Friday 2 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

Economics 102. Five and Three (Pancattaya Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana (United-da-Forest), in Anathapindika his monastery. Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks" - "Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
A discussion of the future
- Hey monks, with some recluse, Brahmin discussion of future discussions on the future, on future health, claims many other wrong views. Here, some declared: "After death, the ego is not sick, have thought." Here, some declared: "After death, the ego is not sick, not great." Here some statement: "After death, the ego is not the disease, non-ideal and non-ideal non". Or they advocate destructive annihilation, extermination of sentient beings exist currently. Or some of the claims of the present Nirvana.
Thus, they advocate after death, no disease exists ego. Or they advocated annihilation, destruction, extermination of sentient beings exist currently. Or a current statement of Nirvana. Thus, this doctrine, after a year back in three, after three, back into the year. This is the general theory of five and three.
Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, there is a great ego, not the disease, the venerable recluse, his Brahmin or owners posthumous ego undertakings have excellent, with a great, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or no color, there is a great, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity and no identity, there is a great, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity no identity and no not that great, not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin he advocated self or thought most, have thought, not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, a great ego or heterosexual, has a great, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin he advocated self after death or great minority, have thought, not sick; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, boundless ego or thought, with ideas, not the disease. But some claimed this variable formula (vinnanakasina) when passing from (upativattatam) become boundless, motionless.
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said as follows: "The venerable recluse, Brahmin any undertakings after death, there is a great ego, not the disease, the venerable Sa keeper, his Brahmin undertakings after death, the ego or identity, with ideas, not the disease; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, ego or no sharp, with great, not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death the self or colored and colorless, with ideas, not the disease; the venerable recluse, three- la-half after his death he advocated self or no color and no color not that great, not sick; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, ego or a great Nhut, have thought, not sick; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, or simple ego ideal, with ideas, not the disease; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, ego or a great minority, have thought, not sick; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, boundless ego or thought, with ideas, not the disease. Or Tathagata know idea what kind of ideal types that are claiming to be pure, supreme, First, supreme, ie color perception, ie formless idea, ie Nhut idea, that is a great horror. Saying that "no ownership", some claimed land ownership Forever is immeasurable, motionless. Knowing that this one belongs compounded, rough measures, but there is cessation of practice, knowing there is the cessation of this, Tathagata find liberation from compounded and compounded beyond ".
Here, the monks, the monks, three- la-subjects are advocated after death, self utopia, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity impossible, not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, no idea, no disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity no identity, no idea, no disease. The venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death the self or identity is not, no no color, no idea, no disease.
Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, there is a great ego, very sick, some defamatory of him. Why? They said: "Perception is sick, thought boils, arrows thought; this was the first President, unique magic that is mindless."
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said as follows: "The venerable recluse, Brahmin any undertakings after death, the ego is not great, not sick; the venerable Sa jelly, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, utopia, not sick; The venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or not identity, utopia, not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity and no identity, no idea, no disease; the venerable recluse, Ms. He advocated leveling-half after his death, the ego or no color, no no color, no idea, no disease. " This monks, monks or Brahmin who says as follows: "In addition to color, outside life, outside ideas, alien, outside the wake, I will advocate the future, current, death, birth, growth, increased prosperity, and increase college "; the situation there is not so. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the issue, aware of the cessation of this, Tathagata salvation compounded and compounded beyond.
Here, the monks, the venerable recluse, Brahmin any postmortem advocated self-non-thought idea is Africa, not the disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, a great non-non-perception, not the disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, a great non-non-perception, not the disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or colored and colorless, non-non-thought idea, not the disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, not colorless, non-non-thought idea, not the disease.
Here the monks, the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, there is a great ego, not the disease, a number of them personally vilified; the recluse, Brahmin any undertakings after death, self utopia, not the disease, some defamatory of him. Why? They said: "Perception is sick, boils thought, perception is the arrow, not the delusion possessed great. This is the first President, unique magic, that is a great non-non-thought."
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said as follows: "The venerable recluse, Brahmin any undertakings after death, the ego is a great non-non-perception, not the illness, The venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or identity, a great non-non-perception, not the disease; the venerable recluse, his Brahmin undertakings after death, the ego or identity, a great non-non-perception, not the disease; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego or colored and colorless, non-non-thought idea , not sick; the venerable recluse, Brahmin undertakings that after death, the ego is not sharp, not colorless, non-non-thought idea, not the disease. "
This Monks, those recluses, Brahmin does advocate the achievements of this country (ayatana) just because the operator can see, hear, thinking, aware; Here are justified, this Monks, is damaging for the achievement of origin (ayatana) this. Whereas the monks, this country can not be called due to the accomplishments achieved organic onions (sasankhara), which the monks, this land could be called the accomplishments achieved thanks not with remaining onions. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the issue, aware of the cessation of this, Tathagata find liberation from compounded and compounded beyond.
Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin does advocated annihilation, destruction, cessation of charming kind currently survive. Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, there is a great ego, not the disease, some defamatory of him. And the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, self utopia, not the disease, some defamatory of him. And the monks, Brahmin any undertakings after death, non-ideal self-non-perception, not the disease, some defamatory of him. Why? All these venerable recluses, Brahmin declared aims rooftop attachments: "Life will exist after us, life will exist after us." For example, a merchant go trafficked think: "From here we will have this material, we will get this material from this." Likewise, the monks, Brahmin, we think, is like the merchant when you said: "Life will exist after us, life will exist after us ".
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata knows: "The venerable recluse, this Brahmin advocated annihilation, destruction, cessation, sentient kind is to survive, the he scared itself, bibs glass itself, just chasing and running around itself ". For example, a dog with rope tied to a pillar or a solid pillar, chasing and running round pillars or columns that. Likewise, the venerable recluse, Brahmin was fear itself, bibs glass itself, only chasing and running around itself. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the issue, aware of the cessation of this, Tathagata find liberation from compounded, and was compounded beyond.
The monks, the recluse or Brahmin any discussion of future discussions on the future, on future health claims other wrong views, all claims in this country or one of them.
A discussion of past
Monks Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin discussion about the past, discussing the past, he kept in the past, claimed many other false opinion: "The self and the world is often longer; just so true, plus a delusion ". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is impermanent; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims: "The self and the world is permanent, is impermanent; only that was true, in addition to a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is not permanent, not very often, just so true, plus a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is finite; just so true, plus a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is boundless; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is finite and infinite; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is not finite, not infinite; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is a great Nhut, just so true, plus a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world as a great casual; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is the least idea; just so true, plus a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is immeasurable concept; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world are optimistic Nhut direction; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world are suffering Nhut direction; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is happiness and unhappiness; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims. "The self and the world is not suffering, is not optimistic; only then is true, besides a delusion". Here, a number of such claims.
Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin ideology that has as follows, with the following opinion: "The self and the world is permanent, just so true, Besides a delusion ". In addition to credit, apart from the wedding, in addition to customized documents, external evaluation of the reasons, in addition to serving life endurance viewpoints will position themselves to become pure, clean; Such a situation does not occur. Monks Hey, if you do not position themselves become pure, clean, time until only a small part of where the venerable recluse, Brahmin he makes clean, so the also called attachment to even the venerable recluse, his Brahmin. Knowing that this is a crude method of compounded, without the destruction of the executive, learned of the destruction, the Tathagata seen liberation from compounded and compounded beyond.
Here, the monks, the monks, Brahmin does have the following theory, which views as follows: "The self and the world is impermanent ... self and the world permanent and impermanent ... the self and the world is not permanent and impermanent ... no ego and boundless world is ... the self and the world is finite and infinite ... Self down and the world is not finite and not infinite ... the self and the world is a great Nhut ... self and the world is a great horror ... the self and the world's least self perception ... and the world is immeasurable self perception ... and the world is located ... Nhut towards the self and the world are suffering ... Nhut towards the self and the world is happiness and unhappiness ... self and the world Gender is no suffering, no peanuts, just so true, plus a delusion ". In addition to trust, besides pleasure, apart from custom text, in addition to evaluating the reasons, in addition to serving life endurance viewpoints will position themselves to become pure, clean, such a situation does not occur. Monks Hey, if you do not position themselves become pure, clean, time until only a small part of where the venerable recluse, Brahmin he makes clean, so the also called attachment to the venerable recluse, his Brahmin. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the issue, aware of the cessation of this, Tathagata find liberation from compounded, and was compounded beyond.
Nirvana Currencies
Here, monks, recluses have or Brahmin by abandoning views on the past, and to abandon the standpoint of the future, so do not completely focus on the education fetters use, reach and dwell renunciation joy. He thought: 'This is the truth, this is the magic revenge, ie to achieve renunciation joy, I dwell. " But if that's your wedding renunciation had been eradicated, by renunciation joy be annihilated, concerns arise. Because anxiety is eradicated, renunciation joy arise. Just as, monks, shady place to give up, that place spreading solar heat, solar heat where abandoned, spreading shade that place; also, the monks, renunciation by Hy be annihilated, concerns arise. Due concern should be eradicated renunciation joy arise.
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said as follows: This venerable recluse or Brahmin is, by abandoning views on the past, and by abandoning views on future hybrid, so totally not paying attention to the education fetters, after gaining renunciation of joy, immediately dwell: "It's true, this is the magic revenge, ie to achieve renunciation joy, I dwell." His renunciation of this status be annihilated. Do renunciation joy be annihilated, concerns arise; so anxious to be eradicated, renunciation joy arise. Knowing that this is legal under rough compounded measures, but there is cessation of practice, learned of the destruction, the Tathagata seen liberation from compounded and compounded beyond.
But here, the monks, recluses have or Brahmin, by abandoning views on the past, by abandoning views on the future, because absolutely no attention to the fetter education, overcome by renunciation joy after achieving consecutive immaterial dwell optimistic: "It's true, this is the magic revenge ie immaterial gain communication, we reside". Africa's communication material he be annihilated; immaterial because communications were annihilated, renunciation joy arises; renunciation by Hy be annihilated, immaterial communication arise. Just as, monks, shady place to give up, that place spreading solar heat, solar heat where abandoned, spreading shade that place; also, the monks, so communication was immaterial cessation, renunciation joy arises; renunciation by Hy be annihilated, immaterial communication arise.
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said as follows: This venerable recluse or Brahmin is, by abandoning views on the past, by abandoning views on future so absolutely no attention to the education fetters, overcome by renunciation joy, immaterial gain optimism and dwells: "It's true, this is a unique magic, that is immaterial gain optimism, I dwell. " He's optimistic immaterial to this position be annihilated. Because peanuts are immaterial cessation, renunciation joy arises; renunciation by Hy be annihilated, immaterial communication arise. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the operator; learned of the destruction, the Tathagata sees the liberation from compounded and compounded beyond.
Here, monks, there recluse or Brahmin, by abandoning views on the past, due to renounce the perspective of the future, so totally not paying attention to the education fetters history, overcome by renunciation joy, overcome by immaterial optimistic, after gaining countless pleasures suffering immensely, instant dwell: "It's true, this is a unique magic, that is very hard to achieve very optimistic Life, I reside ". He suffered through myriad pleasures of this position be annihilated. Due to myriad myriad pleasures suffering be annihilated, immaterial communication arises; immaterial because communications were annihilated, very hard very pleasant feeling arises. For as the monks, shady place abandoned, it was widespread solar heat, where the heat given up, that place spreading shade; also, the monks, suffering countless accidental pleasures be annihilated, immaterial communication arises; immaterial because communications were annihilated, very hard very pleasant feeling arises.
In this regard, the monks, the Tathagata said the following: the venerable recluse or Brahmin is, by abandoning views on the past, by abandoning views on future so absolutely no attention to the education fetters, overcome by renunciation joy, overcome by immaterial optimistic, after gaining countless pleasures suffering immensely, instant dwell: "It's true, this is unique magic, that is very hard to achieve very pleasant feeling, I dwell. " He suffered through myriad pleasures of this position be annihilated. Due to myriad myriad pleasures suffering be annihilated, immaterial communication arises; immaterial because communications were annihilated, very hard very pleasant feeling arises. Knowing that this was compounded crude under the law, but with the destruction of the operator, after learning: "It has the cessation of this practice, the Tathagata sees the release from legal compounded" and took off Legal compounded.
But here, the monks, recluses have or Brahmin, by abandoning views on the past, by abandoning views on the future, because absolutely no attention to the Fitness fetters, because beyond renunciation joy, because beyond optimistic immaterial, because beyond the myriad pleasures of suffering multitude, he shops: "I am the first President, we are passed away, I was not grasping".
Here, monks, the Tathagata said as follows: This venerable recluse, this Brahmin, by abandoning views on the past, due to renounce the views of the future, so completely Exercise does not heed the fetters, so beyond the renunciation of joy, because the immaterial beyond optimism, because beyond the myriad pleasures of suffering multitude, he shops: "I am the first President, we are passed away, I was non-attachment ". Surely this lama declared appropriate path leading to Nirvana. But the venerable recluse, this Brahmin arises grasping, or clinging to views about the past, or clinging to views about the future, or fetters sexual attachment, or clinging renunciation joy , or non-physical attachment communications, or clinging myriad pleasures suffering immensely. Oil for this lama shop: "I am the first President, we are passed away, we do not have attachments," but you still are considered to be attached to that point. Knowing that this is legal under rough compounded measures, but have eradicated the practice, after learning about the cessation of this practice, the Tathagata sees the release from legal compounded and compounded beyond the law.
But here, the monks, the first President unsurpassed, supreme religion is Tathagata Enlightenment, ie after the episode known as real launch, the destruction, the sweetness and the danger of the six emotional origin that salvation is not clinging. Here, the monks, the first President supreme supreme religion is Tathagata Enlightenment, ie after the episode known as real launch, the destruction, the sweetness and the danger of the six emotional origin, have the freedom not clinging.

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