Tuesday, 20 January 2015



Thus have I heard.

One time he came to stay at Rajagaha Bakkula (United-amnesty), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), local foster care species (kalandakanivapa). Then naked Kassapa, a former friend of the venerable Bakkula as a layman, go to the venerable Bakkula, after arrival, said he came up with Bakkula are welcome to inquire; after voicing welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, naked Venerable Kassapa said Bakkula:

Sage Bakkula this, how long have you left home?

- Was eighty years, the sage, since I left home.

- Sage Bakkula, in eighty years, how many times, Sage lewd act?

- Sage Kassapa, so do not ask me: "Sage Kassapa, in eighty years, how many times have Sage lewd act!" Sage Kassapa, ask me as follows: "Sage Bakkula, in eighty years, how many times have arisen Sage great sex? "

- Sage Bakkula, in eighty years, how many times, Sage sexual thoughts arise?

- Sage Kassapa, in the eighty years since I left home, I never noticed, there arose a great education.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula in eighty years have not noticed a great education arises, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I never noticed a great golf, great harm arises.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula in eighty years have not noticed a great golf, great harm arises, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I do not see any fitness level arises.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not notice the pitch range, damage range, arises.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize he had admitted the layman.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize he had cut with a knife.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there sewing needle with care.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in eighty years except when I left home, I did not realize he had dyed with dyes.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there Kathina garment care.

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize he had to sew on well co ... have accepted the invitation to eat ... there arises interest as follows: "Hopefully there who invited me to eat. "

- So ... that venerable monk of venerable Bakkula property.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I did not realize there sitting in the house ... can eat indoors ... have recorded the details of the particular form of female workers ... have Women's sermon to verse four sentences ... can go to defenders bhikkhu-ni ... have preached for bhikkhu-ni ... I did not realize there sermon for female law school ... I did not realize there sermon Sa-di-ni.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula in eighty years have not noticed sermon Sa-di-ni, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.

- Hey Sage, in the eighty years since I left home, I never noticed ordained (for one) ... has ordained (for one) ... has received only do y (to whom ) ... I never noticed Sarah di servant ... have bathroom with shower in the bathroom ... ... with thanks to apply powder Cunna Council on almond massage limbs ... I never now found that the disease arises, the oil for a few moments ... have brought medicine to a small piece of a tree-li-Lac Gold (haritakikhanda) ... is based on wood-based panels are ... ... go to sleep long rainy season retreat in the abode near the village.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula, in eighty years have not found an apartment away the rainy season in the abode near the village, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.

- Just right for seven days, the sage, and defiled, I have to eat the local food, and to the eighth day, right knowledge arises.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula just in seven days, and defiled, ate the local food, and to the eighth day right knowledge arises, our life over this incident is a rarity, a useful cleared the venerable Bakkula. Dear Sage Bakkula, let me out of this part of the law, let me ordained.

Then naked Kassapa was ordained in the law and this is ordained. Ordained soon, Venerable Kassapa, to dwell in solitude, renunciation, not spontaneous, enthusiastic, ardent, soon to position themselves superior enlightenment, attain and reside within the current array on the upper end was unfortunate that for the purposes of true compassion son left home, leave home, no family life towards. He said, "Sanh took advantage, on happiness has, what to do will no longer return to this state again." And the Venerable Kassapa became an Arhat again.

Then he came Bakkula, after a time, the keys away from this abode to abode other and say as follows:

- The Masters authors go out! The venerable monks go out! Today I will enter Nirvana.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula the keys away from this abode to abode other and said as follows: "The Masters authors go out! The venerable monks go out! Today I will enter Nirvana "; Our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.

Then he came to sit between them Bakkula Monks enter Nirvana.

- Because of that venerable Bakkula sitting between them Monks enter Nirvana, our life over this incident is a rarity, a venerable monk's existence Bakkula.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/1/2015.

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