Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

129.  (Balapandita Sutta)

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (Member States-momentum), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Yes, venerable sir," was obedient monks replied Bhagavan. Bhagavan says as follows:
(The Source)
- Hey monks, have three traits, characteristics, and characteristics of the source of this publication. What are the three? Here, monks, people stupid thinking evil thoughts, saying evil words and acts of virtue. This Monks, if a fool not to think negative thoughts, do not say bad words, not doing evil deeds, the wise man knows how he: "This man is a fool, is not Chan's" ? And because of that, the monks, the fool thinking negative thoughts, saying evil words, evil unfortunate, therefore, the wise know him: "This man is a fool, is not Chan's".
The stupid does, this the monks, even in the current sensations offers three kinds of suffering. This Monks, if stupid people sit among the congregation, or sitting by the road with passing vehicles, or at the intersection (three, intersection) the road, at that (if) there are people thinking about the appropriate story did. If the stupid, the monks, killing, taking what is not given, according to the lewd sexual misconduct, lying, drunken men, cooking wine, often here, the monks, the fool thinks as follows: "The story he thinks appropriate to do, because the law does indeed have in ourselves and that we have the law." This monks, this is the first priority of suffering, people stupid feeling right now.
Again, monks, kings fool seen after catching criminals guilty, immediately apply multiple penalties difference. They flagellation, they beat with batons, they hit with alcohol, their hands, their feet firmly, dismember them, they cut and ear, nose they cut, they cut and cut ear nose; they use punishment oil cauldron, they use punishment context shaped hill (slicing off a scalloped tip) they use punishment la almost export figure, the display of fire (burning fire with a wreath), good capital formation (burned hand ), the execution (taken back then tighten braided straw), medical packaging form (taking the bark as clothing), antelopes form (penalty mountain goat), sentences of corporal punishment (taking the hook into the flesh), the money form (meat cut into coin shape), shutter block, moving image, high bike stations, they irrigated with boiling oil, they feed the dog, they pile people live, they take the sword beheaded. Here, the monks, the fool thinks as follows: "Do people act so evil, the kings after catching criminals guilty, immediately apply sanctions difference. They flagellation they beat with batons, they hit with alcohol, their hands, their feet tightly, they cut their hands and feet .. beheading sword. These measures were real in ourselves and that we have the law. If the Kings know for us, the prince was after arrest me immediately apply multiple penalties difference. They flagellation, they beat with batons, they hit with their cone ... beheading with the sword. " This monks, this is the kind of suffering offers second straight fool in current sensations.
Again, monks, while sitting in a chair climbing fool, or in bed, or lying on the ground, at the time, those who did evil deeds done before, like evil itself, oral evil act, the evil onions, hanging lie, hang pressure, hanging on top of it. Just as, monks, in the afternoon, the ball hanging lying peaks, hanging pressure, weighed hang on land; also, the monks, the fool sitting on a chair, or sit on the bed, or on the ground, while that of the industrial past of the person, which is itself evil, oral evil act, the evil act , hanging lies, hanging pressure, weighed on him hang. Here, monks, a fool to think like this: "Actually I do not blessed, not do good, do not fight fear, to do evil, do something violent, do crime sorry. Do not do things blessed, not do good, do not fight fear, so do evil, do something violent, did evil should have to go to the Beast, Beast that after death we must go ". He sorrow, lamentation, mourning, mourn, groan and fell into unconsciousness. This monks, this is the advantage of suffering third right now, people stupid (right) sensations.
This monks, other fools after doing evil act itself, after doing evil acts exporter, after doing the evil practice, when the body of damaged public network, born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell.
This Monks, if anyone rightly say about him, saying that he is totally fine, totally endearing, totally not like attention. As rightly want to talk about Hell, Hell must say, absolutely not nice, totally endearing, totally not like attention. In this regard, the monks, until an example is not easy, because a lot of the suffering of Hell.
When told this, one other monks lord:
- Buddha, Bhagavan can give you one example that is not?
Bhagavan replied:
- May be, these monks. Just as, monks, someone caught a thief, leading to the presence of the king and said, "O Lord, this is a criminal for his crime! Let the punishment it as the Great King wanted" . And he say, king of thieves rob him: "Hey Mr., go and take a stab at who this morning with a hundred spears." And in the morning, they stabbed him with a hundred spears. Then lunch, King said the following: "Hey Mr., he like?" - "O King, it is still alive". The king said the following about the robbers was: "Hey Mr., go and at noon, just stab people with a hundred spears." And at noon, they stabbed him with a hundred spears. Then in the afternoon, King said the following: "Hey Mr., he like?" - "O King, it is still alive". The king said the following about the other: "Hey Mr., go and in the afternoon, just stab people with a hundred spears." And in the afternoon, they stabbed him with a hundred spears.
Monks Hey, What do you think? He was stabbed three hundred spears, predestined by him, with no feeling pain and grief?
- Buddha, was spear just once, the other because of conditions that felt pain and grief, but said nothing until three hundred spears!
Then Bhagavan picked up a small stone, big as a hand and told the monks:
- Hey monks and how do you think? Something bigger, this stone, as big as my hand picking up, or mountain, (Himalaya), king of the mountain kind?
- It's too small, venerable sir, big stones by hand by Bhagavan picked up. Compared with king Himalaya mountain types, it is not insignificant, it's not a thousand times in the part (of the Snow Mountain), not comparable!
- Also, the monks, he was stabbed by three hundred spears, was predestined by feeling pain and grief. Suffering was comparable size offers advantages in what Hell is negligible, not by a thousandth of thousands of times, can not be compared. The monks, the holder hell arrested him under penalty called in piles (pancavidhabandhanam). They get hot irons pile closed at one hand, they get close to the red-hot iron stake second hand, they get close to the red-hot iron stake feet, they get close to the red-hot iron spindles foot secondly, they grab piles hot irons close to the chest. He here feeling the pain head, anguish, intense. But he could not share the fate until his or her karma has not been eliminated.
The monks, the holder Hell arrested him to lie down and take him tightly hammer. He here feeling the pain head, anguish, intense. But he will not be shared destiny until his or her karma has not been eliminated.
The monks, the people holding him upside Hell upper leg, the lower head and grab him tightly hammer. He here feeling ... not being eliminated.
The monks, the people hold him in Hell column a car, pulling him run up and down the land are burned red, flaming, glowing fire. He here feeling ... not being eliminated.
Then the monks, the people holding him to hell pulling him down on a mountainside full of inspiration, red fire, flaming, glowing fire. He here feeling ... not being eliminated.
Then the monks, the people holding him upside Hell upper leg, head and throwing him beneath a copper cauldron with hot oil, red fire, flaming, glowing fire. Here he cooked with boiling water bubbles, here are cooked in boiling water cauldron; when they emerged earlier, when it sank to the bottom, while the horizontal drift. He here feeling the pain head, anguish, intense. But he could not share the fate until his or her karma has not been eliminated.
Then the monks, who keep throwing him into Hell Hell Bound. This Monks, General hell, there are the four corners, four doors, divided into equal parts; surrounded by iron walls; Roofing iron roof on top. Hell background with hot irons, fire red; upright, always present, a hundred wide by week.
The monks, with many disciplines, I speak of Hell, but it's hard to tell the full, the monks, because suffering in Hell too much.
(Animal realm)
This Monks, there are kind of a kind animalzxy birth, breathing, eating grass. They eat the grass wet and dry, with chewing teeth grinding her. The monks, the creatures that kind of animalzxy, breathing, eating grass is what? The types of horses, cattle, donkeys, goats, deer or other animals born, of a kind animalzxy, breathing, eating grass. This Monks, who was so stupid formerly lived here, so before doing the karma here, after relatives corrupt public network, born stalks beings residing with him, the kind of charming dining neck.
This monks, have a kind animalzxy birth, breathing and eating feces. We smell the feces from distance, ran forward, thinking, "We will eat here, we would eat here". For as the Brahmin ran up and smell the sacrifice of life, thought: "We will eat here, we would eat here". Also the monks, there are all kinds of creatures, which are animalzxy, breathing, and eating feces. We smell the feces from distance, ran forward, thinking, "We will eat here, we would eat here". And the monks, the animals born then, of a kind animalzxy, with breathing and eating feces is what? The chickens, pigs, dogs, jackals (Illustration can), or all the other creatures, which are animalzxy, breath, eat feces. This Monks, who was so stupid formerly lived here, so before doing the karma here, after relatives corrupt public network, born stalks charming residence with his kind, the kind of charming dining faeces.
This monks, have all kinds of creatures which are animalzxy, breathing, born in the dark, in the dark old and die in darkness. The monks, the animal was born, of a kind animalzxy, breathing, born in the dark, in the dark old and die in darkness is what? The insects, grub, maggots, worms and fireflies other kinds of creatures which are animalzxy, breathing, living in the shadows. This Monks, who was so stupid formerly lived here, so before doing the karma here, after relatives corrupt public network, born stalks stay with sentient beings And this is the kind of charming born in the dark, in the dark age, die in darkness.
This Monks, there are creatures, which are animalzxy, breathing, born in the country, the old domestic, dead in the water. And the monks, those beasts that kind animalzxy, breathing, born in the country, the old domestic, dead in the water is what? The types of fish, turtles, alligators, or other creatures, which are animalzxy, breathing, born in the country, the old domestic, dead in the water. Monks Hey, fool him, because formerly lived here, so before doing the karma here, after relatives corrupt public network, born stalks stay with her sentient species, ie species born in the country charming, old domestic, dead in the water.
This monks, have the living creatures animalzxy species, have breath, born in impurity, the impure old, died in impure. And the monks, the living creatures was, the kind of animalzxy, breathing, born in impurity, the impure old, died in what is impure? The monks, the sentient being born in old fish in fish rot or rot, rot or die in fishing, or in the fetid corpse, or the putrid food, or in a puddle, or born in dress water (filthy) ... old ... or die in swamps (filthy). Monks Hey, fool him, because formerly lived here, so before doing the karma here, after relatives corrupt public network, born stalks stay with her sentient species, ie species charming born in impurities, in impure old, died in impure.
The monks, with many disciplines, I am talking about the kind animalzxy, but it's hard to tell the full, the monks, as suffering from too much animalzxy species.
Just as, monks, someone threw a stick with a hole in the sea, the wind blowing from the east to the west bypass; a wind from the West blew it passed to the east; a wind from the north blew it passed to the south; a wind from the south blew it passed north. Then a blind turtle, surfacing every one hundred years to top up once. The monks, the What do you think? Blind turtle neck he could put it in the hole of this tree is not?
- If there was any case, venerable sir, the time only once, after a very long time.
- As more quickly, this Monks, turtle neck blind can squeeze into other vulnerable stick; but the monks, I declare that to be even more difficult to make people come back, once the fools falling into deprivation. Why? Because there, the monks, no practice, practice peace, good practice, blessed act. Monks Hey, here only eat each other and eat the weak.
And the monks, if that fool after a very long time, get people back to work, the person will be born in the lowly family, family downgrade, family hunters, Bamboo knit family who, in the family who do car, or in families poured feces, in the family destitute, without enough to drink or to eat, until the cloth had trouble finding the back cover. Again, one coarse, hard look, low dwarf, or sick, blind or have disabilities, lame, or paralyzed, he can not get the food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, incense Data, beds, seats and lighting abode. The body was evil acts, oral evil act, the evil force; because the evil act itself, oral evil act, the evil force; after themselves corrupt public network, born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in Hell.
Just as, monks, a punter, the first silver pour soup, lost children, lost his wife, lost all their belongings, the last to jail. But the monks, there was little soup poured silver, so watch this first silver pour, he lost children, lost his wife, lost all their belongings, the last to jail. And the bigger gamble, gamble with him, the stupid, evil by itself, oral evil act, the evil act, after relatives corrupt public network, must be born into the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in Hell . This monks, this is the place of origin fulfilled fools.
(He reigns)
This monks, have three traits, characteristics, and characteristics of the wise of this publication. What are the three? Here, monks, a good place to think thoughts, say good words, and good operating out. Monks Hey, if people do not mind thinking good thoughts, do not say good words, not good acts out, the wise man knows how he: "This is a wise man, who is the One Truth" ? And because of that, the monks, the wise thinking good thoughts, speak good words, good deeds practice, so the wise know him: "This is a location, as Chan's degree."
The place was, the monks, even in the present three types of touch sensations rapture. This Monks, if the middle seat assembly, or sitting by the road with passing vehicles, or at the intersection (three, intersection) the road, at that (if) there are people thinking about the appropriate story that; if the location, this Monks, abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, abandoning misconduct in sexual immorality, lying abandoned, leaving yeast drunken cook, time here is the Rate -kheo, wise man thinks as follows: "The story he thinks appropriate to do, because the law does indeed have in ourselves and that we have the law." This monks, this is the first wedding optimistic, wise man feeling right now.
Again the monks, who found kings place, after catching criminals guilty, immediately apply multiple penalties difference. They flagellation, they beat with batons, they hit with their cone ... beheading sword. Here, the monks, the wise thoughts as follows: "Do people act so evil, the kings after catching criminals guilty, immediately apply sanctions difference. They give equal whips, they cudgel ... sword beheaded them, those that truth is not in us, and we did not have the law. " Monks Hey, this is kind of joy optimistic second person in the position of feeling right now.
Again, monks, when the mind climbing a chair, or in bed, or lying on the ground, then the karma he made before, as friendly, oral practice charity, the charity act hanging lies, hanging pressure, weighed on him hang. Just as, monks, in the afternoon, the ball hanging lying peaks, hanging pressure, weighed hang on land; also, the monks, the people seated in a chair or sit on the bed, or on the ground, while the industrial past of the person that is itself evil, oral evil act, the evil act is suspended, hanging pressure, weighed on him hang. Here, the monks, the wise thoughts as follows: "It does not do evil, do not do violent, do not do sins, do bless, do good, do against fear fear. Do not do evil, do not do violent, do not sin, so do fortune, do good, do against fear, is going to (improve) any animal, (charity) after his fun they die, we are going ". He no melancholy, no groan, no lamentation, not mourn, groan and fell into unconsciousness. This monks, this is the joy optimism Tuesday, right in the present people are feeling place.
The monks, who the other position after the operator friendly, good-export after practice, after doing the good practice, after relatives corrupt public network, born in good fun, Heaven, this world. This Monks, if anyone says rightly about him to say that he is quite good, quite endearing, thoroughly enjoyed the attention. As rightly want to talk about Empyrean Empyrean must say quite good, quite endearing, thoroughly enjoyed the attention. In this regard, the monks, until an example is not easy, because a lot of the (security) of Empyrean optimistic.
(Coi Thien)
When told this, one other monks lord:
- Buddha, Bhagavan can make you an example that is not?
- May be, these monks. Just as, monks, Dharmaraja full seven treasures and four as the Lord, because of conditions that optimistic feeling joy. What is seven?
Here, monks, kings surveys to dysentery, did empowerment, on the full moon day Bodhisattva after shampooing, rising world power to son, the Heavenly Treasures rotated out, the thousand stalks far, with wheels, axles, complete all sections. Seeing this, the king surveys to dysentery did empowerment thinking: "I heard something like this: When a king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment on the full moon day Bodhisattva, after shampooing, climb World electricity to boys, if moral treasure God appears, the thousand stems car with wheels and axles, complete all the parts, the king was Dharmaraja. Thus, we can be rotated Transfer King ".
The monks, and the king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, left hand holding his right hand pitcher and sprinkled with golden car and said " Please roll over the treasures of this car. This car just conquered treasure! " And the monks, car treasure the east and king roll Sat-imperial-town did empowerments with four kinds of army in tow. And the monks, where precious car stopped, it was king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, dwell with four kinds of arms.
The monks, the enemy kingdom in the east to Emperor Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, and said: "Come here, Great King!" Welcome, celebrate the Great King! O Lord, all his belonging. Great King just teaching us! "
Sat-insole-seat King did empowerment, saying: "Do not kill. Do not take what is not given. Do not commit adultery. Do not lie. Do not drink. Keep eating to adapt" .
This monks, all the enemy kingdom in the East are becoming vassal king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
The monks, and then the car was diving treasure large rise in the east and to the south ... and scuba diving in the South large, then rise and dive on the West ... diving major western .., then emerged and diving to the north and the king Sat-imperial-town did empowerments with four kinds of arms followed. This monks, where cars stop treasure, that place Sat-imperial-capital king did dwell empowerments with four kinds of arms.
The monks, the enemy kingdom in the north to the Emperor Sat-imperial-town did empowerment and said, "Come here, Great King! Welcome, welcome the Great King! O Lord, all both of his, all his belonging. Great King just teaching us! "
This monks, all the enemy kingdom in the North are becoming vassal king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
This Monks, car treasure that after conquering the earth until the sea border, the capital Kusavati immediately returned, and stood before the houses, on inner bow door as a protected site for the contents of King Sat-De, dysentery did empowerment. This monks, such as the arrival of the king's treasure Sat-car-seat Empire did empowerment.
Again, monks, golden elephants appear to King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, pure white, seven Origin resilient, have powers, astronauts out of nowhere and called uposatha (Beef slap). Seeing precious elephant, Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment, joy born and thought: "You instead are riding the elephant, if it is subject to the defense". And the monks, as a noble phenomenon subject to a long dwell, elephant treasures come to bear what he himself dwells. Monks Hey, Oldtimer, Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment, to try this precious elephant, elephant ride around the early morning until the customs border of the earth, then return to the capital in time for breakfast Kusavati . This monks, such as the appearance of the king elephant treasures Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
Again, monks, golden horse appeared to King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, pure white, black head like ravens, black horsehair, with ability, astronauts out of nowhere and name is Valahaka. Seeing the golden horse, Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment, joy born and think: "Nice rather be riding this horse if it is subject to the defense". And the monks, like a gentle aristocratic code, subject to a long dwell, that precious horse to subject themselves to dwell. Monks Hey, Oldtimer, Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment to try this golden horse, rode instant morning, around the earth until the sea border, then back to the capital in time Kusavati breakfast. This monks, such as the appearance of golden horse king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
Again, monks, jewels reappeared for Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment. Precious was lapis Continental, wise, pure, with eight sides, hard cuticle hard grind, pure, clear, perfect in all aspects. This Monks, this treasure halo illumination and around one by week. Monks Hey, Oldtimer, Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment to try this treasure for staging four arms, put security high on military flags and continent can advance in the dark murky . This monks, people in surrounding villages have started working, and thought it was morning. This monks, such as the appearance of Treasures of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
This monks, women treasure reappears for Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment, beautiful, endearing, gesture presentable, beautiful color, not too high, not too low, not fat , not skinny, not too dark, not too white, species identity beyond what he, what color light by the gods. This monks, this golden female body (soft fine) like cotton, velvet. This monks, when it's cold, female golden limbs became warm; when it's hot, cold become cool. This Monks, body fragrant fried golden female herd, fragrant lotus mouth. This monks, this golden ladies up front and go to sleep after King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, all actions as king delight, peace endearing. This Monks, this precious woman without a thought does no confidence against dysentery iron king did empowerment, much less be physical. This monks, such as the appearance of female golden king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
Again, monks, laymen treasures appeared to King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, attained divine eye, by birth and by now mature natural casual labels can find treasures buried there Home or unintentional. Layman this treasure to the king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment and say:
- "O King, the Great King Let no anxiety, god will handle asset adaptive Great King".
This monks, ancient king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, want to try this treasure lay, instant boat riding, rowing between the Ganges and told lay treasures:
"- This layman, you need gold."
"- O Lord, give boating near the shore will do."
"- This layman, we need gold right here."
This monks, then lay his hands shoved into the water treasures prompted to complete both a flaking gold, then answered the king, Sat-imperial-town did empowerment:
"- O King, so enough? O Lord, to do so was not?"
Sat-insole-seat King did empowerment answer:
"- Hey lay, so is enough. This lay, doing so is okay. Hey Layman, such offerings are okay."
This monks, such as the appearance of the king lay Sat-imperial treasure-seat did empowerment.
Again, Monks, General treasure appeared to King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, well-educated, intelligent, lucid, able to advise the king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, while considerable progress is progress, then stepped back when worthy, worthy stop when the stop:
This came before the king, Sat-imperial-town did empowerment:
"- O King, the Great King Let no anxiety, god will advise Great King".
This monks, such is the general appearance of the King Sat-imperial treasure-seat did empowerment.
This monks, kings Sat-imperial-town made full empowerment seven treasures such.
Again, monks, kings Sat-imperial-town made full empowerment as standard four virtues. Which four?
This monks, kings Sat-imperial-town did empowerment handsome, endearing, elegant gesture, sublime countenance, see far more people. Monks Hey, it's like the first virtue of Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment.
Monks This, again, king Sat-imperial-town has a long life empowerment, life away from another victory. Monks Hey, that's like the Lord's second-substrate-seat King Police did empowerment.
Again, monks, kings Sat-imperial-town did empowerments less sickness, fewer canker, can heat not too cold, not too hot, to be distributed to Air Force digestion, away win the other person. Monks Hey, that's like the third virtue Sat-imperial-capital king did empowerment.
Again, monks, kings Sat-insole-seat, did empowerment is the Brahmin and glasses Homeowners loving and loved. The monks, as the father was the son loving and beloved glass; also, the monks, kings Sat-imperial-town did empowerment is the Brahmin and glasses Homeowners charity and love. This monks and Brahmin status and be king Homeowners Sat-imperial-town made of glass empowerment and loving kindness. The monks, as the children are loving father and loves glass; also, the monks, the Brahmin and Homeowners get dysentery king Sat-insole-made glass empowerment and loving kindness. Long ago, the monks, kings Sat-imperial-town did empowerment go to the garden along with four kinds of arms. The monks, the Brahmin and Homeowners to King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment and said to him:
"- O Lord, let go slowly so we can admire the longer term.".
The monks, but King Sat-imperial-town did empowerments again ordered the driver:
"- Hey Mark a car, driving slowly enough so that we can see a number of Brahmin and Homeowners longer".
This monks, such as virtuous as the fourth king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment.
And the monks, kings Sat-imperial-town did empowerment thinking: "Now we go to build the lotus pond between tala trees, about a hundred every way bow range!"
This Monks, Dharmaraja full four as standard this virtue.
The monks, the What do you think? Dharmaraja, a full seven treasures and four as the Lord; predestined by him, with the wedding not feeling optimistic?
- Buddha, Dharmaraja complete only a precious food, because of conditions that, with optimistic feeling joy; say what the full seven treasures and four as the Lord.
Then Bhagavan picked up a small stone, big as a hand and told the monks:
- Hey monks and how do you think? Something bigger? This stone, as big as my hand picking up or mountain, the king of the mountain kind?
- It's too small, venerable sir, is this stone, big as a hand, picked up by Bhagavan, compared to Himalaya, the king of the mountain type, it is not insignificant, it does not equal a thousandth thousand times (of Snow Mountain), not comparable.
- Also, the monks, Dharmaraja with seven treasures and four as the Lord, because of conditions that optimistic feeling joy, joy optimism optimistic that compare with God nothing insignificant, not by a fraction a thousand times, not be comparable. The monks, who have that position, if after a very long time, being born a human being, he will born in a noble family Sat-imperial-town giants, or Brahmin giants, and giants lay wealthy, property many, many natural resources, gold and silver rich, abundant material resources, rich grain. Moreover, he handsome, endearing, cute, fully ultimate color solution. He received food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, beds, seats and lighting abode. He lives with friendliness, oral practice charity, the charity act. Living with friendly, oral practice charity, the charity act, after the body damage the public network, he was born in the animal charity, Empyrean.
Just as, monks, a punter, the first major gamble (pour dice) was very much money. It is too small, the monks, is a gamble that, thanks to this first gamble, gambler he was very much money. He is bigger gamble gamble, so, after operating people-friendly place, oral practice charity, the charity act, after the body damage the public network, born to good fun, Heaven, this world. Monks Hey, this is a completely covered by Career fullness of a location.

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