Friday 23 January 2015

Ganaka Moggallanasuttam)

Thus have I heard.

Exalted One time residence in Savatthi, Pubbarama where Migaramatu castle (East Park Amphitheater dialysis). Then Brahmin Gananka Moggallana come to Bhagavan, after the words to say welcome to inquire, after talking to the greeter asked friends, sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Brahmin Ganaka white Moggallana Exalted:

- For example, my venerable Gotama, in this Migaramatu castle, can see a sequential study, a sequential process, a sequential path, ie the level of the floor of the upper floors last; Venerable Gotama said, too, for even the Brahmin this, see a sequential study, a sequential process, a sequential path, ie the study (the Veda file). Dear Venerable Gotama, too, for your archery, which was seen a sequential study, a sequential process, a sequential path, ie the art of archery. Also, Dear Venerable Gotama, for us is the cost of living due to numerical profession, also saw a sequential study, a sequential process, a sequential path, ie numeracy. Dear Venerable Gotama, so that when the disciples were, firstly we start counting him as follows: "One, one, two, two, three, three, four, four, five, five times , six, six, seven, seven times, eight, eight, nine, nine, ten, eleven times. " And the Venerable Gotama sir, we start counting to a hundred. Can present reasonable, sir venerable Gotama, in the law and this is also a learning sequence, a sequence of works, a sequential path so?

- It can be shown, the Brahmin, the law and the law, there is a learning sequence, a sequence of works, with a sequential path. For example, the Brahmin, a skillful horse trainer, after a gentle horse charity, first practiced it used to bring the reins, and then practice it used the other virtues; also, the Brahmin, the Tathagata as being a worthy thing for first trained him as follows: "Come Monks, keep your virtue, live with the tame tame of the monastic, full majesty Chief Justice, the danger of minor errors, and learning life over the world to learn. " This Brahmin, when monks morality, tame tame the world's duty, full majesty Chief Justice, the danger of minor errors, and learning life over the school world, new coach Tathagata he added as follows: "Come bhikkhu, be upholding the base, when the eyes do not see color has held general Minister, do not have to hold its own minister. What causes because eyesense not tame that craving bi, the evil evil arises law, monks themselves cause overpower him, upholding the eye, the practice of upholding the eye. When the ear heard ... nose ... tongue taste the smell ... ... the emotional body awareness of the law, he does not hold general minister, does not hold its own minister. What's the cause, because the base is not tame, that craving, bi, evil unwholesome dhammas arise, Monks overpower her cause, upholding consciousness, practice the holder of consciousness " . This Brahmin, after Monks and upholding the base, new coach Tathagata he added as follows: "Come bhikkhu, be moderation in eating, watching life enlightenment feet used items eating, not for fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not to beautify your self, this is just to maintain itself, maintenance, damage from home, happy to accept maintenance on , thought: "So we eliminate the old feelings and not to start up new sensations; and we will not make mistakes, to live in peace ". This Brahmin, after Monks temperance in eating right, training new Tathagata he added as follows: "Come bhikkhu, be vigilant attention! During the day while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles; night in the first watch, while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles; watch night in the middle, then lie down right side, as lying lion, his feet on the legs together, mindful awareness, towards the concept of time sitting up. Last night in the soup, when waking up, while walking and while sitting, cleanse the mind from the legal obstacles ". Hey, Brahmin, after the monks focused awareness, training new Tathagata he further as follows: "Come bhikkhu, be mindful awareness achievements, going to the fro are aware; looking ahead, looking around are aware; when bending, stretching all the awareness; when carrying double y, bowls, upper y are aware; eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing, are awakening; when defecation, urination are aware; when walking, standing, sitting, lying awake, talking, quietly are aware. " This Brahmin, after mindfulness and awareness, training new Tathagata he added as follows: "Come bhikkhu, please choose a quiet place, as solitary forest, trees, ravines , cave, graveyard, arbor, outdoor, straw ". He selected a secluded spot, solitary, such as forests, trees, ravines, caves, graveyard, arbor, outdoor, haystack. After begging for and eating, he sat miserably-old, straight back in place above and dwell in front of mindfulness. He abandoned craving in life, living with heart craving escapism, wash all craving attention. Renounce hatred, he does not mind living with anger, contentment mercy all beings, all hatred wash center. Abandoning more deep hypnotic, he survived divorce hypnotic bass, with a mind toward the light, mindful awareness, washed out more deep hypnotic mind; abandoned agitation regret, he lived not agitation, washed quiet inner agitation mind all regret; abandoned doubt, he lived escape suspicion, no wonder hesitated, washed out suspected heart for good behavior.

When the five hindrances rid of him, the law pollute the mind, making feeble intellect, he ly education, glass evil Zen legal residence certificate first, a state of blissful isolation by sexual being, to reach quarterfinals. He kills and reach the quarterfinals, Meditation second residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no not reach the quarterfinals, most provincial center. He cup joy discharge residence, mindful awareness, life itself felt optimistic that the saint called discharge optimistic notion residence, residence certificate Meditation Tuesday. Drain communication, discharge size, kill before the wedding pros have feelings, residence certificate Wednesday Meditation, no suffering, no communication, concept exhaust purification. This Brahmin, for the Monks is useful learning levels, attention has not accomplished, should live for the ultimate peace of the side yoke, which is teaching me so for you them. As for the monks who is the Arhat, the contraband was seeking, a chronic practice, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, has reached the ideal, has to take ownership unless fetters use, right knowledge of liberation, the law that led to the current touch and stay mindful awareness.

When this was said, Brahmin Ganaka white Moggallana Exalted:

- Disciples of the recluse Gotama, when religious recluse Gotama such extension, teaching so that all evidence must be the ultimate destination Nirvana or just have some evidence be?

- Hey Brahmin, some of my disciples, if so recommended teachers, teaching thus attained Nirvana ultimate destination, some are not certified.

- Dear Venerable Gotama, so what's so charming when there is nothing in Nirvana, in the presence of a path to Nirvana, in the presence of venerable Gotama is just sugar levels, however, the disciples Venerable Gotama, is venerable Gotama such extension professor, teaching such, some evidence is the ultimate destination Nirvana, some are not certified?

- Hey Brahmin, here I will ask Mr. If Mr. patience, answer for me. This Brahmin, What do you think? He has good on the road to Rajagaha (United-amnesty)?

- Ladies and venerable, well they're on the path to Rajagaha.

- Hey Brahmin, What do you think? Here, there is a person, want to go to Rajagaha, people came and he said the following: "Venerable Sir, I want to go to Rajagaha. Please show me the path to Rajagaha. " He said to him as follows: "Well, this you, this is the path to Rajagaha. Follow that road for a while. After traveling for some time, you will see a village like this name. Please take some time. After traveling for some time, you'll see a name like this town. Please take some time. After traveling for some time, you will see Rajagaha with fine gardens magic, the magic of fine woods, with the magic land of beauty, the beauty of the lakes magic ". Oil is recommended for teaching him so, so be taught, but took the wrong road, westbound. Then a second person to, want to go to Rajagaha. He and his people to the following questions: "Venerable Sir, I want to go to Rajagaha, just wish he came that way for me." Then He said to him as follows: "Well, this you, this is the way to Rajagaha. Follow that road for a while. After traveling for some time, you will find a village called like this. Follow that road for a while. After traveling for some time, you will find a town named like this. Follow that road for a while. After going that way for a while, you will see Rajagaha with fine gardens magic, the magic of fine woods, with the magic land of beauty, the beauty of the lakes magic ". He was Catholic so he recommended, such teaching, went to Rajagaha safely.

- Hey Brahmin, so what's so charming what, in the presence of Rajagaha, in the presence path to Rajagaha, in the presence He is the only way where the teacher so he can encourage teaching so, take a wrong path, westbound and one can go to Rajagaha safely?

- Dear Venerable Gotama, here, what are you doing? I just was the only way, said Venerable Gotama.

- Also, the Brahmin, in the presence of Nirvana, in the presence of the way to Nirvana, and while there I was just sugar levels. But my disciples, I encourage teachers are so, so teaching, some evidence is the ultimate destination Nirvana, some are not certified. Here, the Brahmin, I do it? Tathagata is just the only way.

When they heard that, Brahmin Ganaka white Moggallàna Exalted:

- Dear Venerable Gotama, for those who are not because of faith, just as livelihoods, family-home abandoned, no family life, the cunning, deception, disguise damage, loss of balance, high-friendly ranging, say cheese junk, not upholding the apartment, eating sober, vigilant attention is not indifferent to Salmone well, not revered learning, life is too full and sluggish, go head of interior rot, from the burden of renunciation, laziness, poor ardent, forgetfulness, not aware, not the mind, heart stampede, mental paralysis, dumb lisp; Venerable Gotama can not live with such people. As part of Compassion son because trust ordained, abandoned the family, no family life, no cunning, no deception, no damage to disguise, not imbalance, chronic low, unwavering, do not say cheese junk, upholding the apartment, eating sober, focused awareness, not indifferent to Salmone well, revered learning, living not too full, not sluggish, abandoned furniture rot, leading of renunciation, ardent, diligence, mindfulness, dwell, awareness, calm, the most attention, with wisdom, not dumb lisp; Venerable Gotama life (harmony) with these persons. For example, Venerable Gotama, in the base type incense, sandalwood black sheep is called supreme; in the core type cedar, sandalwood fried sausage known as supreme; in the flower incense, incense you dance (jasmine) is called supreme. Also the teacher's advice, venerable Gotama is considered the highest in the current teacher's advice. It's rather wonderful, sir Venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, sir Venerable Gotama! As they stood back what was thrown down, exposing what was covered, only way for those who are astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors; also, Dharma Venerable Gotama has been used many means of presentation explains. I go for refuge Venerable Gotama, taking refuge in France and we bhikkhu Sangha. Expect Venerable Gotama adoption disciple, from now until the public network, the lifetime specified threshold.


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