immeasurable glory, dwell, variable and instill complacency. He shared network damage after the body is being stemmed residence with celestial beings of Boundless Light. Here it lay, someone with contamination halo, dwell, variable and instill complacency. He shared network damage after the body is being stemmed residence with celestial beings Optical contamination. Here it lay, someone with pure light, dwell, variable and instill complacency. He after themselves born-plus septic joint network with editors Tinh Quang residence disasters. Lay this, there are four types of this being organic.
There are times, it lay, the other gods gathered in one place. When these specialists gathered in one place, can see the difference in color, do not you see the difference in halo. For example, it lay, with many people holding oil lamp went inside a house. When the oil lamp that was brought into the house, you see the difference in the flames, but have not seen the difference in light. Also, this lay with the other gods gathered in one place. When these specialists gathered in one place, can see the difference in color, do not you see the difference in halo.
There are times, it lay, her gods, go out from there. When he comes out of heavenly beings from other places, you see the difference in color and also see the difference in halo. Just as, Layman, have brought many oil lamps out of her house, when her oil lamp was brought out of that house, you see the difference in color and also see the difference in light. Also, this lay with the gods that go out from there. When he comes out of heavenly beings from other places, you see the difference in color and also see the difference in halo.
This Layman, Devas did not have to think: "This is a permanent, permanent, eternal for us." But nowhere did the gods dwell, at that place, devas living in comfort. For example, it lay, when the flies were carried away in the pole or in the basket, they can not think: 'This is a permanent, permanent or habitual for us ". But nowhere, nowhere flies dwell there, in that spot, the flies that live in comfort. Also, it lay, Devas had no thought: "This is permanent, or permanent resident for us". But nowhere, nowhere did the gods dwell, at that place, devas living in comfort.
When they heard that, venerable sir Abhiya Kaccana with venerable Anuruddha:
- Goodness rather, venerable Anuruddha! Here, I have a question I need to ask for more. Venerable Sir, gods with halo, all have a limited amount of halo? Or is there some gods have boundless aura?
- Hey Sage Kaccana, depending on the case, here some halo gods have limited quantity, but here there are some gods have boundless aura.
- Dear Venerable Anuruddha, what's due, conditioned by anything, even when he was being run gods in one God we, have an aura of Devas have limited volume and there are some other gods halo wealth quantity?
- Sage Kaccana Hey, here I will ask Sage. If patience Sage, Sage will answer. This Kaccana Sage, Sage think? Monks to a tree, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), and monks until two or three trees, dwell, and instill complacency large variations until such (during meditation), in two practice this mind, the practice of the broader public interest?
- Venerable Sir, monks until two or three trees, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), in his mind both the practice, the practice of this center wider.
- Hey Kaccana Sage, Sage think? Monks until two or three trees, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), and monks, to a farming village, dwell, variable and instill complacency until such large (during meditation), in two practice this mind, the practice of the broader public interest?
- Venerable Sir, monks until a farm village, dwell, turned complacency, and instill so big until (during meditation), during his two practice center, this center wide practice bigger.
- Hey Sage Kaccana, monks until two or three farming villages, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), and monks to a higher realm, Security stay, complacent and instill turn to such large (during meditation), in his mind two practice, practice the broader public interest?
- Venerable Sir, monks, to a higher realm, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), in his mind both the practice, the practice of this center wider.
- Hey Sage Kaccana, monks until a great king, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), and monks until two or three a higher realm, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), in his mind both the practice, the practice of the broader public interest?
- Dear venerable Anuruddha, monks until two or three great kingdoms, dwell, variable instill complacency and so extensive that (during meditation), in his mind two cultivation, cultivation This center broader collective.
- Hey Kaccana Sage, Sage think? Monks until two or three great kingdoms, dwell, and instill complacency turned to such large (during meditation), and monks until the maritime boundary land take, dwell, chronic and variable instill such great until (during meditation), in his mind two practice, practice the broader public interest?
- Venerable Sir, monks until the maritime boundary land take, dwell, and instill complacency variables such large (during meditation), in his mind both the practice, the practice is vast center more.
- Hey Sage Kaccana, because this person, because this coast, between the gods that are being run in a Heavenly them, with a halo of Devas have limited amounts, but there are some gods have countless aura amount.
- You instead, venerable Anuruddha! I have a need to ask more questions. Venerable Sir, the gods halo, halo may be all there is contamination or some gods have pure light?
- Depending on the circumstances, this sage Kaccana, here are some gods have halo contamination, but here there are some gods with pure light.
- Dear Venerable Anuruddha, what's due, conditioned by what, in gods that are being run in a Heavenly them a halo of contamination, but there are some gods have pure light?
This Kaccana Sage, Sage and I will give an example. Thanks to the example here, wise people understand the meaning of words. For example, this Kaccana Sage, a lighted lamp with oil is not clean, with light heart is not clean. Because oil is not clean, and also because the heart is not clean lights, fire up the tree lights are obscured. Also, this sage Kaccana, here monks reside, and imbued with complications of chronic contamination halo. The body's sexual behavior he is not clever ending, dullness torpor not well rid, foreign agitation too smart not convince. Because the body is not well terminated sexual behavior, because not well rid of dullness torpor, so artless convince foreign agitation too, so he was burning up a tarnished. He shared network damage after the body is being stemmed residence with halo gods have contamination.
For example, the Sage Kaccana, an oil lamp was burning, with clean oil and the wick is also clean. Because oil is clean and also cardiac lights are clean, so that the lamp is not burning obscure. Also, this sage Kaccana, here monks reside, complacency and imbued with variable pure light. The body of your sexual behavior is well finished, dullness is well rid torpor, agitation was cleverly convince repentance. Because sexual behavior itself is well over, so be clever dullness torpor rid of, because agitation is cleverly convince repentance, so he was burning up without obscure. After the body damage the public network, he was born with Devas have stemmed stay pure light.
Kaccana this sage, so this person, because this coast, between gods that arise in one God and we, with a halo of Devas have contamination, but there are some gods with pure light.
When they heard that, venerable sir Abhiya Kaccana with venerable Anuruddha:
- It's rather healthy, venerable Anuruddha! Venerable Sir, venerable Anuruddha has no say as follows: "So I hear," or "The fact is the case." In contrast, venerable sir, venerable Anuruddha said only: "This is such Devas and the other gods is the same." Venerable Sir, I think as follows: "The venerable Anuruddha certainly lived before, had conversations before, have conversations with the gods before him".
- Hey Kaccana Sage, Sage's speech to almost challenging me to declare, but I will answer for Sage. Kaccana this sage, had long, I have lived before, had conversations before, have conversations with the gods before him.
When they heard that, venerable carpenter Abhiya Kaccana told Pancakanga:
- It benefits instead of him, the Layman, that he had cut through their doubts before, and also had the opportunity to listen to this method.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/10/2015.

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