Sunday 4 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

114. Beijing should practice, not to practice (Sevitabba-asevitabba Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika at his Vihara (Anathapindika). There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Revered sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows: - "Behold the monks, I will preach the teachings of He should practice, practice should not. Listen carefully and reflective thought, I will preach" - "Yes prospectus Bhagavan ". The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
(First preaching)
- Hey monks, I say personally there are two types: "So practice, practice should not; and this is the relative personally." Monks Hey, I said there are also two kinds of gate operator: "So practice, practice should not; and this is the relative import onions." Monks Hey, I told the operator also has two categories: "So practice, practice should not; and this is the relative standard practice." The monks, I say your mind is there are two types: "So practice, practice should not; and this is the relative sentient mind." The monks, I say great acquisition also two categories: "So practice, practice should not; and this is the ideal relative prime". Is attained, the monks, I say well there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice, and this is the relative is elected (ditthipatilabha)". Fall nature attained, the monks, I say well there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice, and this is the relative fall prime nature."
(Teaching wide)
Being heard this, venerable Sariputta lord:
- Buddha, this word is Bhagavan speak briefly, not interpreted broadly, human meaning broadly as follows:
Deed, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative personally." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken? Lord if one personally does the practice, negative growth methods, rot friendly France fell, so personally do not practice. Buddha, and an executive body when the immoral practice rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures, such corms should practice.
Buddha, corms when the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures? Here, venerable sir, someone killing, cruel, blood stained hands, heart specialist killed, wounded, no compassionate heart for all kinds of beings. This person does not take of, any property of another object, or in mountain villages or in the forest, not for him, he stole his material resources. He lived misconduct in the desire, intercourse grades sheltered woman whose mother, has protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, have sheltered her children, who is married, was punishment sticks Protective corners, until the woman is decked with garlands. Such deed, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased.
Buddha, corms when the immoral practice rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures?
Here, venerable sir, someone abandon killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings and beings. He's not give up taking away from taking what is not given; any property of another object, or in the village, or in forests, not for him, he did not steal material. He abandoned unchaste living in lust, not copulate with the female class with protective mother, has protected and sheltered with him, there she sheltered with her children shelter, married, be protected penalty sticks, until the woman was clothed with garlands. Such deed, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Deed, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative personally." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
Export operator, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative import onions." Bhagavan has said so and conditioned by what those words spoken? Buddha, an issue when exporting the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures, such border issue should not practice. Lord and an issue when exporting unwholesome practice rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures, such border issue should be kept.
Buddha, the border issue when the immoral practice growth measures, intervention measures reduced rot? Here, venerable sir, have a term outlook, towards the assembly, or to place them opportunity, or to standard kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to between royalty, he was a witness and derivatives Asked: "This other person, say what he said". Yea, he did not know, he said, "I know"; oil and let him know, he said: "I do not know"; or did not see the oil, he said, "I see"; or oil for he saw, he said: "I do not see". Thus, the words of hope that became deliberate language, or because autism cause, or the cause of others, or for some reason a few rights. And he had said two blades, hear anything in this place, to talk to the other site being split in these people, hear anything in there, go talk to these people for being divisive in the others . Thus, those who interrupt him blend ly or indirectly instigated separatists, preferred destructive, destructive fun, enjoy sabotage, saying the words brought to destruction. And he had harsh speech. What any harsh, cruel, causing suffering, prompting angry, related to anger, not given to meditation, he said such words. And he said the word frivolous, said non-time, non-chon said these words, words do not benefit, said the illegal profit, non-legal words, words are not worth preserving. For non-time should say no rational words, there is no coherent system, there is no benefit. Such export onion, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased.
Buddha, the border issue when the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures? Here, venerable sir, someone abandoned term outlook, expectations away from language, came to the assembly, or to place them opportunity, or to standard kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to between royalty, being derived witness and asked: "Hey man, tell what he knows." If you know, he said, "I know"; if not known, he said: "I do not know"; or if not found, he said: "I do not see"; if found, he said, "I see". Thus his words did not become intentional promising language, or because autism cause, or the cause of others, or for some reason a few rights. Abandoning said two blade, double-edged away from talking, listening to anything in this place, do not go to the other place said to being split in these people, hear anything in there, do not go telling people to delivery divide in the others; so, he lived in harmony cockroach separatists, who grew harmony, harmonious fancy, enjoy harmony, enjoy harmony, words brought to harmony. Renouncing evil words, away from the cruel words; so, he said the words gentle, beautiful ears, cute, sympathetic to center, elegant and pleasing to many people, please many people. Abandoning frivolous words, stay away from frivolous speech; he said in time, speak words of truth, words have meaning, words of the Chief Justice, said the words of the law, said the word should be preserved. So say trendy, so words rational, coherent system, with benefits. Such export onion, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Export operator, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative import onions." Bhagavan has said so, and so conditioned, to speak those words.
Volition, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative import onions." Bhagavan has said so, and conditioned by what those words spoken? Buddha, a standard practice when the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior decreased, import such acts should not be practiced. Buddha, and a standard practice when the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, such reviews should practice acts.
What the Italian operator, lord, while the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures? Here, lord have people craving, greed material resources of others, thinking, "Oh, hope that all other material resources to become his people!" Some people golf center, the harm arises, bad idea as follows: "We hope that the tangible species killed or slaughtered, or destroyed or harmed, or wish they did not exist". Volition so, lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior decreased.
What the Italian operator, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures? There are people who do not have the craving, not greedy of material resources of others, you think: "Oh, hope that all material resources of other people do not become her!" Some people do not have courts, not start up bad reviews, bad idea, but thought: "I hope that these living beings not hatred, not hatred, not perturbed, peaceful, worry themselves ". Volition so, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Volition, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative standard practice." Bhagavan has said so, and so conditioned, to speak those words.
Birth center, the monks, I say well there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative sentient mind." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by anything, saying he was talking to? Buddha, if a birth center when practice, the legal unwholesome growth, rot good behavior decreased, so your mind should not practice. And yet your mind, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, such center should practice birth.
What your mind, lord, while the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures? Here, venerable sir, someone with lust, live with the organic mind with lust; he lived with hatred and anger with heart sentences property; he lived with malicious mind and heart damage the property with care. So your mind, lord, while legal practice growth evil, rotten friendly France fell.
What your mind, lord, when practiced immoral rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures? Here, venerable sir, have no desire; not living with the organic mind with lust; he has no hatred and organic living with the heart not with anger; he does not mind and live with harmful not mind the friendly against heart damage. So your mind, lord, if the immoral practice rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures.
Birth center, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative sentient mind." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
Thought elected, this Monks, I say well there are two types: "So practice, practice should not; and so was Professor relative prime idea". Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by anything, saying he was talking to? A prime idea yet, lord, when practicing the legal unwholesome growth, rot good behavior decreased, so great elected not to practice. And yet a great acquisition, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, such a great acquisition to practice.
What a prime idea, lord, while the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures? Here, venerable sir, someone with a great desire for the organic life with anger, he has lived with great interest and harm the friendly against heart damage. Thought so obtained, lord, while the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures.
What a prime idea, lord, when practiced, immoral rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures? Here, venerable sir, have no desire, to live with the idea of ​​not being with desires, he can not live with anger and not the organic idea with anger, he is harmless and live with heart no question a great friendship with heart damage. Thought so obtained, lord, while the immoral practice rot reduction measures, growth-friendly measures.
Thought elected, this Monks, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not; and so is the relative prime idea". Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
Is attained, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced and should not practice; and so is the relative is elected". Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by anything, saying he was talking to? One is prime yet, lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior reduction, is attained so should not practice. And one is obtained when the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, such is favorable to practice.
What is attained, lord, while the immoral practice growth measures; rot friendly France fell? Here, lord have people (evil) is as follows: "There is no generosity, no sacrifice, no sacrifices, no results acclimatization of evil now, neither this world, no other life, no mother, no father, no kind of being, in life there are no monks, even the Brahmin, right direction, right conduct himself with tri rooftop stock location, stock and dwell reach this life, other lives and teaches. " Such is attained, lord, when practiced, the legal unwholesome growth, rot good behavior decreased.
What is attained, lord, while the immoral practice rot reduction measures and growth-friendly measures? Here, venerable sir, someone had (right) is as follows: "There alms, with sacrifice, with sacrifices, which now results in the acclimatization of good and evil, there is life, there is life, there is mother , whose father, have the kind of birth, in life there are monks, Brahmin right direction, right conduct himself with tri rooftop stock position, and dwell attain this life, generation and transmission teach ". Such is attained, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Is attained, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative is elected". Bhagavan has said so, and so conditioned, to speak those words.
Fall nature attained, the monks, I say well there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative fall prime nature." Bhagavan has said so, and conditioned by what those words spoken? Falling prime nature does, lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior decreased, falling nature such acquisition should not practice. Falling prime nature does, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth-friendly France, down nature such acquisition should be kept.
What prime fall nature, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, the reduction of dhamma rot? Falling prime harmful nature, lord, because ultimately they are not being run, the legal unwholesome growth, rot good behavior decreased.
What prime fall nature, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth-friendly France? Falling prime harmless nature, lord, because ultimately they are being run, the evil rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Fall nature attained, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative fall prime nature." Bhagavan has said so, and so conditioned, to speak those words. Buddha, the words' to Bhagavan speak briefly, no widely interpreted, I understand the meaning so widely.
(Blessed merit and summary)
- You instead, rather benign, this Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta! This speech I speak briefly, no widely interpreted, meaning he has generously so.
Deed, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative personally." I have said what so and so charming, those words spoken? Any deed, this Sariputtta, when the immoral practice of growing legal, moral rot reduction measures, such corms should not practice. And yet personally, this Sariputtta, while the immoral practice rot reduction measures, intervention measures to grow, so should personally practice.
What personally, this Sariputta, while legal practice growth evil, rotten friendly France fell? Here is Sariputta, someone killing, cruel, blood stained hands, killing wounded heart specialist, heart no compassion for sentient kind. This man's not taken; any property of another object, or in the village, or in mountain forests not for him, he stole his material resources. He lived misconduct in the desire, intercourse grades sheltered woman whose mother, has protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, have sheltered her children, who is married, was punishment sticks Protective corners, until the woman is decked with garlands. Such deed, this Sariputta, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased.
What personally, this Sariputta, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures? Here is Sariputtta, someone abandon killing, away from killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings and beings. He's not give up taking away from taking what is not given; any property of another object, or in the village, or in mountain forests not for him, he did not steal material. He abandoned unchaste live in lust, not copulate with the female class with protective mother, has protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, have sheltered her children, married , are protected penalty sticks, until the woman was clothed with garlands. Such deed, this Sariputta, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth of friendly France.
Deed, the monks, it is said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not; and so is the relative personally." I have said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
Export operator, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative import onions." I have said so. And conditioned by what those words spoken? This Sariputta, when exporting onions unwholesome practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased, import such acts should not be practiced. And yet border issue, the Sariputta, when practiced, the causes of evil rotten fall, growth-friendly measures, such border issue should be kept.
What gate operator, the Sariputta, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior decreased? Here is Sariputta, someone promising to place assembly language ...
The operator, ... Heart of birth, ... Thought elected, ... Ants prime, ... Falling prime nature, ...
Fall nature attained, the monks, I say there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice; and so is the relative fall prime nature", I said so, and by conditions such those words spoken.
This Sariputta, this speech I say briefly, must be interpreted so broadly.
(Preaching Monday)
Sac perceived by the eye, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". German perception by ear, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." Perfume perceived by the nose, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." Area perceived by the tongue, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." Promoting awareness by itself, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". France due to the awareness, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice".
(Teaching wide)
When they heard that, venerable Sariputta lord:
- Buddha, this word is Bhagavan speak briefly, no widely interpreted, the meaning is understood broadly as follows:
"Distinguished by eye perception, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
Sac due cognitive eye, lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior reduction, eye color due to such awareness should not practice. Sac due cognitive eye, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth-friendly France, was so sharp eye such awareness should be practiced. "Distinguished by eye perception, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
"English by ear awareness, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
German public perception by ear lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior reduction, sound perception by ear so should not practice. German public perception by ear, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth-friendly France, known by ear such awareness should be practiced. "English by ear awareness, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
"Perfume by nose awareness, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
What flavor perception by nose, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased, flavor perception such as nose should not practice. What flavor perception by nose, lord, when practiced, the causes of evil rotten fall, growth-friendly France, incense such as nasal perception should practice. "Perfume by nose awareness, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not". " Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
"The perception by the tongue, the Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
Area due tongue awareness, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased, the tongue by such perceptions should not practice. Area due tongue awareness, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, the perception such as tongue should practice. "The perception by the tongue, the Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
"Promoting awareness by itself, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
Promoting public awareness by relatives, lord, while the immoral practice of growing methods, rot good behavior decreased, emotional awareness by such bodies should not be kept. Promoting public awareness by relatives, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, exposure such as body awareness should practice. "Promoting awareness by itself, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
"France due to the awareness, the Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not "." Bhagavan has said. And conditioned by what those words spoken?
France does so the perception, lord, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased, by standard methods such awareness should not practice. France does so the perception, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures, the growth-friendly France, by standard methods such awareness should be practiced. France due to the awareness, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not to practice." "Bhagavan has said so and so so charming, those words spoken.
Buddha, this word is Bhagavan speak briefly, no widely interpreted, I understand the meaning so widely.
(Blessed merit and summary)
- You instead, rather benign, this Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta! This speech I speak briefly, no widely interpreted, meaning he has generously so.
Sac perceived by the eye, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". Such words are I speak. And conditioned by anything, saying he was talking to? ...
Translations by ear awareness, nose awareness ... Perfume by ... The perception by the tongue, ... Promoting awareness by itself ... France due to the awareness, ...
France due to the awareness, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". Such words were I to speak and conditioned so, those words spoken.
Sariputta Hey, this is my words speak briefly, meaning that statement should be interpreted so broadly.
(Preaching Tuesday)
Y is Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." Alms food, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". Couch, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". Village, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." The town, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." Urban, the Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". National level, this Sariputta, I said there are two types: "It should be practiced, not practice". People (puggala) This Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not."
(Teaching wide)
When they heard that, venerable Sariputta lord:
- Buddha, this word is Bhagavan speak briefly, not interpreted broadly, the meaning is understood broadly as follows:
"Medicine is Sariputta, I said there are two types:" So practice, practice should not ". ' Bhagavan has said. And what so charming, those words spoken? Y does, lord, when practiced, the unwholesome growth law, good behavior reduction rot, the same should not practice . Y does, lord, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, the same should be practiced. "Y, this Sariputta, I said there are two types:" It should be practiced, not should practice ". ' Bhagavan speaks so. And so conditioned, to speak those words.
"Alms food, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"Screening is, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"Villages, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"The town, the Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"Urban, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"National level, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
"Man, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
Buddha, this word is Bhagavan speak briefly, no widely explained, the widely understood as such.
(Blessed merit and summary)
- You instead, rather benign, this Sariputta! You instead, this Sariputta! This speech I speak briefly, no widely explained, he was widely interpreted as such.
Y is Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." I have to say so. And conditioned by anything, saying he was talking to? Y does, this Sariputta, while the immoral practice of the law of growth, rot good behavior decreased, the same should not be practiced. Y does, this Sariputta, while the immoral practice of rotten reduction measures and growth-friendly measures, the same should be practiced. Y is Sariputta, I said there are two types: "So practice, practice should not." I have to say so. Conditioned by that, those words spoken.
Alms food, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
Couch, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
Village, the Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
The town, the Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
Urban, the Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
National level, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
People, this Sariputta, I said there are two types ... so conditioned, to speak those words.
Sariputta Hey, this is my speech briefly, meaning that statement should be interpreted so broadly.
Sariputta Hey, if all those surveys to dysentery, for this speech I spoke briefly, can understand the meaning that word so widely, all he will enjoy happiness, peace long-term optimism. Sariputta Hey, if all you Brahmin .. if all your Sariputta Vessa ... Hey, if all the prime momentum (Sudda), for this speech I spoke briefly with able to understand the meaning that word so widely, all he would enjoy happy, lasting peace.

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