Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

138. Business and Special General Theory Theory (Uddesavibhanga Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan at Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika).
Here, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey Monks". - "Revered sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey Monks, I will preach for Mr. General and Special Theory Theory. Listen carefully and reflective thought, I will preach.
- Ladies and yes, lord.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- Hey monks, the monks must observe a how to wake the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment Puppet. This monks, if not official ceiling for foreign stampede, not wide spread, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, old age, death Future.
Bhagavan said. Say that finish, Auspicious from the seat up and walked into his residence.
After Bhagavan go not long, the monks was thinking as follows: "Chu Hien, after reading to review briefly the theory, not interpreted widely, from the seat Bhagavan up and went to his residence, "Hey monks, monks must observe a way of how to form the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent center before internal ceiling, not clinging harassment. This monks, if not official ceiling for foreign stampede, not wide spread, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, old age, death in the future. "Now do not know who could interpret broadly the theory part of the total, this share is only Bhagavan speak briefly, not be interpreted broadly?"
Then the monks was thinking as follows: "Illustration Mahakaccana (Dai Ca-fried-performing) was Bhagavan praise and was the co-location discounts may well respected, venerable Mahakaccana can interpret a Overall this theory widely, this section only Bhagavan speak briefly, not interpreted broadly. So we go to venerable Mahakaccana; after arriving, we ask about the venerable Mahakaccana This means ". Then the monks went to venerable Mahakaccana; after arrival, said to the venerable words of welcome Mahakaccana inquire, after talking to the welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, the monks he said to venerable Mahakaccana:
- Dear Sage Kaccana, after reading this general theory, not interpreted broadly, Bhagavan got up from his seat to go to his residence: "Hey monks, monks must observe a How to form the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent center before cabinet ceiling, not clinging harassment. Behold the monks, if not official ceiling for foreign stampede, not wide spread, do not stay front inner center ceiling, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, aging, death in the future. " Did not know anyone could interpret broadly the total presentation, this section Bhagavan speak only briefly, no widely interpreted? Then the sage Kaccana, we think as follows: "Illustration Mahakaccana Bhagavan was praised and was the co-location on well with respect, venerable Mahakaccana can broadly interpret total this theory This section is only Bhagavan speak briefly, not interpreted broadly. So we ask about the meaning venerable Mahakaccana this venerable Mahakaccana please explain. "
- Reverences, such as a tree core necessary, seek the tree core, is looking for tree core players, standing in front of a large tree with tree cores. He put the roots, remove stem, think trees need to find the core branches, leaves ... It is the work of venerable monks. The venerable monks stood before Bhagavan, venerable monks to pass the Exalted, and think need to ask me about the meaning. But this reverences, Bhagavan know what to know, see what needs to see, ones with eyes, wise, France ranks fake degree Brahma, Career Theory fake degree false doctrine Declaration, steps lead to the goal, Bring immortal ranks, the French master degree, rank Tathagata. Now has come the time, reverences please to Bhagavan asked about this thought. Bhagavan reverences explain how such reverences please maintain life.
- Dear Sage Kaccana, Bhagavan certainly know what needs to know ... Now has come the time we went to ask about the meaning Bhagavan. Bhagavan explains to us how we will thus maintain life. But Bhagavan venerable Mahakaccana be praised, is the dignity, the same respect. Venerable Mahakaccana can explain this theory widely sum, this section only Bhagavan speak briefly, not interpreted broadly. Mong Ton author Mahakaccana explain, if venerable not bothered.
- So reverences, listen and think carefully experience, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks responded that yes venerable Mahakaccana. Venerable Mahakaccana says the following:
- Reverences, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, stood up from his seat and went into his residence, "Hey monks, the monks must observe a way of how to form the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment. Behold the monks, if awake for Foreign bare no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, aging, death in the future. " Reverences, this theory words total Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpret broadly, I understand the meaning broadly as follows:
Chu Hien, so called for the informal exchange ceiling was scattered, with wide spread? Here, the reverences, when the monks saw with sharp eyes, wake pursue appearances, is bound by the position of appearances, it is tied by a taste of appearances, was bondage by fetters taste appearances, so called for the informal exchange ceiling was scattered, with wide spread. When the monks heard with the ear ... nose ... smell incense to taste with emotion tongue ... body ... with the legal awareness, pursuit mode dharma, bound by location of dharma, it is tied by a taste of dharma, with your bondage by fetters of dharma; so called informal exchange ceiling for being scattered, with wide spread. Thus, the reverences, called formula was scattered, with wide spread.
Chu Hien, so called for the informal exchange ceiling, no stampede, no wide spread? Here, the reverences, when the monks saw the eye color, not the pursuit of knowledge appearances, not bound by the position of appearances, not tied by the taste of appearances; not your bondage by fetters of form; so called informal exchange ceiling for being scattered, not wide spread. When the monks heard with the ear ... nose ... smell incense to taste with your tongue .... .. emotion with body awareness with the law, not the pursuit of dharma knowledge, unfettered by taste of dharma, not tied by the taste of dharma, not your bondage by fetters of dharma; so called informal exchange ceiling for being scattered, not wide spread. Thus, the reverences, called formula being scattered, not wide spread.
And this reverences, yet stay before internal call center ceiling? Here, the reverences, fitness monks glass, glass immoral law, evidence and abides reached first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering have quarterfinals. He traced formula so blissful sexual ly being, bound by your sexual bliss born by glass, has been tied by your sexual bliss born by glass, was bondage by fetters born sexual bliss as glass; so called inner mind before hearing residence.
Again, reverences, monks and quad suspension range, dwell attainment and Zen II, a state of bliss because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, internal static Nhut care. He traced wake of joy by the birth, are bound by your joy by the birth, it is tied by a blissful taste due to birth; bondage by fetters were blissful due to birth; so called inner mind before hearing residence.
Again, reverences, the resident monks glass discharge joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, attainment and residing Meditation Tuesday. He traced wake of discharge, the discharge is bound by location and communication, it is tied by a discharge position and optimistic, with bondage by your discharge and communications; so called inner mind before hearing residence.
Again, reverences, the monks discharging exhaust communication line, kill incentives sensations rapture before, attainment and residing Wednesday Meditation, neutral, exhaust concept, pure. He traced wake of neutral, is bound by the neutral position, it is tied by a neutral position, with bondage by fetters neutral position; so called inner mind before hearing residence. So-called inner mind before hearing residence.
And this reverences, yet not mind being called a local resident before the ceiling? Here, the reverences, fitness monks glass, glass immoral law, evidence and abides reached first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering have quarterfinals. He is neither official tracing sexual bliss by glass being, unfettered by your sexual bliss born by glass, not tied by your sexual bliss born by glass, not bondage by fetters bliss by ly sexual being, so-called non-resident center before cabinet ceiling.
Again, reverences, monks and quad suspension range, dwell attainment and Zen II, a state of bliss because of the birth, did not reach the quarterfinals not, most static inner mind. Not understanding he traced joy by the birth, not bound by your joy by the birth, not tied by your joy by the birth, not bondage by fetters joy by the birth; so called internal center ceiling no previous residence.
Again, reverences, the resident monks glass discharge joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures which the sages called optimistic discharge residence concept, attainment and residing Meditation Tuesday. Not understanding he traced the discharge, not bound by your discharge and optimism, not tied by your discharge and optimism, not bondage by your discharge and optimistic, so-called non-resident before internal ceiling center .
Again, reverences, the monks discharging exhaust communication line, kill incentives sensations rapture before, attainment and residing Wednesday Meditation, neutral, exhaust concept, pure. He is neither official tracing neutral, not bound by the neutral position, not tied by the neutral position, not bondage by fetters neutral position; so called internal center ceiling no previous residence. So-called local center ceiling no previous residence.
And how this reverences, is subject to clinging harassment? Here, the reverences, uncultured ordinary guys not see clearly the sages, not legal maturity of the saint, not the legal practice of the sages, not Chan's audience levels, not legal maturity levels Legs workers, not the legal practice of Chan's degree, see identity as self, or self as possessing form, or see colors as self, or self as possessing form. That its material has turned septic, another change. With the turn septic and other change in that its material, the form he was moved by the variable option for material damage of him. Because informal transfer was customized by variation in material damage, should rise to legal harassment, intrusion and mind exist. Since the center was compromised, he scared, angry and full of longing bother. And he was clinging harassment.
He considered a great feeling .. ... ... informal practices such as self or ego, as there is consciousness, or consciousness as in self, or self as in consciousness. He's awake he turned septic and other change. With constant changes and other damage in his wake his won, he was depending official move by the damage variable in understanding him. Because informal transfer was customized by variation in legal damage, should these arise legal harassment, intrusion and mind exist. Since the center was compromised, he scared, angry and full of longing bother. And he was clinging harassment. Thus, the reverences, is subject to clinging harassment.
And how this reverences, is not clinging harassment? Here, the reverences, with writer David St. practitioner audience with the sages, the sages legal maturity, the legal practice of the sages; Chan's audience levels, maturity levels of Chan's legal, the legal practice of Chan's degree; do not see colors as self, or self as possessing form, or not see colors as in self, or self as in color. He turned material of vandalism and other changes. With the turn septic and other change in the material's they, not understanding he was moved by the variable option for material damage of him. Do not be customized knowledge transfer by the variation in material damage, should these measures not arise harassment, non-invasive and mind exist. Because the mind is not compromised, he is not afraid, not angry and not full of annoying desire. And he was not clinging harassment.
He did not see a great feeling .. ... .. informal practices such as self or ego is awake, or not see consciousness as in the self or the self as in form. He turned corrupt official and other change. With the turn septic and other change in the wake of her position, knowledge transfer by not depending on changes in the wake of damage him. Do not be customized knowledge transfer by the damage variable in form, should these measures not arise harassment, non-invasive and mind exist. Because the mind is not compromised, he is not afraid, not angry and not full of annoying desire. And he was not clinging harassment. Thus, the reverences, is not clinging harassment.
Reverences, the general theory of Bhagavan read up briefly, not interpreted broadly, stood up from his seat and went into his residence, "Hey monks, the monks must contemplate a way of how to form the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment. Behold the monks, if the ceiling for foreign food no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, aging, death in the future. " This theoretical part of the total, the reverences, Bhagavan was reading up briefly, not be interpreted broadly; This reverences, I understand the meaning so widely. And if reverences want, go to Bhagavan and asked the meaning. Bhagavan explains how reverences, so please maintain life.
Then his monks, followers happy after life preached word Mahakaccana venerable, stood up from his seat to go to Bhagavan, after coming bowed and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, the monks did lord:
- Buddha, after reading the general theory briefly for us, not explained extensively sense, Bhagavan from the seat up, and go into the monastery: "This, monks, You monks should observe how the way to understanding the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment. Behold the monks, Challenges for Foreign ceiling if no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, aging, death in the future. "
Buddha, after Bhagavan go shortly, we think as follows: "Bhagavan after reading the general theory briefly for us, not interpreted broadly, and went into the crystal Student: "The monks must observe a way of how to form the ceiling for foreign he no stampede, no large sink, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment. This monks, if not official ceiling for foreign stampede, not wide spread, no permanent heart bare before cabinet, not clinging harassment, will not have set departure, arising of suffering of birth, old age, death in the future. ". Now, do not know who can interpret broadly the total presentation, this section only Bhagavan read up briefly, not be interpreted broadly?"
And lord, we think as follows: "Illustration Mahakaccana (Dai Ca-fried-performing) was Bhagavan praise and be happy with the location co discounts respected, venerable Mahakaccana can interpret a spacious master this theory, this part was Bhagavan speaks only briefly, no widely interpreted. So we go to the venerable Mahakaccana; after arriving, we ask Venerable Mahakaccana about this sense. "
Then venerable sir, we go to venerable Mahakaccana, after arriving we asked venerable Mahakaccana of this meaning. The meaning of these words was venerable Mahakaccana explain to us the method (Akara) this, with this question, with these words.
- This, monks, is the One Sage Mahakaccana. This Monks, undergraduate Mahakaccana is wisdom. Monks Hey, if he asked me about the meaning of this, I also explained to Mr. so, as Mahakaccana explained. Actually that is so significant, and so he let life over.

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