Friday, 30 January 2015

[72] three French multi effects (Bahukārā dhammā).

Here are three legal evolution (Vuḍḍhi), also known as three French growth of wisdom (Paññāvuḍḍhi):

1. close human foot level (Sappurisasaṃse-va), usually close communication with the friendly manner.
2. listen to the magic of France (Saddhammassavana), is to hear Chief Justice French, learn French finances.
3. sequential practice maturity (Dhammānudhammapaṭipatti), a zealous law enforcement depending on the level and regular practice.


[73] the three France should practice (Bhāvetabbā dhammā).

Here are three statutory (Samādhi):

1. To natively Lili range (Savitakkasavicāro samādhi), is a State plan has a range of meditation has four. I.e. in the first meditation.
2. Set lock Lili (Avitakkavicāramatto samādhi), is a State plan to meditation is no longer games but has four. I.e. in the second meditation.
3. To lock the four legions (Avitakkāvicāro samādhi), is a State plan to meditation does not offer nor Quartet. I.e. in the third meditation and over.


[74] the three legal needs turn tri (Pariññeyyā dhammā).

These are just three of the life feeling (Vedanā):

1. Shou tribe (Sukhavedanā), the life feel good comfort of body and mind. I.e. the user who lost and Hy.
2. the life miserable (Dukkhavedanā), the life feeling uncomfortable pressing of the body and the mind. I.e. relative preference center and gauge.
3. Non Life gauge Africa tribe (Adukkhamasukhaveda-nā), really tho no HH lost, feel unhappy, sad, happy, miserable. I.e. discharge life.


[75] the three France need the exception (Pahātabbā dhammā).

Here only for three AI (Taṇhā):
1. Exercise of charity (Kāmataṇhā), the desire, the desire to enjoy active sexual contact; the coastal scenery by craving, thinh, flavour, taste and touch.
2. Possession of Ireland (Bhavataṇhā), the aspiration, desire the reborn; the fall in love meditation tribe; and the craving associated with property or generally biased (Sassa-tadiṭṭhi).
3. the non-possession of Ireland (Vibhavataṇhā), the thirst, craving took part in railway-related opinion piece removal, i.e. AI infinitely useful comments or snippets of opinion (Ucchedadiṭṭhi) .


[76] the three lower parts listed French (Hāna-bhāgiyadhamma).

Here are three real friendly units (Akusalamūla):
1. Take any friendly units (Lobha akusalamūlaṃ), original craving creates Centre took part want to soak up the infection of ...
2. any friendly Ground units (Doso akusalamūlaṃ), original mind created anger angry pitch, grudge and. ..
3. Si no friendly units (Moho akusalamūlaṃ), original delusion created all the mind real good; This is ignorance, is the real evil's friendly neighbour France.


[77] the French Three foes win (Visesabhāgiyā dhammā).

Here are three friendly units (Kusalamūlā):
1. Disabled took part in friendly units (Alobho kusalamūlaṃ). The original attachment is not created in good heart, Kat perfection.
2. Comb yard friendly units (Adoso kusalamūlaṃ). The hot air is the original creation of the mind charity, Kat perfection.
3. Invisible si friendly units (Amoho kusalamūlaṃ). Understanding, discernment is the original creation of the mind charity Samyutta, and Kat combined perfect position.


[78] three France could hardly enter (Duppaṭivijjhā dhammā).

This is the World Cup appearances (threeNissāraṇīyadhātu):
1. the glasses of the exercise (Kāmānaṃ nissaraṇaṃ), the divorce is France taking part in education, as in meditation, with identity as saying preliminary meditation is intended to bring forth any separatist French charity education fault, but according to legend says the glass of the education is absolutely A-na-management functions (Anāgāmimaggo), because this wonderful charity education ended with leaders Saints (Kāmarāga).
2. the separation of colors (Rūpānaṃ nissaraṇaṃ), is the French glass all good love, good idea, endless meditation is only for the good, but according to legend says the glass of the absolutely it's A-la-director Han (Arahattamaggo), because the Scriptures this magnificent leaders except good AI (rūparāga) etc.
3. the glass onion (Saṅkhatassa nissaraṇaṃ), is absent from the launch in France of the French property vi. According to the explanatory notes say the Cup run is France the removal (nirodha) every pratītyasamutpāda compounded vi, i.e. Níp-table, also hinted that A-la-Han Guo (Arahattaphala), because when the Holy fruits of start up then níp-desk manifest.


[79] the three legal needs being kicked (Uppādetabbā dhammā).

This refers to three types of location (Ñāṇa):
1. Position of the past (Atītaṃsañānaṃ), is the place to know in the past, i.e. the position evolve based on Aggregates, Of gender, being kicked, destroyed it.
2. Location of the lai (Anāgataṃsañānaṃ), is located in the landscape known hybrid, i.e. the position evolve based on Aggregates, Of Gender, will being kicked.
3. Position the current (Paccuppannaṃsañāṇaṃ), which is present in the scene know location, i.e. the position evolve based on Aggregates, Of Gender, are being run.


[80] three France need to win tri (Abhiññeyyā dhammā).

This refers to three categories of gender or nature (dhātu):

1. World Sex (Kāmadhātu), is in the physical realms skandha.
2. Gender Identity (the Rūpadhātu), is in excellent skandha realms.
3. Invisible gender identity (Arūpadhātu), four-track aggregates in the realms invisible colors


[81] the three take France certified (Sacchikātab-bā dhammā).

It said up to three Alliance (Vijjā):
1. intelligent network Sufficiency (Pubbenivāsānussatiñāṇa), which is under recall are those of his past life.
2. birth and death Coalition (Cutūpapātañāṇa), which is under the birth of beings according to karma. Is another name for the Angel label minh (Dibbacakkhuñāṇa).
3. Contraband take Ming (Āsavakkhayañāṇa), is measured under n minus the smuggled or pirated, and thorough documentation, DAC's achievements result the A-la-Han.


[82] the three friendly games (Kusalavitakka), the good thoughts, thinking of good:

1. export the Cup Games (Nekkhammavitakka), the divorce education thought, the thought of not getting, not to want to.
2. Comb yard games (Abyāpādavitakka), the thoughts aren't bothered mind, their thoughts with words.
3. ahimsa Games (Avihiṃsāvitakka), the thought does not attempt to harm people, their thoughts contact us compassionate.


[83] the three real good games (Akusalavitakka), the sexual thoughts, thought not good:

1. Sex Games (Kāmavitakka), the thinking involved physical afflictions, the thought involved want sex contacts.
2. Pitch range (Byāpādavitakka), the contact thinking anger bothered mind.
3. Bad Games (Vihiṃsāvitakka), the evil thoughts, attempted harm beings.


[84] the three owners of chess (Saṅkhatalakkhaṇa), the status of compounded vi:

1. Contentious presence (Uppādo paññāyati), compounded micro-current status display was created being.
2. kill the presence (Vayo paññāyati), compounded micro-current status display • họai, sanh and then kill.
3. Space transform (paññā aññathattaṃ Ṭhitassa-yatı), compounded micro space forecast although still changes, the old old distortions (jarā).


[85] three General wuwei (Asaṅkhatalakkhaṇa), the French State wuwei or níp-desk:

1. non-contentious (Na uppādo paññāyati), níp-the table as being created by us coast, there is the phenomenon of birth.
2. do not kill (vayo Na paññāyati), níp-the table because there is the phenomenon of birth should not have the phenomenon of killing.
3. do not change the other (Na ṭhitassa aññathattaṃ paññāyati), níp-the table doesn't have the phenomenon of birth head removal should not have variable status.


[86] the three general secondary (Sāmaññalakkhaṇa), the dominant State compounded vi:

1. status of impermanence (Aniccatā), being destroyed, transformation.
2. brain gauge status (Dukkhatā), pressing, nasty, unruly due to turn down.
3. State of egolessness (Anattatā), empty, not because the jurisdiction ordering.
This summary is called triple t General (tilakkhaṇa).


[87] three onions (Saṅkhāra), said by real French computer artifacts:

1. bulb (Kāyasaṅkhāra), i.e. the breath is the Department of the fuselage.
2. Password issue (Vacīsaṅkhāra), i.e., Department of Sichuan province and a range of words.
3. capital (Cittasaṅkhāra), i.e., Department of life and thought.
For a type of meditation, then this seat removal the removal, before destroying imported onions (range, four), next to all bulbous (breath), finally destroying Italy travel (and life). Therefore meditation removal (Nirodhasamāpatti) is called meditation kills tho, ideas (Saññāvedayitanirodhaṃ).


[88] the three onions (Saṅkhāra), said according to the career Manager:

1. bulb (Kāyasaṅkhāra), also known as the fourth anniversary of the incarnation (Kāyasañcetanā), was a deliberate act.
1. Password issue (Vacīsaṅkhāra), also known as the fourth anniversary of the gun (vacīsañcetanā), which is the intentional programming.
2. seat (Cittasaṅkhāra) or Italian onions (manosaṅkhāra), also called the fourth anniversary (manosañcetanā), is the deliberate thinking.
Three kinds of onions is related to onions in soy y b. (paṭiccasamuppāda).


[89] the three owners (Bhava), the reborn:

1. Education in owner (Kāmabhava), consisting of 11 sexual realms is: 4 the agony, the humanity and 6 the Sun as Uranus Quarter, Director, benefits etc.
2. Identity property (Rūpabhava), including the 16 realms of Brahma is excellent: 3 the first meditation, 3 the second meditation, meditation and astral realms 3 tam 7 active meditation.
3. Invisible colors property (Arūpabhava), including the 4 realms invisible gender identity Brahma as the boundless not made etc.


[90] the three types of output (Samādhi):

1. Suicide to na (Khaṇikasamādhi), who is to Flash; to improve gender education center na police stay on subject.
2. access to specific operations (Upacārasamādhi), who is given almost solidly; also the gender education center's friendly but more solid-based suicide na to.
3. An indicative (Appanāsamādhi), who is going solidly on the headings, it is the intention of the original Zen meditation-like syndrome and super world meditation.


[91] the three types of output (Samādhi):

1. no specific names (Suññatāsamādhi), i.e. an stay with topical anatta (Anatta), is the way that leads to not release the names.
2. Comb general release (Animittasamādhi), i.e. an stay with topics of impermanence (anicca), is the way that leads to loads of general release.
3. Endless prayer intention (Appaṇihitasamādhi), i.e. an stay with the subject as part of the brain (dukkha), is the way that leads to endless prayers freed.
See [92] three freed (Vimokkha).


[92] three salvation (Vimokkha):

1. no names of liberation (Suññatavimokkha), the liberation by the title Lady egolessness Cafe- anattānu-passanā- do see your identity through the current state of egolessness that paragraph except the fall fair player, said food poisoning níp-table.
2. Comb general release (Animittavimokkha), the liberation by the title Lady impermanence a- anic-cānupassanā -do see your colors turn kill so the shed comments, often driven except food poisoning níp-table.
3. Endless prayers freed (Appaṇihitavimokkha) salvation by suffering a brain section Lady- dukkhānupassanā -do see a good mind crime pressing up the except thirst craving, said food poisoning níp-table.


[93] the Three achievements (Sampatti), said literally is the Prime benefit or property:

1. achievements in the realms (Manussasampatti); also called the property of humanity, as was being done the fullness the stamina, well off the property.
2. achievements in the realms of Heaven (Devasampatti); also called a client object property. Here generally are being made Chu Thien, Brahma, have good general full powers, the fullness of happiness.
3. achievement níp-desk (Nibbānasampati); also called the Holy property, i.e. achievements happy liberation.
Three of the achievements are the beautiful results that his constant position desired.


[94] the Three achievements (Sampatti), mean achievement factor result alms:

1. blessed fields of achievement (Khettasampatti), IE the get object methods in laboratory life, purity, such as donation to the local quarter increase, or donation to the countless Saints contraband.
2. achievements of the contender (Deyyadhammasampatti), i.e. to have nice things, Bell Desk countries which is practical, demand has been led by Chief Justice network.
3. the psychological achievement (Cittasampatti), i.e. the mind pure alms enough t investment (Hy Festival before, during and after).


[95] the three happy (Sucarita), good facilities, good behavior:

1. friendly (lastKāyasucarita), Department of acting nice body, bulbous diets avoid contentious surveillance, theft, and deviant sex.
2. happy Password (Vacīsucarita), Department of acting nice about words, password administration diets avoid lying, evil speaking, said ly cockroach, saying nothing.
3. Italy happy (Manosucarita), Department of acting nice for Italy, the gentle friendly thoughts, thinking no evil, not evil, not evil Ant TA field, i.e. to have the Chief Justice opinion.
See ten good career management [448, 459].


[96] the three evil luck (Duccarita), the Department runs bad, any donation:

1. evil Relatives happy (Kāyaduccarita), Department of acting wickedly bad about oneself as evil as close to birth, theft, deviant sex.
2. happy evil Gun (Vacīduccarita), Department of acting wickedly bad about word of mouth, the mouth speaks evil as lying, evil speaking, said ly cockroach, saying nothing.
3. Italy happy evil (Manoduccarita), the Department runs the bad evil on Italy thought to think sexual harassment such as taking part in evil, evil ground, deviant opinions.
View ten real good career management [447].


[97] three things fire (Aggi), hot fire, suffering fire inside:

1. Fire taking part (Rāgaggi), Ireland took part in the troubles, the secret sexuality is hot fire burn.
2. Fire bunkers (Dosaggi), the negativity, the instigation, the grudge is a hot fire burning.
3. Fire si (Mohaggi), si impurities, the lack of passion to understand the root of evil is the real goodness of France for as fire.
Three things this fire is fire negativity needs to put down.


[98] the three minor fire (Aggi), the fire must attend interest (Pāricariyaggi):

1. Fire value for supply to serve (Āhuneyyaggi), refers to the father and mother; parents deserve the children serve packages.
2. Fire family (Gahapataggi), refers to those relationships in his family as his wife and child, who helps the..ḷà who should be treated kindly, granted.
3. Fire value for donation (Dakkhiṇeyyaggi), referring to the Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, the austerities for a religious donation.


[99] three of the benefits (Attha):

1. The current benefits, benefits in this life (Diṭṭhadhammikattha).
2. The future benefits, benefits in the hereafter (Samparāyikattha).
3. The supreme interests, have the same interests (Paramattha), i.e. níp-hand release.


[100] three of the benefits (Attha):

1. the benefit for themselves, self interest (Attattha).
2. benefits for others, taking advantage of tha (Parattha).
3. benefits to both himself and others, bilateral interests (Ubhayattha.


[101] the three benchmarks (Adhipateyya), the three criteria for action, to:

1. Get yourself a standard (Attādhipateyya). That is what enforcement action is also based on ourselves that assertive.
2. take the working life (Lokādhipateyya). The resolution is based on the collective opinions which are executed.
3. take the French as standard (Dhammādhipateyya), which means action based on the principle of the rule of medicine to France that enforces.
In the tournament coming into Office saying that, for people who grab his assertive as standard (Attādhipateyya), then it should have mindfulness and tough to act is not misleading. With the assertive retrieved working life (Lokā-dhipateyya), it must have the intelligence considerations, without bias, such action is not misleading. With the French taking assertive as standard (Dhammādhipateyya), the recommended position comparisons and judgments know flexibility.
For the leader, the ruler should take France as standard (Dhammādhipateyya).


[102] the French Three loads of upper (Anuttariya):

1. The saw loads of upper (Dassanānuttariya), which is seen by intelligence, see list of Freemasons, the enlightenment of truth.
2, The wireless operator on the upper, (Paṭipadānuttariya), i.e. the practice of France conferred, under the bowl of legitimacy or the world to rights.
3. The liberation of upper comb (Vimuttānuttariya), i.e. the freed from impurities, molecular beings escape reincarnation.


[103] the three administrative inefficiency isn't (Apaṇṇakapaṭipadā); the advanced practice, do not bend the crewmen; the basic practices to advance to the rescue:

1. recording ends-green units (Indriyasaṃvara), which is the protective six civil parishes (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind) prevents the craving for non-pros start being bi coastal by seeing, hearing, etc.
2. actual humidity Weather (Bhojane mattaññutā), as far as is know when to eat, contemplate nhờm deal, not to soak up the real figures.
3. Living the formula (Jāgariyānuyogo), which is the life work of effort, there is the mindfulness awareness practice enthusiasm, day and night in a French charity.


[104] three wins travel (Abhisaṅkhāra), administrative artifacts, France made artificial fruit-Shu:

1. Welfare Administration (Puññābhisaṅkhāra), acts in good faith make good fruit made into formal procedure b. underworld free fun friendly colors. In this genus are called Investment Center Department of gender, sexual identity and Samyutta friendly boundary.
2. Africa being released (Apuññābhisaṅkhāra), real friendly behavior constitutes bad fruit made into formal procedure b. underworld gauge. In this genus is Investment Centre Department of Samyutta mind real good.
3. the real issue (Āneñjābhisaṅkhāra), acts of good subtle fruit formula remain invisible realms birth SAC. In this genus is as endless goodness Samyutta facility Center identity.
Three types of this Administration is formed by rotating the past career charming ignorance, is Allium (Saṅkhāra) in future medical students (Paṭiccasamuppāda).


[105] the three smuggled or (Āsava), kinds of afflictions impregnated, makes beings standing absorbent fabric cleaner:

1. illicit Sex (Kāmāsava), which is the computer AI involved sexual scenes, the noble etc.
2. illicit Possession (Bhavāsava), which is the computer AI in the reborn, desiring the existence of other lifetimes, also means taking relationship strayed meditation added.
3. ignorance pirated (Avijjāsava), which is the computer delusion, misled, don't know France deserve to know.
Pirated or (Āsava) usually refers to four genera, have more ties opinion counts (diṭṭhāsava), see [105].


[106] the three career (Kamma), action creating results-Shu:

1. Stem careers (Kāyakamma), acting by themselves, as in good or friendly action itself.
2. Export industry (Vacīkamma), verbal action, private charity or good cause the mouth spokesman.
3. Italy careers (Manokamma), Act b agree, investment or charity donation makes the mind think.


[107] the three fine charity (Kosalla), the décor, the proficient:

1. increase the utility of good craftsmanship (Āyakosalla), which is the position work to articles that do grow in good and evil as a decline in France. The so-called surge of interest in good mechanically, as intellectually made arises the benefit.
2. harm friendly crafts (Apāyakosalla), which is the position work to articles that do grow evil and do decline in good French. The so-called harm of good craftsmanship, for the wisdom he brought harm.
3. fine friendly media (Upāyakosalla), which is the position of ordering the action to two cases arose on: increasing interest and damages.


[108] the three types of location (Ñāṇa), three seconds in the fourth Holy Roman Empire:

1. the true position (Saccañāṇa), knowledgeable pick out four of the truth, is aware that: "this is hard, this is the file format; It is the agony of killing, it is a gauge of killing leader Highway ".
2. using Facility location (Kiccañāṇa), knowledgeable pick out computer applications of the four emperors, is to know that "tri variables required Gauge, a gauge set to the minus, the gauge removal needs work certificates"; ethical practice necessary route removal gauge ".
3. Department of work & rest (Katañāṇa), the location became know did for four, i.e. the unknown: "Imperial Gauge should know know, episodes need except God, kill deduction need to show has seen, the need was seclusion."
Three locations were known as the three wheel (Parivaṭṭa) of the four enlightened Empire. In Germany The Religious enlightenment tetrarchy in three seconds, the twelve possible (Ākāra). The enlightenment he called voter opinions as truth (Yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇadassanaṃ), for four, and then by voters as real ants have run so the Buddha have Enlightened the Chief Justice's Chief Modeler proclaim (Sammāsambuddho).


[109] the three kinds of wisdom (Paññā):

1. intellectual property portfolio (Cintāmayapaññā), discerning minds do think, due to a review.
2. intellectual property offices (Sutamayapaññā), clarity of mind by others teach, do learn, due to conversation.
3. intellectual property of tu (Bhāvanāmayapaññā), certified by the discerning minds tu wisdom enlightenment.
Three of this wisdom, wisdom and wisdom literature is the recreation center of gender education charity Samyutta, wisdom Abbey is located in the Centre of the Association meditation Samyutta and super centers that.


[110] the three pagan doctrine (Titthāyatana):

1. theory of destiny (Pubbekatahetuvāda or Pubbekatavāda). Some people accept that: "all the life feeling lost, suffering of beings is because security destiny available".
2. form Theory (Issarakaraṇavāda), also known as novel innovative home. Some people advocated that: "every life lost, suffering of beings is caused by an almighty created".
3. Theory of human (Ahetuvāda), was advocating that "Every happy randomly is suffering arises, not because of any coast guard personnel".
All three of this doctrine, the Buddha denied both, for not properly truths, no help for the homepage should endeavour to adopt certification self liberation.


[111] three voter opinion (Diṭṭhi) belonging to the deviant comments:

1. Infinity travel opinion (Akiriyādiṭṭhi), the see the mistake that there is no so-called acts of evil so that thing coming.
2. Human opinion (Ahetukadiṭṭhi), the false sense that finds amusing life, suffering here not by evil people create, or is that all events occur randomly.
3. Invisible owner comments (Natthikadiṭṭhi), the see mistakes that: parents have no grace in Germany, there is no evil thing coming, no reincarnation reincarnation, there is the Prime Director austerities etc.


[112] three States suffering (Dukkhatā), the agony of France take charge of unrest, compounded of:

1. Gauge Gauge (Dukkhadukkhatā), the State body's life miserable because of discomfort and mind, i.e. body pain, mind the upset ... the suffering usually beings are aware.
2. infiltrate the agony (Vipariṇāmadukkhatā), the instability due to the loss of the change, as the long-lost status removal takes creates frustration.
3. Run the gauge (Saṅkhāradukkhatā), the unruly due being removal of good possession vi. The suffering comes from the State of impermanence, the agony of French onions. Only new wisdom recognizes this gauge.


[113] the three Tibetan Buddhist tripiṭaka, (Tipiṭaka):

1. the Organs of law (Vinayapiṭaka), including the universal precepts have been the Buddha prepared plan. Includes 21,000 disciplines.
2. Organs Economy (Suttantapiṭaka), including the French article that the Buddha to teach the method of austerities. Includes 21,000 disciplines.
3. Organs Of the magic of France (Abhidhammapiṭaka), consisting of analytical theory principle of France. Featuring 42,000 disciplines.
Tripiṭaka catechism in Pali (Sanskrit) comprises 45 volumes, all 84,000 disciplines.
On calculation of disciplines (Dhammakkhandha), based on the Saddhammasaṅgaha, because he is the Grand Master Dhammakitti presented, as follows:
France Mon (Dhammakkhandha) is a French phrase to link content.
A passage has a French content, which is a legal subject, a passage that many French content, as many traditions. With regard to the language question, one shelf is a French band, one sentence answer is a French band.
Tibetan Yew Computers specifically about France (Abhidhamma), each of which broken split in three title II or title, or every article divides split the mind etc. known as a legal subject.
Tibetan law (Vinaya), every law, every single thing it is learning about, each a guilty, each one explains the phrase, each a criminal matter more, each one thing not guilty, called each of the disciplines.
So is the calculation of 84,000 disciplines.
Detailed analysis as follows:
A-Law Organ (Vinaya) consists of 8 volumes, classified into five sets:

1. The great analysis (Mahāvibhaṅga) or the Bhikkhu-stilts Law Division (Bhikkhuvibhaṅga), consisting of 2 volumes. This detail about my duties as a Pāṭimokkha of the Bhikkhu-stilts.
2. The Bhikkhu-stilts ni Law Division (Bhikkhunīvibhaṅga), a book. This law extends the duties of the Bhikkhu-stilts ni.
3. The great products (Mahāvagga), consisting of 2 volumes. The order comes to ten chapters- Khandhaka, increase usually as slapped (Uposatha), order four (pavāraṇā) etc.
4. the products (Cūlavagga), consisting of 2 volumes. This order refers to the twelve chapters rise to the special, as special stay rising Museum (Saṅghādisesaparivāsa) etc.
5. Set the junk (Parivāra), there is only one volume. The Statistics Act full text of 4 the code on.
B-Organs Economy (Sutta), consists of 25 volumes, classified into 5 sets:

1. The Nikaya (Dīghanikāya), 3 vols. Includes 34 business post long.
2. Central capital (Majjhimānikāya), 3 vols. Consists of 152 business article average.
3. Samyutta Nikaya (Saṃyuttanikāya), 5 vols. Including business post 7,762 by 56 works Samyutta, as the passage in which the Buddha for Chu Thien heard the finished product stacking Samyutta Chu heaven etc.
4. increased Nikaya (Aṅguttaranikāya), 5 vols. Consists of 11 chapters, emerging post 9557. This sets the statistics investment by French group one genera, genera, three chi etc.
5. the minor Nikaya (Khuddakanikāya), with 9 volumes, 15 episodes. Volume one is the U.s. litigation (Khuddakapāṭha).Volume two contains four episodes of the Dhammapada (Dhammapada), exclamation quotations (Udāna), As the novel (Itivuttaka), business volume (Suttanipāta).Volume three contains four volumes is the Heaven (Vimānavatthu), the Devil hungry daemons (Petavatthu), elders Raised shelf (Theragāthā), elders Ni shelf (Therīgāthā). Volumes four and five volumes is obliged to bring forth (Jāṭaka).Volume six and book seven is history (Niddesa). Volume eight is set Infinitely afraid to Solve (Paṭisambhidā).The book trilogy nine Thinh Van Use (Apadāna), Buddha's Tribe (Buddhavaṃsa), and almond By-products (Cariyāpiṭaka).The minor Nikaya consists of fifteen episodes like, every episode has a separate specific content.
Microscopic Organ c-the magic of France (Abhidhamma), consisting of 12 volumes, classified into 7 sets:

1. The Legal convergence (Dhammasaṅginī), there is only one volume. The set presents the French headline (Mātikā).
2. The analysis (Vibhaṅga), there is only one volume. The analysis and interpretation of important French title 18, collated under two Economic System organs and may the magic of France.
3. The term Substance (Dhātukathā), a volume with this Kit, the Processing Plant statistics of France by Aggregates, Gender, Origin, the Roman Empire.
4. The specified Processing Plant (Puggalapaññatti), a General with the Ministry of Nature language. The order presented six part invention intended, especially explains, sort of the class.
5. The Term Tong (Kathāvatthu), there is a volume. The set presents the differences of views between the sets of the Buddhist sect of Buddhist era níp-table. Formed on the third episode.
6. The Song for (Yamaka), there are two books. The Ministry argues the ten questions through enquiry form upside down.
7. The location (Paṭṭhāna, also called Mahāka-raṇa), consisting of 6 vols. The location is the most important Treatise in Marvelous interpretations, French organ the headline of France (Mātikā) by theorem charm us (Paccaya).
Before the third episode, the entire catechism tripiṭaka only called on France and the law (Dhammavi-naya). Organs and organs Of Magic are France (Dhamma), Tibetan Law Code (Vinaya).


[114] three y only, three possible Lady (Tisaraṇa), the object of renunciation y fiend:

1. the Buddha (Buddha), the enlightened himself, feet toward the direction of the Sun, who ranks.
2. the Dhamma (Dhamma), Buddha's teachings, the Buddha quotations, guideline to practice.
3. increase them (Saṅgha), Chu Bhikkhu-stilts disciples Buddha, the Buddha's teachings Executive, Irene is filled by beings.
Three object y is only conferred is also known as the three jewels (Ratanattaya). See [115].
Those who have faith anniversary idea grace tam tam, a German lady doing such Scout called qui y tam.


[115] the three throne, three jewels (Ratanattaya):

1. the Buddha said (Buddharatana), the Buddha as treasure because of his towering virtue.
2. France says (Dhammaratana), Dhamma as treasure because of practical abilities and the upper direction.
3. increased security (Saṅgharatana), a Buddhist disciple them as treasure because of the purity and powerful.
TAM is facing bankruptcy conferred by beings, is the object of renunciation y fiend.


[116] the three reach voters (Pariññā), the Prophet, the Prophet touches; thorough understanding of:

1. Position reached tri (Ñātapariññā), is the Willow by separate General knowledge tri of France, as unknown "Colors characteristic being the Life of the brain, has affected properties etc.."
2. the jurors reach voters (Tīraṇapariññā), is the general observation by the assessors tri Willow common compounded micro, as the provincial police "Colors are impermanent, the life is impermanent, etc."
3. except for reaching voters (Pahānapariññā), was the reverse subtracted by the tri Willow thought, crazy ants, islands such as the minus thought opinion sees is often due to realize General impermanent etc.
Three of the tri Nations position is this well, there's the five aggregates, is to turn the Emperor, belonging to gauge voter Opinion NET NET, the facilities, the runway and reveal Operator tri tri-NET initiative.
By insight, as follows:
Position reaches two areas is tri-insight, the wisdom of Solomon and identify intra coastal reaches.
The jurors reached the tri is the field of two insight, news and General universal wisdom wisdom advanced macular degeneration.
Except for reaching voters is field 9 insight: that wisdom kill an economic wisdom, wisdom of Solomon, Lt, too criminal mind took cover, wisdom of Solomon, escape, sexual self-determination action wisdom glass, discharge, store and transfer wisdom ' wisdom of peers.
See nine-one wisdom [438], sixteen poolside wisdom [484].


[117] the Three advancing (Bhāvanā), the advanced title meditation or industry of origin:

1. Tu preliminary progress (Parikammabhāvanā), i.e. the progress initially, preparatory steps, as noted here, the completion of forms (Kasina), for example, is the determination of a General (Parikammanimitta). The practice meditate on Buddha's grace etc. also in French tu preliminary progress, because the initial training center stay.
2. Tu advancing accessibility issue (Upacārabhāvanā), i.e. the advance maturity to reach intended, that is, pay attention to a tight-khắng headings until being run mining, General (Paṭibhāganimitta) and in the slopes of the also subsides. Granted this is the still seclusion of sex, sex, come up on both 40 headings; access to travel tu TIEN will cease at the close of the national Transfer Center removal (naGotrabhū) expertise in exposing himself.
3. an advance Order only (Appanābhāvanā), i.e. the advance reached the mind meditation (Jhāna), a State of mind or to force compliance in the neutralization of meditation being followed Gotrabhū. This one being kicked due to come up on the 30 items deducted 10 depending on the anniversary. To a contentious start meditation do 25 items is net 10, 10 items of real America, from, bi, Hy, breaking the stay, 1 bulb celebration, some news. Plan of the second meditation being run by 14 heading 10 NET completely, from, bi, Hy, breaking the stay, some news. To tam meditation and meditation to meditation as well as the second quarter. To our meditation being run by 12 headings is perfect 10 1, immeasurable equanimity of mind NET, some news. Plan loads colors of meditation being kicked due to 1 of the 4 headings invisible colors.


[118] the three Francophone (Sikkhā), also commonly called a threefold (Tisikkhā), French practice platform to advance, to reach níp-desk:

1. Raise the upper world studies (Adhisīlasikkhā), the study-cultivating about almond toe platform toward promoting the mindful intention.
2. Raise upper psychoanalysis (Adhicittasikkhā), the practice of mindful meditation solidly, making the platform promoting the insight.
3. Raise the upper wisdom school (Adhipaññāsikkhā), the practice developed intellectually real instance General contacts in order to reach the voters opinion purity, enlightenment freed.
Three French call summary is About, To, intellectual property, that is, threefold.


[119] the three French, three truths that the essence of the French Office (Saddhamma):

1. France, (Pariyattidhamma), i.e. the Buddha quotations need to learn to understand, is composed of nine parts or divisiveness tripiṭaka classics.
2. administrative (Paṭipattidhamma), i.e. the need to practice cultivation, such as the Citadel, the currency ended the continental French apartment, at the da, tu tu Tien minh, net-only progresses suicide.
3. France (Paṭivedhadhamma), i.e. the aim should be to reach, such as meditation, Led Outcomes. This is also called Adhigamasaddhamma -French authority reaches


[120] the three types of real French count (Dhamma):

1. French charity (Kusaladhamma), France has a good nature, and fresh fruit fun, France based charity Samyutta. France friendly, including 37 and 38 mind mind cooperation.
2. France any good faith (Akusaladhamma), France bad nature, UE infection, is to gauge results, France based real friendly Samyutta. France real good mind and any of 12 27 Cooperation Center.
3. France loads up (Abyākatadhamma), French-African friendly nature non-real friendly, no artificial French results. Including France loads up track (Nāma abyākata) is the center of 52 results, 20 heart elements, with 38 mind cooperation and níp-table, there are countless excellent signed French (Rūpa abyākata), i.e. 28 French identity.


[121] the three fixed French, three laws (Dhammaniyāma) also called three general secondary (Sāmaññalakkhaṇa):

1. Chu onions impermanence (Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā), i.e. all compounded vi don't usually hang, ever-changing.
2. Executive brain gauges Lettered (Sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā), i.e. all compounded vi taking into account unsettled, uncomfortable, not because the state variable.
3. the French schools of anatta (Sabbe dhammā anattā), i.e. every real French computer either natively or wuwei is the non-ego, ego is not available.
Three of France's rule of ten thousand French, though the Buddha does not appear, is not declared, the rules still govern the French in his life.


[122] the three press credentials meditation (Nimitta), signs, or general delivery to determine the stage of career advancement: tu

1. turn the general partnership (Parikammanimitta) , also known as a chess or preparing for General, i.e. publication of this preliminary evidence, the General being at an early stage. After determining the cause of such shape kasiṇa etc. its practitioners herdsman on it and noted the clear shape items. This event called make general. This applies to both the General 40 items.
2. General Maintenance Procedures (Uggahanimita), also called the Indian Prime Minister's crude symptoms due to mature to enter into general headings, being in phase two. That is when the herdsman on every case of practice then known Gen. variable, then when you close your eyes work Italy still clearly projects of power, this is called The general maintenance. General maintenance procedures being up well with all 40 items.
3. data mining, Like Gen. (Paṭibhāganimitta), also known as General optics. I.e. push the evidence arises from Its maintenance General (General distribution), this General do light up item, a heading record materials see Bhikkhu stain. Also I will start being General when the mind reaches the specified access. Data mining, like chess only being for 22 heading 10 kasiṇa, 10 asubhastems 1, anniversary, and 1 anniversary of news.


[123] the Three paragraphs except (Pahāna):

1. Town offering the minus (Vikkhambhanapahāna), that is, except for negativity by suppressing, ride. Means the entrenched negativity by meditation, when meditators enter practitioners throughout her negativity is not contentious.
2. For interval except (Tadaṅgapahāna), that is, except for negativity by for values, for example, while the intelligence breakdown colors being run then negativity stems of Ant take right at he ... The paragraph except only temporarily when suicide na Shan are present.
3. counteract the minus (Samucchedapahāna), i.e. the sections except for negativity by his leader. The paragraph except this is very good except for negativity no longer arises again.
See also [305] in France the removal.


[124] the three severe legal obstacle course (Papañcadhamma); legal hindrances which cannot enter the truth, mislead legal legitimacy:

1. Ireland participated (Taṇhā), the charity wants to list the infections benefit or expect the reborn.
2. Ta opinion (Diṭṭhi), the bigotry mistakes, pagan conception dogma; misunderstand the truth.
3. Falling beam (Māna), the arrogant, self-important, self, or inferiority inferiority.
In A conversation the Bhikkhu Vibhaṅga, said up to three French Papañca as follows: desire (chanda), falls to port (māna), and commit comments (micchādiṭṭhi).


[125] three tier Plan save (Sotāpanna), three Tu-Holy huờn da-class:

1. For vaccine delivery (Ekabījī), is Projected to save that just being back in the world of gymnastics again and then privileged to A-la-Han and membership Chair.
2. the continental races of beings (Kolaṅkola), is Projected to save but also bring forth the exercise two to six Prime new A-la-Han and membership Chair.
3. Seven strains of birth (Sattakkhattuparama), is Projected to save that must bring forth again the exercise until seven times (level two), Prime new A-la-Han and membership Chair. This is the slowest flow Projections class.
Firepower is split up so grounded in France the five rights (indriya) of the Projected saving is strong, or moderate, or weak.


[126] the three Yin Buddha (Buddhaguṇa):

1. intellectual property in Germany (Paññāguṇa), the Buddha has a superhuman intellect, his intellectual superior beings in the world.
2. the German Net (Visuddhiguṇa), the Buddha is the degrees of absolute purity, his mind overnight export facility absolutely no cons though in previous assemblies or at single occupancy.
3. Bi in Germany (Karuṇāguṇa), happy to know Buddha's introspection for beings are immeasurable, though the guys who have the opposite, he is also an international toleration.
The three Yin Buddha, said only two were German and German bi wisdom; in Classics at least when it comes to pure land in Germany, because of the purity of the Buddha derived from wisdom enlightenment, only saying the German NET to include intellectual property in Germany.


[127] the three happy Buddha (Buddhacariyā):
1. Almond benefits for life (Lokatthacariyā).The Buddha always mind the great bi with the beings, who favored friendly with him, though they are far away or near You are rich or poor, health for the gộ sense of liberation, or giving them blessed achievements treasure.
2. Everyday benefits for bereaved in (Ñātatthacariyā).The Buddha always shade for kinship, but you are not helping the bereaved in a world which he gives bereaved of immortality by exposing the níp-table.
3. Happy the Buddha (Buddhatthacariyā). The Buddha every day in nicely lettered Buddha, during his 45 years on Air France abandoned Hong would.
Three of this happy even there period is the bodhisattva (Bodhisatta) also practiced, but must understand the following:
Bodhisattva conduct benefits to life he always encourage good practice guide assemblies of France, take the road well.
Bodhisattva conduct benefits to bereaved of you always make it safe for the Lady's sex in, cover for progeny of.
Bodhisattva of enlightened benefits administration is Mr. effort made in good faith for the purpose of the French Enlightenment freed himself.


[128] three ways the sermon of the Buddha (Buddhadhammadesanā):

1. Mr. sermon by the experience of winning voter enlightenment, (Abhiññāyadhammadesanā), not by learning to imitate.
2. Mr. sermon mix Jesica personnel (Sanidānadhammadesanā), i.e. the sermon which serves as the hearing with them, there are the cause, the friendship charm.
3. Mr. sermon has the task of oxidized, (Sappaṭihāriyadhammadesanā), which serves as the physical theory i.e., persuasive, achievement always benefits to listeners.
In three ways this theory, this one is certain of the voice of Buddha Dharma.


[129] the three coaching from client's Buddha (Buddha-ovāda):

1. Don't do any evil (Sabbapāpassa akaraṇaṃ), is not happy with evil body actions, evil evil gun happy happy, not, as in the Italian birth etc.
2. implementation of the Gospel (Kusalass ' ūpasam-padā), was created in good faith, such as ten blessed career the: alms, maintained about etc.
3. inner purification (Sacittapariyodapanaṃ), is the inner cultivation according to indicate consistent meditation and meditation methods, achievements of the faith, effort, mindfulness, the buds, etc.
Three things had instruction in my Ovādapaṭimokkha that the Buddha was speaking on the occasion of the Congress composed a Holy 1,250 A-la-Han, the full moon of January (Māghapuṇṇamī).


[130] three gates created career (Dvāra):

1. Stem disciplines (Kāyadvāra), and the action is create career, i.e. referring to evil or good karma being kicked from the bulb.
2. Password keeper (Vacīdvāra), the action or the mouth is saying the door creating karma, i.e. thiện career or business executive from being evil.
3. the subject (Manodvāra), the Act or thought is creating karma, i.e. thiện karma, evil career are being run from the issue.
Three subjects should be understood in economic sense organs, not according to the organs Of the magic of France.


[131] the three types of spirit communion (Pāṭihāriya):

1. transformation through God (Iddhipāṭihariya), i.e. the God through miracle transformation, presents extraordinary thing. As the Buddha culture into two Buddhist sermon question answers, or we've got communion song medium containing water ... to stock photography offers a layman.
2. sign the novels turn (Ādesanāpāṭihāriya), i.e. the God through the Prophet, predicting in advance what will happen, or understand and speak out to correct other people's thoughts. The Prophet as Buddha's life up to the character will voluntary achievements in the future, or do you speak out of thought the opposite are thinking what they contained clothes.
3. higher education bill through God (Anusāsanīpāṭihāriya), i.e. the power aerial photography by the theory taught. The Buddha has taught good things cause them being required threshold.
In this spirit, the three types of Buddha just focus and riveted the exclamation of "Catholic culture spirit communion", He insists that the spirit through our photography, most effective and most vengeful.


[132] three seconds in charm born (Vaṭṭa), rotation, France reincarnation:

1. negativity Luan (Kilesavaṭṭa). The coast guard was born with three spent part of the negativity reincarnation is ignorance, craving and its capital.
2. the career of Luan (Kammavaṭṭa). The Coast Guard has two part career reincarnation as and owner (career owner).
3. results of Luan (Vipākavaṭṭa).The Coast Guard has seven students spent part of the result is the reincarnation formula, beautiful colors, green, life, birth, contact importing, and Lao Tzu.
This charming three rotating forever twirl, correlation arises. Coast Guard AIDS affliction for career, career support birth outcome, the results of the contentious environment of negativity. Example: ignorance (negativity) Coast Guard Administration (career), coastal Onion Recipe (fruit), etc. Shou (result) charm of Ireland (troubles), its capital (negativity) Huu Duyen (career), organic charm Birth (result) etc.
In summary, the results of the rollover occurs due to karma, Karma reincarnation be present due to impurities impurities being run by past results of reincarnation. So until then the impurities removal phase would terminate the career, do not create karma, no result. The reincarnation wheel breaking as such.


[133] the three legal hindrances (Kiñcana):

1. accessibility obstacle course (Lobhakiñcana), fall in love afflictions are spiritual barrier method.
2. cut Yard (Dosakiñcana), French anger is suffering mental barrier.
3. Si obstacle course (Mohakiñcana), defilements delusion is the legal obstacles to the spirit.


[134] the three worlds (Loka):

1. Ownership of the world (Saṅkhāraloka), i.e. all good aggregates, Shou aggregates, aggregates and aggregates operations, thought aggregates, as France gets forming coast.
2. World beings (Sattaloka), are all species of love birth low birth, pregnancy, placenta delivery turned contentious.
3. world space (Okāsaloka), is limited to the scope of the life, the scope of operation of the solar system, the planets, or the United diocese đv. v. ..


[135] the three love the world (Loka), world of beings at peace:

1. the human world (Manussaloka), is the world of man.
2. schools of heavenly world (Devaloka), is the world of the heavenly realms of education.
3. Brahma worlds (Brahmaloka), is the world of the Brahma realm and loads of character.
Three of this world only comes to the range being Huu Phuoc, do not speak to the kinds of people suffering like hell, hungry daemons Devil etc.


[136] the three worlds of space (Okāsaloka), the three realms of living beings:

1. The education world (Kāmaloka), including 11 4 7 realms and realms is the sexual pleasure.
2. The gender identity (Rūpaloka), composed of 16 realms Brahma property identity.
3. The invisible gender identity (Arūpaloka), Brahma consists of the infinite realms of lust.

Three worlds has a place called three owners (Bhava). see [89] .


[137] I wish I could rate tier human legs (Sappuri-sapaññatti), conduct that human foot steps endorsed:

1. dāna (Dāna), is the discharge of your help other guys.
2. renunciation (Pabbajjā), is the escapist article busy non-life, suffering brain damage, maintain life tame, subduing and harmony.
3. Serve nursing mother father (Mātāpitu-upaṭṭhāna), is the curious moral response to grace the living being into; has served as a foster parent makes my parents live peacefully.


[138] three the tri University (Santosa), the consent to what was there, really know enough of the four items of widgets:

1. Tri sufficiency with get (Yathālābhasantosa), i.e. with the objects already arises there is, it doesn't require any further.
2. Tri sufficiency according to their (Yathābalasantosa) that is only enough for life with their ability to absorb, or store, here called Xue said.
3. Tri sufficiency under the niche (Yathāsāruppa-santosa), i.e. only accept what suits his position, in accordance with the law, in accordance with the law.
Three the tri University only legend in Atthakathā and ṭīkā, do the A-Acharya presented.
If broadly there to 12 the tri sufficiency, i.e. three the tri University with four of the twelve dishes should.


[139] the three angels (Devadūta), messengers of God, the phenomenon of news:

1. The old man (Jiṇṇa)

2. The disease (Byādhita)

3. death (Mata).


The Angel is a dangerous sign of life, as a signal to awaken intellectual awakening ranks austerities. There is room in the Buddha teaches that prophet, 4 or 5 the Angel. See [308].
[140] the three lettered class celestial (Deva):

1. Chu Tian identifier (Sammatideva), which is the divine predestination set title, refers to the God King, as King was called God etc.
2. Chu Thien Hoa sanh (Upapattideva), which is the only flea, these beings do thanks to great joy being in the realms of peace than the human race.
3. Chu celestial purity (Visuddhideva), which is only for order A-la-Han Full sensory and Visual writer Gerald held,, are the ranks of high bar, live peacefully don't mind crime as Chu Tian.


[141] three-class I (Putta):

1. Children than parents (Atijātaputta), i.e. the class better than their parents in terms of talent, the better of virtue. Also called abhijātaputta.
2. Children with parents (Anujātaputta), i.e. the child class has member Germany equal parents.
3. I lost my parents (Avajātaputta), i.e. the class inferior to their parents about Germany.


[142] the three blessed career really, three creating the blessed (Puññakiriyāvatthu):

1. dāna into (Dānamaya) by Bell created blessed material things.
2. Maintain world (Sīlamaya) by holding about creating joy in Germany.
3. Tu Tien Thanh (Bhāvanāmaya) by practicing mindful meditation under which created the blessed position.
According to the Tibetan primary industry blessed with three things like but keep coming into Office episode, there are ten things. See [469] ten blessed career the.


[143] the three reasonable asset distribution (Bhogavibhāga):

1. in part to information appliances (bhoge Ekena bhuñjeyya), i.e. a quarter of assets used to feed ourselves, feed the family and help the bereaved in.
2. two pieces to make life (Dvīhi kammaṃ payojage), i.e. taking two quarters of assets to fund the purchase and sale of business or profession.
3. part intended to reserve (Catutthañca nidhāpeyya), i.e. a quarter of the remaining property to the property room storage, or to make merit.


[144] the three French traders (Pāpaṇikadhammā):

1. are there eyes (Cakkhumā), which means traders have to be subtle insights, watch bad knows good merchandise, fast consumption goods known to slow the market.
2. afford (Vidhūro), which means traders must know how to purchase the place, knows the needs of the market, to master the economic upheaval to deal in a timely manner.
3. Trust (Nissayasampanno), which means traders must have credibility with customers, must be the confidence and the support of the powerful.
Traders must have enough three more sections will succeed in making a commercial.
The Buddha for example three more sections with three spent helping the Bhikkhu-stilts successful practice:
a) Bhikkhu-stilts have eyes (Cakkhumā), i.e. There must be wisdom clearly four Holy Roman Empire.
b) Bhikkhu-stilts afford (Vidhūro), which is to be diligent effort, no rot in friendly France.
c) Bhikkhu-stilts trust (Nissayasampanno), which is to have credibility on its ability to guide the law, are you happy accomplice y just to thanks to just teach interpreted the question concerned the doctrine.


[145] the Three diets avoid, prevent evil (Virati):

1. Diets avoid due to (Sampattavirati), i.e. by circumstances not to do evil; or to see the plight and he considers to honor yourself or your clan yourself without doing sexual harassment. Abstinence avoids is not happy about maintenance, because no prior.
2. Diets avoid due to compliance (Samādānavirati), which is due to its maintenance Act, which prevented the evil, the diets to avoid having Italy ahead.
3. Diets avoid due to the minus (Samucchedavirati), also known as sexual avoidance due to invasive (Setughātavi-rati), that the State's evil except has seen church leader, the magnificent passages were evil, spit the original apricot afflictions should no longer do evil anymore.
Two things diets avoid 1 and 2 is the dietetic except not sure, only abstinence is avoided for sure.


[146] three of the far glass (Viveka), the separation was difficult, the homeless:

1. Close the far glass (Kāyaviveka), i.e. the separate assemblies, live or depart, lives in secluded places, solitary.
2. Center the far glass (Cittaviveka), i.e. the mind calm, apart from the constant mind, the mind defilements secession. Meditation and mind the Holy Scriptures, the result is called the mind far cups.
3. Birth of remote medicine cups (Upadhiviveka), i.e. the separation from birth, the paragraph except the reborn. Being isolated in remote níp is the State medical-table.


[147] the three reasons to zealous (Ātappakaraṇīyaṭhāna):

1. Need zealous to do not bring forth any French elements (Akusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ anuppādāya ātap karaṇīyaṃ paṃ-).
2. Need zealous to make being the French charity (Kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ uppādāya ātappaṃ karaṇīyaṃ).
3. Need zealous to endure the life gauge (Vedanānaṃ dukkhānaṃ adhivasanāya ātappaṃ ka-raṇīyaṃ).


[148] three factors to create laboratory approval (Puññasammukhībhāva):

1. present confidence (Saddhāya sammukhī bhāvā), i.e. the appearance of countries, people must have faith as rational career NET belief from the newspaper, three jewels etc. so new is ready to create the blessed donation.
2. available laboratory animals (Deyyadhammassa sammukhī bhāvā), i.e. at the Phuoc do participants have to have on hand for alms donation such as food, drink, stuff costumes etc. so take the alms is.
3. have the present pilot objects (Dakkhiṇeyyānaṃ sammukhī bhāvā), i.e. at alms to have the pilot's life. Here when it comes to the German donation is subject countries should understand the steps value for donation: as is Bhikkhu-stilts, or increase them, or Holy stairs etc. like new innovations blessed candidate are.


[149] the three stupid signs (Bālanimitta):

1. thinking with bad thoughts (Duccintitacintī hoti).
2. Say bad words (hoti Dubbhāsitabhāsī).
3. Do a bad job (hoti Dukkatakammakārī).


[150] the three sign the rest (Paṇḍitani-mitta):

1. thinking with ideological elements (Sucintitacintī hoti).
2. Say the word nóithiện (Subhāsitabhāsī hoti).
3. Do charity work (hoti Sukatakammakārī).


[151] the three facts to know who have faith (Saddhaṭhāna):

1. would like to see gender hierarchy (lastSīlavantānaṃ das-sanakāmo hoti).
2. want to hear Chief Justice France (Saddhammaṃ sotu-hoti kāmo).
3. have fun like division bell (Dānasaṃvibhāga-rato hoti).


[152] the three call their parents (Mātāpitu-adhivacanaṃ):

1. the title of Brahma (Brahmā'ti adhivacanaṃ), because my parents always had the mind From, Bi, Hy, Flush with females as the Sun had immeasurable 4 Brahma consciousness.
2. the title damn (Pubbācariyā'ti adhivacanaṃ), because the parents who raised their children first in their lives.
3. honours degree But worship (Āhuneyyā'ti adhivacanaṃ), because the parents have the living being into, very worthy children donation serve packages.


[153] the three organizational side (Mada):

1. His romantic youth (Yobbanamado)
2. Their health side, winning the disease (Ārogyamado).
3. His romantic life (Jīvitamado).
Due to his side so unknown beings awaken practice, only do evil voice.


[154] the three pure land only (Samatha), France gap, kill off:

1. Kat just (Cittasamatha), is a State of mind, calm meditative mind State, since the strong in net, or this is the fixed Bowl in (Samāpatti). See [417] eight meditation added.
2. the only net (Adhikaraṇasamatha), is the turn off to the lawsuit, have 7 France the only net. See [395] seven France kill file.
3. Chu NET operator only (Sabbasaṅkhārasamatha), is the calm compounded vi, made piece removal skandha is no longer being run again. This is just for níp-table.

[155] three near-death scene (Āsannārammaṇa), the audience subconsciously kicked up at close to death:

1. industrial Scene (Kammārammaṇa), which is close to the dying condition back action sequences that the average student who was then used to do.
2. General business Scene (Kammanimittāramma-ṇa), which is near dying shows up the spectacle of related acts did. As Hunter saw the bow and arrow, the Buddhists see the Buddha statues, incense, lights, etc.
3. animal Scene General (Gatinimittārammaṇa), which is close to dying may be haunted by the spectacle regard the reborn. As the evil people will see hell, who in good faith see temples heaven etc.


[156] three of the games (asEsanā), the search:

1. Global Education (Kāmesanā), i.e. the search for five missing sex dishes to enjoy.
2. Friendship Bridge (Bhavesanā), i.e. the expected search Bourn reborn.
3. Hanh Pham bridge (Brahmacariyesanā), i.e. the desired liberation, range níp bridge-table.


[157] the three burden (Bhāra):

1. the burden of skandha (Khandhabhāra), including the good, tho, thought, action, consciousness is the result of constant reincarnation oppressed by impermanence, suffering and egolessness, should be considered a burden.
2. the burden of afflictions (Kilesabhāra), consisting of all afflictions, as negativity reincarnation in Coast Guard born: ignorance, craving, its capital. The factors that lead to reincarnation, to create the nuisance, should be considered a burden.
3. the burden of winning run (Abhisaṅkhārabhāra), is being issued, the welfare and estate administration, in career reincarnation, is France creates the rollover effect, should be considered a burden.

[158] the three types of exercise (Chanda), the desire, the desire:

1. craving (Taṇhāchanda), i.e. the desire to stick with, the desire to belong to the craving.
2. Legal Education (Dhammachanda), which is the desire of the French charity, the desire to do good, hoping to thin the practice.
3. Cooperative education (Kattukamyatāchanda), i.e. the desire not only to work, in good faith, not real good, like the A-la-Chinese want to come, want to stand out, to lie, to sit, to theory etc.

[159] the three powerful industries (Mahiddhikakamma)

1. dāna (Dāna), is a German industry generates huge powerful fruit.
2. subduing (Dama), is a German industry generates huge powerful fruit.
3. tame (Saññama), was a German industry generates huge powerful fruit.

[160] the three hidden events filled up (Paṭicchanna):

1. female celebrities (Mātugāmo). The female often has a discreet gesture, speech discreetly, not Willow Road as man.
2. Mr. magic-la-Mon in (Bramaṇamantā). Spells are often secret, going, do not be explained to unravel.
3. Ta Ant (Micchādiṭṭhi). Deviant is the accept wrong irrationally, not grounded, unable to present interpretations are made transparent.


[161] the three virtues worth close friend (Sevitabbamitta):

1. For hard material for (Duddadaṃ dadāti), i.e. alms nobility.
2. do the hard thing to do (karoti Dukkharaṃ), i.e. do conferred that hardly anybody does.
3. hard to Ring Ring (khamati Dukkhamaṃ), i.e. the strength to endure adversity that hardly anyone tolerate.


[162] the three Highway (Paṭipadā), the road, the way you practice:

1. Intensive attempts directed Highway (Āgāḷhā paṭipadā), is the way to live healthy gains, Cyprian, passionate living in education communication.
2. management framework Plays Highway (Nijjhamā paṭipadā), which is the path of austere, ascetic life, released as part of the body.
3. Middle Highway (Majjhimā paṭipadā), is the road between, not extreme, i.e. the practice of Satipatthana, Quartet principals need, iddhipada, active power, active force, lost the sensory information, Bowl legitimacy.


[163] the three far-almond cups in this law (Dhammaviyanapaviveka):

1. the far glass of evil world (Dussīlena vivitto hoti), is having an almond, abandon the wicked world.
2. the far glass Ta Ant (Micchādiṭṭhiyā vivitto hoti), is to have the Chief Justice opinion, abandoned deviant opinions.

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