Wednesday 7 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

144. World Economic Education Channa (Channovada Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo-Forest), foster care site (Kalandakanivapa).
At that time the Venerable Sariputta (Sariputta), venerable Mahacunda (Dai Chu-na) and venerable Channa (Xien-momentum) and residing in Gijjhakuta (Vulture). At that time, Venerable Channa sick, suffering, fatally ill. Then venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon from solitude divinity stood up, went to the venerable Mahacunda, after arrival, said to venerable Mahacunda:
- Let's go, this Cunda Sage, let's go to the venerable Channa to inquire affliction.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The venerable venerable Sariputta Mahacunda replied yes. Then venerable Sariputta with venerable Mahacunda go to venerable Channa; after arrival, said to the venerable Channa are welcome to inquire; after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, venerable Sariputta told venerable Channa:
- Hey Channa Sage, Sage can expect patience! Hopefully sage have endured! Hopefully unpleasant is minimized without increasing, and markedly reduce, not increase!
- Dear Sage Sariputta, I can not patience, I can not endure. My anguish increased without mitigation, and the apparent increase, not reduce. Dear Sage Sariputta, I will bring a knife (for me). I no longer want to live.
- The venerable Channa, do not have to bring the knife! The venerable Channa, continue to live! We want venerable Channa live. If the venerable Channa not have good food, I would go looking for good food venerable Channa. If the venerable Channa not have good drugs, I'll go find a good medicine for the venerable Channa. If the venerable Channa has no proper attendant, I will stand before the venerable Channa. The venerable Channa not have brought the knife! The venerable Channa continue living! We want venerable Channa live.
- Dear Sage Sariputta, not me no good food nor medicine I do not have the good. Nor have no proper attendant. Dear Sage Sariputta, in a long time, I have served the Master, making the (masters) are pleasing, not be pleasing. Dear Sage Sariputta, it is appropriate for the disciples stood before the Master, making (the Master) was pleasing, not be pleasing. Channa monks brought the knife without sin. Dear Sage Sariputta, so please maintain life!
- We want to ask Venerable Channa about a particular problem, if the venerable Channa us are allowed to ask questions.
- Ask away, Sage Sariputta; after listening, I will know (say how).
- Channa Sage, Sage can see the eyes, consciousness and legal awareness by the eye is: 'This is mine, this is mine, this is my self? "Sage Channa, Hien Illustration can see the ears, ear consciousness ... Channa Sage, Sage can see the nose, reducing Channa wake ... Sage, Sage can see tongue, tongue-consciousness ... Channa Sage, Sage can see themselves, Channa consciousness ... Sage, Sage can see reviews, and the legal sense because the perception is: "This is mine, this is mine, this is not my self '?
- Sage Sariputta, I see eyes, consciousness and legal awareness by eye was: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." Sage Sariputta, I see an ear, auditory consciousness .. Sage Sariputta, I see the nose, olfactory consciousness ... Sage Sariputta, I see tongue, tongue-consciousness ... Sage Sariputta, I see the body, consciousness .. . Sage Sariputta, I see the standard, and the legal sense because the perception is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self."
- Hey Channa Sage, Sage saw something, saw something in the eyes of voters, in consciousness, in the law are aware that Sage eye view eye, consciousness and legal awareness by the eye are: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego?" Channa Sage, Sage saw something, saw something in the ear tri, in consciousness ... in the nose, the olfactory consciousness ... in the tongue, the tongue-consciousness ... in themselves, in body-consciousness. .. in Italy, in the legal sense and in the due attention that Sage see cognitive attention, consciousness and legal awareness due attention is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this not my self "?
- Dear Sage Sariputta, because I see the cessation (nirodha), certified tri cessation in the eye, in consciousness and in the cognitive measures by eye, but I see your eyes, consciousness, and the law by receiving eye formula is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." Dear Sage Sariputta, because I see the destruction, witness the destruction of natural knowledge, in consciousness ... in the nose, the olfactory consciousness ... in the tongue, the tongue-consciousness ... in themselves, in body-consciousness. .. in Italy, in the legal sense and in the perception by the standard that I see, and the legal sense because the perception is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not to my ego. "
When they heard that, venerable Mahacunda told venerable Channa:
- Therefore, the Sage Channa, teachings of Bhagavan to be permanent volition: "Who is going to oscillate attachment. Who no attachments is no oscillation. No oscillation, the time has calm; there are no hy contempt bridge (nati); no sacrifice future demand are no past; no past has no future death and birth date; no life without death and birth date, there is no afterlife, no two lives. Such is the cessation of suffering. "
Then venerable Sariputta and Venerable Mahacunda after the venerable Channa Catholic world, from the seat up and leave. Then venerable Channa, after Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Mahacunda gone soon, bringing the knife (for themselves). Then Venerable Sariputta went to Bhagavan, after coming bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, venerable Sariputta lord:
- Buddha, venerable Channa was carrying a knife back (to her), born of venerable origin was what? Future Life is what?
- Hey Sariputta, are in front of him, monks Channa was declared not guilty?
- Buddha, there is a village which served family (Bat-term) named Pubbajira. In it, there are family friends, families upholding venerable Channa, the family needs to be visited.
- Hey Sariputta, there are families that are family friendly, families Channa upholding monks, the family needs to be visited. This Sariputta, so far, I do not say that monks Channa have sinned. This Sariputta, who threw away the body, and other body attachments, I said that he had sinned. Monks Channa no (clinging) like that. Monks brought the knife back Channa (yourself), no crime.

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