Saturday, 31 January 2015

The mind as a flow.

tam nhu mot dong chay
Heart like a river

In the austerities, he should not place heavy matter studied Classics excessively. Knowledge can hinder rather than assist. Sometimes he puzzled, not knowing the direction. Knowledge in himself so much that his practice is not how much, how to know the knowledge that's right or wrong. The theory that it was written for her to read is by elaborately work from themselves and from the experiences in life that they developed out. I come up on which to take hold.
If say the color of the leaf is green for a blind know the blind also know only the leaves are green but they don't know how the color is blue. At the moment in mind they might think that blue is red, yellow and even black because they can't see that just imagine in the beginning. There is a story told that: "there are seven blind people have never seen elephants, only hear the other person and recounting as don't know what like elephants. One day, they had a chance to meet an elephant, people rush to touch more thoroughly with your hand. Who shall say the elephant is like a pillar, who says the elephant is like a rope, who said God like a wall, rather, who says the elephant is like a big fan, who says the elephant is like a plumbing, who says the elephant is like a stick, who says the elephant is like a large stonewho says the elephant is like a pillar. After some discussion they pissed off with each other then the new elephant laughed and said we don't like pillars, stones, sticks, water pipes, fan at all, the elephant is an elephant. You are standing at the angle blade to look at elephants, how to see the elephants to be.
Also, someone mentioned Net disciplines under An order, will be a guest of birth into the extreme western tribes or new release meditation. Everything that we heard, we read only theory, just the means to practice. If myself has no practice, just read, just listen to it, how to be a guest being, how could be be freed.
Want to know his mind, should not seek external ones which look on the inside. It's best to take the teachings are simple, easy to understand that the Buddha has taught as the basis and practice according to the teachings there. A successful person is one who has vast knowledge that a person has the time and practice themselves must also observe mind Italy inside yourself rather than to keep looking for the outside or come up thanks to anyone. Every time I practice meditation, thinking who is that good I had was my mind, well-being is Nirvana right now in the present moment, rather than not being on the extreme western tribes. In her mind ... always liked walking Coachman, dramatic people that won't look back on yourself, how to feel about it. Just sit down to a quiet breath track, track the bulging ventral's xọp and centers where Dan fill, not a little worried what sad, as I see peace spreading, see the Sukhavati is shown in the center of it. I live in where there is no war, violence, disease and natural disasters have been a healthy body than how people are feeling happy, feeling at peace and time I sprayed peaceful energy to all humans to be in tune with joy, my peace. So want another life has been contentious in the realms of peace or happiness first in this current moment please make yourself get your peace and happiness before then computer. In this moment, his mind is still suffering, did take part, pitch, si everything then how could being in the Sukhavati or happy to be.
It is by yourself. Although the master or fellow tu have advised me about these guys, I'm not listening, I'm just being sacks of tham, pitch, si and heavy skepticism that swim across the river when it reached the other side. They are the people in the scene are under, suffering because of the ignorance that I didn't see his suffering, because his career has made her now pay the consequences for such suffering. Still others stood outside, they are smarter than themselves, they are troubleshooting, are only his inroads is not heard, many while being hated, being criticized again. So because of your injuries quiet and only scattered mind from the helpfulness of Germany and expect that they will have enough charm pros to practice up to date achievements led outcomes.
Myself always have to manually review the port fall, avoiding the router, this body with beards easy levels too. Regularly clean the thought to benefit the heart, bringing peace to the King, dedicated to practice Mindfulness Meditation, and chanting, keep precepts do not need themselves to be privileged to know gods after death he would born on, you yourself can also consider student knows his shed on it through his practice. Can I read a passage near the dozen times and you still don't know what that passage but it was not until around the time after I practice then naturally the understand it out of my mind. Intellectual and voters opinions will find to, no need to try the run goes searching for where that is out, why it is like this is not like the other. Or get stuck into writing enough charm, Phuoc Thien, citrus fruits fresh enough will emerge, for the sweetness of the peace and happiness.
In this life there are people who don't like to sit still for a seat or look back at ourselves that just love to bươi hooks, pry on others. Track your tired mind, why the others do for the mind bring forth sorrow. See one more beautiful themselves, richer, the better odds jealousy kicked up, trying to find ways to harm that other person in. by United new leaves come on. If soi carefully review the human mind is more toxic species of snakes. It can kill a person without resorting to violence or is off. Sometimes I tu, sit still a spot like lumps of flour also gets people to hate, people here are more people held, the beautiful wealth. They find themselves are many injured, has been widely noted, while they are looking up to them should they mind being envious and harm themselves.
The recent few days I have read a status of a friend on facebook: "my life right too soot, on the surface, she's laughing, smiling siblings, said said, but in the whole belly daggers and gunpowder. Ready to play each other when necessary, done, smiling, said as yet there what happened. "finished reading this sentence I saw happy people felt real bad, scary indeed better odds also comes from the mind that out at all. If we know who keeps quiet, peaceful State, when the mind with ideas, whether they are good or not good, healthy itself be aware and let go of the discharge.
For mind is peace and quiet, you have to know how to train. From time to time I also have to take the mind off that only teach it, explain it to know which one bad one good, only for it to know the law of causality, it found that anything it holds will bring the results until the mind to accept and let go off. With such training, the mind gradually become quiet, every trigger a notion I must also get to know not to give it his history wrong. A mind's always insecurity, fear or anger, it is not wise enough to work. When that mind is no longer a homogeneous Leanne that divided by barriers from the mind any other start up. Know that the meditation is free of mind, itching, uncomfortable life experience and then himself as striving with the thought of themselves as long as it becomes more and more powerful. If the notion that it does not go away, at this time I can nonetheless not attention to it anymore, but a shining nature impermanent, real content and egolessness. His Mind as a flow, not fixed, constant change without a moment would. Thoughts or quiet, suffering or happiness, too. Want to naturally to mind not to think that the mind just to think alone, or suffering presence himself evading the suffering, expecting to be happy is impossible.
Suffering or happiness are just ideas. All happy and sad, all sad and funny, sometimes quiet, you have time to think. We have to recognize that both are impermanent. Unhappiness where's instigation, jealousy, guilt that caused his heart won't let go out, just got to stick with it. Excuse me German teaching, at first we look at his mind, look at the beginning there was something. In fact, nothing at all. The mind is not empty born does not kill by the phenomenon. Can right this moment her heart very diligently and maintained the French Chief Justice tirelessly but about a few hours easy mind beards, stars, had no patience for interns or suspicious about the practice despite his mind earlier decided practice is very strong. Mind the purity identify of this, know that they're not essence, not sa momentum into theory, please mind to know his austerities. When observing the mind will know how to act and will know how to put an end to the stick suffer and sorrow. So we have to practice meditation throughout the day to awakening and get to know the line of thought when it comes into contact with Lu Chen and when it leaves the Green ceiling. The awake and aware that known as mindfulness. Continue to maintain such mindfulness, wisdom will arise.
I've started practicing mindfulness and quiet while eating but when returning home, everyone back to the other thing this thing humming with no focus while eating. At this time his heart felt a little resentful of people because of the noise of their loved ones while eating. Let's meditate on is listening well, listen well, well, well, rather than his vexation vexation no join loads subject or chattering while eating that keep your mindfulness while eating by not talking, conscious are chewing food, is to sense salty, sour and spicy food and I get a great joy to enjoy this food shelf life. While going on the cars themselves also have to keep in mind not to mindfulness, burnt Yi does evoke the story to others are whispering or talking about me.
Especially the two sisters I talk a lot, which is on the West, by the Board, this may happen to Miss Miss plastic surgery of ... I talk about that didn't survive, often not true then bring export industry, so let's be silent practicing mindfulness in every minute. As parents who practice for too long but have jealousy still, from time to time it may also died and when someone start a conversation that my mood right now, come on MOM I would say all the time is not come on and it does seem the themselves losing mindfulness both on that day.
His mind very often artificially and rhetoric for the behavior of the self. Most of you are cheating on each other to live, to satisfy the desire for time. No one accepts that he is wrong even a robbers in police custody and said "I'm not a robber, I'm not guilty" what consequences his mind was how smoothly handle splenic flow for years. But I don't know because the mind alive artificially and rhetoric that prevented its General intangible created the careers of real good feedback would not or. Better staying true to your self. Times now that one who earnestly, not little cheating then I feel happy and incredibly happy, happier than a month salary I make you comfortable divers.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/2/2015.

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