Friday 2 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

101. Beijing Devadaha (Devadaha Sutta).

Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan residing between Sakka (Shakyamuni). Devadaha is a town of Sakka. There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks".
"--Thua Yes, venerable sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey monks, with some recluse, Brahmin with the following theory, with knowledge as follows: "In every sense of what this man territory, pleasant feeling, unpleasant or anything Real suffering pleasures, all from the industry's past, with the burned, annihilated the past now, with no artifacts of new business, there will be no progress to the future. Do not have progress to the future, now eradicated; by now eradicated, suffering is eradicated; due to cessation of suffering, feelings were annihilated, because feelings are eradicated, all will eradicate suffering. "
Behold the monks, the Nigantha theory (Ni event from) is. Monks Behold, I say so, I went to the Nigantha and say as follows:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, with reasonable true and he had the following theory, with knowledge as follows:" In every sense of what this man territory, pleasures, suffering any unpleasant or any pleasures, all due to the industry's past; with the fire, cessation of the past now, with no artifacts of new business, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated, by cessation of suffering now be eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering is cessation? "
This Monks, if the Nigantha that, when I asked, claiming to have said so, I immediately say:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, for He has said:" In the past, we exist, we do not exist? "
"- Sir Sage, not so.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, for He has said:" In the past, we have created negative karma, we do not create karma? "
"- Sir Sage, not so.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, and he said:" We have created karma like this or like that? "
"- Sir Sage, not so.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, and he said:" Suffering like this level was cessation or extent of such suffering should be cessation of, or to the cessation of suffering like this level, all will be cessation of suffering? "
"- Sir Sage, not so.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, for He has said:" The annihilation of evil within the current legal or achievements good behavior? "
"- Sir Sage, not so.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, as he has said, and he does not know:" In the past, we exist, we do not exist "; and he does not know:" In the past, we have created karma, we do not create negative karma "; and he does not know:" We have created evil deeds like this, or like that ", and he does not know:" Suffering like this level was cessation, This level of such suffering should be cessation of, or to the cessation of suffering like this level, all will be cessation of suffering "; and He does not know:" The annihilation of evil within the current legal or achievements of friendly France "; the situation is such, reasonable time whether, when the venerable Nigantha the answer:" In every sense of what this man territory, pleasant feeling, unpleasant or suffering real estate pleasures, all from the industry's past, with the fire, cessation of the past now, with not creating new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now been eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; sensation is annihilated by all life will be cessation of suffering? ".
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, if He is said:" In the past, we exist, we do not exist "; for He is said:" In the past, we have created negative karma, we not create negative karma "; the He is said:" We have created such evil karma, or like that "; for He is said:" Suffering like this level was cessation of, or suffer the degree as this should be cessation of, or to the cessation of suffering like this level, all will be cessation of suffering "; and He is said:" The annihilation of evil within the current legal or achievement good behavior "; the situation is such, it is a reasonable time when the venerable Nigantha answer:" In every sense of what this man territory, pleasures, suffering any unpleasant or any pleasures, all by multiplying the past now with the burned, annihilated the past now; With no new business to create, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feelings were annihilated, because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, such as an arrow was shot, poisoned arrows are very thick. The man's emotions by arrows, head life of pain, misery, misery. Friends , a blood relative of the person invited to a surgeon. The surgeon took large knife wound. He's knife by mouth wound, feeling the pain head, hard, suffering. The surgeon did detect arrows to detect objects. He's detectors by arrows to detect objects, feeling the pain head, misery, misery. Medical Area arrow surgeons withdraw from him. He's been withdrawn by the arrow head life of pain, misery, misery. The surgeon was to burn the wound with red charcoal (or covering the wound with a cloth hot coals). The man's mouth by red charcoal burn wounds, feeling territorial sensations of pain, misery, misery. After a while, when the skin has started to heal over wound, he is not ill, peace, freedom, liberation, and go into the place he wants. He thought as follows: "Before we were shooting arrows, arrows were poisoned very thick. Do Arrow's feelings, I receive life of pain, misery, misery. Friends, my blood relatives have asked a surgeon to. The surgeon was taken large knife wound. We as human knife wound wide territorial expectancy of pain, misery, President suffering. The surgeon did detect arrows to detect objects. Do Arrow's detectors to detect objects we receive the life of pain, misery, misery. The surgeon He pulled the arrow out of me. Because people are drawn arrows, we receive the life of pain, misery, misery. The surgeon was to burn the wound with red charcoal (or covering the wound hot as coals with cloth). Do's mouth wound burning coals, my head feeling the pain, misery, misery. Now the skin began to heal over the wound, do not sick, peace , freedom, liberation, and go anywhere I want. "
"So this reverences Nigantha, if He is said:" In the past, we exist, we do not exist "; and He is said:" In the past, we have created negative karma, we I do not create negative karma "and he is known:" We have created bad karma, like this or like that ", and he was said:" Suffering like this level was cessation of, or suffer the degree as this should be cessation; or to the cessation of suffering like this level, all will be cessation of suffering "; and He is said:" The annihilation of evil within the current legal or achievements of friendly France "; the situation is thus, it is reasonable time when the venerable Nigantha answer: "In every sense of what this man territory, pleasant feeling, unpleasant, or any suffering any pleasures, all from the industry's past; with the fire, cessation of the past now, with no artifacts of new business, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "
"Chu Hien Nigantha, and because of that he does not know:" In the past, we exist, we do not exist "; and he does not know:" We have created bad karma, we do not make karma "; for He is not known:" We have created evil deeds like this, or like that ", and he does not know:" Suffering like this level was cessation of, or suffer the degree as this should be cessation of, or to the cessation of suffering like this level, all will be cessation of suffering "; and he does not know:" The annihilation of evil within the current legal or success Achievements good behavior "; the truth is not reasonable when the venerable Nigantha replied:" Every human feeling territorial, pleasant feeling, unpleasant, or any suffering any pleasures, all due to the industrial workers past; with the fire, cessation of the past now; With no new business to create, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "
The monks, they are saying that, the Nigantha told me:
"- Sir Sage, Nigantha Career Nataputta is omniscient, is, claiming to have a comprehensive knowledge as follows:" Though I have to go, there stand, sleep and wake, knowledge always exists constantly in my place. "He said as follows:" Hey Nigantha, if formerly the evil deeds he has done, do to her now worn by ascetics of this suffering. By upholding the main body, upholding words, upholding the standard here, even in the present should not do the business in the future. With the fire, cessation of the past now, with not creating new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "And as we accept and we endurance that, so we are happy."
When told this, the monks of this, I say to you that Nigantha:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha, with this legal year, even in the present two retribution. What is the year? Tin, wedding, customizable text, evaluating reasons (akaraparivitakka), endurance serving life (evil) is. reverences Nigantha, in this legal right at present has two retribution. Here's how the venerable Nigantha trust him to masters in the past? What is the joy, how is the customizable text, how is evaluating reason, how is life endurance accepted (wrong) is the he? "
This monks, say so, I do not see an answer to your legal standard Nigantha. And again the monks, I say to you Nigantha was as follows:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and how do you think? When Mr. earnest diligence, fervent ardent, then there must be the leading life he feels anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, statistics suffering? And while he is not earnest effort, not fervent ardent, then there is no life to the leader he feels anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, miserable?
"- Sir Sage Gotama, when we earnestly diligent, earnest ardent, then we receive the life feeling miserable, sudden, pain, misery, misery. And while we no earnest effort, not fervent ardent, then we do not receive these life feeling miserable, sudden, painful, miserable, miserable.
"- So this reverences Nigantha, when he earnestly diligent, earnest ardent, then the life consulate He feels anguish, sudden, pain, misery, misery. And in when he is not earnest effort, not fervent ardent, then the life he did not receive the feeling of anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, miserable. The situation is the same, the truth is right when the venerable justice Nigantha answer: "In every sense of what this man territory, pleasant feeling, unpleasant, or any suffering any pleasures, all from the industry's past; with the fire, cessation of the past now, with not creating new industry, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now been eradicated, suffering is eradicated; by the cessation of suffering, feeling is eradicated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "
"Reverences Nigantha, if while he earnestly diligent, earnest ardent, then the feeling of anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, miserable to survive. And while he does not earnest effort, not fervent ardent, then the feeling of anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, suffering also exists. The situation is such, it is a reasonable time when the Venerable Nigantha answer: "In every sense of what this man territory, pleasant feeling, unpleasant, or any suffering any pleasures, all from the industry's past, with the fire, cessation of the past now. .. (as above) ... all is cessation of suffering. "
"And because of that, reverences Nigantha, while the Mr. earnest diligent, earnest ardent, then the territory he feels anguish, sudden, painful, miserable agony, and while the He no earnest effort, not fervent ardent, then the life he did not receive the feeling anguish, sudden, pain, misery, misery. Thus, the image of Mr. whereas the territory of feeling of anguish, sudden, painful, miserable, miserable, self-deluded by ignorance, no mind, stupidity, when he said: "In every sense of what this man territory, pleasures, unpleasant, or any suffering any pleasures, all from the industry's past; with the fire, cessation of the past now, with no artifacts of new business, there will be no progress to the future. Do not progress to the future, are now annihilated; by now been eradicated, suffering is eradicated; because suffering is eradicated; sensation is annihilated; because feelings are eradicated, all suffering will be extinction. "
This monks, say so, I do not see an answer to your reasonable standard Nigantha. And again, the monks, I say to you Nigantha was as follows:
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and he think? Could be affordable:" We hope that now is the life of this current result, due diligence, or by ardent could cause future results is life? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- There may be reasonable:" We hope that future results now are feeling due diligence or due ardent could cause results to be feeling right now? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and how do you think? There may be reasonable:" We hope that this life now receive communications, due diligence and ardent could receive unpleasant? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- There may be reasonable:" We hope that now receive this unpleasant, due diligence or essential need can receive pleasures? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and how do you think? There may be reasonable:" We hope that now that through the territory was mastered by diligent and ardent, can become mature? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- There may be reasonable:" We hope that now that the results are not yet mature territory of this, due diligence or ardent, can become the master? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and how do you think? There may be reasonable:" We hope that by now the majority of this life or the ardent effort to become minority life? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- Can be said to be reasonable:" We hope that this life because now minority or due diligence have become ardent life base? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- Chu Hien Nigantha and how do you think? There may be reasonable:" We hope that this life-business basis due diligence or become ardent life now has no basis? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- There may be reasonable:" We hope that now there is no basis to this life, due diligence or become ardent life now have facilities? "
"- Not so Excellencies, Sage.
"- So this reverences Nigantha, can not be:" I hope that is now present results of this life, due diligence or become ardent future results now are life. "Can not be:" Hopefully now This is life future results, due diligence or due ardent, become current results now are life. "Can not be:" We hope that this life now receive communications, due diligence or become ardent receive career unpleasant. "Can not be:" I hope that now receive this unpleasant, due diligence or fine should be optimistic now receive life. "Can not be:" I hope that now that the results have been matured territory this due diligence or may become essential need not mature. "Can not be:" I hope that now that the mature fruit of this territory, due diligence or should have become crystal maturation. "Can not be: "We hope that by now most of this life diligent department or ardent, becoming minority life." Can not be: "We hope that this life now minority, due diligence or become multi-facility ardent life." Can not is: "We hope that now there is no basis to this life, due diligence or become ardent life base". Can not be: "We hope that this life-business basis, due diligence or fine should be no basis expectancy". The situation is such, the diligence of the venerable Nigantha is no result, their expertise should be no result. "
The monks, the Nigantha said. This monks, ten customizable theory theory (Depending upon the theory Vadanuvada) legally due Nigantha said so lead to criticism:
(1) This Monks, if the human beings due to past employment, territorial pleasant feeling of suffering, this time the monks, the Nigantha actually doing evil deeds in the past, so now they to the territory of the pain, misery, suffering so.
(2) This Monks, if the human beings by the Creator created a territory suffering feelings of optimism, this time the monks, the Nigantha actually created by an evil creator , so that they now receive life the pain, misery, misery.
(3) Therefore, the monks, if the human beings by combining the conditions (sangatibhava), head feeling optimistic suffering, this time the monks, the Nigantha truly evil are combined, so that they now receive life the pain, misery, suffering so.
(4) This Monks, if the human beings born by type (ahbijati) territory optimistic feelings of suffering, this time the monks, the evil was born Nigantha really kind, so that they now receive feeling the pain, misery, such suffering.
(5) This Monks, if the human beings due diligence proceeding, optimistic life size head, this time the monks, the Nigantha really made diligent current evil, because that now they Territory the pain, misery, misery.
(6) This, monks, if the human beings due to past employment life consular communications line, the Nigantha considerable criticism. If human beings do not work past by leading life communication line, the Nigantha considerable criticism.
(7) This Monks, if the human beings by the Creator is a leading Life creates communication line, the Nigantha considerable criticism. If not by human beings is a leading creator optimism created life size, the appearance Nigantha criticized.
(8) This Monks, if the human beings by combining leading-life conditions communications line, the Nigantha considerable criticism. If not by human beings incorporate the conditions leading life worth peanuts Nigantha suffering the criticism.
(9) This Monks, if the human beings born by leaders optimistic kind of suffering life, the appearance Nigantha criticized. If the non-human sentient beings receive life optimistic kind of suffering, the Nigantha considerable criticism.
(10) This, monks, if the human beings due to the current satellite communications leader suffering life, the appearance Nigantha criticized. If not by human beings need the current satellite communications leader suffering life, the appearance Nigantha criticized.
The monks, the Nigantha said. This monks, ten legal theory the theory depends Nigantha said so lead to criticism. Thus, the monks, the diligence of the Nigantha is no result, their expertise should be no result.
- And the monks, how is the result of diligence? Here, the monks, the monks do not let ego was not convince, convince suffering and not abandon the legitimate pleasures, and not to touch that dominates life. He said as follows: "While we need to fight the causes crystals this suffering, because against the causes of suffering, we do not have the desire. But while we discharge to cause this suffering, while tu collective discharge, had no desire ". When your ardent monks against the causes of suffering, so ardent against causes suffering, he has no desire. Thus, here, he refined to combat the causes of suffering. But while he discharged for cause suffering, while practicing discharge, he has no desire. Thus, here, he practiced discharge. While he ardent fight that causes suffering, so ardent against reason, he has no desire. Thus the suffering he was to be cessation. While he discharged for cause her suffering, while practicing discharge, he has no desire. Thus the suffering he was to be cessation.
This monks, such as an attachment a woman, emotive and passionate, enthusiastic admirers and enthusiastic fan attachment. He saw this woman standing with another man, talking, joking and laughing. The monks, the What do you think? He, seeing this woman stand with one other man, talking, joking and laughing, there is born grief, lamentation, pain, grief and distress it?
- Ladies that, lord. Why? Because that person's craving other women, emotive and passionate, enthusiastic admirers and enthusiastic fan attachment. Therefore, he is seeing another woman standing with another man, talking, joking and laughing, so being sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
- But the monks, he may think like this: "My attachment to this woman, emotive and passionate, enthusiastic admirers and enthusiastic fan attachment. When I see this woman standing with a Another man, talking and laughing joking, I born sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. So let's put greed attachment to this woman. " He then put the greed of attachment to another woman. After some time, he saw the other woman standing with another man, talking, joking and laughing. The monks, the What do you think? He's seeing other women stood with a man, talking, joking and laughing, there being sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief brains, no?
- Buddha, no. Why? Lord for that person to the other woman no attachment. Therefore, when you see the other woman stood with a man, talking, joking and laughing, his reappearing sorrow, pain, grief and distress.
- Also, the monks, one who does not let ego was not convince, convince suffering and not abandon the legitimate pleasures, and not to touch that dominates life. He said as follows: "While we need to fight the causes crystals this suffering, because against the causes of suffering, we do not have the desire. But while we discharge to cause this suffering, while tu collective discharge, had no desire ". When he refined to combat the causes of suffering, so ardent against causes suffering, he has no desire. Thus, here, he refined to combat the causes of suffering. But while he discharged for cause suffering, while practicing discharge, he has no desire. Thus, here, he practiced discharge. While he ardent fight that causes suffering, so ardent against reason, he has no desire. Thus, the suffering, for he is cessation. While he discharged for cause her suffering, while practicing discharge, he has no desire. Thus, the suffering, for he is cessation. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, expertise required results.
Again, monks, the monks to think like this: "When we stay in touch, unwholesome growth measures, improve mitigation. But when we need to use suffering planet against the self, the mitigation evil, good behavior growth. So let's ardent user against ego suffering ". He needed miserable planet against the self. Because crystals require painful fight with self, the mitigation evil, good behavior growth. He after a while, no need for suffering planet against the self. Why? For the purpose of monks was refined to be used against the ego suffering accomplished. Therefore, after some time he is neither suffering crystals needed against self.
Just as, monks, an employee name, heat and heat the name itself between two fires, making the name itself is straight and pliant. But the monks, when the body's name as the name, was heating and the heating between the two flame becomes straight and malleable, after a time he no heating and the heated body middle name Two fire, making the name itself is straight and pliant. Why? For the purpose of this name who do heating and the heating body between two fires name, the name itself is a direct cause and malleable already accomplished. So, after a while, he no longer had dried, heated body between two fires name to become straight and pliant.
Also, the monks, the monks was thinking as follows: "When we stay in touch, unwholesome growth measures, improve mitigation. But when we need to use suffering planet against the self, the mitigation evil, good behavior growth. So let's ardent user against ego suffering ". He needed miserable planet against the self. Because crystals require painful fight with self, the mitigation evil, good behavior growth. He after a while, no need for suffering planet against the self. Why? For the purpose of monks was refined to be used against the ego suffering accomplished. Thus, after a time, he did not need to use suffering planet against self. Thus, the monks, is the sophistication required results.
Again, monks, here, Tathagata born at birth, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Diaoyu macho, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Tathagata after self-realization with rooftop own mind, the world is in Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, including the world with Salmone, Brahmin, Thien Nhon, declaring that He had discovered. He preached good profile, Mid-friendly, good defender, meaning full text, he taught the virtues perfectly adequate purity.
The patriarchal and paternalistic man, or a person born in class (abjection) heard her approach, after hearing the law, that person being pleased beliefs Tathagata. When a belief pleased her, she thought: "Life is full of family bondage, roads full of dust life. Life liberal ordained as unreal. It's not easy for a person to live in family can live perfectly well on the full, completely pure, white transparent like shells. So we should be shaved, covering robes-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life ". Some time later, he put small fortune, or leave major assets, leaving small farmers relatives, or relatives give people big, shaved, covering robes-sa, and renunciation, renunciation family, no family life.
He ordained as such, the practice of gender and happy school life Monks, abandon killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the shame, fear, have compassion, mercy life the happiness of all beings and beings. He's not give up taking away from taking what is not given, just wish things were for self chastity, no thieves. He did not give up on happy life, living on nuts, renunciation living life, away from bawdy inferior.
He abandoned lie, say the word of truth, concerning the truth, sure, trustworthy, not cheat death. He said two blades give up, away from said two blades, hear anything in this place, not to say to the other site being split in these people; heard something in there, do not go telling people to pother in the other divisions. Thus, he lived in harmony separatists indirectly, encourage those who are in harmony, joy in harmony, enjoy in harmony, joy in harmony, words lead to harmony. He abandoned harsh speech, away from the cruel words, speak words of tenderness, beautiful ears, cute, sympathetic to center, elegant and pleasing to many people; he said such words. He abandoned frivolous words, stay away from frivolous speech, telling time, tell the truth, say makes sense, says France, said the law, words worthy of preservation, the trendy word, rational , have a coherent system, can benefit.
He abandoned not harm the seeds and herbs, use one day a meal, do not eat at night; waive the non-time dishes; abandon not go dancing, singing, music, demonstrations; abandon not use wreaths, aromatherapy, lotions, jewelry, and other fashion; abandon not use high beds and large beds; abandon not receive gold and silver; abandon not get the county to live; abandon not get raw meat, abandoned not get girls and women; abandon not get housemaids girls and boys; abandon not get sheep and goats; abandon the poultry and swine not receive; abandon not get elephants, cows, horses and mares; abandon not get tilled land; abandon not use brokers who do it yourself or broker; waive no trade; abandon the fraud by weight, money and measurement; abandonment of misconduct such as bribery, fraud, fraud; abandon not hurting, killing, bondage, picture winner, theft, pillage.
He knew enough life, content with robes to cover their bodies with alms food to feed, go in everywhere carries (y and bowl). As the bird flew to the site to carry your wings, too, monks content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed themselves, go in everywhere carry. He accomplished St world aggregates, inner life of enjoyment with no violations.
When the eye sees color, he does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, because the eyes are not tame, that craving, bi, evil, immoral law arises, he himself causes overpower him, upholding the eye, the practice of upholding human eye. When the ear heard ... nose ... tongue tasting smelling incense ... dear emotion ... the awareness of the law, he does not hold general minister, who does not hold its own minister, the cause, because the apartment is not tame, that craving, bi, legal evil evil arises, he tamed his reasons, upholding the grounds, upholding the standard practice of the apartment. He accomplished this St. upholding the apartment, the interior life of enjoyment not defiled.
He going forward, going backward are aware; looking ahead, looking around are aware; While bending, the stretch are aware; when bearing double y, bowl, upper y are aware; eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing are aware; when defecation, urination are aware; when walking, standing, sitting, lying down, awake, talking, quietly are awakening.
He accomplished world aggregates Holy, Holy achievements holder of this house, Bible achievements mindfulness and awareness, the choices a quiet abode, such as forests, trees, ravines, caves, graveyard , outdoor arbor, haystack.
After eating and seeking alms returned, he sat fetters-old, straight back in place above, and mindfulness in front. He participated in the sexual abandon of life, living with escapism center lust washed out fitness center to participate. Renounce hatred, he does not mind living with anger, contentment mercy all sentient beings, all hatred wash center. Abandoning sloth dullness, he survived divorce deep torpor, with great attention towards light, mindful awareness, washed off drowsiness hypnotic mind. Abandoning agitation, repentance, he lives no agitation, inner serenity, washed out agitation center, repentance. Abandoning doubt, he lived escape suspicion, wondering not hesitate, washed out suspicious mind to dhamma.
He, abandoned five hindrances make unclean heart, making this strategy black intellectual, sexual ly, ly immoral law, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, since. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, is the sophistication required results.
And again, the monks, the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals, residence certificate Monday meditation, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, internal static Nhut care. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, is the sophistication required results.
And again the monks, the monks reside flush glass joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, residence certificate third meditation. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, is the sophistication required results.
And again the monks, the monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill incentives feelings before the wedding, fourth Meditation residence certificate, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, is the sophistication required results.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he afferent to place sufficient network. He remembers the past life, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five died, twenty died, forty died, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand generations Many corrupt lives, many lives. He remembered that: "At the other place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. Once in place, we were born in to it. In that place, we like this name, family like this, like this class, eating like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in the other place, I was born here. " Thus he remembered the past life, also with the outline and details. Thus, the monks, is the result of diligence, is the sophistication required results.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he radial position to birth and death of beings. He with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He states that knowledge the human beings inferior to those of high, rough guys who pretty bad, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch their careers. He thought: "Actually this being your achievements evil deeds of the body, virtuous achievements of speech, virtuous achievements of standard, vilified the sages, according viewpoints create now under the TA. These people, after relatives damage public network, must be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. And this being your good deeds accomplished physical achievements good deeds verbal and achievements of the good deeds, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view, these people, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, Empyrean , in this world. As such, he with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He states that the enlightened wisdom beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people who coarse, lucky people are so unfortunate wretch of them now. So this Monks, is the result of diligence, the expertise required results.
With a calm mind, pure, pure, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, immobile so, he afferent to take place illegally. He truly enlightened wisdom as: 'This is suffering, "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is Suffering "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the Cessation of Suffering ", enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the way to suffering Removal "enlightened wisdom as truth:" These are illegal or "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the cause of the illegal or "enlightened wisdom as truth:" This is the eradication of illicit or "enlightened wisdom as truth: "This is the path leading to the eradication of illicit or".
Thanks to know that, the same way, his mind escape illegal sex, organic contraband escape, escape ignorance. For itself has liberated so arises understanding: "I have liberated". He enlightened wisdom: "Sanh took advantage, dignity has, to-do had done after the present life, no callbacks this life anymore." Thus, these monks are the result of diligence, expertise is required result.
The monks, the Tathagata said. This monks, ten theoretical option of Tathagata legal theory had said led to praise:
(1) This Monks, if the human beings due to the work done in the past life of suffering optimistic leader, this time the monks, the Tathagata really have done good deeds in the past, this new territorial life expectancy communications such outflows.
(2) This Monks, if the human beings by a Creator created, optimistic life size head, this time the monks, the Tathagata really are created by a Creator sage facilities should new ways of leading this life such pleasures.
(3) This Monks, if the human beings by combining the conditions, suffering life optimistic leader, this time the monks, the Tathagata really are good combinations, so now new ways of communication consulates life Such life.
(4) This Monks, if the sentient beings by human kind, optimistic life size head, this time the monks, the Tathagata really good from being kind, should now receive life pleasures such outflows.
(5) This Monks, if the human beings due diligence leading current optimistic life suffering, this time the monks, the Tathagata really good effort made so far, given that this outflow head life Such pleasures.
(6) This, monks, if the human beings past actions by leaders optimistic life suffering, Tathagata deserves praise. If human beings do not act by past leaders optimistic life suffering, Tathagata deserves praise.
(7) This Monks, if the human beings by the Creator is a creation, communications head life suffering, Tathagata deserves praise. If human beings are not by a Creator created, feeling optimistic suffering head, Tathagata deserves praise.
(8) This Monks, if the human beings by combining territorial conditions optimistic life suffering, Tathagata deserves praise. If not by human beings conditions leading combined pleasures life unpleasant, Tathagata deserves praise.
(9) This Monks, if the human beings born by leaders optimistic kind of suffering life, Tathagata deserves praise. If these beings, not by the kind of life leading origination communication line, Tathagata deserves praise.
(10) This, monks, if the human beings due to the current satellite communications leader life suffering, Tathagata deserves praise.
The monks, the Tathagata said. This monks, ten legal theory theory this option Tathagata had said led to the praise.

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