Tuesday 6 October 2015

Middle Nikaya Majjhima Nikaya

122. Beijing University no (Mahasunnata Sutta).

Thus have I heard.
Another time, Bhagavan stay between the lines they Sakka (Shakyamuni), in Kapilavatthu (Ca-Pi-la-defense), at the monastery Nigrodha (Ni-the-law Life Member).
Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl y, go to Kapilavatthu for alms. After seeking alms in Kapilavatthu, eating, on almsround return, Bhagavan went to the abode of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka to in daytime. At that time, at the monastery of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka, have arranged lots couch. Bhagavan saw lots couch at the residence of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka, Bhagavan saw this reflection: "Many sieve is arranged at the monastery of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka. Did not know there there are many monks Oh no?"
At that time the Venerable Ananda together with many monks are doing y (civarakamma) in the abode of Shakyamuni Ghataya. Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from solitude divinity stood up, went to the residence of Shakyamuni Ghataya, after to have sat on the prepared seat. After sitting, Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
- Ananda, there are lots couch arranged at the abode of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka. Do not know many monks residing there not?
- Buddha, there are lots couch arranged in abode of Shakyamuni Kalakhemaka; There are many monks residing at that place. Buddha, this is the time we do care.
- Ananda, the monks do not shine if interested in his congregation, if joyful in their congregations, if happy in his congregation, if interested in the assembly of the people, if hân Festival in the assembly of the people, if the congregation's joy in people. Ananda, if monks do enjoy in their congregation, rejoice in his congregation, rejoice in his congregation, the congregation's interest in people, rejoice in the assembly of the people, joyful in congregations of people, can attain a discretion, not difficult to attain, attain effortless, renunciation of peanuts, peanut solitude, calm optimism, enlightenment optimism; Such events do not occur. But this Ananda, monks who live alone, away from gatherings, the time he had hoped to attain discretion, not difficult to attain, attain effortless, renunciation of peanuts, peanut solitude, calm optimism, enlightenment optimism; Such events can occur.
Ananda, if monks do enjoy in their congregation, rejoice in his congregation, rejoice in his congregation, the congregation's interest in people, rejoice in the assembly of the people, joyful in congregations of people will attain and dwell with freedom of mind and comfort limited period, or unlimited period and motionless; Such events do not occur. But this Ananda, monks who live alone, away from gatherings, the time he had hoped to attain and dwell with freedom of mind and comfort limited period, or unlimited period and motionless; Such events have occurred.
Ananda, I do not see a physical shop in that there is joy, there is joy in it, subject to the epidemic and are subject to change without arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
But the (Security) of this residence, this Ananda, was fully enlightened Tathagata, ie after no volition to all generals, attainments and (police) did not stay internal. And if this Ananda, while Tathagata dwell dwell in this, if the monks, monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, monarchs, lords, pagan, pagan practitioners to audience, meanwhile, is Ananda, Tathagata and centered towards renunciation, fond of renunciation, renunciation heavy, living in solitude, rejoice in sexual ly, making the total extinction of all methods based on the or reside illegally, says the spot was pure words related incentives.
Therefore, this Ananda, if monks aspirations: "After attaining inner no, I will dwell," the monks did, this Ananda, should safety only, seated, exclusivity and tranquility cabinet shower. This and Ananda, how monks absorption, seated, most specialized and inner calm?
Here, Ananda, fitness monks glass, glass immoral law, evidence and police headquarters achieve meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, offering, with the quarterfinals. Killing Games and quarterfinals, residence certificate II meditation, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, internal static ... Tam Nhut meditation center ... Charity residence certificate. Thus, this Ananda, an only monks, seated, most specialized and inner calm.
He does not work the cabinet. While he does not work the inner mind not enjoy, not a net credit, does not dwell, not targeted to zero. The event is so, this Ananda, Monks said as follows: "While our internal volition not, the mind does not enjoy, not a net credit, does not dwell, not targeted to not". Here, he consciously so obvious.
He foreign volition not. He volition exterior not. He volition estate. While he works the estate of mind does not enjoy, not a net credit, does not dwell, not towards estate. "The event is so, this Ananda, Monks said as follows:" While we work the estate, the mind does not enjoy, not a net credit, does not dwell, not towards immobile ". Here he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, his monks must dwell, seated, exclusivity, and an inner set on the Minister (samadhinimitte) mentioned before that. He does not work the cabinet. While he no volition internal, enjoy heart, translational signal, dwell, not toward civil. The event is so, this Ananda, Monks said as follows: "While our internal volition not, enjoy your mind, purify believers, dwell, not towards the internal." Here, he consciously so obvious.
He foreign volition not. He volition exterior not. He volition estate. While he works the estate, enjoy the mind, purify believers, dwell toward immobility. The event is so, this Ananda, the monks said the following: "While we volition estate, interested mind, purify believers, dwell, towards immobile". Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, if monks are residing that dwell in this, his mind towards walking, he walking (cankamati), and thought: "While we were walking around, the time involved and superiority, evil evil flowing into legal no ". Here, he consciously so obvious. Ananda, if monks are residing in this reside, his mind is directed to stop, he stopped and thought: "While we were standing to the participation and benefits, the law no evil evil ran into". Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, if while he abides monks dwell in this, his mind directed to sit, he sits and thinks: "While we were sitting, the time involved and the pros, not evil evil law have run into. " Here, he consciously so obvious. Ananda, if while he abides monks dwell in this, his mind towards lying, he lies and think: "While I was lying, the time involved and the pros, not evil evil law ran into". Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, if while he abides monks dwell in this, his mind is directed to say, he thought as follows: "I will not tell the story inferior, contemptible, of ordinary, non saint, not related to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment education, cessation, peace, winning mind, enlightenment. Nirvana, as monarch of expression, thieves speech, reasoning lords, Comments troops, declared captain speech, strategic debate, discussion vegetation, moist raw expression, costume argument, reasoning tools ngọa, Man Festival speech, aromatherapy argument, reasoning relatives, distant legacy argument, reasoning villages and towns of expression, Comments Urban national discussion of female speech, heroic expression, discussion, class, aqua bottle Made of expression, spirituality first argument, the difference opinion, world opinion, comment maritime doctrine, very useful useful discussion. " Here, he consciously so obvious.
But this Ananda, for those words yet austere, initiation, leading to Nhut towards disenchantment participate, cessation, peace, winning position, enlightenment, nirvana, like sexual minority opinion, comment basics , solitary opinion, whatever we symposia, ardent speech, gender expression, the expression, intellectual discussion, liberation speech, liberating knowledge argument, he thought, "I'll say the same conclusion." Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, if monks reside with him during this stay the police, the center aims to reach failure (Vitakka), he thought: "For the interpolation range inferior, contemptible, ordinary, non Career Holy, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, peace, winning position, enlightenment, nirvana, as fitness games, golf games, bad games, I would not think the analogy that range. " Here, he consciously so obvious.
But this Ananda, for the failure of this range, of saint, capable of progressive, guiding (people think that the failure range) to completely get rid of suffering, such as sexual ly Games, adosa Games , no harmful range, he thought: "I will reflect the views of this analogy." Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, have nurtured education in this. What is the year? The eye color due to awareness, compassion, sympathetic joy ability, communication ability, ability standard, relate to sexual and attractive; the language by ear awareness; aromas perceived by the nose; the cognitive status due tongue; the contact by the body awareness, endearing, likely happy, pleasurable, capable reviews, related to education, attractive. Ananda, have nurtured education in this.
From here monks have self-interest often observed as follows: "In our mind, there arises what with mental origin (ayatana) or some other source of growth in nursing education." Ananda, if monks while observing that, enlightened wisdom, saying, "In my mind, there arises the origin mental or other land nurtured by years of education ...". The event is so, monks knowledge the following: "Charity (chandaraga) this year to cultivate for our education, not eradicated." Here, he consciously so obvious. Ananda, if monks while observing that, enlightened wisdom, saying, "In our mind, no mental arises with this country or other countries nurtured by years of education ...". The event is so, monks enlightened wisdom as follows: "Education is involved in education to cultivate for us, has been eradicated." Here, he consciously so obvious.
Ananda, has five aggregates. Here, the monks must make an end to them, when he custom shop is being destroyed. This is great, this is the initial set of color, this is the destruction of excellence. This is life, this is the initial set of life, this is the destruction of life. This is a great ... This is ... This is the official practice, this is the initial set of knowledge, this is the cessation of consciousness.
While he abides, custom shop in the aggregates being destroyed by this, if there is any conceit (asmimmano) (start-up) for the five aggregates, that conceit was annihilation. The event is so, this Ananda, monks enlightened wisdom as follows: "All have certain conceit for five aggregates (start-up) in me, I have to make an end his conceit." Here, he consciously so obvious.
But this approach, the Ananda, the most pure-related facilities are under gentle, holy, superpower, beyond the reach of evil.
- Ananda, how do you think? As seen reason, a matter worthy suicide thought (logical) to follow a Teacher oil for rejection?
- Buddha, for us, the Exalted based approach as fundamental, leadership instruction Bhagavan, Bhagavan do y rely on. Buddha, good replacement if Bhagavan preaches this sense. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will practice.
- Ananda, it is not worthy of a disciple sticking by the guru, if for some reason been explained and wake texts the proceedings. Wherefore? For a long time, the law was the Mr. hear, life over, aloud, thinking with standard, well-understood with the right knowledge. But this Ananda, for certain words, austerity, brought to mind the most open towards renunciation, dispassion, cessation, peace, winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana as a sexual minority opinion, comment basics , solitary opinion, whatever we symposia, ardent speech, gender expression, the expression, intellectual discussion, liberation speech, liberating knowledge argument. Ananda, predestined by the kinds of arguments such theories, it is worthy of a disciple Sravakas Teacher dogged the oil for rejection.
The event is so, this Ananda, when the vexations (upaddava) for the Teacher; Such events are, by the time the disciples upset; the event is thus the depressing time for the monks and virtues.
This and Ananda, how is the vexations to the guru? Here, Ananda, have picked an abode Teacher (senasanam) far away in the woods, under trees, on slopes, costliness, in caves, in the graveyard, in the woods, outdoor or on a pile of straw. While he lived such renunciation, the Brahmin, homeowners, both resident and national siege around. Being the Brahmin, homeowners, both local and national markets enclosure around, he kicked up contaminated heart, fall in lust, craving arises, revert back to the life of affluence. Thus, this Ananda, is called the upset of the Master. The upset of the Master, the evil evil methods, contamination, leading to rebirth, worthy of fear, which leads to pain, resulting to birth, aging, death in the future, the law was attacking him. Thus, the Ananda, the vexations of the Master.
Ananda, how is the upset of the disciples? Ananda, a disciple of the Master, imitating life renunciation of his Teacher, select a residence far away, in the woods, under trees, on slopes, costliness, in caves, in tha park ghost, in the woods, outdoor or on a pile of straw. While he lived such renunciation, the Brahmin, the landlord, the national market with besieged people around. Being the Brahmin, homeowners, both local and national market besieged bow around, he kicked up contaminated heart, fall in lust, craving arises, revert back to the life of affluence. Thus, this Ananda, is called the upset of the disciples. The upset of the disciples, the evil evil methods, contamination, leading to rebirth, worthy of fear, which leads to pain, resulting to birth, aging, death in the future; legal entities that attacked him. Thus, this Ananda, is the upset of the disciples.
This and Ananda, how is the upset of your virtues? Here, Ananda, Tathagata appears in the world, the level Arhat, Right Turn, might Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Quick fisheries Phu, Thien Sphinx, Buddha , Bhagavan. He picked an abode far away, in the woods, under trees, on slopes, costliness, in caves, in the graveyard, in the woods, outdoor or on a pile of straw. While he lived such renunciation, the Brahmin, homeowners, both resident and national siege around. Being the Brahmin, homeowners, both local and national markets enclosure around, he does not start up heart infection, not fell into lust, no craving arises, do not revert back to the life of affluence. But this Ananda, the disciple of the Master deliberately cultivating renunciation of masters, imitating (as well then) select an abode far away, in the woods, under trees, on slopes, wilderness , in caves, in the graveyard, in the woods, outdoor, on a pile of straw. While he lived such renunciation, the Brahmin, homeowners, both resident and national siege around. Being the Brahmin, homeowners, both local and national markets enclosure around, he kicked up contaminated heart, fall in lust, craving arises, return to life of affluence. Thus, this Ananda, is called the upset of the monks on almond. Since the upset of virtue, evil evil methods, contamination, resulting in considerable fear rebirth, leading to pain, resulting to birth, aging, death in the future, the law he was attacked. Thus, the Ananda, the vexations of your virtues. But this Ananda, the vexations of the monks on happiness is much more hard work, more results than to upset the brain of these masters and disciples upset by this, moreover it leads to rotten peanut.
Therefore, this Ananda, please treat me with friendship heart, not with hostility center, and so the he would be long-term happiness. And how is the disciple treated with mind guru enemies, not with friends mind? Here, Ananda, the Teacher was with contentment sermon to his disciples, want happiness for them, for the spirit of introspection, said: "This is happy for him, this is the happiness of the He". But the disciples he refused to listen, refused slang ear, attention to other direction (Annan), by contrast, they are away from the teachings of the guru. Thus, this Ananda, is the disciple treated with mind guru enemies, not with friends attention.
And how is Ananda, is the disciple treated with mind guru friends, not with hostile attention? Here, Ananda, the Teacher with contentment sermon to his disciples, to seek happiness for them, for the spirit of introspection, said: "This is happy for him, this is the happiness of the Mr. ". The disciples he return to obedience, slang bear ears, not focusing on other directions, and not vice versa away the teachings of the masters. Thus, this Ananda, are the practitioners treat the masters, with friendly mind, not with hostility center. Therefore, this Ananda, please treat me with friendship center, not with hostility and such interest will be happy, as long-term peace for the Mr.
He attacked the book do not like the potter for the unfired pottery, not baked. I will say all this criticism to other criticism, all praises to other praises. What is the core plant, which would stand to exist.

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