Thursday 1 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

98. Beijing Vasettha (Vasettha Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Icchanankala (Y-distance-power dressing-la), in the woods Icchanankala.
At that time there are many Brahmin fame and riches residing in Icchanankala as Canki Brahmin, Brahmin Tarukkha, Pokkharasati Brahmin, Brahmin Janussoni, three- Todeyya la-subjects and many Brahmin reputation and other rich. And while the young Brahmin was walking Bharadvaja Vasettha and travel, the following story was started up: "What is a Brahmin?"
Youth Bharadvaja says the following:
- If someone from matrilineal good birth and paternity, blood purification to seventh fathers, do not be a stain, do not be an issue allude parentage born life, such as making a You Brahmin.
Youth Vasettha says the following:
- If anyone has virtues and achievements of forbidden sex, such as a Brahmin.
Young Brahmin Bharadvaja can not convince young Brahmin Vasettha, and young Brahmin can not convince Vasettha Bharadvaja youth. Then young Brahmin youth Vasettha told Brahmin Bharadvaja:
- Hey Bharadvaja, recluse Gotama is Like death, they joined the line-ca, currently residing in Icchanankala, at Icchanankala forests. Good fame following transmissions on venerable Gotama: "This is the Exalted ... Buddha, Bhagavan". This venerable Bharadvaja let recluse Gotama come after to ask Venerable Gotama of this meaning, and recluse Gotama answered how, we will thus maintain life.
- Ladies and yes.
Young Brahmin youth Bharadvaja Vasettha yes answer. Then young Brahmin Bharadvaja Vasettha and go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with welcome words to ask, after voicing welcome friends to inquire, then sat down one parties. Sitting down one side, young Brahmin Vasettha used lord verses:
We both people,
was called, claiming,
Career Wise is the
Vedic three sets.

You are His disciple,
the minor children,
De Prince Tarukkha.

Three Vedas say,
We are communicating,
Van owl and grammar,
We are understanding,
Preaching and explain,
It's like the masters.

Venerable Gotama,
between them we
can this debate,
ON parentage born life.

Bharadvaja said:
"It was due to the birth and life."
I said: "Because of the action,
this a Brahmin ".

Career Mong France label,
for being so understanding.
Both of us,
not convince each other.
We ask Him to,
Tier Enlightenment honored.

As the full moon,
Mass to accept the hand,
bowed and admire.
Also, in his life,
Mass to worship,
venerable Gotama.

We ask Him to,
Tier worldly French label,
Brahmin by birth,
Or the result of an act?
We do not know,
Tell us know.
The Buddha then said:
Hey Mr. Vasettha,
to answer that He,
Thuan things and lifelike,
The sorting by birth,
of the kind of charming,
Main by birth,
by birth, with heterologous.

Take a look at the grass and trees,
though they are not aware,
we have Minister expectancy being,
by birth, with heterologous.

Take a look at insects,
Moths, ants,
we have general feeling being,
by birth, with heterologous.

Consider kind fours,
small and large type,
we have Minister expectancy being,
by birth, have heterologous.

Take a look at reptiles,
snakes type, type long back,
we have Minister expectancy being,
by birth, with heterologous.

Take a look at the fish,
live in water type,
we have Minister expectancy born,
Caucasian birth, there is heterologous.

Take a look at the birds,
winged heavenly type,
we have general feeling being,
by birth, with heterologous.

Depending on the life birth,
custom birth We have generals.
In the human world,
Gen. born not much.

Not at the top of the hair,
not in the ear, the eye,
not in the mouth, nose,
no lips, in you,
not in the neck, armpit,
not the abdomen, in the back,
not in the chest, breasts,
no sound households, the harlot.

Not in the hands, the legs,
not in the fingers, the nails,
not ankle, side,
not in color, in English.

No minister, by custom birth,
depending of birth, type of difference.
On the human itself,
Nothing special.
Just depending on the title,
Man called.

For people ourselves.
Cowherd, lo land,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is the farmer,
not Brahmin.

Who live under occupation,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is a worker,
not Brahmin.

Who live to trade, to
Vasettha Please know,
But he is trader,
not Brahmin.

Who lives servant who,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is the servant,
not Brahmin.

Who lives taken from,
Vasettha Please know,
But he was a thief,
not Brahmin.

Who live craft bows,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is a war,
not Brahmin.

Who sacrifices alive profession,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is the world,
not Brahmin.

Who lived among men,
enjoying village Tho, national level,
Vasettha Please know,
But he is king,
not Brahmin.

And I do not have to call,
But he Brahmin.
Just because by birth expectancy,
higher oil he sang,
he oil wealth,
but also how beneficial ham.

Not greedy so beneficial,
not clinging to own,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

This annihilation fetters,
not who is not scared,
Superman Vietnam all attachments,
glass Exit knots,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Cut the Rope yoke,
reins, with bands,
slingshot tree blocking,
But he new I call,
Tier wise, enlightened
Chief Brahmin list.

Who do not bug, bear,
berating and rated Hold,
Equipped with power rings,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

No anger, keeping the law,
morality can not arrogance,
Photography Apparel, ultimate body,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Like water on a lotus leaf,
mustard seed on spikes,
attachment would not desire,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who knew this life
of suffering because of self annihilation,
burden placed down,
It leaves knots,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Profound wisdom that location
Skilled airstrip religion,
ultimate gain,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who no longer involved,
both at laypersons,
not shelters, sexual minorities,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Skip sticks for beings,
The weak and the strong,
Do not kill, do not harm anyone,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Between enemies, not revenge,
Mid-violent, peace,
Mid-grasping, not accepted,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Lies, greed, romance, wealth,
who abandoned them,
as mustard seed falls off.
Rounded tip of the needle,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who taught very softly,
speaking to the feet of real words,
not touching one,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Short or long, large and small,
purity or impurity,
in the short term animal life,
Big, small, pure, impure,
not taking no for animals,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

With players who are not participating,
this life and the next life,
Abandon all participating players,
he shall leave any knots,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who can not accept Museum,
The Comfort segment or location,
entering the bottom Achieving immortality.
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

In life, one beyond,
clearly Every evil force,
no sorrow, no dust UE,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who is not unclean, purify,
no ripple, bright as the moon,
Hy, organic is the exclusion, the
new Ta Ke was called,
Chief Brahmin list.

Insurance unsurpassed highway,
highway evil, samsara, delusion,
Beyond, to the other shore,
private meditation, without wavering,
Then subtract any doubt,
calmness, no attachments,
But he new I call,
Chief contacts -please.

In life, abandon desire,
no home, home life,
education and property Then subtract,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

In life, from greed and evil,
no home, home life,
and property rid evil,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who renounce's yoke,
yoke Overcoming the whole world,
except for all the yoke Victims Section,
Exit ly all knots,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Abandoning optimistic, no peanuts,
bar food, not medicine resident,
win all worlds,
brave heroes,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who knew it was completely,
the kill beings,
not participate before, Auspicious,
enlightenment, achieving enlightenment,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Do not know where the zoo,
Heaven, Human, Can-beaver-grandmother,
gonorrhea or get rid of,
Tier Arhat, La-Han,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who does not have attachments,
past life, then, this life,
not accepted, not ownership,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Ox King, omniscient,
Heroes, General rank officer,
Tier Conquer, Real Estate,
Cleanse, Enlightened,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Who knew life before,
Seeing good, evil beasts,
Achieve kill segment,
But he new I call,
Chief Brahmin list.

Article world to call,
is "name" and "family",
just keep a list, message list,
nouns explore many places.

Forums longstanding attachment,
Ta is the fool,
fool himself declared,
Brahmin by birth.

Not by birth,
Known Brahmin,
not by birth,
call the non-Brahmin.

It was out of action
Known Brahmin,
the action by the
Call of non Brahmin.

Act as farmer,
worker action do,
act as the merchant,
do Action serf.

Act as theft,
as military action.
The action makes the fact,
act as chaplain.

See who the action,
such as it was.
Seeing clearly dependent origination,
industrial Knowing horror master.

Because now, life rotated
Because now, the reincarnation.
Karma bind beings,
as axle rotating cake.

Due to austerity, virtue,
restriction and tame,
Effects of Brahmin.
Brahmin so,
this is the ultimate truth,

Three Vedic achievements,
Tranquillity, reborn paragraph,
Vesettha should know,
But he is Brahma,
Being God all Sakka,
to truly know intimately.
When they heard that, two young Brahmin and Bharadvaja Vasettha lord:
- It's rather wonderful, Venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! As people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for people to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, the Chief Justice has been used many means Bhagavan presented, explained. Dear Venerable Gotama, now I take refuge Venerable Gotama, France and refuge refuge them monks. Mong Ton Gotama accept us as lay people, from now to the public network, our lifelong devotion.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/10/2015.

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