Sunday 4 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

World Economics 115. Most (Bahudhatuka Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi (Xa-defense), Jetavana (America-did), in Anathapindika his Vihara (Anathapindika). There, Bhagavan called the monks: - "Behold the monks". - "Revered sir." The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:
- All that has fear arises, the monks, all the fear that arises for fools, not for the sage (Pandita). What has disappointed whatsoever arising, the monks, all disappointed that arise for the fool, not for the sage. What can mortal troubles arise, the monks, all her troubles arise for the fool, not for the sage. Just as, monks, sparks from the house of grass, burned storey house with plaster was applied in exterior, is sheltered from the wind, with key technical buckles, with windows carefully; also, the monks, that everyone has the fear arises, the monks, all the fear that arises for a fool, not for the meek of heart; What has disappointed human being run, the monks, all the frustrations that arise for the fool, not for the meek of heart; What can mortal troubles arise, the monks, all his troubles arise for the fool, not for the sage. Thus, the monks, fools full of fear, the sage has no fear. Fools full of despair, the sage is no disappointment. Fools full of tribulation, the sage without tribulation. Monks of this, there is no fear for the sage, no disappointment for the sage, no trouble for the sage. Therefore, the monks, "We are going into the sage, said reflection learn", so, the monks, and he needs to learn.
When they heard that, Venerable Ananda lord:
- To what extent, lord, is enough to say: "Monks are the sage, said reflection learn?"
- Until, this Ananda, skillful monks gender, skilful on land, interdependence and skillful on the land of non-originating skillful, to such a degree, this Ananda, is sufficient to say "Monks are the sage, said reflection learn".
- To what extent, lord, is enough to say: "Monks gender skillful?"
- Ananda, with eighteen of this world: perspectives, gender identity, gender consciousness; Atrial instructions, audio instructions, ear-consciousness; gender ratio, incense world, billions of consciousness; lost world, the world, lost consciousness; Friendly gender, sex contact, body-consciousness; the world, France, conscious world. Ananda, until know, see this world eighteen, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- But venerable sir, can have no other method is sufficient to say: "Monks gender skillful?"
- There might be, Ānanda. Ananda, there are six this world: boundaries, aquatic world, style instructions, fire instructions, not gender, gender. Ananda, until know, see this world six, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- But lord, may have other methods, is sufficient to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- There might be, Ānanda. Ananda, there are six this world: global communications, suffering world, rapture world, giving instructions, discharge instructions, ignorant world. Ananda, until know, see this world six, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- But lord, may have other methods, is sufficient to say: "Monks gender skillful?"
- There might be, Ānanda. Ananda, there are six this world: sex education, sex education glasses, golf instructions, no international airport, harmful gender, no gender harm. Ananda, until know, see this world six, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- But lord, may have other methods, is sufficient to say: "Monks gender skillful?"
- There might be, Ānanda. Ananda, there are three of this world: sexuality, gender identity, gender identity wealth. Ananda, until know, the world saw three, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender".
- But lord, may have other methods, is sufficient to say: "Monks gender skillful?"
- There might be, Ānanda. Ananda, two of this world: gender compounded and unconditioned. Ananda, until know, see this sexes, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "Monks skillful gender"
- But venerable sir, to what extent is enough to say: "Monks skilful on land?"
- Ananda, with six local origin or foreign origin of this: sharp eye, ear and sound, nose and smells, tongue and tastes, body and emotional, and legal reviews. Ananda, until know, see the six exterior this country, to such a degree, this Ananda, is enough to say: "skillful monks of origin".
- But venerable sir, to what extent is enough to say: "Monks of origination skillful?"
- Here, Ananda, monks known as follows: If this is so, that comes to be; this being so, the other being. If this is not available, the other one does not have; because this one away, the other one away. That is ignorance coast, act charming informal, informal charm and matter, and matter entering mainland coast, coastal continental enter into contact, contact Life grace, charm loving life, loving grace prime, prime coastal property; fortunate birth; conditioned by birth, aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress arise. Thus, this Ananda, is the originator of the entire collective suffering aggregates.
But due to the elimination, the major detachment totally ignorant of this, the act Removal; Removal from the executive, and matter destroy; Removal due mentality, continental death; by continent Nirvana, contact kill; by contact kill, destroy life; Removal from life, loving kill; by affinity kill, the kill; by manually killing, mortal; by mortal, and extinction; by being destroyed, old age and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress annihilated. Such is the cessation of suffering aggregates altogether. Until such, this Ananda, is enough to say: "skillful monks of interdependence".
(Parish, non-land)
- But to what extent, lord, is enough to say: "Monks skillful pilot land the land?"
- Here, Ananda, monks knew that: "This event can not happen, does not exist: the one who accomplished (right) is to go to the operator (samkhāra) and watch as often longer. Events like this do not happen ". And he said that: "This event has happened, there exists: When an ordinary person goes to the issue and considered permanent. The same can happen now." He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a person achievement (right) is, could come out with the idea of ​​pleasures. Events happen so no out ". And he knows that: "This event has happened, there exists: When an ordinary person goes to the issue with the notion pleasures. Such events happen". He said that: "This event can not happen, does not exist: When someone achievements (right) is, to be able to go to the law with the notion of self. Events happen so no out ". And he said that: "This event has happened, there exists: When an ordinary person go to the law with the notion of self. Such events happen".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: the one who accomplished (right) is, can kill the mother lives. Events happen so no". And he knows that "This event happens: When an ordinary person could kill the mother lives. Events such have occurred". He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a person achievement (right) is, can kill the father lives ... can kill lives Arhat .. He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a person achievement (right) is possible with malevolence as Tathagata bleeding. Such events can not happen ". And he knows that" This event can happen: When an ordinary person with malice as Tathagata bleeding. Such events have happened. "He knows that" This event can not happen, does not exist: When a person achievement (right) is able to destroy the harmony increase. Events like this do not happen ". And he knows that" This event happens: When an ordinary person can destroy the harmony of the Sangha. Such events have happened. "He knows that" This event can not happen, does not exist: When a person achievement (right) is capable of improving a different Teacher. Such events can not happen ". And he knows that" This event can happen: When an ordinary person promoting a different Teacher. Such events have occurred ".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When the world's in a (lokadhatu), two Arhat, Enlightenment can occur (once), not before not after. Events happen so no ". And he knows that: "This event has happened: When the same in a world, an Arhat, Enlightenment can occur. Such events happen". He knows that "This event can not happen: When in a world with two king Zhuan Falun may appear (once), not before not after. Events happen so no". And he knows that: "This event has happened: When in one world, a King Who Turns the Wheel may appear. Such events happen".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a woman can become Arhat, Enlightenment. Events happen so no". And he knows that this event has happened: As a male who can become a Arhat, Enlightenment. Such events have occurred. "He knows that" This event can not happen, does not exist: When a woman can become Sakka (Truth conformance). Such events can not happen ". And he knows that:" This event has happened, there exists: When a male can become Sakka. Such events have happened. "He knows that" This event can not happen, does not exist: When a woman can become Mara. Such events can not happen ". And he knows that" This event occurs when a male becomes a Mara. Such events have happened. "He knows that" This event can not happen, does not exist: When a woman can become Brahma. Such events can not happen ". And he knows that:" This event has happened: As a male who may become Brahma. Such events happen ".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a body can act engenders evil retribution endearing, likely happy, pleasurable. The event can not happen." And he knows that "This event happens: When an evil act itself can not retribution born endearing, not ability joy, not pleasurable. Such events happen". He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When an evil act gate ... When an idea born evil can act lovingly retribution, possible happy, pleasurable. Events so do not have to happen. " And he knows that "This event happens: When an idea born evil act can not endearing retribution, not ability joy, not pleasurable. Such events happen".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a friendly operator can not retribution born endearing, not ability joy, not pleasurable. Events happen so no out ". And he knows that "This event happens: When an operator can friendliness born endearing retribution, likely happy, pleasurable. Such events happen". He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a friendly border ... a standard operating practice can improve retribution engenders not endearing, not ability joy, not pleasurable. Such events can not happen. " And he knows that "This event happens: When an idea born charity can act lovingly retribution, likely happy, pleasurable. Such events happen".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a body practice evil act, that act as personal evil, the evil act itself was so charming after septic body corporate networks, with being good to animals, the natural world, this world. Events happen so no ". And he knows that: "This event has happened: When a body practice evil act, that act as personal evil, evil acts conditioned his body, after the body damage the public network, may be born in the realm evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. The event has happened. " He knew that this event can not happen, does not exist: When a gate evil practice ... practice standard practice evil act, because he's the evil practice, evil act was conditioned by the following body damage as corporate networks, can arise animal friendly, natural world, this world. Such events can not happen ". And he knows that:" This event has occurred, when a border practice evil act ... the evil act, after the body can damage public network born in deprivation, Beast deprivation, in hell. Such events have occurred ".
He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a friendly practice act, that act by friendly staff, friendly conditioned by it, may be born in the realm of evil, evil interesting deprivation, in hell. The event can not happen so. " And he said that: "This event happens: When an operator friendly maintenance man, so he's operator friendly, conditioned by his act friendly, animal-friendly may arise, the natural world, this world . Events such have occurred ". He knows that "This event can not happen, does not exist: When a friendly border practice ... practice good operating practice, so that's the good practice, was conditioned by the good practice, may be born in the realm of evil, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. The event can not happen so. " And he knows that: "This event has happened, there exists: When a friendly border practice ... practice standard practice good practice, so that's the good practice, was conditioned by the good practice, may arise animal friendly, natural world, this world. Events such have occurred ".
Until such a degree, is enough to say: "skillful monks of non-origin origin".
When they heard that, Venerable Ananda lord:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather rare, venerable sir! Buddha, this method is named what?
- So, this Ananda, he let life over the world and that it was David, let life over these disciplines are four transfer (Dhammadasa), make life over and that it was France glass (Dhammadasa), please habitually practice Drums are immortal, be life over this method is Supreme winner.

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