Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

 142. Distinguishing offerings (Dakkhinavibhanga Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan between family residence Sakka (Interest-Ca), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-ty-la-defense), at the Vihara Nigrodha (Ni-the-law Life Member).
Then Mahapajapati Gotami (Female Ma-ha punch-three-bar-she-subject), bring a pair of new medicine, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Mahapajapati Gotami lord:
- Buddha, this new pair due to child care and textile special cut for the Exalted. Buddha, Bhagavan hope for kindness introspection Receive the child.
When they heard that, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:
- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha. She offered Sangha, time I will be reverent, and the Sangha, too.
Second, Mahapajapati Gotami lord:
- Buddha, this new pair due to child care cut and weave .. Receive the child.
The second time, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:
- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha .. and the Sangha, too.
The third time, Mahapajapati Gotami lord:
- Buddha, this new pair due to child care cut and weave ... Receive the child.
The third time, Bhagavan told Mahapajapati Gotami:
- Hey Gotami, make offerings to the Sangha ... and even increase them, too.
When they heard that, Venerable Ananda lord:
- Bhagavan please get a new medicine for Mahapajapati Gotami pair! Buddha, Mahapajapati Gotami had much help Bhagavan, is to sample, the sample support, has nurtured Bhagavan, Bhagavan gave breastfeed, given that after the birth, the mother of Bhagavan common destiny, the Bhagavan gave her breastfeeding. Buddha, and Bhagavan also Mahapajapati Gotami much help. Buddha, thanks to Bhagavan, Mahapajapati Gotami was refuge in the Buddha, the French, the Sangha. Buddha, thanks to Bhagavan, Mahapajapati renounce killing, abandoning taking what is not given, from misconduct in the sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon captivated bring wine. Buddha, thanks to Bhagavan, Mahapajapati Gotami full unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, full unwavering loyalty toward the French, full of unwavering loyalty to us Increased activity, full of Noble precepts do rejoice. Buddha, thanks to Bhagavan, Mahapajapati Gotami no doubt for suffering, no doubt against Suffering, no doubt to the Cessation of Suffering, no doubt on the way to kill pain. Buddha, Bhagavan also Mahapajapati Gotami much help.
- It is thus the Ananda! It is thus the Ananda! Ananda, if so ask someone, that someone else was in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, this time Ananda, I say that this person does not have a worthy reward for the other person to pay homage , stand up, accept the hand, to do things right and the offering of the offering as medicine, food alms, couch, pharmaceutical treatment.
If so thanks a person that another person renounce killing, abandoned taking what is not given, from misconduct in sexual abandon, renounce lying, abandon passionate wine yeast, cooking wine, this time Ananda, We say that this person does not have a worthy reward for the other ... pharmaceutical treatment.
Ananda, if so ask someone else complete an unwavering respect for Buddha, for France, for the increase, full of rules, this time Ananda, I say that this person did not have a reward any other person deserves to ... pharmaceutical treatment.
Ananda, if so thanks a person that another person has no doubt about the suffering, no doubt against Suffering, no doubt to the Cessation of Suffering, no doubt, for the path to pain killing , this time Ananda, I say that this person does not have a worthy reward for the other ... pharmaceutical treatment.
Ananda, there are fourteen kinds of offerings categorized by class people. Giving the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, is offering one, classified by categories of people. Giving the Buddha's enlightenment than reading, is offered Monday, classified according to the category of people. Giving the Arhat level, practitioners Tathagata, is offered Tuesday, classified according to the category of people. Giving the road position attained Arhat is offered Wednesday, classified according to categories of people. Giving the position attained Any hybrid, is offered Thursday, classified according to the category of people. Giving the road position attained Any Hybrid is offered Friday, classified according to the category of people. Giving the attained position is offered Reload seventh classified by categories of people. Giving the road you most is attained eighth offerings, classified according to the category of people. Giving the attained position is expected to save the ninth offering, classified according to the category of people. Giving the attained position on the road is expected to save tenth offerings, classified according to the category of people. Giving even the Foreign Study (bahiraka) has dispassion of desire are offered eleventh, classified according to the category of people. Giving the ordinary rules preserve the twelfth offerings, classified according to the category of people. Giving the world's evil ordinary donations under the thirteenth, classified according to the category of people. Giving these kinds of offerings animalzxy is fourteenth, classified by categories of people.
Here, this Ananda, after giving alms to the kind animalzxy, this offering has brought hope hundred merits. After alms for ordinary follow evil world, this offering has brought hope to thousands of parts merit. After Bell for the ordinary preservation rules, this offering has brought hope merit hundred thousand times. After giving alms to the Gentiles school had participated in the desire glass, this offering has brought hope hundred thousand memories merit times. After Bell for the position on the road attained a Stream, this offering has brought hope countless immeasurable merit. And say to those who have attained a Stream? And say to those on the path to your future Best attained? And say to those who have attained the First Life? Also mention that your path attained Real Life? And say to those who have attained Real Life? Also mention that your path attained Arhat? And say to those who have attained Arhat, disciple Tathagata? Also mention that your Buddha unicorn? And say to the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment?
Ananda, there are seven kinds of offerings to the Sangha. Giving to both the Sangha with the Buddha's head position was first offered Sangha. Giving both Sangha, after Buddha's passing away Monday Sangha offerings. Giving them monks Boost is offering Sangha Tuesday. Giving them monks and nuns is offering fourth Sangha. Giving and say: "May the Sangha assign me some monks and monks and nuns so", is offered Thursday Sangha. Giving and say: "We hope that the Sangha assign me some monks so", is offering Friday Sangha. Giving and say: "We hope that the Sangha assign some monks and nuns so", is offering Saturday Sangha.
But this Ananda, while the future will have the character class switch (gotrabhuno), with a coffee-sa yellow shirt around his neck, evil world, evil law, and the generosity towards them up by the evil world. But this Ananda, when I say that offerings to the Sangha are countless and immeasurable, this time Ananda, I do not want to say anything whatever means, a charity classify individuals according to the results greater for offerings to the Sangha.
Ananda, there are four kinds of purity of offerings. Which four? Ananda, have been pure kind donations by people, but not by the recipient. Ananda, have kind donations are purified by the recipient, but not by people. Ananda, which kinds are not pure donations by people and also by the recipient. Ananda, have been pure kind donations by people and also by the recipient.
This and Ananda, how is the kind of offerings are purified by him, but not by the recipient? Here, Ananda, who for the precept, according to dhamma, while others follow evil world, according to the legal evil. Thus, this Ananda, is kind offerings are purified by him, but not by the recipient.
This and Ananda, how is the kind of offerings are purified by the recipient, but not by the people for? Here, Ananda, evil people to follow instructions, follow the evil law, and those who receive the precept, according to dhamma. Thus, this Ananda, is kind offerings are purified by the recipient, but not by people.
This and Ananda, how is the kind donations are not pure by people and also by the recipient? Here, Ananda, evil people to follow instructions, follow the evil law, and recipients also follow evil world, according to the legal evil. Thus, this Ananda, is not pure donations by people and also by the recipient.
This and Ananda, how is the kind of offerings are purified by the people and also by the recipient? Here, Ananda, who for the precept, according to dhamma; and recipients also precepts, according to dhamma. Thus, the Ananda, the offerings are purified by people and also by the recipient.
Ananda, so that the purity of the four types of offering.
Bhagavan such preaching. Auspicious one after saying so, gurus say more:
Who is sufficient discipline,
generosity to evil men;
specimens were lawful,
With joyful mind well,
with steady confidence
of the industry is too large,
so the offerings,
Purity by donors.

Who does not keep the commandments,
Giving to charity gender
specimens not lawful,
with no happy heart,
no firm confidence,
At Large fruits of karma,
so the offerings,
the purification by the recipient.

Who does not keep discipline,
generosity to evil men;
specimens are not lawful,
with no happy heart,
no firm confidence,
At large fruit industry,
the offerings so
both impure.

Who is sufficient discipline,
generosity to improve gender;
specimens were lawful,
With joyful mind well,
with strong faith,
On big results now,
I tell her generosity
certainly have great results.

Who renunciation craving
Giving no craving,
specimens were lawful.
With joyful mind well,
with strong faith,
On big results now,
I say that charity

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