Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

123. Business legal Hopeful organic monk (Acchariya-abbhutadhamma Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (United-da-Forest), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
Then a large number of monks, after the meal, after seeking alms about, sitting attendants gathered in sugar (upatthanasala), this story was started up between them up:
"It's rather rare reverences! Really useful rather than increasing reverences, is great psychic power, great power of the Tathagata! For he knows the past Buddhas, has entered Nirvana, the Coliseum has a comment section, was directed segment of karma, reincarnation was terminated, was escapism every suffering: "Bhagavan was born Chu such nature, such identity, ethnic identity as such, such virtues, virtues such measures, intellectual virtues so, stay happy so, the word Bhagavan was so liberating. "
When heard so, Venerable Ananda told his monks: "It's rather rare reverences, Tathagata is fully legal bizarre! Really useful rather than increasing reverences, Tathagata is full Legal ownership monk! "
And the story of his monks interrupted. Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from solitude divinity stood up, went to the attendant road, after arrival, was prepared to sit on the seat. After sitting, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey monks, now the talk what he sit? What story between Mr. interrupted?
- Here, venerable sir, we are after meals, after begging for food back, we sat gathered at road visibility, the following story was started up: "Hopeful rather, reverences!. .. lettered Exalted so he was freed. " When they heard that, lord, Venerable Ananda told us the following: "It is rare to replace ... Tathagata is full of bizarre legal! Really useful rather than increasing ... Tathagata is full full legal ownership monk! " This story between us, lord, interrupted. Then Bhagavan come.
Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
- So, this Ananda, speak up more, the virtues rare, because of the increased ownership of the Tathagata.
- Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "Mindfulness is awareness, is Ananda, the Bodhisattva being in God we (Kaya) Tusita". Because of that, lord, mindfulness and awareness, Bodhisattva born in Heaven we Tusita, human life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "Mindfulness awareness, this Ananda, the Bodhisattva abides in God we Tusita". Because of that, lord, mindfulness and awareness, Bodhisattva abides in God we Tusita, human life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "Mindfulness awareness, this Ananda, the Bodhisattva abides in God we Tusita until a full life span." Because of that, lord, mindfulness and awareness, Bodhisattva abides in God we Tusita for the rest of their lifespan, human life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property of Bhagavan cleared .
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "Mindfulness is awareness Ananda, the Bodhisattva after from God we Tusita public network, enter the pregnant form." Because of that, lord, mindfulness and awareness, the Bodhisattva after from God we Tusita public network, enter the fetal form, human life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a monk's existence Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva into fetal form, this Ananda, then a halo immeasurable, miraculous, far from imposing victory of the Devas force out the same throughout the world, including the world above the gods, the world of the Mara and Brahma and the world below, including monks, Brahmin, gods and men. For to the world in the midst of the world, darkness, gloom without foundation, the realm where the sun moon with great ability, with great dread such force projection lens also can not, in the realms , an immeasurable glory, victory of the Devas, its power far out. And the living beings in those places thanks to his aura can see each other and say: "There are other beings who live here". And ten thousands of the world in motion, vibration, movement strong. And halo immeasurable, miraculous, its power is far won the gods appear in the world. For that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan ".
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva enter fetal form, this Ananda, four Thien-mail to guard the four corners of the earth and say:" Do not give a person, who or not human beings are distractions Bodhisattva or Bodhisattva mother. "Because that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property of Bhagavan cleared ".
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva enter fetal form, this Ananda, mother bodhisattva precepts an innocent, no killing, no stealing, no adultery, do not lie, do not drink the cooking liquor, wine to ferment ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva enter fetal form, this Ananda, the Bodhisattva parent education does not start for a male mind does, and mother bodhisattva not violated by any man could have infected the mind ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva enter fetal form, this Ananda, mother Bodhisattva enjoy sufficient merit in education, training and enjoy a full year of virtue ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva enter fetal form, this Ananda, mother bodhisattva is not an illness. She lived with joy, with heart refreshing. She saw in her womb full Bodhisattva all parts and limbs. Ananda, such as lapis gem, pure, homogeneous, with octagonal, well cut, well cuticle in bright, spotless, perfect in every way. Then a rope are strung through his jewel, halter blue, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. If there are people who have eyes to pearls on his hands, he will see clearly: "This is the jewel lapis, pure, homogeneous, eight-sided, well cut, well-sanding, pure, blameless, perfect in every way. This is the last string ropes, rope blue, yellow, red, white or pale yellow. "Likewise, the Ananda, the Bodhisattva enter pregnancy pattern, mother bodhisattva is not a disease at . She lived with joy, with refreshed mind. She saw in her womb full Bodhisattva parts and limbs ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Lord I hear in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "After seven days of birth Bodhisattva, the Ananda, the Bodhisattva mother shared destiny and power head born to heaven." Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "While the other women, the Ananda, pregnant belly pregnant in nine months or ten months before the birth, the mother bodhisattva born Portuguese -All not so. She Bodhisattva carries unborn Bodhisattva ten months before birth ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "While the other women, the Ananda, or sit or lie that is born, the birth mother Beef Bodhisattva not slap like so. Mom standing Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is born. " Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, this Ananda, devas caught him before, then new to mankind." Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, the Ananda, the Bodhisattva does not touch the ground. There are four Thien death grabbed him, put him before the mother and said, "The queen just rejoice! Queen bore a great man. "Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, this Ananda, he is born pure, not stained by any viscous water, not contaminated pus cell by any kind, not stained by blood type, not stained by any public impurities, pure, clean. This Ananda, such as a pearl jeweled Romanian put on a plate Balaam complaints fabric. Jewel not polluted cloth Balaam complaints, cloth Balaam deer nor polluting the pearl. Because why? Because both are pure. Also, This Ananda, the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, he was born pure, not stained by any viscous water, not stained by any type of latex, not stained by blood types, not polluted by any certain impurities, pure, pure. " Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, this Ananda, two water lines from out of nowhere, a cold stream, a hot line. Two line that clean wash water for Bodhisattva and mothers ". Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "Bodhisattva when born, is Ananda, he stood, balancing on two legs, facing north, walking seven steps, a whites were covered up. He looked across every way, sounded like the ox king, uttered the following words: "I am supreme in the world! I am the dark religious rank in the world! I am the highest grade in the world! Now the last life, no longer subject to rebirth in this world anymore. "Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, venerable sir, is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
Buddha, the hearing in person, the memo in person from Bhagavan: "When the Bodhisattva from the womb are born, this Ananda, then a miraculous boundless aura, its power is far away win of the gods, out the world, including the world on gods, the world of the Mara and Brahma, and the world below include Salmone, Brahmin, gods and men. For to the realm between worlds, dark, overcast, no platform, the realm where the sun moon with great ability, great dread such force projection lens can not, in these realms a boundless aura, its power is far Devas win out. And the beings that live in the place, thanks to his aura can see each other and say: "There are other beings who live here". And ten thousand world This global movement, vibration, movement strong. And countless magical aura, its power is far away win of the gods appear in the world. Because of that, lord, child life over this incident, lord is a rarity, a property cleared of Bhagavan.
- So, this Ananda, let life over this incident is a rarity, a property cleared of Tathagata. Here, Ananda, sensations arise where Bhagavan is known; known, they dwell; known, they go to turn septic; the idea is known; the range arises known; known, they dwell; known, they go to turn septic. Ananda, let life over this is a rarity, a property cleared of Tathagata.
- Whereas, lord, the feeling arises where Bhagavan is known; known, they dwell; known, they go to turn septic; the idea is known; the range arises known; known, they dwell; known, they go to turn septic. Buddha, the human life over this incident is a rarity, a property cleared of Tathagata.

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