Sunday, 25 January 2015

Cross executioner karma in life at home.

I. The general concept: There are some people that Buddhism is too high for the deep mysteries of the world who are often difficult to practice. Only those who escaped the bondage of life as in the temple or monastery wish done what the Buddha taught. In other words someone said that Buddhist teachings only for the clergy. This is a misconception of those who do not understand or know Buddhism Buddhism through a few books written in the spirit of subjective distortions.
In contrast Buddhist teachings are not just for some people that's people, the doctrine that there is no distinction exemption applies them to know do what the Buddha. Sariputra (Sariputta) said: " A person can live in the forest plying with the ascetic practices, but also full of evil thoughts, impure, another person can live in villages or urban, non-disciplinary practice mortification, but the mind can clean without impurities. In two of them, he told Shariputra who live in urban villages amidst clean is definitely greater than the living in many forests. "
Q ua that we see the lay Buddhist teachings in Buddhism is not no part of that Buddha has defined " legal heirs "not only for monks (the monks ) which is the people. Someone asked, if an application Buddhist spiritual life of the Buddha in part, why the Buddha Sangha up ?. We know that the life of laypeople have many constraints, difficult to complete sacrifice for many people, while Moot monks have no responsibility for the family, not bound in secular life , that is why the Buddha newly formed congregation. Since the sangha contribute to the maintenance platform development of Buddhist teachings. II. THE MYTH laypeople FRANCE OUT TO TU:

1 / beliefs of Buddhists prior to enlightenment:
G IAC poisoning is a characteristic of Buddhism and the reason that the Buddhist doctrines to understand a new way to apply thorough practice, if not thorough, but the practice is not a superficial job the spirit of the wire Buddhist religious history of the world do not have a specific religious freedom of thought as the Buddha, because according to him people have been freed or not, no one else but the very direct recognize the truth, not mystical power outside rewarded for obedience that. Buddha identified: " The people should do their job, because the Tathagata teaches the path only "The Buddha was enlightened, ie woke up, out of the coma of consciousness in life phenomenon, relatively. As enlightened, so he used nearly fifty years of his life, dedicated teaching beings, torch held high road, eager to save sentient beings out of ignorance, error recognition by contemporary life, was built by greed, hatred and delusion, and karma, to pay retribution, as the chain connecting the circles revolve no days off. T rong an Kamala texts the Buddha says, " Behold the Kamala should not accept anything
just because hearsay. Do not accept anything just because traditions leave as the.Khong should accept anything because rumors. Do not accept anything just because recorded in the scriptures, such as speculation, inference thus noticed by the outside. Do not accept anything just because it makes their prejudices, seemed acceptable. No should accept something just because they think the monk uttered, that is respected before.
Only after the message clearly understood, the moral of this suit; these things are not reprimanded, These things are the official praised the wise, if you do this will be peace and happiness, then the people who act true . " 2 / Enlightenment ?. means to cultivate a / Five bailiffs Teacher: T rong background Buddhist teachings speak of surplus teachers have split into different but the most common is contingent thuoa Buddhism. Chu TT is understood as the car, the teachings of the Buddha such as antique passenger cars can pass to the holy flesh, thus Buddhists use the term to refer to the Mahayana (big car) or Theravada (car small). However, this division will be only examples show the center of religious observance clicked or letting go alone, but in fact the Buddha never distinguished contemporary, cottage. Today Buddhism in the world and very few use the word " great successor "or" Theravada "so avoid differentiation spirit" of living harmoniously together "of the Sangha; Instead, use the " Buddhist development "(Mahayana) and" Theravada "( Theravada ). So what are the five successor ?. L à-year or five methods road to enlightenment, depending on the base and the level of the individual to choose the appropriate method with applications tu result, Buddhism calls it " slots "in the Buddhist teaching background. Path to Buddhist enlightenment must first then initiates a new application, without understanding that the practice is an easy to fall into the wrong wrong, so the Buddha and Buddhist practice is wise to know options method ( scout law ), points out that private information without blind quang.Dao Buddha taught: "to come and see, do not come to believe" .For this reason the selection is a necessity Buddhist and Buddhist army surplus is the only map to Buddhist enlightenment. b / Applied Buddhism army surplus: Human redundancy: If you want to apply the redundant workers must first found refuge in the Three Jewels center , this charming sow the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha in many lives. Next step is to maintain life in the world, this is the foundation of Buddhism in order to build for people with a complete personality of a person is really like: Do not kill living beings (killing) is not involved lam troam theft ( theft ), not promiscuity adultery (adultery ), do not tell lies ( expect Language) buzzing, no drunkenness ( drinking ). This is the moral foundation of Buddhist monastic throughout the house and are based in this world as a basis. If the application in the present life is a human morality, a happy family, a village in harmony and peaceful society. If a person knows the current practice precepts have peace for themselves and their families and the future will be happy to get back to people living with a human personality. God redundancy: The road to heaven if birth implement measures that improve ten (Cross charity ) is usually called karma Cross directors is divided into two parts: positive and negative t iêu. Ten healthy negative : We just stopped in part or in other words do not create bad karma, based on karmas (three industries: Body now has 3 (police, religion, sex), verbal 4 (do not lie, do not tell indirect ly, no romance, no evil speak border) and the now there are 3 (No greed, no anger and no wrong, also known as non-delusion). Ten healthy active : We boarded a positive step that brings into living gathering cards, crystal variable good god gather in action: On the body : not killing living beings which have compassion to save sentient beings, not taking time theft also know the physical properties as a charity helping people, not adultery but chaste faithful. Metabolism misdeeds comes from the body into good deeds, and good for yourself. The main action of this transformation actively contribute to the body is pure in life right now In the mouth : Do not lie to say that to know the truth, do not tell indirect ly ( bi damage ) but must say cause is peace with everyone, not romance that might actually have to know is right and true justice, not speaking evil that must speak courteously peaceful. In Italy : No greed that start to know compassion for all people; not hatred but also to know insulted, not wrong , but to know right view. The result of good practice are practitioners gather after body damage on the public network is being untied. Sravaka : This French Catholic background the Buddhist practitioner since it gave flesh to the church, so as not to understand the truth that is not understood Emperor Quartet " invisible empire quartet is ignorance " .From Empire, also known as the Four Noble Truths and the Four Noble Truths , often referred to as four noble truth that is real : - Noble Truth of Suffering ( dukkha ): About the size, in addition to how the spirit of suffering, it also contains a deeper meaning that is: imperfect, impermanent , bareness, assuming temporarily. Dukkha is expressed in humans, such as birth, aging and death, separation from loved (affinity separation ), seek unable to get nguyein ( sudden demand ), unjustly hated that part always met ( plaintively unpleasant associations ) and are not in warm air ( warm contingent suffering XI ) ... - Aprons ( samudaya ): The origin of suffering: All suffering is no coincidence that, but it stems from the reasons: greed, hatred, delusion, romantic, comfortable, evil is, dysentery prime, prime precepts, .Tap the wrong reasons constitute ego is born out of suffering. - Killing Empire (Nirodha ) : The end of suffering : Want except weave human suffering must be eradicated craving for love is the original creation .Con way to end suffering and compassion rid achieve nirvana, which is the cessation of desire that economic Lotus called: " Like all wood fire off " . Once out fake achieve the path to Nirvana would achievements Four stages of enlightenment (Complete Tu Da, Da Ham Tu, A Na Ham And Arhat). - Director Empire ( Magga ): The path leading to the cessation of suffering : The street called la Buddhist Middle Way because it avoids the two extremes there is too fetch h happier path through sensual. This path is called the assistant director 37 includes: Four dishes mindfulness ( Satipatthana ): Restaurant impure body, mind ephemeral shop, shop and shop selfless French urban life suffering. Four main dishes need ( Amendment to ): Effort prevent evil arises do not give it birth; Effort to control your evil has arisen not let it grow; Diligently for the good not arise as it arises; Diligently doing the good development has arisen to make it grow. Four as the Tuc (Four methods go to meditation ): Education as the sufficiency; Diligently as the sufficiency; First as the center-sufficiency; Quan as the residence. Five apartments, five forces: - five factors : credit units, attack units, Cast base, the base, lily root. - Five forces : signal power, attack power, power mindfulness, concentration and wisdom force.  Seven approach to enlightenment ( Seven Bodhi part ): Trach legal enlightenment, diligent enlightenment, joy enlightenment, enlightenment equanimity, mindfulness enlightenment, the enlightenment and social enlightenment. Eightfold Path: Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. N Guoi true Buddhist who see life: " As true knowledge ", for should not suffering, sorrow, fear, anxiety ... Buddhists as sole practitioners languoi Four happiness amidst the human, always peaceful liberation life is not doing the right thing upset because they see is just as real life. Pratyekabuddha admit: This is the way of the yogi practicing karmic 12 (decimal binary causal) include: Ignorance,, consciousness, mentality, continental integration, contact, feeling, Sincerely, defense, property, birth, aging, and death. Because of dependent students comprehended by any legal practitioner to achieve Pratyekabuddha fruit. This is the way to end suffering attained Nirvana. q Bodhisattva admit: This is the path of practice Bodhicharyavatara is also the path of forgiveness "for the benefit of beings" step on the path to Buddhahood , which is the legal continent. Also known as 6 ways to introduce people to the other side of liberation: Giving paramitas, la confidential board precepts, patience paramitas, crystal ton perfections, meditation and wisdom perfections perfections . c / enlightenment of causality and reincarnation: Awakening of causality : Everything phenomenon in this world if we bring out the survey, there is no phenomena that causality does not have formed. It's not because someone put out, but a general rule of nature, dominates the whole of human life and the universe. For Buddhists, the causality is an important element in the construction of the Buddhist faith: " Information is the main causal signal, no causal information is superstition . " - Definition: Human causes, fruit is the result of causes that create the capacity impacts served basis, the achievement of performance capabilities that impact - These misconceptions about causation: that any of the materials are present by the hand of the creator or the circumstances of wealth, happiness or misery of children often blame fate or God because He, God, like Nguyen Du said: " Getting to room ceiling room ceiling, for hardship must be part-time workers. " Buddhism all its personnel are not due to "the creator" any arrangement or "safety net of all" or by "random" lucky sui mai subject to an insignificant that. - Characteristics of causality: We can summarize causality in 4 sentences. Education tri world's money markets author Kim birth Life Fitness tri fruit progeny born author Kim marketing (For people born before, look at now lives This effect alone. If you want to know the results progeny generations to recognize his creation). - The benefits of understanding cause and effect: After understanding the cause and effect of Buddhists no longer misconceptions as ignorant lost self-willed herself. The main causal understanding helps us optimistic confidence in yourself in the present and future. In daily life of the Buddha to understand cause and effect is a rule so as to do something, say What are the words to think about the results they create in life. The reason silk n in (Samsera):

Problem with or without rebirth in the next life, it makes people insist tape, questions from many generations. Buddhist viewpoint of karmic be understood as a process of transformation, change move of all phenomena in the world.
- Definition: Chu Samsera the wheel, the Chinese translation is London, and the word in the rotation. Pictures wheel is a picture to indicate rebirth of beings down to the six paths (sun, people, asura, dianguc, succumb and animal).
- Nhinvao everything from wind fire country Choden humans are transformed into this state from other states, from this life to another life if we can explain the pan area on a scientific basis.
- When you understand reincarnation we have no misconceptions about their condition and always try to rise because death is not lost. Main understand so therefore we do good things and trying to avoid the bad things in action, thought in order to avoid falling into place suffering when entering a different life. III.XAC THE EVIL GOOD VIEW ON BUDDHISM:
In every social evil is the convention for each customs of each country are different, here is a good place for that is bad. This country for the right things for the wrong place. The right and wrong must be left at each time step where hardly certain boundaries, ou here we Buddhists practicing Buddhism and Buddhist Studies based on the teachings of the Buddha to determine the true conception of life with Dharma. 1 / What is evil? a) The definition of good and evil : What's working for you, for the present to the future called charity. In contrast to what is harmful to their current and future evil. As stated above, when evaluating a comprehensive look good and evil must not be based only on a purely ethical aspects of a nation part in an industrial nation through 3: body, speech and mind b) The concept of Good and evil world: Some people cleared " in healthy eating sage "is good? and the verses from the Confucian notion Good and evil trying to put his life on the tape saying: "mental effort from people from all economic sidelines" ( heart every charity should spend doing strenuous view ) or " Countless charity wins, wins careful maintenance procedures boys "( do not take for more than alms, well standoffish routine maintenance than boys ). 2 / Ten good karma: a) Definitions: Karma is a Sanskrit means Action artifacts through the body and things klhau Increase in Business First Agama Buddha said: " Monks said Tathagata volition because now that is meant to refresh the body and mind to take action . " Thus ten good karma are 10 things to help people perform a clean body and mind of. b) The type of business: In terms of time:

  • Upon being now: is now bringing in the next life .
  • The time now report: means a cause of our present life and have instant results.
  • Late newspaper industry: industrial life of this world to create new work.
  • Disable Industry: Industrial generated according to retribution, but probably not enough factors arise should become disabled.
In terms of capacity (ability to repay)
  • Critically important now: This is now creating five grave offenses (father Kill, kill her, kill Arhat, as Buddha injured bleeding, Bankruptcy harmony rose).
  • Near Death Industrial: Industrial luuc to this new body for the loss arises.
  • Business practices: in a lifetime habit or practice so much life left.
  • Cumulative now: because many lives many lives that make up each time every now become useful.
IV .NOI NOW WHAT GOOD CROSS DIRECTION: N nowhere mentioned above, the reason people currently suffering in samsara cungnhu main reason is because the creation itself. Want to convert themselves to circumstances we first have to know choose a direction other words we must know who to reap delivery. That is human wisdom. Path practical help build itself, transforming circumstances could not gather good practice. The world today is the human struggle kill each other, the morality of some people here but also from recession, between people lose weight precious love is just jealous heart than thua.Do is due nghiep.cho 10 evil humans should create Huiyuan Group said: "Ten this good now, if possible from a home, a village (commune) to a country that practices the fine traditions, social punishment will reduce individuals that are at peace, the family is happy, peaceful nation will. Cross karma religion based on three elements: body and mind which now arise. 1 / body now divided into 3 categories : a) No killing: Researchers analyzed Buddha said: " Police are being cut off the life of a psycho-physical beings, stop the advance of a life force energy ". There are 5 factors now make up close: - There is a being, know that it is a living being, the desire to kill, attempt to kill and kill beings that. b) No heist : Is not the property of their possessions they appropriated by this or another crime are thieves. There are five elements of the crime heist: A owned by others; Knowing it was not his, but his attempt to remove; Intentionally appropriated; Trying to make attempts to rob it, and accomplishment the theft. c) Do not commit adultery: Not ø husband and wife, no marriage together that relationship as husband and wife that is adultery. Adultery is divided into four categories: African Fertilizer (k hip is marriage that ties together); Phi time sex (married interrelated but not always) African origin of sex (improper relationship content, as opposed to normal) and the non-sexual (not related to the species). 2 / Serves 4 now divided into: a) No word Advent: "Advent is understood as verbal language is not really aimed at pursue their own interests. " There is false, Italy want others to misunderstand the truth; uttered the words to make others understand .Vong stopped deviation divided into 3 types: Great expectations sleep (not that their witness evidence to respect others); Primary Language expectations; Means term prospects. b ) No romance (dependence Language): Not awarded asking embroidered brocade weaving, not juicy deadly aim to entice you put into dangerous places. c) two-dimensional grid ( bi damage ) : Do not talk to the other side of this, do not talk to the other side of this. d) Do not say malevolent (evil person): 3 / Italy now divided into three: a) Do not greedy: Join understood as the indulgence of being included with sensual pleasures: (in Germany, sensual, sexual identity, sex and real sex lobes). Here are five types of education makes people crave can not escape its bondage. b) No anger: anger was the Patriarch see the entry of the crime "Circuit anniversary starting center field, promote literary subjects declaration "( a concept emerging field, the other door open ) or "the most energy concept aversion start burning thousands of moments spent painting merit" (a concept emerging field will burn all the thousands of merit). c) No delusion: Buddhism primitive third category called this wrong. This is ignorance really probably do not realize just clicked accept the fact there is not frivolous, leading to falls injury, accepted ... V.UNG APPLICATION TO CROSS GOOD LIFE IN FAMILY: We know that the road to cube are taken as directed karma cross platform friendly gathering strength prevent acts of evil, it is also used for treatment of immoral acts. For laypeople cross the road improvement, circumstances transform method itself and the social family, when we apply the cross daily good. 1 / renovate yourself: Do karma boost spending coordinating lead people to suffer, if we ourselves know how to apply the good away from evil, so after this life happily living life to the incompetence lanh.Neu a religious gathering applications know directorial intervention in the life ie he himself makes his moral character is transformed. 2 / Restoration circumstances: All things in this life are under-employed, not anyone else. today's world disaster services make things right people sick, the suffering does not know where the same change if we know ourselves to build a home, the situation also arises from circumstances that tot.Khongthe sat charge soil charcoal sky. 3 / director's paradise: Practicing good cross is the cause of the heavens have blessed than people, it is also a good escape from the suffering of birth and death when three concerned themselves pure. CONCLUSION: Buddha y king who is known that for thuouc disease, heart disease, depending on the method he taught his contract situation and inborn human beings to help them go the way of the cross religious thoat.Neu improve their body and mind It will be improved, and thus life circumstances changed tranhxa the evil practice of law by virtue of its goodness. This article he Hoang Tran sleep the mind really happy early momentum around the alleys and side streets of rural Vietnam with the sole purpose of spreading the spirit of cross directorial intervention, as well as benefits for all people.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/1/2015.

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