Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

151. Beijing pure alms (Pindapataparisuddhi Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), foster care site (Kalandakanivapa).
Then venerable Sariputta in the afternoon, from solitude divinity stood up, went to Bhagavan, after coming bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting on one side:
- Hey Sariputta, the house of Mr. sharp, skin color of purity in the morning Mr. This Sariputta, he currently reside largely reside with any kind?
- Buddha, the majority currently reside with no residence.
- You instead, heal instead! This Sariputta, he currently reside largely with the rank of General staff reside. This Sariputta, the dwell of great being that is not emptiness. Therefore, the Sariputta, if monks wished: "Hopefully, I now reside largely reside with the emptiness", this time Sariputta, monks that should reflect as follows: "On the road I went to the village for alms, at my abode was begging for food, and on the road from the village to beg me to return, at that place, for the eye color due to perception, there arises in my place sex, greed, anger and delusion, or hate not mind? "
This Sariputta, if monks after thinking know that: "On the road we went to the village for alms, in residence and I have to beg on the streets begging for food from my village back, against the eye color due to perception, there arises where one sex, greed, hatred and delusion, or heart, "this time Sariputta, monks had to take diligent evil evil sections that approach. But this Sariputta, if monks while thinking known as follows: "On the road we have to go ... we go back alms, to perceive by the eye color, no sex arises where, greed, hatred and delusion or interest ", this time Sariputta, monks had to dwell with joy and joyful day in the dhamma practice.
Again, Sariputta, monks should reflect as follows: "On the road we have to go ... we go back alms, for sound perception by ear, ... for the flavor by nasal perception ... for cacvi by tongue awareness, ... for contact awareness by itself ... for by the cognitive approach, there arises sex, greed, hatred and delusion or hate not mind? "
This Sariputta, if monks while thinking known as follows: "On the road we have to go ... we go back alms, for sound perception by ear, ... for the flavor by nose awareness, ... for the position by the tongue awareness, ... for contact awareness by itself ... for by the cognitive approach, there arises where one sex, greed, hatred, or hatred of mind ", this time Sariputta, monks had to take diligent evil evil sections that approach. But this Sariputta, if monks while thinking known as follows: "On the road we have to go ... we go back alms, for sound perception by ear, ... for flavor perception by nose ... for cognitive status due tongue ... for contact awareness by itself ... for by the cognitive approach, there arises where one sex, greed, hatred and delusion or interest ", this time Sariputta, monks had to dwell with joy and joyful day in the dhamma practice.
Again, Sariputta, monks should reflect as follows: "I have nurtured education annihilation year yet? Hey Sariputta, if monks, while reflection is known as:" We do not make an end year Chief Nursing Education ", this time Sariputta, monks had to make an end to years of sexual diligently cultivate. But if, this Sariputta, monks while thinking known as follows:" I have nurtured education annihilation year "This time Sariputta, monks had to dwell with joy and joyful day in the dhamma practice.
Again, Sariputta, monks must reflect the following: "I take five hindrances piece yet?" If, this Sariputta, while thinking, monks known as follows: "I am not a total annihilation five hindrances", this time Sariputta, monks had to take diligent paragraph five hindrances. But if, this Sariputta, monks while thinking known as follows: "I have to make an end five hindrances", this time Sariputta, monks had to dwell with joy and rejoice in the practice day dhamma.
Again, Sariputta, monks must be thinking: "I have full understanding of aggregates yet?" This Sariputta, if while thinking, monks known as follows: "I do not have full understanding of aggregates", this time Sariputta, monks he must diligently full understanding of aggregates. But if, this Sariputta, while thinking, monks came to be known as: "I have full understanding of aggregates", this time Sariputta, the monks had to dwell with rapture and joy religious day Study in the dhamma.
Again, Sariputta, monks should reflect as follows: "I have to practice the four foundations of mindfulness yet?" This Sariputta, if while thinking, monks are known: "I have not practiced the four foundations of mindfulness", this time Sariputta, monks must diligently practice the four foundations of mindfulness. But if, this Sariputta, while thinking, monks known as follows: "I have to practice the four foundations of mindfulness", this time Sariputta, monks he must dwell with joy and joyful day practice in good behavior.
Again, Sariputta, monks must be thinking: "I have four main practice should not?" ... "I have practiced as standard four-sufficient yet?" ... "I have to practice five senses yet? "..." I have practiced in force yet? "..." I have not practiced seven enlightenment? "... Again, Sariputta, monks must reflect the following:" I was practicing the Noble Eight branches yet? " If monks, this Sariputta, while reflection is known as: "We have not been practicing the Noble Eight branches", this time Sariputta, monks he should diligently practice the Noble Eight branches. But if, this Sariputta, monks while reflection is known as: "I was practicing the Noble Eight branches", this time Sariputta, monks he should dwell in joy and joyful day practice in good behavior.
Again, Sariputta, monks must be thinking: "I have to practice and insight yet?" If the monks, this Sariputta, while reflection is known as follows: "I have not practiced and insight "This time Sariputta, monks he should diligently practice and insight. But if, the monks, monks while thinking known as follows: "I have to practice and insight," this time Sariputta, monks he must dwell with joy and joyful day practice in the dhamma.
Again, Sariputta, monks should reflect as follows: "I have realized the intelligent and liberated yet?" If the monks, this Sariputta, while reflection is known as: "We have not been realized intelligent and liberated ", this time Sariputta, monks he should diligently practice and rescue league. But if, this Sariputta, monks while thinking known as follows: "I have realized the intelligent and liberated", this time Sariputta, monks he must dwell with joy and joyful day practice in good behavior.
This Sariputta, the recluse or Brahmin in the past gave alms to be pure, all he did for alms is purified by reflection, thought so. This Sariputta, the recluse or Brahmin any future time will make alms are purified, all he will do for alms are purified, by reflection, reflection as dress. And this Sariputta, the recluse, Brahmin in the current period, making alms are purified, all he did for alms are purified, by reflection, reflection as dress. This so Sariputta, the He must study as follows: "Upon reflection, reflection, we would make is pure alms". Sariputta this, he must cultivate the same.

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