Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Thus have I heard.

One World Religion at Rajagaha (United-amnesty), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), local foster care. At the time he came Samiddhi residing in a cup in the woods. Then the wanderer pagan Potaliputta knife pepper walk, sequential traveling, going to the venerable Samiddhi; after arrival, said he came up with Samiddhi words of welcome to inquire. After talking to the welcome to ask friends and sat down on one side. Sitting on one side, pagan Potaliputta wanderer said to Venerable Samiddhi:

- Hey Sage Samiddhi, in front of Bhagavan, I hear themselves, self-reported as follows: "Nowhere is expected bodily, verbal falsehoods are only intended as true now. And there is a Zen stock (samapatti), certified by Zen This achievement would not feel anything. "

- Hey Sage Potaliputta, do not say so. Sage Potaliputta this, do not say so. Do not have vilified Exalted; Exalted defamation is not good. The Sun does not say so: "Nowhere is expected bodily, verbal falsehoods is, the industry's only true". And Sage, have a Certified Meditation, meditation achievement by this evidence, will not feel anything.

- How long has he left home, said Sage Samiddhi?

- Not long ago, said Sage. Three years.

- Now here we are asked Monks elders do when a new bhikkhu think need to protect such guru. Dear Sage Samiddhi, when a person with the intent to do bodily, verbal, the time now he has feelings for?

- Hey Sage Potaliputta, when a person with the intent to do bodily, verbal, the time now he feels pain.

Then pagan Potaliputta wanderer, not praise nor oppose Samiddhi venerable words. No praise, no objection, pagan Potaliputta wanderer from his seat up and leave.

Then he came Samiddhi, after wanderer pagan Potaliputta gone soon, went to the Venerable Ananda; after arrival, said to the Venerable Ananda are welcome to inquire; after voicing welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sitting down on one side, he came Samiddhi tell venerable Ananda all conversations with pagan Potaliputta wanderer. After they heard that, Venerable Ananda said to the venerable Samiddhi:

- Hey Sage Samiddhi, this is a story threads need Exalted audience. This Samiddhi Sage, let's go to The Sun, after to make presentations to clarify the meaning of this Bhagavan. Exalted answer we like, so let's maintain life.

- Ladies and yes, Sage.

Venerable Samiddhi venerable Ananda replied yes. Then the Venerable Ananda and Venerable Samiddhi go to Bhagavan; after coming to pay homage to the Blessed One and sat down on one side. Sitting down one side, Venerable Ananda, the Exalted to all stories between the venerable Samiddhi with pagan Potaliputta wanderer.

When they heard that, Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:

- Ananda, I have not seen pagan Potaliputta wanderer, the story of this happening? Ananda, the question should be answered analysis of clearly pagan Potaliputta wanderer, to be ignorant of this Samiddhi answer in one direction.

When they heard that, he came Udayi white Exalted:

- Buddha, if this is the meaning of the venerable Samiddhi say, the sense of feeling what he is feeling pain.

Then Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:

- Ananda, see the wrong path of this Udayi fool. Ananda Hey, I know that, if this fool opens his mouth Udayi (mentioned problems), he opens his mouth is not mentioned as a reason (ayoniso). Ananda, the true place of the originally pagan Potaliputta wanderer asked about three sensations. Ananda, if this fool Samiddhi wanderer pagan Potaliputta and answer questions such as: "Hey Sage Potaliputta, if someone intended to do bodily, verbal, attention now, with the ability to to communicate feelings, he will feel optimistic life. Hey Sage Potaliputta, if someone intended to do bodily, verbal, the industry is capable of leading to unpleasant, he will feel unpleasant. "Hey Sage Potaliputta, if someone intended to do bodily, verbal, the industry has the capacity to communicate to any real-life context, he will feel no pain no life lost"; if the answer so, this Ananda, fool Samiddhi answered a wanderer right feet for pagan Potaliputta. And again, this Ananda, the wanderer who pagan ignorance, poor school, they will understand the great distinction of Tathagata now, this Ananda, if he heard Tathagata analysis of the industrial age discrimination ".

- Buddha, the time has come; white celestial time has come, Exalted analyze age discrimination now! After listening to The Sun, the bhikkhu will maintain life.

- So this Ananda, listen and skillful attention, I would say:

- Ladies and yes, white Exalted.

Venerable Ananda replied yep Exalted. Bhagavan says as follows:

- Ananda, there are four kinds of people in this present life. What are the four? Here is Ananda, with the killing, taking what is not given, lived in the sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, saying bad gate, say frivolous, there is greed, golf center, with misconduct is; body damage after public network, the person born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell.

But here, this Ananda, there killing people ... (as above) ... there is wrong; body damage after public network, the person born in the animal charity, Empyrean, this life.

Here is Ananda, have abandoned the killing, taking what is not given to abandon, abandoned in the sexual misconduct, lie abandoned, abandoned two-edged said, speaking evil waive import waiver saying compliance Crap, abandon greed, abandon the field center, with the right view; body damage after public network, he was born in good fun, Empyrean, this life.

But here, this Ananda, have abandoned the killing, ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, the person born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell.

Here is Ananda, with monk or Brahmin by enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, due diligence, so do not wander through primary intention, should enter the center. When entering the center, thanks to pure natural label superheroes, he saw someone here killing, taking what is not given, lived in the sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, said export evil, say frivolous with lust, golf center, with viewpoints; body damage after public network, the person born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell. He said as follows: "It has karma, which retribution evil deeds. And we have seen the killing here, take the two blades do not ... say ... there is wrong, after the body septic public network, the person born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell ". He said as follows: "Surely everyone killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there is wrong; body damage after public network, they are born into the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell ". Who said so, he knows a right feet. Who else know such, their position under the wrong place. Thus, what he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here, he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods".

Here is Ananda, there recluse or Brahmin, thanks enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, ... (as above) ... he saw the killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there is wrong; body damage after public network, he was born in good fun, Empyrean, this life. He said as follows: "It is no karma, no retribution evil deeds. And we've seen here killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... with wrong; after body septic joint network, was born in good fun, Empyrean, this life. He said as follows: "Surely everyone killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there is wrong; "General network damage after themselves, they are born in good fun, Heaven, this world". Who said so, he knows a right feet. Who else know such, their place of deviant ". Thus, what he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here he holds, attachments and declared: "The new so true, in addition to all the falsehoods".

Here is Ananda, there recluse or Brahmin, thanks enthusiasm, thanks to diligent, ... (as above) ... he saw someone here renounce killing, abandoned taken not for the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, the person born in the animal charity, Empyrean, this life. He said as follows: "It has good karma, which retribution virtuous. And I've seen people here abandon killing, not to give up ... have taken the right view after themselves corrupt public network, being in good fun, Heaven, this world ". He said as follows: "Surely everyone abandon killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, they are born in good fun, Empyrean, this life. Who said so, he knows a right feet. Who else know such, their position under the wrong place. " Thus, this he said himself, to see for yourself, know yourself, here he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods".

Here is Ananda, there Salmone ... (as above) ... he saw the abandoned killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, he was born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell. He said as follows: "It is no karma, no retribution virtuous. And I've seen people here abandon killing, did not give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, he was born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell ". He said as follows: "Surely everyone abandon killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, they were born into the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell. Who said so, he said in a righteous way. Who else know such, their place of deviant ". Thus, what he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here he holds, attachments and declared: "The new so true, in addition to all the falsehoods".

Here is Ananda, recluse or Brahmin speaks as follows: "Certainly there is karma, karma has Retribution". So, I accepted the position was. He said as follows: "I have seen here with the killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there is wrong, corrupt public network after themselves, I see him being in the realm of data , beast, fall origin, hell ". Thus, I also accept he. And if he says as follows: "Certainly all those killing, taking what is not given (as above) ...; body damage after public network, they are born into the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell ", so, I do not accept that position. And if he says as follows: "Who said so, he said in a righteous way. Who else know such, their place of deviant "; so, I do not accept that position. What he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods". So, I do not accept for he. Wherefore? More so, this Ananda, the Tathagata is located on the Great distinction now.

Here is Ananda, recluse or Brahmin speaks as follows: "Certainly there is no karma, no retribution evil deeds." So, I do not accept for he. And he said the following: "I have seen here with the killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there is wrong; body damage after public network, I see him being in good fun, Heaven, this world ". So, I accepted the position was. And if he says as follows: "Certainly all those killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... all body damage after public network, they are born into Heaven friendly fun, this world "; so, I do not accept that position. And if he says as follows: "Who said so, he knows a right feet. Who else know such, their place of deviant "; so, I do not accept that position. What he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here, he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods". So I do not accept that position. Wherefore? More so, this Ananda, the Tathagata is located on the Great distinction now.

Here is Ananda, recluse or Brahmin speaks as follows: "Certainly there is karma, which retribution virtue". So I accepted his position. And he said the following: "I have seen here have abandoned the killing, do not give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, I see him being in good fun, Heaven, this world ". Thus, I also accept he. And if he says as follows: "Certainly all those who renounce killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... all body damage after the public network; they are born in good fun, Heaven, this world "; so, I do not accept that position. And if he says as follows: "Who said so, he said in a righteous way. Who else know such, their place of deviant ", so, I do not accept that position. What he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here, he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods". So, I do not accept for he. Wherefore? More so, this Ananda, the Tathagata is located on the Great distinction now.

Here is Ananda, recluse or Brahmin speaks as follows: "Certainly there is no karma, no retribution virtue". So, I do not accept for he. And he said the following: "I have seen here have abandoned the killing, do not give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, I see him being in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell ". So, I accepted the position was. And if he says as follows: "Surely those who abandon killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view, all body damage after public network, they are born into the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell "; so, I do not accept that position. And if he says as follows: "Who said so, he said in a righteous way. Who else know such, their place of deviant "; so, I do not accept that position. What he himself said, to see for yourself, know yourself, here he holds, attachments and declared: "Just so new real feet, in addition to all the falsehoods". So, I do not accept for he. Wherefore? More so, this Ananda, the Tathagata is located on the Great distinction now.

Here is Ananda, who killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... with wrong; body damage after public network, he was born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell ... Or a bad feeling now brought to life by the person suffering as before, or karma brought to unpleasant feelings by making him later, or in the common destiny, a person is wrong to accept and clinging. Thus, after the body septic public network, the person born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell. And who here killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there wrong, he must receive retribution life started up right now or in another life.

Here is Ananda, who killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... with wrong; body damage after public network, he was born in good fun, Empyrean, this life ... Or is a good feeling optimistic now brought to life by the time he made before, or karma, to feelings life lost because he made on, or in the common destiny, a right understanding is that the acceptance and tight. So after themselves corrupt public network, who was born in good fun, Empyrean, this life. And who here killing, taking what is not given ... (as above) ... there wrong, he must receive retribution life started up right now or in another life.

Here is Ananda, who renounce killing, did not give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, the person born in the animal charity, Empyrean, this life ... Or is a good feeling optimistic now brought to life so he made before, or a sense of karma leads to optimism life by making him later, or in the common destiny, a right understanding is he accepts and clinging. Thus, after the body septic joint network, him being in good fun, Empyrean, this life. And who here renounce killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view, he must receive retribution life is starting up right now, or in another life.

Here is Ananda, who renounce killing, did not give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view; body damage after public network, he was born in the realm of data, the Beast, fall origin, hell ... Or a bad feeling now brought to life by the person suffering from the previous work, or karma brought to unpleasant feelings by making him later, or in the common destiny, a person is wrong to accept and clinging. Thus, after the body septic public network, the person born in the realm of evil, beast, fall origin, hell. And who here renounce killing, not to give up taking the ... (as above) ... has right view, he must receive retribution life is starting up right now or in another life.

Thus, this Ananda, there is now very useful stuffs very useful, very useful Christians have now, with organic stuffs Industrial Property, Industrial Property has very useful stuffs.


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