Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

145. World Economic Education Phu-long-na (Punnovada Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-da-Forest), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
Then venerable puñña (Phu-long-na), in the afternoon, from solitude divinity stood up, went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, venerable lord puñña:
- Buddha, good replacement if World Religions World presented with a brief remark of me, so that I may, after listening to Bhagavan, living alone, mistress, no distractions, zealous, ardent .
- This thing puñña, listen and think carefully test, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, lord.
The venerable puñña Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey puñña, there are so eye color perception, endearing, possible happy, pleasurable, available standard, related to education, attractive. If monks joyful applause, clinging and dwell in it, the joy by applause, clinging and dwell, sexual rapture born; and this puñña, I say, from the initial set of sexual pleasure, is the originator of the format set. Puñña Hey, there are sound perception by ear; has the flavor perception by nose; there is even the perception by the tongue; have feelings perceived by the body; There are so standard cognitive measures; endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, likely related to sexual attention, attractive. If monks joy, appreciation, clinging and dwell in it, the so happy, appreciative, clinging and craving reside, sexual rapture born; and this puñña. It is said that, since the launch episode of sexual pleasure, is the originator of the format set.
Puñña this, there are so eye color perception, endearing, pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, related to education, attractive. If monks are not happy, no applause, no clinging and dwell, the Cardinal defeated. Puñña this, I say, from the cessation of sexual rapture is the cessation of suffering. Puñña Hey, there are sound perception by ear; has the flavor perception by nose; there is even the perception by the tongue; have feelings perceived by the body; There are so standard cognitive measures, endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, capable reviews, related to education, attractive. If monks are not happy, no applause, no clinging and dwell, the Cardinal defeated. Puñña this, I say, from the cessation of sexual rapture is the cessation of suffering.
This puñña, he will live in the country yet, this world He was my teacher with a brief remark of gender?
- Buddha, now the World Religions was presented with a brief remark of gender, there is a country named Sunaparanta degree (West Du-na Korea), I would live there.
- Hey puñña, Sunaparanta nationals are violent. Puñña Hey, man Sunaparanta water is rough. Puñña Hey, if the water Sunaparanta reviled him, insulted him, this time puñña, where he would like?
- Buddha, if the water Sunaparanta upbraided me, humiliate me, at that time, I would think as follows: "It is an excellent charity, this person Sunaparanta water! It is good press, this person Sunaparanta water! Because that they do not get beaten hands. " Buddha, in that I would think so. White Auspicious, in that you would think so.
- But this puñña, if the country who beat Mr. Sunaparanta hand, this time puñña, where he will be thinking how?
- Buddha, if the water who beat the Sunaparanta hand; at that time, I would think as follows: "" It was good, the water is Sunaparanta! It is the ultimate good, this Sunaparanta nationals! So that they do not take the throw clods beat us. "Buddha, in that you would think so! White Auspicious, in that you would think so.
- But this puñña, if the person taking the water Sunapa Ranta threw clods hit him, this time puñña, where he will think?
- Buddha, if the person taking clods thrown Sunaparanta water hit me; at that time, I would think as follows: "It is an excellent charity, the water people Sunaparanta! It is good press, the water people Sunaparanta! So that they are not a stick to beat us." Buddha, in that I would think so. White Auspicious, in that you would think so.
- But this puñña, if the person with the rod water Sunaparanta beat him, this time puñña, in that he think?
- Buddha, if the nationals Sunaparanta a stick to beat me; at that time, I would think as follows: "It is an excellent charity, the water people Sunaparanta! It is good press, the water people Sunaparanta! So that they do not take a knife to beat us." Buddha, in that I would think so. White Auspicious, in that you would think so.
- But this puñña, if the nationals Sunapa beat Mr. Ranta took the knife, this time puñña, in that he think?
- Buddha, if the water who beat children Sunaparanta knife; at that time, I would think as follows: "It is an excellent charity, the water people Sunaparanta! It is good press, the water people Sunaparanta! So that they do not get a sharp knife winning network harm us". Buddha, in that I would think so. White Auspicious, in that you would think so.
- But this puñña, if the nationals Sunaparanta sharp knife network harmful He won, this time puñña, in that he think?
- Bhagavan margin percentage, if the person would take water Sunapa knives sharp Ranta won subnets harm; at that time I would think as follows: "There are disciples of Bhagavan, sorrow and boredom bodies and lives to find the knife (to commit suicide). Now we need to find out was that knife" . Buddha, in that I would think so. White Auspicious, in there, you would think so.
- You instead, rather benign, this puñña! Puñña Hey, he can live in water Sunaparanta, when he had been full of peace and this convince. Puñña Hey, now do what he think is trendy.
Then venerable puñña, after joyful life believers teach Bhagavan words, from the seat up, bowed, right hand towards his body, cleans couch, taking care bowl, leave, go to water Sunaparanta. Continue to travel, go to the water venerable puñña Sunaparanta. Here, venerable live domestic puñña Sunaparanta. Then venerable internal puñña season rainy season retreat in it, photography is about five hundred laymen; Lent is the season that, regent of about five hundred laywomen; Lent is the season that, Sanming evidence. After a time, Venerable puñña common destiny.
Then a large number of monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting to one side, her monks lord:
- Buddha, Good men puñña element that, after being presented with all World Religious teachings were presented briefly shared destiny. Sanh's interesting what he is? Life after his won about?
- Hey monks, Good men were worthy place puñña death. He practiced law and legal options. He does not bother me with questions about the law. Monks Hey, Good men puñña death has entered Nirvana.

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