Sunday, 25 January 2015

The main religion: the language.

The main language is words with true, that no deeds with words, contrary to cultivate the good export business. Words are a human ability is extremely important value. Verbally, we express the secret thought to share with others.
People with the ants and the Thought of course there is also the language. Others, oil has not yet reached that lofty level, can still practice, careful attention to what I am about to say.
If he can control his tongue boneless how humanity surely avoid much fuss and life in this world will be better much.
Words will not clean watering unwholesome mental states such as greed, hatred, jealousy, pride, selfishness etc ..
Four categories unskillful verbal is: lie, said piercing, say rude and gruff gab. No lie that always say truth is the first virtue of the language he is trying to avoid strict morality and abstinence confinement tell lies, that something had to say no, do not say things there. He said word of truth, devotion to true life, certainly, worthy of trust. Mind facility located behind evil lie, or intend to make others understand untrue, can vary as to lie to gain the physical assets, status, power, fame, etc .. for yourself or for your loved ones, it is greed. Lied intentionally harming others is dosa etc .. Speaking lies but also harm for harm himself. Society can only exist peacefully in the mutual trust that when they have reason to trust others. Disabilities lie also affect your mood naturally. When lied once we were forced to lie again to cover up the lie ahead and thus sealing the lie in a very criss trappings, no way out. Over time, to some degree, the liar does not know what is the truth. Lies are an important obstacle on the path to enlightenment. Enlightenment is true insight, clear real truth of things, but lying is wrong to say the truth, trying to make others understand untrue. Realization of Truth is perfect harmony with the true self, with something really is. The false think the one hand say that one walks, assumes as true. The road is completely false opposite path to enlightenment. So, try to avoid, try to abstain lie is trying to reach beyond their moral scope of social life. The issue here is full perfect harmony with the truth. As far ultimate, truth is a parami (Paramita), ie one in ten have the legal capacity to continue the practice of pure love from shore terminal sensory (Sacca Paramita, Ba La Password True). A Bodhisattva is always true, pure and upright. His motto is, " said why do so, how to say "no wrong running, never the difference between actions and words. His Life of how the private lives like that. If I must go further lives Bodhisattva still not say lies. The reason bodhisattvas are very keen to true happiness is because the influence of the false deeply. No piercing is said of learning a second term "pisunavacca" Blessed be used here words mean to break friendships. The expression that the world is crashing is often used paddy rice was cut. Take this first defame the other end, then back to the other end detractors who put this story to create hatred, anger or division. Buddha said: " The morality and abstinence to avoid this, do not use words with a piercing personality. What heard here, he does not repeat elsewhere to create divisions, or heard elsewhere who was not repeated here with the intention of both parties to make mutual anger. He unites those who divided and encourage those who are united. The atmosphere is fun harmony of him. He was happy to agree interested and excited in harmony and, verbal, try planting the seeds of harmony "(Boost Circuit Agama. Anguttara Nikaya, 176) motivation, leading to verbal puncture is often dissatisfied mind , anger or jealousy. Seeing the success or see people who have moral respect, they are interested want to discredit or to reduce the amount of value. Sometimes because they want to harm or want to please a man, sometimes just for the delight want to see people angry mole devour each other. karmic standpoint, the results piercing words are disastrous. Aversion, as cause for words, was an evil and base, the malicious attempt to divide often meditate, find words to prick the right time, right mentality etc .. As Hamlet incubated nourishes the heart, the more severe the bad karma. If you try expressed interest lies to further reduce it even more verbal create false. Both, lie and piercing words, combined to form an unskillful verbal extremely harmful. He said piercing is like mosquitoes, then blood started to escort the other end, smoking a little blood and in the meantime, do not forget to leave a portion of venom. Mouth oiler but then watering the poison center. Word does not create genuine nuisance for anyone that just bring harmony and peace. Instead of sowing the seeds of division he always make peace between people disagree, build friendships among the enemies. In human society, we can not live alone, but must separately interdependent. So, in the best interests of everyone nearby, we try to learn to live together in an atmosphere of harmony, of fraternity and of the regulation. Not to say rude but said gruffly courtly elegance coarse language the word out with short expression grim inner mind and uttered in anger. Bollywood's rude words like that can manifest in many forms such as scolding, reviled, cuss or say diagonal said piercing etc .. they all arise from the center of discontent, anger and to cause problems Late suffering to others. The anger is often sudden onset, no brooding thinking, so the consequences are not severe to very well. However, because it tends to recur, if we imprudent to repeated several times and surely a habit of it, became mood of anger and violence is clearly a threat. Words rough, expressing anger, always detrimental to the listener as to say, in the present and in the future. At the time of the Buddha monk typically have few heavy insults a This and other're replying to. Buddha answered: " Do not use rude words gruffly. The answer will be talking with short rough. These words cause revenge revenge vulgar truth is painful. exchanges will hurt such injury . " (Dhammapada, verse 133) He taught the people know the benefits of keeping silent about the insults of others is as follows, " If you keep silent as an opener, I have attained Nirvana " referring people as such, even in the world of oil is also considered to have attained Nirvana. Self-control, and abstinence to avoid rude words in anger as well cultivate patience, as well as a three Paramita, Khanti Paramita, patience Paramita ,. That is to endure harsh reprimands and clemency ignore the mistakes of others, respect for the views horror and sympathy at the same shortcomings of the . Self-control is the key body and mind open and happy to put those feelings very generous, very orderly, watering anger, self-control is reached into his slavery worst . Additional Birth Stories 269 with narrative Bodhisattva, the forerunner of the Buddha, the king of Bernares (Benares), in a lifetime. German Queen Mother, his mother, who sometimes eat Virtue said gruffly. The other day the king went to play with the Queen Mother and entourage, walking in the royal park. The hand with the magpie, splendid green color, but when the voice spoke up sounding shrill, everyone also headphones, turn around to complain. A moment later, to other places Choe warblers, black hairy ugly head liner ethereal singing sweet, everyone likes to hear, everyone looks for it to sing more heard. King took the opportunity to open admonitions mother: " Dear, dear Late Model, the cries of birds are actually exchanging evil lord discomfort, everyone wants to alienate. It's no one to hear a gruff. Warblers left robin again, though blackened evil, attracted everyone with elegant gentle voice. Thus, we must take the words of the language, tender, gentle, meaningful etc.. . " Therefore advice the wise man from then on Queen Mother keep eating voice and words become elegant gentle. Do not talk nonsense to say that the only useful learning French is Buddha as follows: " The (Life maintain the dignity) and abstinence to avoid saying nonsense, useless. The time was right, as it happened, say the words useful, talk about the Dhamma and Vinaya. The words of him is a treasure, uttered at the right time, organic glass, peaceful and meaningful . " (Increase Circuit Agama, Anguttara Nikaya, post number 176) Word surely useless chatter, shallow and do not bring any benefit. Words like she just hopes to arouse interest. The Buddha advised to restrict the speech of this kind. For religious persons, speech language should be very careful, be selective and only say what suits Dharma. He says: " This monks, when the crowd gathered, only two things to do: or discuss the Dhamma, or the noble silence. " Discuss the Dharma refers to the true nature the existence of things, refers to the path to realizing the ultimate Truth, Nirvana, and therefore, are useful indeed. On the other hand quiet as a form of communication leisurely existence. Again When hidden in silence we draw all alone to look within ourselves, in the true nature of us, to make clear his wall as he is so true. Until then we can learn how to overcome the shortcomings and limitations of ordinary life. Every laymen, because social needs, and the need to speak in polite story everyday transactions. Nevertheless, Buddha should not neglect to drift too far, because the pay offered to go on the path of liberation must be careful to distinguish it will lead going, and always diligent watch " he lied "hide hidden deep within us a very discreet way. Do not say bullshit that always useful words. At Buddha The other bloodthirsty killers entered the party robbed causing crime and later become executioner of the court. Thanks to German Sariputta (Shariputra) touched, his personality changed completely from the cruel tyranny so gentle and honest reborn after death in heaven scene. The Buddha explained that the reason he is good rebirth through effective advice watering compassionate noble rank. He says: " Only a useful word, make people listen to calm, you are more than a thousand voices in vain . " Not much to say that their study demonstrates that extensive know. Well not much to say that I create benefits for themselves or for someone else. sutras Tibetan teachings that say much when put to the harmful effects or, as the case parrots, because ham say that birds suffer cage.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/1/2015.

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