Saturday, 31 January 2015

Grains of dew on the grass.

hat suong
Grains of dew on the grass

A impermanent
Ephemeral life as a heavy fog on the top of the grass. The death rate down at any time without notice. A number of people who died young, some old people are killed, some died of the disease, some died in the war or because of a sudden intense accident like crashing down the cliff. Some people die from sleep, some die off, some dead at are eating. A serene death toll, some devastated by the latch attachment for the relatives and their wealth. Relatives and friends will not survive at the death, wealth and food would be in vain, and my body will become useless.
Nothing is called live and forever with all of us. Treetops haywire also must wither and die for these big growth up. The computers that we use also becomes slow and old over the years, the House we're in will rot over time. All that we see, b.-removal or combination-tan are dominated by impermanence. I try to look at the four seasons to change like? In the summer the lush foliage viewing and the luscious red POINCIANA flower spike permeate everywhere. In the fall, the grass wither and yellow gold, the flowers turn into fruits and fruit trees started instead of leaves. To the winter, the country may be snow white covering of snow and melt away when spring's warmth appears. The sky may be cloud cover in the morning and in the afternoon then becoming clear; the river can rise to spill or drying; solid ground can shake and shake it's obvious and a land could be truồi go and slipped away. How time passes, then all things passed like that. Everywhere in the world outside, I can't find a single phenomenon would be firm.
Look at my body, which show that we are not this body, this body is not me. It's just a stinking leather bag contains things impure, borrowed by the four great, coming sometime I also pay this body back to four. Once consciousness is no longer present, the body is no longer breathing, heart stop beating, then the body will be those bacteria that eat from the inside out, he is not loving and smelly. If the spirit of that person can see your body will this temporary false disgust than ever. This body is nothing of us that have to spoil it to that. Someone said that this is his body should always take this very intense body go, afraid that this close bad or getting old. Look on the mirror that sees some footprints of birds, little wrinkles on the face is away go Salon stretch leather, clear translucent Brown. Or when this body wants to eat tasty, dressed then catch I make for in are food, must work hard to buy for the trendy clothes. And it's like a noisy noisy places rather than be seat to sit still or quiet places.
In previous year, body, body not ban mai not torso in the afternoon, every moment in the fuselage comes with birth and death. He himself does not know how times change; and the body when placed in the coffin, it's nothing like the trunk when the new birth. If we say that this body is usually longer, is forever make child growing up old and over the years. This incarnation is generally healthy, at the time it must pain disease. Today we are a child just know revel in singing education, do not worry, do not think but soon are we getting old, slow talk short and gestures not flexible like old times. Try to ask themselves this moment here was young, still healthy enough, we must do so as not to regret? This fuselage have users do things like harm people who hurt animals, creating many sin as result of real work emerge they will pain unbearable. But there are users of this incarnation created Phuoc, help someone, assiduous practice mindfulness, treated with gữi round-the-clock precepts, as if in the meantime if this person has lost also of birth into the fresh goodness.
Our mind is also impermanent. The thoughts whirring or mess that his mind is actually just the mind broken expectations, not the true mind. Our mind changing in every minute, according to the exterior. We are sad and then happy then, hurt and angry at that. Minutes ago I remember this conversation, minutes later turned to something else. There is very good at his meditation, sometimes not. But don't worry about this. Keep at. If began reciting the suspect, be aware that we, as well as everything else in mind, were both impermanent.
Knowing impermanence, people are calm, nonchalantly before the scene changed abruptly and without suffering bruised scene prior to separation. Knowing impermanence, people would dare to sacrifice fortune, being there to do that. Knowing impermanence, people stressed the temporary pleasures of fake, liar, and wisely sought the true fun one. Because in fact, the true fun is usually longer, the names of the foot is often still available, but it is located inside the temporary false layers; impermanence of this life, so we can't see it. When we were adamantly dismissed case does lie, then of course the value of true happiness, the chon TAM chon TAM main, the Buddha's name, be discerning truth ever will appear.
A manually calculated three jewels
You have the possibility of enlightenment, Buddha is included in the.
You have the ability to take hold of French public tirelessly, there is method in the.
You have the ability to create joy filled in for ourselves and for them to reach fruition deliver immediately in the current moment as the Buddha, as Chief Justice of France, as the disciples of Buddha.
Well, we all have the ability to enlightenment as the Buddha but it is important you use the practice or not. The Buddha once said: "today the Buddha did, being gone as the Buddha". Buddha is also at a normal person like all sentient beings, have to practice many lifetimes can become Buddha. we just practice sketchy there for several months, how has enough charm enough joy to the Buddha.
Go just to go well, tu just to order only. While that would go to more quickly get to the next when they fall, tu that look forward to see this the other way soon as the Buddha then the expectation was not at tọai Chapel, the lost confidence, discouraged, give up the middle. Or I have to think that this life I tu to be not freed as the Buddha's famous, just go watch tu what his next life tu next. Convent thoughts disengaged is thinking of ghosts. How many damn it damn it, tu disengaged themselves continue to the disengaged seclusion ever freed.
In the mind and heart are the evil mind. That means doing things in the mind to think of good wholesome, beneficial to others is good. That means doing things in the mind thoughts over losing hurt people hurt animals, benefit themselves are evil. If I have seen the goodness of fresh in mind, let's try that promote heart healthy goodness that don't let evil minds have a chance to develop. Likewise, France also has a Chief Justice and deviant if we chose for himself the Chief of France, then take a practice hypnosis Suite tirelessly until sometime we will also Scout achievement results.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/2/2015.

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