Saturday, 31 January 2015

The mind as a flow.

tam nhu mot dong chay
Heart like a river

In the austerities, he should not place heavy matter studied Classics excessively. Knowledge can hinder rather than assist. Sometimes he puzzled, not knowing the direction. Knowledge in himself so much that his practice is not how much, how to know the knowledge that's right or wrong. The theory that it was written for her to read is by elaborately work from themselves and from the experiences in life that they developed out. I come up on which to take hold.
If say the color of the leaf is green for a blind know the blind also know only the leaves are green but they don't know how the color is blue. At the moment in mind they might think that blue is red, yellow and even black because they can't see that just imagine in the beginning. There is a story told that: "there are seven blind people have never seen elephants, only hear the other person and recounting as don't know what like elephants. One day, they had a chance to meet an elephant, people rush to touch more thoroughly with your hand. Who shall say the elephant is like a pillar, who says the elephant is like a rope, who said God like a wall, rather, who says the elephant is like a big fan, who says the elephant is like a plumbing, who says the elephant is like a stick, who says the elephant is like a large stonewho says the elephant is like a pillar. After some discussion they pissed off with each other then the new elephant laughed and said we don't like pillars, stones, sticks, water pipes, fan at all, the elephant is an elephant. You are standing at the angle blade to look at elephants, how to see the elephants to be.
Also, someone mentioned Net disciplines under An order, will be a guest of birth into the extreme western tribes or new release meditation. Everything that we heard, we read only theory, just the means to practice. If myself has no practice, just read, just listen to it, how to be a guest being, how could be be freed.
Want to know his mind, should not seek external ones which look on the inside. It's best to take the teachings are simple, easy to understand that the Buddha has taught as the basis and practice according to the teachings there. A successful person is one who has vast knowledge that a person has the time and practice themselves must also observe mind Italy inside yourself rather than to keep looking for the outside or come up thanks to anyone. Every time I practice meditation, thinking who is that good I had was my mind, well-being is Nirvana right now in the present moment, rather than not being on the extreme western tribes. In her mind ... always liked walking Coachman, dramatic people that won't look back on yourself, how to feel about it. Just sit down to a quiet breath track, track the bulging ventral's xọp and centers where Dan fill, not a little worried what sad, as I see peace spreading, see the Sukhavati is shown in the center of it. I live in where there is no war, violence, disease and natural disasters have been a healthy body than how people are feeling happy, feeling at peace and time I sprayed peaceful energy to all humans to be in tune with joy, my peace. So want another life has been contentious in the realms of peace or happiness first in this current moment please make yourself get your peace and happiness before then computer. In this moment, his mind is still suffering, did take part, pitch, si everything then how could being in the Sukhavati or happy to be.
It is by yourself. Although the master or fellow tu have advised me about these guys, I'm not listening, I'm just being sacks of tham, pitch, si and heavy skepticism that swim across the river when it reached the other side. They are the people in the scene are under, suffering because of the ignorance that I didn't see his suffering, because his career has made her now pay the consequences for such suffering. Still others stood outside, they are smarter than themselves, they are troubleshooting, are only his inroads is not heard, many while being hated, being criticized again. So because of your injuries quiet and only scattered mind from the helpfulness of Germany and expect that they will have enough charm pros to practice up to date achievements led outcomes.
Myself always have to manually review the port fall, avoiding the router, this body with beards easy levels too. Regularly clean the thought to benefit the heart, bringing peace to the King, dedicated to practice Mindfulness Meditation, and chanting, keep precepts do not need themselves to be privileged to know gods after death he would born on, you yourself can also consider student knows his shed on it through his practice. Can I read a passage near the dozen times and you still don't know what that passage but it was not until around the time after I practice then naturally the understand it out of my mind. Intellectual and voters opinions will find to, no need to try the run goes searching for where that is out, why it is like this is not like the other. Or get stuck into writing enough charm, Phuoc Thien, citrus fruits fresh enough will emerge, for the sweetness of the peace and happiness.
In this life there are people who don't like to sit still for a seat or look back at ourselves that just love to bươi hooks, pry on others. Track your tired mind, why the others do for the mind bring forth sorrow. See one more beautiful themselves, richer, the better odds jealousy kicked up, trying to find ways to harm that other person in. by United new leaves come on. If soi carefully review the human mind is more toxic species of snakes. It can kill a person without resorting to violence or is off. Sometimes I tu, sit still a spot like lumps of flour also gets people to hate, people here are more people held, the beautiful wealth. They find themselves are many injured, has been widely noted, while they are looking up to them should they mind being envious and harm themselves.
The recent few days I have read a status of a friend on facebook: "my life right too soot, on the surface, she's laughing, smiling siblings, said said, but in the whole belly daggers and gunpowder. Ready to play each other when necessary, done, smiling, said as yet there what happened. "finished reading this sentence I saw happy people felt real bad, scary indeed better odds also comes from the mind that out at all. If we know who keeps quiet, peaceful State, when the mind with ideas, whether they are good or not good, healthy itself be aware and let go of the discharge.
For mind is peace and quiet, you have to know how to train. From time to time I also have to take the mind off that only teach it, explain it to know which one bad one good, only for it to know the law of causality, it found that anything it holds will bring the results until the mind to accept and let go off. With such training, the mind gradually become quiet, every trigger a notion I must also get to know not to give it his history wrong. A mind's always insecurity, fear or anger, it is not wise enough to work. When that mind is no longer a homogeneous Leanne that divided by barriers from the mind any other start up. Know that the meditation is free of mind, itching, uncomfortable life experience and then himself as striving with the thought of themselves as long as it becomes more and more powerful. If the notion that it does not go away, at this time I can nonetheless not attention to it anymore, but a shining nature impermanent, real content and egolessness. His Mind as a flow, not fixed, constant change without a moment would. Thoughts or quiet, suffering or happiness, too. Want to naturally to mind not to think that the mind just to think alone, or suffering presence himself evading the suffering, expecting to be happy is impossible.
Suffering or happiness are just ideas. All happy and sad, all sad and funny, sometimes quiet, you have time to think. We have to recognize that both are impermanent. Unhappiness where's instigation, jealousy, guilt that caused his heart won't let go out, just got to stick with it. Excuse me German teaching, at first we look at his mind, look at the beginning there was something. In fact, nothing at all. The mind is not empty born does not kill by the phenomenon. Can right this moment her heart very diligently and maintained the French Chief Justice tirelessly but about a few hours easy mind beards, stars, had no patience for interns or suspicious about the practice despite his mind earlier decided practice is very strong. Mind the purity identify of this, know that they're not essence, not sa momentum into theory, please mind to know his austerities. When observing the mind will know how to act and will know how to put an end to the stick suffer and sorrow. So we have to practice meditation throughout the day to awakening and get to know the line of thought when it comes into contact with Lu Chen and when it leaves the Green ceiling. The awake and aware that known as mindfulness. Continue to maintain such mindfulness, wisdom will arise.
I've started practicing mindfulness and quiet while eating but when returning home, everyone back to the other thing this thing humming with no focus while eating. At this time his heart felt a little resentful of people because of the noise of their loved ones while eating. Let's meditate on is listening well, listen well, well, well, rather than his vexation vexation no join loads subject or chattering while eating that keep your mindfulness while eating by not talking, conscious are chewing food, is to sense salty, sour and spicy food and I get a great joy to enjoy this food shelf life. While going on the cars themselves also have to keep in mind not to mindfulness, burnt Yi does evoke the story to others are whispering or talking about me.
Especially the two sisters I talk a lot, which is on the West, by the Board, this may happen to Miss Miss plastic surgery of ... I talk about that didn't survive, often not true then bring export industry, so let's be silent practicing mindfulness in every minute. As parents who practice for too long but have jealousy still, from time to time it may also died and when someone start a conversation that my mood right now, come on MOM I would say all the time is not come on and it does seem the themselves losing mindfulness both on that day.
His mind very often artificially and rhetoric for the behavior of the self. Most of you are cheating on each other to live, to satisfy the desire for time. No one accepts that he is wrong even a robbers in police custody and said "I'm not a robber, I'm not guilty" what consequences his mind was how smoothly handle splenic flow for years. But I don't know because the mind alive artificially and rhetoric that prevented its General intangible created the careers of real good feedback would not or. Better staying true to your self. Times now that one who earnestly, not little cheating then I feel happy and incredibly happy, happier than a month salary I make you comfortable divers.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/2/2015.
Grains of dew on the grass.

hat suong
Grains of dew on the grass

A impermanent
Ephemeral life as a heavy fog on the top of the grass. The death rate down at any time without notice. A number of people who died young, some old people are killed, some died of the disease, some died in the war or because of a sudden intense accident like crashing down the cliff. Some people die from sleep, some die off, some dead at are eating. A serene death toll, some devastated by the latch attachment for the relatives and their wealth. Relatives and friends will not survive at the death, wealth and food would be in vain, and my body will become useless.
Nothing is called live and forever with all of us. Treetops haywire also must wither and die for these big growth up. The computers that we use also becomes slow and old over the years, the House we're in will rot over time. All that we see, b.-removal or combination-tan are dominated by impermanence. I try to look at the four seasons to change like? In the summer the lush foliage viewing and the luscious red POINCIANA flower spike permeate everywhere. In the fall, the grass wither and yellow gold, the flowers turn into fruits and fruit trees started instead of leaves. To the winter, the country may be snow white covering of snow and melt away when spring's warmth appears. The sky may be cloud cover in the morning and in the afternoon then becoming clear; the river can rise to spill or drying; solid ground can shake and shake it's obvious and a land could be truồi go and slipped away. How time passes, then all things passed like that. Everywhere in the world outside, I can't find a single phenomenon would be firm.
Look at my body, which show that we are not this body, this body is not me. It's just a stinking leather bag contains things impure, borrowed by the four great, coming sometime I also pay this body back to four. Once consciousness is no longer present, the body is no longer breathing, heart stop beating, then the body will be those bacteria that eat from the inside out, he is not loving and smelly. If the spirit of that person can see your body will this temporary false disgust than ever. This body is nothing of us that have to spoil it to that. Someone said that this is his body should always take this very intense body go, afraid that this close bad or getting old. Look on the mirror that sees some footprints of birds, little wrinkles on the face is away go Salon stretch leather, clear translucent Brown. Or when this body wants to eat tasty, dressed then catch I make for in are food, must work hard to buy for the trendy clothes. And it's like a noisy noisy places rather than be seat to sit still or quiet places.
In previous year, body, body not ban mai not torso in the afternoon, every moment in the fuselage comes with birth and death. He himself does not know how times change; and the body when placed in the coffin, it's nothing like the trunk when the new birth. If we say that this body is usually longer, is forever make child growing up old and over the years. This incarnation is generally healthy, at the time it must pain disease. Today we are a child just know revel in singing education, do not worry, do not think but soon are we getting old, slow talk short and gestures not flexible like old times. Try to ask themselves this moment here was young, still healthy enough, we must do so as not to regret? This fuselage have users do things like harm people who hurt animals, creating many sin as result of real work emerge they will pain unbearable. But there are users of this incarnation created Phuoc, help someone, assiduous practice mindfulness, treated with gữi round-the-clock precepts, as if in the meantime if this person has lost also of birth into the fresh goodness.
Our mind is also impermanent. The thoughts whirring or mess that his mind is actually just the mind broken expectations, not the true mind. Our mind changing in every minute, according to the exterior. We are sad and then happy then, hurt and angry at that. Minutes ago I remember this conversation, minutes later turned to something else. There is very good at his meditation, sometimes not. But don't worry about this. Keep at. If began reciting the suspect, be aware that we, as well as everything else in mind, were both impermanent.
Knowing impermanence, people are calm, nonchalantly before the scene changed abruptly and without suffering bruised scene prior to separation. Knowing impermanence, people would dare to sacrifice fortune, being there to do that. Knowing impermanence, people stressed the temporary pleasures of fake, liar, and wisely sought the true fun one. Because in fact, the true fun is usually longer, the names of the foot is often still available, but it is located inside the temporary false layers; impermanence of this life, so we can't see it. When we were adamantly dismissed case does lie, then of course the value of true happiness, the chon TAM chon TAM main, the Buddha's name, be discerning truth ever will appear.
A manually calculated three jewels
You have the possibility of enlightenment, Buddha is included in the.
You have the ability to take hold of French public tirelessly, there is method in the.
You have the ability to create joy filled in for ourselves and for them to reach fruition deliver immediately in the current moment as the Buddha, as Chief Justice of France, as the disciples of Buddha.
Well, we all have the ability to enlightenment as the Buddha but it is important you use the practice or not. The Buddha once said: "today the Buddha did, being gone as the Buddha". Buddha is also at a normal person like all sentient beings, have to practice many lifetimes can become Buddha. we just practice sketchy there for several months, how has enough charm enough joy to the Buddha.
Go just to go well, tu just to order only. While that would go to more quickly get to the next when they fall, tu that look forward to see this the other way soon as the Buddha then the expectation was not at tọai Chapel, the lost confidence, discouraged, give up the middle. Or I have to think that this life I tu to be not freed as the Buddha's famous, just go watch tu what his next life tu next. Convent thoughts disengaged is thinking of ghosts. How many damn it damn it, tu disengaged themselves continue to the disengaged seclusion ever freed.
In the mind and heart are the evil mind. That means doing things in the mind to think of good wholesome, beneficial to others is good. That means doing things in the mind thoughts over losing hurt people hurt animals, benefit themselves are evil. If I have seen the goodness of fresh in mind, let's try that promote heart healthy goodness that don't let evil minds have a chance to develop. Likewise, France also has a Chief Justice and deviant if we chose for himself the Chief of France, then take a practice hypnosis Suite tirelessly until sometime we will also Scout achievement results.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/2/2015.

Birth, aging, sickness, death is one of four the suffering that each of us who make once in a lifetime. As well as having to match tan where nothing is said often left forever, gave birth to would also be lost. But what is known is that engenders and what's called the loss of where to go. Before we are born bearing a man I used to be clouds, once the wind, tree tops is haywire. When the coast guard personnel then we come into this life as the child of three, my children, do make close by each other's in the progeny. In fact I was present in all places, in proclaiming the great wall in this universe without waiting at this here I was me. As a new home arena, we know the House is present. Which to built a home must have sand, stone, cement, rebar to build a complete House. But, would that new homes will become old and decaying over time and I only see the existence of the House through the sand, stone, cement, rebar only. A slide show is like then I will not this body and the jam set back, I have no regrets and suffering. Extruded progeny of often losing their loved ones in the family will cry a lot and grieving months. The children lose parents. The parents lost, children suffer in the meantime children will recall the picture on parents would've cared for her ever to eat sleep, recalling the times I turbulent did for parents are depressed. Growing up I never charged the parents for being curious parents had gone and I cried in a news tưởi to prove we're wounded parents very much. But I do so like would hold his parents remained without letting the parents are free. Know so then parents alive here please take care, o serve the parents, asking parents today have strong, eat right. At the same time child care practice and liberation in the present moment, not the pay-out for the parents but also charged nine Interior, legendary fondness for, this is the great tastes in life.
Love that are distant from each other's suffering, hatred that have to come together as a gauge. All the ones that I wish for most is not satisfied. We have to live with people that we don't like, to hear the deafening speech, spikes the eye from should they're suffering. The tu must accept all circumstances though happiness or suffering, there is no escape anywhere. From as small as I live in the loving reassurance of regular family, to hear the juicy words. Now, the big one, over his own speaking figuratively and pitch up. Themselves practicing mosaic rings with words, don't let the words which it tight on his mind. I often get stuck on words and compliments the new birth cooking mind the stonework. The overhaul could not allow the melancholy, sad it lasts, overwhelmed mind to be. People make themselves miserable there miserable rather than value for angry because no one just let them say the words AI language. Practice forgiveness and tolerance with people make themselves miserable, though word of mouth but in mind they still cute one to cherish.
Poverty is also a gauge that is rich also suffer.
The rich have the full amount of matter but many school h p lacking family happiness or nervous stress. Unfaithful husband to his wife, brothers, children, didn't say no listen. Today's money lost is tomorrow could make it back but happy family takes off and the gold coins are also unable to buy it back. Take part in making money, I don't care what the thoughts of children, what is expected from his father, from the mother. The children ask, care, encouragement rather than give them the money to eat cake, buy nice clothes. Sometimes I make the children becoming spoiled and damaged. In addition to making money off you have to spend time chatting with his children. Parents can role-play as a friend to confide to you, from which you will understands your aspirations even more. I know you will like that and don't like what. Or see the difficult situation would be resolved, then the parents will guide and help your child overcome difficulties, is a solid prop for her after they fall. In addition parents also need to model their children follow, not causing children to be sad. Use the time to listen, to share with each other more and avoid causing conflict in front of the children because children are often scared about what happen. The children see parents wrong themselves can use the words AI language tips parents and avoid committing the same error.
Poverty is not a gauge of that suffering in that I know look it up or the wind to keep the gauge because the poor all the time. I don't have to sit there whining, blame fate Stars Telecom too, why suffering too which let's worry about hard work to life goes up. Anyway my family happy, dutiful children told their parents. Although his fate looked up by anyone but looking down over a lot of people. There are those who are also rather poor hundred thousand times that they are still alive, still trying to work and go up there. Even they are away from home, away from the family, there are people in the region, there are people in the South to the Northern business, it does not have, they have to sleep on the sidewalk curb. I still have the House to stay then the rain cover umbrellas of his poorer than they were just a tiny but has lamented in then. Damn you sire that poverty is due before that money without largesse, he help others so damn suffered poverty. In life nothing is called ten, ten us both was that the loss of the other. Mr. Sun yourself this take away one after another to say just enough to live with what you are.
All this agony was her own creation rather than due to an impact or someone to make her hurt. It's too hard on his run to the temple Institute earning his master would only lead to his practice. One time I saw tu also doomed quit the temple, leaving the master did not order any more. Meet the scene angrily flee dare not confront it, meeting defeat frustrated doesn't try to pass just like that how can escape suffering, how that success to be. A successful person is not naturally they succeed, they experience many times fail to defeat it, they go to work. For example, Islam would I have ever cooked rice, especially Brown rice. At first Cook the rice Brown rice can be alive. There are minutes of dry rice, the rice was very Pasty again like porridge. From the cooking rice failure, he has experience and understands the reasons why rice is so. Compared with white rice, brown rice to cook very long key. Before cooking you have to soak the rice in advance about a few hours. Made with a rice cooker can cook rice water-style. The rice cooker to Cook rice using only conventional types so when used to cook Brown rice is not cooked. Only the distillation water is a new rice seed to bloom all over. The first few failures that I give up what I can cook rice cooker Brown rice or share the experience with people.
I myself according to what the meditation school teacher at tu just starting up does not come on. To overcome the ones that gauge then began up the agony I recite the "agony" à "and observed that the cause would make yourself miserable and there is no way put an end to that cause. I find the cause would make yourself miserable and give solutions, I will no longer suffer anymore. For example, in addition to daily meditation practice, reading, chanting, the description of the article, I feel normal. But every time to practice writing what my gauge it start again. Usually just a two-week internship that I write posts for teachers about what his practice last week for the master to know. The aim of the master is to see if we have what was the practice. If close to submitting articles that I've got an idea to write about my gauge is automatic it ascending. If its not enough time to pay, I can tell more of the time. Write to where does that no longer can read Italian, French or listening posts spelling session conversation. That is how in metabolism at writing articles rather than be frustrated that ceased to practice writing anymore. Thanks for posting that one may practice experience for many people. From his experiences to share that can help the situation a meeting similar to themselves.
If it is difficult to see what no gauge was frustrated then make his future will never be successful and happy. Suffers new miseries to see value of happiness, must come up from nothing to see the value of what you earn today. What's also natural that there are, we will never know the appreciation.
Let's love while we can
The misery we let go
Words that have read that mad
Not only everything tha.
Sad angry would then also go through
Dark we sit poetry thẫn
To time went by heartbeat
[477] twelve types of karma (Kamma):

Are actions that create result-Shu, also called Karma-the time (Nānākhaṇikakamma). This is the career Portfolio (Cetanā), charity or charities.
Industry says there are 12 categories are categorized under three aspects: according to function, according to bloom, and over time the bloom effect. In each classified aspect consists of 4 Friday career, so the 12 types of industry.
A-the four types of careers by function (Kiccavasena):

1. Delivery companies (Janakakamma), was a career can result form reborn.
2. Maintenance companies (Upatthambhakakamma), is available for maintenance has resulted in innovations to life long happy or miserable.
3. Karma karma (Upapīḷakakamma), the industry is likely to hinder or alleviate other's power, making the others weaken carved fruit lightly.
4. The companies (Upaghātakamma), the industry is likely to break the force of other businesses emerge, making others lose effectiveness.
B-four types of karma according to bloom result (Pākadānapariyāyena):

1. Important companies (Garukakamma) freely show power, is having a result certainly stronger power industry, the industry generally. Importance of good karma is eight major industrial evidence, meditation is in infinite guilt cockroaches.
2. Usually career (Bahukakamma or āciṇṇakamma), is the industry know, usually do, become customary, this industry also has wicked, created the fruit by usually reach y charm.
3. industrial death (Āsannakamma), is the kind of career are formed before dying, because suddenly dominated by good or bad scene at about dying and then initiates the mind charity or create result reborn.
4. professional Balloon (Katattākamma), the industry created accidentally in the Japanese notion of frailty, unintentional Lam, this industry rarely carved fruit, not as important as regards industry, often near-death and karma.
C-the four types of karma over time to bloom result (Pākakālavasena):

1. does the journalist career (Diṭṭhadhammavedanīyakamma), the industry can result in a lifetime of Shu hetero, after current. This industry-hardened force compliance by TAM or charity, to na I. If the police force too, this Dong na current spouse would be disabled colleagues.
2. newspaper Delivery companies (Upapajjavedanīyakamma), the industry can result in living design, Shu-shit here. This force by Dong Shan business or charity, to na on Saturday. If passed, the successor will be disabled colleagues.
3. Logistics business newspaper (Aparāpariyavedanīyakamma), the industry can result in the following life mature hetero anymore, until new níp-Desk Chair member is disabled. Dong Zhongshu's force of good or friendly, five suicide na between.
4. disable the karma (Ahosikamma), the industry is no longer the possibility to bloom results, i.e. the loss of effect of the newspaper industry, currently being reported and the late journalist colleagues.
The twelve types of industry in the coming into Office of A-by the Acharya multiply scattered in Tibet.


[478] twelve similar forensic biology, erren cross charm (Paṭiccasamuppāda):

1. ignorance (Avijjā), the delusion, the dark, lacking wisdom, not know France deserve to know. See [409].
2. Run by the charming ignorance (Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā), is the non-welfare, the welfare and estate control. See [104].
3. Formal due to the Coast Guard Administration (Saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ). The six consciousness due to industrial action creates, is the formula that agreement resulted in aggregates.
4. list the colors favored by the formula (Viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ). As the three aggregates property of mind and being with formula aggregates the results. Here is a good career ahead, born.
5. table of contents added by the coast guard a SAC (Nāmarūpa-paccayā saḷāyatanaṃ), record type, or the six civil parishes: the label of origin, Turkish origin, the origin, victims of, of, and Italian origin.
6. Exposure due to the continental coast of type (Saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso), is the contrast between the landscape and consciousness, including brand exposure, contact the national Turkish exposure, loss of contact, the contact and the contact.
7. contact coast tho (Phassapaccayā vedanā).The life here is the sense of enjoyment of the scene, as a gauge, and phi phi, gauge, or gauges, contacts, favor, Hy and discharged. Life expectancy three or five. Contact yanshou two ways: the sentence being favored and often near-y charm.
8. Ai due yanshou (Vedanāpaccayā taṇhā). AI is the exercise of charity, organic and non-organic solidarity. See [75]. 9. the seat due to the charm of Ireland (Taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ).The seat is that sex, the player player, about all its capital and accept the player. See [242]. 10. Possession by its coast (Upādānapaccayā bhavo). Owner here is the industry owners, i.e. the relative career, password, and your career are good and real friendly.
11. Delivery due to coast guard owner (Bhavapaccayā jāti). Being here is being retained, the life of beings as sex, friendship, good owners and good ownership, or skandha, the four aggregates and aggregates the most owners.
12. premature aging, death, anxiety, bi, size, favor, one by birth charm (Jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ sokaparidevadukkhado-manassupādāyāsā), i.e. the life being dead old, suffer parting of wrath memories suffering sorrow ... yourself by due to being owners.
Twelve this coast also known as the bhavacakra (bhavacakka); that is the wheel of birth Prince, the coast guard mutual assistance link, being run in relation to each other, creating constant reincarnation lifetimes.
Would like to get the wheel charm born to parse through the 6 aspects:
A Three-time (Addhā):

1. the past: consists of two genera, and ignorance.
2. present: eight genera, consciousness, a sharp, green added, exposed, tho, AI, its capital, owners.
3. The future: consists of two genera, being, Cindy-TU, (Shau-bi-agony-advantages-ai).
B-Four key history (Saṅkhepa):

1. Multiply the past: ignorance, onions.
2. current Results: knowledge, your identity, green added, exposed, tho.
3. present: AI, its capital, owners.
4. results of the future: birth, aging-suicide-melancholy-bi-agony-advantages-one.
C-Three remain presentable (Sandhi)

1. splice human past with the result so far: coastal Onion recipe.
2. connections the current results with the current staff: coastal charity Life.
3. current human joints to fruition hybrid: Owner birth charm and. ..
D-twenty General Administration (Ākāra):

a) 5 human past: ignorance, travel, charity, its capital, owners.
b) 5 current results: knowledge, your identity, green added, exposed, tho.
c) 5 here: human ignorance, the AI, players, owners.
d) 5 results of its hybrid: consciousness, a sharp, green added, exposed, tho.
E-01 wheel (Vaṭṭa):

1. London afflictions: ignorance, craving, its capital.
2. Career London: and owners.
3. Result London: formula, beautiful colors, green added, exposed, tho, being, aging-suicide-melancholy-bi-agony-advantages-one.
F-duplex (Mūla):

1. Align the past: ignorance.
2. Align the present: AI.
The French-born coast presentation according to the 6 aspects: time, weak comb, keep presentable, London, General Administration, was based. This is the explanation coming into Office as the prize in Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha (Micro magic practiced primarily).
On the other hand, should know more about forensic preaching like that Buddha was novel. There are 2 ways:
a positive dimensional Theory) (Anuloma), is presented as aspects of collective suffering aggregates (hoti samudayo Dukkhakkhandhassa). As "Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā (ignorance runs coast) etc.
A novel positive dimensional birth charm is so clearly suffering the Holy Roman Empire.
b) inverse dimensional Theory (Paṭiloma), which is presented under the aspect of the gauge aggregates (dukkhak-khandhassa nirodho hoti). As Avijjāya tveva asesavirāganirodhā saṅkhāranirodho (due to my snippet kill immaculate totally against ignorance should conduct removal) etc. "
A novel charm born against PM is to clearly see Holy Roman Empire removal gauge.
About the name of the corresponding forensics students, there are three more names are:
1. Idappaccayatā, try Leanne coast, as France has favored by this.
2. Dhammaniyāma, French course, as France has certain rules.
3. Paccayākāra, Coast Guard Administration Minister, conditional legal aid is contentious. This name is often spoken in French and Magic Vi organ notes.


[479] twelve parishes (Āyatana) or import, for the consciousness being run:

1. the label of origin (Cakkhāyatana)

2. Turkish origin (Sotāyatana)
3. exchange rate of (Ghānāyatana)
4. total loss of (Jivhāyatana)
5. of (Kāyāyatana)
6. made in Italy (Manāyatana)
7. Identity of origin (Rūpāyatana)
8. Noble origin (Saddāyatana)
9. Gas origin (Gandhāyatana)
10. Its origin (Rasāyatana)
11. Promotion of (Phoṭṭhabbāyatana)
12. made in France (Dhammāyatana)
See [340] six civil parishes, and [360] six of foreign origin.


[480] twelve names of Hanh's London Transfer (lastCakkavattivatta):

See [208] Four Leanne's move London United Kingdom later.
[481] thirteen genera early momentum, France baptism except afflictions (Dhutaṅga):

1. Happy dress up chalk algae y (Paṃsukūlikaṅga), i.e. only wear cloth seat removal toss y filthy junk heap dumps, such as tha ma ... Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Gahapaticīvaraṃ paṭikkhipāmi, paṃkūlikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I refused the family's medical home, sweet, I wish happy life keeping even chalk algae y".
2. Happy dress up t y (Tecīvarikaṅga), i.e. just keep wearing three y that the Buddha allows. (Y increase old-Chile, y wrath-da-la-Rose, an-da y-MP). Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Catutthacīvaraṃ paṭikkhipāmi, tecīvarikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I declined the private life I wish th y maintenance everyday wear t y".
3. Happy go real qifu guoren (Piṇḍapātikaṅga), i.e. only by holding the bowl to go begging. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Atirekalābhaṃ paṭikkhipāmi piṇḍapātikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I waive attendance exception, I wish happy real-life maintenance qifu mumo walks".
4. Happy Saturday class real qifu guoren (Sapadānacārikaṅga), i.e. go home by qifu mumo sequential implementation, do not choose the location. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Lohuppacāraṃ paṭikkhipāmi, sapadānacārikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I would waive travel as you wish, I wish happy real-life maintenance qifu gangui class stuff".
5. Happy just to eat at a place to sit (Ekāsanikaṅga), i.e. a day just eating once, stands up off the seat, does not eat anymore. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Nānāsanabhojanaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, ekāsanikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I refused the eating somewhere else, I pray everyday-life maintenance in a seat".
6. Almond meal in a bowl (Pattapiṇḍikaṅga), i.e. only eating food in the bowl, do not eat food other than the bowl. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Dutiyabhājanaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, pattapiṇḍikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I would like to waive the second feed, I'm happy to keep life in a bowl".
7. Happy not eating late ages (Khalupacchābhattikaṅga), i.e. when the meal was ended, and then don't eat extra food other then again. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Atirittabhojanaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, khalupacchābhattikaṅga", meaning: "I hereby waive real butts, I don't eat late-life prayer happy hold time".
8. happy to stay in the forest (Āraññikaṅga), i.e. just lives in a forest far away, do not reside in the villages, market towns. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Gāmantasenāsanaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, āraññikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I refused the stay of the villages, I vow to stay happy-life maintenance in the forest".
9. Almond trees residence (Rukkhamūlikaṅga), i.e. just living under a tree, not in having cover coatings, building as Liao Cup net loss, wihan, monasteries etc. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Channaṃ paṭikkhipāmi, rukkhamūlikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning "I refuse it containing cover coatings, I wish happy trees, residential maintenance service life".
10. happy to reside outside of the drum (Abbhokāsikaṅga), which is just outside of the drum is not covered, nor have the tree's shadow. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Channañca rukkhamūlañca paṭikkhipāmi, abbhokāsikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I refused the sheltered spot and stumps, I wish happy addition to residential life keeping the drum".
11. Happy resident of the grave site (Sosānikaṅga), i.e. only in the graveyard, the beach tha ma. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Asusānaṃ paṭikkhipāmi sosānikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I refused it, the grave isn't the life I wish happy local grave residential maintenance".
12. Happy as possible indications (Yathā santhatika ga), i.e. accept any stay of that increase specified, not fussy about finding satisfaction. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Senāsanaloluppaṃ paṭikkhipāmi yathāsanthatikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I deny the desire to stay in the life of prayer, I am happy to keep it specifies".
13. happy to sit (Nesajjikaṅga), i.e. just stay with dread sitting facilities, just stay with the dread no facilities are located. Early life prayer happy keeping this momentum as follows: "Seyyaṃ paṭikkhipāmi nesajjikaṅgaṃ samādiyāmi", meaning: "I stop, I life prayer located dread maintenance everyday sitting".
The presentation aspects of the French momentum:
A-Say by nature:

-Three typical almond: "Happy Monday class qifu mumo carried" (typical qifu gangui went to food); "Happy to eat in a seat" (typical to eat out of a bowl and not eating late time); "Happy to reside outside of the drum" (typical residential to a tree and according to the place specified. Because a person in addition to drums, then no need to stay of the roof cover and stay of appointment)
-In separate genera: happy to stay in the forest, almond, almond-y weed pollen wear wear t y, happy to live a happy, and sat.
B-speak according to the y for:

-Y for widgets (Paccayanissita) consists of twelve forelimbs.
-Y for effort (Viriyanissita) only one end is happy to sit.
C. Said according to the relation:

-Hanh related raiment (Cīvarapaṭisaṃyuttā) two genera is happy to wear medical wear and algae pollen t y.
-Real objects related Almond (Piṇḍapātapaṭisaṃyuttā) consists of five genera are happy to go the real happy, qifu gangui real happy, qifu gangui class stuff to eat in a seat, happiness in a bowl, eating and not eating late time.
-Hanh concerned stay of (Senāsanapaṭisaṃyuttā) consists of five genera are happy to stay in the forest, and almond trees, almond, residential neighborhood in addition to drums, happy to live a happy, and according to the appointed place.
-Hanh related effort (Viriyapaṭisaṃyuttā) only one genus is happy to sit.
D-Manure from time to time:

-Have limited time: Everyday living stumps and resided in addition to drums, this happy life two mere maintained during the dry season (four month rainy season to find a stay of having hidden discretely roofing).
-No time limit: ten everyday early momentum, with two on, allowed to maintain life at any given time during three seasons (a hot, rainy season and cold season).
E-hierarchical Division:

-The upper level momentum, is the practice of strict absolute momentum early, don't accept a favorable condition would.
-Early momentum high, is the practice of early momentum relatively tough, can accept one of the easy life when maintenance problems.
-Early momentum commissioned, the French maintained the momentum early in the life of relative comfort, can accept more favorable conditions when Shou maintenance difficulty.
F. life purpose maintenance:

-If the da is happy to maintain life without help for the evolution project of meditation, left, and l m for the charity France decline, real friendly French growth, it should not hold life.
-If the everyday life keeping momentum that helped to project of himself in the progression, or makes in good French growth, real-life legal you should decline in good maintenance.
-If the da with the happy life keeping Italy to sow fresh charm for the next life, like a good maintenance life.
-The smuggled take A-la-Han also maintained the momentum of our happy, but not for the purpose to eliminate minus real good because the A-la-Han sections except for negativity, the A-la-da Han to upkeep the happy example for others.
G-class life who maintained:

-Every life is maintained on stilts-Bhikkhu 13 Hanh early momentum.
-Every life only Tri-ni stilts Bhikkhu is the almond 8 da, except 5 almond is not eating late time, stay in the forest, trees, residence, resided in addition to drums, resident of the grave site.
-Stock sa-di da head 12 led life happy, except for everyday wear t y.
-Women's Studies and sa-di-ni Shou maintained was the almond 7 momentum as Bhikkhu-stilts ni, except for everyday wear t y.
-Every good life credit renunciation by the almond 2 da is happy to eat at a place to sit and eat in a bowl.

Thirteen French early momentum has made in Tibet and primary references are as follows:
- M.III. 40 outlines the almond 9 momentum, except everyday wear t y, Hanh sat real happy, qifu gangui class eating almond in a bowl, don't eat late time.
- A.V. 219 has outlined 10 happy early momentum, except everyday wear t y, happy to go real happy, qifu gangui qifu gangui class stuff indeed.
- Nd1.188 has outlined 8 multi head happy happy, except only in a seat, almond meal in a bowl, almond, almond trees, residential neighborhood in addition to drums, Hanh resided local graves.
- Vin v. 131.198 has stated the almond 13 enough momentum, but only stated heading.
- Vism. 59-83 13 explains in detail the legal momentum.
[482] fourteen functions of consciousness (Viññāṇakicca), or the Division of the mind:

1. continue the function of birth (Paṭisandhi), is a new life, renewal, Center for the start of a new life. There are 19 Friday continued work is mind-2 provincial life Center 8, discharging tons of fruit, fruit Center gender identity, 5 4 mind result invisible colors.
2. the function of past life or property section (Bhavaṅga), which is the center of work continued to maintain the line in life; the mind of shit will now run without exposing the mind objective. There are 19 minor work is shit, 19 households who continue the second born, the mind would work continuously for the life of him, then who exactly does he kill household life.
3. electronic functions (Cuti), who's dying or general network working lifetimes, we start following the same lifetimes. There are 19 wed 19, which was the center of public network who didn't mind the household stuff would work for shit life so who exactly that work for her life.
4. functions opening Mon (Āvajjana), which is the center of the highway opening to catch the new scene. There are two things the mind do this function, open mind and our mind stubs Italy sports. Mind the testimony of five subjects: Highway opening mind catching scenery-Gerald-gas-your-emotions, mind opening the gate opening reveal the mind catches sight of France.
5. the function find (Dassana), is the Diocese of the unknown landscape. There are 2 work seen as 2 mind with consciousness.
6. function listen (Savana), is the Diocese of the said Gerald scene. There are 2 work listen is Atria 2 formula.
7. function sniff (Ghāyana), is the Diocese of the said gas scene. There are 2 work shit is mind-2 female consciousness.
8. the tasting function (Sāyana), is the Diocese of the know your scene. There are 2 things is real heart 2 formula.
9. function hit (Phusana), the mind knows the feelings. There are 2 work touched 2 body mind is awake.
10. function produced (Sampaṭicchana), is the pick to keep our minds off the scene of the Division. There are 2 work produced is 2 mind produced (the name under the desk).
11. functional observations (Santīrana), is the Diocese of the verified object. There are 3 observation work is 3 observation centre (known as the).
12. the function assigned to guess or to guess (Voṭṭhapana), is the delineation of the object's properties. Have a mind to do the guess who's opening your subjects.
13. functional compliance resources (Javana), is the Diocese of the processed object. There are 55 or 87 mind working in compliance is 12 21 37 real mind or mind-friendly hospitality, who 18 elements except the mind open Mon, 4 or 20 Super mind world. Mind force compliance functions are important, the mind and force compliance without good faith will become career-the birth result hetero Shu, Dong and Dong force except the enforcement result Super is not a career.
14. the function of na scene (Tadālambana), is the process of residual sight when exposing the mind has great scenery, very clearly. There are 11 work na scene is 3 and 8 Heart Center outcomes. Although there are also object-processing functions as the center of power in compliance but the mind no scene fashion-industry na.
Fourteen functions of consciousness when we run in a process of mind, only 10 positions (or known as Department of formula- Viññānaṭhāna), and the letter grade:
Keep born-opening Mon-life household-see or hear or smell or taste or touch-produced-observe-assigned input-power-na Dong scene-Prince.
Keep born-death-life household is the sequence of the subjective consciousness in the life.
Open Mon-active formula-produced-observe-assigned input-power-na Dong scene (the case is only open Mon-compliance resources-on the scene), which is the sequence of the objective mind.
Fourteen of the League coming into Office in the Visuddhimagga called freshness of Japanese vase forms (ākāra Viññāṇapavatti).


[483] fifteen (Buddha'sCaraṇa):

1. full sex (lastSīlasampadā)
2. recording ends-green units (Indriyasaṃvara)
3. Xue cuisine (Bhojanamattaññutā)
4. awakening is when (Jagariyānuyogo)
5. Have faith (Saddho)
6. There are very good (Hirimā)
7. Have you (Ottappī)
8. multicultural (Bahussuto)9. Essential needs (Āraddhaviriyo)
10. Stay anniversary (Upaṭṭhitasati)
11. wisdom (Paññavā)
12. Preliminary Evidence of meditation (Paṭhamajjhāna)
13. Evidence of the second meditation (Dutiyajjhāna)
14. tam Certification exam (nTatiyajjhāna)
15. Evidence of the four meditation (Catutthajjhāna).
Fifteen of this almond is France's name of the Buddha, a Buddhist is to have the Student mailing Minh Hanh Hong (Vijjacaranasampanno), happy student here is enough for such natural almond 15.
Fifteen of the almond also known as property (lastSekhapaṭipadā), is the property of the French State to reach liberation.
In fifteen this almond, almond 2, 3, 4 called administrative inefficiency isn't (Apaṇṇakapatipadā), Hanh 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 called the magic of France (Saddhamma); almond 12, 13, 14, 15 (meditation called theJhāna).


[484] sixteen positions (Soḷasañāṇa) or insight (Vipassanāñāṇa):

1. Wisdom to distinguish your identity (Nāmarūpaparicchedañāṇa), location unknown so-called beings only the name and identity; at the same time delineate what is something is good.
2. reaching the coast of Solomon (Paccayapariggahañāṇa), location unknown identity of pratītyasamutpāda, knows a good present by birth, or by industrial soy y of birth.
3. Universal Wisdom General (Sammasanañāṇa), location unknown track colors have reality impermanence, suffering and egolessness General General General.
4-12. see ripe wisdom pubs [438].
13. intellectual property transfer tribe (Gotrabhūñāṇa), starting position up the intersection between the divine and Holy names of family identity, this still is the divine mind.
14. intellectual property management (Maggañāṇa), the holy place that super power surveys except for negativity.
15. intellectual property results (Phalañāṇa), the holy place of Holy birth, Director of world transcendence due to the food poisoning syndrome features níp-table.
16. the intelligence side Auditorium (Paccavekkhanañāṇa), which is the physical location of the DAC has led outcomes consistent review of the afflictions were great except, a revisionist leader Prime fruit, a review of níp-the table was food poisoning.
In this insight, only 16 have the intelligence and wisdom result is super place world; 14 insight is the Union position.
The present 16 insight as ordered as such does not have origin in the Chief Justice organs, which due to its Axàlê the teacher taught by collecting the meaning from the Unconscious Mind Management Award (Paṭisambhidāmagga) and the Visuddhimagga (Visuddhimagga).


[485] sixteen UE profile of mind (Cittūpakilesa)

1. greed (Abhijjhā, visamalobha)
2. anger (Byāpāda, dosa)
3. outrage (Kodha)
4. hostile Resentment (Upanāha)
5. Gospel Reflection (Makkha)
6. malevolent (Palāsa)
7. jealousy (Issā)
8. xẻn (PopcornMacchariya)
9. untrue (Māyā)
10. crafty (Sātheyya)
11. wilful (Thambha)
12. Welcoming war (Sārambha)
13. Falling beam (Māna)
14. The port (Atimāna)
15. arrogant (Mada)
16. negligent (Pamāda).


[486] eighteen world, nature (Dhātu):

1. gender Label (Cakkhudhātu), is the neurotic label or the eye.
2. Gender Identity (theRūpadhātu), the scenery, the audience's eyes.
3. Label gender awareness (Cakkhuviññāṇadhātu), which is the mind with knowledge, the knowing of the eye.

4. United World (Sotadhātu), is nervous to hang or fatal.
5. Thinh an (Saddadhātu), was the scene of disasters, Gerald.
6. gender awareness Courses (Sotaviññāṇadhātu), Atria is knowledge, the knowing of disasters.

7. the Female gender (Ghānadhātu), a neurotic female or nose.
8. World Gas (Gandhadhātu), was the scene of the gas, the subject of the tip.
9. Female formal wear (Ghānaviññāṇadhātu), who is the female form, the idea of the nose.

10. the Lost World (Jivhādhātu), which is the nerve or the tongue.
11. the Gender Unit (Rasadhātu), is a landscape, the subject of tongues.
12. Lost consciousness about (Jivhāviññāṇadhātu), who is lost consciousness, the mind knows of the tongue.

13. Dear World (Kāyadhātu), which is the nerve itself or the body.
14. Gender Promotion (Phoṭṭhabbadhātu), which is the object of the body, feelings.
15. gender awareness Itself (Kāyaviññāṇadhātu), which is the mind body awareness, know themselves.

16. my world (Manodhātu), who was the broker for the six methods, including 2 mind produced and heart opened five subjects.
17. France Association (Dhammadhātu), which is made in France, is the real France that have subtle individual nature, comprising 52 16 departments and sharp mind níp-table. The French are not the views of France (dhammārammaṇa), by the French scene including 121 12 rough and sharp of mind, intention, while France and France made the French retrenchment.
18. gender consciousness (Manoviññāṇadhātu), which is the mind beyond the five song and 3 Italian boundary. Up to 108 gender consciousness.


[487] twenty-two rights (Indriya):

Power is the ability of a field, France would have a private function, special features, France was then called authorities.
1. With the right (Cakkhundriya), which is the function of getting views, i.e. nerve label.
2. right Atrium (Sotindriya), which is the function that starts the scene by Gerald, i.e. Turkish nerves.
3. Female Power (Ghānindriya), which is the function catch sight of nerve gas, that is male.
4. loss of rights (Jivhindriya), which is the function catches the scene number, i.e. nerve.
5. User Rights (Kāyindriya), which is the function catch feelings, i.e. nerve trunk.
6. your rights (Manindriya), which is the function know or perceive objects, i.e. all the mind.

7. women's rights (Itthindriya), which is the function that expresses the personality of the feminine, i.e. feminine identity.
8. Female Power (Purisindriya), which is the function that expresses the personality of the nominative, i.e. masculine identity.
9. Rights Network (Jīvitindriya), which is the function of maintaining the survival of French identity and contentious Council nomenclature, just mind the Department of network permissions, network identity permissions.

10. Lost rights (Sukhindriya), which is the function of making myself comfortable, i.e. the Centre for life Club facility.
11. right Gauge (Dukkhindriya), which is the function that makes the body suffers discomfort, i.e. the mind facility life gauge.
12. the wedding rights (Somanassindriya), the function makes a refreshing mind, i.e. the mind facility Hy tho.
13. giving priority to the right (Domanassindriya), which is the function that makes the mind's frustrating, IE the life priority facility Center.
14. discharge of rights (Upekkhindriya), which is the function that makes the mind feels nonchalantly, i.e. exhaust fan tho Center.

15. Credit rights (Saddhindriya), which is the function of the filter, make the mind becomes pure, i.e. credit facility Center.
16. tons of rights (Viriyindriya), which is the function of agitated, making imprisonment, i.e. the mind facility needs.
17. the notion of rights (Satindriya), which is the function in mind, making the Centre of attention object, i.e. the mind Department anniversary.
18. authorized (Samādhindriya), which is the function of focus, making the mind based on objects, i.e. the mind most departments.
19. intellectual property rights (Paññindriya), which is the function of osmosis, making discerning minds know the scene, i.e. mind Department of intellectual property.

20. the Tri tri rights (Anaññataññassāmītindriya), which is the position know never know, i.e. positions of first leader, since this is the first known landscape níp-voracious mind that desk Lady didn't know.
21. Of the tri rights (Aññindriya), which is the position to know what was once known, i.e. the position property from preliminary results to the quarter finals, the location of this property knows níp-desk scenes that position a leader has to know.
22. tri Specific rights (Aññātāvindriya), which is the position know fullness, knowledgeable know fully comprehensive in terms of the rescue. This is the position of the four Holy fruit decor or A-la-Han.
Twenty-two rights are presented and explained in full in the organs That French Magic parser (Vibhaṅga), also in the League coming into Office 2 Visuddhimagga (Visuddhimagga) and Won France The Weak reviews (Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha). in Tibet just saw presented in Samyutta the Samyutta product rights (S.v. 193-243), but said partial fog.
Twenty-two the rights according to the colors as follows:
-There are 8 French performance rights is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9.
-There are 15 right of discovery (6, 9, and 22).
-Network rights (No. 9), including the name and identity.


[488] twenty-eight French identity (Rūpa):

French identity is real French computer in material shade is good aggregates (Rūpakhandha). French identity consists of two parts is best 4 great shows and Biomedicine 24 colors.
4 great colors show (Mahābhūtarūpa):

1. ground (Pathavī)
2. water (Āpo)
3. fire (Tejo)
4. Wind (Vāyo)
24 biomedical Excellence (Upādārūpa):

1. Label (Cakkhu)
2. Turkish (Sota)
3. exchange rate (Ghāna)
4. total loss (Jivhā)
5. Body (Kāya)
(This Year called lust nerve).
6. landscape (Rūpa)
7. Georgia Scenes (Sadda)
8. gas-Scene (Gandha)
9. the scene by (Rasa)
(Feelings: Earth, fire, wind in the best results. Seven colors are called SAC Bourn or sharp object to gocararūpa or visayarūpa).
10. the feminine Identity (Itthatta)
11. masculine Identity (Purisatta)
(Two colors are called hue or identity status- bhāvarūpa).
12. Colors of Italy (Hadayavatthu)
(This is also called hadayarūpa -good heart; in Tibetan districts the Paṭṭhāna just call this identity is vatthu to comes to good Italian character).
13. the network Identity rights (Jīvitindriya).(This is also known as jīvitarūpa- identity network).
14. Good food group (Kabaliṅkārāhāra). (This is also known as āhārarūpa -SAC composite food).
15. Good unreal world (Ākāsadhātu). (This is also known as paricchedarūpa -SAC assigned gender).
16. Good trunk show of tri (Kāyaviññatti)
17. Good gun show of tri (Vacīviññatti)
(This is called two colors represent tri viññattirūpa).
18. Sac disrespect (Lahutā)
19. Supporting the need (Mudutā)
20. Good love die (Kammaññatā)
(This is called three special colors vikāra-rūpa).
21. Good students, computer files (Upacaya)
22. Good progress, inheritance (Santati)
23. Good hetero, elders or Commerce (Jaratā)
24. Sac removal, impermanent (Aniccatā)
(This excellent Four known collectively as good or excellent general status- lakkhanarūpa)
In 28 colors French, from good land to good real Union, called 18 colors of achievements or clearly colors (Nipphannarūpa); from good nowhere until SAC removal, called non-excellent 10 achievements or identity unknown (Anipphannarūpa)


[489] thirty-one realms (Bhūmi):

The head area of beings, is a species of Lady love:
1. hell Realms (Niraya)
2. The Eagle's birth (Tiracchānayoni)
3. The hungry daemons Devil (Pittivisaya)
4. The Warrior plays (Asurakāya)
The four realms of this referred to as the fallen or gauge of (Apāyabhūmi).
5. The humanity (Manussa)
6. four heavenly Realms (Catummahārājika)
7. The donation benefit (Tāvatiṃsa, tettiṃsā)
8. The da ma (Yāmā)
9. where is The capacity (Tusita)
10. The goods lost (Nimmānaratī)
11. Runnin' tha turns himself in (Paranimmitavasavattī).
The seven realms is known collectively as the fun of sex, gender, (Kāmasugatibhūmi). The four realms of the gauge and the seven realms fun gymnastics world called the realms of gender education 11 (Kāmāvacara-bhūmi, or kāmaloka).
12. The US bias (Brahmapārisajjā)
13. The extra Offense Heaven (Brahmapurohitā)
14. The Great Brahma (Mahābrahmā)
The three realms is called the first meditation (Paṭhamajjhānabhūmi).
15. The minimum luminous astronomical objects (Parittābhā)
16. The immeasurable natural optical (Appamāṇābhā)
17. The Celestial sound optical (Ābhassarā)
The three realms is called the second meditation (Dutiyajjhānabhūmi)
18. The minimum net Heaven (Parittasubhā)
19. The invisible net weight bias (Appamāṇasubhā)
20. The net variable bias (Subhakiṇhā)
The three realms is called the third meditation (Tatiyajjhānabhūmi).
21. The heavenly fruit promo (Vehapphalā)
22. The invisible heavenly thought (Asaññīsatta)
23. The infinite mind Heaven (Avihā)
24. The invisible heavenly heat (Atappā)
25. The philanthropic advancement (Sudassana)
26. The donation is Heaven (Sudassī)
27. The SAC wing rescue Angel (Akiniṭṭhā)
The seven realms is called the fourth meditation (Catutthajjhānabhūmi).In realms from infinity bothers heaven to rescue sharp pointed objects is called the pure land occupancy (suddhāvāsa), is in the realm of the Holy steps A-na-jaw being up.
The three primary realms of meditation, the three realms of the second meditation, the three realms tam meditation and seven realms foursome meditation, known collectively as the 16 realms of gender identity, (Rūpāvācarabhūmi, or rūpaloka
28. no Realms of boundless (Ākāsānañcāyatanabhūmi).
29. The boundless knowledge of (Viññāṇañcāyatanabhūmi).
30. The invisible property of (Ākiñcaññāyatanabhūmi)
31. The phi phi thought thought of (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanabhūmi).
The four realms of infinite realms is called gender identity (Arūpāvacarabhūmi or arūpaloka).
The saints are not present in the unconscious thought and the four realms of the gauge.
That means that class and two ranks of low property is not present in the pure land occupancy.
Twenty-one realms chums have fun friendship centres were available the divine and Holy.
In the Nikaya presents birth of bridges of love only has 5 realms are hell, Eagle being, hungry daemons devil, humanity and the natural world. Realms of heaven here including the gender, sexual favoritism, lettered the Brahma good gender and gender identity realms invisible Brahma. The lack of bridges of contentious 5 Warrior plays because the General told Warrior plays into the realms of hungry daemons Devil (according to the explanatory notes of the Itivuttaka).
In the 5 delivery time, bridges of hell, Eagle being, hungry daemons devil is the agony scene, the human and natural worlds is Roxanne scenes.


[490] thirty-two General officers (Mahāpurisalakkhaṇa):

32 General officers who have only two Primary Sensory Class is class (Sammāsambuddho) and King of the United Kingdom London Transfer (Cakkavattirājā).
1. soles flat.
2. Under the soles are just showing off your wheels with full parts, rims, spokes, and save 1000 cars.
3. long slender heel.
4. such toes fingers long.
5. soft hands.
6. limbs are just John as the grid.
7. the ankle look like seashells.
8. the deer as legs skinnier leg Tubes.
9. long arm can stand that touch to the knee.
10. Pearl onions hidden in upholstered leather.
11. color glow like gold NET.
12. the skin is smooth, not dusty.
13. Each hair grows only a hairs.
14. Hairs grow toward the top, the dark blue hair and the swirling round vertically is.
15. straight-bodied as Brahma himself.
16. on the body of seven possible meat filled not with physical indentations; seven seats are the neck, back 2 back 2 hands, feet, shoulder 2.
17. the torso as his lion hẩu.
18. flat Backs.
19. balance the Trunk as the tree Terminalia catappa, tall with long arms and arm span is equal to itself.
20. taste sharp, blade easily absorb the flavor of food.
21. plump neck straight, Needs are.
22. round Chin Chin like a lion.
23. There are 40 tooth, every 20 something.
24. teeth are and in no high-low.
25. teeth snugly longing, not crack.
26. Four sharp teeth really clean white.
27. the broad and long Tongue.
28. warm voices, the obviously like Brahma, or like Karavika.
29. Arjun black irises.
30. long eyelashes smooth-eyed as calves.
31. Between pairs of eyebrows have soft white cotton-like beam.
32. Beginning with the humiliation of the parietal bone, leaving the famous design up to look like the team crowns.


[491] thirty-seven products bodhi (Bodhipakkhiyadhamma):
Includes four anniversary of, four Chief needs, four as a student, in rights, in force, seven more sense, eight Saints lead. See [383]. Seven French sensory party group.
[492] thirty-eight things unlawful wall (Maṅgala) France brought to our happiness, France an evangelical Protestant thing, also known as noble (Uttamamaṅgala or maṅgalamuttama):

Thirty-eight wall unlawful things are Buddha dogma into article 10 shelf (Gāthā) in business (Maṅgalasutta):
1 shelf article

1. do not close fools (Asevanā ca balānaṃ)
2. close ranks fair location (Paṇḍitānaṃ ca sevanā)
3. donation ranks worthy of worship (Pūjā ca pūjaniyānaṃ)
2 shelf article

4. proper place of residence (Paṭirūpadesavāso)
5. did blessed treasures (Pubbe ca katapuññatā)
6. Manually main leg stance (Attasammāpa-nidhi).
3 shelf article

7. has broad academic multicultural (Bāhusaccañca)
8. There is a career essential Shu (Sippañca)
9. obey the rules Manual (Vinayo ca susikkhito)
10. words in good faith quotations (ca Subhāsitā yā vācā).
Article 4 shelves

11. Serve nursing mother father (Mātāpitu upaṭṭhānaṃ)
12. Next the rabbit (Puttassa saṅgaho)
13. Next level spouses (Dārassa saṅgaho)
14. do not responsibility (Anākulā ca kammantā).
5 shelf article

15. flush your alms (Dānañca)
16. the practice of good French (Dhammacariyā)
17. To the bereaved in (Ñātakānañca saṅgaho)
18. create karma is innocent (Anavajjāni kammāni)
Article 6 shelves

19. Abstain to avoid evil (Āratī viratī pāpā)
20. alcohol Detox tea (Majjapaṇā ca saññamo)
21. Not so good beards, France (Appamādo ca dhammesu)
Article 7 shelves

22. respect for people (Gāravo ca)
23. live humbly (Nivāto ca)
24. live student tri (Santuṭṭhī ca)
25. Know sandhya (Kataññū)
26. French Listening time (Kālena dhammassavanaṃ).
Article 8 shelves

27. Kham rings (Khantī ca)
28. easy-to-teach (Sovacassatā)
29. An opinion UG sa Mon (Samaṇānañca dassanaṃ)
30. Conclusions France time (Kālena dhammasā kacchā).
Article 9 shelves

31. live engraved 50th (Tapo ca)
32. live date (lastBrahmacariyañca)
33. the Holy Roman Empire Satori Shed (Ariyasaccāna dassanaṃ)
34. Work ch ng níp-table (Nibbānasacchikiriyā ca)
Lesson 10 shelves

35. the mind does when colliding legal life (Phuṭṭhassa lokadhammehi cittaṃ kampati na yassa)
36. the mind is not melancholy (Asokaṃ)
37. Immaculate Heart (Virāgaṃ)
38. centres at (Khemaṃ).
Thirty-eight articles of this wall unlawful if it is practiced according to win in every place, and will heal in all circumstances. It's the ultimate wall unlawful method in life.


[493] forty career of (Kammaṭṭhāna), headings for the origin project, meditation meditation only:

-10 of variable section (Kasina), see [444].
-10 items of real America (Asubha), see [464].
-Optional headings 10 anniversary (Anussati), see [463].
-Title 4 offences stay (Brahmavihāra), see [212].
-1 item ideas boring real animals (Āhāra paṭikūlasaññā), is worth a stop nhờm nature Musings in food by the process of formation for the digest and defecate.
-1 items that delineate the four substances (Catudhātuvavaṭṭhāna), which is defined in this body there are four great, something belonging to the land, what belongs to the country, something belongs to fire, what belongs to the wind.
-4 headings invisible colors (Arūpa), include the item "Not country boundless" (the concept of nowhere is not limited to), the heading "boundless Knowledge of" (the concept of mind is not limited to), the heading "Loads of possession" (concept denies the boundless nowhere and consciousness), the heading "Phi phi phi thought idea of" (the concept has just denied had just accepted the presence of consciousness).
The delineation of headings according to the meditation, please see [117] three of the advance. The delineation of headings according to personality, see [356] six personality.


[494] fifty-two Centre facility (Cetasika):

The mind or who owned the properties of mind, always at the same birth-bronze-copper removal knows the scene with the mind, called France Samyutta mind.
1. Contact (Phassa)
2. Shou (Vedanā)
3. Thought (Saññā)
4. Investment (Cetanā)
5. For onions (Ekaggatā)
6. the network rights (Jīvitindriya)
7. Italian Work (Manasikāra)
This facility is called heart of seven Centers operating variables facility (Sabbacittasādhāraṇacetasika)

8. range (Vitakka)
9. Quartet (Vicāra)
10. winner (Adhimokkha)
11. need (Viriya)
12. the wedding (Pīti)
13. Education (Chanda)
This facility is called the center of six Centre Department of special scene (Pakiṇṇaka-cetasika).
Seven variable facility and center of six special facility centres including data mining, facility Centre 13 called back tha (Aññasamāna-cetasika).
14. Si (Moha)
15. Loads so far (Ahirika)
16. Infinity gems (Anottappa)
17. Free Yi (Uddhacca)
Four mind this facility known as database Center real good turn onions (Sabbākusalasadhāraṇa-cetasika). Also called Group 4 mind this facility is the center of fan si section (Mocatuka-cetasika).
18. accessibility (Lobha)
19. Deviant opinions (Diṭṭhi)
20. His starboard side (Māna)
Three mind this facility known as the reference group (Lotika-cetasika).
21. Pitch (Dosa)
22. Disabilities (Issā)
23. Fraud (Macchariya)
24. Fx (Kukkucca)
Four mind this facility called the yard Group (Docatuka-cetasika).
25. Kiss the affective (Thīna)
26. Swedish hypnosis (Middha)
Two mind this facility called Group marriage section (Thīduka-cetasika).
27. the skeptical (Vicikicchā)
Ten mind since taking part, the part, the kissing part and skepticism, which is called the Centre of Department of any special charity scene (Pakiṇṇakākusala-cetasika).
Four mind Department of any donation made and any special Department Center of ten scaled sight charity called real fan centered 14 elements (Akusala-cetasika).
28. Credit (Saddhā)
29. Celebration (Sati)
30. very good (Hiri)
31. you (Ottappa)
32. the Loads involved (Alobha)
33. Endless yard (Adosa)
34. neutralization (Tatramajjhattatā)
35. Net user (Kāyapassaddhi)
36. meditate (Cittapassaddhi)
37. Contempt stems (Kāyalahutā)
38. (Center of BalloonCittalahutā)
39. the need for stems (Kāyamudutā)
40. the need (goodCittamudutā)
41. Like stems (Kāyakammaññatā)
42. Love Heart (Cittakammaññatā)
43. Net user (Kāyapāguññatā)
44. Pure heart (Cittapāguññatā)
45. the Chief Justice himself (Kāyujukatā)
46. the Chief Justice Center (Cittujukatā)
Nineteen mind this facility known as database operations (variable focal net of goodSobhaṇasādhāraṇa-cetasika)
47. Chief language (Sammāvācā)
48. the Chief Justice career (Sammākammanta)
49. the Chief Justice Network (Sammā-ājīva)
Three mind this facility known as database Center shares or stop excluding (Viratī-cetasika)
50. Bi (Karuṇā)
51. As Hy (Muditā)
Two mind this facility is known as the heart of the facility (Appamaññā-cetasika).
52. intellectual property rights (Paññindriya)
This facility is also the center of mind facility si (Amoha-cetasika), or commonly known as the intellectual property Centre (Paññā-cetasika).
Mind the Department about the immeasurable, and intellectual property rights, known as the net margin of good facility Center 6 scene (Pakiṇṇakasobhana-cetasika).
Nineteen administrative and variable focal net of good facility of six distinct focal net of good facility, a mix called 25 net of good facility of mind (Sobhaṇa-cetasika).


[495] extra eighty General (Anubyañjanā) of the Buddha:

1. black and silky Hair.
2. natural scented Hair.
3. Sandalwood fragrance always hair shine.
4. the hair twisted round.
5. Hair always twisted to the right.
6. smooth Hair.
7. hair does not tangle.
8. plain black Hair, no hoe or silver, even at old age.
9. the hair of Buddha's hair always grows, pressure is not erected as everyday people.
10. you have body plumage dark blue.
11. the hairs are of equal length.
12. Hairs sprouting in order not to go.
13. double arched his eyebrows shaped bow.
14. the tail of the eyebrows lasted until eye tails.
15. big eyebrows and bold.
16. the eyebrows grows Friday class lined up together.
17. eyebrows were very smooth.
18. clean Teeth naturally does not irritate plaque.
19. White Teeth shine like snails.
20. Four sharp teeth round and clean.
21. slippery Teeth, no sign they return alternates.
22. his flesh is always cool
23. his flesh is always full of tension, no wrinkles though in kitchen cabinet age would.
24. his skin slippery to dust adhesion is not.
25. his eyeballs had five pupils (the IRIS) with five colors throughout the (extremely powerful vision can see a sesame seed to stay away by week 1 though in the darkness).
26. Two eye holes wide and equal in length.
27. the ear in the round feature.
28. long and beautiful ears as wings sen.
29. the nose high and straight.
30. canard designs Subhadra.
31. soft Tongue and Crimson.
32. the tongue has the most beautiful designs.
33. the breath of him very gently.
34. the lips steadily and consistently fresh petal color
35. the lips always youth.
36. Mr. Mouth always has a fragrance of lotus flowers.
37. the balance his forehead as well.
38. his Forehead was the most beautiful forehead.
39. Mr. face sculpting a balanced way, not fat, not thin.
40. plump right hand-but indicated his sealed.
41. his right hand-the most beautiful rights carefully.
42. his Head looking like the calm approval by n.
43. the humiliation of numbering (top) glow all day and night.
44. the five of you are so pure.
45. back Waist visibly, saggy belly is not blocking.
46. absolute rún plump Hole.
47. there swirl skin fold abdominal skin on the circle to the right.
48. Mr. plump plump limbs.
49. the fingers of his legs bright visible light.
50. the finger long slender legs regularly.
51. The foot finger handsome as elaborate carving craftsmen.
52. The toe nail is pink.
53. The top of the nail straight leg buckled underneath splintered no natural forests.
54. hot foot nail surfaces polished round not lizard skin defects.
55. plump knees do not expose the bone out though in any posture.
56. calves look like Golden banana trees, straight right in a complete way.
57. the legs equally absolute, not small odds high low a li.
58. isokinetic flexible arm as Heliotrope Erāvaṇa Emperor's Love of riding.
59. the lines pointing always rosy red.
60. The hand only deepened.
61. The only hand, out of the way out on the street that extends continuous.
62. The only straight hands, don't go and accept.
63. do you have perfect human male generals, there is a division or a gesture would look like females.
64. the parts of his body are wonderful to look at levels thought to cosmetic statues.
65. on the fuselage, his skin the proper distributed meat once it does lack is not redundant.
66. his body did not have a mole or freckle, is too small.
67. his body perfectly balanced.
68. Relative strength (strength of the body) of the Buddha by 10 elephants Chaddanta. According to legend, the elephant Chaddanta by 10 elephants Uposatha, 1 elephant Uposatha by 10 elephants Hema, 1 elephant Hema by 10 elephants Maṅgala, elephant Maṅgala by 10 elephants Gandha, 1 elephant Gandha by 10 elephants Piṅgala, elephant Piṅgala by 10 Tamabaelephant, elephant Tamaba by 10 elephants Paṇḍhara, elephant Paṇḍhara by 10 Gaṅgeyyaelephant, elephant Gaṅgeyya by 10 Kālāvakaelephant, elephant Kālāvaka by 10 elephants often.
69. Treasure of the Buddha always has fine light radiating unless you want.
70. Dear Mr. natural aura so blessed, not by the spirit through.
71. Mr. Hull always prolific freshness even in the age old kitchen cabinet.
72. Mr. Hull is always pure.
73. Mr. natural scented Body.
74Ṭhân you do not have it notated bottle I'm too embarrassed.
75. throughout his torso covered by fine hairs.
76. When you step away, always lift the right foot first.
77. He has a magnificent fluid gait of elephant God.
78. do you dread dung vertical gait like a lion God.
79. He had quietly elegant as the Orange Princess.
80. He has a solemn gait slow like cow Lord.


[496] eighty-nine the mind (Citta):

The mind is the unknown scene, aware objects; the mind is conscious component aggregates, one of the five aggregates (good, tho, thought, and knowledge), is one of four French base Paramatthasacca (the mind, the mind facility, Good French and Níp-desk). The mind has many other names such as mano (Italy), viññāṇā (consciousness), mānasa (centres), hadaya (Center for organ), paṇḍara (the white President)..., depending on the place that call.
The mind comes first, says narrow wide 89 to 121 Monday; be classified into five groups as follows:
I-Mind real good (Akusalacitta), consisting of 12 minor

I. 1. Eight mind taking part (Lobhamūlacitta) is:

a proper sentence Administration Center) devoted to endless supporters (ants HySomanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
b) railway operating statements Center combines practical knowledge (AIDS HySomanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhāri kaṃ).
c) operating railway Cup Hy sentence Mind comments disabled assistance (Somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).

d Who runs verse railway Cup Hy) initiative supported natively (Somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).

e Who discharge action sentences combined) deviant comments disabled assistance (Upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).

f) discharge administrative sentences Center combines deviant comments natively supported (Upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ)

g) discharge action sentences Center Cup ties comments disabled assistance (Upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).

h) railway Cup discharge administrative sentence Mind comments natively supported (Upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
I2. Two radical pitch Center (Dosamūlacitta):

a combined priority action statements Center) enraged multitude guided (Domanassasahagataṃ paṭighasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
b Who runs proper priority statement) outrage property Assistant (Domanassasahagataṃ paṭighasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
I. 3 centers in b flat (Mohamūlacitta):

a proper discharge administrative sentence Mind) skeptical (Upekkhāsahagataṃ vicikicchāsampayuttaṃ).
b conduct proper discharge statement discharge Center) Yi (Upekkhā sahagataṃ uddhaccasampayuttaṃ).
II-the Human Mind (Ahetukacitta) is composed of 18 Saturday:

II. 1. Seven heart outcome real elements (Akusalavipākacitta):

a formal Label issued statements) discharge (Upekkhāsahagataṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ).
b discharge administrative sentence form (Atrium)Upekkhāsahagataṃ sotaviññāṇaṃ).
c) Male form sentences issued discharge (Upekkhāsahagataṃ ghānaviññāṇaṃ).
d) losses due to discharge administrative sentence form (Upekkhāsahagataṃ jivhāviññāṇaṃ).
e) Environmentally conscious gardeners take heart (Dukkhasahagataṃ kāyaviññāṇaṃ).
f) discharge issued statements produced Mind (Upekkhāsahagataṃ sampaṭicchanacittaṃ).
g) discharge action sentence observation Centre (Upekkhāsahagataṃ santīraṇacittaṃ).
II2. Eight friendly human (Kusalavipāka ahetukacitta):

a formal Label issued statements) discharge (Upekkhāsahagataṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ).
b discharge administrative sentence form (Atrium)Upekkhāsahagataṃ sotaviññāṇaṃ).
c) Male form sentences issued discharge (Upekkhāsahagataṃ ghānaviññāṇaṃ).
d) losses due to discharge administrative sentence form (Upekkhāsahagataṃ jivhāviññāṇaṃ).
e) Environmentally conscious gardeners take lost (Sukhasahagataṃ kāyaviññāṇaṃ).
f) discharge issued statements produced Mind (Upekkhāsahagataṃ sampaṭicchanacittaṃ).
g) discharge action sentence observation Centre (Upekkhāsahagataṃ santīraṇacittaṃ).
h) observation Center issued statements Hy (Somanassasahagataṃ santīraṇacittaṃ).
II3. The three elements of human consciousness (Ahetukakiriyācitta):

a Who team issued statements subject stubs) discharge (Upekkhāsahagataṃ pañcadvārāvajjanacittaṃ).
b) discharge action sentence subjects mean stubs Mind (Upekkhāsahagataṃ manodvārāvajjanacittaṃ).
c) operating Mind vs. the smiling student Hy (Somanassasahagataṃ hasituppādacittaṃ).
12 the mind and human mind 18 any pooled called infinite mind perfect net 30 (Asobhanacitta).
III-mind education about ideal weight (Kāmāvacarasobhanacitta) includes 24 Monday:

III. 1. Eight human heart friendly gender education ownership (Sahetukakāmāvacarakusalacitta), also known as the Centre of the great elements (Mahākusalacitta):

a proper sentence Administration Center) wireless support locations (HySomanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
b Who runs verse proper placement Hy) natively supported (Somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
c) operating Mind endless supporters decorated Cup Hy sentences (Somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
d) Center for Executive Assistant position cups organic Hy sentences (Somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
e administrative discharge cases sentences Center position) worthlessasaṅkhārikaṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ Upekkhāsahagataṃ (Assistant).
f) discharge administrative sentence Mind combines location property Assistant (Upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
g) flush glass onion radio position statements Center Assistant (Upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
h) discharge action hook helpful decorating glass Center Assistant (Upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārikaṃ).
III2. Eight mindful fitness center or the property's fruit the fruit (Sahetukakāmāvacaravipākacitta), also known as Center result (Mahāvipākacitta):

a proper sentence Administration Center) wireless support locations (HySomanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ)
... Eight were named as charity Center.
III3. Gender education ownership element of the Center's eight great factor (Sahetukakāmāvacarakiriyācitta), also called the Center element (Mahākiriyācitta):

a proper sentence Administration Center) wireless support locations (HySomanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ asaṅkhārikaṃ).
... Eight mindful this element is designated as Center of good.
(net 24 and 30 radio-heart Kat sex-sex NET, Hao hao pooled called gender education centre 54 Kāmāvacaracitta).
IV-International SAC Mentality (Rūpāvacarakusalacitta) consists of 15 things:

IV. gender identity in charity mind 1 (Rūpāvacarakusalacitta):

a good Mind meditation useful sentence profile) views of the four given loving (Vitakkavicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ paṭhamajjhānakusalacittaṃ).
b) Second verse of good Mind meditation to loving Lili (Vicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ dutiyajjhānakusalacittaṃ).
c) Mindful of good useful sentence to loving meditation, tam (Pītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ tatiyajjhānakusalacittaṃ).
d) Center for meditation to Club ownership statement useage goodness (Sukhekaggatāsahitaṃ catutthajjhānakusalacittaṃ).
e) Mind meditation flush to five charities owned sentences (Upekkhekaggatāsahitaṃ pañcamajjhānakusalacittaṃ).
Iv2. In mind the results of gender identity (Rūpāvacaravipākacitta):

a center of meditation useful sentence results) games specified loving foursome (Vitakkavicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ paṭhamajjhānavipākacittaṃ).
b) second sentence meditation Center of Lili fruit loving intention (Vicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ dutiyajjhānavipākacittaṃ).
c) Mind result given loving organic gardeners meditation three kingdoms (Pītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ tatiyajjhānavipākacittaṃ).
d) Center for outcome owners sentence meditation lạcđịnh quarter (Sukhekaggatāsahitaṃ catutthajjhānavipākacittaṃ).
e) Mind meditation flush useful sentences to the five fruits (Upekkhekaggatāsahitaṃ pañcamajjhānavipākacittaṃ).
Iv3. In mind the gender identity elements (Rūpāvacarakiriyācitta):

a primary element in the meditation Centre) in owner to loving foursome range (Vitakkavicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ paṭhamajjhā nakiriyācittaṃ).
b the second element in the meditation Center) Lili to loving (Vicārapītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ dutiyajjhānakiriyā cittaṃ).
c) sentence prosecution Mind meditation to loving owner, tam (Pītisukhekaggatāsahitaṃ tatiyajjhānakiriyā cittaṃ)
d) Center for meditation to Club ownership statement useage element (Sukhekag gatāsahitaṃ catutthajjhānakiriyā cittaṃ).
e. Mindful meditation flush useful sentences to the five elements (Upekkhekaggatāsahitaṃ pañcamajjhānakiriyācittaṃ).
V-Center for gender identity invisible (Arūpāvacaracitta), consisting of 12 Saturday:

V. 1. Four gender identity Center radio friendly (Arūpāvacarakusalacitta):

a non-hardened Heart of boundless) (Ākāsānañcā yatanakusalacittaṃ).
b) Mind in good sense of boundless (Viññāṇañcā yatanakusalacittaṃ).
c Who owned of radio-friendly) (Ākiñcaññāyatanakusalacittaṃ).
d) Centre for African charity idea phi phi thought of (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanakusalacittaṃ).
V.2. Four gender identity invisible results Center (Arūpāvacaravipākacitta):

a result of boundless Heart) (Ākāsānañcā yatanavipākacittaṃ).
b) Center for boundless knowledge of results (Viññāṇañcāyatanavipākacittaṃ).
c) Mind result loads of possession (Ākiñcaññāyatanavipākacittaṃ).
d) Mind result Africa thought phi phi thought of (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanavipākacittaṃ).
V. 3. Four gender identity invisible elements mind (citta Arūpāvacarakiriyā):

a) Center for boundless elements not made (Ākāsānañcā yatanakiriyācittaṃ).
b) Center for boundless knowledge element of (Viññāṇañcāyatanakiriyācittaṃ).
c) Mind factor loads of possession (Ākiñcaññā yatanakiriyācittaṃ).
d) Centre for African elements ideas Africa Africa thought of (Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanakiriyācittaṃ).
gender identity Center and 12-15 (Centre for gender identity invisible pooled called 27 original Art Center- mahaggatacitta).
Fitness Center (54 and 27 great original minds put together called the Centre 81- lokiyacitta).
VI-Center for Super world (Lokuttara), consists of 8 or 40 Friday:

VI. 1. Four or twenty TAM DAO (Maggacitta), also known as super-hardened world:

a) Mind project save (Sotāpattimaggacittaṃ) or a leader (paṭhamamagga). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there are 5 led a meditation, a leader of the second meditation, meditation, Delta Director profile of first quarter lead meditation and ethical profile active meditation.
b) Centre for most hybrids (Sakadāgāmimaggacittaṃ) or erdao (dutiyamagga). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there is a 5 second lead meditation, erdao second meditation, erdao tam meditation, meditation and useage erdao erdao active meditation.
c) Any Director Who lai (Anāgāmimaggacittaṃ) or tam DAO (tatiyamagga). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there are 5 tam DAO tam DAO, Zen meditation II profile, tam, tam, tam DAO meditation leaders four meditation and tam DAO active meditation.
d) Center Director Alahán (Arahattamaggacittaṃ) or four Scouts (catutthamagga). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, the five primary leaders of the four quarter-final, meditation is directed the second meditation, meditation, Delta Director quarter-quarter-quarter-led meditation and four Scouts active meditation.
VI2. Four or twenty Center result (Phalacitta), also known as the Super ball (Lokuttaravipākacitta):

a) Mind effects save (Sotāpattiphalacittaṃ) or the preliminary result (paṭhamaphala). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there are 5 articles results of meditation and preliminary results of the second meditation, meditation, berries fruit profile profile of tam foursome meditation, a result of five meditation.
b) best Center lai (Sakadāgāmiphalacittaṃ) or the second result (dutiyaphala). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there are 5 is the second meditation, results of the second result of the second meditation, meditation, berries binary binary delta results quarter finals second meditation, berries active meditation.
c) Mind result Real lai (Anāgāmiphalacittaṃ) or three result (tatiyaphala). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation is meditation, berries 5 tam tam is a result of the second meditation, tam, tam, tam meditation results result quarter-meditation, tam result active meditation.
d) Center for outcome Alahán (arahattaphalacittaṃ) or quarter finals result (catutthaphala). Computer extension according to degrees of meditation, there are 5 is the fourth results second quarter result, meditation meditation, meditation, berries foursome quarter-quarter-final results of third meditation, four resulted in active meditation.
(81 Centre and 8 or 40 super centers that pooled called 89 121 or the mind, so the mind has 89 or 121 Wednesday's Super 8 have narrow minds by Sunday, had wide 40 minor).


[497] An hundred and eight AI (Taṇhā):

AI is told there are 108, not yet Friday the class, that computes the new scaling out this number.
First of all grab six cordially (taṇhākāya), meaning good AI, AI, AI flavour, the Snowdrop craving, craving contact and France Ireland (Vbh. 944).
The case is just sincerely love the normal infection called the exercise of charity, there are cases of sincerely being run that came with it often called possession of charity, there are cases of cordially being run with the idea, then known as the non-possession of Ireland. 6 so cordially 3 human cases of the 18 AI.
Eighteen this charity charged in two aspects, inner trunk (ajjhattika) and a foreign body (bahiddhā), into 36 out of charity.
Thirty-six AI is calculated at 3 time the past, present and future, into 108 out of charity.


One hundred and eight of Ireland also are calculated in another way, too.
Retrieved 18 AI du (taṇhāvicarita) aggregates content 18 plus Princess AI du (taṇhāvicarita) foreign press that aggregates (Vbh. 393), the 36 out of charity.