Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

139. The Infinite avoid discrimination (Aranavibhanga Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Revered sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey Monks, I will preach to the Supreme Mr avoid discrimination. Listen carefully and reflective thought, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, lord.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Do not have to practice sensual, inferior, contemptible, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose. And it should not practice asceticism autism, suffering, not worthy saint, unrelated purpose. Abandoning these two extremes, there is the Middle Way was enlightened Tathagata, the wall of the eye, the mind works, to tranquility, winning position, enlightenment, nirvana. Be aware of praise and criticism should know. After learning of praise and after learning of criticism, not praise, not criticism, only the sermon. Be aware optimistic judgments. After knowing about the optimistic judgment, should focus on internal communications. Do not tell the secret word. Face to face (with anyone), not to speak of offending. So tell the truth slowly, without haste. Let no local attachments language, do not have to go too far the language used. That total Countless avoid discrimination theory.
When it comes to: "Let no sensual practice, inferior, contemptible, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose, and should not practice asceticism autism, miserable, unworthy Career Holy, unrelated purpose, "conditioned by what is referred to that way?
What communication whatsoever sexual contact but passionate joy inferior kind, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures to be suffering, TB mind, brain dominant, with heat Brain, of heresy. What Qualities communication link with fitness, but not passionate rapture inferior kind, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures without suffering, without disturbing work, no benefits the brain, the brain does not have heat, under the path.
Qualities autism ascetic practice yet, suffering, not worthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures have to suffer, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. All that does not practice austerity, misery unworthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures have no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the path.
When it comes to: "Let no sensual practice, inferior, ignoble, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose, and should not practice asceticism autism, miserable, unworthy saint, not contact purpose ", the main conditioned by this, referred to as such.
When it comes to: "Abandoning these two extremes, there is the Middle Way was enlightened Tathagata, the wall of the eye, the mind works, to tranquility, rooftop location, enlightenment, nirvana," by What grace is said to that? This is the way St. eight branches, ie right knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. When it comes to: "Abandoning these two extremes, there is the Middle Way was enlightened Tathagata, the wall of the eye, the mind works, to tranquility, rooftop location, enlightenment, nirvana," the This conditioned, referred to as such.
When it comes to: "Be aware of praise and criticism should know, after learning of praise and after learning of criticism, not praise, not criticism, just up the sermon," What was said by conditions such ?
Monks Hey, how are praised, how is criticized, but not preach? He criticized some people and say: "Those who find communication contact but passionate sex inferior kind of rapture, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose, all he may suffer, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. " He praised some people and say: "Those who find communication with sexual contact, but not passionate rapture inferior kind, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose, all All these persons have no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the right path ".
Here, he criticized some of the people and say: "Those who practice autistic passionate austerity, misery, not worthy saint, unrelated purpose, all these persons are suffering , you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, belong pagan ". Here, he praised some people and say: "Those who are not passionate about autism practice austerity, misery, not worthy saint, unrelated purpose, all these persons are no suffering, without disturbing work, no benefits, no heat the brain, under the right path ".
Here, he criticized some of the people and say: "Those who do not take ownership segment fetters, all these persons are suffering, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy ". Here, he praised some people and say: "Those who take organic segment fetters, all he has no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the right path ". Thus, the monks, is praised and criticized but not preach.
And the monks, how is no praise and no criticism, but with the sermon? He did not say: "Those who find contact sexual communication, but passionate joy inferior kind, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purpose, all he has pain suffering, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. " He just preached and said as follows: "The passion is a legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy." He did not say: "Those who find contact sexual communication, but not the wedding type inferior passion, ignoble, ordinary, unworthy saint, all he has no pain, no bother TB no offers brain, the brain does not have heat, under the right path ". He just preach and say: "No passion is a legal no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the right path".
He did not say: "Those who practice autistic passionate austerity, misery, not worthy saint, unrelated purpose, all he has to suffer, working mind, brain dominant, with heat Brain, of heresy. "He just preached and said as follows:" The passion is a legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. " He did not say: "Those who are not passionate about autism practice austerity, misery, not worthy saint, not related to the purpose, all he had no pain, no bother workers, not Brain dominant, not heat the brain, under the right path ". He just preached and said as follows: "The passion is not no pain, this legal work without messing, no superiority, no heat brain, belong to the right path".
He can not say: "Those who do not take ownership segment fetters, all these persons are suffering, working mind, brain dominant, heat the brain." He just preach and say: "When property fetters not make an end, friendship is not total annihilation". He did not say: "Those who take organic segment fetters, all he has no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, the brain does not have heat." He just preached and said as follows: "And when the fetters be useful to make an end, friendship is total annihilation". Thus, the monks, is not praised, not criticized, but only the sermon.
When it comes to: "Be aware of praise and criticism should know, after learning of praise and criticism after he let no praise, let no criticism, only the sermon," This is the main talking conditioned to such.
When it comes to "touch judge should know; after knowing about the optimistic judgment, should focus on internal communications," conditioned by what is said so?
This monks, have nurtured education this year. What is the year? The awareness material from eyes, her loving, pleasurable, capable attention, ability rapture, relate to sexual and attractive; the language by ear awareness, ...; aromas perceived by the nose, ...; the cognitive status due tongue ...; the body contact by the feeling, endearing, pleasurable, capable attention, ability rapture, involving education, attractive. This monks, such as in education cultivate. This monks, nurtured by conditions in the education arises optimism and joy, so called sensual, UE peanuts, peanut byproducts, non Holy optimistic. I say this kind of communication should not practice, not to practice, should not make fullness, so scared.
Here, monks, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, evidence and abides reached first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, with the quarterfinals. Suspension and reach the quarterfinals, attainment and residing Meditation Monday, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, static internal Nhut Meditation Center ... third ... and dwell attained secondary Meditation investment. So-called renunciation peanuts, peanut renunciation, tranquility peanuts, peanut enlightenment. I say this kind of communication should practice, so practice should make fullness, should not be afraid.
When it comes to "touch judge should know; after the touch judge, to be attentive to internal communications", by the grace of this is referred to as such.
When it comes to: "Do not tell the secret word. Face to face (with anyone), not to speak of offending", conditioned by what is said so?
Here the monks, learned a secret word is not real, falsehoods, unrelated purpose, if possible, not to say the secret word. And if you know which one is the real secret word, no falsehoods, but not contact purposes, please do not say that self-assembly. And if you know which one is the real secret word, no falsehoods, related purpose; here should know the secret word he speaks.
If you know a word offends, face to face (with anyone) is not made, falsehoods, unrelated purpose, if possible, face to face; Do not have to say words that offend. If you know a word offends, face to face (with anyone) is real, not falsehoods, but unrelated purpose, let us not speak words. And if you know a word offends, face to face (with anyone) is real, not falsehoods, related purpose; here should know the time to speak the word offended him.
When it comes to: "Do not speak to their secret, face to face (with anyone), not to speak words offended" by the grace of this is referred to as such.
When it comes to: "Be honest slowly, do not be hasty," conditioned by what is said so?
Here, monks, if said hastily, the body tired, the mind becomes damaged, damaged voice and a sore throat. Preface a hurry is not clear and not get out.
Here the monks, speak slowly, not body tired, no harm heart, known unharmed and throat without being hurt. Words from a speaker from being clear and get out. When it comes to: "Be honest slowly, do not say hastily," it is because of this affinity is mentioned as such.
When it comes to: "Let no local attachments language, do not have to go too far from the language used," conditioned by what is said so? And the monks, how is the attachment of the local language and the language used so far?
Here, monks, in many national level, people know (those words) Pati ... Patta ... Vittha .. Sarava .. Dharopa .. Pona ... Pisila. Thus, as they said in the national level so that those letters, so, someone would do that, tenacious clinging, attachment and said: "Just like that is true, in addition to a delusion ". Thus, the monks, the attachments of local languages, is going too far the language used.
And the monks, how is no local attachments language, not to go too far the language used? Here, monks, in many national level, people know the word Pati .. Patta ... Vittha .. Sarava ... Dharopa ... Pona .. Pisila .. Thus, as they know in States that level, the words are so, so, one does not cling to explain: "The care he kept like this, explaining that". Thus, the monks are not attached local language, do not go too far the language used.
When it comes to: "Let no local attachments language, do not have to go too far the language used", by the grace of this is referred to as such.
Here, monks, what philistine optimism sexual contact but are passionate kind of rapture, inferior, contemptible, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures have to suffer, TB mind, brain dominant, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, what human communication, link with fitness, but without passion kind wedding, inferior, contemptible, ordinary, unworthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures are not there is pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, ordinary practice austerity autism, suffering, not worthy saint, unrelated purposes, such measures have to suffer, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, philistine without autism ascetic practice, no pain, no value saint, unrelated purposes, such measures without suffering, without disturbing work, no benefits the brain, the brain does not have heat, under the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, this is the Middle Way was enlightened Bhagavan, the eye wall, the work place, to tranquility, winning position, enlightenment, nirvana - table. France has no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, praising and criticizing measures but not this sermon, this method there is pain, you mind working, brain dominant, with negativity, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, not legal praised nor criticized, only the sermon, this approach is no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, sensual approach is unclean peanuts, peanut byproducts, non Holy optimistic, It is legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, renunciation legal peanuts, peanut renunciation, tranquility communication, legal measures are not suffering, not bothering employees, not the brain benefits, not heat the brain, located right path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, ordinary words that are not strictly confidential, falsehoods, unrelated purposes, this method is legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy . Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, ordinary words are true secret, not falsehoods, unrelated purposes, this method is legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, under heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, ordinary words are true secret, not falsehoods, related purpose, this procedure is not painful measures, without disturbing work, no benefits, no heat Brain, of the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, ordinary speech offends public, face to face (with anyone), not true, falsehoods, unrelated purposes, this method is legal there is pain, you mind working with pros brain, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, ordinary speech offends public, face to face (with anyone) is true, no falsehoods, unrelated purposes, this method is legal there is pain, you mind working with pros brain, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, ordinary speech offends public, face to face (with anyone) is true, no falsehoods, contact purposes, this method is not painful measures, without disturbing workers, not Brain dominant, not heat the brain, located right path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, ordinary words were spoken to in a hurry, this method there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, ordinary single word spoken slowly, this approach is no pain, no bother working, no superiority brain, no brain temperature, under the path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Here the monks, local attachments and go too far terminology commonly used language, this method is legal there is pain, you mind working, dominant brain, brain temperature, of heresy. Therefore, this method is compounded avoid.
Here the monks, no local attachments and not go too far terminology language used, this method is legal without suffering, without disturbing work, no benefits, no brain temperature, under path. Thus, this approach is that nothing is avoided.
Therefore, the monks, and he had to study as follows: "We will know to avoid the legal property and we will know very avoid legal. After learning about the legal ownership and avoid after countless avoid legal know, we I will practice very avoid religion ". And the monks, Subhuti death in southern Shan (Tu-Bodhi) have very avoid legal practice.

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