Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

147. State of Church World Rāhula (Cularahulovada Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did) at his residence he Anathapindika.
Then Bhagavan while solitude humanity, arises following volition: "Forums are the legal maturity led to extricate Rahula. So I take a train more Rahula in the cessation of illegal or". Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y, went into Savatthi for alms. After seeking alms in Savatthi, after the meal, on the road to beg back, Bhagavan to call and say Venerable Rahula:
- Hey Rahula, hold cushions, we will go to Andhavana daytime attractions.
- Ladies and yes, lord.
Venerable Rahula Bhagavan replied yes and took the cushions and follow behind Bhagavan.
At that time, thousands of gods followed Bhagavan and think: "Today, the Exalted will train more venerable Rahula in the cessation of illegal or".
Then Bhagavan go into the forest and sat down on the seat Andhavana were prepared under a tree. Venerable Rahula bowed, then sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Rahula was sitting on one side:
- Hey Rahula, What do you think? The eye is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, is impermanent.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, is suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to variable necrosis, have reasonable time to shop so affordable that: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self '?
- Ladies and not so, lord.
This Rahula. What do you think? Lust is permanent or impermanent? ... Perception is permanent or impermanent? ... Brand promotion is permanent or impermanent? ...? Due to this emotional affinity label, was started up feeling, perception, and consciousness; the method is started up that is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, is impermanent.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, is suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to variable necrosis, have reasonable time to shop so affordable that: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self?"
- Ladies and not so, lord.
- Hey Rahula, What do you think? Tai is permanent or impermanent? ... The nose is permanent or impermanent? ... The tongue is permanent or impermanent? ... The body is permanent or impermanent ... Italy is permanent or impermanent? ... France are permanent or impermanent ?. .. Consciousness is permanent or impermanent? ... The contact is permanent or impermanent? ... Because this emotional affinity reviews, was started up feeling, perception, and consciousness; the method is started up that is permanent or impermanent?
- Buddha, is impermanent.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- Buddha, is suffering.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to variable necrosis, have reasonable time to shop so affordable that: "This is mine, this is mine, this is my self '?
- Ladies and not so, lord.
- Hey Rahula, by seeing this, the disciples of St. David literature coveralls eye glasses, coveralls glass shades, glass consciousness overalls, coveralls contact glass label, label conditioned by this contact, was started up feeling, perception, calls. He affectionately ly started up his approach. He affectionately ear cups, bibs bibs ... ly ly the nasal voice, bib overalls ... ly ly aromas of incense ... ly tongue coveralls, bib overalls ... ly the separation position, coveralls cup of contact ... ly standard overalls, coveralls legal ly, ly aware bibs, coveralls ly the contact. Conditioned by the contact, which was kicked up feeling, perception, and consciousness. He affectionately legal ly started up it. Do bibs glass, he dispassion. Do dispassion, he freed. In liberation is understanding: "I have been liberated." And he said: "The birth took advantage, on well-succeeded, the work should have been done, not even come back to this state again".
Bhagavan such preaching. Venerable Rahula, credit joyful life teaching the word Bhagavan. While the lecture is to say, the Venerable Rahula mind is liberated from the cankers, no attachments. And for thousands of gods that, labels started to approach glass ceiling, no structure: "All what is started up, all with extinction".END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGTHMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/10/2015.

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