Thursday 1 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

100. Beijing Sangarava (Sangarava Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
A time travel Exalted in mass Kosala with monks.
At that time, a Brahmin woman named Dhananjani (David na-far-ni) residing in Candalakappa (Dan-reach-la-life-ba) have allegiance Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Then Brahmin women Dhananjani after foot slipped, uttered three times inspired word: "He bowed to Buddha, Arhat level, Enlightenment! Obeisance to the Buddha did, grade A -la-drought, Enlightenment! obeisance to the Buddha did, level Arhat, Enlightenment! "
At that time, a young Brahmin Sangarava name residing in Candalakappa, three collective expertise Veda, with self-sustainability, ritual, etymology and Thursday is the ancient story, understand words and grammar, intensive Dai Thuan understand how human reasoning and facts. Young Brahmin Sangarava hear Brahmin women Dhananjani say so, after hearing and said the Brahmin woman Dhanajani:
- Female Brahmin this Dhananjani truth is inferior! Female Brahmin this Dhananjani truth is decadent, because that while the Brahmin was alive again say murmurs recluse he is bald.
- Hey dear sage, sage does not know the moral and intellectual virtues of the Tathagata? Hey dear sage, sage known if moral and intellectual virtues of the Tathagata, I think that this dear Sage, Sage will not think deserves to be Exalted defame, worth reviled.
- So Madam, when recluse Gotama to in Candalakappa, Ms please inform me.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
Women Brahmin replied yes Dhananjani youth Sangarava Brahmin.
Then Bhagavan continues to travel in and to Candalakappa Kosala. Here, Bhagavan residing in Candalakappa, mango forest of the Brahmin clan Todeyya.
Female Brahmin Dhananjani hear: "Bhagavan came Candalakappa, resident Candalakappa, mango forest of the Brahmin clan Todeyya". Then Brahmin women go to young Dhananjani Brahmin Sangarava, after arriving, told young Brahmin Sangarava:
- Hey dear sage, Career Bhagavan had to stay at Candalakappa Candalakappa, mango forest of Brahmin status of tribal Todeyya. Hey Dear Sage, Sage now do what Sage think is trendy.
- Dear Mrs., yes.
Young Brahmin Sangarava, yes answer Brahmin women Dhananjani, go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with welcome words inquire, after talking to the welcome to inquire Friends, sat to one side. Sitting down one side, young Brahmin lord Sangarava:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, there are some recluses, Brahmin claiming essentially on well, they have attained an existing right place and at the upper wing position thanks shore (abinnavesanaparamipatta). The venerable Gotama is how to he?
- Hey Bharadvaja, I said, there are differences between what you claiming the basic virtues, they have attained an existing on-site and off shore at Hotel thanks to rooftop. Bharadvaja Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin rumored (or traditional), due to rumors (or tradition), they admitted that the fundamental virtues, they have attained right now Hotel in communication with the upper end in mind shore because, as the Brahmin understood Veda trilogy. But this Bharadvaja, have some recluse Brahmin solely by faith, claiming that the fundamental virtues, they have already accomplished within current information and salvage shore location by location upstream, as theorists (the reflection). Bharadvaja Hey, there are some recluses, Brahmin, for the previous method had never been heard, for themselves perfectly legal voters did, claiming that the fundamental virtues, so has attained within Current information and salvage shore location through location upstream. Here is Bharadvaja, the monks, Brahmin was previously legal entities never heard, for themselves totally legal knowledge was, essentially claiming that virtue, they were proof achieved within the current information and salvage shore location through location upstream.
I am one of these persons. Bharadvaja this, He must sense it. The monks, Brahmin line for pre-law never heard, for themselves perfectly legal voters did, claiming that, on the basis of dignity, they have already accomplished within the current location information and a rooftop salvage shore by position, I am one of these persons.
Here is Bharadvaja, Oldtimer, when I have not a Career Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, I think as follows: "Family Life in cramped, dusty infection life; renunciation as liberal as outdoor. It's not easy to live at home, could live the holy life fulfilled, absolutely pure, white transparent like shells. So I just shaved, wearing robes Asa home , abandoned the family, not family life ".
This Bharadvaja Then, after a time, when I was young, teenage, black hair, blood gas full of youth, in the golden age of his life, although parents do not consent, tears filled his face, Wailing, I shaved, covering robes Asa renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life.
So I left home, a person seeking something even good, seek peace supreme supreme path. Alara Kalama I came to stay, when to finish with Alara Kalama began to say: "Sage Kalama, I want to live in dignity, this law". Bharadvaja this, heard this, Alara Kalama told me: "This venerable, live and dwell. France is thus made sinners place, not long as his Guru're taught, self-knowledge , insight and self-gain and dwell ". This Bharadvaja, and soon I was informed that legal throughout fastly. And this Bharadvaja until brandishing environmental issues and problems spokesman speaking, I say the teachings of wise man and the teachings of Elders (Ven), and I assume that I like others too, I know and I see.
Bharadvaja Hey, I thought as follows: "Alara Kalama declares this is not only because of faith:" After the self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain, I am new to dwell. "Alara Kalama certainly know this method, see It then residing ". Bharadvaja this, then I come to Alara Kalama in, after I told Alara Kalama to: "Sage Kalama, to what extent, his self-consciousness, self-certified, self-gain, and declared this legal?" Bharadvaja this, so to speak, Alara Kalama declares on land owned Radio.
This Bharadvaja Then, I thought: "Not only has Alara Kalama have faith, I also have faith. Not only Alara Kalama are diligent, we have also diligently. Not only Alara Kalama activated anniversary, I also thought. Not only Alara Kalama are making, I also have to. Not only Alara Kalama new insight, I also have understanding. So I try to be legal proof that Alara Kalama says declared: "After the self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain, I dwell."
This Bharadvaja Then, not long after the self-knowledge, self-certified, self achieve that measures fastly, I dwell. This Bharadvaja Then, I come to Alara Kalama in, after arriving, I say to Alara Kalama: "Hey Sage Kalama, there must have been self-knowing sage, insight, self-achieved and declared this law to such an extent dress?" - "Well, sage, I have self-knowledge, self-certified, self-achieved and declared this law to such a degree." - "Hey Sage, I also self-knowledge, self-certified, self-achieved and declared this law to such a degree." - "It benefits our behalf, It's smart for our benefit instead, as we can see such a venerable of dignity! France that I self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain, and claims, the Sage was legal autonomy, self-certified, self-gain and abides; measures that self-knowing sage, insight, self-gain and dwell, that my righteous self-knowing, self-gain and self-certification statement, taken by me know, the sage said that measures, measures which sage said, the measures that I know. I like, such as sage, sage like, I'm like that. Now come here, Sage the two of us to take care of this congregation! "
This Bharadvaja Thus, Alara Kalama was my master, to book me, he's disciples by his peers, and worship Me with supreme devotion. Bharadvaja this, then I think about it: "France is not directed to cover glass, not the direction to dispassion, not toward annihilation, not towards peace, not toward the upper position, not toward enlightenment, not direction to Nirvana, which only leads to the attainment of Unknown Origin of ownership. " This Bharadvaja Thus, I do not revere this law, and that the legal waiver, and I walked away.
This then Bharadvaja, Ta, who seek something very moral, sought peace supreme supreme path. We come to Uddaka Ramaputta, when finished I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Sage, I want to live in dignity, this legislation. To be told so, this Bharadvaja, Uddaka Ramaputta told me:" This venerable, live (and dwell), this law is such, that people have to your place soon as my Guru (teaching) self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain and dwell. "Bharadvaja Hey, I have thorough legal He fastly. And this Bharadvaja until brandishing environmental issues and problems spokesman speaking, I say the teachings of wise man, and the teachings of Elders (Theravada), and I assume that I like others too, I know and I see.
Bharadvaja Hey, I thought as follows: "Rama declared this law not because of faith:" After the self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain, new I dwell. "It certainly see Rama, know this law, then residing ". Bharadvaja this, then I come to Uddaka Ramaputta in, after arriving I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Sage Rama, to some extent, self-knowing Him, insight, self-achieved and declared this legal?" This Bharadvaja heard that, Uddaka Ramaputta great statement about non-ideal non African origin.
This Bharadvaja Then, I thought: "Not only have new Rama had faith. I also have faith. Not only Rama are diligent, we have also diligently. Not only have new Rama anniversary, We also have the concept. Not only have the new Rama, I also have to. Not only new knowledge Rama, I also have understanding. So I try to be legal proof that Rama declared: "After self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain, self-dwell ".
This Bharadvaja Then, not long after the self-knowledge, self-certified, self achieve that measures fastly, I dwell. This Bharadvaja Then, I come to Uddaka Ramaputta in, after arriving, I told Uddaka Ramaputta: "Hey Sage Rama, there must have been self-knowing sage, insight, self-achieved and declared this law to such an extent dress?" - "Well Sage, I have self-knowledge, self-certified, self-achieved and declared this law to such a degree." - "Hey Sage, I also have self-knowledge, self-certified, self-achieved and declared this law to such a degree." It benefits our behalf! It's smart for our benefit instead, as we can see such a venerable of dignity! French I, self-knowledge, self-certified, self-gain and claims, the law was self-knowing sage, insight, self-gain and abides; but Sage legal autonomy, self-certified, self gain and dwell, the self-knowing I was legal, insight, self gain and claims; I know the law, the law said that Sage; but Sage said measures, the measures that I know. I like how, sage is so; Sage how, I was the same. Now come here, Sage, let's take care of two congregations of this! "
Thus, this Bharadvaja, Uddaka Ramaputta is my master, to book me, he's disciples by his peers, and worship Me with supreme devotion. Bharadvaja this, then I thought: "This is not intended to cover the French cup, not directed to dispassion, not toward annihilation, not towards peace, not toward the upper position, not toward enlightenment, not toward Nirvana, which only leads to the attainment of non-ideal heresies African origin ". Thus, this Bharadvaja, I do not revere him and abandon legal measures that, I left.
Bharadvaja Hey, I, who seek something very moral, sought peace supreme supreme path, sequentially travels in water Magadha (Magadha) and come in touch Uruvela convergence (long frequency Pros speakers). Here, I found a place to yours, a comfortable forest clusters, with rivers flowing close bright, with a fording place easily endearing, and surrounding villages surrounded easier to beg. Bharadvaja this, then I thought to myself: "What an endearing place, a comfortable forest clusters, with rivers flowing close bright, with a fording place easily endearing, and surrounding villages surrounded easy easy to beg. It is a place sufficient for an electronic Good men can ardent earnest effort ". And this Bharadvaja, I sat down in that place and think: "It is sufficient to be diligent."
This then Bharadvaja, three examples arise in me, wonderful, previously never heard: Hey Bharadvaja, such as with a stick wet, sappy and put in water. A man came, holding fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, heat will emerge." Bharadvaja Hey, what do you think? He took stick wet, sappy put in this water, then rubbing with fire tools may kindle the fire, that fire out okay?
- No, the Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because the tree was wet, sappy to be soaked in water, so he was just tired and frustrated.
- Also, this Bharadvaja, the recluse or Brahmin live no renunciation of physical fitness, what for we belong to such sexual lust, sexual love, sex marriage implies, sexual desire , brain fitness heat, the interior has not been well rid of, has not been well lighten, if the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, drama paralysis, severe, and he was not able to show knowledge, supreme Enlightenment, and if these venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering , intense, fierce, and he will not be able to show knowledge, supreme Enlightenment. Bharadvaja Hey, that's the first example, subtle, previously never heard, was started up in me.
This Bharadvaja, then a second example, subtle, previously never heard, was started up in me. This Bharadvaja, such as with a stick wet, sappy, was rescued from the water and placed on dry land. A man came, holding fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, heat will emerge." Bharadvaja Hey, what do you think? He took stick wet, sappy, was rescued from the water, was placed on dry land, then rubbed with fire tools, can kindle the fire, the heat made out okay?
- No, the Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because the stick was wet, sappy, oil was recovered from the water and placed on dry land, so he was just tired and frustrated.
- Also, this Bharadvaja, the recluse or Brahmin live no renunciation of physical fitness, what for he belongs to sex as sexual desire, sexual love, sex yesterday hinted, sexual desire hope, brain fitness heat, the interior is not well rid, not smart lighten. If the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, intense, fierce, and he was not able to show knowledge, supreme Enlightenment . And if these venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling feelings glare of pain, suffering, intense, fierce, and neither can he attained knowledge, supreme chief Enlightened. Bharadvaja Hey, that's the second example, subtle, previously never heard, was started up in me.
This Bharadvaja, then a third example, subtle, previously never heard, was started up in me. This Bharadvaja, such as a dry stick, not plastic, was rescued from the water and placed on dry land. Having someone to hold fire tools with the thought: "I will kindle a fire, hot fire going out". Bharadvaja Hey, what do you think? He took stick dry, not plastic, was rescued from the water and placed on dry land, then rubbed with fire tools, can kindle the fire, making it hot out okay?
- Ladies are, Venerable Gotama. Why? This venerable Gotama, because the stick was dry, not plastic, to be fished out of the water, placed on dry land.
- Also, this Bharadvaja, the venerable recluse or Brahmin live detachment of physical fitness, what for he belongs to sex, like sexual desire, sexual love, sex darker, other sexual expectations, brain fitness heat, the interior is well rid of. If the venerable recluse or Brahmin is suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, intense, fierce, and he can be attained knowledge supreme Enlightenment. And if these venerable recluse or Brahmin does not suddenly feeling the pain sensation, intense, fierce, they have also attained supreme knowledge Enlightenment. Bharadvaja Hey, that's the third example, subtle, previously never heard, was started up in me.
Bharadvaja this, then I thought: "Let the gnashing of teeth, tongue sticking up on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart!" Bharadvaja this, then I gritted teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart. When I was gnashing of teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart, sweat escape from the place of my armpit. This Bharadvaja, as an athlete who took a sick head or shoulder grab, can overpower, overcome and defeat him. Bharadvaja Hey, when I was gnashing of teeth, tongue glued on top of the throat, take heart tame the mind, convince the mind, beating heart, sweat escape from the place of my armpits, this Bharadvaja, oil refined We press center need, diligent, paddle, oil dwell conceivable without wavering, but I loved still agitated, is not calm, because I am driven by the effort, due diligence against that unpleasant feeling .
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let us hold your breath meditation." And this Bharadvaja, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth and through the nose. Bharadvaja Hey, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth and through the nose, then an awful wind blows up, past the ears. This Bharadvaja, such as sound horrible coming from the pedestal is blowing bellows of a blacksmith. Also, this Bharadvaja, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth and through the nose, when a terrible wind blew up, past the ears. This Bharadvaja, oil refined We need media attention, effort, paddle, oil is thought to dwell not oscillate, but my body still agitated, is not calm, because I was influenced by the crystal ton due diligence against him unpleasant.
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let us cultivate more Zen breathless". And this Bharadvaja, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth, through the nose, and across the ear. Bharadvaja Hey, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, they have terrible wind blew stinging in my head. This Bharadvaja, such as an athlete who beheaded another man with a sharp sword, so it Bharadvaja, when one breathless multitude, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, then the wind terrible blow to my head ached. Bharadvaja this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, paddle, oil is thought to dwell not oscillate, but my body still agitated, is not calm, because I am driven by the diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant.
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let us cultivate more Zen breathless". And this Bharadvaja, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, I feel headache, a horrible way. This Bharadvaja, such as an athlete taking a hard leather belt wrapped around his head and tightens its grip round; also, this Bharadvaja, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, through the nose, and across the ear, I felt a terrible headache. Bharadvaja this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent paddle, oil is thought to dwell not oscillate, but my body still agitated, is not calm, because I was influenced by the crystal ton, due diligence against him unpleasant.
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let us cultivate more Zen breathless". And this Bharadvaja, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear. Bharadvaja Hey, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, a terrible wind that cut across my belly. This Bharadvaja, such as a skilled butcher or butcher disciples abdomen cut with a knife sharp cut of beef. Also, this Bharadvaja, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, a horrible cut tops my belly. Bharadvaja this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, paddle, although conceivable to dwell, not oscillate but my body still agitated, is not calm, because I am driven by the diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant.
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let us cultivate more Zen breathless". And this Bharadvaja, and I held my breath very, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear. Bharadvaja Hey, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, there is a horrible heat arises in my body. Bharadvaja this, for as two athletes after holding a weaker arm, grilled him, burned him on a coal pit fire. Also, this Bharadvaja, when I breathlessly wealth, exhale through the mouth, nose and passed through the ear, there is a horrible heat arises in my body. Bharadvaja this, I have even oil for heart, ardent, diligent, paddle, oil is thought to dwell, without wavering, but I loved still agitated, is not calm, because I am driven by diligence, due diligence against him unpleasant.
Again, Bharadvaja, gods saw it said the following: "recluse Gotama was already dead." Some gods say: "recluse Gotama is not dead, but the recluse Gotama about to die". Some gods say: "recluse Gotama is not dead. Recluse Gotama, nor dying. Recluse Gotama is level Arhat, the life of an Arhat is like dress".
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "Let's absolutely true." This then Bharadvaja, gods to me and say: "Hey Good is rewarded, Sage has absolutely not true. Hey Good is rewarded, if Sage had absolutely true, we will pour the dish horizontal Devas through the pores to Sage, and Sage so alive ". This Bharadvaja Then, I thought as follows: "If I absolutely real and this Devas Devas dishes poured through the pores to me and so I am still alive, so I lied time Ta ' . Bharadvaja Hey, I dismissed her gods and said, "That is enough."
Bharadvaja this, then I think about it like this: "Let's minimize eating, eat less drop by drop, like green bean soup, black bean soup or soup nuts or small bean soup". And this Bharadvaja, while I minimized the diet, eat every single drop, like green bean soup, black bean soup or bean soup nuts or small soup, my body became extremely emaciated. Because I eat too little, my limbs became like the grass or burning frame withered vines; because I eat too little, round table of I become like toenail camels; because I eat too little, exposing my spine like a ball chain; because I eat too little, emaciated ribs of rafters, columns I like a dilapidated house on stilts; because I eat too little, so my eyeballs glitter lies deep in the hole of the eyes, like light sparkling water located deep in a deep water wells; because I eat too little, my scalp to become dry as disheveled white pumpkin and bitter cut before September, with hot wind to dry disheveled. Bharadvaja Hey, if I thought: "Let's abdominal skin touch", the very backbone was I grabbed. If I thought: "Let touched backbone", then the belly skin was I grabbed. Because I eat too little, this should Bharadvaja, my belly skin clinging to the spine. Bharadvaja Hey, if I thought, "I defecated or urinated" then I fell stroke, face down on the ground, because I eat too little. Bharadvaja Hey, if I wanted to ease my body, hands to massage the limbs, this is Bharadvaja, while I massage the limbs, loss of hair from the body decay Me, for I eat too little.
Again, Bharadvaja, someone saw it said the following: "recluse Gotama have black skin". Some people say: "recluse Gotama, black skin, recluse Gotama have gray skin." Some people say: "recluse Gotama is not black skin, the skin is not gray." Some people say: "recluse Gotama is not black skin, the skin is not gray, recluse Gotama with deep yellow skin". Until such a degree, this Bharadvaja, my skin which pure, innocent perish because I eat too little.
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "In ancient times there are recluse or Brahmin suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, intense, fierce. But this suffering is dark Rooftop, can not have anything more. About the future, there are recluse or Brahmin suddenly feeling feelings glare pain, suffering, intense, fierce. The suffering is dark Rooftop can not have anything more. In the present, there is the recluse or Brahmin suddenly feeling the glare feeling pain, suffering, intense, fierce. But this suffering is paramount there can not be anything more. But I, with the fierce austerity like these, there's no upper legal evidence, knowledge wins saint worthy. Or is there any other path to enlightenment? "
Bharadvaja this, then I think as follows: "I know, while my father, in the course of Sakka (Shakyamuni) is plowed and I was sitting under the shade tree-line-salt (jambu), Ta sexual ly , glass immoral legal residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, with the quarter ". When dwell so, I thought, "this path can lead to enlightenment reasonable?" And this Bharadvaja followed that idea, this consciousness arises in me: 'This is the path to enlightenment ".
Bharadvaja this, then I thought: "I have this fear of affordable pleasures, a glass of sexual pleasures, glass immoral law?" Bharadvaja this, then I think: "I am not afraid to touch this life, a glass of sexual pleasures, glass immoral law." '
This Bharadvaja Then, I thought: "Now it is not easy to attain his pleasures, with horrible sickly body like this. Let's eat real rough, eating sour". This Bharadvaja Then, I eat real rough, eat sour. Bharadvaja This, then, five monks were served I thought: "When legal recluse Gotama, he'll tell us." This Bharadvaja, seeing I actually eat raw, eat sour, he hated the Ta, leave and say: "This recluse Gotama fully live material, to give diligent, prosperous life callbacks" .
This Bharadvaja Then, after eating real rough and strength back, I sexual ly, ly immoral law, residence certificate first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, with the quarterfinals. Killing Games and quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, single-mindedly internal static. Ly Hy discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, Zen residence certificate Tuesday. Drain peanuts, discharge suffering, kill incentives sensations rapture before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts.
With a calm mind, pure in light not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I direct the mind, to the Additional Inbound Intelligent Network. We remember the past life, as a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty died, thirty-life, life forty, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand life, one hundred thousand lives, many lives damaged, many lifetimes, many damaged and the life. I remember saying, "At the other place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in there, I was born in to it. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic life expectancy to levels like this. " So I remembered past life with the outline and details. Bharadvaja Hey, that's the first intelligent in the night I saw a crop, destroy ignorance, intelligent being, referring to kill, light being, because I live not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent.
With a calm mind, pure in light not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I direct the mind, intellect afferent to the birth and death of beings. I and the pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. I know that all beings, inferior people who noble, beautiful people, rough guys bad luck, the unfortunate are so happy their careers. These beings do evil deeds of the body, words and thoughts, slander the saint, according wrong, generate follow wrong now; these people, after relatives damage public network, must be born into the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. And yet these beings do the deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not libel the sages, follow the right view, create now follow the right view; these people after themselves corrupt public network, was born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. So I and the pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. I know that beings inferior person, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, who suffer and are due to conduct their business. This Bharadvaja, which is proving to be second on the night I saw centered ignorance kill, intelligent being, possessed kill, light being, because I live not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent.
With a calm mind, pure, clear, not contaminated, not negativity, skilful, easy to use, stable, calm like that, I direct the mind, afferent to gonorrhea take place. I know as fact: "This is suffering", known as truth: "This is the cause of suffering", known as real: 'This is the cessation of suffering ", known as real:' This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering" , know as fact: "These are illegal or" know as truth: "This is the cause of gonorrhea or" know as truth: "This is the eradication of illicit or" know as truth: "This is me Road leading to the eradication of illicit or ". Thanks to know this, so aware, my mind escape illegal sex, organic contraband escape, escape ignorance. For itself has liberated so, I rise to understanding: "I have liberated" I already knew: "Birth was killed, has dignity, to do did, after this present life is no life any other life. " Bharadvaja Hey, that's my third league has seen in the last crop, destroy ignorance, intelligent being, referring to kill, light being, because I live not spontaneous, ardent zeal.
When they heard that, young Brahmin's San-garava white worship:
- Actually, the essential need of the faithful Venerable Gotama (atthita). Indeed, the essential need of Venerable Gotama is the essential need of Chan's degree (Sappurisa), a Career as Arhat, Enlightenment. Dear Venerable Gotama, there are no gods?
- Hey Bharadvaja, I know with certainty there are gods.
- But why, dear venerable Gotama, when asked if the gods do not, asked: "Hey Bharadvaja, I know with certainty there are gods". The job is so, sir Venerable Gotama, there is nowhere language, language not expect?
- Hey Bharavaja, if they are asked: "Is there no gods?"; must be answered, "Yes gods"; but replied: "Certainly I know there are gods". Thus, a rational person to conclude no doubt, is the devas.
- But why Venerable Gotama no such explanation for the child from the start?
- Hey Bharadvaja, so loud was accepted in life ie Devas.
When they heard that, young Brahmin lord Sangarava:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama, as people stand up to what was overturned, exposing what was covered, only way for those going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, the Chief Justice has been used many means Bhagavan presented. And now the venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge in France, the refuge we bhikkhu Sangha. Expect venerable Gotama receive the disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/10/2015.

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