Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time in Savatthi (Xa-defense) Jetavana (United-did), at his residence Essential Anathapindika (Anathapindaka). Then the young man went to Bhagavan Todeyyaputta Subha; after arrival, the Exalted says the welcome inquiries; after talking to the friendly greeting visitors, sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, white youth Subha Todeyyaputta Exalted:

- Dear Venerable Gotama, what's due, conditioned by something between species with different people, when they are men, to see the list, with the pros?

Dear Venerable Gotama, we saw the short life expectancy, have the longevity; We saw many sick people, there are fewer sick people; We saw the bad color, with beautiful colors; We saw the small power, with the big power; We saw the small fortune, there are major assets; We saw families who inferior, with the noble families; We saw the wisdom weak, people are full of wisdom.

Dear Venerable Gotama, so what's, what conditioned, among people with different species, they are men, to see the list, with the pros?

- Hey Young, sentient beings are the owner of the business, the heirs of the industry. Now the womb, is now retinue, now is the fulcrum, now divide the living beings; means paralysis, has advantages.

- I do not understand that what is widely Venerable Gotama say briefly, no widely interpreted. You instead if Venerable Gotama preach to me so I can understand a broad definition which Venerable Gotama say briefly, no widely interpreted.

- So the youth, listen and think carefully experience, I would say:

- Ladies and yes, he came.

Youth Subha Todeyyaputta Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, killing, cruel, hands covered with blood, killing wounded heart specialist, not compassionate heart for all kinds of beings. Do that now, so successful, such achievements, body damage after public network, being born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell. If after themselves corrupt public network, who was not born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell, if he was going to species, where he was born, he must sketch network. The way that leads to weakness in the network, the youth, ie killing, cruel, hands covered with blood, killing wounded heart specialist, mind compassion for sentient beings.

But here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, to abandon killing, away from killing, Minister of search, know your mind with compassion, mercy life to the welfare of all beings and beings. Do that now, so successful, such achievements, body damage after public network, he was born in good fun, Empyrean, in life. If after themselves corrupt public network, who was not born in good fun, Empyrean, in life, if he went to the man, where he was born, he was longevity. The way that leads to longevity, this youth, ie abandon killing, away from killing, Minister of search, know your mind, have compassion, mercy life to the welfare of all beings and species charming.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, nature or brain damage sentient beings, with the hands, or with clods, or with sticks, or with peach trees. Do that now, so successful, such achievements, body damage after public network, the person born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell. If after themselves corrupt public network, who was not born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell, if he went to the man, where he was born, he or she must be sick a lot. The way that leads to many sick, the youth, or brain damage that is the nature of beings with the hands, or with clods, or with sticks, or with peach trees.

But here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, emptiness or brain damage sentient beings, with the hands, or with clods, or with sticks, or with peach trees. Due to his successful career so ... interesting ... he was good at illness. The way that leads to less sick ... emptiness brain damage ... or peach trees.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, outrage, much displeased, said to be a moment of discontent, indignation, anger, protest, and manifest indignation, anger, discontent. Due to this business, success so ... evil ... evil realms of excellence. The way that leads to bad color, the youth, ie outrage ... discontent.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, not outrage, not much displeased, and oil to be talked about, nor resentment, indignation, anger, protest, and do not reveal wrath, anger, resentment. Due to this business, success so ... interesting ... nice friendly colors (pasadika: happy) the way that leads to beautiful colors, the youth, that is not disgusted ... not dissatisfied.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, jealousy, for others rights, respect, reverence, worship, homage, offerings, born jealousy, consciousness, embrace jealousy. Due to this business, success ... so ... powerful little beast. The way that leads to power small youth, ie jealousy ... embrace jealousy.

But here, the youth, there is a woman or man, no jealousy, for others the rights, respect, reverence, worship, homage, offerings, not being disabilities Puzzles, consciousness, embracing jealousy. Do that now ... good fun ... great power. The way that leads to large power, the youth, ie no jealousy ... not embrace jealousy.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, not alms to the recluse or Brahmin, food and drink, clothes, vehicles, garlands, aromatherapy, wax chalk, ngọa equipment, buildings, lights the torch. Do that now ... fall ... Made a small fortune. The road leading to a small fortune, ngọa equipment, buildings, lights the torch.

But here, the youth, there is a woman or man can give to recluse or Brahmin food and drink ... ngọa equipment, buildings, lights the torch. Do that now ... interesting ... good assets. The road leads to multiple assets ... ngọa equipment, buildings, lights the torch.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or man haughtily, pride, people should not pay homage to worship, not worth standing up for people to stand up, sit down who should not sit, not give way to go for those who ought to have been made way to go, do not respect the person respectful, not worthy of respect who respectfully, do not pay homage to those worthy homage, not worthy offerings to the offerings. Do that ... now fall under the family of origin ... inferior. The road leading to inferior family ... not worth offering the offerings.

But here, the youth, there is a woman or man, no haughtily too romantic, pay homage to those worthy offerings to worship ... the good offerings. Do that now ... interesting ... to improve noble family. The road leading to the noble family ... worth offering the offerings.

Here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, after going to the recluse or Brahmin, do not ask: "Venerable Sir, what is good? What is evil? What is sin? What is sin? What is the need to practice? What is no need to practice? What did I do to have no benefits and long-term suffering? Or do I have to do to get benefits and lasting peace? Due to the origin ... now that ... rotten intellectual weakness. Path to intellectual weakness ... benefits, lasting happiness? "

But here, the youth, there is a woman or a man, after coming recluse or Brahmin, asked: "Venerable Sir, what is good? What is immoral ... benefits, long-term peace? Do that now ... good fun ... full of wisdom. Full path to wisdom ... benefits, long-term peace. "

Here, the youth, the path to the short life expectancy, leading to short life, the path to the short life expectancy, leading to longevity; path to many diseases, leading to many diseases; path to less disease, leads to less disease; bad path to excellence, leading to bad color; path to excellence leads to beautiful beautiful color; path to power small, resulting in small power; the path to the right leads to a big big power; path to a small fortune, leading to small fortune; path to great asset, leading to major asset; path to family and inferior inferior leads to family; path to the noble family led to the noble family, the path to wisdom weak, leading to poor intelligence; Full path to wisdom, wisdom leads to complete.

This youth, these beings are the owner of the business, the heirs of the industry. Now the womb, is now retinue, now is the fulcrum, now divide the living beings; means paralysis, has advantages.

When they heard that, young Subha Todeyyaputta told The Sun:

- It's rather wonderful, Venerable Gotama! It's rather rare, Venerable Gotama! Dear Venerable Gotama, such as the upright ... can see color. Also, (Chief) method was used many means Exalted presented. Con this venerable Gotama go for refuge, refuge in France, our refuge Monks. Expect Venerable Gotama adoption disciple, from now until the public network, the lifetime specified threshold.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/1/2015.

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